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Kamran Nayeri


Kamran Nayeri is a political economist and socialist activist and theorist. Born in Tehran, Iran, in 1950, he graduated from Hadaf high school in June 1968, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics and computer science at the University of Texas at Austin in January1974, and PhD. in economics with a focus in political economy, economic development and economic history at the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research in New York City in 1991.

Academic career


Researcher at the Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, Downstate Medical Center, State University of New York, from 1977-1978 and from 1982-1996. He worked as a part of research teams with conducting epidemiological cancer research especially in women and the Caribbean immigrant population in Brooklyn.[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] From 1983 to 1987, he taught courses and seminars in computer applications in medicine. From 1987, he taught and conducted research in political economy of health care, health care reform, and comparative health care system with a focus on Cuban health care system. He was a peer reviewer for the New York Journal of Medicine and Journal of Community Health, both edited by Pascal Imperato, M.D.

From 1998-2006 Nayeri served as Political Economist at the Survey Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, where he worked in teams conducting social welfare policy research.[9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] From 2006 to 2009, he worked at University of California Office of the President as Senior Analyst for graduate programs in University of California’s ten campuses providing annual reports for the deans.

Academic service


Nayeri was a member of Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE) and was elected for three terms to the editorial board of its journal, the Review of Radical Political Economics.

He was a Fellow at Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley, 2002-2003, and a Fellow at Institute for Food and Development Policy, Oakland, California, 2006-09.

Research on the Cuban revolution


A supporter of the Cuban revolution of 1959, Nayeri visited Cuba for research purposes ten times between 1994-2006. He is founding member of the University of California/Cuba Academic Initiative since 2003. Nayeri has written many articles on the Cuban revolution in academic and socialist publications.[18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]

Socialist activism and theoretical contributions


As a socialist since 1971, Nayeri participated in the 1979 Iranian revolution that overthrew the dictatorial regime of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (the Shah). He was a leader of the Iranian Trotskyist movement and a co-founder of Workers Unity Party (حزب وحدت کارگران) in Tehran in January 1981.

In 1977-78 he was on the staff of Payam-e Daneshjoo (Student’s Message), a magazine of Iranian Trotskyists in the United States. He was on the editorial board of Hemmat (Effort), the magazine of Workers’ Unity Party, 1981-1982.

Nayeri has written for numerous socialist journals and newspapers in the United States, Iran, and internationally.

From August 1982 Nayeri was an activist of the New York branch of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). He resigned in October 1992 due to degeneration of the leadership of the SWP.[30] [31] He has worked with multicurrent networks such as System Change Not Climate Change, an ecosocialist network, and Science for the People.

Ecocentric Socialism


As an ecosocialist since 2000, Nayeri has published and edited the blog Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism since 2009. Critical of the influence of modernism and nineteenth century philosophical materialism on Marx’s and Engels’ theory of society and history, historical materialism, Nayeri has developed Ecocentric Socialism (Nayeri 2023).[32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] Ecocentric Socialism is built on the basis of animistic ecological materialism consistent with scientific findings about what makes us human in biology, anthropology, and indigenous culture beginning with hunter-gatherers. Accordingly, he has argued that anthropocentric industrial capitalist civilization, not just capitalism as Marxists would have it, is responsible for the existential crises of the twenty first century: catastrophic climate change, the sixth extinction, recurrent pandemics, and nuclear holocaust.

Nayeri has participated in dozens of conferences as well as written dozens of articles and several books.


  • The Cat Man of Darby Road. 2022.
  • Whose Planet? Essay on Ecocentric Socialism. 2023.
  • Toward a Theory of Uneven and Combined Late Capitalist Development. 2023.


  1. ^ Nayeri, k. with Rachel. G. Fruchter, J. Boyce, W.S. Burnett. “Gynecological Cancer in Brooklyn.” New York State Journal of Medicine. vol. 88, September. 1988.
  2. ^ Nayeri, K. with Rachel G. Fruchter, J.C. Remy, C. Wright, J.G. Feldman, J. Boyce, W.S. Burnett. “Cervix and Breast Cancer incidence in Immigrant Caribbean Women.” American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 80, no. 6, June. 1990.
  3. ^ Nayeri, K. with P.J. Imperato. “Sources of Encouragement or Discouragement to Students as They Decided Whether to Enter Medical School.” Academic Medicine, vol. 66, no. 8, p. 495, August.1991.
  4. ^ Nayeri, K. Pitaro, G. Feldman, JG. “Marital status and stage at diagnosis in cancer.” New York State Journal of Medicine. vol. 92, no. 1, 1992.
  5. ^ Nayeri, K. with E.P. Pertschuk, J.G. Feldman, D.S. Kim, K.B. Eisenberg, A.C. Carter). “Steroid Hormone Receptor Immunohistochemistry and Amplification of C-myc Protooncogene relationship to Disease-Free Survival in Breast Cancer.”Cancer, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 162-171, January 1. 1993.
  6. ^ Nayeri, K. “Cuban Health Care System and Factors Currently Undermining It.” Journal of Community Health, vol. 20, no. 4, August. 1995.
  7. ^ Nayeri, K. Economic Boundaries of Health Policy: Factors Influencing 1993-94 Reform Proposals.” International Journal of Health Services. vol, 26, no. 4, December.1996.
  8. ^ Nayeri, K. “The World Economic and Social Situation: A Review Essay.” Review of Political Economy. vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 233-44.
  9. ^ Nayeri, K. with Jane G. Mauldon, Jeffrey Weinstein. “Tracking and Improving the Immunization of Preschool Children on Welfare in California.” Report for California Program on Access to Care (CPAC). 2003.
  10. ^ Nayeri, K. with Jane Mauldon, A. Powell, and C. King. “Assessing the Impact of Proposition 54 on Health Care Policy Research: Preliminary Findings.” California Program on Access to Care (CPAC) Briefing Papers, September.
  11. ^ Nayeri, K. with Jane Mauldon and Carlos Dobkin. “Welfare Leavers’ Use of Medicaid Transitional Medical Assistance in California 1993-1997.” Inquiry, vol. .” Inquiry, pp. 372-87. Winter.
  12. ^ Nayeri, K. with J. Hayes. “Assessing Screening Needs and Strategies for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention: A Report to the Childhood Lead Poisoning Branch, California Department of Health Services.” October.
  13. ^ Nayeri, K. with C. Lopez Pardo. “Economic Crisis and Access to Care: The Cuban Health Care System Since the Collapse of the Soviet Union.” International Journal of Health Services, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 797-816.
  14. ^ Nayeri, K. with Jane Mauldon and Sungman Cho. “Assessing the Impact of SB 87 on the Medi-Cal Enrollment of SSI Leavers and Welfare Leavers.” Report to California Program on Access to Care, California Policy Research Center.
  15. ^ Nayeri, K. “Socialism and the Market: Methodological Issues in Economic Calculations Debate,” Critique, December. 2004.
  16. ^ Nayeri, K. “Rationalization of the Sugar Industry in Cuba.” Negah, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2004. in Farsi.
  17. ^ Nayeri, K. “Perspectives on the Cuban Revolution: A Review Essay.” Review of Radical Political Economics. 2006.
  18. ^ Nayeri, K. “Problems and Progress of the Cuban Revolution: An Assessment.” Arash, Paris, no. 56, pp. 36-41. in Farsi. 2004.
  19. ^ Nayeri, K. “Workers and Trade Unions in Cuba: A Report from the 18th Congress of Central Organization of Cuban Workers.” Andisheh Jamehe (Social Thought), Tehran, Iran, no. 20, pp. 56-61. Tehran, Iran, Summer. 2001.
  20. ^ Nayeri, K. “Rationalization of the Sugar Industry in Cuba.” Negah, Stockholm, Sweden, June. in Farsi. 2003.
  21. ^ Nayeri, K. “Trade Unions and Labor Relations in Cuba—Part 1 & Part 2.” Negah, Stockholm, Sweden, December. In Farsi. 2004.
  22. ^ Nayeri, K. “"From a Dream to Reality: Notes from My Trips to Cuba." Farsi edition. Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siasi, in Farsi. January. 2024.
  23. ^ Nayeri, K. “"Revolutionary History Preceding the Cuban Revolution." Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siasi, in Farsi, February.2024.
  24. ^ Nayeri, K. “"Political Thoughts of Fidel Castro." Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siasi, in Farsi, March. 2024.
  25. ^ Nayeri, K. "Economic and Political Thoughts of Ernesto Che Guevara." Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siasi, in Farsi, April 2024. “
  26. ^ Nayeri, K. “"The Cuban Labor Movement: Looking from the Outside." Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siasi, in Farsi, June 2024.
  27. ^ Nayeri, K. “Cuba as My Cuban Friends Saw It." Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siasi, in Farsi, July 2024.
  28. ^ Nayeri, K. “The Systemic Crisis of the Cuban Economy and Society." Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siasi, in Farsi, August 2024.
  29. ^ Nayeri, K. "The Cuban Revolution and Other Socialist Revolutions of the Twentieth Century: A Reassessment." Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siasi, in Farsi, October 2024.
  30. ^ Sheppard, Barry. The Party: Socialist Workers Party: 1960-1988. Volume 1, 2005.
  31. ^ Nayeri, K. “Can the Vanguard Party Emancipate Humanity? A Review of The Party: Socialist Workers Party: 1960-1988.” Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. April 19, 2012.
  32. ^ Nayeri, K. “Economics, Socialism and Ecology: A Critical Outline, Part 1.” Philosophers for Change. July 2013.
  33. ^ Nayeri, K. “Economics, Socialism and Ecology: A Critical Outline, Part 2.” Philosophers for Change, October 2013.
  34. ^ Nayeri, K. "How Veganism Can Help Save the World." Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. June 12, 2014.
  35. ^ Nayeri, K. “On Michael Löwy’s Ecosocialism.” Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. June 6, 2015.
  36. ^ Nayeri, K. “An Ecological Socialist's Reflection on Edward O. Wilson's Sociobiology.”Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. October 16, 2015.
  37. ^ Nayeri, K. “On Jason W. Moore's ‘Capitalism in the Web of Life’.” Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. July 18.2016.
  38. ^ Nayeri, K. “Strategy and Tactics for the Climate Justice Movement: A Critique of 350.org “Break Free from Fossil Fuels” Campaign.” Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. March 31, 2017.
  39. ^ Nayeri, K. “How to Stop the Sixth Extinction: A Critical Assessment of E. O. Wilson’s Half-Earth.” Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. May 14, 2017.
  40. ^ Nayeri, K. “The Crisis of Civilization and How to Resolve It: An Introduction to Ecocentric Socialism.” Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. October 15, 2018.
  41. ^ Nayeri, K. “Culture and Nature in The Epic of Gilgamesh.” Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. November 22, 2018.
  42. ^ Nayeri, K. “Challenges Posed by the ‘Green New Deal’” Socialist Action. January 16, 2019.
  43. ^ Nayeri, K. “A Future for American Capitalism or The Future of Life on Earth? An Ecosocialist Critique of the ‘Green New Deal’.” Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. March 25, 2019.
  44. ^ Nayeri, K. "The Coronavirus Pandemic as the Crisis of Civilization." Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. March 19, 2020.
  45. ^ Nayeri, K. "On Degrowth," ) (Farsi Edition) Naghdeh Eghtesad-e Siasi. April 19, 2021.
  46. ^ Nayeri, K. "The Case for Ecocentric Socialism," Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism. July 4, 2021.