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Abram Alikhanov



Ioffe, B. L. [in Russian] (2018). Atom Projects: Events and People. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific. ISBN 9789813146020.

Leadership of the scientific program was another issue. Although a senior physicist like Ioffe, Kapitsa, or Semenov might have seemed a logical choice, Stalin vetoed the idea. Stalin decided that a younger man, for whom the project would become "the main cause of his life," would be preferable. Other factors probably played a role in his decision. The selection of a senior physicist like Ioffe or Kapitsa would have made the program more visible to foreign intelligence agencies, exposing the Soviet program to discovery just as the lack of scientific papers had disclosed the existence of an American and British program. These senior Soviet scientists were well known in the Western physics community and their sudden disappearance into the secret world of weapons research would eventually become known. In addition, few of the senior physicists had shown any particular enthusiasm for the project. Nor could their services be wasted on a project that might eventually turn out to be an impractical pipe dream.
Ioffe suggested that Kurchatov and Abram I. Alikhanov be considered to head the project. Alikhanov was another of Ioffe's students at the Leningrad Physics Technology Institute before the war. running one of the labs next to Kurchatov's.26 In October 1942, Alikhanov was ordered to report to Mos- cow from his scientific work in Armenia and Kurchatov was ordered back from Gorkiy, where he was involved in a new project to develop advanced tank armor. Both of the young physicists were interviewed by Kaftanov.27 
Stalin selected Kurchatov to head the new program late in 1942 and Kurchatov accepted. Stalin's selection of Kurchatov over Alikhanov may have been due to the fact that Kurchatov was an ethnic Russian while Alikhanov was not. Stalin was becoming increasingly suspicious of the loyalty of the Soviet Union's non-Russian ethnic groups in his later years and eventually regarded them as security risks in top defense posts. 
The relatively low priority afforded the uranium bomb program can be gauged by Kurchatov's activities. Although he was supposed to take up his new post in Moscow in January 1943, the navy still insisted he complete his work on the antimine degaussing system with a trip to the distant arctic navy base in Murmansk. The GKO confirmed Kurchatov's appointment in March 1943, but it wasn't until September that he was made a full member of the presti- gious Academy of Sciences. The center of the uranium bomb research was a new organization in Moscow, code-named "Laboratory No. 2." Laboratory No. 2 was given space in the old Seismological Institute on Pyzhevskiy Lane, which had been evacuated in 1941 when there had been concern that the capital would be overrun by the Germans.[1]
The team at Laboratory No. 2 in Moscow was very small. By the end of 1943, there were about fifty people on the staff, including only about twenty scientists. Kurchatov organized the work into three main areas. First, Laboratory No. 2 would have to prove the feasibility of a chain reaction by constructing an experimental "boiler," the contemporary name for a nuclear reactor. 29 One team, headed by Kurchatov himself, would develop a graphitemoderated boiler while another team under Abram Alikhanov developed a heavy-water-moderated boiler. The second aspect of the program would be the development of techniques to extract uranium from uranium ore, especially the U-235 isotope. Three different techniques were to be studied by three different teams. Issak K. Kikoin's team would examine gaseous diffusion, 30 Lev Artsimovich's team would study electromagnetic separation,31 and Anatoliy Aleksandrov would study thermal diffusion separation. 32[2]

Abram Isaakovich Alikhanov (1904-1970). Highly regarded physicist who was considered for leadership of the Soviet atomic bomb program in 1943 in competition with Kurchatov. Developed the TVR heavy-water-moderated reactor at Laboratory No. 3 in Moscow, which first went into operation in 1949.[3]


Академик А. И. Алиханов: воспоминания, письма, документы [Academician A. I. Alikhanov: Memories, Letters, Documents] (in Russian). Moscow: Fizmatlit. 2004. ISBN 5-9221-0478-0.


https://archive.ph/FM65y 1955 թ. Ատոմային էներգիայի խաղաղ օգտագործմանը նվիրված առաջին միջազգային կոնֆերանսի մասնակից (Շվեյցարիա): 1958 թ. Գործուղվել է Չեխոսլովակիա` գիտական նպատակով: 1962 թ. Գործուղվել է Շվեյցարիա` գիտական նպատակով: 1963 թ. Գործուղվել է Հարավսլավիա` գիտական նպատակով: .......



Asatryan, H. M.; Hambardzumyan, T. G. (October 2009). "Artem Isaak Alikhanian (1908–1978) (Biographic Sketch)". Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 44 (5). Armenian Academy of Sciences: 209–216. doi:10.3103/S1068337209050016.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram_Alikhanov#cite_note-39 Atom Projects: Events And People - Page 126 Boris Lazarevich Ioffe · 2017 // In his fight against this turn of events, Alikhanov had a heart attack — right in the office of Petrosiants, the chairman of the Committee on Atomic Energy. Unfortunately, Alikhanov also made mistakes. The main one — also the saddest [PDF downloaded]



Russia - Issue 4 - Page 87 books.google.am › books

1981 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions For exam-ple , thanks to Piotr Kapitsa , Lev Landau was released from prison . The late Academician Alikhanov kept his Jewish deputy director even after the latter was accused of being a " ruthless cosmopolitan " ( being Jewish ) ...

Daily Report, Foreign Radio Broadcasts - Issues 2-3 - Page 5 United States. Central Intelligence Agency · 1962 Professor Alikhanov : The physics of high energies , or as it is also called , the physics of elementary particles , currently represents the most important physics field

https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/121630 The cyclotron is a new instrument, which has been already deployed in America, used for researching the nuclear atom. The first attempt to reverse engineer the cyclotron was made at the Leningrad Radium Institute. The cyclotron is working now, but it is very flawed and it is much worse than the American cyclotrons. Taking into account the experience of the Radium Institute, the Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology (professors Alikhanov and Kurchatov) developed the new type of cyclotron, which was considered by the commission under my leadership.

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1019331608060075 His scientific achievements: On the centenary of the birth of corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences A.I. Alikhan’yan

How politics influenced the creation of the first Soviet computers S Prokhorov - 2021 7th IEEE History of Electrotechnology …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org … an academician. His colleagues voted for another physicist, Abram Alikhanov, founder of the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics.

15. IGOR KURCHATOV DEVELOPS SOVIET NUCLEAR WEAPONS SF Wells - Fearing the Worst, 2019 - degruyter.com … and in 1946 Boris was the first to separate plutonium from irradiated uranium using the newly completed cyclotron.25 Gaining the full cooperation of Abram Alikhanov involved

The Influence of Scientists on Nuclear Policy JL Roberg - Soviet Science under Control, 1998 - Springer … After the test, apparently irritated by Kurchatov's increased authority, Beria asked Abram Alikhanov if he would take over Kurchatov's position.45 Alikhanov refused the offer

Ten Years in Armenia RK Zeytounian - Five Decades of Tackling Models for Stiff Fluid …, 2014 - Springer … in the constellation of mathematicians in the former Soviet Union, an Armenian prodigy (just as the astrophysicist Victor Ambartsoumian and the brothers Abram Alikhanov and Artemi

Stalin and the atomic bomb ZA Medvedev - … -RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES C/C …, 2002 - spokesmanbooks.com … Abram Izaakovich Alikhanov and Yulii Borisovich Khariton were called separately for consultations in Moscow that autumn. Alikhanov was the most brilliant physicist in this group

Early years of Soviet nuclear physics PR Josephson - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1987 - Taylor & Francis … West. Abram I. Alikhanov and Kurchatov tried to build a "baby" cyclotron in Leningrad modeled after that of Law- rence and

AF loffe and IV Kurchatov YB Khariton - Soviet Physics Uspekhi, 1983 - iopscience.iop.org … Abram Feodorovich considered that Igor' Vasil'evich was no weaker than Alikhanov, al- though some people thought that Alikhanov achieved greater results

Scientists' contribution to the Great Victory in WWII on the example of the Leningrad (now AF Ioffe) Physical Technical Institute AG Zabrodskii - Physics-Uspekhi, 2013 - ufn.ru … The credit for this belongs to one of its founders Ð Abram Fedorovich Ioffe Ð who led … The request was signed by A Ioffe, I Kurchatov, A Alikhanov, D Skobeltsyn, L Artsimovich, A Alikhan

The Challenges of Nuclear Non-Proliferation - Page 33 Richard Dean Burns, ‎Hon. Philip E. Coyle, III · 2015 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions Smith later wrote, “I had to tell him that Molotov had been better briefed on the technology than American leaders. ... Displaying serious misgivings about Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program, Igor V. Kurchatov, Abram I. Alikhanov

USSR Science - Page 42 USSR Today · 1973 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions Nuclear physics was recognized as a major direction of research . Soviet scientists Sergei Vavilov , Abram loffe , Dmitri Skobeltsyn , Igor Kurchatov , Abram Alikhanov and others made a tangible contribution to the theory of elementary

"Алиханов Абрам Исаакович". itep.ru (in Russian). Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics. Archived from the original on 19 February 2020.





А. И. Алиханов и развитие исследований по ядерной физике в Ленинградском физико-техническом институте 1984

Академик Абрам Исаакович Алиханов (К 80-летию со дня рождения)



Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. В номинации «Лучший полнометражный документальный фильм» победила работа армянского режиссера Армена Петросяна «Абрам Алиханов. Музыка космических ливней». Игорь Угольников вместе с директором Музея Победы Александром Школьником присудили приз президента фестиваля фильму «Хронос». Приз зрительских симпатий достался фильму «Казахи против пришельцев». [4]

https://newslab.ru/tv/180815 В фильме участвуют: Армен Саркисян, четвертый президент Армении; Юрий Оганесян, академик РАН; Анатолий Петрухин, профессор МИФИ; Андрей Скляров, физик; Микаэл Довлатян, кинорежиссер; Тигран Алиханов, сын А.И. Алиханова, профессор Московской консерватории.

https://space-fest.ru/tproduct/557681306-930900816791-abram-alihanov-muzika-kosmicheskih-livne Армения, док., 2020, 41 мин., цв., mp4, 1:1.78, на русском языке, 12+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgkWnJY1b9Q

Selected publications


A new type of artificial β-radioactivity; Nature 1934 https://www.nature.com/articles/133871b0

https://www.nature.com/articles/133950b0 Energy Spectrum of Positive Electrons ejected by Radioactive Nitrogen

https://www.nature.com/articles/134254c0 Limits of the Energy Spectra of Positrons and Electrons from Artificial Radio-Elements

Positive electrons from lead ejected by γ- rays: Nature. - 1934. - Vol. 134, № 3363

Alikhanov A., Beta - ray spectra of artificially produced radioactive elements: Nature. - 1935. - Vol. 136, № 3433. - P. 257-258. Alikhanov A., β - spectra of some radioactive elements: Nature. - 1935. - Vol. 135, № 3410. - P. 393.

Alikhanov A., Emission of positrons from radioactive sources: Nature. - 1935. - Vol. 136, № 3444. - P. 719-720. Alikhanov A., Emission of positrons from a thorium-active deposit: Nature. - 1935. - Vol. 136, № 3438. - P. 475-476. Alikhanov A., Conservation of momentum in the process of positron annihilation: Nature. - 1936. - Vol. 137, № 3469. - P. 713-714. Alikhanov A., The continuous spectra of RaE and RaP³°: Nature. - 1936. - Vol. 137, № 3460. - P. 314-315.

  1. ^ Zaloga 1993, pp. 15–16.
  2. ^ Zaloga 1993, pp. 16–17.
  3. ^ Zaloga 1993, p. 243.
  4. ^ "IV Международный кинофестиваль «Циолковский». Закрытие [IV International Film Festival "Tsiolkovsky". closure]". gmik.ru (in Russian). Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. 17 April 2023. Archived from the original on 10 August 2023. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; 7 June 2023 suggested (help)