User:Drmccreedy/roadmap multilingual

I use a Perl script to generate Unicode character roadmap images for the BMP, SIP, SMP, SSP and TIP planes.
These images are multilingual, currently supporting English, Belarusian, Chinese using simplified characters, Chinese using traditional characters, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian.
(You can see them all on my test page.)
I'm happy to add languages if provided with the necessary translations.
What to translate
[edit]This is the text to be translated if you want to add a new language to the roadmap images:
key | text to translate |
Africa | African scripts |
Americas | American scripts |
AsiaEast | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | Cuneiform |
Europe | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Latin script |
ME | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Notational systems |
private | Private use |
surrogates | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Symbols |
tags | Tags |
unallocated | Unallocated code points |
variation | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
[edit]The image legends more-or-less line up with the chapters in the Unicode Standard.
The Standard's table of contents is especially useful in understanding the meaning of the legend groups:
Chapter 7 covers Latin script and Non-Latin European scripts like Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, and Georgian.
Chapter 9 covers Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts including Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, and Phoenician.
Chapter 11 covers Cuneiform and Hieroglyphs.
Chapters 12-15 cover South and Central Asian scripts including Tibetan, Mongolian, and the official scripts of India.
Chapter 16 covers Southeast Asian scripts including Thai, Lao, Burmese, and Khmer.
Chapter 17 covers Indonesian and Oceanic scripts like the Philippine scripts, Balinese, and Javanese.
Chapter 18 covers East Asian scripts like Han, Bopomofo, Hiragana, Katakana, Hangul, Yi, Tangut, and others.
CJK characters are a subset of East Asian made up of Chinese characters or ideographs that are, or have been, used in China, Japan, Korean, and Vietnam.
Chapter 19 covers African scripts like Ethiopic, Osmanya, and Tifinagh.
Chapter 20 covers American scripts (that is, scripts used in North and South America): Cherokee, Canadian syllabics, Osage, Deseret.
Chapter 21 covers Notational systems like Braille, musical symbols, Duployan shorthand, and Sutton SignWriting.
Chapter 22 covers Symbols like currency symbols, numerals, and math symbols.
Chapter 23 covers "Special Areas and Format Characters" which are split out here into four groups:
- Private use are characters in Private Use Areas. They are characters intentionally left undefined so that third parties may define their own characters without conflicting with Unicode Consortium assignments.
- Tags are special-use tag characters that enable the spelling out of ASCII-based string tags (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and a few other characters) using characters that can be strictly separated from ordinary text content characters in Unicode.
- UTF-16 surrogates are characters that are used in pairs as surrogates (or stand-ins) in UTF-16 to represent Unicode characters over 0xffff (ones that can't fit into two bytes).
- Variation Selectors are format characters used to specify a specific glyph variant for a Unicode character.
Unallocated code points represent the unused space or areas, those not yet defined/allocated.
Miscellaneous characters is just a catch-all for any characters that don't fit elsewhere.
Lastly, As of Unicode 15.1 tells the viewer what version of the Unicode Standard was used to create the images. It's a way of knowing if the chart is current or out-of-date.
Languages to proofread
[edit]The following languages need to be fully translated/proofread:
[edit]key | Arabic | English |
Africa | نصوص أفريقية |
African scripts |
Americas | النصوص الأمريكية |
American scripts |
AsiaEast | نصوص شرق آسيا |
East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | نصوص جنوب ووسط آسيا |
South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | نصوص جنوب شرق آسيا |
Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | اعتباراً من Unicode 15.1 |
As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | المسمارية |
Cuneiform |
Europe | الكتابات الأوروبية غير اللاتينية |
Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | حروف CJK |
CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | الهيروغليفية |
Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | النصوص الإندونيسية والأوقيانوسية |
Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | الكتابات اللاتينية |
Latin script |
ME | نصوص الشرق الأوسط وجنوب غرب آسيا |
Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | حروف متنوعة |
Miscellaneous characters |
notation | أنظمة التدوين |
Notational systems |
private | الاستخدام الخاص |
Private use |
surrogates | بدائل UTF-16 |
UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | الرموز |
Symbols |
tags | العلامات |
Tags |
unallocated | نقاط الرموز غير المخصصة |
Unallocated code points |
variation | محددات التباين |
Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | تمثيل بياني لمستوى يونيكود الأساسي متعدد اللغات (BMP). |
A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | تمثيل بياني للمستوى الرمزي التكميلي متعدد اللغات (SIP) الخاص ب Unicode. |
A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | تمثيل بياني للمستوى التكميلي متعدد اللغات (SMP) الخاص ب Unicode. |
A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | تمثيل بياني للمستوى التكميلي متعدد اللغات (SMP) الخاص ب Unicode. |
A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | تمثيل بياني للمستوى التكميلي متعدد اللغات (TIP) الخاص ب Unicode. |
A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | يمثل كل مربع مرقّم 256 نقطة رمز. |
Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by DeepL, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.
[edit]key | Azeri | English |
Africa | Afrika skriptləri | African scripts |
Americas | Amerika skriptləri | American scripts |
AsiaEast | Şərqi Asiya yazıları | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | Cənubi və Orta Asiya yazıları | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Cənub-Şərqi Asiya yazıları | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | Unicode 15.1-dən etibarən | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | mixi yazı | Cuneiform |
Europe | Latın olmayan Avropa yazıları | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | CJK simvolları | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | Heroqliflər | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | İndoneziya və Okean yazıları | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Latın qrafikası | Latin script |
ME | Yaxın Şərq və Cənub-Qərbi Asiya yazıları | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | Müxtəlif xarakterlər | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Qeyd sistemləri | Notational systems |
private | Şəxsi istifadə | Private use |
surrogates | UTF-16 surroqatları | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Simvollar | Symbols |
tags | Teqlər | Tags |
unallocated | Bölünməmiş kod nöqtələri | Unallocated code points |
variation | Variasiya seçiciləri | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Unicode-un Əsas Çoxdilli Planının (BMP) qrafik təsviri. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | Unicode-un Əlavə İdeoqrafik Planının (SIP) qrafik təsviri. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Unicode-un Əlavə Çoxdilli Planın (SMP) qrafik təsviri. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | Unicode-un Əlavə Xüsusi Təyinatlı Təyyarəsinin (SSP) qrafik təsviri. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | Unicode-un Üçüncü İdeoqrafik Planın (TIP) qrafik təsviri. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Hər nömrələnmiş qutu 256 kod nöqtəsini təmsil edir. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by Google Translate, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.
[edit]key | Belarusian | English |
Africa | Пісьменства Афрыкі | African scripts |
Americas | Пісьменства Амерыкі | American scripts |
AsiaEast | Пісьменства Усходняй Азіі | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | Пісьменства Паўднёвай і Цэнтральнай Азіі | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Пісьменства Паўднёва-Усходняй Азіі | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | Па стане на версію Унікода 15.1 | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | Клінапіс | Cuneiform |
Europe | Нелацінскія еўрапейскія пісьменства | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | Ідэаграмы ККЯ | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | Іерогліфы | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | Пісьменства Інданезіі і Акіяніі | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Лацінская пісьменнасць | Latin script |
ME | Пісьменства Сярэдняга Усходу і Паўднёва-Заходняй Азіі | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | Розныя сімвалы | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Сістэмы нотапісу | Notational systems |
private | Вобласць для прыватнага выкарыстання | Private use |
surrogates | Сурагатныя пары UTF-16 | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Знакі | Symbols |
tags | Тэгі | Tags |
unallocated | Свабодныя кодавыя пазіцыі | Unallocated code points |
variation | Варыянтныя селектары | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Графічнае прадстаўленне базавай шматмоўнай плоскасці Unicode (BMP).' | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | Графічнае прадстаўленне дадатковай ідэаграфічнай плоскасці (SIP) Юнікода. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Графічнае прадстаўленне дадатковай шматмоўнай плоскасці (SMP) Юнікода. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | Графічнае прадстаўленне дадатковага самалёта спецыяльнага прызначэння (SSP) Юнікода. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | Графічнае прадстаўленне троеснай ідэаграфічнай плоскасці (TIP) Юнікода. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Кожнае пранумараванае поле ўяўляе сабой 256 кодавых кропак. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by Google Translate, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread.
[edit]Bulgarian is currently being translated:
key | Bulgarian | English |
Africa | Африканско писане | African scripts |
Americas | Американско писане | American scripts |
AsiaEast | Източноазиатска писменост | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | Писане в Южна и Централна Азия | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Писане в Югоизточна Азия | Southeast Asian scripts |
Europe | Европейско писане, различно от латинското | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | Китайска, японска и корейска писменост | CJK characters |
IndOcean | Индонезийска и океанска писменост | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Латинска писменост | Latin script |
ME | Писане от Близкия изток и Югозападна Азия | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | От версия Unicode 15.1 | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | Cuneiform | Cuneiform |
hieroglyphs | Йероглифи | Hieroglyphs |
misc | Различни герои | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Нотационни системи | Notational systems |
private | Частна употреба | Private use |
surrogates | заместители на UTF-16 | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Символи | Symbols |
tags | Етикети | Tags |
unallocated | Неразпределени кодови точки | Unallocated code points |
variation | Селектори на вариации | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Графично представяне на основната многоезична равнина (BMP) на Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | Графично представяне на допълнителната идеографска равнина (SIP) на Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Графично представяне на допълнителната многоезична равнина (SMP) на Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | Графично представяне на допълнителната равнина със специално предназначение (SSP) на Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | Графично представяне на третостепенната идеографска равнина (TIP) на Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Всяко номерирано поле представлява 256 кодови точки. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by DeepL, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.
[edit]Croatian is currently being translated:
key | Croatian | English |
Africa | Afrička pisma | African scripts |
Americas | Američki scenariji | American scripts |
AsiaEast | Istočna azijska pisma | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | Južna i središnje azijska pisma | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Jugoistočna azijska pisma | Southeast Asian scripts |
Europe | Ostala europska pisma | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | Kinesko pismo | CJK characters |
IndOcean | Indonezijsko i oceansko pismo | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Latinica | Latin script |
ME | Srednjeistočna i jugozapadna azijska pisma | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | Od Unicode 15.1 | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | Klinasto pismo | Cuneiform |
hieroglyphs | Hijeroglifi | Hieroglyphs |
misc | Razni likovi | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Notacijski sustavi | Notational systems |
private | Privatnu upotrebu | Private use |
surrogates | UTF-16 surogati | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Simboli | Symbols |
tags | Oznake | Tags |
unallocated | Ne koristi se | Unallocated code points |
variation | Selektori varijacija | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Grafički prikaz Unicode-ove osnovne višejezične ravnine (BMP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | Grafički prikaz Unicode-ove dopunske ideografske ravnine (SIP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Grafički prikaz Unicode-ove dopunske višejezične ravnine (SMP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | Grafički prikaz Unicodeove dopunske ravnine posebne namjene (SSP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | Grafički prikaz Unicodeove tercijarne ideografske ravnine (TIP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Svaki numerirani okvir predstavlja 256 kodnih točaka. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Grey text = Taken from the Croatian page for Unicode, pending proofreading
- Red text = Machine translated by Google Translate, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.
[edit]key | Finnish | English |
Africa | Afrikkalaiset käsikirjoitukset | African scripts |
Americas | Amerikkalaiset käsikirjoitukset | American scripts |
AsiaEast | Itä-Aasian käsikirjoitukset | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | Etelä- ja Keski-Aasian kirjoitusasut | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Kaakkois-Aasian kirjoitusasut | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | Unicode 15.1:stä alkaen | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | Kiillekirjaimet | Cuneiform |
Europe | Muut kuin latinalaiset eurooppalaiset kirjoitusasut | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | CJK-merkit | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | Hieroglyfit | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | Indonesian ja valtamerten kirjoitusmerkit | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Latinalaiset kirjaimet | Latin script |
ME | Lähi-idän ja Lounais-Aasian kirjoitusasut | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | Erilaiset merkit | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Merkistöjärjestelmät | Notational systems |
private | Yksityinen käyttö | Private use |
surrogates | UTF-16-korvikkeet | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Symbolit | Symbols |
tags | Tunnisteet | Tags |
unallocated | Kohdistamattomat koodipisteet | Unallocated code points |
variation | Muutosvalitsimet | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Graafinen esitys Unicoden monikielisestä perustasosta (BMP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | Graafinen esitys Unicoden täydentävästä ideografisesta tasosta (SIP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Graafinen esitys Unicoden täydentävästä monikielisestä tasosta (SMP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | Graafinen esitys Unicoden täydentävästä erikoiskäyttötasosta (Supplementary Special-purpose Plane, SSP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | Graafinen esitys Unicoden tertiäärisestä ideografisesta tasosta (TIP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Kukin numeroitu laatikko edustaa 256 koodipistettä. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by DeepL, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread.
[edit]key | Georgian | English |
Africa | აფრიკული დამწერლობა | African scripts |
Americas | ამერიკული სკრიპტები | American scripts |
AsiaEast | აღმოსავლეთ აზიის დამწერლობა | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | სამხრეთ და ცენტრალური აზიის დამწერლობა | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | სამხრეთ-აღმოსავლეთ აზიის დამწერლობა | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | Unicode 15.1-ის მდგომარეობით | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | ლურსმული | Cuneiform |
Europe | არალათინური ევროპული დამწერლობა | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | CJK პერსონაჟები | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | იეროგლიფები | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | ინდონეზიური და ოკეანური დამწერლობა | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | ლათინური დამწერლობა | Latin script |
ME | ახლო აღმოსავლური და სამხრეთ-დასავლეთ აზიის დამწერლობა | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | სხვადასხვა პერსონაჟები | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | სანოტაციო სისტემები | Notational systems |
private | პირადი გამოყენება | Private use |
surrogates | UTF-16 სუროგატები | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | სიმბოლოები | Symbols |
tags | ტეგები | Tags |
unallocated | გამოუყენებელი კოდის ქულები | Unallocated code points |
variation | ვარიაციის სელექტორები | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | უნიკოდის ძირითადი მრავალენოვანი სიბრტყის (BMP) გრაფიკული წარმოდგენა. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | უნიკოდის დამატებითი იდეოგრაფიული სიბრტყის (SIP) გრაფიკული გამოსახულება. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | უნიკოდის დამატებითი მრავალენოვანი სიბრტყის (SMP) გრაფიკული წარმოდგენა. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | უნიკოდის დამატებითი სპეციალური დანიშნულების თვითმფრინავის (SSP) გრაფიკული წარმოდგენა. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | უნიკოდის მესამეული იდეოგრაფიული სიბრტყის (TIP) გრაფიკული გამოსახულება. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | თითოეული დანომრილი ველი წარმოადგენს 256 კოდის წერტილს. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by Google Translate, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.
[edit]key | Indonesian | English |
Africa | Aksara Afrika | African scripts |
Americas | Aksara Amerika | American scripts |
AsiaEast | Aksara Asia Timur | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | Aksara Asia Selatan dan Tengah | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Aksara Asia Tenggara | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | Pada Unicode 15.1 | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | Aksara paku (Cuneiform) | Cuneiform |
Europe | Aksara Eropa non-Latin | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | Karakter CJK | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | Hieroglif | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | Aksara Indonesia dan Aksara Samudra | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Aksara Latin | Latin script |
ME | Aksara Timur Tengah dan Asia Barat Daya | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | Aksara lainnya | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Sistem notasi | Notational systems |
private | Penggunaan pribadi | Private use |
surrogates | Pengganti UTF-16 | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Simbol | Symbols |
tags | Tag | Tags |
unallocated | Poin kode yang tidak terisi | Unallocated code points |
variation | Pemilih Variasi | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Representasi grafis dari Bidang Multibahasa Dasar (BMP) Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | Representasi grafis dari Bidang Ideografi Tambahan (SIP) Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Representasi grafis dari Bidang Multibahasa Tambahan (SMP) Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | Representasi grafis dari Bidang Tujuan Khusus Tambahan (SSP) Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | Representasi grafis dari Bidang Ideografi Tersier (TIP) Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Setiap kotak bernomor mewakili 256 titik kode. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by DeepL Translator, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.
[edit]key | Italian | English |
Africa | Scritture africane | African scripts |
Americas | Scritture americane | American scripts |
AsiaEast | Scritture dell'Asia orientale | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | Scritture dell'Asia meridionale e centrale | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Scritture del sud-est asiatico | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | A partire da Unicode 15.1 | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | Cuneiforme | Cuneiform |
Europe | Scritture europee non latine | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | Caratteri CJK | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | Geroglifici | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | Scritture indonesiane e oceaniche | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Scrittura latina | Latin script |
ME | Scritture mediorientali e dell'Asia sud-occidentale | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | Caratteri vari | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Sistemi di notazione | Notational systems |
private | Uso privato | Private use |
surrogates | Surrogati UTF-16 | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Simboli | Symbols |
tags | Tag | Tags |
unallocated | Punti di codice non allocati | Unallocated code points |
variation | Selettori di variazione | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Una rappresentazione grafica del piano multilingue di base (BMP) di Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | Una rappresentazione grafica del piano ideografico supplementare (SIP) di Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Una rappresentazione grafica del piano multilinguistico supplementare (SMP) di Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | Rappresentazione grafica del Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP) di Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | Rappresentazione grafica del Piano ideografico terziario (TIP) di Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Ogni casella numerata rappresenta 256 punti di codice. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by DeepL, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.
[edit]Japanese is currently being translated:
key | Japanese | English |
Africa | アフリカ文字 | African scripts |
Americas | アメリカの脚本 | American scripts |
AsiaEast | 東アジア文字 | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | 南・中央アジア文字 | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | 東南アジア文字 | Southeast Asian scripts |
Europe | 非ラテン系ヨーロッパ文字 | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | 日中韓文字 | CJK characters |
IndOcean | インドネシア文字とオセアニア文字 | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | ラテン文字 | Latin script |
ME | 中東・西南アジア文字 | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | ユニコード15.1現在 | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | 楔形文字 | Cuneiform |
hieroglyphs | ヒエログリフ | Hieroglyphs |
misc | その他のキャラクター | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | 表記システム | Notational systems |
private | 個人使用 | Private use |
surrogates | UTF-16サロゲート | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | シンボル | Symbols |
tags | タグ | Tags |
unallocated | 未割り当てのコードポイント | Unallocated code points |
variation | バリエーション・セレクター | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Unicodeの基本多言語面(BMP)をグラフィカルに表現したもの。 | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | UnicodeのSIP(Supplementary Ideographic Plane)を図式化したもの。 | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Unicodeの補足多言語面(SMP)を図式化したもの。 | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | UnicodeのSSP(Supplementary Special-purpose Plane)を図式化したもの。 | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | UnicodeのTIP(Tertiary Ideographic Plane)を図式化したもの。 | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | 各番号のボックスは256のコードポイントを表す。 | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by DeepL, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.
[edit]key | Korean | English |
Africa | 아프리카 문자 | African scripts |
Americas | 북미 및 남미 문자 | American scripts |
AsiaEast | 동아시아 문자 | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | 남부와 중앙 아시아 문자 | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | 동남아시아 문자 | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | 유니 코드 버전 15.1 | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | 쐐기 문자 | Cuneiform |
Europe | 기타 유럽 문자 | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | CJK 문자 | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | 상형 문자 | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | 인도네시아, 오세아니아 문자 | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | 로마자, 로마자권 기호 | Latin script |
ME | 중동·서남아시아 문자 | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | 기타 문자 | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | 표기법 시스템 | Notational systems |
private | 사용자 정의 영역 | Private use |
surrogates | UTF-16 상·하위 대체 영역 | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | 기호 | Symbols |
tags | 태그 | Tags |
unallocated | 쓰이지 않음 | Unallocated code points |
variation | 변형 선택기 | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | 유니코드의 기본 다국어 평면(BMP)을 그래픽으로 표현한 것입니다. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | 유니코드의 보조 표의 문자 평면(SIP)을 그래픽으로 표현한 것입니다. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | 유니코드의 보조 다국어 평면(SMP)을 그래픽으로 표현한 것입니다. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | 유니코드의 보조 특수 목적 평면(SSP)을 그래픽으로 표현한 것입니다. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | 유니코드의 3차 표의 문자 평면(TIP)을 그래픽으로 표현한 것입니다. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | 각 번호가 매겨진 상자는 256개의 코드 포인트를 나타냅니다. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by DeepL, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread.
[edit]key | Spanish | English |
Africa | Escrituras africanas | African scripts |
Americas | Escrituras americanas | American scripts |
AsiaEast | Escrituras de Asia Oriental | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | Escrituras de Asia Meridional y Asia Central | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Escrituras del Sudeste Asiático | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | A partir de Unicode 15.1 | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | Cuneiforme | Cuneiform |
Europe | Escrituras europeas no latinas | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | Caracteres CJK | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | Jeroglíficos | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | Escrituras indonesias y oceánicas | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Escritura latina | Latin script |
ME | Escrituras del Oriente Medio y del Asia sudoccidental | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | Caracteres varios | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Sistemas notacionales | Notational systems |
private | Uso privado | Private use |
surrogates | Sustitutos de UTF-16 | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Símbolos | Symbols |
tags | Etiquetas | Tags |
unallocated | Puntos de código no asignados | Unallocated code points |
variation | Selectores de variación | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Representación gráfica del Plano Multilingüe Básico (PMB) de Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | Una representación gráfica del Plano Ideográfico Suplementario (SIP) de Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Una representación gráfica del Plano Multilingüe Suplementario (SMP) de Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | Una representación gráfica del Plano Suplementario de Propósito Especial (SSP) de Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | Una representación gráfica del Plano Ideográfico Terciario (TIP) de Unicode. | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Cada casilla numerada representa 256 puntos de código. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by DeepL, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread.
[edit]key | Tajik | English |
Africa | Скриптҳои африқоӣ | African scripts |
Americas | Скриптҳои амрикоӣ | American scripts |
AsiaEast | Скриптҳои Осиёи Шарқӣ | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | Хатти Осиёи Ҷанубӣ ва Марказӣ | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | Скриптҳои Осиёи Ҷанубу Шарқӣ | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | Аз Юникод 15.1 | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | Хатти мех | Cuneiform |
Europe | Хатти аврупоии ғайрилотинӣ | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | Аломатҳои CJK | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | Иероглифҳо | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | Скриптҳои Индонезия ва уқёнусӣ | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | Хати лотинӣ | Latin script |
ME | Хатҳои Шарқи Наздик ва Ҷанубу Ғарби Осиё | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | Аломатҳои гуногун | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | Системаҳои нота | Notational systems |
private | Истифодаи хусусӣ | Private use |
surrogates | Сурогатҳои UTF-16 | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | Рамзҳо | Symbols |
tags | Тегҳо | Tags |
unallocated | Нуқтаҳои коди тақсимнашуда | Unallocated code points |
variation | Интихобкунандагони вариантҳо | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | Намоиши графикии ҳавопаймои бисёрзабонии Юникод (BMP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | Намоиши графикии ҳавопаймои иловагии идеографии Юникод (SIP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | Намоиши графикии ҳавопаймои иловагии бисёрзабони Юникод (SMP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | Намоиши графикии ҳавопаймои махсуси таъиноти Юникод (SSP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | Намоиши графикии ҳавопаймои сеюми идеографии Юникод (TIP). | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | Ҳар як қуттии рақамгузорӣ 256 нуқтаи рамзиро ифода мекунад. | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by Google Translate, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.
[edit]key | Thai | English |
Africa | อักษรแอฟริกัน | African scripts |
Americas | อักษรอเมริกัน | American scripts |
AsiaEast | อักษรเอเชียตะวันออก | East Asian scripts |
AsiaSC | อักษรเอเชียใต้และเอเชียกลาง | South and Central Asian scripts |
AsiaSE | อักษรเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ | Southeast Asian scripts |
asOfVersion | ตั้งแต่ Unicode 15.1 เป็นต้นไป | As of Unicode 15.1 |
cuneiform | อักษรคูนิฟอร์ม | Cuneiform |
Europe | อักษรยุโรปที่ไม่ใช่ละติน | Non-Latin European scripts |
Han | อักขระ CJK | CJK characters |
hieroglyphs | อักษรเฮียโรกลิฟ | Hieroglyphs |
IndOcean | อักษรอินโดนีเซียและโอเชียเนีย | Indonesian and Oceanic scripts |
Latin | อักษรละติน | Latin script |
ME | อักษรเอเชียตะวันออกกลางและตะวันตกเฉียงใต้ | Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian scripts |
misc | อักขระอื่นๆ | Miscellaneous characters |
notation | ระบบสัญลักษณ์ | Notational systems |
private | การใช้งานส่วนตัว | Private use |
surrogates | ตัวแทน UTF-16 | UTF-16 surrogates |
symbols | สัญลักษณ์ | Symbols |
tags | แท็ก | Tags |
unallocated | จุดรหัสที่ไม่ได้จัดสรร | Unallocated code points |
variation | ตัวเลือกการเปลี่ยนแปลง | Variation Selectors |
xDescBMP | การแสดงภาพกราฟิกของระนาบหลายภาษาพื้นฐานของ Unicode (BMP) | A graphical representation of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). |
xDescSIP | การแสดงภาพกราฟิกของระนาบอุดมคติเสริม (SIP) ของ Unicode | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Ideographic Plane (SIP). |
xDescSMP | การแสดงภาพกราฟิกของระนาบหลายภาษาเสริม (SMP) ของ Unicode | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Multilingual Plane (SMP). |
xDescSSP | การแสดงภาพกราฟิกของระนาบวัตถุประสงค์พิเศษเสริม (SSP) ของ Unicode | A graphical representation of Unicode's Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (SSP). |
xDescTIP | การแสดงภาพกราฟิกของ Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP) ของ Unicode | A graphical representation of Unicode's Tertiary Ideographic Plane (TIP). |
xEachBox | กล่องหมายเลขแต่ละกล่องแสดงจุดรหัส 256 จุด | Each numbered box represents 256 code points. |
- Red text = Machine translated by Google Translate, pending human proofreading.
- Green text = Human proofread, ready for adoption.