User talk:Vles1
Vles1 (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log)
I answered you!
[edit]- Thanks for links! --SeikoEn (talk) 12:00, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
Yulia Tymoshenko
[edit]Origin and early years
[edit]Yulia Hryhyan (Ukrainian: Грігян)[1] was born November 27, 1960, in the Soviet Union, modern day Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Her mother's name is Ludmila Nikolaevna Telegina. Примечание?Reference? Her father, Vladimir Abramovich Hryhyan, left the family when Yulia was three years old. Примечание?Reference? In 1977, Yulia Tymoshenko graduated from high school as Yulia Hryhyan. Примечание?Reference? Later she changed her name to Yulia Telegina. Когда, почему? Примечание?
Maternal lineage
[edit]Ludmila Nikolaevna Telegina, was born August 11, 1937, in Dnipropetrovsk as Ludmila Nikolaevna Nelyepova. Примечание?
Paternal lineage
[edit]Vladimir Abramovich Hryhyan was born December 3, 1937, in Dnipropetrovsk. According to his passport, he is Latvian. Примечание?
His father was Abram Kelmanovich Kapitalman (Абрам Кельманович Капительман) (Информация о которой документы не сохранились, не подходит.) He died during WWII, November 8, 1944. Примечание?
His mother was Maria Yosifovna Hryhyan. Born to Yosif Yosifovich Hryhyan (father) and Elena Titovna Hryhyan, (mother). Примечание?
Yosif Yosifovich Hryhyan was born in Riga, in 1884. In 1914, he moved to Dnipropetrovsk. He was arrested in 1937 and again in 1938 for writing letters about the high standard of living in fascist Poland and Germany. He was a victim of Political repression in the Soviet Union and served time from 1938 to 1948. Примечание?
Hi wife, Elena Titovna Hryhyan, was born in 1893 in Martinivka, Poltava Governorate part of Ukraine. Примечание?
About her ethnicity, Yulia Tymoshenko said, “On my father’s side everyone is Latvian for ten generations, and on my mother’s side, everyone is Ukrainian for ten generations. Примечание?
Национальность переводится с трудом на Английский язык. Нет такого понятия как Русская Украинка. По этому указывать национальность можно только по документам если есть ссылка на источник. Информацию с Русской Википедии просто так не примут в Английскую без источника. Также, эта информация ни как ни идёт с "Early years", только с "Geneology." Желаю удачи! Если есть вопросы, обращайтесь пожалуйста. USchick (talk) 19:54, 21 March 2011 (UTC)
- Большое спасибо, USchick — этот Ваш перевод уже пошёл в Википедию-en; и Мария-Юлия его приняла. Самые наилучшие пожелания! --Vles1 (talk) 19:28, 5 June 2011 (UTC)
Privet Vles! I saw your recent changes on the article on Ukraine.. We should really keep the article as concise as possible without going into any further details, which would be left to the respective main articles (for the section I am referring to, main article Politics of Ukraine). In my opinion, the article is as long as it already is, and should be trimmed down. Sure there should be a mention of the reversal of the Constitutional Court decision of 2004 and the more authoritarian style of the V. Yanukovych presidency.. but all of that should come with citations and references of course.
Most readers coming to read about the country don't need to go into further details (like the PACE rulings on Ukraine, etc.) which are not vital to the main topic. They just need a brief but detailed overview that would intrigue them into reading further into the topic, which is why I say we should migrate all of this information to the respective main articles. What do you say? 02:20, 2 May 2011 (UTC)
- Hello ddima! Поскольку для вас русский язык — родной, с удовольствием отвечу по-русски.
- Коротко скажу : Такие же комментарии по статье "Украина" я месяц назад - включил в Википедию-ру (там немного подробнее). Я не планирую расширять раздел "Конституция" в статье "Украина"; а те 5 предложений которые я записал - это ведь "кратко". Ведь тема о "Конституции Украины" — это обязательная тема статьи "Украина".
- Относительно "важности темы Конституции" то — "главная интрига в политике Украины 2003-2011" это "изменение Конституции в 2003-2004, в 2010" — в обоих случаях по инициативе "команды Януковича-Кучмы" (в 2004 году Янукович боялся "прихода президента Ющенко", но тогда изменяли "по правилам"); а 30.9.2010 Янукович просто "отменил Конституцию, которая действовала 6 лет" — незаконным решением Конституционного Суда. Такого нет ни в Европе,ни в США где Конституции 200 лет!!
- Также «Freedom House» указывает, что «способ формирования пропрезидентского большинства в Верховной Раде прошлого года выходил за рамки Конституции»,«При Януковиче Украина двигается к авторитаризму, — Freedom House». За первый год президентства Виктора Януковича Украина стала менее демократичной и продолжает двигаться к авторитаризму. Об этом говорится в отчете американской неправительственной организации Freedom House «О состоянии демократии и прав человека в Украине», сообщает Kyiv Post, 27.4.2011 Freedom House: в Украине ухудшается ситуация со свободой слова; 2.5.2011.
- И это не просто "авторитарный стиль Януковича" — это откровенная "узурпация власти"; и уже сейчас "рейтинг Януковича и его Партии регионов" упал вдвое (за год его правления!!) и составляет (по данным всех агенств) 13.9% — 16% "от общего числа избирателей".„Рейтинг Партии Регионов продолжает падать“. Если бы выборы в Верховную Раду состоялись в следующее воскресенье, Партию регионов поддержали бы 13,9 % граждан, сообщает Киевский международный институт социологии, 27.4.2011. Это гораздо меньше,чем "у Лукашенко в Белоруси", или "у Путина в России" — поэтому Янукович никак не сможет "удержаться при власти "законными методами"". Янукович уже является "большой проблемой ЕвроСоюза,который поддерживал Януковича в 2010 году — с подачи Ющенко".
- В итоге : упоминание о "отмене Конституции-2004" решением Конст. Суда — это очень важная часть статьи (без этого — теряется информация о "реальном состоянии дел в Украине"). Упоминание о позиции "Парламентской асамблеи Совета Европы" и "Венецианской комиссии" - это подтверждение того, что Запад-Европа понимает "важность темы". Ссылки на источники — обязательно добавлю.--Vles1 (talk) 17:02, 2 May 2011 (UTC)
- Более широко скажу,что я несколько раз включал "информацию из Википедии-анг" в "Википедию-рус и Викпедию-укр". Но я бы хотел наладить — обратный путь; чтобы в Википедию-английскую перенести данные "из Википедии-рус,и Википедии-украинской". В частности :
- — по статье "Юлия Тимошенко" — по "происхождению Тимошенко; первом рабочем месте; по делу ЕЕСУ; по конфликту Тимошенко и Ющенко; по результатам деятельности её правительства (результаты были такими : зарплаты-пенсии в долларовом исчислении за 5 лет увеличены в 4 раза).
- — по статье "Коалициада на Украине (2006)"; статье "Фирташ"; и некоторых других.
- Не найдётся ли желающих в Википедии-англ — сотрудничать именно по статьям о "текущей политике в Украине 2000-2011 годов"? --Vles1 (talk) 17:02, 2 May 2011 (UTC)
- Ещё более широко скажу,что — в статье "Украина" — "самая главная информация за последний год" это то, что в Украине — оформляется "узурпаторский режим Януковича":
- 1) Подтасованные "президентские выборы-2010" (при полном содействии Ющенко, рейтинг которого сейчас в Украине 1%-2%); в "судебном иске Тимошенко" (февраль 2010) было записано:
- — проголосовало "300 тыс. избирателей,которых не было в Государственном реестре избирателей";
- — проголосовало 1.3 млн. "на дому, без медицинской справки" — там нередко оказывалось давление на избирателя; или "вброс бюллетеней";
- — при пробных перерасчётах в Крыму и в Луганской области (Донбасс) — около 5%-10% было фальсификаций в пользу Януковича. Но суд отказался произвести "перерасчёт в Крыму, Донбассе";
- — усилиями Ющенко-Януковича — за три дня до "голосования во втором туре" был принят новый "Закон о выборах президента", который фактически делал невозможным "рассмотрение дел о выборах в суде";
- — по всей стране — висели все "бигборды-агитация Януковича" (и в день выборов, и перед днём выборов — в субботу; и после выборов - ещё месяц), но была снята "вся агитация Тимошенко" (по закону агитация всех кандидатов - должна была быть снята вечером в пятницу, ибо суббота это "день тишины перед выборами").
- 2) Вторая узурпация — Парламент Украины был выбран в марте-2007 (и победили БЮТ-НУНС, блоки Тимошенко-Ющенко),но в марте-2010 — новый "президент Янукович" согнал в незаконную (противоречащю Конституции-2004) "перебежчиков из БЮТ-НУНС" (в прессе было много сообщений, что подкупали - по три миллиона долларов на депутата) — и создал "незаконное парламентское большинство из перебежчиков"; и незаконный Кабинет Министров.
- 3) И вот осенью-2010 (30.9.2010) Янукович "отменил Конституцию-2004" — именно для того,чтобы убрать из Конституционного Суда "иск Тимошенко" о "неконституционности КабМина Азарова"; и о перевыборах в Парламент (которых Янукович не хочет). Вот такой "политический фон" событий вокруг Конституции. --Vles1 (talk) 17:02, 2 May 2011 (UTC)
- Hi, sorry for getting back kinda late. Hope you don't mind but I will stick to English on this wiki, have no ru-keyboard on my computer.. I agree that these changes Yanuk government did are important and should be mentioned, but the section should be tidied up a bit to to make it sound more encyclopedic if you know what I mean.. I don't feel the need to include a gallery of former presidents, they are formers and don't all merit inclusion of their mugs in the article! I'll try to work out some changes and find some refs to back up what is said.. listed as a good article it needs to have lots of citations for what is mentioned.. 19:35, 7 May 2011 (UTC)
- Добрый день! Конечно, отвечайте по-английски, я прекрасно понимаю. 1) Безусловно, я не против "to make it sound more encyclopedic", но, пожалуйста, не изменяйте смысл. 2) Относительно удаления "галереи трёх президентов" — то Украина это не США (где "отцы основатели США" жили 200 лет назад) — в Украине "отцы-основатели Украины" это : Кравчук "провозгласил независимость Украины" ("украинский Вашингтон"); Кучма "принял Конституцию"; Ющенко "принёс демократию в Украину (хотя в 2006-2010 попал в коррупционные схемы Фирташа-Януковича)". Эти "три президента" сделали для Украины больше, чем "Янукович, который правит лишь один год; и упал до рейтинга 14%-16%"!!
- В предыдущей версии раздела "Politics" — было представлено "фото одного Януковича" с подписью "президент Украины" (без указания, что он президент лишь "с 2010 года"!!), так вроде бы он "единственный Президент Украины"; но "за первый год правления Януковича" он оценён негативно во всём мире (особенно ясно высказалась "Государственный Секретарь Хиллари Клинтон" : "За прошедший 2010 год — все демократические достижения Украины — анулировались"); а в Украине "рейтинг Януковича" стал за год 14%-16%. Поэтому конечно — надо давать "фото Кравчука, Кучмы, Ющенко", которые были президентами "5-10 лет, против одного года Януковича"; не отменяли Конституцию как Янукович; и не были "столь конфликтными фигурами" как Янукович, который за "один год" упал до рейтинга 14%-16%. --Vles1 (talk) 01:34, 11 May 2011 (UTC)
- Если вопрос в "экономии места"; то лучше — оставить фото "трёх президентов", а выбросить некоторые фразы из следующего раздела "Courts and law enforcement" :
- 1) "The Supreme Court is regarded as being an independent and impartial body, and has on several occasions ruled against the Ukrainian government". — Эта оценка устарела; ведь Янукович уже подмял "The Supreme Court" тем, что создал "несколько судов, которые "дублируют и отстраняют от работы" Верховный Суд (The Supreme Court)" — например вопросы "президентских выборов-2010" рассматривал "Высший хозяйственный Суд" (а не "Верховный Суд").
- 2) "On March 24, 2010 President Viktor Yanukovych formed an expert group to make recommendations how to "clean up the current mess and adopt a law on court organization”.[102] One day after setting this commission Yanukovych stated “We can no longer disgrace our country with such a court system". — В декабре-2010 "правительство США" официально отметило, что в Украине "не допустимо применять "избирательное правосудие лишь к оппозиции" (то есть судят только оппозицию, а власть совершает любые коррупционные действия, например Януковичк передал Фирташу-РосУкрЭнерго — газа на 4.5 млрд. долларов)". "Все демократические неправительственные организации мира" понизили рейтинги Украины "за год правления Януковича"; ясно высказалась "Государственный Секретарь Хиллари Клинтон" (месяц назад) : "За прошедший год — все демократические достижения Украины — анулировались". Поэтому несколько устарела информация о том, что Янукович якобы хочет "провести прогрессивную реформу суда" — мировая пресса говорит о противоположном. --Vles1 (talk) 01:34, 11 May 2011 (UTC)
Hey, What suP!! bro..!!
[edit]Dear Bro,
I really like your profile, these days I am working on UKRAINE projects as well I really love this country now, researching on Ukraine for past 1 month now do you like to be my friend and can we start any new project on Ukraine If you need any of my help, I am always available to help you with that, very pleasure talking have a bless day a head.
Best Regards,--Faizanalivarya (talk) 03:51, 5 May 2011 (UTC)
- Dear Bro. Hi, I'm sorry, that did not respond immediately.
- I have prepared a template to work in projects "Ukraine." If interested — let's work. I am writing about contemporary politics of Ukraine. In modern politics in Ukraine — the main themes of a few:
- 1) President Viktor Yushchenko has betrayed the "Orange Revolution" (in 2006, and 2010). Yushchenko fell into the "corrupt schemes billionaire Firtash", and together with Firtash (and Yanukovych), privatized "all the sea coast and shelf of Ukraine" (there's a lot of oil and gas). And now they want to buy "all the land of Ukraine" (Ukraine the breadbasket of the former Soviet Union and around the world).
- 2) Against these traitors and Yanukovych - is struggling Tymoshenko and Lutsenko (ex-minister of police, now in jail on fabricated the case).
- 3) Any so-called "patriots" (ex-Defense Minister Anatoliy Hrytsenko; Viacheslav Kirilenko; Tyagnibok; Yatsenyuk) were on the side of Yanukovych — call them the nickname "against all's".
- 4) For the 2010 — 50% more expensive food and rent; Yanukovych openly stealing billions of dollars. For 2010 — the rating of Yanukovych fell by half (this data is all social scientists). Yanukovich (and oligarchs) is dominated by television. In October, 2010 — Viktor Yanukovych of illegally revoked the Constitution of Ukraine-2004, and appropriated the "full power in Ukraine".
- 5) The majority of the population perceives as a betrayal of everything that happens. The U.S. and Europe - since December 2010 has finally moved away from support for Yanukovych; and they began to strongly support Tymoshenko (but not sever relations with Mr Yanukovych).
- This is a brief account of "the political situation in Ukraine".
- To get started:
- 1) Translate the article "Orange Revolution" (from the Wikipedia-Russia) — and fill translation links from the "U.S. and European media".
- 2) Find the file "Wikileaks about Ukraine" (in English language).
- 3) Find the file "Wikileaks about Ukraine" — a reference to Anatoliy Hrytsenko or "Anatoly Grytsenko, Gritsenko" (especially March 2006), Dmitry Firtash (especially December 2008 and 2009) — are friends of Yushchenko's; are chief traitors, who joined Yushchenko and Yanukovych. Less interesting — files about Yushchenko and Yanukovych.
- Best Regards, --Vles1 (talk) 19:24, 5 June 2011 (UTC)
Please only post comments in English
[edit] I noticed that you have posted comments in a language other than English. When on the English-language Wikipedia, please always use English, no matter to whom you address your comments. This is so that comments may be comprehensible to the community at large. If the use of another language is unavoidable, please provide a translation of the comments. For more details, see Wikipedia:Talk page guidelines. Thank you. --Cailil talk 13:47, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
- Yes. --Vles1 (talk) 21:17, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Please be more careful in the futher
[edit]This edit of yours indicated you either have a very bad numeral insight, a poor grasp of English or a desire to misinform wikipedia readers. As far as I know 3 ministers + the Prime Minister of the second Tymoshenko Government have been prosecuted... A dozen is 12; how can 4 people be equal to 12 people? Please be more careful in the futher. Use the talkpage if you are not sure how to write something. Also these kind of allegations need proper references.
— Yulia Romero • Talk to me! 14:44, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
"As far as I know 3 ministers + the Prime Minister" — see above article "Criminal case against Tymoshenko's allies since 2010" :
Starting from May 2010, a number of criminal cases were opened against Tymoshenko. Also opened criminal cases against ministers and officials from the Government of Tymoshenko (and dozens of other supporters Tymoshenko) :
1) Prime Minister — Tymoshenko.
2) Minister of Police — Lutsenko.
3) Minister of Defence — Ivashchenko.
4) Minister of Finance — Danylyshyn.
5) Minister of Natural Resources — Filipchuk.
6) Deputy Minister of Justice — Korneichuk.
7) Head of Customs of Ukraine — Makarenko.
8) Head of the regional customs — Shepitko.
9-10) Head of the State Treasury of Ukraine — Slyuz; Deputy head — Gritsoun.
11) Deputy head of "Naftogaz" (State monopoly in the trade in oil and gas) — Didenko.
12) Governor of Dnipropetrovsk region (former Minister of Transport and Communications) — Bondar.
Repeatedly called in for questioning in order to open a criminal case, but it did not open :
13) Minister and former mayor of Lviv — Kuybida.
14) First Deputy Prime Minister — Turchynov.
15-20) Imprisoned mayors of several cities (Novomoskovsk, Kremenchug, etc.).
21-30) Several MPs of BYuT emerged from Tymoshenko — in the prison wanted to put their relatives (the head of the Kiev organization — Semynoga; the head of "Prosvita" — Pavlo Movchan; ets.) --Vles1 (talk) 22:55, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
- I see; sorry. I did not know about the imprisonment of mayors of several cities. Where can I find that info on the internet? — Yulia Romero • Talk to me! 02:42, 12 October 2011 (UTC)
1) Yesterday, this article ("Criminal case against Tymoshenko's allies since 2010") was removed from Wikipedia-Russian, and try to delete the article "Criminal cases against Tymoshenko under President Yanukovych (Criminal cases against Yulia Tymoshenko since 2010)". Both articles lasted 5 months. I am fighting for them.
I will translate these articles to Wikipedia-Ukrainian (there is less political censorship than in Wikipedia-Russia).
I ask you to translate both of these articles for Wikipedia-English (at least in very abbreviated form, at least for a few pages).
2) And more. From the article "Tymoshenko" removed the details from the "Genealogy" (Sniatyn; Kapitelman; Grigan grandfather), these details should be restored to its original form. It is very important. For 5 years - politicians of all stripes (and deputy head of the Jewish Congress Chervonenko, and nationalist Tyagnibok; Yushchenko, Yanukovych, Yatseniuk) practiced in the bullshit about the genealogy of Tymoshenko. It is therefore imperative that this issue was described in detail (Kapitelman, Grigan, Sniatyn) in the main article, "Timoshenko" (not only in the article "Genealogy").
3) The mayors. Mayors were arrested before the local elections (August-October 2010). Press reported that in small towns (100 thousand) has been arrested 10 mayors. Yanukovych adopted a law that mayoral candidate must nominate the party (party only). Therefore, the "Party of Regions," pressed the mayors that they have entered into "the Party of Regions", in Dissent - initiating a criminal case. I have not written on this subject. Part of Mayors, was arrested for accepting bribes (including the Crimea), but most were arrested for political reasons. They were "arrested under mayoral elections-2010".
But "criminal cases by the mayors'" is minor compared to what Yanukovych unconstitutionally seized power in Parliament; unconstitutionally created government Azarov, and anti-constitutionally abolished the Constitution of Ukraine, who has acted in 6 years (2004-2010!). Protested only Tymoshenko, but silent: Yushchenko, Yatseniuk, Tyagnibok.
— If you have a desire — I ask you to translate both of these articles for Wikipedia-English (at least for few pages) : "Criminal case against Tymoshenko's allies since 2010"; "Criminal cases against Tymoshenko under President Yanukovych (Criminal cases against Yulia Tymoshenko since 2010)".
— Please, return the "Sniatyn; Kapitelman; grandfather Grigan" to article "Tymoshenko".
— About the mayors, I will write an article in Wikipedia-Ukrainian, but later.
Good luck! --Vles1 (talk) 19:52, 12 October 2011 (UTC)
- I just don't see way this "Kapitelman info" is so important to the Yulia Tymoshenko article; in my view he did not have any impact on her life.... Sorry I do not have much desire to create the articles you mentioned. First of all I think I soon will stay away of wikipedia for a while and secondly I am much more interested in (starting articles about) Yuriy Boiko and Serhiy Lyovochkin (are these 2 behind the court case of Tymoshenko?), Viktor Baloha and expanding the article about Oleksandr Yaroslavsky. Are you sure there are not also some Party of Regions mayors arrested in connection with corruption? This should also be mentioned in a article about those mayors. — Yulia Romero • Talk to me! 21:32, 14 October 2011 (UTC)
1) It is important that the great-grandfather Grigan - sitting in Stalin's camps 10 years.
2) It is important that Kapitelman killed in the war.
— Boyko, Firtash - the founders of the corruption scheme RosUkEnergo. Last week awarded them both the head of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill.
— Lyovochkin - also in RosUkrEnergo. Boyko, Lyovochkin - it's coming people Yanukovich, Ukraine's largest corrupt (they stole 4 billion dollars through a scheme of RosUkrEnergo in 2010-2011).
— Yaroslavsky - neutral in politics, does not manifest itself.
— Baloga is always smiling and always betrays; scoundrel, the organizer of betrayals Yushchenko, rating 0%. In 2009, Baloga free privatized (ie stolen) medieval Mukachevo Castle (Uzhgorod region) with the consent of Yushchenko. The first defected to Yanukovych, now works minister, rarely speaks in public, smiling less.
Articles about Boiko, Lyovochkin, Yaroslavsky - are of little interest to readers of Wikipedia. A theme of "The criminal cases against Tymoshenko supporters since 2010" - this topic to discuss the Governments of all countries of the West for six months. After all, even you were surprised that so many ministers in jail, but it is very important information about Ukraine. --Vles1 (talk) 13:34, 15 October 2011 (UTC)
- Well I am not always interested in what is interesting for others
. Good luck editing on all Wikipedia's and thanks for the information. — Yulia Romero • Talk to me! 21:15, 19 October 2011 (UTC)
In case you will start the article Criminal cases against Yulia Tymoshenko since 2010 you can use this article for that. — Yulia Romero • Talk to me! 15:16, 20 October 2011 (UTC)
- Hi!
- Of course, I'll write about Yushchenko in the article Criminal cases against Yulia Tymoshenko since 2010. But even his own party "Our Ukraine" against him (in a criminal case of Timoshenko). Yushchenko is completely discredited.
- And Taras Chornovil (son of Vyacheslav Chornovil, on Radio Liberty) called Yushchenko's "nasty villain" and a criminal offender, who created the "crisis of RosUkrEnergo, which was his manger"; corrupt RosUkrEnergo is a "purse from which Yushchenko took the money". Query in Google : "радио Свобода, Чорновол, Ющенко".
- See also the assessment of the "Moscow Times" (19 October 2011), article "Tymoshenko Is No Khodorkovsky, will become the country’s next president". This is also a correct assessment.
- Now written for Wikipedia an article about "United Energy Systems of Ukraine", and Colonel-General Georgy Oleynik - and even I am surprised that the stories about crime Tymoshenko (in 1995-2001), is almost a complete lie and a black PR. All criminal cases closed long ago (2002-2005), all the suspects have long justified "because of lack of evidence" — and it's written enemies Tymoshenko. --Vles1 (talk) 13:59, 23 October 2011 (UTC)
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- of the President of Ukraine 17 January 2010], [[Central Election Commission of Ukraine]]</ref>) have been accused of trying to create a "controlled democracy" in Ukraine and as a means to this
- jpg| thumb|255px|Meeting Tymoshenko and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Kyiv), 2.6.2010)]]
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- Criminal cases against supporters of Yulia Tymoshenko (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver)
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- added a link pointing to Solidarism
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- Solidarism — (Russian language) Tymoshenko bloc elected (at the Party Congress) as its ideology solidarism. December 8, 2005.--Vles1 (talk) 12:26, 8 November 2013 (UTC)
- Not Bill Miller, but William Green Miller!--Vles1 (talk) 12:39, 8 November 2013 (UTC)
- PACE = Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe--Vles1 (talk) 12:41, 8 November 2013 (UTC)
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