Hello. I'm David. Well, Dave to my friends. I grew up in a small town in Connecticut. JFK was shot on my 6th birthday. What a buzzkill. I joined the Navy when I was 17, finished school while in the reserves, went to boot camp in Florida where I had my first duty station for about 2 years. I went to Scotland for 2 1/2 years, I had collateral duty with both US and British (MOD) customs, then went to Charleston, SC for the next 4 years, and served the last 7 months in the reserves. Including constructive time, I have just over 10 years in. All in all, I visited 27 states and 13 foreign countries.

Wow! I didn't realize this has been without an update for so long. Well, since all that I worked a number of years in temporary agency work. I've worked construction, and then for Texaco motor oil bottle plant (QC), State container port and US Customs. I worked for British Petroleum, Pinkerton Security and went to college. 33 hours of college and 40 hours of work per week for the better part of 4 years. I earned an A.A. in Criminal Justice, and a B.A. in Biblical Studies. While in college I was the Chaplain for the Christian Veterans Association with the rank of Captain. I collect low-end fountain pens and tobacco pipes.