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Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/Thomas Jefferson University/Race in America, sec 1 (Spring 2024)

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Course name
Race in America, sec 1
Thomas Jefferson University
Wikipedia Expert
Brianda (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2024-01-10 00:00:00 UTC – 2024-04-24 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This course explores significant historical and contemporary issues as they relate to how race is formed through ideologies, structures, institutions, discourse, and representations in the United States. We will analyze theories, laws, lived experiences, statistics, and popular culture. We’ll analyze the process of racialization in a U.S. context – though subjugation, exclusion, forcible inclusion and well as movements for resistance, self-determination, and decolonization. During this course, we will take a relational and comparative approach, exploring how the experiences of various groups are mutually constitutive while being distinct from one another.

Students will be asked to contribute to an existing Wiki page (adding citations, adding a few sentences, or adding a new subsection). They will select a page based on a topic of their choosing as it relates to racial relations, how race is formed, or the experiences of communities of color in the U.S.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Hxa056 Public health
Flying.trapezoid Women's reproductive health in the United States
Fantastic boss Workplace safety in healthcare settings
Saltier LLama Opioid epidemic in the United States Hip hop (culture)
Resuriink Women in business, Gender diversity
Pavle13 List of monument and memorial controversies in the United States
Aiden Mclain Race in the United States criminal justice system
Student0040 Police use of deadly force in the United States
Jeffersonfashion99 Academic achievement
Xyztv Environmental racism in the United States
Puppyluver1234 School segregation in the United States Race and maternal health in the United States
Tinytornado14 Gender role
Wpcoolpersonguide Redlining
For the credit Gentrification in the United States
D27IC Medical racism in the United States
Pinkblue04 Medical racism in the United States
GracesEditing Racial inequality in the United States
Mimiwrites1985 Federal Home Loan Bank Board
MClass31671 Race and health in the United States Opioid epidemic in the United States, Academic achievement
PurplePhoneLaptop Race and maternal health in the United States School segregation in the United States
BabyJittle Community policing
Rgshistory Racism in Puerto Rico
Us3ernam3e Hip hop (culture) Race in the United States criminal justice system
Loudcat44 Women in STEM fields
Alr152 Race and health in the United States
Archi.tec24 Redlining
Pastagrl Gender pay gap in the United States
Smilekud White supremacy in U.S. school curriculum
Fxntaaa8 Pediatric nursing