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Talk:Mark Carney

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Add a section on his "Globalist" ties/tendencies

This is not a forum to discuss personal opinions, nor to evaluate conspiracy theories.

He is closely linked/tied/friends with the World Economic Forum (WEF) which is in the public sphere known as a globalist organization. We should have some points or even a full section regarding this because it is a core tenet of Carney. (talk) 07:16, 8 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

There is already information in this article about just that information in /*International organization memberships*/. If you need to suggest an expansion of that section or to create a whole new section, please suggest a reliable source. Qwerty123M (talk) 07:24, 8 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Anti-globalism is being pushed by Russian propaganda. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/mdn-dnd/D4-10-19-2016-eng.pdf
You can see in this publication about Hybrid Warfare from the Canadian Special Forces Command. P.37: "Unlike in the Cold War, when Soviets largely supported leftist groups, a fluid approach to ideology now allows the Kremlin to simultaneously back farleft and far-right movements, greens, anti-globalists and financial elites. The aim is to exacerbate divides and create an echo chamber of Kremlin support." Asavvz (talk) 20:11, 19 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
With all respect, what does this have to do with's question? Carney makes no secret of having globalist leanings and his involvement in the WEF. It is not Russian disinformation to quote Carney "People will charge me as being elitist, or a globalist, to use that term, which happens to be... exactly what we need" or see him on the WEF webpage as an 'agenda contributor' is it?
Regardless of how ultimately accurate they are, we must all be careful that phrases like "disinformation" "Russian propaganda" or "far-right" do not become mere thought-terminating cliches. VeryBoredWombat (talk) 17:00, 23 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
What is a globalist in this context? If you're just posting pejoratives (commonly used to describe Semitic people), I would like to know. (talk) 12:03, 24 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Photo of Carney


Should we not be using a more recent photo of Carney due to his more recent big things? wiglett (talk) 22:58, 9 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

The most recent head photo of Carney on Wikimedia Commons appears to be from 2020. Fortunately (for him and the article), his appearance doesn't seem to have changed much from the 2015 picture used now. If you prefer, WP:BEBOLD and change it. Zefr (talk) 23:19, 9 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah there definitely isn't many great photos in the commons for him, hopefully there are some more added soon
Thanks! wiglett (talk) 23:24, 9 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Usually I think head photos should represent the figure as close to their peak role as possible (which in Carney's case would be at present and I am sure we will get good options for him in the coming months/years while he is Prime Minister) but the 2020 headshot is not the best looking to put it nicely XD. I think given how little his appearance has changed over the last decade, the current infobox photo is the best of the options we currently have. ToadTendo (talk) 23:04, 10 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
There is a new portrait used on the PM's official website. AliEs007 (talk) 18:43, 14 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Unfortunately we can't use the portrait from the PMO website, it is not free for commercial use. Ivanvector (Talk/Edits) 19:01, 14 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Ok AliEs007 (talk) 19:05, 14 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Because Carney visited the UK recently and met with Starmer, the Number 10 photographer took a couple of pictures which thankfully we can use. The best one of them (in my opinion) is File:Starmer and Carney 2025-03-17-19-43-C (cropped).jpg which is
the picture to the right. It is up to date and usable for copyright (which are both good) but he is facing away from the camera (which is bad). Just an option. There's also File:Reunión en el Bank of England (41427941425) (cropped).jpg which looks like the photo below the one on the right
, which is from 2018 and is lower quality but slightly more recent than the 2015 photo. DimensionalFusion (talk · she/her) 21:27, 18 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I really like that new photo, why did he have to look away from the camera!! wiglett (talk) 21:35, 18 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Not a fan of any of these, but I did revert @Mason54432's addition of Commons:File:Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets with Mark Carney No.10 Downing Street (cropped).jpg, which is neither particularly recent (2020) nor of satisfactory quality (due to the squinting that makes his eyes invisible). Of the options on the table I prefer the 2015 one currently on the homepage but figure discussion should continue here in the absence of a high-quality current portrait becoming available. Dclemens1971 (talk) 14:09, 20 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Currently there is a lot of pictures swapped in across all the different mentions of Mark Carney, these being:
I think 2015 one is suitable for now, unless someone uploads a perfectly licensed headshot of him that is recent/from PM era. Yours truly, Stuffinwriting | talk 20:08, 23 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 16 March 2025 (2)


1. Reword the final sentence right before the Early life and education section, using "winning by a landslide" instead of "winning a landslide victory".

2. In the Early life and education section, link Edmonton, because it is relevant, and a couple lines above that, Fort Smith, NWT was linked as a location.

3. In the Prime Minister of Canada (2025-present) section, link Liberal Party of Canada in the sentence "After becoming leader of the Liberal Party of Canada..." Justjourney (talk) 21:05, 16 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Correction: use "won by a landside", as this is past-tense. Justjourney (talk) 21:07, 16 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
1. Why? It means the same thing, and "winning a landslide victory" is just a bit more formal, which suits the article well.
2.  Done (not by me though)
3. Liberal party is (and was) already linked in the second-to-last sentence of the lead, and we usually wikilink only once. Friendly, Lova Falk (talk) 14:19, 23 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
PS Justjourney I'll change the edit request to answered=yes. You're only 18 edits from making extended-confirmed-protected edits, and then you can change the landslide sentence if you wish. I won't revert it even though I prefer landslide victory. Friendly, Lova Falk (talk) 17:45, 23 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]



Why was the picture changed? I'm reading the talk page and there is no consensus on whether we should change the picture or not. AsaQuathern (talk) 01:10, 17 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Do you have a diff? BMWF (talk) 01:38, 21 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Never mind. My previous comments were because someone else changed it to a low quality photo without a discussion. The previous photo was reinstated. AsaQuathern (talk) 02:37, 21 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Party membership


I've just removed the following line: Carney only formally joined the Liberal Party in January 2025, ahead of his leadership campaign.. This was cited to Carney's new Parlinfo page, which does indeed list his party membership beginning in January 2025, but I'm confident this is a misinterpretation of the source.

Parlinfo's page for Justin Trudeau lists his party membership beginning on October 14, 2008… the same day Parlinfo says he became an MP. That is obviously not when he took out membership in the party, not only because he would have had to be a party member to even be nominated for the seat, but also because we know he was a delegate at the 2006 leadership convention. We can see similar at Paul Martin's page, where his party membership aligns exactly with his time as MP — and it's not believable that a known life-long Liberal waited so long to take out membership, or that he apparently terminated it as soon as he left office. Evidently Parlinfo's dates for "party member" have to do with parliamentary caucuses (roughly; obviously Carney is not yet party of a caucus), not the party's own database.

Perhaps Carney truly didn't hold membership until recently… but we'll need a stronger, and explicit, source for that. — Kawnhr (talk) 18:34, 21 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, a stronger source is needed. But unlike for Trudeau, I don't see any evidence to the contrary. If they gave his party membership date as March 2025, that would obviously be wrong, but January 2025 seems perfectly plausible to me, especially given it can't refer to caucus membership. Maxwhollymoralground (talk) 09:41, 25 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Well, we do know that Carney has been speaking at conventions, serving as an advisor and even helping with fundraising for the party. Of course, one doesn't have to actually be a party member to do any of that; but he's been associated with the party for a while, so I'd sooner assume that he's been a member longer than the leadership race. As the editor who added the statement to the page saw, the date on Parlinfo aligns with when he announced his leadership bid, so it could equally be that Parlinfo is tracking his membership from when he 'became relevant', so to speak. — Kawnhr (talk) 17:05, 25 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

More elaborate fiscal views, especially a difference with regards to his precedessor


New to Wikipedia. Would the following snippets be constructive?

"Carney said the economy hasn't performed to its full potential under Trudeau. Economic growth has been lacklustre and wages haven't kept pace with inflation on the prime minister's watch, he said."

"In an apparent attempt to frame himself as a centrist candidate for the party's leadership, Carney denounced what he called the "far left," saying some leftists think more government spending is the answer to all societal ills."

[1]https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mark-carney-running-liberal-leadership-1.7433415 Matt714931 (talk) 19:46, 21 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 23 March 2025


Please change Carney’s Irish and UK citizenships to end with (-2025). I know I already submitted this request and was denied, but it doesn’t matter on what timeline his citizenships are revoked. Since he is now the leader of Canada’s government, it makes sense then that his additional loyalties are now irrelevant. Plus, he is legally required to do so anyway by Canadian law. Mliv717 (talk) 18:15, 23 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

He has not ceased to be citizens of those two countries, so far as we know. If and when he announces that he has ceased to hold those citizenships, we can add it. We can’t speculate. Nor is there any legal requirement in Canadian law that he renounce those citizenships. Mr Serjeant Buzfuz (talk) 18:20, 23 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
See: WP:CRYSTALBALL Mr Serjeant Buzfuz (talk) 18:59, 23 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Book Delay


Hello! I don't have the 30/500 verification to edit but I believe his book, listed here as releasing on May 13, 2025, has been delayed indefinitely Source: https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/publication-of-mark-carneys-upcoming-book-will-be-delayed/article_c94ebf68-0023-11f0-ad25-7b5cc359ddb4.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=copy-link&utm_campaign=user-share FireEmoji1F525 (talk) 09:22, 24 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 24 March 2025


ADD to "Robert James Martin Carney, a high school principal" "and university professor." TomFlynn1955 (talk) 22:58, 24 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. (CC) Tbhotch 03:49, 25 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

More on fiscal policy


There was a subject on this posted the other day, but I don't think it got much traction. It would be good to have some stuff on his lower class tax cut,carbon tax cut, etc. Stuff like that. I also think Poilievre's page should have some more additions as well. California nerdin' (talk) 02:56, 26 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 26 March 2025


Personal life : Write : « He speaks a little French » and not « He speaks French » Thank You ! Élisa Milan (talk) 11:16, 26 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Not done for now: "He speaks French" is an objective fact; "he speaks a little French" is a subjective qualification which we cannot publish unless this is a prominent view of independent, reliable sources. You did not provide any sources. Ivanvector (Talk/Edits) 12:08, 26 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

French proficiency


See the edit request directly above; this deserves some discussion. All three of the sources we use to cite the statement "he speaks French" are news articles critical of Carney's rough performance in the French-language Liberal leaders' debate, so just saying "he speaks French" is maybe not a properly neutral statement based on those sources. Should we say something more qualified like "he speaks French but is not fluent", or should we just describe the criticism of his gaffes in the debate, or is this a one-off incident that we don't need to worry about? We could also wait until after the national French-language election debates and see if reliable sources start to identify a pattern in his French proficiency. Thoughts? Ivanvector (Talk/Edits) 12:22, 26 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

I think it would be fair to say that he was critised for his fluency at the leadership debate. That was widely publicized at the time, and is an issue. I think it’s appropriate to put it in the article now that his fluency has been questioned, citing those news reports, then wait to see if there are any further developments. Mr Serjeant Buzfuz (talk) 13:50, 26 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
In the context of an election campaign, I think this is a matter of balancing WP:NOTNEWS with the cited fact (which Carney has now said as much[2]) that his French is "not perfect". Perhaps something like ..., though Carney admits that his French is "not perfect" could suffice. ―"Ghost of Dan Gurney" (hihi) 17:04, 26 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I added his own words from that article just now, Special:Diff/1282623383. Please feel free to adjust. Ivanvector (Talk/Edits) 15:46, 27 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]