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User script
Archive progress screenshot (bottom, click to see full).
The "Archive" link (top) shows at the extreme
right side of the screen.
DescriptionAdds archive links to discussions, allowing one-click archiving of individual sections
Author(s)Equazcion (original)
Technical 13 (updates)
FlightTime (customized)
UpdatedFebruary 15, 2025
    (30 days ago)
BrowsersFirefox, Chrome, Opera
GitHub repositoryOneClickArchiver
Note: This is a custom version of User:Equazcion/OneClickArchiver

OneClickArchiver allows you to instantly archive a single discussion with a click, via an "archive" link that displays for each section on discussion pages.

Noticeboards and other high-traffic discussion pages, normally archived automatically by bots, have gotten long and less manageable recently due to bot instability. OneClickArchiver was created to better enable experienced editors to clear out old discussions themselves, without having to rely on bots. Any discussion page can be set up to use OneClickArchiver.

Use of this tool does not obviate your responsibility to understand when archiving a thread is appropriate. In particular:
  • Public noticeboards should only be archived by experienced editors. Respect a public page's posted archiving policy; if you are unsure, ask.
  • It is rarely appropriate to archive threads in another user's talk page

Archive page


This script uses a page's MiszaBot configuration (see User:MiszaBot/config) to determine the archive page. You can enable OneClickArchiver support on a page without a MiszaBot configuration (such as your own user talk page) by using {{Archive basics}} and including its two required parameters. Clicking the archive link on pages without a MiszaBot configuration or {{Archive basics}} (with both required parameters) will not successfully perform an archive.



To use this script: Copy the line below, then click here, paste the line, and click Save page.

importScript('User:FlightTime/OneClickArchiver.js'); // [[User:FlightTime/OneClickArchiver.js]]

Finally, clear your cache and you're set to go.