[edit]Hello! My name is JazzClam, and this is my Userpage! I go by a variety of names online, including JazzClam, but you can call me anything, Jack, JazzClam, Jazz, Clam, anything really. If I do something bad, let me know on my talk page, or feel free to trout me.
— Wikipedian ♂ — | |
Name | Jack/John |
Born | |
Current location | New York, United States |
Contact info | | | |
Discord | Jack Mazola#3846 (Does not Work) |
What do I do?
[edit]I mostly prowl around the Recent Changes page, looking for any obvious vandalism. I'm quite amused by what people think they can get away with, and I think that if they knew that people were constantly looking over every single edit, there'd be a whole lot less vandalism. I also am working on updating my userpage as a form of practice, learning the in's and out's of Wikipedia editing. I also dabble in C# on Visual Studio with Unity, I hope I can make a decent game with some nice pixel art with enough practice. I currently am using Piskel to make pixel art, which is a great, free, online pixel art program which I definitely suggest using before buying a better one. I think I want to get Aseprite, which is one of the better pixel art programs, in the future.
I haven't found what I like editing yet, as I've only done one small edit on a terraria article, right here. So for now I'm just working on and around the Recent Changes. Like I said above, the amount of vandalism that gets cleaned up in recent changes is incredible, I've always wondered why vandalism isn't rampant, and that's why, recent changes. I'm currently thinking I want to work on the Terraria article, maybe talking about progression and gameplay. But my focus may shift if I find an article that tickles my fancy, one of which is strangely, the Pyrotol article, the mystery of it, the lack of information on the subject when it feels like it should be there, I love that stuff, but what it is I don't know. I don't think it's the content of the article that matters, although that probably has something to do with it, but most likely the mystery of an incomplete article. In the case of Pyrotol, the mystery was, "Who made this substance? Why was it distributed? Who's idea was it?", things like that. If anyone has any idea what that kind of article is, an article where it feels that there should be information but there isn't. Come to think of it, many people who read this may think that it's just an incomplete article, which I also like, but it needs a kind of mystery. In Pyrotol, the mystery is the lack of information, looking up Pyrotol just leads to the Wikipedia article, so not an incomplete article, but a lack of information. If anyone has any idea as to what this kind of thing is and where i can find more of them, such as a maintenance page, you can put it below, and sign it with the four of these things "~" if you'd like. Also, if you have any articles that you think might tickle my fancy after reading what i've said above, please put it on my talk page! I'd be happy to read them!
Also I like wacky science stuff that sounds like it should be in star wars but isn't.
What's my setup look like?
[edit]Whenever I monitor Recent Changes, I usually keep the Recent Changes Tab open, with the Template Index Open as well. I keep the Template Index open so that I can find the proper warning template to place on the offender's talk page, not so much a question of speed or efficiency, but mostly just for convenience.
Potential Biases
[edit]I identify as a quite nationalistic American. I am also a Social Utilitarian, meaning that I would not, for example, do something like the stay at home orders in the 2020 coronavirus, as it put many people out of work to prevent the deaths of a few, basically if something harms more people then it helps, then I am opposed to it. Of course there's some common sense here, if a decision would kill 1 Million people and keep 1 Million and One people in work, I wouldn't do it. I also am a Conservative Democrat, not quite republican, not quite a democrat. Some things I admit I have done is changing BCE, (Before Common Era) to BC (Before Christ), although I do not do these things anymore. So in conclusion, I am a Nationalistic, Social Utilitarian, Conservative Democrat. If you think any of these Biases harms my editing neutrality, gimme a trout, and I'll fix it! Luckily, I am quite neutral in American Politics, except with far-left and right politics. Although, I do not necessarily see this as a bad thing, t
![]() | Has this user made a silly mistake? Click on the trout to notify them! |
Pet Articles
[edit]Starmancer I'm updating it with release information and any particulary game changing decisions.
What else?
[edit]I'm also fascinated by the sheer volume of information on wikipedia, from the long indexes of... stuff, to the endless rabbit holes of editor pages, It's one of my goals, albeit less important than my other goals, to conquer the mountain of stuff, the history, conventions, people, events, everything.
So! That's my userpage! I'm probably going to expand my page in the future, working alongside patrolling recent changes, maybe dabbling in some article editing. I might even finish that Pyrotol article, although I don't want to cut off my "Supply" of those fantastic, fun to edit, articles, but, you only live once? Ey? You can talk with me on my talk page or through the contacts above. I'll work on here in the future, keep you updated on stuff, what's going on in my Wikipedia Journey, and if you'd like, keep me updated on yours! I've got a little bit of IRL to deal with, but if you need me I should be able to get back to you sometime.
If you have anything you think I should put on my page, let me know! Like I've said above, I'm always working on this, and I need some stuff to add. Also, I'm thinking about making an article about [[1]], a great pixel art tool. I've currently got the free trial, and it is amazing. Since people research their subjects before getting into them, and people worldwide look to Wikipedia for knowledge. Tell me if you think I should write this.
So have a nice day/night, wherever you are and edit on! And maybe if you're feeling like it, you can drop me off a kit-kat or a kitten something with some Wikilove.