March 22, 2025
This user was born on February 16, 1946 .
ЯПЛ russ-5 This user has full understanding of the Russian alphabet - Ez a szerkesztő az orosz ábécét is használja
hhy-1 Այս անձը կարող է աշխատել միջին մակարդակի հինհայերեն լեզվով:
ΘΣΩ greek-5 This user has full understanding of the Greek alphabet - Ez a szerkesztő a görög ábécét is használja
უტლ kartv-5 This user has full understanding of the Georgian alphabet - Ez a szerkesztő a grúz ábécét is használja
מטש hebr-5 This user has full understanding of the Hebrew alphabet - Ez a szerkesztő a héber ábécét is használja
This user's time zone is GMT+1 .
Budapest .
Budapest .
This user does not love of the opponents of the Jewish - !שלום - Pokój z Tobą! - Béke Veled! - Мир из тобой! - Աշխարհ քեզ հետ! - Peace with You! - Frieden hast mit dir!
This user is a Christian
Town of the recollecting
It reminds me of my dear Friend
His Saint Reverend Jerzy Popiełuszko murdered by communists
It reminds me of my dear Friend Polish student
Stanisław Pyjas murdered by communists
It reminds me of my dear Friend Hungarian
prof.dr.János Elbert murdered by communists
It reminds me of my dear Friend Hungarian filmdirector
Gábor Bódy murdered by communists
It reminds me of my dear Friend
Hungarian poet Grácja Kerényi murdered by communists
It reminds me of my dear Friend
Hungarian poet, writer, secretary of the Association of Hungarian Writers Zoltán Fábián murdered by communists
We are solidary of the
Holocaust heroes familys
We are solidary of the 1968
Prague Spring Czech and Slovakian anticommunist resistance heroes
We are solidary of the Katowice’s
Wujek Coal Mine 13 December 1981 strike anticommunist resistance heroes familys
HIS This user's favourite subject is History .
This user's favourite subject isPolitics
This user wants to be your friend .
This user has a pet cat .
This user is owned by one or more cats .
This user is a cat lover.
This user believes that cats are NOT food.
This user owns one or more dogs .
This user owns one or more dogs .
This user's favourite animal is the Dolphin .
This user's favourite animal is the Cheetah .
This user's favourite animal is the Tiger , regardless of shape, colour, size, etc.!
This users favourite animal is the Red fox . (Vulpes vulpes )
This User is interested and very love the АЛЕКСАНДР СЕРГЕЕВИЧ ПУШКИН - Alexander Pushkin 's works in the original Russian .
This User is interested and very love the Ὅμηρος - Homer 's works in the original Greek .
This User is interested and very love the Gaius Cornelius Tacitus 's works in the original Latin .
This user is a fan of Dune .
This user enjoys heavy reading, such as Shakespeare and other dead guys.
This User
love drinking the tea .
This User
love drinking the coffee .
This User
love drinking the Milk .
This User
love drinking the Yoghurt .
This User
love consumed the Steak .
This User are enthusiastic traveller
This User beaten in the
Poland .
This User permanently live in the
Hungary .
This User beaten in the
Russia .
This User beaten in the
Tuva .
This User beaten in the
Ajaria .
This User beaten in the
Turkey .
This User beaten in the
Iran .
This User beaten in the
Korea .
This User beaten in the Latvia .
This User beaten in the
Serbia .
This User beaten in the
Greece .
Search user languages
This user is interested in Russia and is capable of speaking in a Russian accent.