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Public holidays in Syria

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Public holidays in Syria
Observed bySyrians

Public holidays in Syria consist of various cultural, nationalistic, and religious holidays.

The primary national holiday in Syria is the Independence Day, celebrated on 17 April of every year, which celebrates the evacuation of the last French troops in Syria, officially ending the French Mandate for Syria.

Other important holidays include the anniversary of the Tishreen Liberation War Day on 6 October, Martyrs' Day on 6 May commemorating the execution of many Syrian nationalists by the Ottomans, and Armed Forces Day on the first of August celebrating the creation of the Syrian Armed Forces.

List of public holidays

Date English name Local name Remarks
January 1 New Year's Day عيد راس السنة الميلادية
‘Īd Ra’s as-Sanät al-Mīlādīyä
March 8 Revolution Day ثورة الثامن من اذار
‘Ṯaurät aṯ-Ṯāmin min Āḏār
March 21 Mother's Day عيد الأم
‘Īd al-’Umm
It also coincides with Nowruz نوروز (the celebration for spring) - Not an official holiday by the government.
April 17 Independence Day عيد الجلاء
‘Īd al-Ğalā’
Celebrates evacuation of last French troops in 1946
variable Gregorian Easter عيد الفصح غريغوري
‘Īd al-Fiṣḥ Ġrīġūrī
According to the Gregorian calendar

(The second Sunday of April)

variable Julian Easter عيد الفصح اليوليوسي
‘Īd al-Fiṣḥ al-Yūliyūsī
According to the Julian calendar

(The third Sunday of April)

May 1 Labour Day عيد العمال
‘Īd al-‘Ummāl
May 6 Martyrs' Day عيد الشهداء
‘Īd ašh-Šhuhadā’
Anniversary of execution of Syrian nationalists in Damascus by the Turks
October 6 Tishreen Liberation War Day حرب تشرين التحريرية
Harb Teshreen Al-Tahririyyah
Celebrating Yom Kippur War
December 8 Syrian revolution Day الثورة السورية
Al-Thawra Al-Sūriyyah
Celebrating the Syrian revolution
December 25 Christmas Day عيد الميلاد المجيد
‘Īd al-Mīlād al-Mağīd
Announced by the Syrian transitional government[1]
December 26 Boxing Day يوم الصناديق
‘yawm alsanadiq
Also Announced by the Syrian transitional government[1]
Dates following the lunar Islamic calendar
Dhu al-Hijjah 10 Eid al-Adha عيد الأضحى
‘Īd al-’Aḍḥà
The four days of Eid Al-Adha (ayyam al tashriq) are holidays.
Shawwal 1 Eid al-Fitr عيد الفطر
‘Īd al-Fiṭr
The three days of Eid Al-Fitr are holidays.
Rabi' al-awwal 12 Mawlid المولد النبوي
al-Maulid an-Nabawī
Prophet Muhammad's Birthday
Muharram 1 Islamic New Year عيد راس السنة الهجرية
‘Īd Ra’s as-Sanät al-Hījrīyä
National celebration days (non-holiday celebrations - previous holidays)
March 1 Arabic Language Day يوم اللغة العربيةyāwm al-lughä al-‘Arabīyä
variable Teacher's Day عيد المعلم

‘Īd al-Mu‘alem

Only For schools, universities, and academic institutions.

(On the third Thursday of March)

August 1 Armed Forces Day عيد الجيش‘Īd aj-jaiŠh Syrian Arab Army
November 16 Corrective Movement الحركة التصحيحيةal-Ḥarakah at-Taṣḥīḥīyah previously celebrated

The 1970 coup that led Hafez Al-Assad to presidency and the purging of Ba'ath Party

December 29 Tree Day عيد الشجرة‘Īd ašh-Šhajara To celebrate farmers And the Environment

Or The Last Thursday Of the year



See also
