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 India Welcome to my page! Glad you visited. I'm a beginner, still know better presentations. I want to learn new things and also create articles. Hope, my edits and changes don't bring about any scolding- from users or Wikipedia. Do help me in my works.

  • Created account on 10/05/2018. (Confirmed on 12/05/2019) - For 'Utkarsh Pandey' (former, blocked)
  • Created account on 21/09/2020. - For 'Utkarsh555' (current)

Note: Please do not change any of my personal opinions/informations mentioned in user boxes yourself. Doing so will invoke strict response. I am a Centralist-Right winger and do not appreciate being associated with a political party which I do not endorse at all. Please refrain from editing any such of my informations.