Welcome! This is the homepage of a group of Wikipedians interested in writing about the classical world. We aim to make excellent all articles relating to classical Greece and ancient Rome by:
- Coordinating improvements to classics articles among Wikipedia editors
- Providing an area for discussing classics and classics articles
- Collating resources on writing classics articles
New members are always welcome; you can join at the recruitment page. If you require a project member's help with a matter of article content, please ask on the talk page. If you aren't sure how to help us improve classics coverage on Wikipedia, read on!
What do we do?
Our goal is to produce the definitive free-content encyclopedia of classical and late antiquity, by:
- Writing articles about classical and late antiquity, and related topics such as history of scholarship and the classical tradition.
- Improving our articles to ensure readers receive well-written, comprehensive, accurate, reliably referenced, up-to-date, and stable content.
- Supporting other projects, groups, and editors who are striving to achieve the same goals.
What have we achieved?
We have recently achieved the following:
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Redirects for discussion
Featured article candidates
Good article nominees
Featured article reviews
Good article reassessments
Requests for comments
Peer reviews
Requested moves
Articles to be merged
Articles for creation
How can you help?
The Project Tasks page highlights classics articles that need attention and improvement. The requests from other members section allows editors to specifically request assistance on articles they are writing; you are welcome to add a request from other member. The general backlogs section is an overview of the project's automatically-created indexes of articles.
What resources can we offer?
We provide a number of guides for budding classics articles at Guides, including: Writing a Good Article (GA), Writing a Featured Article (FA), and Finding sources and scholarship.
We provide a number of templates for improving the reader's experience of classics articles:
- Use this template at the top of talk pages for Classics articles, meaning it will receive the attention of WikiProject members. Instructions for the template are here.
- Put this template at the bottom of an article with a significant relation to Ancient Greece. For an example, see Achilles Tatius.
- Put this template at the bottom of an article with a significant relation to Ancient Rome. For an example, see SPQR.
- Organises the boxed overview ("infobox") of articles relating to Roman castra, and also articles about settlements/cities. For an example, see Porolissum.
- Proclaim your passion for Classics loudly and proudly! Use this on your userpage or user talk page.
These stub templates can be placed at the bottom of your very short Classics articles. They will help advertise to Wikipedia's writers (and readers) that the article requires expansion.
General {{AncientGreece-stub}}
Mythology {{Greek-myth-stub}}
People {{AncientRome-bio-stub}}
Battles {{AncientRome-battle-stub}}
The WikiProject maintains a number of other useful templates for Classics writers; see Category:Ancient Rome templates and Category:Ancient Greece templates.
To invite a new user to the WikiProject, use {{WikiProject Classical Greece and Rome Invitation}}:
Classical Greece and Rome WikiProject
If you are a Wikipedia editor with an interest in contributing to Classics articles, please add your name:
15lsoucy (talk) (Know some mythology; create pages on Roman Consuls; learning Latin)
Anvituteja (talk) (Greek Mythology - deities, heroes; Roman Mythology - deities, places, heroes; learning Latin)
Est. 2021 (talk)
5telios (talk)
AGK (talk)
Adam Maybury (talk)
Aeonx (talk)
Agathoclea (talk)
Air on White (talk)
Aivin G. (talk)
Akavariat (talk)
Akhilleus (talk)
Alain08 (talk)
Alchavers21 (talk)
Alcibiades979 (talk) (Late Antiquity & The East)
Alcmaeonid (talk)
Aldux (talk)
Alektor89 (talk) (currently finishing my M.Ed. in Latin Philology/History and studying Greek Philology)
Amadscientist (talk)
Amahoney (talk) (I teach classics and work on linguistics and poetics)
Amit Lohan (talk) (Ancient Greek mythology)
Amit6 (talk)
Amphytrite (talk)
Andonic (talk)
Andrew Dalby (talk)
AndrewOne (talk)
Anthologetes (talk)
Appietas (talk) (Roman Republic and Hellenistic history)
AriEli777 (talk) (Classics and Religious Studies Student)
atw2018 (talk)
Bahnheckl (talk)
Belshay (talk) Roman archaeology
Berke330 (talk) Late Antiquity & Byzantium
Bibliomaniac15 (talk)
BinaryLust (talk)
Briangotts (talk)
Brigade Piron (talk) (Bosporan Kingdom, more mainstream Rome/Greece too)
Byblios (talk)
CHRM2 (talk)
Caeciliusinhorto (talk) (Women in archaic and classical Greece)
CanonLawJunkie (talk) (Love ancient empires)
Captain panda (talk)
carlossuarez46 (talk) (Geography and history)
Carlstak (talk) (Interested in all aspects of Classical Greece and Rome)
Cattyboi (talk) (self-taught mythology guy)
CharlesViBritannia (talk) Ancient Greek and Roman mythology
Chickadee46 (talk) (Copyediting, ancient Roman and classical Greek daily life)
Chilari (talk) (Mostly archaic and classical Greece)
Chromancer (talk)
Codrinb (talk) (Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Ancient Celts, Romania)
Cote d'Azur (talk)
Cynwolfe (talk)
DIEGO73 (talk) (Ancient Greek mythology, culture and language, Classical Greece)
Daddylight (talk)
Dantus21 (talk)
Davidiad (talk) (Mostly Greek poetry and mythology)
Dave12121212 (talk)
Dblk (talk)
Dchmelik (talk)
Dei ex machina (talk) (Greek and Roman drama)
Deiadameian (talk) (Greek myth miscellany–self-taught)
Dejvid (talk)
Delirium (talk)
Diyorbek Ikhtiyorov (talk) (Golden period of ancient Rome, Roman provinces, and ancient Greeks in the East)
EALacey (talk) (Roman Imperial history, Latin lit.)
Edasf (talk)
Eddieoe (talk) (Extremely interested in the Aecidae society. Please talk with me if you have info.)
Eponymous-Archon (talk) (History, archaeology)
Eritha (talk) (working on the #WCCWiki project to improve representation of women classicists)
Ermenrich (talk) (Late antiquity and early middle ages, mostly related in some way to (high) medieval reception.)
Eupator (talk)
Euphiletos (talk) (BA in Ancient History; MLitt in Greek)
Emplexis (talk) (BA in Classics; PhD student in Classics)
Evolauxia (talk) (Some academic background in history, art history, archaeology)
F McGady (talk) (Greek and Roman military and political history)
FeanorStar7 (talk)
Felix Telegonus (talk)
Ferkelparade (talk)
Flaviusvulso (talk) (Working on the Punic wars at the moment)
Foolishvirgin (talk) (BA Classics, MA Archaeology. Language & literature topics, social history, Hellenistic & Roman art and architecture)
FrederickII (talk) (Ancient Rome and Greece Warfare and History)
Garreth_david (talk) (Classics & Linguistics)
Geoffrey F (talk) (Early Middle Ages, Late Roman military and political history)
Glofkill (talk)
Gloryify (talk)
Grachhi Bros (talk) (Classical Greece and Republican Rome, Women in the ancient world)
Gug01 (talk) (interested in the Roman Empire and classical Greece
HalfdanRagnarsson (talk) (generally interested in Antiquity; more deeply trade, economic policies, Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium.)
Haploidavey (talk) (Roman society and culture)
Harren the Red (talk)
hazelnutmeg (talk)
Helmut von Moltke (talk) (interest in study of the Roman Republic, Kingdom, and Empire)
Huntress2202 (talk) (Self taught yet well-read, interest in deities, social and artistic history, folklore is rad)
HyacinthBucket55 (talk)
Iamthecheese44 (talk)
Iazyges (talk) (Anything roman, mostly war and politics.)
ifly6 (talk) (Late Republic, early Empire)
Ifnkovhg (talk) (Greek and Roman Epic, Greek Tragedy, Mythology)
InfernoXV (talk) (Low-level Byzantinist and Classicist, palaeographer)
InformationvsInjustice (talk) (Marcus Aurelius, later Stoicism, imperial period, history of classical scholarship)
Irockz (talk)
Italia2006 (talk)
Izzat Kutebar (talk) (the whole classical period)
JanderVK (talk)
JeanLaurentAudin (talk)
JeBonSer (talk) (Europa!)
Jenhawk777 (talk) (Roman empire, Late Roman empire, social history, religion)
JLROSENB (talk) (Classicist, art historian)
Josedecura (talk)
JoyToHappiness (talk) (interest in mythology, especially Greek and Roman)
Jpbrenna (talk)
Katolophyromai (talk)
KimVanA (talk) (Copyediting, I love exploring these articles)
Klymat (talk)
Kushan I.A.K.J (talk)
Landino1 (talk) (Generally zealous about all parts of Ancient Greek and Roman history and mythology. Not particularly focused on any one part of the subject.)
LarciusFlavus (talk) (Roman constitutional history and Roman Republic)
Lejonen (talk) (Late Republic, Early Empire, Latin language)
llywrch (talk) (adding my name after contributing Classics-related articles & edits off & on for...15 years or so)
Lophostrix (talk)
Lost tiree, lost dutch :O (talk) (I'll make the julian the apostate article totally rad if it kills me)
LouisAragon (talk) (Classical antiquity in Near East/Western Asia/Europe, early Byzantium. Learned Latin and ancient Greek for several years.)
Marek69 (talk)
Markx121993 (talk) (Greek mythology and appendages
Mdebets (talk) (Classical Archaeology mainly Eastern Mediterranean)
Meerkitten (talk) (Classics PhD Lat/Grk literature & social history, myth, anc rhetoric/oratory, sexuality/gender; go, Lost tiree, lost dutch! can't wait to see an awesome Julian the Apostate article!)
Michael Aurel (talk)
Michael Goodyear (talk) (History of Anatolia)
Mike44456 (talk)
MinisterForBadTimes (talk) (Military history of Rome and Greece)
Modussiccandi (talk) (Classics PhD student, Latin Literature, especially 1st century AD)
Morel (talk)
Mrld (talk)
Narraharon (talk)
Nameworthy Ted (talk) (Classicis Ph.D., Latin Literature, Roman Social History)
Neddyseagoon (talk)
Neil Clancy (talk) (Latin student, Babel level 2 in Latin, knowledgeable about Roman history and military)
Nennahz (talk) (Minor in Classics - interested in all of it)
NeoSIMIAN-Terraform (talk)
NickTheRipper (talk)
Nicknack009 (talk)
Nicosia1 (talk)
Ninquelosse (talk) (Latin love poetry)
NoCOBOL (talk) (Currently focused on the Vulgate Tradition)
Nungalpiriggal (talk)
Oatley2112 (talk) (Ancient Rome, specializing from the Late Republic through to the 5th century CE)
Omnipaedista (talk) (Ancient Greek mythology, culture and language; influence of the pre-Greek civilizations on Classical Greece)
P Aculeius (talk) (Publius Aculeius Spina, generalist with an interest in personal names and Roman gentes)
Paul August (talk)
Pavel Goncharuk (talk) (Archaeology of the ship, ancient Greece and Rome. Captain of bireme "Ivlia")
Pdtravis (talk)
Peter cohen (talk)
Pjbjas (talk) (Third Century AD "Crisis and Recovery")
Pmanderson (talk)
Pstanton (talk) (No particular focus, mainly Homer, Suetonius. Likes the classics and some mythology)
PsychoticSpartan123 (talk) (Proto or Pre-Roman history and mythology)
Purplemoonsong (talk)
Quae legit (talk) (Greek and some Roman mythology; Roman history, culture)
Quinto Simmaco (talk)
Quintus Petronius Augustus (talk)
Racooon (talk) (Classics student. Especially interested in Homeric literature)
Richard Keatinge (talk) (Decades of wide-ranging but amateur interest)
Rick_lightburn (talk)
Rjdeadly (talk) (Ancient Greek and Roman history and archaeology)
Rjdeadly (talk) (Ancient Rome and Greece, archaeology)
RJHSLatinteacher (talk) (Latin/History teacher with an MA in classical archaeology with a focus on Roman Colonies and the Etruscans)
RobbeR 29 (talk) (Student Latin)
Robincantin (talk) (Fifth Century B.C. Greece, Fourth Century B.C. Rome; no formal education in Classics)
RodneyJ (talk) (Fifth Century BC Athens, Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, Greek Drama)
Ronnlund (talk) (PhD in Classical Archaeology, mostly interested in the archaeology of Greece)
Rougher07 (talk)
sam1370 (talk) (Interested in the fall of the Roman Republic, have made some changes to the Assassination of Julius Caesar article.)
Sancinitoj (talk) (PhD Ancient History, mostly Roman imperial history, fluent Latin and Greek)
Saturnian (talk)
Septemberfourth476 (talk)
slapnut1207 (talk) (I really love the history of antiquity. I usually focus on the Mid to Late part of the Roman Empire. I describe myself as a self taught Roman scholar.)
Smeat75 (talk)
Sowlos (talk)
SparrowHK (talk)
SPQP (talk) (Classical archaeologist, mainly into Athens, Greek architecture, Ancient Sicily, and Severan/Classica Greek sculpture)
Steerpike (talk) (Roman imperial biography)
SteveMooreSmith3 (talk) (Added several articles including Battle of the Uxian Defile, major contributions Battle of Jaxartes, Siege of Gaza)
StuggerMax (talk) (Ancient Greece (mostly) and Ancient Rome)
T.Huz13 (talk) (Greek and Roman slavery)
T8612 (talk) (Numismatist, specialist in the Roman Republican coinage, but can help with the Empire and the Greeks)
Tellervo (talk)
Terrasidius (talk) (I love Classical antiquity and will be working on Roman Britain (Scotland) related things)
the Gaon (talk)
TheAstorPastor (talk) (Roman republic and emprire ; mostly emperors and buildings)
The Sage of Stamford (talk) (Latin and Greek literature; ancient philosophy)
thewildhunt (talk) (Athenian law, Late Republic and Early Empire)
Thomas Hall (talk) (Hellenistic articles in particular but anything in particular)
Tomaxer (talk) (Roman Republic)
Torquatus (talk) (Classical archaeology, Pre-Roman and Roman Italy)
Tradereddy (talk) (Hellenic Greece; Ancient philosophy; Stoicism; Greek and Latin poetry)
Unoriginalkid (talk) (Ancient Rome and Classical Greece culture.)
Viator ab Eboraciensis (talk) (Roman roads and infrastructure, Romano-British Archaeology.)
Victor Augustus (talk)
WVRMad (talk) (Interested mainly in the Ancient Greeks and the city-state of Athens)
Way2veers (talk)
WhiteWriter (talk)
Wikigold96 (talk) (Roman empire and Athens v. Sparta, Greek and Roman ideals. I'm studying Western Humanities)
Yannismarou (talk)
Yorrkshaa (talk) (Classical philosophy, the Diadochi period, epic poetry, Roman Empire & 5th Century Athens.)
Zachariel (talk)
Zachary Hawson (talk) (Late Roman Empire, 337-472)
Zakhx150 (talk) (Romano-British archaeology, Roman Fronteirs, Religion)
Zechariahw (talk) (classical greece and underwater archaeology )
Zfeinst (talk)
zilath (talk) (pre-Roman and Roman Italy)
A_bookish_contributor (talk)
JR0576 (talk)
Sleath56 (talk) (Hellenistic East, Roman Provincial studies, Late Antiquity)
WolfSantana (talk) (Republican Rome)
Emicho's Avenger (talk) (Latin)
Ashb2468 (talk) (Roman Republic/Principate, Pompeii and Roman domestic)
JonathanFu365 (talk) (Ancient Greek and Roman Comedy/Satire/Late Roman Republic-Early Roman Empire)
Elektra.of.argos (talk) (Latin poetry, especially Ovid; classical mythology; reception)
Rin (talk) (Roman Republic & Empire, especially Roman politics)
Luisa Koala (talk) (Philosophy major, classics minor, written on Aeschylus, Plutarch and Aristotle)
The Right 'Orrible (talk) (Some knowledge on Ancient Greece - namely Sparta, but mostly interested in Late Roman Republic and Early Empire.)
SamMcDermott (talk) (I love the military history of Greece and Rome)
Loqiical (talk) (Rome)
Castelliema04 (talk) (latin and greek literature, knowledge of latin and ancient greek)
Ficaia (talk) (BA in History and Classics)
Theodora24 (talk) (Double majoring in History and Classics)
BiblicalArchaeologist (talk) (B.A. (equivalent) & M.A. RPA Biblical Period Archaeology: Iron Age to Roman Period)
Amaaaai (talk · contribs)
DMPenguin (talk) (I love Greek and roman mythology)
TableSalt43 (talk) (I love ancient Roman history)
Melissa4S4 (talk) (Greek and Roman Art History)
UndercoverClassicist (talk) (Greek and Roman social history - teacher of Latin, Greek and Ancient History)
Gyalu22 (talk) (History of Rome and Greece from Alexander)
Jtl203 (talk) (Greek art and archaeology, lyric poetry, Sparta, history of scholarship)
Trilletrollet (talk)
Ashertheaxolotl (talk) (Ancient Greece and Greek Mythology. Learning Latin and can speak it decently)
Egg_grudge (talk) (Mythology)
LASeianus (talk) (Greek and Roman history)
GoldenBootWizard276 (talk) (Roman history)
CaptSmoak (talk) (Greek & Roman Warfare, Greek Military Training, Laconian/Spartan Culture- Historian, Author, Educator)
BrandenburgBlue (talk) (Interested in Ancient Greek history)
Biohistorian15 (talk) (Greek and Roman comparative history, Fustel de Coulange etc.)