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Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/George Washington University/Gender Welfare and Poverty (Fall 2023)

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Course name
Gender Welfare and Poverty
George Washington University
Shakaigaku Obasan
Wikipedia Expert
Brianda (Wiki Ed)
Women's Studies
Course dates
2023-08-31 00:00:00 UTC – 2023-12-09 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

How the causes and consequences of poverty differ for women and men; how race, class, and gender shape policy responses to poverty. The history of family assistance policy in the United States and the impact of various welfare reform efforts.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Amanzo2 Homelessness in California Welfare's effect on poverty, Gender-based price discrimination in the United States
IsmaelEden Welfare reform Welfare state, Welfare Queen
Elrupp Causes of sexual violence Feminist movements and ideologies, Comprehensive sex education
Samthebossbabe Comprehensive sex education Causes of sexual violence, Feminist movements and ideologies
Mundozurdo Welfare's effect on poverty Homelessness in California, Gender-based price discrimination in the United States
Mviva22 Welfare Queen Welfare state, Welfare reform
Aslowstory Welfare's effect on poverty Disability rights movement, Gender inequality in China
Dandelion1984 Healthcare in China LGBT history in China, Sex trafficking in China
Gwugradstudent Welfare state Welfare reform, Welfare Queen
Gakeiiyyh Gender-based price discrimination in the United States Welfare's effect on poverty, Homelessness in California
Willa Wei Sex trafficking in China Healthcare in China, LGBT history in China
Haiyili222 LGBT history in China Healthcare in China, Sex trafficking in China
Jsanders3215 Feminist movements and ideologies Causes of sexual violence, Comprehensive sex education
Yifancai Gender inequality in China Disability rights movement, Welfare's effect on poverty
Mmckittrick0564 Disability rights movement Gender inequality in China, Welfare's effect on poverty