 | This user wants to be your friend. |
 | This user owns one or more dogs. |
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 | This user is a WWE fan. |
 | Éireannach This user is Irish. |
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 | This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference. |
Nin-3 | This user's favorite Nintendo character is Luigi. |
BB | This user contributes using a broadband connection. |
 | This user is a child at heart. They might have grown older, but they'll never grow up. |
 | This user has an iPod. |
 | This user prefers the Wii. |
N | This user is a loyal fan of Nintendo hardware and software, and as one, prefers Nintendo consoles over non-Nintendo consoles. |
This user is a Jedi.
ubx-5 | This user uses entirely too many userboxes. |
Hello. My name is Jenn. I'm 22 and from Baltimore County, Maryland. I am a fan of professional wrestling and love all types of music. I suffer from selective mutism and tend to procrastinate alot. I have a habit of just browsing around random Wikipedia pages and correcting stuff. I'm not one to stay in one fandom as I did in the past.
Professional Wrestling
I started watching around the age of 12 and have been addicted ever since. My first favorite, who will always be my favorite, was The Rock. He has moved on to become my favorite actor as well. My favorite Diva changed a couple times. First it was Stephanie McMahon, then Lita on-and-off with Stephanie, followed by Stacy Keibler after her debut and finally Mickie James after Stacy left for Dancing with the Stars (and Lita retired). I'm still bitter over the end of Super Stacy, which was my favorite gimmick ever. I just hope I'm still not bitter ten years from now.
I mostly just watch WWE and TNA's programming (excluding the Pay Per Views, not counting WrestleMania), but I try to watch other things. However, since ECW replaced Velocity, it seems like I get burnt out on wrestling easier.
I first saw Episode IV back in elementary school, for reasons I don't remember. I decided to check out Episode V and Episode VI and could not stop watching all three for the whole summer. A few years later I read a couple (two) Expanded Universe books in middle school, but can't remember either for the life of me. Episodes I & II came and went without too much excitement, but I watched Episode III a good dozen times after it's release because of one thing. Darth Vader.
I've never been a big fan of the games, but I loved TIE Fighter. I have also played Episode I Racer and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but never outside of multi-player mode in the latter.
I watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers since it's creation until it's demise. I continued on with Power Rangers: Zeo followed by Power Rangers: Turbo. I would have stopped watching halfway through the season if it wasn't for my younger sister, who was a fan of the Justin Stewart character. Although, if it wasn't for that, I would have never seen the Power Rangers in Space season. After six seasons, I decided to stop watching. Not to mention Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy just seemed like crap after watching the first episode. Years later, September 2005 to be exact, ABC Family was airing Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie and I got nostalgic watching it. I decided to look up additional air times when I found out they aired old episodes weekday mornings. From January to August 2006, I watched the first five seasons every morning. I also looked up a couple episodes of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder, since Jason David Frank (aka Tommy Oliver) returned for that season. However, I couldn't really bare to watch anything that he was not in at the time. After ABC Family stopped the Jetix programming, I got desperate for Power Rangers on my TV. I found out that ABC aired Power Rangers: Mystic Force, but was hesitant to watch with my biased opinion on the originals and it being on at 5am. Then, during one of my nocturnal stints, I decided "what the hell" and turned it on. I didn't really catch on until a couple more episodes, but it turned out to be not that bad. I continued with Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive and have now caught up with every season that has been released, with Power Rangers: Time Force and Power Rangers: Ninja Storm being my favorites. However, Power Rangers: Zeo is still my favorite overall.
I was a fan of the short-lived show during it's original run on Fox. I watched it weekly for the most part, when they weren't screwing with the time slots. But I caught those during the re-run weeks. Awhile after it was canceled, I just forgot about it. Not completely, but it was pushed back in my mind. After finding out that Sci-Fi was airing the series, but at a time inconvenient for me, I decided to pick up both seasons on DVD. It's now regularly a fixture in my DVD player.
My Dark Angel obsession led me to another show, Bionic Woman. I watched the premiere, since I had nothing to watch on Wednesday nights, and I liked it. It had that hint of similarity to hook me, but was still completely different. After buying it on DVD, I began to like even more. Which, in turn, made me sad that it most likely will not come back with more episodes.
Here are just a few of the pages I have created.