From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?
-Arthur Dent
613 by 913 equals 4213. But then again, Douglass Adams does not tell jokes in Base 13.
Please, No wearing Red shirts while on this page, Something might eat you, or even possibly Dissolve you.
This page has been vandalized 2 time(s).
Userboxes matching me:
C | This user can program in C. |
C++ | This user can program in C++. |
C#-0 | This user does not understand C#, or does not want to program in C#. |
objc-0 | This person does not understand Objective-C (or understands it with considerable difficulties, or does not want to program in Objective-C). |
 | This user thinks an explorer can't be better than a fox! |  |
 | This user contributes using Mozilla. |
C:\>_ | This user uses DOS, or knows how to use it. |
 | This user enjoys playing Sudoku. |
 | This user thinks Sudoku is too hard. |
GAME | This user plays "the Game". |
This user won "the Game".
This user has a spice addiction.
 | This user passed GO! (…so where is my $200?) |
cvg-2 | This user is an intermediate gamer. |
This user can write & read in 1337.
7h15 d00d |2 1337 t3h pwnz l0l0l0l!!11!
 | This user prefers to play games on a PC. |
__ | This user plays various breakout-style games |
 | This user kicks butt at Tetris. |
This user finally understands why Scepia moved so many gaming userboxes.
Lego Star Wars | This user plays Lego Star Wars on their favorite game console. |
42 | This user has the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. |
 | This user likes to sleep. |
This userbox is with stupid. |  |
 | This userbox is with stupid. |
 | If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing! |
This user has edited at least 7 articles!!! {wow} | 7!! |
10 | This user realizes that there are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who do not. |
This user knows how to Find x. |  |
 | This user enjoys watching pointless animations. |
 | This user knows too much. |
PWN | If you pwn someone once a day, join the club. |
 | This user is interested in science. |  |
 | This user's favorite star is Altair. |
 | This user refers to the Moon by its proper Latin name, Luna. |
 | This user would like to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to investigate it personally. |
This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.
 | This user knows that space is the future |
K | This user uses the Kelvin scale, because 0K is much cooler than −273.15°C or −459.67°F. |
 | This user participated in the Earth Hour event even though they weren't in a partner city. |
Can you? | 55 out of 100 polpee can raed tihs. |
 | This user bangs their head on a Brick Wall! |
010101010100001001011000 | One word... 010000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001 |
dlph | Eeek ack sque'ek ook kkkk'k squeek. |
SHORT | This user is probably shorter than you. |
 | Pi ≈ 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 06647 09384 46095 50582 23172 53594 08128 48111 74502 84102 70193 85211 05559 64462 29489 54930 38196 44288 10975 66593 34461 28475 64823 37867 83165 27120 19091 45648 56692 34603 86104 54326 64821 33936 07260 24914 12737 24587 00660 63155 81748 81520 92096 28292 54091 71536 43678 92590 36001 13305 30548 82046 65213 84146 95194 15116 09... |