User:Lionel Scheepmans
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I am digital anthropologist, PhD in political and social Sciences, guest academic in UCLouvain and activist for free software and open science.
Born in Nivelles in January 1969 to join a humanity which has already more than doubled in size since the day of my birth, I'm a son of a laborer father and an independent mother. Originally from Frasnes-lez-Gosselies, I’ve had the opportunity to live in different places in Belgium and the rest of the world.
Originally trained as a technician in forestry, I then approached by my studies or following various professional experience, areas of tropical agriculture, cartography, animation and aeronautics. I had thereafter an artistic career in the fields of music, circus, and theater just before returning to university studies at 38 years old.
These studies began with BA in Sociology anthropology, whose first two years were at the Université libre de Bruxelles and the third at the University of Coimbra. I then continued my education with a master's degree in anthropology from two years performed at the Université catholique de Louvain.
After my college graduation, I deepened my knowledge of video editing and politics. I was active in the Pirate Party of Belgium for almost three years before realizing that our political systems, based on elections and interparty competition, are at the root of the current governance crises. Following this experience, I developed a reflection through a personal independent studies named Trilogie pour un monde juste et sain, then got involved more actively in community projects and fatherhood.
In June 2016, I've finished a University Certificate in Economic and Social Ethics which give me the opportunity to precise personal socio-political convictions in theoretical field. From June 2017 to June 2022, I did a self-funded PhD in political and social science about the Wikimedia movement, whose manuscript was published "in real time" on the French Wikiversity website. My doctoral work was done in the Laboratory of Prospective Anthropology of the UCLouvain, and my thesis as published in open access on DIAL is entitled: Imagine a world : when the Wikimedia movement helps us to think in a prospective way about the global and digital society of tomorrow.
From this thesis, a first book based on the first three chapters of the doctoral work was done to provide a general presentation of the Wikimedia movement in the context of the digital revolution. It is entitled : Le mouvement Wikimédia : Une révolution culturelle oubliée. Up the following chapters, a second book is planned in order to provide a more detailed ethnographic analysis of the movement. Its title is still to be defined. In the meantime, I'm teaching in the university, various lessons and a digital anthropology course.
Within the Wikimedia movement, I am particularly interested in anthropological, ethical and political issues. Mostly active on Wikiversity where I publish all my work, while intervening in the management of the site as administrator from 2015. My contributions to the foundation's other projects are more modest and are made as I read. At the beginning of 2013 and following my participation in Wikimania 2014, I started to take an increasing participation and interest in off-line Wikimedia activities and finally became founding member of the association Wikimedia Belgium and board member since 2017 to 2019.
For more information about me, you can also read my detailed background on this page.
University education
- Construction and Transmission of Knowledges with the Louvain Learning Lab at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) (in progess 2022).
- University certificate in economical and social ethics at the Hoover Chair of Université catholique de Louvain (2015-2016).
- Master's degree in Anthropology at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL). Distinction mention for the whole training. Final thesis: Recherche:Culture_fr.wikipedia. All master's work available online (2009-2011).
- Bachelor's degree in Sociology and Anthropology at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Third year of bachelor's degree in Erasmus at the University of Coimbra. Distinction mention for the whole training. All bachelor's work available on line (2006-2009).
Teaching experience
- Trainer for the Institut interréseaux de la Formation professionnelle continue: Utiliser Wikipédia en classe de français, une expérience pédagogique singulière et questionnante - IFPC - Session 50097 (2025).
- Master 60's thesis director in sociology and anthropology for the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication of UCLouvain(2024 & 2025).
- Guest lecturer in digital anthropology. Course given in the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication of UCLouvain(2024 & 2025).
- Guest speaker for teaching digital anthropology lesson durint the chaire Altissia : Enjeux culturels et éthiques du numérique in UCLouvain (2022 - 2024).
- Guest speaker for a lesson in anarchist anthropology for the History of Debates in Sociology and Anthropology course in UCLouvain (2022 & 2023).
- Tutor and assessor for the jury of the first year of the Master's degree in Anthropology in UCLouvain (2019).
- Presentation of thesis work master in anthropology's ethnographic practice seminar in UCLouvain (2019).
- By Marie Vancutsem of RTBF Radio for Matin Première : « 5 minutes pour comprendre : L'usage de l'IA par les étudiants » , September 2024.
- By Between the Bracket, (Yoran Koren) : « Episode 114 Lionel Scheepmans », June 2022.
- By Frederick FN Noronha Lionel Scheepmans of Belgium, doing a PhD on the "Wikipedia movement", September 2021.
- By Wikimédia France « La Wikiversité francophone, un contenu pédagogique ouvert à tous », March 2016.
- By AurovilleRadioTv « Lionel explains graphs in English », January 2015.
- By Le soir : « Pirates et candidats au scrutin, August 2012.
- L’hyperconnexion numérique et ses impacts sur la santé mentale, conference made by the Woluwe-Saint-Lambert cultural center, Brussels, October 2024.
- Public presentation of my PhD thesis, UCLouvain, June 2022.
- Imagine a World! 20 minutes concerning my PhD thesis on Wikimedia Movement, online Wikimania conference, August 2021.
- Colonisation, subordination et invisibilisation du savoir et des producteurs de savoir des pays du Sud au sein du mouvement Wikimédia, quels sont les risques et enjeux ? Association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement APAD, on line, 2020.
- Wikimedia movement presentation during the 8th meeting of VolonTERRE d'asile made by the Plateforme francophone du Volontariat, Namur, October 2019.
- Wikimedia projects: a research environment for amateurs & scientists French WikiConvention, Brussels, September 2019.
- Collecte de dons versus participation French WikiConvention, Brussels, September 2019.
- Why not a campaign to donate time rather than money? Wikimania Stockholm, August 2019.
- How to include oral culture in Wikimédia movement ? Wikimania Stockholm, August 2019.
- Wikimédia vu sous l'aspect et la métaphore du jeu : Journées Doctorales du OMNSH, UCLouvain, Jully 2019.
- Wikiversity to the rescue of African knowledge and its lake of secondary source, WikiIndaba Tunis, March 2018.
- Wikipedia, a two-tier democracy?, Musée L - UCLouvain, November 2017.
- Table ronde sur la stratégie du mouvement, French WikiConvention, Strasbourg, October 2017.
- La révolution numérique vécue par le sud, focus sur le mouvement wikimédia et OpenStreetMap au Ghana, French WikiConvention, Strasbourg, October 2017.
- Enjeux et intégration des travaux de recherches effectués au sein des projets Wikiversité, French WikiConvention, Strasbourg, October 2017.
- Les projets Wikimedia comme partenaires pédagogiques, et de collaboration dans votre association & Kiwix du contenu Internet hors connexion Éducalibre, Brussels, October 2016.
- Comment l'évolution d'internet influence-t-elle celles de nos communautés et démocraties ? in cultural café "D'autre Mondes", Gembloux, May 2016.
- Speaker during the meeting between Jimmy Wales UCLouvain's students, UCLouvain, Febuary 2016.
- Une petite histoire Libre, Éducalibre, Brussels May 2015.
- Derrière Wikipédia, une communauté et des outils peu connus, Digital Campus ICT Forum, 2012.
Video productions
- Carnaval d'Agadir 2025 : documentary on Agadir carnival, 2025.
- Modes d'habiter - Scènes ethnographiques : capsule presenting a LAAP exhibition at the Forum des Halles de Louvain-la-Neuve, 2018.
- La marche de la Trinité : documentary on marches of Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse, Walcourt, 2012.
- Un anthropologue parmi les pères blanc : documentary on the academic career of Michael Singleton, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2011.
Modes d'habiter - Scènes ethnographiques
La marche de la Trinité 2012
Un anthropologue venu des pères blancs
Carnaval d'Agadir 2024
- Le mouvement Wikimédia. Dans l'ombre de ma planète Wikipédia, se cache toute une galaxie !, Wikilivres, 2023.
- Alain Lecomte & Lionel Scheepmans, SOWEI de la société secrète Sande. Mendé, de Sierra-Léone, de Guinée et du Libéria, edition A. Lecomte, Paris, juillet 2022 (ISBN : 9782954416755) Article concerning the book.
Research works
- Imagine un monde : quand le mouvement Wikimédia nous aide à penser de manière prospective la société globale et numérique de demain, Thèse de doctorat, DIAL, UCLouvain, 2022.
- Statistical analysis of Wikimedia fundation financial reports : statistical analysis of the budget management of the Wikimedia foundation, Wikiversity, 2017.
- La coopération au développement au sein de la culture sakalava: impact of culture on cooperation project, Wikiversité, 2017.
- Trilogie pour un monde juste et sain, Wikiversité, 2014.
- Contribution à l'étude des espaces boisés et arbustes de la préfecture de Kissidougou: ethnobotanical census, economic and environmental analysis of the wooded areas of the Kissidougou prefecture, made in 1992 - 1993 for the DERIK project under a European development volunteer contract, Wikiverstié, 2015.
- Le sixième pouvoir (Agoravox, 2021.
- Tout le monde, ce n'est pas n'importe qui, Agoravox, 2021.
- La récolte de dons sur Wikipédia est-elle bénéfique au développement de l’encyclopédie ?, Agoravox, 2019.
- Wikimania and the differences between online and offline cultures, Wikimedia Foundation, 2015.
- A wikimedian explorer in Cape Verde: Wikimedia user analyze and workshop report in Cape Verde, Meta-Wiki, 2015.
- A wikipedian explorer in south of India: Wikimedia user analyze and workshop report in India, Meta-Wiki, 2015.
Lessons and courses
- Anthropologie numérique : Digital anthropology seminar, Wikiversité, 2024.
- De la propriété au commandement : Anthropology lesson of anarchy, Wikiversité, 2022.
- L'écoumène numérique et ses enjeux sociétaux : Digital anthropology lesson, Wikiversité, 2022.
- Pour un imaginaire juste et sain : Prospective anthropology lesson, Wikiversité, work in progress.
Student works
PhD works
- Imagine un monde. Quand le mouvement Wikimédia nous aide à penser la société globale et numérique, Wikiversité, Juin 2022.
- Public lesson support, Wikiversité, June 2022.
- Prived defense of the PhD thesis support, Wikiversité, May 2022.
- The usefulness in anthropology and digital ethnography of the free software corpus analysis tool TXM, Wikiversity, 2018.
- Time vs Money within the WikimediColonisation numérique et extractivisme (2020) texte d'introduction à une table ronde.a movement (2019) : collective workshop during CivilServant's Wikimedia studies/Summit Stockholm 2019.
- How to include oral culture in Wikimédia movement? (2019) : talk conference Wikimania.
- Wikimédia vu sous l'aspect et la métaphore du jeu (2019) : OMNSH PhD meeting presentation.
- Black boxes in digital révolution (2018) : support of presentation.
- Le point sur le blockchain eUser:Lionel Scheepmans/en/wiki/t la cryptomonnaie (2018) : digital practice seminar presentation.
- Humanité·s numérique·s et socio-anthropologie numérique (2018) : digital humanities seminar presentation.
- Wikipedia, une démocratie à deux vitesses ? (2017) : preparatory note for the ethics lunch on 29/11/2017 at the Catholic University of Louvain.
- Enjeux et intégration des travaux de recherches effectués au sein des projets Wikiversité (2017) : presentation at the WikiConvention francophone 2017.
- Utilisation des projets wikimédia au sein d'un laboratoire d'anthropologie (2018) : workshop support in the anthropology laboratory concerning Wikimedia projects (under writing).
- Recherche:Liberté d'expression, neutralité de point de vue et fausse information au sein du mouvement Wikimédia (2018) presentation of digital practice seminar.
Economic and Social Ethics University Certificate's works
- Dérives éthiques au sein du mouvement Wikimédia (2016) : ethical essay about Wikimedia Movement.
- Pour une économie plus juste au sein du mouvement Wikimédia (2016) : essay about ethical economy within Wikimedia Movement.
- La BioBrick : de la vertu éthique à l'aubaine d’une économie immorale (2016) : essay on ethical issues related to synthetic biology.
- Questions d'éthique concernant la publication scientifique (2016) : essay on the ethical issues related to the publication of scientific work.
- Is anonymity for Wikipedia contributors desirable? (2016) : essay about anonymity desirability on Wikipedia.
- Les réfugiés face à la pensée libérale et son principe de propriété (2016) : carte blanche on the issue of liberalism and open borders
- Wikipédia, un média de colonisation culturelle (2015) : essay about Wikipedia and cultural colonization.
- Questions of democracy and social responsibility within Wikipedia (2015) : essay about social responsibilities and drifting linked to the iron law of oligarchy within Wikipedia.
Master's works in anthropology
- Culture fr.wikipedia (2011) : Monography about active users community on French Wikipedia project (master thesis).
- Quel abri pour l'être humain ? (2011) : Reflection based on an account of an anthropological field experience in Brazil.
- Coming age in first live (2010) : Reflection work based on the reading of the book Coming of age in Second Live.
- Une ville électronumérique (2010) : ethnographic writing work on the theme of network computing.
- Introduction à la bricologie (2010) : anthropological reflections starting from the metaphor of do-it-yourself in a material and ideological articulation of the constraints and resources specific to the human being and his environment.
- Je pense et je suis (2009) : Symbolic systems and freedom of thought.
- Un anthropologue venu des pères blancs (2009) : life story, academic background of Mike Singleton.
- Un intrus dans un cabinet ministériel (2009) : observation of mediation sites in a minister's office.
Bachelor's degree works in socio-anthropology
- Renaissance des droits des peuples indigènes (2009) : reading sheet.
- Le masque sowei (2009) : presentation of a West African mask and its associated ritual.
- Le théâtre comme instrument politique (2009) : reflection on the reciprocal influence that society has on theatre and theatre on society.
- Mario commensal pendant seize ans dans la « république des tortues » (2009) : story of life in a student house.
- Réflexions sur l'épistémologie en sciences sociales et la transmission du savoir au départ du livre « L'herbe du diable et la petite fumée » de Carlos Castañeda (2009) : Epistemological questions and reflections on the Western educational system.
- Você está aqui (2009) : work of presentation and reflection around a musical and theatrical performance (in Portuguese on wikiversidade).
- La symbolique du tabac (2008) : reflection around smoking and tobacco symbols.
- Odeurs bruits et couleurs, codes de la vie quotidienne de banlieue (2008) : reading sheet.
- Un site de rencontres crée ou dévoile-t-il des inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes ? (2008) : sociological research based on questionnaires, direct observations and interviews.
- Lectures comparées entre l'ouvrage « Les naufragés » de Patrick Declerck et l'ouvrage « Les lances du crépuscules » de Philippe Descola (2007) : reflection on science and anthropology based on a comparison of the two works.
- Nouvelles formes de Management dans la création de produits numériques (2007) : bibliographical work on hacker culture and VLC software.
- Les jumeaux homozygotes, objet de la science et de la recherche (2007) : reflection around the interests and ethics that science has towards twins.
Technical humanities works
- Les problèmes environnementaux concernant l'aviation, solutions actuelles et alternatives d'avenir (2005) : synthesis of environmental problems concerning the field of aviation and presentation of possible solutions and alternatives (technical qualification thesis in general aeronautics).
- Etude bibliographique du Rwanda et de sa forêt (1990) : 7th year technical qualification thesis in agronomy and rural engineering of hot regions.
- Aménagement du bois privé de l'ermitage St-Jean Baptiste et du bois Pinchet à Villers-la-Ville. (1987) : End-of-study work on technical qualification humanity in forestry.
Help to the layout of other people's work
- Clefs pour mieux comprendre le monde et participer à son évolution (2014 - 2015) : import, proofreading, syntax improvement and "wikification" of a work written by Georges Blanchet.
- Sondage (2015) : Import and formatting of a work done by three undergraduate students.
Publications on Meta-Wiki
- An analysis of Wikimedia organizations as they are off line and on line: Essay and participation report about Wikimania London (2014).
Presentation supports
- Presentation of Wikimedia movement for video projector (2014).
- French presentation of Wikimedia mouvement for video projector (2014).
- Portuguese presentation of Wikimedia mouvement for video projector (2015).
Activity statistics of projects activities
- Global account information.
- Global user contribution.
- Wikiscan fr.wikipedia.
- Wikiscan fr.Wikiversity.
- Wikiscan Meta-Wiki.
- Wikiscan Wikimedia Commons
- Xtools fr.Wikipédia.
- Xtools fr.Wikiversité.
- Xtools Meta-Wiki.
- Xtools Wikimedia Commons.
- Files importation on Wikimedia Commons.
Activities in the Wikimedia movement
Video conference
- Global conversations (December 2020)
- Wikimania 2021 (August 2021)
- Wikiconvention Francophone (November 2021)
- Tournée d'écoute de Maryana Iskander (November 2021)
- Wikimedia Greenhouse (July 2019).
- Wikimedia chapter board member training, Wikimedia summit Berlin (April 2019).
Administrator applications
- Administrateur de Wikilivres en français (Febuary 2023).
- Interface administrator (November 2019).
- Wikijournal humanities editorial board member (June 2019).
- Wikimedia Belgium 8board member (2018 - 2020).
- Administrator in French-speaking Wikiversity (October 2015).
- Founder member of the Wiki8media Belgum association (October 2014).
- Wikimedia Foudation Board of Trustee (August 2021).
- Steward (January 2020).
- Wikimedia France board member (October 2019).
- Meta-Wiki adminship (May 2017)
Grants submissions
- Wikimedia CH/Micro Grant/Plug Kiwix pour FOSDEM et Wikimedia Belgium (2015).
- Wikimedia France/Micro-financement/Demande/Atelier du mois de la contribution francophone à Pondichéry: budget to organize a french mounth of contribution in Ponichery (2014).
- Wikimedia France/Micro-financement/Demande/location local et projecteur pour un atelier wikipédia à Charleroi (Belgique): budget to organize a French month of contribution in Charleroi (2014).
- Transport and accommodation to attend the Wikipedia meal in Paris on March 26, 2019.
- Project/Rapid/Lionel Scheepmans/Mois de la contribution Belgique 2018 : organisation of workshops during the month of the Francophone contribution in Belgium.
- Project/Rapid/Lionel Scheepmans/Wiki 4 Coop : Wikimedian in residence on Louvain Cooperation NGO.
- Wiki 4 Coop : Collaboration project between Wikimedia movement and Belgian cooperation stakeholders.
- Grants:IEG/Outreach and partnership with University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) (2015).
- Grants:TPS/Lionel Scheepmans/A wikimedian explorer in Cape Verde (2015).
Others as idea or participant
- Grants:IdeaLab/Karma system: Project for dealing with harassement within on line wikimedia projects (2016).
- Grants:PEG/WM BE/Budget 2015 H1 (2014)
Talks and debates
- project, Wikimania on line (August 2021)
- Wikimedia drift mission, Wikimania on line (August 2021)
- Laboratory for the study of Wikimedia motion presentation, Wikimania Stockholm (June 2019).
- CC.0 licence. What's the issue to loose attribution and copyleft during Wikimédia project participation ? Wikimania Stockholm (August 2019).
- African cultures and the wikimedia movement, technical, ethical and inter-cultural debate, WikiIndaba in Tunis (January 2018).
- Statistical analysis of Wikimedia individual engagement grants, WikiIndaba Tunis (January 2018).
- Ethical and social responsibility questions about Wikimedia movement (in French), Wikimedia French convention Paris (April 2016).
- The French Wikiversity : presentation, challenges and future prospects (in French), Wikimedia French convention Paris (August 2016).
In Belgium
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Charleroi (March 2023).
- Wiki Club Brussels (October 2019).
- French WikiConvention in Bruxelles (September 2019).
- French mont of Wikimedia contribution workshop in Namur (March 2019)
- Jury and French speaker during the photo contest award ceremony of Wiki Loves Heritage 2018 (December 2018).
- General Assembly and beginning of the term of Wikimedia Belgium board member (April 2018).
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Louvain-la-Neuve (March 2018).
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Charleroi (March 2018).
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Walcourt (March 2018).
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Gembloux (March 2017).
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Louvain-la-Neuve (March 2017).
- Kiwix workshop for Éducalibre (October 2016).
- General assembly of Wikimedia Belgium (January 2016).
- Just for the record, funded by the Wikimedia foundation (January 2016).
- Workshop Wikipedia for Mons 2015 (May 2015).
- Projects Day Wikimedia Belgium (Febuary 2015).
- Stand Wikipedia FOSDEM (January 2015).
- First Wikimedia Belgium general assembly (January 2015).
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Pondichéry (October 2014).
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Charleroi (October 2014).
- Creation of Wikimedia Belgium (October 2014).
- Stand Wikipedia FOSDEM (Febuary 2014).
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Charleroi (October 2013).
- French Wikimedia contribution workshop in Brussels (October 2013).
Outside Belgium
- Stockholm summit CivilServant's Wikimedia studies (August 2019).
- Wikimania Stockholm (August 2019)
- Informal meals between Wikipedians in Paris (March 2019).
- Conférence WikIndaba in Tunis (March 2018).
- Wikimedia explorer in Tunisia (March 2018)
- French wikiconvention in Strasbourg (October 2017).
- Wikimedia explorer in Ghana (September 2017)
- Wikimania Italia (May 2016).
- Wikimedia explorer in Cape Vert (Febuary - April 2015).
- Wikimedian explorer in south of India (October 2014).
- Wikimania London (August 2014).