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Willamette Leadership Academy

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Willamette Leadership Academy, 6-12 grade
34020 B St

, ,

United States
School districtSpringfield School District[1]
PrincipalKate Klontz
Number of students300 [2]

Willamette Leadership Academy (WLA) is a public charter military academy in Lane County, Oregon, United States. WLA prepares students to become leaders and to live fulfilled lives as respectful and responsible citizens.

History and Academics


The Willamette Leadership Academy is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization. WLA is accredited through the NAAS and Oregon Dept of Education. All teachers are highly qualified and certified.

PYCO originally opened Willamette Leadership Academy but as of 2021, WLA is independent of PYCO. In 2012, the charter was taken up by Springfield Public Schools and all grades moved to the former Goshen Elementary building in Eugene. In 2013, grades 6–8 split off, and the newly created Battalion 2 moved into the old Mohawk Elementary building in Springfield. In 2021, both battalions merged once again into the Goshen building. WLA no longer owns the Mohawk location.

Willamette Leadership Academy currently serves multiple counties with students attending from Drain to Lebanon and Walterville to Veneta. WLA employs approximately 40 staff members.

WLA is located at 34020 B Street, Eugene, OR 97405.



At WLA, there are many staff members dedicated to keeping the education environment a good one. Unlike most schools, WLA employs staff members known as Staff NCOs. An NCO stands for Non-Commissioned Officer in the military. All NCOs at WLA are former or current members of at least one branch of the United States Armed Forces. By cadets (students), they are referred to as "MSG" (Master Sergeant), "1SG" (First Sergeant, "SGM" (Sergeant Major), etc.

The teachers who teach academic classes are known as Officers. By cadets, they are referred to as sir or ma'am. Their ranks include Second Lieutenant (2LT), First Lieutenant (1LT), Captain (CPT), Major (MAJ), Lieutenant Colonel (LTC), Colonel (COL), and General (GEN).

There are also Special Education teachers who are known as WOs (Warrant Officers). These are ranks that fall somewhere in between NCO ranks and Officer ranks.

The current principal of WLA is Colonel Kate Klontz. The School's administration team on campus includes the following staff members: General Nunez, LTC Migliaccio, CSM Brainard, and Master Gunnery Sergeant.

Cadet Ranks


The following is a list of cadet ranks in order of lowest to highest.

  • Cadet (CDT). This is the rank that every student who joins the school starts as.
  • Private (PVT). This is a rank that is normally achieved upon completion of WLA's Basic Training which takes place in the first week of the school year.
  • Private First Class (PFC). After approximately 3 months of having the rank of PVT, a cadet becomes eligible for promotion to PFC. The cadet must also show that they deserve the rank and the responsibilities that go alongside the new rank.
  • Specialist (SPC). This rank is the last cadet rank before a cadet becomes a cadet NCO. A specialist has to take a test to prove that they know the program well enough to adhere to the rules and to correct other cadets when they step out of line. Additionally, in order to get Specialist you need to have all passing grades, pass a D&C (Drill and Ceremony) test, pass a PT (Physical Training) test, and have held at least 2 weeks of a leadership position.
  • Corporal (CPL). CPL is a hard rank to achieve, and being promoted to this rank is a great honor and comes with a lot of responsibility. This is the first rank of cadet NCOs. When you reach this rank, you receive a tan cover (hat) in place of the green one required of almost all cadets. CPLs are given more freedom and responsibilities. Being a CPL means you are the eyes and ears of the adult NCOs.
  • Sergeant (SGT). The rank above CPL. It's a lot like CPL, but you get a few more freedoms and responsibilities. In order to be promoted to this rank, you must undergo what is called a "Sergeant Board". You are asked questions to decide if you would make a good sergeant.
  • Staff Sergeant (SSGT). A step up from Sergeant. There is usually only one Staff Sergeant at any given time, which means that the cadet is the highest-ranking cadet on post (on school grounds).
  • Sergeant First Class (SFC). There have been very few SFCs in the history of WLA, and it is a very hard rank to achieve.

Staff Ranks


The following is a list of staff ranks in order of lowest to highest, starting with NCO ranks.

  • Master Sergeant (MSG)
  • First Sergeant (1SG)
  • Sergeant Major (SGM)
  • Command Sergeant Major (CSM)

Additionally, there is one staff member on post who has a marine rank called "Master Gunnery Sergeant". This is the equivalent of SGM

WO Ranks:

  • WO (Warrant Officer)
  • CWO2 (Chief Warrant Officer 2)
  • CWO3 (Chief Warrant Officer 3)
  • CWO4 (Chief Warrant Officer 4)
  • CWO5 (Chief Warrant Officer 5)

Officer Ranks:

  • 2LT (Second Lieutenant)
  • 1LT (First Lieutenant)
  • CPT (Captain)
  • MAJ (Major)
  • LTC (Lieutenant Colonel)
  • COL (Colonel)
  • GEN (General)

Cadet Uniform


BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform - basic everyday uniform)

  • Olive Drab Green (OD Green) Blouse and pants
  • Green cover if Specialist and below, tan cover if Corporal and above, or red beret if in Color Guard
  • White calf-length socks with no logos
  • Black military-style combat boots
  • White Crew-neck T-shirts with no logos
  • Black belt with black buckle

Class A's (Dress Uniform - mostly for award ceremonies)

  • Black slacks
  • Dress shoes or polished black boots
  • White blouse
  • Name Tag
  • Black socks
  • White crew-neck T-shirt
  • Grey beret in specialist and under, tan beret if corporal and above, or red beret if in Color Guard.
  • Black belt with bronze buckle

Cadets also have black mesh or clear plastic backpacks

Earned additions to uniform:

  • Red epaulette (Class A's) - earned through Color Guard
  • Ranks (Both Uniforms) - earned based on merit
  • Ribbons (Class A's) - earned based on achievements
  • Color Guard and Rifle Team Patches - earned through Color Guard
  • Military badge - earned through signing on with a branch of the military

Optional additions to uniform:

  • WLA Sweatshirt - only when cold outside
  • Field Jacket - only when cold outside
  • WLA T-shirt - BDUs only

Staff Uniform

  • BDU Uniform with adjustments
    • Black cover; 1SG and above NCOs may also wear their campaign hat
  • Class A Uniform with adjustments
    • Black cover or campaign hat
    • Black sweatshirt over Class A blouse

Abbreviations of the Academy

  • A's - Class A uniform
  • ACP - Academic Career Plan
  • AP - Academic Probation
  • BC - Battalion Commander
  • BCCA - Battalion Commander Corrective Action
  • BDU - Battle Dress Uniform
  • BG - Brigadier General
  • BN - Battalion
  • CA - Corrective Action
  • CCA - Company Corrective Action
  • CC - Corps Commander
  • CDR - Commander
  • CG - Color Guard
  • Co - Company
  • CO - Commanding Officer
  • DP - Director of Programs
  • DFR - Dropped from Rolls
  • ED - Executive Director
  • FTX - Field Training Exercise
  • HQ - Headquarters (Main Office)
  • IEP - Individual Education Plan
  • ISS - In-School Suspension
  • IT - Individual Physical Training (Intensive Training)
  • Plt - Platoon
  • PT - Physical Training (Physical Education)
  • Regs - Regulations
  • Sqd - Squad
  • ISO - Isolation


  • Authority - Power to influence or command thought or behavior.
  • BCCA - A disciplinary hearing in front of the BC and either CSM or Master Gunnery Sergeant to determine the corrective action to be taken for severe and/or inappropriate behavior.
  • Chain of Command - An official hierarchy of authority that dictates who is in charge of whom and of whom permission must be asked.
  • Colors - Flags, banners, and symbols of membership in the WLA community, also refers to the United States National Flag and the Oregon State Flag that are raised and lowered each school day. Colors are raised at 0800 (8 am) and lowered at 1530 (3:30 pm) most days and 1430 (2:30 pm) on Wednesdays.
  • Company - A unit of Cadets and command staff.
  • Military Bearing - The mental attitude one projects through language, behavior, and physical bearing.
  • Subordinate - A person lower in the chain of command.
  • Superior - A person higher in the chain of command
  • Drop - An order given indicating to do push-ups.
  • Knock 'Em Out - Get corrective action done.
  • Lock It Up - Silence.
  • Make a Hole - Get out of the way.
  • Move Out - Get going and move with a purpose.
  • On-Point - The best, example/model, on the top.

Standing Orders

  • Respect and military carriage is always required.
  • NO food or drink will be consumed by Cadets except during lunch and/or nutritional breaks. This includes the bus(es). Cadets are not allowed gum, candy, chips, or food that can be classified as "junk food" as per ODE guidelines except with a medical note or accommodation plan stating it is necessary.
  • Cadets will always remain in their designated area. Cadets found outside designated areas without a hall pass will be considered AWOL.
  • All Cadets will report to and depart from the Academy in uniform. Mixing of the duty uniform of the day with other clothing is prohibited unless authorized by the BC, CSM, or Master Gunnery Sergeant. Civilian attire will be authorized only if a request is made in writing from the parent or guardian 48 hours in advance and approved by the CO and/or 1SG. Written requests must be submitted to HQ and the BC must be notified. The final authority for this decision will rest with the BC.
  • Chain of Command will be used and enforced unless it is in the event of a life or property-threatening emergency which requires immediate attention of the closest staff member.
  • Cadets will always conduct themselves according to the WLA Cadet Handbook. Cadets are held to these standards 24 hours a day, seven days a week - in and out of uniform.
  • HORSEPLAY - Mock fighting, throwing any object not in an athletic event or specifically authorized, making physical contact without consent, chasing, running outside of PT is PROHIBITED and subject to action under regulations. THIS RULE IS SIMPLE - If you think it may be horseplay: DON"T DO IT!
  • Profanity is PROHIBITED



WLA incorporates putting many students into leadership roles to boost their skills and learn leadership skills to help them out in the future. Student Leadership consists of the following roles: Squad Leader (SL), Platoon Leader (PL), Assistant Platoon Leader (APL), Guidon, student NCOs (Tan covers), and then staff.


  • Outstanding Cadet of the Year - Awarded to the cadet who shows the overall values of the school and is dedicated to accomplishing the mission.
  • Valedictorian - Awarded to the senior who graduates with the highest GPA.
  • Salutatorian - Awarded to the senior who graduates with the second highest GPA.
  • Attendance - Awarded to cadets with the highest attendance rate for the school year.
  • Academic - Awarded to the cadets who show commitment and improvement academically.
  • Leadership - To the cadet who demonstrates the concepts of leadership.
  • Citizenship - To the cadet whose outstanding effort to understand, conform, and apply the WLA value system.


  1. ^ a b "Oregon School Directory". Oregon Department of Education.
  2. ^ "Oregon School Directory". Oregon Department of Education.