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Zhang Ji (Jingzhong)

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Zhang Ji (张缉; 210s?[1] - 27 March 254), courtesy name Jingzhong (敬仲),[2] was an official of the state of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period of China. He was best known for his involvement in a plot in 254 to kill Sima Shi, who was then regent of Cao Wei. The plot was foiled and Zhang was executed, along with many members of his clan.



Zhang Ji was a son of Zhang Derong, an official who served under Cao Cao and Cao Pi. Zhang Ji's daughter later became Cao Fang's empress in c.March 252.[3] Although technically a consort kin, historical records did not indicate any benefits Zhang derived from the position, probably because the Sima clan had held great power ever the Incident at the Gaoping Tombs in February 249.



Zhang Ji once served as Administrator of Dongguan during the reign of Cao Rui.[4]

On 27 March 254, the regent Sima Shi killed Cao Fang's confidant, the official Li Feng (a friend of Zhang Ji). He then accused Li Feng, Zhang Ji and their friend Xiahou Xuan of treason,[5] and had all of them and their clans executed. One month later, Cao Fang was forced to depose Empress Zhang.[6]



Zhang Ji once mentioned to Sima Shi that although Zhuge Ke was successful in his border wars against Cao Wei, he was about to be executed. When Sima Shi asked for the reason, Zhang Ji replied, "(Zhuge's) prestige has overwhelmed his master and his merits has enveloped an entire nation; how can he not die?" Sure enough, after Zhuge Ke returned from Hefei in defeat, he was killed in a coup d'état. After Sima Shi received news of Zhuge's death, he said to those around him, "Recently, Zhang Jingzhong was discussing Ke with me; he thought that Ke would be killed. Today, it has been proven so. Jingzhong's intelligence is superior to Ke's.[7]


  1. ^ A Weilüe annotation in Zhang Ji's biography in Sanguozhi recorded that he took up his first official post during the Taihe era (227–233) of Cao Rui's reign (太和中为温令,...). Thus, Zhang's birth year should be in the 210s or before.
  2. ^ (缉字敬仲,...) Weilüe annotation in Sanguozhi, vol.15
  3. ^ (嘉平中,女为皇后,...) Sanguozhi, vol.15. Cao Fang's biography in Sanguozhi recorded that Lady Zhang was made empress in the 2nd month of the 4th year of the Jia'ping era. The month corresponds to 27 Feb to 27 Mar 252 in the Julian calendar.
  4. ^ (缉以中书郎稍迁东莞太守。) Sanguozhi, vol.15. The Weilüe recorded that Zhang Ji was made Administrator of Dongguan by Cao Rui.
  5. ^ According to Xiahou Xuan's biography in Sanguozhi, it was Li Feng who came up with a plot to kill Sima Shi. Xiahou Xuan was to replace Sima as General-in-Chief (大将军). Zhang Ji joined the plot partly because he and Li were from the same hometown.
  6. ^ ([嘉平六年春二月]庚戌,中书令李丰与皇后父光禄大夫张缉等谋废易大臣,以太常夏侯玄为大将军。事觉,诸所连及者皆伏诛。...三月,废皇后张氏。) Sanguozhi, vol.04. The 3rd month of the 6th year of the Jia'ping era corresponds to 5 Apr to 3 May 254 in the Julian calendar.
  7. ^ (又尝对司马大将军料诸葛恪虽得胜于边土,见诛不久。大将军问其故,缉云:“威震其主,功盖一国,欲不死可得乎?”及恪从合肥还,吴果杀之。大将军闻恪死,谓众人曰:“诸葛恪多辈耳!近张敬仲县论恪,以为必见杀,今果然如此。敬仲之智为胜恪也。”) Weilüe annotation in Sanguozhi, vol.15. If this anecdote is true, then Sima Shi may have become wary of Zhang Ji as a possible threat, leading to Zhang's death just a few months after Zhuge Ke's.

General references
