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In functional analysis, one is interested in extensions of symmetric operators acting on a Hilbert space. Of particular importance is the existence, and sometimes explicit constructions, of self-adjoint extensions. This problem arises, for example, when one needs to specify domains of self-adjointness for formal expressions of observables in quantum mechanics. Other applications of solutions to this problem can be seen in various moment problems.
This article discusses a few related problems of this type. The unifying theme is that each problem has an operator-theoretic characterization which gives a corresponding parametrization of solutions.
Symmetric operators
[edit]Let H be a Hilbert space. A linear opeartor A acting on H with dense domain Dom(A) is symmetric if
- <Ax, y> = <x, Ay>, for all x, y in Dom(A).
If Dom(A) = H, the Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem says that A is a bounded operator, in which case A is self-adjoint and the extension problem is trivial. In general, a symmetric operator is self-adjoint if the domain of its adjoint, Dom(A*), lies in Dom(A).
When dealing with unbounded operators, it is often desirable to be able to assume that the operator in question is closed. In the present context, it is a convenient fact that every symmetric operator A is closable. That is, A has a smallest closed extension, called the closure of A. This can be shown by invoking the symmetric assumption and Riesz representation theorem. Since A and its closure have the same closed extensions, it can always be assumed that the symmetric operator of interest is closed.
In the sequel, a symmetric operator will be assumed to be a densely defined and closed.
Extensions of symmetric operators
[edit]Problem Given a densely defined closed symmetric operator A, does it always have extension?
This question can be translated to an operator-theoretic one. As a heuristic motivation, notice that the Cayley transform on the complex plane, defined by
maps the real line to the unit circle. This suggests one define, for a symmetric operator A,
on Ran(A + i), the range of A + i. The operator UA is in fact an isometry between closed subspaces that takes (A + i)x to (A - i)x for x in Dom(A). The map
is also called the Cayley transform of the symmetric operator A. Given UA, A can be recovered by
defined on Dom(A) = Ran(U - 1). Now if
is an isometric extension of UA, the operator
acting on
is a symmetric extension of A.
Theorem The symmetric extensions of a closed symmetric operator A is in one-to-one correspondence with the isometric extensions of its Cayley transform UA.
Of more interest is the existence of self-adjoint extensions. The following is true.
Theorem A closed symmetric operator A is self-adjoint if and only if Ran(A ± i) = H, i.e. when its Cayley transform UA is an unitary operator on H.
Corollary The self-adjoint extensions of a closed symmetric operator A is in one-to-one correspondence with the unitary extensions of its Cayley transform UA.
Define the deficiency subspaces of A by
In this language, The description of the self-adjoint extension problem given by the corollary can be restated as follows: a symmetric operator A has self-adjoint extensions if and only if its Cayley transform UA has unitary extensions to H, i.e. the deficiency subspaces K+ and K- have the same dimension.
An example
[edit]Consider the Hilbert space L2[0,1]. On the subspace of absolutely continuous function that vanish on the boundary, define the operator A by
Integration by parts shows A is symmetric. Its adjoint A* is the same operator with Dom(A*) being the absolutely continuous functions with no boundary condition[1] . We will see that extending A amounts to modifying the boundary conditions, thereby enlarging Dom(A) and reducing Dom(A*) until the two coincide.
Direct calculation shows that K+ and K- are one dimensional subspaces given by
where a is a normalizing constant. So the self-adjoint extensions of A are parametrized by the unit circle in the complex plane, {|α| = 1}. For each unitary Uα : K- → K+, defined by Uα(φ-) = αφ+), there corresponds an extension Aα with domain
If f ∈ Dom(Aα), then f is absolutely continuous and
Conversely, if f is absolutely continuous and f(0) = γf(1) for some complex γ with |γ| = 1, then f lies in the above domain.
The self-adjoint operators { Aα } are instances of the momentum operator in quantum mechanics.
Self adjoint extension on a larger space
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Every partial isometry can be extended, on a possibly larger space, to an unitary operator. Consequently, every symmetric operator has a self-adjoint extension, on a possibly larger space.
Positive symmetric operators
[edit]A symmetric operator A is called positive if <Ax, x> ≥ 0 for all x in Dom(A). It is known that for every such A, one has dim(K+) = dim(K-). Therefore every positive symmetric operator has self-adjoint extensions. The more interesting question in this direction is whether A has positive self-adjoint extensions.
Structure of 2 × 2 matrix contractions
[edit]While the extension problem for general symmetric operators is essentially that of extending partial isometries to unitaries, for positive symmetric operators the question becomes one of extending contractions: by "filling out" certain unknown entries of a 2 × 2 self-adjoint contraction, we obtain the positive self-adjoint extensions of a positive symmetric operator.
Before stating the relevant result, we first fix some terminology. For a contraction Γ, acting on H, we define its defect operators by
The defect spaces of Γ are
The defect operators indicate the non-unitarity of Γ, while the defect spaces ensure uniqueness in some parametrizations. Using this machinery, one can explicitly describe the structure of general matrix contractions. We will only need the 2 × 2 case. Every 2 × 2 contraction Γ can be uniquely expressed as
where each Γi is a contraction.
Extensions of Positive symmetric operators
[edit]The Cayley transform for general symmetric operators can be adapted to this special case. For every non-negative number a,
This suggests we assign to every positive symmetric operator A a contraction
defined by
which have matrix representation
It is easily verified that the Γ1 entry, CA projected onto Ran(A + 1) = Dom(CA), is self-adjoint. The operator A can be written as
with Dom(A) = Ran(CA - 1). If
is a contraction that extends CA and its projection onto its domain is self-adjoint, then it is clear that its inverse Cayley transform
defined on
is a positive symmetric extension of A. The symmetric property follows from its projection onto its own domain being self-adjoint and positivity follows from contractivity. The converse is also true: given a positive symmetric extension of A, its Cayley transform is a contraction satisfying the stated "partial" self-adjoint property.
Theorem The positive symmetric extensions of A are in one-to-one correspondence with the extensions of its Cayley transform where if C is such an extension, we require C projected onto Dom(C) is self-adjoint.
The unitarity criterion of the Cayley transform is replaced by self-adjointness for positive operators.
Theorem A symmetric positive operator B is self-adjoint if and only if its Cayley transform is a self-adjoint contraction defined on all of H, i.e. when Ran(A + 1) = H.
Therefore finding self-adjoint extension for a positive symmetric operator becomes a matrix "completion problem". Specificly, we need to embed the column contraction CA into a 2 × 2 self-adjoint contraction. This can always be done and the structure of such contractions gives a parametrization of all possible extensions.
By the preceding subsection, all self-adjoint extensions of CA takes the form
So the self-adjoint positive extensions of A are in bijective correspondence with the self-adjoint contractions Γ4 on the defect space
of Γ3. The contractions
give rise to positive extensions
respectively. These are the smallest and largest positive extensions of A in the sense that
for any positive extension B of A. The operator A0 is the Friedrichs extension of A and A∞ is the von Neumann-Krein extension of A.
Similar results can be obtained for accretive operators.
[edit]- Gr. Arsene and A. Gheondea, Completing matrix contractions, J. Operator Theory, 7, 1982, 179-189.
- A. Alfonso and B. Simon, The Birman-Krein-Vishik theory of self-adjoint extensions of semibounded operators. J. Operator Theory, 4, 1980, 251-270.
- N. Dunford and J.T. Schwartz, Linear Operators, Part II, Interscience, 1958.
- M. Reed and B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, vol. I and II, Academic Press, 1975.
- ^ Reed and Simon, v1