[edit]- Asimov, Isaac (1966). The Roman Republic. (937.02 ASI) this book of history is geared toward readers in grade school
[edit]- Bakewell, Sarah. At the Existentialist Café. page 216 on November 2017
- Balzer, David. Curationism: How Curating Took Over the Art World and Everything Else. Coach House Books. (708.009 BAL) "review by Rombolt", Art Review, Dec 2014
- Baudrillard, Jean (1968). The System of Objects (Radical Thinkers ed.). Verso Books. ISBN 9781788738545. Verso Books
- Beard, Mary (2015). SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome. Recommended by Sasha Sagan.
Blum, Andrew (2019). The Weather Machine : A Journey Inside the Forecast. (551.63 BLU)
- Boucheron, Patrick (2017). France in the World: A New Global History. ISBN 9781590519417.
- Bouvier, Nicolas (1963). L'Usage du monde.
Breslin, Herbert; Midgette, Anne (2004). The King and I: The Uncensored Tale of Luciano Pavarotti's Rise to Fame by His Manager, Friend and Sometime Adversary. about Luciano Pavarotti
- Burns, William J. (2019). The Back Channel: A Memoir of American Diplomacy and the Case for Its Renewal.
[edit]- Chomsky, Noam (born 1928): Bennett, Terry. Chomsky Effect. or Barsky, Robert F. (2007). The Chomsky Effect: A Radical Works Beyond the Ivory Tower. (320.512 BAR) (progress page 72 of 323)
- Chapman, Kit. Superheavy : making and breaking the Periodic Table. ISBN 9781472953896. (546.44 CHA)
- Christian, Brian; Griffiths, Tom (2016). Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions. ISBN 978-1250118363.
- Coates, Ta-Nehisi (2019). The Water Dancer. Recommended by Sasha Sagan. Between the World and Me from One Mississippi
- Cohen, Joshua (2015). Book of Numbers.
Cunningham, Darryl. Science Tales: Lies, Hoaxies and Scams. (GN 500 CUN)
[edit]- Desan, Philippe. Montaigne: A Life. about Michel de Montaigne
- Duggan, Lisa Mean Girl : Ayn Rand and the Culture of Greed (University of California Press, 2019)
- Jacques Derrida: Mikics, David. Who Was Jacques Derrida?: An Intellectual Biography.
- Dundy, Elaine (1958). The Dud Avocado.
Dungan, Nicholas. Gallatin: America’s Swiss Founding Father. ISBN 0814785395. biography of Albert Gallatin (1761-1849) founder of NYU
[edit]- Eco, Umberto (1932 – 2016) Turning Back the Clock; Chronicles of a liquid society. Translated by Richard Dixon. 2017. from Italian (854.914 ECO); Inventing Enemy; History of Beauty. (111.85 HIS); Turning back the clock : hot wars and media populism. Translated by Alastair McEwen. (854.914 Eco) translated from Italian
- Even-Ezra, Ayelet. Lines of Thought: Branching Diagrams and the Medieval Mind.
[edit]- Flaubert, G. (1821 - 1880) : Brown, Frederick (2006). Flaubert: a biography. ISBN 0-316-11878-8.
- Forster, E. M. Howards End. (FIC FORSTER)
- Figes, Orlando. The Europeans: Three Lives and Making of Cosmospolitan Culture.
- Fisher, Mark (2020). Matt Colquhoun (ed.). Postcapitalist Desire: The Final Lectures. Repeater Books. ISBN 9781913462482. - k-punk
- Fraiser. The Flashman Papers. , fictional protagonist Harry Flashman, a cowardly British soldier, placed in a series of real historical incidents between 1839 and 1894.
- Foucault, Michel (2005), Frédéric Gros (ed.), The Hermeneutics of the Subject, Lectures at the Collège de France 1981--1982, translated by Graham Burchell, Picador, ISBN 9780312425708 Macmillan Books
- Freire, Paulo (1968). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. "JSTOR Daily".
- Fumaroli, Marc (2018). The Republic of Letters (The Margellos World Republic of Letters). Translated by Vergnaud, Lara. Yale University Press.
[edit]- Gray, Alasdair The Book of Prefaces
- Glaude, Jr., Eddie S. (2016). Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul. ISBN 978-0-8041-3742-3. from One Mississippi
- Gillespie, Michael Allen (2017). Nietzsche's Final Teaching. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226476889.
- Kurt Gödel: Budiansky, Stephen. Journey to edge of reason: life of Kurt Gödel.
- Goethe: Safranski, Rüdiger (2017). Goethe: Life as a Work of Art. Translated by David Dollenmayer. ISBN 978-1-63149-489-5.
- Gordon, Peter E. (2020). Migrants in the Profane: Critical Theory and the Question of Secularization. Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300250763.
- Gosetti-Ferencei, Jennifer. On being and becoming. Oxford University Press. Profile at John Hopkins University
[edit]Hager, Thomas. The Alchemy of Air: A Jewish Genius, a Doomed Tycoon, and the Scientific Discovery That Fed the World but Fueled the Rise of Hitler. (540.92 HAG)
- Hanley, Ryan Patrick. Our Great Purpose: Adam Smith on living a better life. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691216703.
- Hamming, Richard (1997). The Art of Doing Science and Engineering., republished in 2020
- Harari (2016). Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow. (909.83 HAR); Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. 2015. (909 HAR)
- Hayot, Eric. Humanist Reason.
- Hofmannsthal, Hugo von. McClatchy (ed.). The Whole Difference: Selected Writings by Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
- Homer (2018). Odyssey. Translated by Emily Wilson.
[edit]- Igo, Sarah E. The known citizen : a history of privacy in modern America. ISBN 9780674737501. (323.448 IGO)
- Irvine, William B. (2019). The Stoic Challenge: A Philosopher's Guide to Becoming Tougher, Calmer, and More Resilient. ISBN 9780393652499.
[edit]- Johnston, Adrian (2018). A New German Idealism: Hegel, Žižek, and Dialectical Materialism. Columbia University Press. ISBN 9780231183949. discussions Hegel, Žižek and others related to Dialectical materialism
[edit]- Kaplan, Vivian Jeanette. Ten Green Bottles: The True Story of One Family's Journey from War-torn Austria to the Ghettos of Shanghai. (940.5318 KAP)
- Kehlmann, Daniel (2005). Measuring the World (in German)., English translation by Carol Brown Janeway
- Kishner, Rachel. The Hard Crowd 2000-2020.
- Kierkegaard: Ferguson, Robert. Kierkegaard. School of Life.
- Koenig, John (2021). The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.
[edit]- Lawson, Robert (2019). Socialism sucks : two economists drink their way through the unfree world. ISBN 9781621579458. (335 LAW) featuring Robert A. Lawson (bio), Benjamin Powell, Matthew B. Kibbe, & Ian Vásquez "Cato on July 31, 2019". Cato Institute.
- Fran Lebowitz (born 1950) The Fran Lebowitz Reader (1994)
- Lessig, Lawrence (2019). Fidelity & Constraint: How the Supreme Court Has Read the American Constitution. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190945664.
- Lehrer, Jonah (2007). Proust Was a Neuroscientist. Recommended by Silke
- Lewis, Michael (2018). The Fifth Risk.
- Logan, William. Guilty Knowledge, Guilty Pleasure, The Dirty Art of Poetry. (811.509 Logan)
- Lynskey, Dorian (2019). The Ministry of Truth: The Biography of George Orwell's 1984.
[edit]- Márquez, Gabriel García The Scandal of the Century: Selected Journalistic Writings, 1950-1984 (2019) on importance of being journalist more than Nobel Prize. ISBN 9780525656425
- McGowan, Todd. Emancipation after Hegel.
- Moshfegh, Ottessa (2018). My Year of Rest and Relaxation., cover art "Portrait of Woman in White". by Anonymous artist, in same circle as David
- Molière (1622 – 1673) French comic playwriter: Eight Plays by Moliere. Translated by Morris Bishop. 1950. (842.4 Moliere)
[edit]- Nabokov, Vladimir: Morton, Donald. Vladimir Nabokov. (891.793 Nabokov); Field, Andrew. VN: The Life and Art of Vladimir Nabokov.; Nabokov, Lolita or translation Eugene O see Appendix 2 with notes on Pushkin's prose. Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse. Princeton University Press.; Think, Write, Speak: Uncollected essays, reviews, interviews and letters to editors. Knopf. 2019.
- Nicander of Colophon Scholia Scholia in Nicandri Theriaka : cum glossis, Milan: Istituto Editoriale Cisalpino, 1971
- Harari, Yuval Noah: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind and Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
- Nelson, Anne (2009). Red Orchestra : The Story of the Berlin Underground and the Circle of Friends Who Resisted Hitler. (943.155 NEL) page 271 on May 31, 2015 . See more at Red Orchestra (espionage)
- Nietzsche :
Cate, Curtis. Friederick Nietzsche., finished August 8, 2013 ; Prideaux, Sue. I Am Dynamite!: A Life of Niezsche. ; Allen, Michael. Nietzsche Final Teachings.; Holub. Nietzsche's Jewish Problem.
[edit]- Ondaatje., Michael (2018). Warlight. from Don
- Orlean, Susan (2018). The Library Book. ISBN 9781476740188.
[edit]- Parry, Milman: Kanigel, Robert. Hearing Homer's Song: The Brief Life and Big Idea of Milman Parry.
- Paxton, Robert (2004). The Anatomy of Fascism.
- Pound, Ezra: Swift, Daniel (2017). The Bughouse: The Poetry, Politics, and Madness of Ezra Pound. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN 978-0-374-28404-6.
- Proust: Heuet, Stéphane. In Search of Lost Time: Swann's Way, A Graphic Novel. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Liveright. ISBN 978-1-63149-647-9. W. W. Norton
[edit]- Rory. Pragmatism as Anti-Authoritarian. Harvard University Press.
[edit]- Sacks, Oliver. Uncle Tungsten : memories of a chemical boyhood. (B Sacks) with many long footnotes
- Sartre (1905 - 1980):
We have only this life to live : selected essays of Jean-Paul Sartre, 1939-1975. ISBN 9781590174937. (848.914) ;
Gerassi. Talking with Sartre : conversations and debates. ISBN 9780300151077. (194 TAL)
- Edward Said: Brennan, Timothy. Places of Mind: life of Edward Said.
- Scalia, Antonin (1936 — 2016); Scalia, Christopher J.; Wheland, Edward (2017). Scalia Speaks: Reflections on Law, Faith, and Life Well Lived.
- Schiff, Stacy. A great improvisation. (973.324 SCH); Véra (Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov) (2000) winner 2000 Puliziter (not available from library)
- Schorske, Carl E. (1979). Fin-de-siècle Vienna.
- Schott, Ben. Jeeves and the king of clubs : a novel in homage to P.G. Wodehouse.
- Seneca (1958). The stoic philosophy of Seneca : essays and letters of Seneca. Translated by Hadas, Moses. (188 SEN)
- Sinclair, Andrew. Death by Fame: A Life of Elisabeth, Empress of Austria. (B ELISABETH)
- Siemann, Wolfram (2019). Metternich: Strategist and Visionary. Translated by Steuer, Daniel. Belknap Press. ISBN 9780674743922. about Klemens von Metternich
- Sinyavsky, Andrei (2016). Strolls with Pushkin. Translated by Catherine Theimer; Nepomnyashchy; Slava I. Yastremski.
- Sjöberg, Fredrik. The Fly Trap. Translated by Thomas Teal.
- Spinoza:
Goldstein, Rebecca (2006). Betraying Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity.
- Spiegelman, Art Maus (GN 940.5315 SPI); Maus II (GN 940-); Meta Maus in biography
- Saul Steinberg cartoonist: Feldman, Jessica. Sail Steinberg's Literary Journeys: Nabokov, Joyce and Others.
- Stendhal (1783 — 1842) most famous work The Red and The Black; biography Strickland, Geoffrey (1974). Stendhal: Education of a Novelist.
- Strauss, Leo (Aug 2019). Paul Franco (ed.). Leo Strauss on Hegel. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226640686.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: year (link)
[edit]- Teicher, Craig Morgan (2018). We Begin in Gladness: How Poets Progress. Gray Wolf Press. "Gray Wold Press".
- Thuram, Lilian. La pensée blanche (in French). White Thinking (2021) English translation to be published Oct, 2021.
- Towles, Amor (2016). A Gentleman in Moscow.
[edit]- Varnedor, Kirk (1946 – 2003) Pictures of Nothing (709.0405 VAR) on Rugby and modern art
- Vonnegut, Kurt (1922 – 2007) Galapagos our big brains making our lives unbearable; Hocus Pocus biggest character is imperialism
- Vidal, Gore (2003). Inventing a Nation: Washington, Adams, Jefferson. (973.4 VID)
[edit]- de Waal, Edmund (2021). Letters to Camondo. 2021-06-25: Person in store said best book she ever read. She wanted to buy a copy on the spot for her friend after they said they hadn't read it. The follow-on book for The Hare with Amber Eyes (2010) (736.68 DEW) page 104 as of 2021-07-27
- Walker, Matthew (2017). Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams.
- Wallace, David Foster (1962 – 2008) Infinite Jest
- Ware, Chris (2019). Rusty Brown.
- Wodehouse, P. G. (1881 – 1975), see Ben Schott for work in same style with Jeeves character
- Wong, Ali (2019). Dear Girls: Intimate Tales, Untold Secrets & Advice for Living Your Best Life.
- Olin Wright, Erik (2019). How to be anti-capitalist in 21st century.
- Wynne, Jessica. Do not erase : mathematicians and their chalkboard.
[edit]- Žantovský, Michael. Havel: a life. biography (B HAV) (progress page 164 of 518)
- Zweig, Stefan (2020). Encounters and Destinies : a farewell to Europe. Pushkin Press. ISBN 9781782273462.
- Žižek, Slavoj. Living in the End Times.
[edit]A - C
[edit]- Alchemy: Rampling, Jennifer M. Experimental Fire : inventing English Alchemy 1300-1700.
- Alexander the Great: Everitt, Anthony (2019). Alexander the Great : his life and his mysterious death. ISBN 9780425286524. (B ALEXANDER)
- Asterix - Asterix and Cleopatra
- Ballet: Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet (2010) by Jennifer Homans
- Bismarck: Steinberg, Jonathan. Bismarck: A Life. Oxford University Press. reviewed by Kissinger, Henry A. (2011-03-31). "Otto von Bismarck, Master Statesman". The New York Times.
- Book design: * Argetsinger, Mark (2020). A Grammar of Typography: Classical Book Design in the Digital Age. Argesinger Books, beautifully designed and printed
- Bowie, David: O'Connell, John. Bowie's Bookshelf. top 100 books of musician
- Cartography, mapmaking: History of world map by map (Smithsonian). DK.
D - L
[edit]- Gibraltar: Atkins, Roy; Atkins, Leslie. Gibraltar: The Greatest Siege in British History.
- Go: Lusson; Perac; Roubaud. Short Treatise Inviting the Reader Discover Sublte Art of Go.
- Hilter: Adolf Hilter by Sean Price found in biography section; Backing Hitler: consent and coercion by Robert Gellately (943.086 GEL); Hilter: a biography by Ian Kershaw (2008); Hitlerland by Nagorski (940.5421 NAG); 1932: Rise of Hitler and FDR
- Historical romance:
- Awards
- RITA Award 1982-2019; followed by Vivian Award in 2021 and beyond
- Authors
- Burford, Eleanore Alice as Jean Plaidy or Victoria Holt
- Clark, Joan
- Dodd, Christina
- Garwood, Julie (b. 1944) series: Lairds' Brides, Highlands' Lairds, Clayborne of Rosehill
- Golon, Anne (b. 1921) as Sergeanne Golon, Angélique series
- James, Eloisa
- King, Susan
- Lindsey, Johanna
- Mantel, Hilary
- Payes, Rachel Cosgrove
- Quick, Amanda
- Robards, Karen - "Career Achievement" award from Romance Tmes
- Rogers, Rosemary
M - S
[edit]- Mozart :
Gay, Peter (1999). Mozart: A Life. (Sep-Oct 2018, Vienna)
- Parent Trap: Lottie and Lisa (1949) German story, Holt used in Brooklyn 99 Season 8, episode 2 "The Lake House"
T - Z
[edit]- Think in Public: A Public Books Reader (Columbia University Press, 2019) (Public Books Series) Ed. by Sharon Marcus / Caitlin Zaloom, from Degruyter ISBN 9780231548717
- Wikimedia: Is there a movement? AfD/Wikimedia_movement-2021-08-20: Jemielniak, Dariusz (2014). "Common Knowledge?: An Ethnography of Wikipedia". Stanford University Press. ISBN 0804789444. author WMF Board member?; Tkacz, Nathaniel. "Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness". University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226192444.
[edit]Missing key information
- Sussman, Fern. More Than Words: A Parents Guide to Building Interaction and Language Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties.