
Reference Pages
[edit]- Temporada Reference
- Temporada Reference Circuit Images
- Interlagos Circuit Reference
- Reims Geuex Circuit Reference
- Page edits
Sandbox Pages
[edit]- Pre-War purpose built circuits
- La Temporada
- Buenos Aires Grand Prix
- British Empire Trophy
- Circuit Reims-Gueux
- Grand Prix de la Marne
- Sports car Competition at Reims
- 12 Hours of Reims
- Misc sandbox
User feedback (non-member/editor)
My first motor: A Triumph Tiger Cub (sort of), I got it from our neighbor when I was 13, 14 or so... I think it was a stiched up bastard of "engineering" the 175 twin-stroke motor of his wife's old Tigress Scooter into the Cub's frame... Heck, what did I know, I thought it was cool and how to keep Dad from my ideas... (he had good reason as I found out later, my great unc and him too went racing) but it ran great over rocks and roots in the woods and since I was too young for a drivers license... I still got remnants of a round "raspberry" scar on my right shoulder cause I failed to "dodge/English" a tree, right when the front wheel slid on a root... I was on the ground, the bike went straight for another 30 yards before it tipped into some ferns and moss with the throttle wide open...
Texas is my second home since 1976