User:Octobercosmos/Desert greening
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[edit]Lead: What is desert greening? Add info regarding subtopics.
Methods: provide further details
Desert Greening Examples: provide details, remove unnecessary information
Impact: discuss how it is improving the environment in urban and rural settings, including negatives as well as positive
Implications for the future: how is it significant? why is it needed?
Desert greening is the process of afforestation or revegetation of deserts for ecological restoration (biodiversity), sustainable farming and forestry. The term 'desert greening' applies to both cold and hot deserts, arid and semi-arid deserts (see Köppen climate classification system). Deserts span all seven continents of the Earth[1] and make up nearly a fifth of the Earth's landmass[2], areas that recently have been increasing in size[3]. As some of the deserts expand[4] and global temperatures increase[5], the different methods of desert greening may provide a potential solution[6]. Planting suitable flora in deserts has a range of environmental benefits from carbon sequestration to providing habitat for native desert fauna to generating employment opportunities to creation of habitable areas for local communities[7]. The prevention of land desertification is one of 17 sustainable development objectives outlined by the United Nations[8], desert greening is a process that aims to not only combat desertification but to foster an environment where plants can create a sustainable environment for all forms of life while preserving its integrity.
The process of greening a desert involves the transformation of arid landscapes into fertile, verdant lands with different trees and plant species depending on the area undergoing afforestation. Converting desert regions into areas with vegetation and forests impacts agricultural practices, carbon offset initiatives, research facilities, timber production, and ecotourism. The practice of desert greening has been growing within the past few decades, older practices have been supplanted by newer avenues that seek to make the process less taxing on the environment and for it to be successful in the long term. Successful desert greening necessitates the establishment of a proficient management team with the necessary technical expertise, the implementation of water retention techniques such as sub-surface drip irrigation, the creation of high-quality nurseries capable of producing drought-resistant seedlings of economically valuable trees and crops, a commitment to environmental sustainability, and measures to control excessive grazing by nomadic herders. These measures are essential to ensure that the green belt created is not misused or subject to degradation.
History of modern desert greening
The practice of recent desert greening can be traced back to the Japanese a horticulture professor, and an agriculturist, Seiei Toyama, who spent 30 years of his life in efforts to green the Kubuqi Desert in China[9]. He authored the text Greening the Deserts: Techniques and Achievements of Two Japanese Agriculturists along with Masao Toyama which was published in 1995. During his time as a professor at Tottori University Toyama was able to revitalize the surrounding sandy dunes into revenue generating farms through his irrigation techniques and knowledge of plant species[10]. After his retirement in 1972, he pursued agricultural projects in China which included the conservation of eroding banks of Yellow River by planting Kudzu vines, introduction of grape growing techniques in Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region, and his most renowned effort in the Engebei Desert Development, an oasis in the Kubuqi Desert of Inner Mongolia[10].
Desert greening techniques
[edit]When establishing or re-establishing vegetation in desert ecosystems there are many factors to consider before implementing a specific strategy. It is important to account for factors such as the geographical location of the area, amount of annual precipitation, average temperature, soil quality, nutrient availability, native plant and animal life, along with the human impact when aiming to restore a degraded or disrupted desert biome[11].
[edit]Planting strategies in the desert are different from conventional planting practices, especially in the initial stages. Deserts are regions where annual precipitation amount is considerably less than the evaporation[12], making it difficult for plants and animals that are not specialized to the biome to survive. One of the ways to ensure the success of the plant life is that prior to being planted in the desert, plants are often grown first in greenhouses allowing for the root system to develop[13]. Often the plant species that are planted in desert regions are those that are capable of surviving on limited water and able to withstand the sun's direct rays. However, deserts also vary, with some being hot and dry and others being semiarid[14], plants that may survive in a coastal desert might not be able to endure the considerably higher temperatures of hot and dry deserts. Therefore, when planting in deserts as an effort to restore the ecosystem or to create a greener space it is important that the vegetation being planted is suitable to the desert in which it is being planted. Utilizing pioneer desert species like the Acamptopappus shockleyi or Lepidium fremontii which are native to the Mojave Desert[15], and halophytes such as Salicornia contribute positively to desert greening efforts.
Landscaping and green infrastructure
[edit]With the growth of human population in urban areas that are located close to deserts ecoscaping has become a significant strategy when designing and building infrastructure. Using the National Tree Benefit Calculator software it was established that if Acacia tortilis, Ziziphus spina-christi, and Phoenix dactylifera were planted in a desert city like Doha it would yield a host of environmental benefits along with economic gains including carbon sequestration, air pollution reduction, lowering of the urban heat index, prevention of storm water runoff and increase in property values[16]. As global temperatures increase, the impact is considerably greater in dry regions with reduced precipitation levels which are vulnerable to desertification [17]. Some of the effects that are beneficial for desert-greening which trees offer can also be provided by buildings that have incorporated architectural elements that allow them to shade exposed walls consequently reducing the heat absorption by the building[18]. Another example of a building designed to offer beneficial effects of vegetation in the desert is the IBTS Greenhouse.
[edit]- Desert farming based on fossil groundwater, although not being sustainable
- Farmer-managed natural regeneration
- Greenhouse agriculture
- Holistic management
- Inland mariculture
- Managed intensive rotational grazing
- Permaculture in general – harvesting runoff rainwater to grow plant communities polyculture, composting or multitrophic agriculture
- Prevention of overgrazing
- Regenerative agriculture
- Seawater greenhouses and farming, for example, Seawater Foundation or the IBTS Greenhouse
[edit]- Prevention of firewood or charcoal use, respectively providing electricity for cooking
[edit]DRAFT TO EDIT: add sources and make corrections

The history of modern desert greening in Asia is similar to that of Africa, with initiatives primarily focused on reducing desertification and promoting sustainable land management practices. However, the challenges faced in Asia are varied, and the solutions have been tailored to meet specific needs. One of the earliest and most notable examples of desert greening in Asia occurred in China. In the 1970s, China launched the "Green Great Wall" program, aimed at planting trees along the border of the Gobi Desert to halt its expansion. The program involved planting over 100 billion trees across a thousand miles of desert within a decade. The initiative was successful in reducing sandstorms and increasing rainfall in the region, and the program has since been expanded to other parts of China. In the Middle East, countries like Israel have been at the forefront of desert greening initiatives. Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has made significant progress in greening the Negev Desert. Initiatives include the establishment of research and development centers for desert agriculture, the introduction of drip irrigation techniques, and the use of treated wastewater for irrigation. In other parts of the world, such as India and Pakistan, desert greening initiatives have focused on afforestation and soil conservation. These initiatives involve planting trees, shrubs, and grasses to hold the soil in place, prevent erosion, and improve water retention. Overall, the history of modern desert greening in Asia reflects the need to address environmental challenges such as desertification and promote sustainable land management practices. These initiatives have often been successful in addressing these challenges and improving the livelihoods of people in arid regions. However, continued research and development will be necessary to address ongoing challenges such as climate change and political instability.

"The Green Great Wall of China: 40 Years of Planting Trees to Reduce Desertification" - This article by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) provides a detailed account of the history and success of China's Green Great Wall program in combating desertification and greening the desert.
2. "Desertification Control in China" - This report by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China provides an overview of the desertification control efforts in China, including the Green Great Wall project, afforestation programs, and sustainable land management practices.
3. "Desertification and Forest Landscape Restoration in Asia" - This publication by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) examines the history, challenges, and success stories of desertification control and forest landscape restoration in Asia, including case studies from various countries in the region.
4. "Desertification in India: An Overview" - This research article published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering provides insights into desertification issues in India and discusses various approaches and initiatives, including agricultural practices, aimed at combating desertification and improving land quality.
5. "History of Desertification and Forest Rehabilitation in Israel" - This study by researchers from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev examines the history of desertification and the successful forest rehabilitation programs in Israel, highlighting the efforts and techniques used to transform arid land into productive forests.
Modern desert greening in Africa is a relatively recent phenomenon and was primarily initiated in the 1950s and 1960s. The initiative was largely driven by a desire to combat desertification, the process by which fertile land becomes barren and unsuitable for farming, across the continent. One of the earliest and most notable examples of desert greening in Africa occurred in Algeria. In the 1950s, the Algerian government launched an ambitious program to transform over 20,000 square kilometers of arid land into productive agricultural land. This project involved the construction of dams, wells, and irrigation networks, as well as the introduction of modern farming techniques and seed varieties. The program was part of a broader effort to address food insecurity and improve livelihoods in rural areas. In the following decades, similar projects were undertaken in other countries, such as Mali, Niger, and Senegal. These initiatives focused on promoting sustainable agriculture and land management practices, as well as reforestation and the protection of natural ecosystems. Some of the key strategies employed included the use of drought-resistant crops, the introduction of agroforestry techniques, and the establishment of community-based management systems. In recent years, desert greening efforts have also been boosted by the development of renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power. These technologies provide a sustainable source of energy for desert regions, which can be used to power irrigation systems and other farming equipment. Greening projects that integrate renewable energy solutions are often more effective and cost-efficient in the long run. Overall, modern desert greening in Africa has made significant progress in reducing the impact of desertification and improving the sustainability of agriculture and natural resource management in arid areas. However, many challenges remain, such as lack of funding, political instability, and climate change. As such, ongoing research and development of innovative strategies, including the integration of new technologies, will be essential for continued success in this area.
1. Djoudi, H., Brockhaus, M., Locatelli, B., & Forner, C. (2013). History of forest and tree planting in Niger. Forest Policy and Economics, 36, 37-46.
2. Garrity, D. P., Akinnifesi, F. K., Ajayi, O. C., Weldesemayat, S. G., & Mowo, J. G. (2010). Evergreen agriculture: a robust approach to sustainable food security in Africa. Food Security, 2(3), 197-214.
3. Le Houérou, H. N. (1991). The greening of the Sahel. Journal of Arid Environments, 20(3), 111-131.
4. McSweeney, C. (2011). Forests of hope: Stories of regeneration. Earthscan.
5. Piot, J. (2016). Deserting the desert: On making the Sahara bloom. Cabinet Magazine, (61).
6. Rinaudo, T., & Bestelmeyer, B. (eds.). (2018). The Art of Resilience: 100 Resilient Drylands Landscapes of Sub-Saharan Africa. Springer.
Each of these agricultural methods can be effective in improving soil fertility and increasing crop yields in arid areas. There are several agricultural methods of desert greening that have been developed over time to combat desertification and improve the fertility of arid land. Each of these agricultural methods can be effective in improving soil fertility and increasing crop yields in arid areas. However, the choice of technique will depend on factors such as soil type, climate, water availability, and the needs and resources of the local community.
1. Rain Water Harvesting: Collecting rainwater and storing it in ponds, reservoirs or underground tanks is one of the simplest ways to improve soil moisture content. This helps to increase green cover and crop production in arid areas. Rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting and storing rainwater for later use. It is an effective method for increasing water availability in arid regions and can contribute to desert greening in several ways:
- Increasing soil moisture: By collecting and storing rainwater, farmers can provide a reliable water source for their crops, even during periods of low rainfall. This helps to maintain soil moisture levels and improve crop growth in arid regions.
- Recharging groundwater: In many arid areas, the groundwater is already depleted, which further exacerbates the aridity. Rainwater harvesting can help replenish the groundwater by allowing the captured rainwater to percolate into the soil and recharge the aquifers.
- Supporting vegetation growth: By providing supplemental water through rainwater harvesting, it becomes possible to grow vegetation and create green cover in arid regions. This can help to combat desertification, reduce soil erosion, and promote biodiversity.
- Alleviating water scarcity: In areas with limited access to reliable water sources, rainwater harvesting can serve as a practical and sustainable solution. It reduces dependence on scarce water resources, such as rivers or underground wells, and provides a decentralized water supply system. Overall, rainwater harvesting contributes to desert greening by increasing soil moisture, promoting vegetation growth, and conserving water resources. It is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly technique that can be implemented at various scales, from individual households to large-scale agricultural systems, to make desert areas more productive and sustainable
2. Agroforestry: Agroforestry is a land-use system in which trees are grown on agricultural land. This can help to reduce soil erosion, improve soil health, enhance nutrient cycling and increase biodiversity. It can also provide additional income streams to farmers. This method involves the planting of trees and shrubs alongside crop plants. The trees help in retaining moisture in the soil and also provide a shaded canopy to protect crops from direct sunlight, thus helping in maintaining soil moisture levels and increasing crop yields. Agroforestry contributes to desert greening in several ways:
- Soil improvement: The trees in agroforestry systems help improve soil fertility by adding organic matter through leaf litter and root exudates. This organic matter enhances soil structure, water holding capacity, and nutrient availability, making the soil more suitable for crop growth in arid regions.
- Water conservation: The trees in an agroforestry system can provide shade and reduce evaporation, which helps conserve water. They also help in capturing and storing rainwater, preventing runoff and increasing water availability for agricultural use.
- Wind and erosion control: Trees in agroforestry systems act as windbreaks, reducing wind speed and protecting crops from wind erosion and sand deposition. They also help stabilize the soil, reducing soil erosion and preventing the spread of desertification.
- Biodiversity promotion: Agroforestry systems often create diverse habitats that support a variety of plant and animal species. This improves ecological balances and promotes biodiversity conservation in areas affected by desertification.
- Economic benefits: Agroforestry provides additional income sources for farmers through the production of wood, fruits, nuts, and other non-timber forest products. It diversifies their income and reduces their reliance on a single crop, making them more resilient to climatic variations. By integrating trees with agricultural practices, agroforestry provides a sustainable and holistic approach to combat desertification and promote the greening of arid areas. It helps improve soil health, conserve water, control erosion, enhance biodiversity, and support local livelihoods.
3. Drip Irrigation: Drip irrigation is a technique in which water is delivered directly to the plants via a network of pipes. This can help to conserve water, reduce evaporation, and improve plant growth in arid regions.In arid regions, water is a scarce resource, and irrigation can be challenging. Drip irrigation is a water-efficient technique that involves supplying water directly to the roots of plants through a network of pipes and emitters. This method helps in reducing water usage and makes it possible to grow crops in areas with low rainfall. Drip irrigation is a watering method that delivers water directly to the roots of plants in a slow and precise manner. It involves a system of pipes, tubes, and emitters that distribute water close to the plants' base or at the root zone.
- Water conservation: Drip irrigation is highly efficient in water usage as it delivers water directly to the plants' root zones, minimizing water loss due to evaporation and runoff. This is particularly crucial in arid regions where water is scarce. By conserving water, drip irrigation helps in greening desert areas without putting additional strain on limited water resources.
- Reduced soil erosion: Arid regions are often prone to wind erosion and water runoff, which can wash away fertile topsoil. By providing a slow and steady supply of water directly to the roots of plants, drip irrigation helps in maintaining soil moisture and reducing soil erosion. This contributes to the stabilization of the soil, making it more suitable for vegetation growth.
- Improved plant growth and survival: Arid regions often suffer from high temperatures and limited water availability, making it challenging for plants to grow and survive. Drip irrigation ensures that plants receive a consistent water supply, which is crucial for their growth and survival in desert-like conditions. The controlled water application also helps in avoiding water stress or overwatering, providing an optimal environment for plant development.
- Salinity control: Arid regions often have issues with high soil salinity due to evaporation and limited rainfall. Drip irrigation can be used in conjunction with appropriate irrigation management practices, such as leaching salts from the root zone, to control soil salinity. By reducing the salt content in the soil, drip irrigation enables plants to grow and thrive in areas with high salinity levels. Drip irrigation has proven to be an effective tool in promoting desert greening by providing efficient water distribution, reducing soil erosion, improving plant growth, and managing soil salinity. Its precise and controlled water application makes it well-suited for arid regions, where water resources are limited but crucial for promoting vegetation growth and combating desertification.
4. Mulching: Mulching is the practice of covering the soil with organic material to help retain moisture and reduce soil erosion. This can help to improve soil fertility and increase crop yields in arid areas. Mulching is a technique that involves covering the soil surface with a layer of organic or inorganic material. This layer acts as a protective barrier, providing several benefits that contribute to desert greening. Here's how mulching can help:
- Water conservation: Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil by reducing evaporation. It acts as a barrier, preventing direct exposure of the soil to the sun and wind, which can quickly dry out the soil in arid areas. By conserving water, mulching aids in improving soil moisture content and promoting plant growth.
- Soil erosion control: In desert environments, soil erosion is a significant issue due to wind and water movement. Mulch helps in preventing erosion by reducing the impact of rainfall and wind on the soil surface. It minimizes the dislodging of soil particles and stabilizes the soil structure, preventing nutrient loss and maintaining soil fertility.
- Temperature regulation: Mulch acts as a thermal insulator, protecting the soil from extreme temperature fluctuations. In arid regions, where daytime temperatures can be scorching, mulch provides shade and insulation, keeping the soil cooler and reducing stress on plant roots.
- Weed suppression: Mulching prevents the growth of weeds by limiting their access to sunlight. By suppressing weed growth, mulch reduces competition for water and nutrients, allowing plants to thrive and reducing the need for manual weeding.
- Organic matter addition: When organic mulches break down over time, they contribute to the organic matter content of the soil. This enhances soil fertility and nutrient availability, making it more conducive to plant growth. In desert greening efforts, mulching is often used in conjunction with other techniques such as drip irrigation and soil rehabilitation to maximize the benefits. It helps improve soil moisture retention, reduce erosion, regulate temperature, and promote plant health, ultimately contributing to the greening and reclamation of arid land.
5. Crop Rotation: Crop rotation involves planting different crops in a specific sequence to improve soil fertility, maintain soil structure, and reduce pests and diseases. This can be particularly useful in arid areas where the soil is often degraded and nutrient-poor.
6. Aquaponics: Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (growing plants in water). It involves using fish waste to provide nutrients for plants, and the plants help purify the water for the fish. This can be useful in areas where water is scarce or of poor quality.
7. Terracing: This method is commonly used on sloping land and involves constructing terraces to slow down water runoff and reduce soil erosion. The terraces are usually planted with crop plants to improve the fertility of the soil.
8. Soil rehabilitation: This involves the use of several techniques to restore the fertility and quality of degraded soil. Examples include the use of soil amendments such as compost, manure, and fertilizer, crop rotation, and minimum tillage techniques.
9. Sand dune fixation: In some deserts, sand dunes shift due to wind action, and this can be detrimental to agriculture. Sand dune fixation involves constructing barriers against the shifting sand in the form of windbreaks, hedges, and vegetation. This method helps in maintaining soil fertility, reducing wind erosion and provides protection for crop plants. Overall, these agricultural methods aim to reduce desertification, enhance soil quality and fertility and help farmers adapt to the challenging climatic conditions found in arid regions.
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