List of single-artist museums
This is a list of single–artist museums, which are museums displaying the work, or bearing the name, of a single visual artist.
- Jorge Oteiza - Fundación Museo Jorge Oteiza Fundazio Museoa, Alzuza, Navarre, Spain
- Rita Deanin Abbey – Rita Deanin Abbey Art Museum,[1] Las Vegas, Nevada
- Basuki Abdullah – Basoeki Abdullah Museum, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Affandi – Affandi Museum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Yaacov Agam – Yaacov Agam Museum of Art,[2] Rishon LeZion, Israel
- Ivan Aivazovsky – Aivazovsky National Art Gallery, Feodosia, Crimea
- Josef and Anni Albers – Josef and Anni Albers Foundation,[3] Bethany, Connecticut
- Theodor Aman – Theodor Aman Museum, Bucharest, Romania
- Walter Anderson – Walter Anderson Museum of Art, Ocean Springs, Mississippi
- Hans Arp – Arp Museum,[4] Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen, Germany
- Edward Bailey – Bailey House Museum, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii
- Ernst Barlach – Ernst Barlach House, Hamburg, Germany
- Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi – Musée Bartholdi, Colmar, France, and the Statue of Liberty Museum on Liberty Island, New York City
- Benini[5] – Museo Benini,[6] Marble Falls, Texas
- Rosa Bonheur – Musée de l'atelier Rosa Bonheur, Thomery, France
- Fernando Botero – Museo Botero,[7] Bogota, Colombia
- Antoine Bourdelle – Musée Bourdelle, Paris
- Dick Bruna - Miffy Museum
- Charles Burchfield – Burchfield Penney Art Center, Buffalo, New York
- Alexander Calder – Calder Gardens (upcoming), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Antonio Canova – Museo Canova, Possagno, Italy
- Paul Cézanne – Cézanne's studio, Aix–en–Provence, France
- Auguste Chabaud – Musée Auguste Chabaud,[8] Provence–Alpes–Côte d'Azur
- Marc Chagall – Musée Marc Chagall, Nice, France, and Marc Chagall Museum, Vitebsk, Belarus
- Nek Chand – Rock Garden of Chandigarh, India
- Dale Chihuly – Chihuly Garden and Glass, Seattle, Washington
- Giorgio de Chirico – Giorgio de Chirico House Museum, Rome
- Camille Claudel – Musée Camille Claudel, Nogent–sur–Seine, France
- Max Claudet - Max Claudet Museum Salins–les–Bains, France
- Jean Cocteau - Jean Cocteau Museum, Menton, France
- Gustave Courbet – Musée Courbet, Ornans, France.
- Salvador Dalí – see list of Dalí museums
- Cyrus Edwin Dallin – Cyrus Dallin Art Museum, Arlington, Massachusetts
- Eugène Delacroix – Musée national Eugène Delacroix, Paris
- Paul Delvaux – Paul Delvaux Museum, Saint–Idesbald, Belgium
- Charles Demuth – Demuth Museum, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
- Maurice Denis – Musée départemental Maurice Denis "The Priory", Paris
- Otto Dix - Museum Haus Dix, Hemmenhofen, Germany, and Otto-Dix-Haus, Gera, Germany
- Axel Petersson Döderhultarn – Döderhultarn Museum, Oskarshamn, Sweden
- Burhan Dogancay – Dogancay Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
- Jean Dubuffet – Fondation Jean Dubuffet, Paris
- El Greco – El Greco Museum, Toledo, Spain, and Museum of El Greco, Crete, Greece
- James Ensor– Ensor Museum,[9] Oostende, Belgium
- M.C. Escher – Escher in the Palace, Den Haag, The Netherlands
- Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian – Monir Museum,[10] Tehran, Iran
- Nicolai Fechin – Taos Art Museum at Fechin House, Taos, New Mexico
- Dan Flavin – The Dan Flavin Art Institute,[11] Bridgehampton, New York
- Jean-Michel Folon – Fondation Folon,[12] La Hulpe, Belgique
- Tony Foster – The Foster Museum, Palo Alto, California
- Jean-Honoré Fragonard – Villa Musée Jean-Honoré Fragonard,[13] Grasse, France
- Marshall Fredericks – Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum, University Center, Michigan
- Daniel Chester French – Chesterwood, Stockbridge, Massachusetts
- Ernst Fuchs – Ernst Fuchs Private Museum,[14] Vienna, Austria
- Thomas Gainsborough – Gainsborough's House, Sudbury, England
- Antoni Gaudí – Gaudi House Museum, Barcelona, Spain, and Gaudí Centre, Reus, Spain
- Paul Gauguin – Paul Gauguin Museum, Tahiti
- Franz Gertsch – Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf, Switzerland
- William Glackens – Glackens Wing of the Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- Ilya Glazunov – Ilya Glazunov Moscow State Art Gallery,[15] Moscow, Russia
- Francisco Goya - Casa natal de Goya and Museo del Grabado de Goya, both in Fuendetodos, near Zaragoza, Spain
- Nahum Gutman – Nahum Gutman Museum of Art, Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Frans Hals – Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, The Netherlands
- Jean-Jacques Henner – Musée national Jean-Jacques Henner, Paris, France
- Robert Henri – Robert Henri Museum, Cozad, Nebraska
- Barbara Hepworth – Barbara Hepworth Museum, Cornwall, England
- Hergé – Musée Hergé, Louvain–la–Neuve, Belgium
- Bror Hjorth – Bror Hjorths Hus, Uppsala, Sweden
- Edna Hibel[16] – Hibel Museum of Art, Jupiter, Florida
- William Hogarth – Hogarth's House, London
- Grace Hudson – Grace Hudson Museum, Ukiah, California
- Friedensreich Hundertwasser – KunstHausWien, Vienna, Austria
- Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres – Musée Ingres, Montauban, France
- Asger Jorn – Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, Denmark
- Frida Kahlo – Frida Kahlo Museum, Mexico City, Mexico
- Vance Kirkland – Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art, Denver, Colorado
- Paul Klee – Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, Switzerland
- Georg Kolbe – Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin, Germany
- Käthe Kollwitz – Käthe Kollwitz Museum, Cologne, Germany, Käthe Kollwitz Museum (Berlin), and the Käthe Kollwitz House (Moritzburg)
- Yayoi Kusama – Yayoi Kusama Museum, Tokyo, Japan
- Le Corbusier – Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris
- Johannes Larsen – Johannes Larsen Museum,[17] Kerteminde, Denmark
- Adrien–Jean Le Mayeur – Le Mayeur Museum, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia
- Fernand Léger – Musée National Fernand Léger,[18] Biot, France
- Max Liebermann – Liebermann Villa, Berlin
- Frederic Leighton – Leighton House Museum, London
- Norman Lindsay – Norman Lindsay Gallery and Museum, Faulconbridge, New South Wales
- Baltasar Lobo – Museo Baltasar Lobo,[19] Zamora, Spain
- August Macke – August–Macke–Haus, Bonn, Germany
- René Magritte – Magritte Museum, Bruxelles, Belgium, and René Magritte Museum, Brussels
- Aristide Maillol – Musée Maillol, Paris, and the Musée Maillol Banyuls–sur–Mer
- José Malhoa – José Malhoa Museum, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
- César Manrique – César Manrique Foundation, Lanzarote, Canary Islands
- Franz Marc – Franz Marc Museum, Kochel, Bavaria, Germany
- Henri Matisse – Musée Matisse, Nice, France, and Matisse Museum in Le Cateau–Cambrésis, France
- R. Tait McKenzie – Mill of Kintail, Mississippi Mills, Ontario
- Henrique Medina – Medina Museum, Braga, Portugal
- Gari Melchers – Gari Melchers Home and Studio, Falmouth, Virginia
- Constantin Meunier – Musée Meunier Museum,[20] Ixelles, Belgium
- Michelangelo – Casa Buonarroti Florence, Italy
- Leo Michelson – Michelson Museum of Art, Marshall, Texas
- Carl Milles – Millesgården, Stockholm, Sweden
- Joan Miró – Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain, and the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró in Mallorca
- Paula Modersohn–Becker – Paula Modersohn–Becker Museum, Bremen, Germany
- Claude Monet – Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris, and Fondation Monet in Giverny
- Henry Moore – Henry Moore Foundation, Hertfordshire, England
- Thomas and Mary Nimmo Moran – The Thomas and Mary Nimmo Moran House & Studio, East Hampton, New York
- Gustave Moreau – Musée national Gustave Moreau, Paris
- William Morris – William Morris Gallery, London
- Edvard Munch – Munch Museum, Oslo
- Elisabet Ney – Elisabet Ney Museum, Austin, Texas
- Isamu Noguchi – Noguchi Museum, New York City
- George Ohr – Ohr–O'Keefe Museum of Art, Biloxi, Mississippi
- Georgia O'Keeffe – Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Georgia O'Keeffe Home and Studio, Abiquiú, New Mexico
- Theodor Pallady – Theodor Pallady Museum, Bucharest, Romania
- Anton Pieck - Anton Pieck Museum
- Pablo Picasso – see list of Picasso museums
- Júlio Pomar – Atelier–Museu Júlio Pomar,[21] Lisbon, Portugal
- Nicolas Poussin- Musée Nicolas Poussin, Andelys, France
- Arnulf Rainer– Arnulf Rainer Museum,[22] Baden bei Wein, Austria
- Roger Raveel– Roger Raveel Museum,[23] Machelen–aan–de–Leie, Belgium
- Rembrandt – Rembrandt House Museum, Amsterdam
- Frederic Remington – Frederic Remington Art Museum, Ogdensburg, New York
- Diego Rivera – Pinacoteca Diego Rivera, Veracruz, Mexico, and Museo Mural Diego Rivera, Mexico City
- Norman Rockwell – Norman Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge, Massachusetts
- Auguste Rodin – Musée Rodin, Paris, the Rodin Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Museu Rodin Bahia, Bahia, Brazil
- Nicholas Roerich – Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York City
- Julio Romero de Torres – Julio Romero de Torres Museum, Córdoba, Spain
- Félicien Rops – Félicien Rops Museum,[24] Namur, Belgium
- Peter Paul Rubens – Rubenshuis, Antwerp, Belgium
- Charles Marion Russell – C.M. Russell Museum, Great Falls, Montana
- Augustus Saint–Gaudens – Saint–Gaudens National Historical Park, Cornish, New Hampshire
- John Soane – Sir John Soane's Museum, London
- Jens Søndergaard – Jens Søndergaards Museum, Bovbjerg, Lemvig, Denmark
- Joaquín Sorolla – Sorolla Museum, Madrid
- Stanley Spencer – Stanley Spencer Gallery, Cookham, Berkshire
- Stasys Eidrigevičius – Stasys Museum, Panevėžys, Lithuania
- Clyfford Still – Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, Colorado
- Gilbert Stuart – Gilbert Stuart Birthplace and Museum, Saunderstown, Rhode Island
- Franz Stuck – Villa Stuck, Munich, Germany
- Hermann Struck– Hermann Struck Museum,[25] Haifa, Israel
- Kenkichi Sugimoto – Sugimoto Art Museum, Mihama, Aichi, Japan
- Ruben Talberg – Talberg Museum,[26] Offenbach, Germany
- Rufino Tamayo – Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City
- Rudolph Tegner – Rudolph Tegner Museum, Dronningmølle, Denmark
- Steffen Thomas – Steffen Thomas Museum of Art,[27] Buckhead, Georgia
- Bertel Thorvaldsen – Thorvaldsen Museum, Copenhagen
- Jean Tinguely – Museum Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland
- Henri de Toulouse–Lautrec – Musée Toulouse–Lautrec, Albi, France
- James Turrell– James Turrell Museum[28]– Bodega Colomé, Salta Province, Argentina
- Cy Twombly – Cy Twombly Gallery of the Menil Collection, Houston, Texas
- Shoji Ueda – Shoji Ueda Museum of Photography, Saihaku–gun, Tottori, Japan
- Charles Umlauf – Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum, Austin, Texas
- Utagawa Hiroshige – Nakagawa–machi Batō Hiroshige Museum of Art, Nakagawa, Tochigi, Japan
- Frederick Horsman Varley Art Gallery, Markham, Ontario, Canada
- Vincent van Gogh – Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, and Van Gogh House, Drenthe, Netherlands
- Andy Warhol – The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art, Medzilaborce, Slovakia
- George Frederic Watts – Watts Gallery, Compton, Surrey, United Kingdom
- Brett Whiteley – Brett Whiteley Studio, Sydney, Australia
- Antoine Wiertz – Wiertz Museum,[29] Brussels, Belgium
- Jens Ferdinand Willumsen – J.F. Willumsens Museum, Frederikssund, Denmark
- N.C. Wyeth – Brandywine River Museum of Art, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
- Teruko Yokoi – Teruko Yokoi Hinagashi Museum, Ena, Gifu,[30] and the Yokoi Teruko Fuji Museum of Art in Fuji, Shizuoka.[31]
- Marlene Tseng Yu[32] – Marlene Yu Museum,[33] Shreveport, Louisiana
- Ossip Zadkine – Musée Zadkine, Paris, France
- Anders Zorn – Zorn Collections, Mora, Sweden
See also
[edit]- Category:Museums devoted to one artist
- List of art museums
- List of most visited art museums
- List of largest art museums
- List of museums devoted to one photographer
[edit]- ^ "A Towering Spirit". Nevada Public Radio. 2022-08-12. Archived from the original on 2022-08-12.
- ^ "Agam's Museum- Yaacov Agam Museum of Art". Retrieved 2023-07-27.
- ^ "Josef & Anni Albers Foundation". Retrieved 2023-08-02.
- ^ "Home / Arp Museum Rolandseck". (in German). Retrieved 2023-07-17.
- ^ "Benini". Benini. Retrieved 2023-07-17.
- ^ "MUSEOBENINI~ Contemporary Art in the Texas Hill Country". MUSEOBENINI. Retrieved 2023-07-17.
- ^ "Museo Botero, Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia". Google Arts & Culture. Retrieved 2023-07-27.
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- ^ "The James Ensor House | Ensor". Retrieved 2023-08-02.
- ^ "THE MONIR MUSEUM". monirff. Retrieved 2023-07-27.
- ^ "Dia Bridgehampton | Visit Our Locations & Sites | Visit | Dia". Retrieved 2023-07-27.
- ^ Fondation Folon website
- ^ "History of the Jean-Honoré Fragonard Villa-Museum | Musées de Grasse". Retrieved 2023-07-27.
- ^ "The Museum – Ernst Fuchs Museum in der Otto Wagner Villa". Retrieved 2023-07-27.
- ^ "Moscow State Art Gallery of Ilya Glazunov". Retrieved 2023-07-27.
- ^ "Edna Hibel Studio". Edna Hibel Studio. 2019-09-15. Retrieved 2023-07-17.
- ^ "Art Museum on Funen - Johannes Larsen's artist home". Johannes Larsen Museet. Retrieved 2023-07-27.
- ^ "Page d'accueil | Musée national Fernand Léger". Retrieved 2023-07-27.
- ^ "Baltasar Lobo Museum in Zamora". Retrieved 2023-07-27.
- ^ "Musée Meunier Museum". Retrieved 2024-03-11.
- ^ Design, Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar / Web design & development Ricardo Maia Pestana / Sara Aragão Antunes / SeR. "Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar" (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 2023-08-02.
- ^ "Arnulf Rainer Museum - Frauenbad". Retrieved 2023-07-24.
- ^ "Roger Raveel Museum".
- ^ "Musée Félicien Rops - Musée d'Art du 19e - à Namur". Retrieved 2023-08-02.
- ^ "Hermann Struck Museum". Haifa Museums - Six Museums in One Frame. Retrieved 2023-07-17.
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- ^ "Steffen Thomas Museum of Art | Home". 2023-06-24. Retrieved 2023-07-18.
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- ^ "Teruko Yokoi Hinageshi Art Museum". Teruko Yokoi Hinageshi Art Museum. Retrieved 4 April 2024.
- ^ "The Estate of Teruko Yokoi". Marlboro Gallery. Archived from the original on December 1, 2023. Retrieved 4 April 2024.
- ^ "". Retrieved 2021-08-11.
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