This is a list of names from Marquis Who's Who, 1926 edition (OCR'd version at OCR errors in the source are duplicated here; in some cases, that caused more errors with the automatic parsing. Please consult the original scan here.
This is a somewhat messy list, which I am gradually cleaning. List-cleaning involves two components: making sure that the names in Marquis are the names in Wikipedia (fixing OCR glitches and restoring omitted entries), and making sure that the bluelinked names in Wikipedia represent the same people as in Marquis.
Being in the 1926 Marquis is a very strong (though not definitive) indicator of notability, so feel free to create articles based on redlinks. However, PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE BLUELINKED NAMES; rather, add a checkmark ({{checkmark}}). Do not add checkmarks to bluelinks without first verifying that the Wikipedia page refers to the same person as the original Marquis text. If the bluelink does not lead to the right article, do some searching – maybe the right article exists under a slightly different name. Either way, just add a disambiguation tag. If the bluelink leads to a redirect to a related article, please do not add checkmarks to these; rather, add a note that this is a redirect.
[edit]- Charles Dettie Aaron
- John Arnd Aasgaard
- Lina Abarbanell
- Paolo Salvatore Abbate
- William Abbatt
- Cleveland Abbe Jr.
- Robert Abbe
- Truman Abbe
- Charles Greeley Abbot
- Edwin Hale Abbot
- Everett Vergnies Abbot
- Frederic Vaughan Abbot
- Henry Larcon Abbot
- Willis John Abbot
- Alexander Crever Abbott
- Clinton Gilbert Abbott
- Edith Abbott
- Edville Gerhardt Abbott
- Edwin Milton Abbott
- Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
- Ernest Hamlin Abbott
- Frances Matilda Abbott
- Frank Danford Abbott
- Frank Frost Abbott
- Frederick H. Abbott
- George Alonzo Abbott
- George Knapp Abbott
- Gordon Abbott (banker) b. 1863
- Grace Abbott
- Helen Raymond Abbott
- Henry Pryor Almon Abbott
- Herbert Vaughan Abbott
- Howard Strickland Abbott
- James Francis Abbott
- Jane Drake Abbott
- Keene Abbott
- Lawrence Fraser Abbott
- Leon Martin Abbott
- Leonard Dalton Abbott
- Mather Almon Abbott
- Nathan Abbott
- Samuel Appleton Browne Abbott
- Theodore Jacob Abbott
- W. Herbert Abbott
- Wilbur Cortez Abbott
- William Lamont Abbott
- William Lewis Abbott
- William Martin Abbott
- William Rufus Abbott
- Achmed Abdullah
- Frederic Laurence Abel
- John Jacob Abel
- Harry Clinton Abell
- Irvin Abell
- Harry Delmont Abells
- Daniel Webster Abercrombie
- John William Abercrombie
- Charles Laban Abernethy
- William Shattuck Abernethy
- William Stone Abert
- Swami Abhedananda
- Milton Aborn
- LeRoy Abrams
- Isaac Arthur Abt
- Albert Robert Acheson
- Alexander Mahon Acheson
- Alexander W. Acheson / Sandie Acheson ("Atcheson"?)
- Barclay Acheson
- Edward Campion Acheson
- Edward Goodrich Acheson
- John Carey Acheson
- Marcus Wilson Acheson Jr.
- Mary Virginia Berry Acheson
- Edgar Oakes Achorn
- Carl William Ackerman
- Ernest R. Ackerman
- Frederick Lee Ackerman
- Carl Ackermann
- Phyllis Ackerman
- James Lee Ackerson
- Charles H. Ackert
- John A. M. Adair
- John Douglas Adam
[edit]- Joseph Adamowski
- Mrs. Joseph Adamowski
- Adeline Valentine Pond Adams
- Alva Blanchard Adams
- Andrew Addison Adams
- Andy Adams (author) b. 1859
- Annette Abbott Adams
- Arthur Adams (academic) b. 1881
- Arthur Barto Adams
- Arthur Frank Adams
- Asael Edward Adams
- Bertram Martin Adams / Bill Adams (writer)
- Bristow Adams
- Brooks Adams
- Charles Adams (surgeon) 1847-1924
- Charles Albertus Adams
- Charles Christopher Adams
- Charles Closson Adams
- Charles Darwin Adams
- Charles E. Adams (manufacturer) b. 1859
- Charles Francis Adams III
- Charles H. Adams ((Massachusetts journalist)
- Charles Partridge Adams
- Charles Robert Adams
- Charles Ryan Adams
- Chauncey Corbin Adams
- Clair Stark Adams
- Comfort Avery Adams
- Cuyler Adams
- Cyrus Cornelius Adams
- Donald Allison Adams
- Edward Dean Adams
- Edward Francis Adams
- Edward Le Grand Adams
- Edwin Augustus Adams
- Edwin Plimpton Adams
- Eleanor N. Adams
- Elizabeth Kemper Adams
- Elmer Cleveland Adams
- Ephraim Douglass Adams
- Francis Alexandre Adams
- Frank Durward Adams
- Frank Ramsay Adams
- Franklin Pierce Adams
- Franklin Pierce Adams (geographer) (b. 1868)
- Fred Winslow Adams
- Frederic Adams
- George Burton Adams
- George Edward Adams (agronomist) b. 1874
- George Francis Adams
- George Heyl Adams
- George Irving Adams
- George Matthew Adams
- George Sheldon Adams
- Granger Adams
- Harriet Chalmers Adams
- Harry M. Adams
- Henry Austin Adams
- Herbert Adams (sculptor)
- Herbert H. Adams
- James Alonzo Adams
- James Truslow Adams
- Jed Cobb Adams
- John Davis Adams
- John Duncan Adams
- John Haslup Adams
- John Jay Adams
- John Ottis Adams
- John Taylor Adams
- John Taylor Adams (judge) (Colorado Supreme Court - b. 1873)
- John William Adams
- John Wolcott Adams
- Joseph Quincy Adams
- Katharine Adams (author) (from Elmira, NY)
- Luther Bentley Adams
- Maldon Browning Adams
- Maude Adams
- Maxwell Adams
- Myron Eugene Adams
- Myron Winslow Adams
- Oliver Stephen Adams
- Oscar Sherman Adams
- Philip Adams (artist) b. 1861
- Randolph Greenfield Adams
- Richard Laban Adams
- Roger Adams
- Romanzo Adams
- Samuel Adams (Assistant Secretary of the Interior) b. 1871
- Samuel Adams (fruit grower) b. 1876
- Samuel Barnard Adams
- Samuel Hopkins Adams
- Samuel Shugert Adams
- Suzanne Adams
- Thomas Sewall Adams
- Walter Holbrook Adams
- Walter Sydney Adams
- Warren Austin Adams
- Washington Irving Lincoln Adams
- Wayman Adams
- William Charles Theodore Adams
- William Jackson Adams
- Winston Davis Adams
[edit]- Charles Adamson (delegate) b. 1859
- Robert Adamson (FDNY Commissioner)
- William Charles Adamson
- Jane Addams
- Joshua Melancthon Addeman
- Lawrence Addicks
- Sarah Addington
- Daniel Dulany Addison
- Julia de Wolf Addison
- George Ade
- Alvey Augustus Adee
- Jesse Corcoran Adkins
- William H. Adkins
- Cyrus Adler
- Emanuel Philip Adler
- Felix Adler (professor)
- Herman Morris Adler
- Isaac Adler (physician)
- Edwin Tappan Adney
- Albert Jean Adolphe
- Benjamin Franklin Affleck
- Frederick Alfred Agar
- John Giraud Agar
- George Russell Agassiz
- Rodolphe Louis Agassiz
- Alva Agee
- Fannie Heaslip Lea Agee
- Waldemar Ager
- William Tell Aggeler
- Benjamin Lashells Agnew
- Paul Gough Agnew / P. Gough Agnew
- Walter D. Agnew
- William Henry Agnew
- Felix Agnus
- Aristides Agramonte
- Mary Eileen Ahern
- Augustus William Ahl
- Henry Hammond Ahl
- Mary A. Ahrens
- Theodore Ahrens
- Ralph William Aigler
- Alfred Lawrence Aiken
- Charles Avery Aiken
- Charles Francis Aiken
- Conrad Potter Aiken
- Ednah Robinson Aiken
- Gayle J. Aiken
- John Adams Aiken
- William Appleton Aiken
- Wyatt Aiken
- Charles Thomas Aikens
- Herbert Austin Aikins
- Henry G. Aikman
- Walter Monteith Aikman
- Milton Everett Ailes
- James Franklin Ailshie
- Hubert Hilary Suffren Aimes
- William David Blakeslee Ainey
- George Ainslie (Virginia politician)
- George Ainslie??
- George H. Ainslie
- James Stuart Ainslie
- Peter Ainslie
- Frank Kenley Ainsworth
- Fred Crayton Ainsworth
- John Churchill Ainsworth
- William Newman Ainsworth
- Charles Theodore Airey
- Richard Henry Aishton
- Clyde Bruce Aitchison
- John Young Aitchison
- Peter Aitken (engraver) b. 1858
- Robert Grant Aitken
- Robert Ingersoll Aitken
- George Briggs Aiton
- Charles Frederic Aked
- Carl Ethan Akeley
- Lewis Ellsworth Akeley
- Lewis Robeson Akers
- Oscar Perry Akers
- Akharaj Varadhara
- Theron Akin
- Thomas Jasper Akins
- Zoe Akins
- Francis Asbury Alabaster
- George Sylvanus Albaugh
- Edward F. Albee
- Ernest Albee
- Fred Houdlett Albee
- Helen Rickey Albee
- Louis John Alber
- George Albers
- Homer Albers
- Allen Diehl Albert
- Calvin Dodge Albert
- Elma Gates Albert
- Henry Albert
- Charles Carroll Albertson
- Ralph Albertson
[edit]- Faxon Franklin Duane Albery
- James Francis Albion
- Adam Emory Albright
- Frank Herman Albright
- John Joseph Albright
- Percy R. Albright
- Frances Alda
- Carlos Coolidge Alden
- Carroll Storrs Alden
- Cynthia May Westover Alden
- Ezra Hyde Alden
- George Denny Alden
- George Henry Alden
- Isabella Alden
- John Alden (editor) b. 1860
- John Berry Alden/John B. Alden
- Raymond Macdonald Alden
- William Clinton Alden
- Eugene Charles Alder
- Edwin Anderson Alderman
- Lewis R. Alderman
- Rhenas Hoffard Alderman
- Victor Clifton Alderson
- Arthur Taylor Aldis
- Mary Aldis (playwright)
- Owen Franklin Aldis
- Pedro de Aldrey y Montolio
- Auretta Roys Aldrich
- Charles Henry Aldrich
- Charles Spaulding Aldrich
- Chester Holmes Aldrich
- George Ames Aldrich
- Herbert Lincoln Aldrich
- John Abram Aldrich
- John Gladding Aldrich
- John Merton Aldrich
- Louise Banister Aldrich
- Mildred Aldrich
- Morton Arnold Aldrich
- Orlando W. Aldrich
- Perley Dunn Aldrich
- Richard Aldrich (music critic)
- Richard S. Aldrich
- Sherwood Aldrich
- Truman Heminway Aldrich
- Walter Hull Aldrich
- William Farrington Aldrich
- William Sleeper Aldrich
- Winthrop Williams Aldrich
- Herman Joseph Alerding
- James Buchanan Aleshire
- Carter Alexander
- Charles D. Alexander
- Charles Beatty Alexander
- DeAlva Stanwood Alexander
- Sir Douglas Alexander, 1st Baronet
- Eben Alexander (surgeon) (b. 1879)
- Francesca Alexander
- Frederick Alexander (music educator) b. 1870
- George Alexander (clergyman) b. 1843
- Hartley Burr Alexander
- Hooper Alexander
- Hubbard Foster Alexander
- James Strange Alexander
- Jerome Alexander
- John Romich Alexander
- Joshua W. Alexander
- Julian Power Alexander
- Magnus Washington Alexander
- Maitland Alexander
- Minnie Rebecca Alexander/Minnie Alexander
- Moses Alexander
- Richard Thomas Alexander
- Robert Alexander (United States Army officer)
- Taliaferro Alexander
- Wallace Mckinney Alexander
- Will Winton Alexander
- William Albert Alexander
- William McFaddin Alexander
- Ernst Frederik Werner Alexanderson
- Robert Judson Aley
[edit]- Ricardo Joaquin Alfaro
- Frank H. Alfred
- George William Alger
- John Lincoln Alger
- Marshall Champion Allaben
- Robert Edgar Allardice
- William Herbert Allarie
- James Frank Allee
- Warder Clyde Allee
- Gellert Alleman
- Herbert Christian Alleman
- Abel Leighton Allen
- Alfred Allen (actor)
- Alfred Gaither Allen
- Andrew Aniel Allen
- Andrews Allen
- Arch Turner Allen
- Arthur Francis Allen
- Arthur Watts Allen
- Benjamin Allen (jeweler) b. 1848
- Benjamin Franklin Allen
- Benjamin Leach Allen
- Bonnet Mills Allen
- Calvin Francis Allen/C. Frank Allen/Calvin Frank Allen
- Charles Claflin Allen
- Charles Dexter Allen
- Charles Edward Allen
- Charles Elmer Allen
- Charles Herbert Allen
- Charles Morse Allen
- Charles Ricketson Allen
- Clay Allen
- Duff Shederic Allen/Duff S. Allen/Duff Allen
- Edward Archibald Allen
- Edward Ellis Allen
- Edward Frank Allen
- Edward Patrick Allen
- Edwin West Allen
- Eric William Allen
- Ernest Bourner Allen
- Eugene Thomas Allen
- Florence Ellinwood Allen
- Francis Richmond Allen (redirects to firm he co-founded)
- Frank G. Allen
- Frank Waller Allen
- Fred Hovey Allen
- Frederic Winthrop Allen
- Frederick Baylies Allen
- Frederick Hobbes Allen
- Frederick Innes Allen
- Frederick James Allen
- Frederick Lewis Allen
- Frederick Madison Allen
- Freeman Harlow Allen
- Glover Morrill Allen
- Guy Fletcher Allen
- Hamilton Ford Allen
- Hans Allen
- Harland Hill Allen/Harland H. Allen
- Henry Justin Allen
- Henry Tureman Allen
- Hervey Allen
- Horace Newton Allen
- Hubert A. Allen
- Ida Cogswell Bailey Allen
- Ira Wilder Allen
- James Allen (brigadier-general) b. 1849, Indiana
- James Edward Allen (educator) b. 1876
- James Lane Allen
- James Turney Allen
- John Clayton Allen
- John Eliot Allen
- John Robert Allen
- John Stevenson Allen
- John Wesley Allen
- John Weston Allen/Weston Allen/J. Weston Allen
- Joseph Dana Allen
- Joseph Holmes Allen
- Kenneth Allen (engineer) b. 1857
- Leon Menard Allen
- Louise Allen (sculptor) 1875-1953
- Lucy Ellis Allen
- Lyman Whitney Allen
- Marcus Marshall Allen/M. Marshall Allen
- Marion Boyd Allen
- Martha Meir Allen
- Maryland Allen
- Nellie Burnham Allen
- Perry S. Allen
- Philip Ray Allen
- Philip Schuyler Allen
- Riley Harris Allen
- Robert E. Lee Allen
- Robert H Allen
- Samuel Edward Allen
- Samuel James McIntosh Allen
- Sherman Allen
- Stephen Haley Allen
- Sturges Allen
- Thomas Allen (painter, born 1849)
- Thomas Stinson Allen
- Viola Allen
- William Harvey Allen
- William Orville Allen
- William Sims Allen
- Willis Boyd Allen
- Miles Clayton Allgood
- Cephas Daniel Allin
- Arthur Nathaniel Alling
- John Wesley Alling
- Anne Crosby Emery Allinson/Anne C. E. Allinson
- Francis Greenleaf Allinson
- Edward Phelps Allis (zoologist)
- Oswald Thompson Allis
[edit]- David Clark Allison redirects to the architecture firm he founded with his brother
- James Edward Allison (see note for preceding entry)
- Nathaniel Allison
- William Henry Allison (minister) b. 1870
- Norwood Francis Allman
- Frank Allport
- Harold Almert
- Edward Berton Almon
- Hermann Benjamin Almstedt
- Frederic Almy
- Carl Lucas Alsberg/Carl L. Alsberg
- Samuel Alschuler
- Joseph Wright Alsop IV
- Reese Fell Alsop
- Robert Cotten Alston
- Jose de Horta Machado da Franca
- George Elias Alter
- Henry Althoff
- Harry Witman Althouse
- Howell Halberstadt Althouse
- Paul Shearer Althouse
- Alfred Edward Alton
- Frank Altschul
- Modest Altschuler
- Charles Stebbins Alves
- Benjamin Alvord, Jr.
- Clarence Walworth Alvord
- Idress Head Alvord
- James Church Alvord
- John Watson Alvord
- Katherine Sprague Alvord
- Frederick James Alway
- Olin Good Alwood
- William Bradford Alwood
- Pasquale Amato
- Andrew Joseph Ambauen
- Emil Amberg
- Benjamin Mason Ambler
- Charles Henry Ambler
- Chase P. Ambler
- James Murray Ambler
- Mason Gaither Ambler
- Arthur Warren Ambrose
- Paul Ambrose
- James Eli Ament
- Adelbert Ames
- Butler Ames
- Charles Bismark Ames
- Edgar Ames
- Edward Scribner Ames
- Fisher Ames (lawyer)
- Herman Vandenburg Ames
- Hobart Ames
- Jesse Hazen Ames
- John Lincoln Ames
- John Ormsbee Ames
- Joseph Bushnell Ames
- Joseph Sweetman Ames
- Louis Annin Ames
- Lucia True Ames
- Mary Lesley Ames
- Oakes Ames (botanist)
- Oliver Ames (manufacturer) b. 1864
- William Lafayette Ames
- Winthrop Ames
[edit]- Harry Burton Amey
- Charles Fremont Amidon
- Samuel Barker Amidon
- William Thomas Amiger
- Samuel Zenas Ammen
- Elias Milton Ammons
- John James Amory
- Robert Amory (merchant) b. 1885
- Harold Lindsay Amoss/Harold L. Amoss
- Wallace Bruce Amsbary
- Nathan Leonard Amster
- Noah Steiner Amstutz
- Frederick James Amweg
- Ernest Francis Amy
- James Meschter Anders
- Christian Schmidt Andersen
- Hendrik Christian Andersen
- Abraham Archibald Anderson
- Ada Woodruff Anderson
- Albert Anderson (alienist) b. 1859
- Albert Barnes Anderson
- Alexander Pierce Anderson
- Andrew Freeman Anderson
- Andrew Runni Anderson
- Andrew Work Anderson
- Asher Anderson
- Benjamin M. Anderson
- Carlotta Adele Anderson
- Charles Loftus Grant Anderson
- Chandler Parsons Anderson
- Charles Joseph Anderson
- Charles Palmerston Anderson
- Clifford Le Conte Anderson
- David Allen Anderson
- Dice Robins Anderson
- Douglas Smith Anderson
- Edwin Alexander Anderson
- Edwin Hatfield Anderson
- Elizabeth Preston Anderson
- Elsie Grace Anderson
- Florence Mary Bennett Anderson
- Francis Maurice Anderson
- Frank Anderson (judge)
- Frank Bartow Anderson
- Frank Leonard Anderson
- Frank Maloy Anderson
- Frederick Irving Anderson
- Frederick Lincoln Anderson
- Frederick Paul Anderson/F. Paul Anderson
- George Everett Anderson
- George Lucius Anderson
- George Weston Anderson
- George Wood Anderson
- Harold MacDonald Anderson
- Harrison Ray Anderson
- Harry Bennett Anderson
- Henry Clay Anderson
- Henry Watkins Anderson
- Isabel Anderson
- Jacob Nelson Anderson
- James Arthur Anderson (clergyman) b. 1857
- James Nesbitt Anderson
- Jefferson Randolph Anderson
- John Anderson (manufacturer) b. 1857
- John August Anderson
- John Benjamin Anderson (theologian) b. 1869
- John Crawford Anderson (judge) (Supreme Court of Alabama, b. 1863)
- John F. Anderson (scientist)
- John Francis Anderson (bridge builder) b. 1848
- Joseph Gaudentius Anderson
- Karl Anderson (artist)
- Larz Anderson
- Lewis Flint Anderson
- Louis Francis Anderson
- Mary Anderson de Navarro
- Mary Anderson (labor leader)
- Melville Best Anderson
- Merle Hampton Anderson
- Newton Mitchell Anderson
- Paul Lewis Anderson
- Rasmus Bjorn Anderson
- Robert Franklin Anderson
- Robert Gordon Anderson
- Robert Hargis Anderson
- Robert van Vleck Anderson
- Rose Anderson (educator) b. 1865
- Sherwood Anderson
- Stonewall Anderson
- Sydney Anderson
- Thomas Davis Anderson
- Warwick Miller Anderson
- William A. Anderson
- William Ashley Anderson
- William Brennan Anderson
- William Dozier Anderson
- William Franklin Anderson
- William Hamilton Anderson
- William M. Anderson (clergyman) b. 1867
[edit]- Gustav Albert Andreen
- August Herman Andresen
- James Mace Andress
- Abram Piatt Andrew
- Harriet White Fisher Andrew
- Henry Hersey Andrew
- Addison Fletcher Andrews
- Arthur Irving Andrews historian, b. 1878 - redirects to medal he received
- Arthur Leonard Andrews
- Avery De Lano Andrews
- Benjamin R. Andrews
- Charles Edgar Andrews
- Charles Henry Andrews
- Charles McLean Andrews
- Charlton Andrews
- Christopher Columbus Andrews
- Clarence Edward Andrews
- Clement Walker Andrews
- Edward Wyllys Andrews/E. Wyllys Andrews
- Eliphalet Frazer Andrews
- Eliza Frances Andrews
- Ethan Allen Andrews (biologist)
- Eugene Plumb Andrews
- Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews
- Frank Andrews (Texas lawyer)
- Frank Andrews (statistician) b. 1872
- Frank Mills Andrews
- Frank Taylor Andrews
- Garnett Andrews
- George Andrews (adjutant general)
- George Whitfield Andrews
- Harry Eugene Andrews
- Herbert Marston Andrews
- Irene Osgood Andrews
- J. Warren Andrews
- James Dewitt Andrews
- James Parkhill Andrews
- John Bertram Andrews
- Launcelot Andrews/Launcelot Winchester Andrews
- Marietta Minnigerode Andrews
- Lincoln Clark Andrews
- Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
- Matthew Page Andrews
- Philip Andrews (admiral)
- Robert Day Andrews (redirects to firm he co-founded)
- Roy Chapman Andrews
- William E. Andrews
- William Noble Andrews
- William Shankland Andrews
- William Symes Andrews
- John Emory Andrus
- Constantin Angelesco
- Alexis Caswell Angell
- Emmett Dunn Angell
- Frank Angell
- James Rowland Angell
- Lisbeth Gertrude Angell
- Martin Fuller Angell
- Norman Angell
- Walter Foster Angell
- Frank M. Angellotti
- Marion Polk Angellotti
[edit]- Roswell Parker Angier
- Edward Hartley Angle
- Edward John Angle
- George Keyser Angle
- Jay Warren Angle
- Margaret Anglin
- Timothy Thomas Ansberry
- Martin Frederick Ansel
- Samuel Tilden Ansell
- Clarke Fisher Ansley
- Mae Harris Anson
- Martin Charles Ansorge
- Brooke Melancthon Anspach
- Louis Kaufman Anspacher
- M. Fernand Ansseau
- Henry Anstadt
- Alfred Williams Anthony
- Arthur Cox Anthony
- Brayman William Anthony
- Daniel Read Anthony, Jr.
- Edward Anthony (writer)
- Gardner Chace Anthony
- Joseph Anthony (writer) b. 1897
- Katharine Susan Anthony
- Luther B. Anthony
- Roy David Anthony
- Mary Antin
- Clarence Baumes Antisdel
- Ernest Irving Antrim
- Eugene Marion Antrim
- Minna Thomas Antrim
- Frank App
- Joseph Herbert Appel
- Theodore Burton Appel
- Henry Harbaugh Apple
- Joseph Henry Apple
- T. Frank Appleby
- Stewart H. Appleby
- William Remsen Appleby
- Margaret Tyson Applegarth
- Charles Orville Appleman
- Charles W. Appleton
- Daniel Appleton (b. 1852) (publisher, grandson of publisher)
- Floyd Appleton
- Francis Henry Appleton
- Francis Randall Appleton
- John Howard Appleton
- Estelle Appleton/Lilla Estelle Appleton/L. Estelle Appleton
- William Hyde Appleton
- William Sumner Appleton
- Gregorio Araneta
[edit]- Herschel Whitfield Arant
- Abraham Joseph Arbeely
- Howard Bell Arbuckle
- John D. Arbuckle
- Maclyn Arbuckle
- Roscoe Arbuckle
- Charles Criswell Arbuthnot
- Thomas Shaw Arbuthnot
- Don Pedro Manuel Arcaya
- Anna Margaretta Archambault
- James Archbald VI b. 1856
- Robert Wodrow Archbald
- Gleason Leonard Archer
- Hiram John Archer
- Peter Archer (mathematician) b. 1873
- Andrew Webster Archibald
- Frank C. Archibald (Vermont politician)
- Mrs. George Archibald
- James Francis Jewell Archibald
- Raymond Clare Archibald
- Arian Jane Arctowska
- Henryk Arctowski
- Cecil Arden
- Franz Xavier Arens
- Walter Conrad Arensberg
- Albert Arents
- Ulysses Samuel Shaw Arentz
- Leslie Brainerd Arey
- Melvin Franklin Arey
- George Arliss
- Ethel Armes
- William Dallam Armes
- Andrew Watson Armour
- Jonathan Ogden Armour
- George Wells Arms
- Henry Howell Armstead
- A. Joseph Armstrong
- Alexander Armstrong (Maryland politician)
- Andrew Campbell Armstrong
- Arthur Henry Armstrong
- Donald Budd Armstrong
- Edward Ambler Armstrong
- Edward Cooke Armstrong
- Elias Armstrong
- George William Armstrong/George William Armstrong Jr.
- Hamilton Fish Armstrong
- Helen Maitland Armstrong
- Houston Churchill Armstrong
- James Reverdy Armstrong
- Jesse Evan Armstrong
- Leroy Armstrong (editor) b. 1854
- Lyndon King Armstrong
- Regina Armstrong
- Robert Allen Armstrong
- Robert Burns Armstrong
- Robert Hayden Armstrong
- Samuel Treat Armstrong
- Sidney Armstrong
- William Armstrong (music critic)
- William Park Armstrong(music critic)
- William Wright Armstrong
[edit]- Walter Tallmadge Arndt
- James Rae Arneill
- Ben Albert Arneson
- Clare Newton Arnett
- Trevor Arnett
- Alfred Colburn Arnold
- Alma Cusian Arnold
- Benjamin William Arnold
- Bion Joseph Arnold
- Birch Arnold
- Constantine Peter Arnold
- Ernst Hermann Arnold
- Felix Arnold
- Frank Atkinson Arnold
- George Stanleigh Arnold
- Henry J. Arnold
- Horace David Arnold
- James Loring Arnold
- John Himes Arnold
- John Jacob Arnold
- Joseph Addison Arnold
- Julean Herbert Arnold/Julean Arnold/Julean H. Arnold
- Maurice Arnold
- Morris Leroy Arnold
- Ralph Arnold (geologist) b. 1875
- Sarah Louise Arnold
- Thomas Jackson Arnold
- William Hendrick Arnold
- William Rosenzweig Arnold
- William Wright Arnold
- Winifred Arnold
- Henry Vinecome Arny
- Carol Aronovici
- George Frederick Arps
- Antonio Andrea Arrighi
- Robert Arrowsmith (linguist) b. 1860
- Frank Asbury Arter
- Joseph Charles Arthur
- Julia Arthur
- Thomas Arthur (Iowa judge) b. 1860
- William Hemple Arthur
- Stanley M. Arthurs
- Kwan-Ichi Asakawa
- John Bayne Ascham
- Percy Ash
- William Cook Ash
- William Albert Ashbrook
- Percy Moreau Ashburn
- Aubrey Leonard Ashby
- Leon Thomas Ashcraft
- Samuel A'Court Ashe
[edit]- Bailey Kelly Ashford
- Emma Louise Ashford
- Astley Paston Cooper Ashhurst
- John Ashhurst
- Clifford Warren Ashley
- Edward Ashley (clergyman) b. 1854
- Frederick William Ashley
- George Hall Ashley
- Grace Bosley Ashley
- Maurice C. Ashley
- Roscoe Lewis Ashley
- Otis Ashmore
- William Ashmore (missionary) b. 1851
- George Coates Ashmun
- Margaret Eliza Ashmun
- John Ashton (writer born 1880)
- William Ashton (engineer)
- William Easterly Ashton
- Henry F. Ashurst
- John H. Ashworth
- Robert Archibald Ashworth
- Walter C. Ashworth
- Fritz Conrad Askenstedt
- William David Askren
- John Aspegren
- Joseph Aspinall
- Richard Aspinall
- John Aspinwall
- William Billings Aspinwall
- Vincent Astor
- Axel Leonard Astrom
- James Benjamin Aswell
- Walter Scott Athearn
- Gertrude Franklin Atherton
- Percy Lee Atherton
- Mary Meek Atkeson
- Thomas Clark Atkeson
- William Oscar Atkeson
- Albert Henry Atkins
- Arthur Kennedy Atkins
- Charles Duke Atkins
- Edwin F. Atkins
- Gaius Glenn Atkins
- George Washington Ely Atkins
- Albert Algernon Atkinson
- Alfred Atkinson (university president)
- Alice Minerva Atkinson
- Charles Edwin Atkinson
- Charles R. Atkinson
- Eleanor Atkinson
- Fred Washington Atkinson
- George Wesley Atkinson
- Henry Avery Atkinson
- Henry Morrell Atkinson
- Samuel C. Atkinson
- Spencer R. Atkinson
- William Elrie Atkinson
- William Sackston Atkinson
- William Walker Atkinson
- Anson Phelps Atterbury
- Grosvenor Atterbury
- William Wallace Atterbury
- Harold Richard Atteridge
- Henry Converse Attwill
- Francis Atwater
- George Parkin Atwater
- Helen Woodard Atwater
- Richard Atwater
- Richard Mead Atwater Jr.
- Charles Beach Atwell
- William Hawley Atwell
- Lionel Atwill
[edit]- Albert William Atwood
- Charles Edwin Atwood
- Edward Leland Atwood
- Frank Ely Atwood
- George Edward Atwood
- Harry Fuller Atwood
- Hinckley Gardner Atwood
- James Arthur Atwood
- John Harrison Atwood
- John Murray Atwood
- Julius Walter Atwood
- Wallace Walter Atwood
- Charles Bernard Atzen
- John Edmond Aubrey
- John F. Auch
- Gordon Auchincloss
- John Winthrop Auchincloss
- William Stuart Auchincloss
- Arthur Morgan Aucock
- John Auer
- Leopold Auer
- Joseph S. Auerbach
- Oscar Louis Auf Der Heide
- Charles L. Auger
- William Edmund Aughinbaugh
- James Percy Ault
- Dwight Edward Aultman
- Samuel Herbert Aurand
- Obadiah Cyrus Auringer
- Willard Austen
- Benjamin Fish Austin
- Calvin Austin (executive) (namesake of steamship)
- Cyrus Brooks Austin
- Ennis Raymond Austin (redirects to firm he co-founded)
- Fred Thaddeus Austin
- Howard Austin (editor) b. 1851
- John Corneley Wilson Austin
- John Turnell Austin
- Leonard S. Austin
- Louis Winslow Austin
- Mary Hunter Austin
- Oscar Phelps Austin
- Richard Loper Austin
- William Lane Austin
- Thomas Austin-Ball
- Mrs. Thomas Austin-Ball/Alice Garland Steele
- Alfred S. Austrian
- Myrta Lockett Avary
- Arcadius Avellanus
- Henry Godfrey Avers
[edit]- Alphonso Calhoun Avery
- Coleman Avery
- Elroy McKendree Avery
- Moses Nathan Avery
- Oswald Theodore Avery
- Samuel Avery (chemist) b. 1865
- Sewell Lee Avery
- Henry Damerel Aves
- Samuel Brashear Avis
- Mois Herban Avram
- William Axling
- Gladys Axman
- Stockton Axson
- Frances Cleveland Axtell
- Harold Lucius Axtell
- John Thomas Axton
- Frank Aydelotte
- Edwin Ferebee Aydlett
- Charles Fanning Ayer
- Edward Everett Ayer
- Franklin Deming Ayer
- Fred Carleton Ayer
- Frederick Fanning Ayer
- Joseph Cullen Ayer
- Mary Allette Ayer
- Thomas Parker Ayer
- Winslow B. Ayer
- Edward Everett Ayers
- Harry Mell Ayers
- Howard Ayers
- Rufus Adolphus Ayers
- Barton Orville Aylesworth
- Leon Emmons Aylsworth
- William Prince Aylsworth
- Burt Wilmot Ayres
- Clarence Edwin Ayres
- Harry Morgan Ayres
- Leonard Porter Ayres
- Louis Ayres
- Milan Valentine Ayres
- Philip Wheelock Ayres
- Samuel Gardiner Ayres
- Steven Beckwith Ayres
- William Augustus Ayres
- Winfield Ayres
- Cyrus Cates Babb
- James Elisha Babb
- Max Wellington Babb
- Washington Irving Babb
- Edwin Burr Babbitt
- Eugene Howard Babbitt
- Frank Cole Babbitt
- George Franklin Babbitt
- Irving Babbitt
- Kurnal R. Babbitt
- Frank Lusk Babbott
- Arthur Vergil Babbs
[edit]- Albert Babcock
- Bernie Babcock
- Earle Brownell Babcock
- Earle Jay Babcock
- Edward Vose Babcock
- Edwina Stanton Babcock
- Ernest Brown Babcock
- Harold Delos Babcock
- John Pease Babcock
- Kendric Charles Babcock
- Robert Hall Babcock
- Samuel Gavitt Babcock
- Stephen Moulton Babcock
- Warren La Verne Babcock
- William Henry Babcock
- William Wayne Babcock
- Winnifred Eaton Babcock
- John Joseph Babka
- Jacob L. Babler
- Herman Babson
- Roger Ward Babson
- Earl D. Babst
- Thomas Cumming Bach
- Isaac Bacharach
- Jules Semon Bache
- Leopold Semon Bache
- Rene Bache/René Bache
- Nahum Josiah Bachelder
- Irving Bacheller
- Absalom Pierre Bachman
- Frank Puterbaugh Bachman
- Jonathan Waverly Bachman
- Robert Abraham Bachman
- Carl George Bachmann
- Ernest Frederick Bachmann
- James Augustus Bacigalupi
- John H. Backes
- Edward Wellington Backus
- Manson Franklin Backus
- Samuel Woolsey Backus
- Wilson Marvin Backus
- Albion Fellows Bacon
- Benjamin Wisner Bacon
- Charles Sumner Bacon
- Clara Latimer Bacon
- Edgar Mayhew Bacon
- Frank Rogers Bacon
- George Andrew Bacon
- Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon
- Mary Schell Hoke Bacon
- Raymond Foss Bacon
- Robert Low Bacon
- Selden Bacon (lawyer) b. 1861
- William Frederic Bade
- Ralph Hedrick Bader
- Charles Johnston Badger
- George Henry Badger
- Walter Irving Badger
- Walter Lucius Badger
- Gerhard Adolph Bading
- Brenton Thoburn Badley
- Max Joseph Baehr
- Leo Hendrik Baekeland
- John Miller Baer
- John Willis Baer
- Libbie C. Baer
- William Jacob Baer
- William J. Baerg
- Frederick Henry Baetjer
[edit]- Albert Morris Bagby
- George Franklin Bagby
- George Poindexter Bagby
- John Hampden Chamberlayne Bagby
- Rufus Mather Bagg
- Bagdasar Krekor Baghdigian
- Charles Bagley
- William Chandler Bagley
- Robert Bagnell
- Anna Emilia Bagstad
- Elijah William Bagster-Collins
- Albert Edward Bailey (educator) b. 1871
- Alice Ward Bailey
- Ambrose Moody Bailey
- Arthur Low Bailey
- Arthur Scott Bailey
- Benjamin Franklin Bailey
- Benjamin Franklin Bailey (physician) b. 1860
- Bertha Bailey
- Calvin Weston Bailey
- Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
- Cassius Mercer Bailey
- Charles Franklin Bailey
- Charles Justin Bailey
- Charles Olin Bailey
- Charles Reuben Bailey
- Clyde H. Bailey
- Edgar Henry Summerfield Bailey
- Eli Stillman Bailey/E. Stillman Bailey
- Elwood Tewksbury Bailey
- Florence Augusta Merriam Bailey
- Frank Bailey (financier)
- Frank Moye Bailey
- Gilbert Ellis Bailey
- Guy Winfred Bailey
- Hannah Johnston Bailey
- Harold Harris Bailey
- Henry Turner Bailey
- Hollis Russell Bailey
- Irving Widmer Bailey
- James Garfield Bailey
- Jennings Bailey
- Jessie Emerson Bailey
- John William Bailey (college president) b. 1873
- Joseph Weldon Bailey
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
- Loring Woart Bailey
- Louis Jonathan Bailey
- Margaret Emerson Bailey
- Margery Bailey
- Mark Bailey (educator) b. 1867
- Mercer Silas Bailey
- Ralph Edward Bailey
- Ralph Emerson Bailey
- Solon Irving Bailey
- Irene Temple Bailey
- Theodore Mead Bailey
- Thomas Pearce Bailey
- Vernon Howe Bailey
- Vernon Orlando Bailey
- Warren Worth Bailey
- William Bacon Bailey
- William Louis Bailey
- Willis J. Bailey
- William Bailie (manufacturer) b. 1866
- John Baillie (theologian)
- Edouard Paul Baillot
- Arthur Bailly-Blanchard
- Alfred William Baily
- Ferdinand R. Bain
- George Grantham Bain
- George Washington Bain
- Harry Foster Bain
- Robert Edward Mather Bain
- Lucy Seaman Bainbridge
- William Seaman Bainbridge
- Minnie Willis Baines-Miller
- Fay Bainter
- Andrew D. Baird
- David Baird Sr.
- Edwin Baird
- George Washington Baird
- John L. Baird (banker)
- Lucius Olmsted Baird
- Raleigh William Baird
[edit]- James L. Baity
- John Edwin Bakeless/John Bakeless
- Alfred Brittin Baker
- Alfred Landon Baker
- Alfred Zantzinger Baker
- A. George Baker
- Archibald McEachern Baker
- Arthur Latham Baker
- Arthur Mulford Baker
- Asher Carter Baker
- Benton Baker
- Bertha Kunz Baker
- Bryant Baker
- Samuel Burtis Baker
- Charles Fuller Baker
- Charles Hinckley Baker
- Charles Samuel Baker
- Charles Whiting Baker
- Chauncey Brooke Baker
- Cornelia Baker
- Darius Baker
- Edna Dean Baker
- Edward Carleton Baker/E. Carleton Baker
- Edwin Lathrop Baker
- Elbert H. Baker
- Elizabeth Gowdy Baker
- Emilie Kip Baker
- Etta Iva Anthony Baker
- Ezra Flavius Baker
- Ezra Henry Baker
- Frank Collins Baker
- Frank E. Baker (educator) b. 1877
- Frank Kline Baker
- Frank S. Baker
- Franklin Baker Jr.
- Franklin Thomas Baker
- Frederick Van Vliet Baker
- George Barr Baker
- George Bramwell Baker
- George Fisher Baker
- George Fisher Baker Jr.
- George L. Baker
- George Merrick Baker
- George Pierce Baker
- Harvey Almy Baker
- Henry Brooks Baker
- Henry Dunster Baker
- Herbert Madison Baker
- Horace Baker (railway)
- Hugh Potter Baker
- Ira Osborn Baker
- Isaac Post Baker
- Addison Baker
- James Chamberlain Baker
- James Hutchins Baker
- James Marion Baker
- John Daniel Baker
- John Earl Baker
- Joseph Dill Baker
- Joseph Richardson Baker
- Josephine Turck Baker
- Karle Wilson Baker
- Lee Baker
- Leonard Theodore Baker
- Louise Regina Baker
- Lucius K. Baker
Baker, M.
[edit]- Moses Nelson Baker
- Naaman Rimmon Baker
- Newton Diehl Baker
- Oliver Edwin Baker
- Purley A. Baker
- Ray Palmer Baker
- Ray Stannard Baker
- Raymond T. Baker
- Robert Baker (New York politician)
- Robert Horace Baker
- Roland Morris Baker
- S. Josephine Baker
- Sam A. Baker
- Simon Strousse Baker
- Tarkington Baker
- Thomas Rakestraw Baker
- Thomas Stockham Baker
- Virginia Baker (writer) b. 1859, Rhode Island
- William E. Baker
- William L. Baker
- William Pimm Baker
- Oliver Sherman Baketel
- Charles Montague Bakewell
- John Bakewell
- Paul Bakewell
- George Bakhmeteff
- Georges Baklanoff
- Allan Christopher Balch
- Edwin Swift Balch
- Emily Greene Balch
- Ernest Berkeley Balch
- Franklin Greene Balch
- Henry Hezekiah Balch
- Thomas Willing Balch
[edit]- John Lloyd Balderston
- Lydia Ray Balderston
- Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge
- Howard Hammond Baldridge
- Albertus Hutchinson Baldwin
- Alexander Richards Baldwin
- Arthur Charles Baldwin
- Arthur J. Baldwin
- Asa Columbus Baldwin
- Benjamin James Baldwin
- Bird Thomas Baldwin
- Charles Jacobs Baldwin
- Charles Sears Baldwin
- Edward Chauncey Baldwin (redirects to organization he founded)
- Edward Robinson Baldwin
- Elbert Francis Baldwin
- Evelyn Briggs Baldwin
- Foy Spencer Baldwin
- Francis Everett Baldwin
- Frank Conger Baldwin
- George Johnson Baldwin
- Hadley Baldwin
- Harmon Allen Baldwin
- James Baldwin (editor and author)
- James Fairchild Baldwin
- James Fosdick Baldwin
- James Mark Baldwin
- Le Roy Wilbur Baldwin
- Lewis Warrington Baldwin
- Minor Coe Baldwin
- Nellie Elizabeth Baldwin
- Onias Barber Baldwin
- Ralph Lyman Baldwin
- Madeleine Zabriskie Doty
- Roger Sherman Baldwin (lawyer) b. 1878
- Samuel Atkinson Baldwin
- Simeon Eben Baldwin
- Theodore Anderson Baldwin
- Thomas Scott Baldwin
- Wesley Manning Baldwin
- William Alpheus Baldwin
- William Ayer Baldwin
- William Delavan Baldwin
- William James Baldwin
- William Wright Baldwin
- Edward Vincent Baldy
- John Montgomery Baldy
[edit]- Donald Church Balfour
- Clarence William Balke
- Carleton Roy Ball
- Caroline Peddle Ball
- Charles Thomas Ball
- Elmer Darwin Ball
- Francis Kingsley Ball
- Frank Clayton Ball redirects to article on the 5 Ball brothers
- Frank Harvey Ball
- Fred Samuel Ball
- Henry Price Ball
- James Moores Ball
- L. Heisler Ball
- Louise Charlotte Ball
- Max Waite Ball
- Michael Valentine Ball
- Oscar Melville Ball
- Otho Fisher Ball
- Robert Lee Ball
- Sydney Hobart Ball
- Thomas Henry Ball
- William Sherman Ball
- William Watts Ball
- James Curtis Ballagh
- Arthur Atwood Ballantine
- Edward Ballantine
- Henry Winthrop Ballantine
- Joseph William Ballantine
- William Gay Ballantine
- Harlan Hoge Ballard
- James Franklin Ballard
- Nathaniel Harrison Ballard
- Russell Henry Ballard
- S. Thruston Ballard
- Edgar Garrison Ballenger
- George Walter Ballenger
- Thomas M. Balliet
- Hugo Ballin
- Max Ballin
- Martin Ballmann
[edit]- Edward Arthur Balloch
- Charles Clarendon Ballou
- Frank Washington Ballou
- Hosea Starr Ballou
- Sidney Miller Ballou
- William Hosea Ballou
- Edwin Balmer
- William N. Baltz
- Robert C. Baltzell
- Winton James Baltzell
- Ernest Bamberger
- Ralph Bamberger
- Simon Bamberger
- Giuseppe Bamboschek
- Mary Ellen Bamford
- Charles Grey Bancroft
- Edgar Addison Bancroft
- Frederic Bancroft
- Hugh Bancroft (attorney)
- Jessie Hubbell Bancroft
- Milton H. Bancroft
- Wilder Dwight Bancroft
- William Poole Bancroft
- Harry Hill Bandholtz
- Clare William Hobart Bangs
- Francis Reginald Bangs
- Outram Bangs
- Tracy R. Bangs
- William Brodnax Banister
- Howard James Banker
- Walter Banker
- William Brockman Bankhead
- Alexander French Banks
- Alexander Robinson Banks
- Aloysius Burton Banks
- Charles Eugene Banks
- Edgar James Banks
- Elizabeth Banks (journalist)
- Helen Ward Banks
- John Henry Banks
- Louis Albert Banks
- Nathan Banks
- Otto Tremont Bannard
- Charles Whitlock Banner
- Kendall Banning
- Margaret Culkin Banning
- Pierson Worrall Banning
- Henry Martyn Bannister
- Lucius Ward Bannister
- Henry Towne Bannon
- Arthur Mangun Banta
- Henry Leo Banzhaf
- Theda Bara
- Waitman Barbe
- Hugh Arthur Barbee
- James Thomas Barbee
- Alvin Barton Barber
- Charles Williams Barber
- Donn Barber
- Edward John Barber
- George Holcomb Barber
- Henry Hervey Barber
- Herbert Goodell Barber
- Horatio Barber
- Marshall Albert Barber
- Milton Augustus Barber
- Orion Metcalf Barber
- William Harley Barber
- William Henry Barber (pianist)
- Anna Maynard Barbour
- Clarence Augustus Barbour
- Erwin Hinckly Barbour
- Florence Newell Barbour
- Henry Ellsworth Barbour
- Henry Merlin Barbour
- James Joseph Barbour
- Lola Diehl Barbour
- Percy E. Barbour
- Philip Foster Barbour
- Ralph Henry Barbour
- Thomas Barbour
[edit]- John Barclay (baritone) b. 1892
- John Charles Barclay
- Lorne Webster Barclay
- McKee Barclay
- Shepard Barclay
- John M. Barcus
- Albert Sprague Bard
- Harry Erwin Bard
- Charles Russell Bardeen
- Charles William Bardeen
- William Bardel
- Clinton Lloyd Bardo
- Milton Sanford Barger
- Charles Barham (railway official)
- Xavier J. Barile
- Adolf Barkan
- Charles Whitney Tillinghast Barker
- Elsa Barker
- Eugene Campbell Barker
- Frederick William Barker
- Henry Ames Barker
- Henry Stites Barker
- John Marshall Barker
- John T. Barker
- Lewellys Franklin Barker
- Prelate Demick Barker
- Ralph Malcolm Barker
- Theodore Gaillard Barker
- Tommie Dora Barker
- Alben William Barkley
- Harry Elmore Barlow
- Milton Theodore Barlow
- Walter Jarvis Barlow
- William Edward Barlow
- Brother Barnabas
- Charles Barnard (writer)
- Charles Inman Barnard
- George Grey Barnard
- Harry Everett Barnard
- James Lynn Barnard
- Job Barnard
- Kate Barnard
- William O. Barnard
- Louis Barnaval
- Milton A. Barndt
- Annie Maria Barnes
- Cassius McDonald Barnes
- Charles Benjamin Barnes
- Charles P. Barnes
- Clifford Webster Barnes
- Earl Barnes
- Frances Julia Barnes
- Frank Haselhurst Barnes
- Fred Asa Barnes
- George Edward Barnes
- George Emerson Barnes
- Harry Elmer Barnes
- Helen Florence Barnes
- Hiram Putnam Barnes
- Howell Henry Barnes
- James Barnes (author)
- James Barnes (physicist) b. 1878
- Jasper Converse Barnes
- John Beaumont Barnes
- Julius Howland Barnes
- Lemuel Call Barnes
- Mary Clark Barnes
- Mortimer Grant Barnes
- Nathaniel Waring Barnes
- Parker Thayer Barnes
- Stephen Goodyear Barnes
- Walter Barnes (educator) b. 1880
- Will Croft Barnes
- William Barnes Jr.
- William Barnes (entomologist)
[edit]- Augustus Edward Barnett
- Charles Eldridge Barnett
- Claribel Ruth Barnett
- Frank Willis Barnett
- George Barnett
- George Ernest Barnett
- James Duff Barnett
- James Foote Barnett
- John T. Barnett (lawyer) (AG of Colorado, b. 1869)
- Samuel Jackson Barnett
- Stephen Trent Barnett
- Tom P. Barnett
- William Jay Barnette
- Edgar Starr Barney
- George Columbus Barnhart
- Earl Wingert Barnhart
- Henry A. Barnhart
- John F. Barnhill
- Clement J. Barnhorn
- Albert Barnitz
- Adriaan Jacob Barnouw
- Charlotte Cynthia Barnum
- Dana Dwight Barnum
- Gertrude Barnum
- Malvern Hill Barnum
- William Milo Barnum
- Charles Heyward Barnwell
- Henry Stephen Barnwell
- Alfred Hamilton Barr (clergyman) b. 1868
- Charles Elisha Barr
- Granville Walter Barr
- James Adam Barr
- John Henry Barr
- Norman B. Barr
- Richard Alexander Barr
- Samuel Fleming Barr
- William Alexander Barr
- William Francis Barr
- Norris Stanley Barratt
- LeRoy Carr Barret/Leroy Carr Barret
- Albert Moore Barrett
- Channing Whitney Barrett
- Charles Simon Barrett
- Harry McWhirter Barrett
- Jesse W. Barrett
- John Barrett (diplomat)
- Kate Waller Barrett
- Leonard Andrew Barrett
- Lillian Foster Barrett
- Michael Thomas Barrett
- Otis Warren Barrett
- Reginald Barrett (composer) b. 1861
- Richard Warren Barrett
- Richmond Brooks Barrett
- Robert South Barrett
- Stephen Melvil Barrett
- William Hale Barrett
- William M. Barrett
[edit]- John Davenport Barrette
- Larry Barretto
- Maria Barrientos
- Daniel Barringer (geologist)
- Paul Brandon Barringer
- Clarence Walker Barron
- Elwyn Alfred Barron
- George Davis Barron
- Leonard Barron
- David Barrow (surgeon) b. 1858
- David Crenshaw Barrow
- Elizabeth N. Barrow
- John Vincent Barrow
- Alice Barrows
- Anna Barrows
- Chester Willard Barrows
- David Prescott Barrows
- Edwin Armington Barrows
- Harlan H. Barrows
- Wayne Groves Barrows
- William Stanley Barrows
- Clara Barrus
- Mortimer Franklin Barrus
- Edward Buttevant Barry
- Etheldred Breeze Barry
- Frederick Barry (composer) b. 1876
- Herbert Barry
- James Henry Barry
- John Daniel Barry
- Joseph Gayle Hurd Barry
- Maggie W. Barry
- Philip Barry
- Richard Barry (author) b. 1881
- Robert Barry (journalist) b. 1892
- Ethel Barrymore
- John Barrymore
- Lionel Barrymore
- George Randolph Barse
- John Edmund Barss
- Charles Lester Barstow
- Edwin Ormond Barstow
- George Eames Barstow
- William Slocum Barstow
Bartch - Baskette
[edit]- George Washington Bartch
- Carl George Lange Barth
- Charles H. Barth
- Richard Barthelmess
- Richard Bartholdt
- Allen R. Bartholomew
- Charles L. Bartholomew
- Edward Fry Bartholomew
- Harland Bartholomew
- Pliny Webster Bartholomew
- William Henry Bartholomew (educator) b/ 1840
- Richard Milne Bartleman
- Albert Le Roy Bartlett
- Alden Eugene Bartlett
- Alice Elinor Bartlett
- Alice Hunt Bartlett
- Caroline Julia Bartlett
- Charles Lafayette Bartlett
- Charles William Bartlett (lawyer)
- Clarence Bartlett
- Dana Webster Bartlett
- Edmund Morgan Bartlett
- Edwin Julius Bartlett
- Frank Leslie Bartlett
- Frank W. Bartlett
- Frederic Clay Bartlett
- Frederick Orin Bartlett
- George A. Bartlett
- George Griffiths Bartlett
- George True Bartlett
- Harley Harris Bartlett
- John Henry Bartlett
- John Pomeroy Bartlett
- John R. Bartlett (financier) b. 1839, Fredericton
- John S. Bartlett
- J. Gardner Bartlett
- Louis Bartlett
- Murray Bartlett (educator) b. 1871
- Paul Wayland Bartlett
- Robert Abram Bartlett
- Walter Manny Bartlett
- Willard Bartlett
- Elias Hudson Bartley
- Nalbro Bartley
- William Cyrus Bartol
- Arthur James Barton
- Bruce Barton
- Charles William Barton
- Edmund Mills Barton
- George Barton (writer) b. 1866
- George Aaron Barton
- George Hunt Barton
- James Levi Barton
- James Moore Barton
- Philip Price Barton
- Ralph Barton
- Ralph Martin Barton
- Robert McKinney Barton
- Samuel Marx Barton
- Stephen Emory Barton
- Wilfred Mason Barton
- William Eleazar Barton
- Edward Bartow
- Harry Edwards Bartow
- Paul Bartsch
- Bernard Mannes Baruch
- Emanuel de Marnay Baruch
- Annie Howes Barus
- Carl Barus
- Francis John Barwell-Walker
- Luigi Barzini, Sr.
- Florence Bascom
- Daniel Base
- Bertha Runkle Bash
- Herbert Bashford
- Harvey Brown Bashore
- Charles Basing
- William S. Basinger
- Charles Read Baskervill
- James Newton Baskett
- Gideon Hicks Baskette
[edit]- Mrs. James Noble Baskin/Alice Calhoun Haines
- Olin Hanson Basquin
- Charles Cassedy Bass
- Elizabeth Merrill Bass
- Frederic Herbert Bass
- John Foster Bass
- Robert Perkins Bass
- Ula LeHentz Bass
- Basil Blaine Bassett
- Charles Nebeker Bassett
- Edward Murray Bassett
- Frederic Brewster Bassett
- John Spencer Bassett
- Lee Emerson Bassett
- Norman Leslie Bassett
- Sara Ware Bassett
- Thomas J. Bassett
- William Austin Bassett
- S. Homer Bassford
- Amadeo Bassi
- Ray Smith Bassler
- Edson Sunderland Bastin
- Charles Clarence Batchelder
- Charles Foster Batchelder
- Ernest Allen Batchelder
- Frank Charles Batchelder
- Loren Harrison Batchelder
- Nathaniel Horton Batchelder
- Mary Evelyn Beatrice Longman
- Roger Batchelder
- Tryphosa Bates Batcheller
- Bronson Batchelor
- George Batchelor (editor) b. 1836
- James Madison Batchelor
- Alan Mara Bateman
- Charles Heisler Bateman
- Harry Bateman
- John Bateman (sculptor) b. 1877
- Anderson Edith Baten
- Albert Carlos Bates
- Arthur Laban Bates
- Blanche Bates
- Clement Bates
- Clinton Owen Bates
- Emma Frances Duncan Bates
- George Andrew Bates
- George Williams Bates
- Henry Liberty Bates
- Henry Moore Bates
- Herbert Bates (author born 1868)
- John Lewis Bates
- Josephine White Bates
- Katharine Lee Bates
- Lindon Wallace Bates
- Margret Holmes Bates
- Mary Elizabeth Bates
- Miner Lee Bates
- Onward Bates
- Putnam Asbury Bates
- Sanford Bates
- Sylvia Chatfield Bates
- Walter Irving Bates
- William Nickerson Bates
- William Oscar Bates
- Levi Gordon Batman
- Clarence Edmund Batschelet
- William Howard Batson
- Loring Woart Batten
- Samuel Zane Batten
- Fletcher Williams Battershall
- George Magruder Battey
- Burrill Bunn Battle
- George Gordon Battle
- Henry Wilson Battle
- Herbert Bemerton Battle
- John Thomas Johnson Battle
- Samuel Westray Battle
- Thomas Hall Battle
- William James Battle
- Robert Lynn Batts
- William Oscar Batts
[edit]- George Neander Bauer
- Harold Bauer
- Louis Agricola Bauer
- Marion Eugenie Bauer
- William Charles Bauer
- Frank George Baum
- Henry Mason Baum
- William Miller Baum
- Gustave Baumann
- Andrew Baumert
- B. R. Baumgardt
- William Jacob Baumgartner
- Bertha Baur
- Bertha E. Baur
- Edward Bausch
- John Jacob Bausch
- John Watts Baer Bausman
- Samuel Day Bawden
- William Thomas Bawden
- Esther Minerva Baxendale
- Clarence Hughson Baxter
- George Strong Baxter
- Gregory Paul Baxter
- Irving Franklin Baxter
- John Kirkman Baxter
- Martha Wheeler Baxter
- Percival Proctor Baxter
- Sylvester Baxter
- Fairfax Bayard
- Thomas Francis Bayard Jr.
- Wayne W. Bayless
- William Silver Bayless
- Warner Baldwin Bayley
- William Shirley Bayley
- Edmund Lincoln Baylies
- Edwin Baylies
- Walter Cabot Baylies
- Charles T. Baylis
- Robert Nelson Baylis
- Clara Kern Bayliss
- Adelaide Steele Baylor
- James Bowen Baylor
- John Roy Baylor
[edit]- Mary Kuhns Bayly
- Howard Bayne (banker) b. 1878
- Howard Randolph Bayne
- Hugh Aiken Bayne
- Samuel Gamble Bayne
- Stanhope Bayne-Jones
- Ernest Harold Baynes
- Alfred William Bays
- Albert Isaac Beach
- Arthur Grandville Beach
- Charles Fisk Beach
- Charles Lewis Beach
- Chester Beach
- David Nelson Beach
- Edward Latimer Beach Sr.
- Mrs. H. H. A. Beach
- Harlan Page Beach
- Harrison L. Beach
- John Kimberly Beach
- John Newton Beach
- Joseph Warren Beach
- Lansing Hoskins Beach
- R. Clyde Beach
- Rex Ellingwood Beach
- Seth Curtis Beach
- Stanley Yale Beach
- Sylvester Woodbridge Beach
- Walter Greenwood Beach
- William Dorranee Beach
- William Mulholland Beach
- Thomas H. Beacom
- Chauncey Delos Beadle
- Samuel Willard Beakes
- Alvin Casey Beal
- Francis Leavitt Beal
- Gifford Reynolds Beal
- James Hartley Beal
- Junius Emery Beal
- Reynolds Beal
- Walter Henry Beal
- William James Beal
- Charles Hallock Beale
- George William Beale
- Joseph Henry Beale
- Kitty Beale
- Truxton Beale
[edit]- Alexander Winkler Bealer
- C. William Beales
- LeVerne Beales
- Jack Beall
- Carleton Beals
- Charles Edward Beals (clergyman) b. 1869
- Charles Edward Beals (author) b. 1896
- Edward Alden Beals
- Frank Lee Beals
- William Major Beaman
- Arthur John Bean
- Barton A. Bean
- Charles Homer Bean
- George W. Bean
- Henry J. Bean
- James Wilson Bean
- Richard Bean (banker) b. 1879
- Robert Bennett Bean
- Robert Sharp Bean
- Moody Lewis Beanblossom
- Fred Emery Beane
- John G. Beane
- Firman Edward Bear
- Ralph King Bearce
- Augustus Field Beard
- Charles Austin Beard
- Daniel Carter Beard
- Edward E. Beard
- Emma Patten Beard/Patten Beard
- James Thom Beard
- Lina Beard
- Mary Ritter Beard
- Reuben Alview Beard
- John Walter Beardslee
- Arthur Beardsley
- Frank Grenville Beardsley
- Henry Mahan Bearsdley
- James Wallace Beardsley
- Samuel Arthur Beardsley
- William Agur Beardsley
- William H. Beardsley
[edit]- Matthew Beardwood
- Rowland Fowler Beasley
- Henry Beates
- Clara Bancroft Beatley
- Kenneth Carrol Beaton
- Charlton Reid Beattie
- James A. Beattie
- A. Chester Beatty
- Arthur Beatty
- Bessie Beatty
- Frank Edmund Beatty
- James Helmick Beatty
- John Wesley Beatty
- Louise Dilworth Beatty
- George Davis Beattys
- Amos Leonidas Beaty
- James K. Beauchamp
- William Benjamin Beauchamp
- William Martin Beauchamp
- Cecilia Beaux
- Albert William Beaven
- Thomas Daniel Beaven
- Sandy Beaver
- William Preston Beazell
- George Beban
- John George Becht
- Edward Ambrose Bechtel
- Carl Beck (surgeon) b. 1864
- Edward Adam Beck
- Edward Scott Beck
- James Montgomery Beck
- Johann Heinrich Beck
- Joseph David Beck
- Marcus Wayland Beck
- Walter Beck (artist) b. 1864
- William Beck (baritone) b. 1869
- Alfred Le Roy Becker
- Benjamin Vogel Becker
- Carl Lotus Becker
- Gustave Louis Becker
- Lawrence Becker
- May Lamberton Becker
- Washington Becker
- William Gerard Becker
- Percy Gordon Beckett
- Wesley Wilbur Beckett
- William Wesley Beckett
- John Crepps Wickliffe Beckham
- Alice Beckington
- William Alexander Beckler
- Francis Joseph Beckman
- Frederick William Beckman
- Charles Minnigerode Beckwith
- Clarence Augustine Beckwith
- Isbon Thaddeus Beckwith
[edit]- Joseph D. Becton
- J. Adam Bede
- Frederick Bedell
- Alfred Cotton Bedford
- Edward Thomas Bedford
- Henry Clark Bedford
- Scott Elias William Bedford
- Henry James O'Brien Bedford-Jones
- Carlos Bee
- James Albert Beebe
- Katherine Beebe
- Lucius Morris Beebe
- Minnie Mason Beebe
- Murray Charles Beebe
- William Beebe
- Dimner Beeber
- Octavio Beeche
- Carl Milton Beecher
- George Allen Beecher
- R. Livingston Beeckman
- Frank Herbert Beede
- Joshua William Beede
- Carroll Linwood Beedy
- Alice D. Engley Beek
- Charles K. Beekman
- Gertrude Breckinridge Beeks
- John Allen Beeler
- Thomas Beer
- William Beer (librarian) b. 1849
- Clifford Whittingham Beers
- Edward M. Beers
- George Emerson Beers
- Henry Augustin Beers
- Lucius Hart Beers
[edit]- Thomas Quinn Beesley
- Charles Henry Beeson
- Jasper Luther Beeson
- Malcolm Alfred Beeson
- Henry Beets
- Louis Begeman
- James Thomas Begg
- Gertrude Harper Beggs
- Ralph Norman Begien
- Richard Joseph Behan
- Warren Palmer Behan
- William James Behan
- Sosthenes Behn
- Bernard Arthur Behrend
- Ernst Richard Behrend
- Genevieve Behrend
- Charles August Behrens
- Martin Behrman
- Irwin Ross Beiler
- William Godfrey Bek
- Leander J. de Bekker
- David Belasco
- Hilda Belcher
- Charles Francis Dorr Belden
- Henry Marvin Belden
- Alvah Norton Belding
- Milo Merrick Belding
- William Thomas Belfield
- Henry Wyckoff Belknap
- William Burke Belknap
- Archie Bell (American author) b. 1877
- Bennett D. Bell
- Bernard Iddings Bell
- Charles J. Bell (businessman)
- Charles Webster Bell
- Edward Bell (diplomat) b. 1882
- Edward August Bell
- Edward Price Bell
- Elexious Thompson Bell
- Enoch Frye Bell
- Eric Temple Bell
- Frederic Somers Bell
- George Bell Jr.
- George Lewis Bell
- Harmon Bell
- Henry Gough Bell
- Hill McClelland Bell
- James Alexander Bell
- Carleton Bell
- James Ford Bell
- J. Franklin Bell (engineer) b. 1876
- James Warsaw Bell
- John Calhoun Bell
- John C. Bell (lawyer)
- John W. Bell (doctor)
- Lilian Bell
- Marcus Lafayette Bell
- Mary Adelaide Fuller Bell
- Miller Stephens Bell
- Nicholas Montgomery Bell
- Pearl Doles Bell
- Raley Husted Bell
- Robert N. Bell
- Thomas Montgomery Bell
- Wilbur Cosby Bell
- William Melvin Bell
- Henry Bellamann
[edit]- Francis Rufus Bellamy
- William Bellamy (author) b. 1846
- John B. Bellinger (military) b. 1862
- Martha Fletcher Bellinger
- William Whaley Bellinger
- George Wesley Bellows
- Henry Adams Bellows (businessman)
- Howard Perry Bellows
- Johnson McClure Bellows
- Alva E. Smith Belmont
- August Belmont Jr.
- Eleanor Robson Belmont
- Perry Belmont
- Harry H. Belt
- Alburto Bement
- Alon Bement
- Howard Bement
- Albert Farwell Bemis
- Edward Webster Bemis
- Robert Charles Benchley
- Howard Johnston Benchoff
- Wladyslaw Theodor Benda
- George Bendelari
- Harold H. Bender
- Wilbur H. Bender
- Max Bendix
- Adelbert Oswald Benecke
- A. L. Benedict
- Alfred Barnum Benedict
- Anne Kendrick Benedict
- Cleveland Keith Benedict (academic) b. 1864
- Crystal Eastman Benedict
- Elsie Lincoln Benedict
- Francis Gano Benedict
- Harris Miller Benedict
- Harry Yandell Benedict
- Henry Harper Benedict
- James Everard Benedict
- Lorenzo Benedict
- Russell Benedict
- Stanley Rossiter Benedict
- William Leonard Benedict
- Gerrit Albertus Beneker
- Stephen Vincent Benet
- James Walker Benét (military) b. 1857
- William Rose Benet
- Louis Paul Benezet
- Elisa Armstrong Bengough
- Nels August Bengtson
- Allen Rogers Benham
- John Samuel Benham
- Arthur Benington
- Conrado Benitez
- William Logan Benitz
[edit]- Charles Henry Benjamin
- Eugene S. Benjamin
- George Hillard Benjamin
- Gilbert Giddings Benjamin
- Marcus Benjamin
- Paul Lyman Benjamin
- Raymond Benjamin
- Raymond Calvin Benner
- Thomas Eliot Benner
- Robert Ames Bennet
- Walter Mills Bennet
- William Stiles Bennet
- Albert Arnold Bennett (mathematician) b. 1888
- Albert Dwight Bennett
- Alfred S. Bennett
- Arthur Ellsworth Bennett
- Burton Ellsworth Bennett
- Charles A. Bennett
- Claude Nathaniel Bennett
- Edward Bennett (physicist)
- Edward Brown Bennett
- Edward Herbert Bennett
- Florence Mary Bennett
- Frank Marion Bennett
- Granville Gaylord Bennett (bishop)
- Helen Christine Bennett/Helen Bennet Maupin
- Henry Eastman Bennett
- Henry Garland Bennett
- Henry Holcomb Bennett
- Ida Dandridge Bennett
- Ira Elbert Bennett
- James O'Donnell Bennett
- Jesse Lee Bennett
- John Bennett (author)
- John Newton Bennett
- John William Bennett
- Joseph Bentley Bennett
- Mary Katharine Jones Bennett
- May Friend Bennett
- Richard Bennett (actor)
- Richard Heber Bennett
- Samuel Crocker Bennett
- Thomas Gray Bennett
- Walter Harper Bennett
- William Lyon Bennett
- William Rainey Bennett
- William Wirt Bennett
- William Zebina Bennett
- James Mitchell Bennetts
- Adam Samuel Bennion
- Milton Bennion
- Solomon D. Benoliel
- Joseph Henry McAlpin Benrimo
- Robert Russell Bensley
[edit]- Allan L. Benson
- Blackwood Ketcham Benson
- Carville Dickinson Benson
- Charles Emile Benson
- Frank Weston Benson
- Franklin Thomas Benson
- Henry Kreitzer Benson
- Louis FitzGerald Benson
- Oscar Herman Benson
- Ramsey Benson
- Richard Dale Benson/R. Dale Benson
- Robert Dix Benson
- Simon Benson
- Stuart Benson (writer) b. 1877
- William Shepherd Benson
- Arthur Cleveland Bent
- Silas Bent
- Frederick Bente
- Charles Benter
- Charles Edwin Bentley
- Charles Staughton Bentley
- Irene Bentley
- Madison Bentley
- Robert Irving Bentley
- William Burdelle Bentley
- William Frederick Bentley
- Wilson Alwyn Bentley
- Arthur B. Benton
- Elbert Jay Benton
- Elma Hixson Benton
- Frank Benton
- Guy Potter Benton
- Jay Rogers Benton
- John Robert Benton
- Maecenas E. Benton
- Mary Lathrop Benton
- Ralph Benton
- Rita Benton
- Charles Theodore Benze
- George Henry Benzenberg
- August Benziger
- Frederic Benzinger
- Clara Beranger
- Konrad Bercovici
- Paul Frederick Berdanier
- Victor Henry Berenger
- Bernard Berenson
- Harry Beresford
- Charles I. Berg
- David Emanuel Berg
- Ernst Julius Berg
- Joseph Frederic Berg
- Edward Berge
- Irenee Berge
- Fanny Dickerson Bergen
- James J. Bergen
- John Tallmadge Bergen
- Joseph Young Bergen
- Tunis G. Bergen
- Anna Farquhar Bergengren
- Ralph William Alexis Bergengren
- Roy Frederick Bergengren
[edit]- George Bart Berger
- Victor L. Berger
- Vilhelm Berger
- David Hendricks Bergey
- Albert Ellery Bergh
- Arthur Bergh
- Leo Allen Bergholz
- Alfred Bergin
- J. Victor Bergquist
- William Harry Bergtold
- George M. Beringer
- James Percival Berkeley
- Charles Peter Berkey
- Henry Johns Berkley
- Henry Berkowitz
- Adolf Augustus Berle (clergyman) b. 1866
- Alfred Franklin Berlin
- Irving Berlin
- Emile Berliner
- Louis Berman
- Isidor Samuel Leopold Bermann
- Florence Scott Bernard
- Frances Fenton Bernard
- Frederic Horton Bernard
- Hugh Robertson Bernard
- Luther Lee Bernard
- Sam Bernard
- Joseph Mariotte Bernardin
- Edward L. Bernays
- Ernest Bernbaum
- John J. Bernet
- Joshua Bernhardt
- Bertram Moses Bernheim
- Oscar Frederick Bernheim
- Charles L. Bernheimer
- Charles Seligman Bernheimer
- Oscar Edmund Berninghaus
- Charles Bernstein (neurologist) b. 1872
- Herman Bernstein
- Johann Bernstorff
- Albert Julius Berres
- Arthur William Berresford
- Albert Edgar Berry
- Albert Gleaves Berry
- Charles Scott Berry
- Charles White Berry
- Edward Wilber Berry
- George Ricker Berry
- George Titus Berry
- Gilbert Milo Berry
- Gordon Lockwood Berry
- James Berthold Berry
- John Cutting Berry
- Joseph Flintoft Berry
- Josephine Thorndike Berry
- Lucien Grant Berry
- Martha McChesney Berry
- Robert Mallory Berry
- Walter Van Rensselaer Berry
- Wilbur Fisk Berry
- Clifford Kennedy Berryman
- Ida Conquest Bertelli
- Helen Bertram
- James Bertram (Carnegie secretary)
- Samuel Reading Bertron
- Edward Julius Berwind
[edit]- Earl Hanley Beshlin
- William George Besler
- Frederick Atwood Besley
- Harold Joslyn Besley
- Elmer Allen Bess
- Ernst Athearn Bessey
- Ethel Best
- George Newton Best
- Harry Best
- Henry Riley Best
- Nolan Rice Best
- William Parker Best
- Henry Beston
- Arthur Eugene Bestor
- Horace Paul Bestor
- Walter Augustus Bethel
- Union Noble Bethell
- Francis Sales Betten
- Alfred Bettman
- Gilbert Bettman
- Albert Deems Betts
- Anna Whelan Betts
- Charles Henry Betts
- Craven Langstroth Betts
- Edgar Hayes Betts
- Frederick William Betts
- George Herbert Betts
- James A. Betts
- Louis Betts
- Philander Betts
- Edwin James Beugler
- William Beutenmuller
- Arthur Dean Bevan
- Charles Frederick Bevan
- Ralph Hervey Bevan
- Thomas Horatio Bevan
- Wilson Lloyd Bevan
- Albert Jeremiah Beveridge
- John Harrie Beveridge
- Kuhne Beveridge
[edit]- Isabel Bevier
- Louis Bevier
- Julius August Bewer
- Luther Boone Bewley
- Murray Percival Bewley
- John Andrew Bexell
- Frederick Charles Beyer
- Gustav Beyer
- Samuel Walker Beyer
- John Lewis Beyl
- William Gilmore Beymer
- Andre Beziat/André Béziat
- Julio Domingo Bianchi
- Antoine Bibesco
- Karl August Bickel
- Fanny Neal Yarborough Bickett
- Faith Bickford
- Walter Mansur Bickford
- Warren Stone Bickham
- George Harvey Bickley
- Howard Lee Bickley
- Ernest Percy Bicknell
- Frank Alfred Bicknell
- George Augustus Bicknell
- Thomas Williams Bicknell
- William Harry Warren Bicknell
- W. Scott Bicksler
- Andrew Porter Biddle
- Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle
- Edward William Biddle
- Gertrude Bosler Biddle
- Henry Chalmers Biddle
- John Biddle (United States Army officer)
- Lee Bidgood
- Annie Ellicott Kennedy Bidwell
- Daniel Doane Bidwell
- Sidney Bieber
- William Edward Biederwolf
- Paul Alfred Biefeld
- Alexander Bruce Bielaski
- Morris Bien
- Elsie Janis Bierbower
- Ambrose Bierce
- William Grant Bierd
- Andrew Gregg Curtin Bierer
- Walter Lawrence Bierring
- Edward Hale Bierstadt
- Edward Fuller Bigelow
- Florence Bigelow
- Francis Hill Bigelow
- Frank Hagar Bigelow
- Frederic Russell Bigelow
- Frederick Southgate Bigelow
- Harriet Williams Bigelow
- Harry Augustus Bigelow
- Henry Bryant Bigelow
- Henry Forbes Bigelow
- Herbert Seely Bigelow
- John Bigelow Jr.
- John Milton Bigelow (physician) b. 1846
- Maurice Alpheus Bigelow
- Poultney Bigelow
- Robert Payne Bigelow
- Samuel Lawrence Bigelow
- Willard Dell Bigelow
- William Frederick Bigelow
- William Sturgis Bigelow
- Hamilton Fisk Biggar
- Robert Rush Bigger
[edit]- Earl Derr Biggers
- James Crawford Biggs
- Effie Molt Bignell
- Nathan Bijur
- Henry Wolf Bikle
- Philip Melanchthon Bikle
- Theodore Gilmore Bilbo
- Anne Mathilda Bilbro
- Hugo Bilgram
- Clarence Powers Bill
- Earl Gordon Bill
- Nathan D. Bill
- Harry Hilton Billany
- Jacob Billikopf
- Benson Dillon Billinghurst
- Charles Ethan Billings
- Cornelius Canfield Billings
- Cornelius Kingsley Garrison Billings
- Edmund Billings
- Edward Everett Billings
- Frank Billings
- Franklin Swift Billings
- Thomas Henry Billings
- Clayton Oscar Billow
- Richard Alphonzo Billups
- Rudolph Michael Binder
- Lloyd Tilghman Binford
- Raymond Binford
- Amelia Bingham
- Edfrid Albertus Bingham
- Eugene Cook Bingham
- George Hutchins Bingham
- Gonzalez Sidney Bingham
- Guy Morse Bingham
- Hiram Bingham III
- Joseph Walter Bingham
- Millicent Todd Bingham
- Ralph Bingham
- Robert Bingham (educator) b. 1838, founded Bingham School
- Robert Worth Bingham
- Theodore Alfred Bingham
- Walter Van Dyke Bingham
- William Theodore Bingham
- Robert Studebaker Binkerd
- Arthur Binney
- John Fairbairn Binnie
- Charles Fergus Binns
- Frederic Theodore Bioletti
- David Robert Birch
- Raymond Russell Birch
- Reginald Bathurst Birch
- Stephen Birch
- Thomas Bruce Birch
- Thomas Howard Birch
- Clarence C. Birchard
- Hugh Birckhead
[edit]- Anna Child Bird
- Arthur Bird
- Charles Sumner Bird
- George Emerson Bird
- Grace Electa Bird
- James Malcolm Bird
- James Pyper Bird
- John E. Bird
- Paul Percy Bird
- Remsen du Bois Bird
- Richard Ely Bird
- Robert Montgomery Bird (chemist) b. 1867
- Rose Anna Bird-Maley
- Katharine Newbold Birdsall
- Clarence Frank Birdseye (lawyer) b. 1854
- Claude Hale Birdseye
- Luther Earle Birdzell
- Edward Asahel Birge
- Edward Bailey Birge
- George David Birkhoff
- William Harvey Birkmire
- Henry Patrick Birmingham
- Lauress J. Birney
- Rogers Birnie
- Horatio Bisbee
- Joseph Bartlett Bisbee
- William Henry Bisbee
- Henry Singlewood Bisbing
- Louis Edward Bisch
- Howard Morton Biscoe
- Thomas Dwight Biscoe
- Avard Longley Bishop
- Charles McTyeire Bishop
- David Horace Bishop
- Edwin Whitney Bishop
- Ernest Simons Bishop
- Frederic Lendall Bishop
- George Lee Bishop
- Harry Gore Bishop
- Henry Alfred Bishop
- James Bishop (physician) (1870-1924)
- Joseph Bucklin Bishop
- Judson Wade Bishop
- Louis Faugères Bishop/Lois Faugeres Bishop
- Minnie Ridgeway Bishop
- Percy Poe Bishop
- Roswell P. Bishop
- William Henry Bishop
- William Samuel Bishop
- William Warner Bishop
- Elizabeth Bisland
- Arthur Douglas Bissell
- Dougal Bissell
- French Rayburn Bissell
- George Welton Bissell
- Hezekiah Bissell
- Howard Bissell
- John Henry Bissell
- John William Bissell
- Mary Taylor Bissell
- Richard Mervin Bissell
- Charles Hills Bissikummer
- William Coleman Bitting
- Charles Bittinger
- Ammi Leander Bixby
- Edson Kingman Bixby
- Harold McMillan Bixby
- William Herbert Bixby
- William Keeney Bixby
- Harris Jacob Bixler
- James Wilson Bixler
- Kazys Bizauskas
- Louis A. Bize
[edit]- James Adrian Bizzell
- William Bennett Bizzell
- Edwin August Bjorkman/Edwin Björkman/Edwin Bjorkman/Edwin A. Bjorkman
- Alfred William Bjornstad
- Joseph Ward Blabon
- Clarence Dan Blachly
- Frederick Frank Blachly
- Alexander Black (photographer)
- Alfred Lawrence Black
- Archibald Black (engineer) b. 1888
- Arthur Davenport Black
- Charles Clarke Black
- Ebenezer Charlton Black
- Eugene Black (Texas politician)
- George Harold Black
- Harry S. Black (redirects to his father-in-law)
- Henry Campbell Black
- Hugh Black (theologian)
- James C. C. Black
- James Dixon Black
- James William Black
- John Donald Black
- Loring M. Black
- Madeleine Elmer Black
- Melville Black
- Newton Henry Black
- Roy L. Black
- Ryland Melville Black
- William Henry Black (college president) b. 1854
- William Joseph Black
- William Murray Black
- William Wesley Black
- Winifred Black
- Clarence Howard Blackall
- Frederick Steele Blackall
- James Washington Blackard
- John Henry Blackburn
- Mary Frances Blackburne
- Daniel James Blacker
- Katherine M. H. Blackford
- George Edmund Blackham
- Earl Austin Blackman
- William Fremont Blackman
- William Waldo Blackman
- Abel Edward Blackmar
- Frank Wilson Blackmar
- Frank Hamlin Blackmarr
- Henry M. Blackmer
- Henry Spencer Blackmore
- Simon Augustine Blackmore
- James Stuart Blackton
- Eliot Blackwelder
- Paul Blackwelder
- Alice Stone Blackwell
- George Lincoln Blackwell
- James Shannon Blackwell
- Robert Emory Blackwell
- Alexander Leslie Blackwood
- August F. Blaess
- Hugh Mercer Blain
- Anita McCormick Blaine
- John J. Blaine
- Albion Zelophehad Blair
- Andrew Alexander Blair
- Appoline Madison Blair
- Clinton Ledyard Blair
- David Ellmore Blair
- David H. Blair
- Emily Newell Blair
- Francis Grant Blair
- Frank Warrenner Blair
- George Archibald Blair
- Henry Augustus Blair
- Henry Patterson Blair
- Hugh McLeod Blair
- James Thomas Blair, Sr. b. 1871
- John Halsey Blair
- Joseph Cullen Blair
- Joseph Paxton Blair
- Margaret Josephine Blair
- Vilray Papin Blair
- Watson Franklin Blair
- William Allen Blair
- W. Reid Blair
- William Richards Blair
- William Wightman Blair
- Albert Franklin Blaisdell
- Etta Austin Blaisdell
- James Arnold Blaisdell
- Mary Frances Blaisdell
- Thomas Charles Blaisdell
[edit]- Ada Swasey Blake
- Charles S. Blake
- Clinton Hamlin Blake
- Edgar Blake
- Emily Calvin Blake
- Francis Gilman Blake
- Frederic Columbus Blake
- Henry Nichols Blake
- Henry William Blake
- James Henry Blake (naturalist) b. 1845
- James Vila Blake
- John Bapst Blake
- John Charles Blake
- John Walter Blake
- Joseph Augustus Blake
- Katherine Alexander Duer Blake
- Mary Katharine Evans Blake
- Maxwell Blake
- Preston Blake (clergyman)
- Tiffany Blake
- George Henry Blakeley
- Bertha Eliza Blakely
- George Blakely
- John Russell Young Blakely
- Albert Alexander Blakeney
- Albert Francis Blakeslee
- Francis Durbin Blakeslee
- Fred Gilbert Blakeslee
- George Hubbard Blakeslee
- Roy Gillispie Blakey
- James I. Blakslee
- DeWitt Blamer
- Neltje Blanchan
- Amy Ella Blanchard
- Arthur Alphonzo Blanchard
- Arthur Horace Blanchard
- Charles Albert Blanchard
- Clarence John Blanchard
- Ferdinand Quincy Blanchard
- Frank LeRoy Blanchard
- Grace Blanchard
- Lucy Mansfield Blanchard
- Ralph Harrub Blanchard
- William Martin Blanchard
- Antoine Albert Blanchet
- Clement Theophilus Blanchet
- John Baptiste Blanchet
- William Henry Blancke
- Oscar E. Bland
- Schuyler Otis Bland
- William Thomas Bland
- Charles Granger Blanden
- Dwight Blaney
- Isabella Williams Blaney
- Lucretia Longshore Blankenburg
- Annie Webb Blanton
- John Diell Blanton
- Thomas Lindsay Blanton
- Edwin Howland Blashfield
- Harriot Stanton Blatch
- Charles Hammond Blatchford
- Richard Milford Blatchford
- Willis Stanley Blatchley
- Raymond Blathwayt
- William Mosher Blatt
- Lillian Evans Blauvelt
- Lindsey Blayney
- Cara Rogers Bleakley
- Coleman Livingston Blease
- Benjamin Franklin Bledsoe
- Samuel Thomas Bledsoe
- Albert Victor Bleininger
- Fred L. Blendinger
- Carle Joan Blenner
- Abraham Lincoln Blesh
[edit]- Arthur Reed Blessing
- Edgar M. Blessing
- Alden Joseph Blethen Jr.
- Clarance Brettun Blethen
- Herman Bleyer
- Julius Mount Bleyer
- Willard Grosvenor Bleyer
- Emil Harry Blichfeldt
- Hans Frederik Blichfeldt
- Milton Jacob Bliem
- Reynold Edward Blight
- Holbrook Blinn
- Morris Joslin Blish
- Collins Pechin Bliss
- Cornelius Newton Bliss Jr.
- Eliakim Raymond Bliss
- Elmer Jared Bliss
- Eugene Frederick Bliss
- Frederick Jones Bliss
- George Yemens Bliss
- Gilbert Ames Bliss
- John Carlton Bliss
- Louis Denton Bliss
- Ralph Kenneth Bliss
- Robert Pratt Bliss
- Robert Woods Bliss
- Tasker Howard Bliss
- Walter Phelps Bliss
- William Dwight Porter Bliss
- William Henry Bliss (lawyer) b. 1844
- William Julian Albert Bliss
- Anne Dudley Blitz
- Bruce Bliven
- Albert Bloch
- Alexander Bloch
- Claude Charles Bloch
- Leopold E. Block
- Louis James Block
- Ralph Block
- Rudolph Block
- Daniel James Blocker
- William Preston Blocker
- Gottfried Blocklinger
- Augustus Perry Blocksom
- Francis Branch Blodgett
- Frank Dickinson Blodgett
- John Wood Blodgett
- Mabel Louise Fuller Blodgett
- Ruth Robinson Blodgett
- Wells Howard Blodgett
- Victor Gustave Bloede
- Julius Harold Bloedel
- Carl August Blomgren
- Charles H. Blood
- William Henry Blood
- Joseph Colt Bloodgood
- Wheeler Peckham Bloodgood
- Edgar Selden Bloom
- Sol Bloom
- Millard J. Bloomer
[edit]- Leonard Bloomfield
- Maurice Bloomfield
- Meyer Bloomfield
- Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler
- Charles Bloomingdale
- Emanuel Watson Bloomingdale
- Walter Ray Bloor
- Sumner Newton Blossom
- Henry Fitch Blount
- James Henderson Blount, Jr. b. 1869
- Frederick Omar Blue
- Rupert Blue
- Victor Blue
- Elias Blum
- Samuel J. Blum
- Fred H. Blume
- Ralph David Blumenfeld
- Ernest L. Blumenschein
- Mary Shepard Greene Blumenschein
- George Blumenthal (banker)
- Gustave Adolph Blumenthal
- George Blumer
- George Alder Blumer
- Henry Blun
- Stanhope English Blunt
- Lloyd Ross Blynn
- Samuel George Blythe
- Arthur Edward Romilly Boak
- Albert Barnes Boardman
- Harold Sherburne Boardman
- Henry Bradford Boardman
- Mabel Thorp Boardman
- Aleck Boarman
- Franz Boas
- William Louis Boatright
- Frederic William Boatwright
- Gertrude Floyd Harris Boatwright
- Hiram Abiff Boaz
- Byron Arthur Bobb
- Clyde S. Bobb
- Earl Victor Bobb
- Franklin Bobbitt
- William Conrad Bobbs
- Richard W. Bock
- Marcus Olaus Bockman
- Charles E. Bockus
- Willis Henry Bocock
- Artur Bodanzky
- George Boddis
- Boyd Henry Bode
- Frederick Bode
- Walter Blaine Bodenhafer
- Maxwell Bodenheim
- Joseph Lamb Bodine
- Samuel Taylor Bodine
- Henry Edward Bodman
- Lars Wilhelm Boe
- Ernest Adolph Boehme
- John W. Boehne
- Richard Hans Douai Boerker
- Charles Boeschenstein
[edit]- Claude K. Boettcher
- Libert Hubert John Louis Boeynaems
- Emory Stephen Bogardus
- Ernest Ludlow Bogart
- Martin Bruce Bogarte
- George Gleason Bogert
- George H. Bogert
- Marston Taylor Bogert
- Walter Lawrence Bogert
- Arthur Clinton Boggess
- A. Maris Boggs/Anita Maris Boggs / Anita Boggs
- Carroll Curtis Boggs
- Frank Cranstoun Boggs
- Frank M. Boggs
- Sara E. Boggs
- Thomas Richmond Boggs
- Sarah Comly Norris Bogle
- Lilian Bell Bogue
- Moissaye Boguslawski
- Eugene William Bohannon
- William Everette Bohannon
- Francis Hermann Bohlen
- John Frederick Bohler
- Henry Frederic Theodore Bohlmann
- Frank Bohn (socialist)
- Frank Bohr
- William Artemus Boies
- William Dayton Boies
- John Theodore Boifeuillet
- Emile Kellogg Boisot
- Louis Boisot
- Edward William Bok
- Frank Kells Boland
- Mary Boland
- Mary A. Boland
- Hermann Johannes Boldt
- Charles Frederick Bolduan
- Floyd Jackson Bolend
- Edgar Howard Boles
- Henry Leo Boles
- Albert Sidney Bolles
- Henry Luke Bolley
- George Melville Bolling
- Richard Arthur Bolt
- Benjamin Meade Bolton
- Charles Knowles Bolton
- Ethel Stanwood Bolton
- Frank Cleveland Bolton
- Frederick Elmer Bolton
- Herbert Eugene Bolton
- James Gray Bolton
- Reginald Pelham Bolton
- Thaddeus Lincoln Bolton
- Theodore Bolton
- Bertram Borden Boltwood
- Edward Boltwood
- Robert Whitney Bolwell
- William Prescott Bonbright
- Alessandro Bonci
- Albert Richmond Bond
- Alexander Russell Bond
- Carrie Jacobs Bond
- Carroll Taney Bond
- Charles Grosvenor Bond
- Charles Sumner Bond
- Edward Austin Bond
- Elizabeth Powell Bond
- Frank Bond
- Frederic Drew Bond
- George Meade Bond
- Henry Bond (businessman) b. 1856
- Holdsworth Wheeler Bond
- James Leslie Bond
- Oliver James Bond
- Willard Faroe Bond
- Young Hance Bond
- Archibald Bonds
- Alexander Lee Bondurant
- William Walton Bondurant
- William Bondy
- Scott Cardelle Bone
- Winstead Paine Bone
[edit]- Peter Oren Bonebrake
- Olof Jakob Bonggren
- Milledge Louis Bonham
- Charles Lybrand Bonifield
- Ygnacio Bonillas
- John Duncan Bonnar
- Henry Houston Bonnell
- Arthur Bonner
- Campbell Bonner
- David Findley Bonner
- Geraldine Bonner
- James Bernard Bonner
- Joseph Claybaugh Bonner
- Mary Graham Bonner
- Robert Johnson Bonner
- Sherman Grant Bonney
- Wilbert Lowth Bonney
- Stephen Bonsal
- Edward Horne Bonsall
- Frederick Gordon Bonser
- Thomas A. Bonser
- Jay Allan Bonsteel
- George Willard Bonte
- Daniel Bontecou
- Ludwig Bonvin
- Robert William Bonynge
- John Bonzano
- John Elof Boodin
- Bertha Boody
- David Augustus Boody
- William Frederick Book
- William Henry Book
- Joseph Albert Booker
- Clarence Monroe Bookman
- Alfred Guitner Bookwalter
- Lewis Bookwalter
- Ella Alexander Boole
- Lucius Messenger Boomer
- Joshua Gregory Boomhour
- Arthur Upshaw Boone
- William Judson Boone
- John Van Vorst Booraem
- Robert Elmer Booraem
- Cecil Ernest Boord
- William Frederick Boos
- Ballington Booth
- Clarence Moore Booth
- Evangeline Cory Booth
- Ewing E. Booth
- Fenton Whitlock Booth
- Frank Walworth Booth
- Franklin Booth
- George G. Booth
- Hiram Evans Booth
- Mary Josephine Booth
- Maud Ballington Booth
- Ralph Harman Booth
- Robert Asbury Booth
- Samuel Babcock Booth
- Wilbur Franklin Booth
- William Stone Booth
- Willis H. Booth
- Ralph Edwin Boothby
- Samuel Latimer Boothroyd
- Julius Boraas
- William Edgar Borah
- Gaston Borch
- Edwin Montefiore Borchard
- Charles Martin Borchers
- George Pennington Borden
- Howard Seymour Borden
- John Borden
- Mary Borden
- William Alanson Borden
- William Cline Borden
- Michael Washington Borders
- Harvey Albert Bordner
- Walter Bordwell
- Walter Percy Bordwell
- Jacob Smith Boreman
- Carl Oscar Borg
[edit]- Joseph Leopold Borgerhoff
- Esteban Gil Borges
- Gutzon Borglum
- Lucrezia Bori
- Adolphe Borie
- Edwin Garrigues Boring
- William Alciphron Boring
- Chauncey Blair Borland
- Maud Rives Borland
- Felix Borowski
- Guernsey J. Borst
- Henry Vroman Borst
- Sara Cone Borst
- Emil Bose (geologist) (b. 1868)
- Kate Langley Bosher
- Andrew Boss (agriculturalist) b. 1867
- Benjamin Boss
- Edward Raymond Bossange
- James Herbert Siward Bossard
- John Collins Bossidy
- Alfred Charles Bossom
- Charles Anderson Boston
- Leonard N. Boston
- Wollmar Filip Bostrom
- Arthur Elmore Bostwick
- Charles Dibble Bostwick
- Charles Francis Bostwick
- Frank Matteson Bostwick
- Harry Rice Bostwick
- Lucius Allyn Bostwick
- Foster Partridge Boswell
- Ira Mathews Boswell
- Edward Increase Bosworth
- Francke Huntington Bosworth
- Francke Huntington Bosworth Jr.
- William W. Bosworth
- Gisle Bothne
- Jessie Arms Botke
- Elmer Francis Botsford
- Allen W. T. Bottomley
- John Taylor Bottomley
- Clarence Milton Botts
- Chauncey Samuel Boucher
- Dion G. Boucicault
- Ruth Baldwin Holt Boucicault
- Ewald Augustus Boucke
- O. Fred Boucke
- Leroy John Boughner
- Harvey Dixon Boughter
- Alice Caroline Boughton
- Fred Grant Boughton
- Martha Arnold Boughton
- Willis Boughton
- Virgil Bouldin
- Payne Augustin Boulton
[edit]- Albert Pike Bourland
- Benjamin Parsons Bourland
- Caroline Brown Bourland
- Augustus Osborn Bourn
- Henry Eldridge Bourne
- Jonathan Bourne Jr.
- George M. Bourquin
- Ina Bourskaya
- Clifford Joseph Boush
- Henry Sherman Boutell
- Archibald Lewis Bouton
- Edward Henry Bouton
- Emily St. John Bouton
- Rosa Bouton
- S. Miles Bouton
- William Rowe Boutwell
- Pauline Carrington Bouve
- Maurice Bouvier
- David Bovaird
- Charles Lincoln Bovard
- George Finley Bovard
- Warren Bradley Bovard
- William Sherman Bovard
- John Wesley Bovee
- Charles Brasee Boving
- Aberdeen Orlando Bowden
- Vincent Yardley Bowditch
- Stanley Eyre Bowdle
- William Goodrich Bowdoin
- Arthur John Bowen
- Asa Bosworth Bowen
- Clarence Winthrop Bowen
- Clayton Raymond Bowen
- Edwin Winfield Bowen
- Ezra Bowen (academic) b. 1891
- Herbert Wolcott Bowen
- John Templeton Bowen
- John W. E. Bowen Sr.
- Lem Warner Bowen
- Louise de Koven Bowen
- Reuben Dean Bowen
- Robert Adger Bowen
- Wilbur Pardon Bowen
- William Alvin Bowen
[edit]- Adelaide Howell Bower
- B. M. Bower
- George Hoyle Bower
- Russell Forrest Bower
- William Clayton Bower
- George Franklin Bowerman
- Guy Emerson Bowerman
- Alphonzo Benjamin Bowers
- Claude Gernade Bowers
- Eaton Jackson Bowers
- Edward Augustus Bowers
- George Meade Bowers
- Lamont Montgomery Bowers
- Larkin Bruce Bowers
- Robert Graves Bowers
- Robert Hood Bowers
- William Gray Bowers
- Frank B. Bowes
- Edward Hall Bowie
- Sydney Johnston Bowie
- Walter Russell Bowie
- William Bowie (engineer)
- Horace Bowker
- Richard Rogers Bowker
- Harry Laity Bowlby
- John William Bowler
- William Howard Bowler
- Francis Tiffany Bowles
- Gilbert Bowles
- Henry Leland Bowles
- Phillip Ernest Bowles
- Albert Jesse Bowley
- William Ray Bowlin
- William Bismarck Bowling
- Alpheus Henry Bowman
- Alpheus Michael Bowman
- Charles Calvin Bowman
- Charles Henry Bowman
- Edward Jonathan Bowman
- Frank Llewellyn Bowman
- George Ernest Bowman
- George Lynn Bowman
- Harold Leonard Bowman
- Harold Martin Bowman
- Harry Samuel Bowman
- Isaiah Bowman
- James Cloyd Bowman
- John Brady Bowman
- John Calvin Bowman
- John Gabbert Bowman
- John McEntee Bowman
- Karl Murdock Bowman
- Milo Jesse Bowman
- Paul Haynes Bowman
- Thomas DeWitt Bowman
- John Adams Bownocker
- James Bowron
- Colvin C. Bowsfield
- John Calvin Box
- Neith Boyce
- William H. Boyce
- Alfred Boyd (engineer) b. 1872
- A. Hunter Boyd
- Charles Arthur Boyd
- D. Knickerbacker Boyd
- David Ross Boyd
- Ernest Boyd
- Harry Hutcheson Boyd
- James Boyd (editor) b. 1866
- James Boyd (novelist)
- James Churchill Boyd
- James Edmund Boyd
- James Ellsworth Boyd
- James Oscar Boyd
- John Frank Boyd
- Mary Brown Sumner Boyd
- Paul Prentice Boyd
- Robert Boyd (stenographer)
- Thomas Alexander Boyd
- Thomas Duckett Boyd
- Thomas M. Boyd
- William Kenneth Boyd
- William Robert Boyd (editor) b. 1864
- William Sprott Boyd
- William Waddell Boyd
- William Young Boyd
[edit]- Albert Augustus Boyden
- Arthur Clarke Boyden
- Frank Learoyd Boyden
- Roland William Boyden
- William Cowper Boyden
- Charles Clinton Boyer
- Joseph Boyer
- James Chambers Boykin
- Richard Manning Boykin
- Grace Duffie Boylan
- John J. Boylan
- Murtha Joseph Boylan
- Albert Clarence Boyle
- Emmet D. Boyle
- Hugh Charles Boyle
- James Boyle (journalist) b. 1853
- James Ernest Boyle
- Murat Boyle
- Virginia Frazer Boyle
- William Hugh Wray Boyle
- Aubrey Boyles
- Charles Albert Boynton
- Charles Homer Boynton
- Charles Hudson Boynton
- Frank David Boynton
- George Rufus Boynton
- Henry Walcott Boynton
- Melbourne Parker Boynton
- Nehemiah Boynton
- Percy Holmes Boynton
- Richard Wilson Boynton
- Thomas J. Boynton (politician)
- William Pingry Boynton
- William Frederick Braasch
- Charles Loring Brace
- Theodore Brace
- Clio Hinton Bracken
- Henry Martyn Bracken
- Charles Brackett
- Charles Albert Brackett
- Elliott Gray Brackett
- Frank Parkhurst Brackett
- Haven Darling Brackett
- Jeffrey Richardson Brackett
- Ledru Joshua Brackett
- Jean Charlemagne Bracq
- Robert Hart Bradbury
- Samuel Bradbury
- Woodman Bradbury
- James Harold Braddock
- Arthur Braden
- James Andrew Braden
- Samuel Ray Braden
- William Braden
- William D. Bradfield
[edit]- Arthur Howe Bradford
- Edward Anthony Bradford
- Edward Green Bradford II
- Edward Hickling Bradford
- Ernest Smith Bradford
- Gamaliel Bradford (biographer)
- George Henry Bradford
- Lydia Allen DeVilbiss Bradford
- Harriet Bradford
- Harry Elwyn Bradford
- James Cowdon Bradford
- Joseph Nelson Bradford
- Mary Carroll Craig Bradford
- Oscar Edwin Bradfute
- Arthur Tisdale Bradlee
- Henry G. Bradlee
[edit]- Alexander Stuart Bradley
- Alice Bradley
- Bernard James Bradley
- Charles Schenck Bradley
- Cornelius Beach Bradley
- Dan Freeman Bradley
- Edward Elias Bradley
- Frederick Worthen Bradley
- Glenn Danford Bradley
- Grace Kerr Bradley
- Harold Cornelius Bradley
- Henry Stiles Bradley
- Herbert Edwin Bradley
- James Chester Bradley
- John Jewsbury Bradley
- John Robins Bradley
- Kenneth McPherson Bradley
- Lee Carrington Bradley
- Mary Hastings Bradley
- Peter Butler Bradley
- Preston Bradley
- Robert L. Bradley (doctor) b. 1866
- Robert Stow Bradley
- Theodore James Bradley
- Walter Parke Bradley
- Will H. Bradley
- William Aspenwall Bradley
- William Clark Bradley
- William Joseph Bradley
- William Harrison Bradley
- Leslie Havergal Bradshaw
- Sidney Ernest Bradshaw
- William Francis Bradshaw
- Alice Brady
- Austin C. Brady
- James Cox Brady
- John Everett Brady
- John Leeford Brady
- Nicholas Frederic Brady
- William A. Brady
- Charles Cushman Bragdon
- Claude Bragdon
- Laura Mary Bragg
- Herbert Jackson Braham
- Joseph Marvin Braham
- Andrew Braid
- Belle Marvel Brain
- Clinton Tyler Brainard
- David Legge Brainard
- George C. Brainard
- Newton Case Brainard
- Eleanor Hoyt Brainerd
- Ezra Brainerd
- Henry Green Brainerd
- William C. Braislin
- William Clarence Braisted
- William Stanley Beaumont Braithwaite
- Berton Braley
- Henry King Braley
- Francis Marion Bralley
- Floyd Burton Bralliar
- Dwight Braman
- Anna Hempstead Branch
- Ernest William Branch
- James Ransom Branch
- John B. Branch
- Joseph Gerald Branch
- Mary Lydia Bolles Branch
- Charles Brand (Ohio politician)
- Charles Hillyer Brand
- Charles John Brand
- Edward Alexander Brand
- Edward Parish Brand
- Frank Bosworth Brandegee
- Erich Brandeis
- Louis Dembitz Brandeis
- Gustaf Albert Brandelle
[edit]- George Clinton Brandenburg
- Samuel Jacob Brandenburg
- William A. Brandenburg
- Edgar Ewing Brandon
- Morris Brandon
- Rodney Howe Brandon
- William Woodward Brandon
- John Lincoln Brandt
- Joseph Granger Brandt
- Nils Brandt
- John Winters Brannan
- Joseph Doddridge Brannan
- Claude O. Brannen
- Melvin Amos Brannon
- William Theodore Brannt
- Lewis Capers Branscomb
- Gena Branscombe
- Clifton Wood Bransford
- Edwin Bayer Branson
- Eugene Cunningham Branson
- Frederick Page Branson
- Charles Simonson Brantingham
- William Gordon Brantley
- Frederick Edward Brasch
- John Lakin Brasher
- Sophie Braslau
- Fred Brasted
- George Carl Fitch Bratenahl
- John Walter Bratton
- Sam Gilbert Bratton
- Theodore DuBose Bratton
- Walter Andrew Bratton
- Howard S. Braucher
- John F. Braun
- Gustave Maurice Braune
- Olaf Martinius Brauner
- Benjamin Griffith Brawley
- William H. Brawley
- Frank Chapin Bray
- Stephen Bray (marketer) b. 1878
- William Crowell Bray
- William L. Bray
- Daniel Harvey Braymer
- Alembert Winthrop Brayton
- Ethel M. Colson
- Marion Howard Brazier
- Harry Chase Brearley
- James Henry Breasted
- James Breathitt
- Joseph A. Breaux
- Edward Breck
- Joseph Breck (curator)
- Hugh Henry Breckenridge
- James Miller Breckenridge
- John C. Breckenridge (educator) b. 1858
- Lester Paige Breckenridge
- Clifton Rodes Breckinridge
- Desha Breckinridge
- Henry Breckinridge
- Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge
- William Lewis Breckinridge (engineer)
- Charles Blaney Breed
- David Riddle Breed
- Dwight Payson Breed
- Mary Bidwell Breed
- Richard Edwards Breed
- Robert Stanley Breed
- William Constable Breed
- Aloysius Andrew Breen
- William P. Breen
[edit]- Frank Thomas Breene
- Burtis Burr Breese
- Edmund Breese
- Marie Caroline Brehm
- Edward Swoyer Breidenbaugh
- Joseph Carl Breil
- Edward Nicklas Breitung
- Joseph Valentine Breitwieser
- John Lewis Bremer
- George Hampton Bremner
- William Hepburn Bremner
- Margaret Robinson Brendlinger
- Abram Adam Breneman
- Henry Gaw Brengle
- Addison Gorgas Brenizer
- Edward James Brennan
- George E. Brennan
- Martin S. Brennan
- Vincent Morrison Brennan
- Victor David Brenner
- Charles Henry Brent
- Theodore Brent
- Theodore Brentano
- Charles Richmond Brenton
- Cranston Brenton
- Arthur Louis Breslich
- Sidney Elliott Bretherton
- Agnes Baldwin Brett
- George Platt Brett Sr.
- Homer Brett
- Lloyd M. Brett
- Rutherford Brett
- Julian Pleasant Bretz
- Abraham T. Brewer
- Charles Edward Brewer
- Clara Tagg Brewer
- Daniel Chauncey Brewer
- Earl Leroy Brewer
- George Allen Brewer
- George Emerson Brewer
- John Bruce Brewer
- John Hyatt Brewer
- John Marks Brewer
- Luther Albertus Brewer
- Robert Paine Brewer
- Nicholas Richard Brewer
- Andre Walker Brewster
- Benjamin Brewster (bishop)
- Chauncey Bunce Brewster
- Edwin Tenney Brewster
- Elisha Hume Brewster
- Eugene Valentine Brewster
- Frances Stanton Brewster
- George Thomas Brewster
- George Washington Wales Brewster
- Henry Colvin Brewster
- Ralph O. Brewster
- Sardius Mason Brewster
- William Tenney Brewster
- Sylvanus Charles Breyfogel
- Caroline May Breyfogle
- Donald Brian
- Nicholas William Brick
[edit]- Robert Coman Brickell (attorney-general) b. 1877
- William David Brickell
- Garland Armor Bricker
- Walter M. Brickner
- William Witthaft Bride
- Gerard Bridge
- James Howard Bridge
- Norman Bridge
- Calvin Blackman Bridges
- Horace James Bridges
- James Robertson Bridges
- Jesse B. Bridges
- Robert Bridges (critic)
- Samuel Russell Bridges
- Willson Orton Bridges
- Frederic Arthur Bridgman
- George Henry Bridgman
- Helen Bartlett Bridgman
- Herbert Lawrence Bridgman
- Howard Allen Bridgman
- Lewis Jesse Bridgman
- Percy Williams Bridgman
- Raymond Landon Bridgman
- William Given Brien
- Warren Judson Brier
- Arthur Hyslop Briggs
- Asa Gilbert Briggs
- Charles Briggs (Michigan politician) 1837-1923
- Clare A. Briggs
- Clay Stone Briggs
- Corona Hibbard Briggs
- Edward Cornelius Briggs
- Frederick Melancthon Briggs
- George Ernest Briggs
- George Waverley Briggs
- Henry Harrison Briggs
- John De Quedville Briggs
- Joseph Emmons Briggs
- LeBaron Russell Briggs
- Lloyd Vernon Briggs
- Lucia Russell Briggs
- Lyman James Briggs
- Raymond Westcott Briggs
- Thomas Henry Briggs
- Warren Richard Briggs
- William Harlowe Briggs
- Albert Perry Brigham
- Arthur Amber Brigham
- Clarence Saunders Brigham
- Elbert Sidney Brigham
- Gertrude Richardson Brigham
- Henry Randolph Brigham
- Herbert Olin Brigham
- Johnson Brigham
- Sarah Jeannette Brigham
- William Erastus Brigham
- William Tufts Brigham
- Alfred Harris Bright
- James Wilson Bright
- Louis Victor Bright
- Frank Frederick Brightly
[edit]- Alvin Collins Brightman
- Edgar Sheffield Brightman
- Bennett Mattingly Brigman
- Charles Walter Briles
- Abraham Arden Brill
- George Mackenzie Brill
- Harvey Clayton Brill
- Hascal Russel Brill
- Leonardo Brill
- Nathan Edwin Brill
- William Hascal Brill
- Orville Gilbert Brim
- George Henry Brimhall
- William George Brimson
- John Edwin Brindley
- Mary Dow Brine
- John Henry Bringhurst
- Robert Porter Bringhurst
- Earl Alonzo Brininstool
- Gilbert Nicholas Brink
- John Chapin Brinsmade
- Robert Bruce Brinsmade
- William Barrett Brinsmade
- Christian Brinton
- Howard Haines Brinton
- Paul Henry Mallet-Prevost Brinton
- Willard Cope Brinton
- Arthur Brisbane
- Norris Arthur Brisco
- John Parran Briscoe
- Margaret Sutton Briscoe
- George Louis Brist
- John Willard Brister
- Charles Lawrence Bristol
- Frank Milton Bristol
- George Prentiss Bristol
- John Isaac Devoe Bristol
- Mark Lambert Bristol
- William Henry Bristol
- Joseph Little Bristow
- Halbert Hains Britan
- Albert Britt
- James J. Britt
- Walter Stratton Britt
- Frank Smith Brittain
- Joseph I. Brittain
- Marion Luther Brittain
- Fred Albert Britten
- Thomas Evans Brittingham
- Edward Elms Britton
- Elizabeth Gertrude Britton
- Nathaniel Lord Britton
- George H. Broadhurst
- Jean Broadhurst
- Leon Parker Broadhurst
- Charles Robert Brock
- George William Brock
- James Ellison Brock
- Sidney Gorham Brock
- Fletcher Sims Brockman
- Franklin Brockson
- Albert Leverett Brockway
- Howard Brockway
- Andrew R. Brodbeck
- Howard Stidham Brode
- Bonaventure Finnbarr Broderick
- John Thomas Broderick
- Clarence Arthur Brodeur
- George Livingston Brodhead
- George Milton Brodhead
- Andrew Melrose Brodie
- Edward Everett Brodie
- Max Broedel
- William Frederick Broening
- James M. Brogan
[edit]- Charles Livingston Brokaw
- Frederick George Bromberg
- Louis Bromfield
- Jacob Henry Bromwell
- Isabelle Bronk
- Mitchell Bronk
- Augusta Fox Bronner
- Edmond D. Bronner
- Harry Bronner
- Charles Eli Bronson
- Dillon Bronson
- Harrison Arthur Bronson
- Samuel Lathrop Bronson
- Solon Cary Bronson
- Thomas Bertrand Bronson
- Walter Cochrane Bronson
- William Sherlock Bronson
- Franklin Ellsworth Brooke
- Charles Frederick Tucker Brooke
- John Rutter Brooke
- William Ellsworth Brooke
- Smith W. Brookhart
- Robert Somers Brookings
- Walter DuBois Brookings
- Alfred Hulse Brooks
- Alfred Mansfield Brooks
- Amy Brooks
- Aubrey Lee Brooks
- Benjamin Talbott Brooks
- Bryant Butler Brooks
- Charles Alvin Brooks
- Charles Franklin Brooks
- Charles Hayward Brooks
- Charles Stephen Brooks
- Clyde Brooks
- Edward Schroeder Brooks
- Edwin B. Brooks
- Eugene Clyde Brooks
- Frank Hilliard Brooks
- Frank Wilks Brooks
- George Sprague Brooks
- Geraldine Brooks (educator) b. 1875
- Henry Harlow Brooks
- Henry Turner Brooks
- John Graham Brooks
- John Pascal Brooks
- Joseph Judson Brooks
- Morgan Brooks
- Raymond Cummings Brooks
- Robert Clarkson Brooks
- Robert Preston Brooks
- Samuel Palmer Brooks
- Stewart Brooks (banker) b. 1867
- Stratton Duluth Brooks
- Van Wyck Brooks
- Victor Lee Brooks
- Virginia Brooks
- Wendell Stanton Brooks
- William E. Brooks (clergyman) b. 1875
- William Myron Brooks
- William Penn Brooks
- Elijah Voorhees Brookshire
- Edwin Cornelius Broome
- Isaac Norman Broomell
- Truman William Brophy
- William G. Brorein
- Louis D. Brose
- Edgar Bernard Brossard
- Eugene Edward Brossard
- Ferdinand Brossart
- Alice Williams Brotherton
- Charles Hillman Brough
- James Whitcomb Brougher
- Leonard Gaston Broughton
- William S. Broughton
- Heywood Broun
- Platon Brounoff
[edit]- Edwin Sidney Broussard
- Kate Brousseau
- Harriette Moore Brower
- Abbie Farwell Brown
- Agnes A. Brown
- Alanson Charles Brown
- Albert Edmund Brown
- Albert Oscar Brown
- Alexander Brown (banker, born 1858)
- Alfred Hodgdon Brown
- Alice Brown (writer)
- Alice Van Vechten Brown
- Arlo Ayres Brown
- Armstead Brown
- Arthur Brown Jr.
- Arthur Charles Lewis Brown
- Arthur Edward Brown
- Arthur Judson Brown
- Arthur Lewis Brown
- Ashmun Norris Brown
- Barnum Brown
- Benjamin Chambers Brown
- Benjamin Henry Inness Brown
- Bolton Brown
- Brian Brown (writer) b. 1881
- Burdette Boardman Brown
- Calvin Smith Brown
- Carleton Brown
- Charles Allen Brown
- Charles Carroll Brown
- Charles Francis Brown
- Charles H. Brown (New York judge)
- Charles Harvey Brown
- Charles Reynolds Brown
- Charles Sumner Brown
- Charles Walter Brown
- Charles William Brown
- Charles Wilson Brown
- Charlotte Harding Brown
- Christian Henry Brown
- Clyde Brown (lawyer) b. 1873
- Colvin Beardsley Brown
- Curtis Brown (publisher) b. 1866
- Cyrus Jay Brown
- David Chester Brown
- Demarchus Clariton Brown
- Demetra Kenneth Brown
- Eddy Brown (violinist) b. 1895
- Edgar Brown (botanist) b. 1871
- Edna Adelaide Brown
- Edward Lee Brown
- Edward Norphlet Brown
- Edward Vail Lapham Brown
- Edwin Hacker Brown
- Edwin Perkins Brown
- Edwin Putnam Brown
- Eli Huston Brown
- Elliott Wilber Brown
- Elmer Ellsworth Brown
- Emma Elizabeth Brown
- Ernest William Brown
- Everett Chase Brown
- Fay Cluff Brown
- Francis Shunk Brown
- Frank Chouteau Brown
- Frank Clyde Brown
- Franklin Q. Brown
- Fred H. Brown (lawyer) (?)
- Frederic Kenyon Brown (Al Priddy)
- Frederic L. Brown
- Frederick Walworth Brown
- Gabriel Scott Brown
- George H. Brown (North Carolina judge)
- George Lincoln Brown
- George M. Brown (judge)
- George Marion Brown
- George Rothwell Brown
- George Stewart Brown
- George Tilden Brown
- George Van Ingen Brown
- George Washington Brown (manufacturer) b. 1841
- Gertrude Foster Brown
- Gilmor Brown
- Glenn Brown
- Grace Mann Brown
Brown, H.
[edit]- Harold Haven Brown
- Harry Alvin Brown
- Harry Fletcher Brown
- Harry Gunnison Brown
- Harry Jay Brown
- Harry Winfield Brown
- Helen Dawes Brown
- Helen Hayes Brown
- Henry Martin Brown
- Henry Matthias Brown
- Herbert Daniel Brown
- Hilton Ultimus Brown
- Hiram Chellis Brown
- Horace Manchester Brown
- Howard Nicholson Brown
- Hugh Elmer Brown
- Hugh Henry Brown
- J. Hay Brown
- James Brown (banker) b. 1863
- James Henry Brown (Colorado politician) b. 1859
- James R. Brown (economist) b. 1863
- J. Stanley Brown
- James Vandiver Brown
- James Wright Brown
- Joel Bascom Brown
- John Edwin Brown
- John Elward Brown
- John Franklin Brown
- John Jacob Brown
- John Nikolai Brown
- John Richard Brown
- John Vallance Brown
- Joseph Edgar Brown
- Joseph Clifton Brown
- Joseph Gill Brown
- Joseph M. Brown
- Julia Brown (writer) d. ca. 1918
- Katharine Holland Brown
- Kenneth Brown (journalist)
- L. Ames Brown
- Herman Larue Brown
- Lathrop Brown
- Lawrason Brown
- Lee Dolph Brown
- Lillie West Brown
- Lucius Brown
- Lucius Polk Brown
- Lytle Brown
Brown, M.
[edit]- Marshall Stewart Brown
- Marvin Lee Brown
- M. Belle Brown
- May Belleville Brown
- Melford Losee Brown
- Milton Wilbert Brown
- Nathaniel Smith Brown
- Nelson Courtlandt Brown
- Norma Camille Brown
- Norris Brown
- Olympia Brown
- Orville Harry Brown
- Orvon Graff Brown
- Oswald Eugene Brown
- Owen Clarence Brown
- Parke Brown
- Paul Winthrop Brown
- Percy Brown (scientist) (specialist: X-rays) (b. 1875)
- Philip Greely Brown
- Philip King Brown
- Philip Marshall Brown
- Preston Brown (United States Army officer)
- Ray Brown (illustrator) b. 1865
- Reynolds Driver Brown
- Robert Alexander Brown
- Robert Carlton Brown
- Robert Elliott Brown
- Robert Emet Brown
- Rollo Walter Brown
- Rome G. Brown
- Roscoe Conkling Ensign Brown
- Rufus Everson Brown
- Samuel Alburtus Brown
- Samuel Horton Brown
- Sanger Monroe Brown
- Selden Stanley Brown
- Sevellon Ledyard Brown
- Stimson Joseph Brown
- Thatcher M. Brown
- Thomas Edwin Brown
- Thomas Richardson Brown
- Wade Hampton Brown
- Wade R. Brown
- Wallace Elias Brown
- Walter Folger Brown
- Walter Lewis Brown
- Wilbur Vincent Brown
- Willard Dayton Brown
- William Adams Brown
- William C. Brown (railway executive) (1853-1924)
- William Cabell Brown
- William Carey Brown
- William Channing Brown
- William Edward Brown
- William Henry Brown (botanist) b. 1884
- William Liston Brown
- William Montgomery Brown
- William Moseley Brown
- William Perry Brown
- William Wallace Brown
- Wrisley Brown
- Wyatt Brown
- Zaidee Brown
[edit]- Arthur Wesley Browne
- Belmore Browne
- Beverly Fielding Browne
- Caroline Ainscow Browne
- Charles Browne (politician)
- Charles Albert Browne Jr.
- Duncan Hodge Browne
- Edward Everts Browne
- George Elmer Browne
- George Henry Browne
- George Israel Browne
- George Waldo Browne
- Jefferson Beale Browne
- John Lewis Browne
- Lewis Allen Browne
- Louis Edgar Browne
- Maurice Browne
- Nina Eliza Browne
- Porter Emerson Browne
- Ralph Cowan Browne
- Rilma Marion Browne
- Waldo Ralph Browne
- William Hand Browne
- Amanda Benjamin Hall Brownell
- Clarence Ludlow Brownell
- George Francis Brownell
- George Griffin Brownell
- Harry Franklin Brownell
- Harry Gault Brownell
- Jane Louise Brownell
- Silas B. Brownell
- William Crary Brownell
- Wilmot Atherton Brownell
- Charles Clinton Browning
- Charles Henry Browning
- Eliza Gordon Browning
- Gordon Browning
- John M. Browning
- Philip Embury Browning
- William Browning (neurologist) (b. 1855)
- Louis Brownlow
- Jennie Augusta Brownscombe
[edit]- Carleton Lewis Brownson
- Marcus Acheson Brownson
- Mary Wilson Brownson
- Willard Herbert Brownson
- Isaac Broyde
- Abram Royer Brubacher
- Albert Philson Brubaker
- Howard Brubaker
- Andrew Alexander Bruce
- Charles Morelle Bruce
- Helm Bruce
- Henry Addington Bayley Bruce
- John Edward Bruce
- John Eldridge Bruce
- Matthew Linn Bruce
- Philip Alexander Bruce
- Roscoe Conkling Bruce
- William Cabell Bruce
- William George Bruce
- William Herschel Bruce
- Henry Bruckner
- Ezra Selig Brudno
- Bessie Parker Brueggeman
- John Bruegger
- Henry Bruere
- Martha Bensley Bruere
- Robert Walter Bruere
- Charles Thomas Brues
- Carl Bruhn
- Aaron John Brumbaugh
- Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh
- I. Harvey Brumbaugh
- Martin Grove Brumbaugh
- Charles Napoleon Brumm
- George Franklin Brumm
- Dan Brearley Brummitt
- Dennis G. Brummitt
- Constantin Brun (diplomat) b. 1860
- Ernest Bruncken
- Albert Harrison Brundage
- Edward Jackson Brundage
- Stephen Brundidge
- Adolf Gerhard Brune
- James Dowden Bruner
- Lawrence Bruner
- Weston Bruner
- William Evans Bruner
- Arnold William Brunner
- Edmund de Schweinitz Brunner
- Guido Bruno
- Henry Dickson Bruns
- David William Brunton
- Frederic Kemble Brunton
- Charles Francis Brush
- Edward Nathaniel Brush
- Frederic Louis Brush
- George de Forest Brush
- George Washington Brush
- Henry Raymond Brush
- Matthew Chauncey Brush
- Murray Peabody Brush
- William Whitlock Brush
[edit]- John Patrick Brushingham
- Charles Frederick Brusie
- Augustus Fredrich Bruske
- John Fletcher Bruton
- Beauregard Bryan
- Benjamin Chambers Bryan
- Charles Wayland Bryan
- Daniel Bunyan Bryan
- Elmer Burritt Bryan (redirects to Ohio University, where he was president)
- Enoch Albert Bryan
- Frederick Carlos Bryan
- George Bryan (lawyer) b. 1860
- George Sands Bryan
- Guy Morrison Bryan (banker) b. 1871
- Henry Francis Bryan
- Henry Lewis Bryan
- James Wallace Bryan
- James Wesley Bryan
- John Stewart Bryan
- Joseph Hammond Bryan
- Lewis Randolph Bryan
- Mary Baird Bryan
- Nathan Philemon Bryan
- Robert Coalter Bryan
- Shepard Bryan
- W. S. Plumer Bryan
- William Alanson Bryan
- William Frank Bryan
- William Jennings Bryan
- William Lowe Bryan
- Worcester Allen Bryan
- Henry Edward Cowan Bryant
- Henry Grier Bryant
- John Myron Bryant
- Lorinda Munson Bryant
- Louise Stevens Bryant
- Ralph Clement Bryant
- Randolph Bryant
- Samuel Wood Bryant
- Sara Cone Bryant
- William Sohier Bryant
- Helmer Halvorsen Bryn
- David Bryn-Jones
- Charles Lee Bryson
- Charles William Bryson
- Joseph Montgomery Bryson
- Lyman Lloyd Bryson
- Robert Hassey Bryson
- Benjamin Franklin Buchanan
- Ella Buchanan
- Frank Buchanan (Illinois politician)
- James Anderson Buchanan
- James Isaac Buchanan
- James P. Buchanan
- James Shannon Buchanan
- John A. Buchanan
- John Jenkins Buchanan
- Joseph Ray Buchanan
- Robert Earle Buchanan
- Thomas Drysdale Buchanan
- Thompson Buchanan
- Walter Duncan Buchanan
- Wilson Wildman Buchanan
- August Johannes Bucher
- John Emery Bucher
- Walter H. Bucher
- Heinrich Ewald Buchholz
- John Theodore Buchholz
- Ludwig Wilhelm Buchholz
[edit]- Edward Franklin Buchner
- Henry Augustus Buchtel
- Beaumont Bonaparte Buck
- Carl Darling Buck
- Cassius M. Buck
- Charles Neville Buck
- Charles William Buck (redirects to his son Charles Neville)
- Clarence Frank Buck
- Ernest Ferguson Buck
- Eugene Edward Buck
- Florence Buck
- George Sturges Buck
- Harold Winthrop Buck
- Lillie West Brown Buck
- Oscar MacMillan Buck
- Philo Melvin Buck
- Philo Melvin Buck Jr.
- Seaver Burton Buck
- Solon Justus Buck
- William Bradford Buck
- Anna Buckbee
- John Wright Buckham
- Burdette Ross Buckingham
- David Eastburn Buckingham
- Earle Buckingham
- Edgar Buckingham
- George Tracy Buckingham
- Edward Grant Buckland
- William Hepburn Buckler
- Albert Coulson Buckley
- Edmund Buckley (educator) b. 1855
- James R. Buckley
- John Buckley (attorney)
- John Peter Buckley
- May Buckley
- George Augustus Bucklin
- James W. Bucklin
- Walter Stanley Bucklin
- Harry Oliver Buckman
- Ransford D. Bucknam
- Emory Roy Buckner
- George Washington Buckner
- Mortimer Norton Buckner
- William Henry Bucks
- Britton Ihrie Budd
- Charles Henry Budd
- Charles Jay Budd
- Henry Budd (lawyer) b. 1849
- Ralph Budd
- Gustavus Adolphus Buder
- Alfred Budge
- Robert Allyn Budington
- Frederick Grandy Budlong
- Lester Rusk Budrow
- Henry Andrew Buehler
- Huber Gray Buehler
- Karl Albert Buehr
- Gustave Herman Buek
- Clarence Clough Buel
- Caroline Brown Buell
- Marcus Darius Buell
- Theodore Buenger
- Eugene Jackson Buffington
- Joseph Buffington
- Burt C. Buffum
- Douglas Labaree Buffum
- George Tower Buffum
- Elizabeth Burgess Buford
- Lawrence B. Buford
- Rivers Henderson Buford
- Percy Isaac Bugbee
- Benjamin Lamar Bugg
- Blanche Swett Buggelli
- James McNair Buick
- George Alexander Buist
- Frank Bulkley
- Harry C. Bulkley
- Lucius Duncan Bulkley
- Robert Johns Bulkley
[edit]- Carroll Gideon Bull
- Frank Kellogg Bull
- James Henry Bull
- Charles DeHaven Bulla
- Robert Nelson Bulla
- Arthur Bullard/Albert Edwards (author)
- Ernest Luther Bullard
- Frank Dearborn Bullard
- Frederic Lauriston Bullard
- Robert Lee Bullard
- Washington Irving Bullard
- William Hannum Grubb Bullard
- William Norton Bullard
- Percy Sutherland Bullen
- William Christian Bullitt
- William Marshall Bullitt
- Joseph Gaston Baillie Bulloch
- Augustus George Bullock
- Charles Jesse Bullock
- Motier Acklin Bullock
- Alfred Lee Bulwinkle
- Milan Raynard Bump
- Hermon Carey Bumpus
- Allen Hamilton Bunce
- John Oscar Bunce
- Herman Niels Bundesen
- John Elwood Bundy
- Omar Bundy
- Frank Forest Bunker
- Charles Wilson Bunn
- Clinton Orrin Bunn
- Jacob Bunn Jr. watchmaker b. 1864
- Charles Ernest Bunnell
- Charles Henry Bunting
- Frank Emory Bunts
- Herbert Horace Bunzell
- Elbridge Ayer Burbank
- James Brattle Burbank
- Luther Burbank
- Charles Newell Burch
- Edward Parris Burch
- Ernest Ward Burch
- Henry Reed Burch
- Lucius Edward Burch
- Rousseau Angelus Burch
- Edward Lawver Burchard
- George Jerome Burchett
- George Eli Burd
- James Abercrombie Burden
- Oliver D. Burden
- Everett Watson Burdett
- George Albert Burdett
- Clara Bradley Burdette
- Howard Griffith Burdge
- Alfred Stephen Burdick
- Charles Baker Burdick
- Charles Kellogg Burdick
- Charles Williams Burdick
- Clark Burdick
- Joel Wakeman Burdick
- William Livesey Burdick
- Owen Francis Burger
- William Henry Burger
- Richard Fenner Burges
- William Henry Burges
- Albert Franklin Burgess
- Charles Frederick Burgess
- Edward Sandford Burgess
- Eveline Burgess
- Frederick Burgess
- Gelett Burgess
- George Heckman Burgess
- George Kimball Burgess
- Ida Josephine Burgess
- John William Burgess
- Kenneth Farwell Burgess
- Robert Wilbur Burgess
- Ruth Payne Jewett Burgess
- Theodore Chalon Burgess
- Thomas Burgess (priest) b. 1880
- Thornton Waldo Burgess
- Warren Randolph Burgess
- William Burgess (manufacturer) b. 1857
- Samuel H. C. Burgin
- William Garner Burgin
- Frederic Lister Burk
[edit]- B. Ellen Burke
- Billie Burke
- Charles Henry Burke
- Edward Timothy Burke
- Haslett Platt Burke
- James F. Burke (politician)
- Jeremiah Edmund Burke
- John Burke (North Dakota politician)
- John J. Burke
- John P. Burke (banker) b. 1862
- Melville Burke
- Michael E. Burke
- Milo Darwin Burke
- Nicholas Charles Burke
- Thomas Burke (railroad builder)
- Thomas A. Burke (surgeon) b. 1864
- Timothy Farrar Burke
- William J. Burke
- Harlan Fessenden Burket
- Charles William Burkett
- Elmer Jacob Burkett
- Samuel Burkhardt
- Harvey Jacob Burkhart
- Summers Burkhart
- Charles Harvey Burkholder
- Jesse Desmaux Burks
- Martin Parks Burks
- Cecil Burleigh
- Clarence Burleigh
- George William Burleigh
- Albert Sidney Burleson
- Hugh Latimer Burleson
- Clarence Augustus Burley
- Paul Burlin
- Edward Burnham Burling
- Anne Elizabeth Burlingame
- Eugene Watson Burlingame
- Roger Burlingame
- Charles Culp Burlingham
- William L. Burlison
- John Harmon Burma
- Curtis Field Burnam
[edit]- George Burnap
- Dana Burnet
- Duncan Burnet
- Edgar Albert Burnett
- Edmund Cody Burnett
- Frances Hodgson Burnett
- George Henry Burnett
- George Jackson Burnett
- Jesse McGarity Burnett
- Robert M. Burnett
- Rogers Levering Burnett
- Charles Edwin Burnham
- Clara Louise Burnham
- Claude George Burnham
- Frederick Russell Burnham
- George Burnham Jr. "retired" (banker?)(1849-1924)
- Hubert Burnham
- John Bird Burnham
- Roger Noble Burnham
- Silas Henry Burnham
- Sylvester Burnham
- Thuel Burnham
- William Henry Burnham
- William Power Burnham
- Caroline Burnite
- Joseph Alfred Arner Burnquist
- Allen Tibbals Burns
- Charles Wesley Burns
- Cornelius F. Burns
- Daniel M. Burns
- Elmer Ellsworth Burns
- Francis Highlands Burns
- James Aloysius Burns
- James Anderson Burns
- Keivin Burns
- Louis Henry Burns
- Melvin P. Burns
- William John Burns
- Cameron Burnside
- Charles Winslow Burpee
- Lucien Francis Burpee
- William Partridge Burpee
- Agnes Rush Burr
- Amelia Josephine Burr
- Anna Robeson Burr
- Charles Walts Burr
- C. B. Burr/ Colonel Bell Burr (yes, first name was "Colonel") (president of American Psychiatric Association)
- Edward Burr
- George Elbert Burr
- George Lincoln Burr
- Hanford Montrose Burr
- Henry Turner Burr
- Isaac Tucker Burr
- Karl Edward Burr
- Leslie L. Burr
- Nelson Beardsley Burr
- William Hubert Burr
- William P. Burr
[edit]- Albert Cameron Burrage
- Champlin Burrage
- Charles Dana Burrage
- Dwight Grafton Burrage
- Guy Hamilton Burrage
- Harry Lang Burrage
- Henry Sweetser Burrage
- Walter Lincoln Burrage
- Jessie Logan Burrall
- David James Burrell
- Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg Burrell
- George Arthur Burrell
- Joseph Dunn Burrell
- Claude Adelbert Burrett
- Harvey D. Burrill
- Benjamin J. Burris
- William Paxton Burris
- Bailey Barton Burritt
- Eldon Grant Burritt
- Maurice Chase Burritt
- Bryson Burroughs
- Clyde Huntley Burroughs
- Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Prince Emmanuel Burroughs
- Wilbur Greeley Burroughs
- William Dwight Burroughs
- Joel Randall Burrow
- Alexander J. Burrowes
- Katharine Burrowes
- Charles William Burrows
- Frederick Nelson Burrows
- John T. Burrus
- Julian Ashby Burruss
- Joseph Aldrich Bursley
- Holm O. Bursum
- Alonzo Burt
- Austin Burt
- Charles Morrison Burt
- David Allan Burt
- Edward Angus Burt
- Frank Burt (theater manager) b. 1862
- Frank Henry Burt
- Frederic Percy Burt
- Katharine Newlin Burt
- Laura Burt
- Stephen Smith Burt
- Struthers Burt
- Thomas Gregory Burt
- William Burt (bishop) b. 1852
[edit]- Olger B. Burtness
- Alfred Edgar Burton
- Charles Emerson Burton
- Charles Germman Burton
- Charles Pierce Burton
- Clarence Monroe Burton
- Ernest DeWitt Burton
- George William Burton (banker) b. 1858
- Harry B. Burton
- Harry Edwin Burton
- Harry Payne Burton
- Hazen James Burton
- Hiram Rodney Burton
- Lewis William Burton
- Margaret Ernestine Burton
- Marion Leroy Burton
- Richard Eugene Burton
- Robert Mitchell Burton
- Theodore Elijah Burton
- William Meriam Burton
- Russell Burton-Opitz
- Harold Ernest Burtt
- Wilson Bryant Burtt
- William Russell Burwell
- Jacques Busbee
- Hamilton Busbey
- Katherine Graves Busbey
- L. White Busbey
- Jeff Busby
- Leonard Asbury Busby
- Bonnie Busch
- Joseph Francis Busch
- John Henry Buschemeyer
- August Busck
- Benjamin Franklin Bush
- Florence Lilian Bush
- Irving T. Bush
- Katharine Jeannette Bush
- Lincoln Bush
- Stephen Hayes Bush
- Vannevar Bush
- Wendell T. Bush
- Henry Kirke Bush-Brown
- Frederick Alexander Bushee
- Charles Joseph Bushnell
- George Ensign Bushnell
- Henry Allen Bushnell
- John Edward Bushnell
- Ralph Cox Busser
- Gertrude Carman Bussey
[edit]- William Walter Bustard
- Henry Clark Buswell
- Fanny Butcher
- Thomas Walter Butcher
- William Lewis Butcher
- Romain Francois Butin
- Amos William Butler
- Anna Maynard Butler
- Arthur Pierce Butler
- Bert S. Butler
- Burridge Davenal Butler
- Charles Butler (architect) (b. 1870)
- Charles Henry Butler
- Edward Burgess Butler
- Edward H. Butler
- Edward Hubert Butler
- Ellis Parker Butler
- Fred Mason Butler
- Glentworth Reeve Butler
- Gurdon Montague Butler
- Harold Lancaster Butler
- Howard Russell Butler
- James Glentworth Butler
- James Joseph Butler
- John Vernon Butler
- Joseph Green Butler
- Louis Fatio Butler
- Marion Butler
- Nathaniel Butler Jr.
- Nicholas Murray Butler
- Peter Walton Butler
- Pierce Butler (judge)
- Pierce Butler (academic)
- Rush Clark Butler
- Samuel R. Butler (redirects to school named for him)
- Smedley Darlington Butler
- Tait Butler
- Thomas S. Butler
- William Frederick Butler
- William John Butler (veterinarian) b. 1881
- William Morgan Butler
- William Morris Butler
- Arthur Benjamin Butman
- George Charles Butte
- Harold Sinley Buttenheim
- Moses Buttenwieser
- Ernest Warren Butterfield
- Kenyon Leech Butterfield
- Charles Butters
- George Forrest Butterworth
- Julian Edward Butterworth
- William Butterworth (businessman)
- Frank Christopher Button
- Wallace Buttrick
- Edmund Luther Butts
- Edward Butts
- Leo Martin Butzel
- William Albert Buxton
- Edwin Orlando Buxton
- Lauren Haynes Buxton
[edit]- William Vincent Byars
- Frank Paxson Bye
- William Elwood Byerly
- Horace Greeley Byers
- John Winford Byers
- Joseph Perkins Byers
- Maxwell Cunningham Byers
- Samuel Hawkins Marshall Byers
- Joseph Byfield
- Henry Turman Byford
- Edwin Hallock Byington
- Homer Morrison Byington
- Steven T. Byington
- Henry Marison Byllesby
- Witter Bynner
- William Dallas Bynum
- William Preston Bynum
- George Logan Byram
- Harry E. Byram
- Anderson Floyd Byrd
- Richard Evelyn Byrd Sr.
- Samuel Craig Byrd
- Alice Hill Byrne
- Austin Thomas Byrne
- Christopher Edward Byrne
- Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne
- Frank M. Byrne
- James Byrne (lawyer, born 1857)
- Joseph Byrne (physician)
- Miriam Byrne (author)
- James Francis Byrnes
- Timothy Edward Byrnes
- Joseph W. Byrns
- Arthur Byron
- Miriam Adeline Bytel
- Edward Harman Cabaniss
- Henry Harrison Cabaniss
- Charles William Cabeen
- DeRosey Caroll Cabell
- Isa Carrington Cabell
- James Alston Cabell
- James Branch Cabell
- Royal Eubank Cabell
[edit]- Benjamin Taylor Cable
- Emmett James Cable
- Frank T. Cable
- George Washington Cable
- John L. Cable
- Ella Lyman Cabot
- Frederick Pickering Cabot
- Godfrey Lowell Cabot
- Henry Bromfield Cabot
- Hugh Cabot (physician) b. 1872
- Richard Clarke Cabot
- Stephen Perkins Cabot
- William Brooks Cabot
- Henry Joel Cadbury
- Cassius Marcellus Cade
- Charles Wakefield Cadman
- Samuel Parkes Cadman
- John Cadwalader Jr. (1843-1925)
- Starr Cadwallader
- Calvin Brainerd Cady
- Edward Hammond Cady
- George Luther Cady
- Gilbert Haven Cady
- Hamilton Perkins Cady
- Putnam Cady
- Samuel Howard Cady
- Walter Guyton Cady
- Walter Harrison Cady
- Gelasio Caetani
- Jefferson Caffery
- Francis Gordon Caffey
- Marie Van Vorst Cagiati
- Abraham Cahan
- Bernard J. S. Cahill
- Marie Cahill
- Michael Harrison Cahill
- Thaddeus Cahill
- Edward Augustus Cahoon
- Augustus Caille
- James Mallahan Cain
- James William Cain
- William Cain (educator) b. 1847
- John Thomas Caine III
- Anna Sneed Cairns
- Charles Andrew Cairns
- Frederick Irvan Cairns
- William B. Cairns
- William DeWeese Cairns
- Florian Cajori
- Alexander Stirling Calder
- Helen Barnetson Calder
- Robert Scott Calder
- William M. Calder
- William Alexander Calderhead
- Ignacio Calderón (diplomat)
- Alva John Calderwood
- Willis Greenleaf Calderwood
[edit]- Ben Franklin Caldwell
- Benjamin Palmer Caldwell
- Charles Pope Caldwell
- Clarence Carey Caldwell
- Eugene Craighead Caldwell
- Francis Cary Caldwell
- Frank Congleton Caldwell
- Frank Merrill Caldwell
- George Brinton Caldwell
- Howard Walter Caldwell
- Hugh Milton Caldwell
- James Henry Caldwell (engineer) b. 1865
- Jesse Cobb Caldwell
- John Kenneth Caldwell
- John Lawrence Caldwell
- John Livy Caldwell
- John Williamson Caldwell
- Josiah S. Caldwell
- Otis William Caldwell
- Robert Granville Caldwell
- Robert J. Caldwell
- Samuel Cushman Caldwell
- Waller Cochran Caldwell
- John Edward Calfee (educator) b. 1875
- Solomon Saladin Calhoon
- Arthur Wallace Calhoun
- David Randolph Calhoun
- Eleanor Calhoun
- Ferdinand Phinizy Calhoun
- Fred Harvey Hall Calhoun
- Hall Laurie Calhoun
- Joseph Painter Calhoun
- Newell Meeker Calhoun
- Patrick Calhoun
- Edward N. Calisch
- Earnest Elmo Calkins
- Franklin Welles Calkins
- Gary Nathan Calkins
- Harvey Reeves Calkins
- Mary Whiton Calkins
- Ransom M. Calkins
- Raymond Calkins
- Wolcott Calkins
- Arthur Deerin Call
- Leland Everett Call
- Rhydon Mays Call
- Stephen Callaghan
[edit]- Henry White Callahan
- James Morton Callahan
- John Callahan (Wisconsin politician)
- Albert Stevens Callan
- John Gurney Callan
- Peter A. Callan
- Robert Emmet Callan
- Enoch Howard Callaway
- Fuller Earle Callaway
- Llewellyn Link Callaway
- Morgan Callaway
- Oscar Callaway
- James Finch Callbreath
- Alfred Copeland Callen
- William Romaine Callender (musician) b. 1857
- James Dawson Callery
- Walter Calley
- Alfred W. Calloway
- Thomas Clanton Calloway
- Walter Bowles Calloway
- Emma Calve
- Homer Northup Calver
- John Betts Calvert
- John Strong Calvert
- Philip Powell Calvert
- Richard Creagh Mackubin Calvert
- William Jephtha Calvert
- Austin Calvin
- Edgar Eugene Calvin
- Henrietta Willard Calvin
- Charles Nicoll Bancker Camac
- Aubrey Heyden Camden
- Johnson N. Camden Jr.
- Arnold Guyot Cameron
- Charles Raymond Cameron
- Edgar Spier Cameron
- Edward Herbert Cameron
- Frank Kenneth Cameron
- George Hamilton Cameron
- John M. Cameron
- Margaret Cameron (author)
- Ossian Cameron
- Ralph Henry Cameron
- William Evelyn Cameron
- Ira Insco Cammack
- John Walter Cammack
- Burton Howard Camp
- Charles Wadsworth Camp
- Edgar Whittlesey Camp (redirects to district he represented)
- Ernest W. Camp
- George Washington Camp
- John Spencer Camp
- Walter Camp
- Giuseppe Campanari
- Daniel J. Campau
- Francis Denis Campau
[edit]- Anne Campbell (author) b. 1888
- Archibald Murray Campbell
- Beatrice Stella Campbell
- Benjamin Campbell (railway director) b. 1858
- Charles Macfie Campbell
- Chester I. Campbell
- Daisy Rhodes Campbell
- Delwin Morton Campbell
- Doak Sheridan Campbell
- Donald Francis Campbell
- Donald Malcolm Campbell (physician) b. 1865
- Douglas Houghton Campbell
- Dwight Campbell
- Edmond Ernest Campbell
- Edward De Mille Campbell
- Edward Hale Campbell
- Edward K. Campbell
- Elizabeth Campbell (physician) b. 1862
- Frank L. Campbell
- Gabriel Campbell
- George Campbell (author) b. 1848
- George Alexander Campbell
- George Ashley Campbell
- George Hollister Campbell
- Guy Edgar Campbell
- Hardy Webster Campbell
- Harry Campbell (diplomat) b. 1885
- Harry Huse Campbell
- Helen Stuart Campbell
- Henry Donald Campbell
- Henry Munroe Campbell
- Henry Wood Campbell
- Herbert Grant Campbell
- Ira Alexander Campbell
- James Anson Campbell
- James Alexander Campbell (oculist)
- James Daniels Campbell
- James E. Campbell
- James Mann Campbell
- James Philander Campbell
- James Romulus Campbell
- James Watson Campbell
- John Campbell (Colorado politician) b. 1853
- John H. Campbell
- John Logan Campbell (engineer) b. 1863
- John Lorne Campbell (clergyman) b. 1849
- John Patrick Campbell
- John Pendleton Campbell
- Johnston B. Campbell
- Killis Campbell
- Leon Campbell
- Macy Campbell
- Marius Robison Campbell
- Mary Edith Campbell
- Oscar James Campbell
- Philip Pitt Campbell
- Prince Lucian Campbell
- Richard Campbell (lawyer) b. 1872
- Richard Kenna Campbell
- Robert Granville Campbell
- Robert Willis Campbell
- Ross Turner Campbell
- Theodorick Pryor Campbell
- Thomas Edward Campbell
- Thomas Joseph Campbell (editor) b. 1848
- Thomas Moody Campbell
- Walter Gilbert Campbell
- William Campbell (metallographer)
- William Alexander Campbell (editor) b. 1881
- William Burnside Campbell
- William Francis Campbell
- William Rogers Campbell
- William Wallace Campbell
- John Walter Canada
- John William Canada
- Henry Seidel Canby
- Charles Lucius Candee
- Helen Churchill Candee
- Asa G. Candler
- Charles Murphey Candler
- Ezekiel Samuel Candler
- John Slaughter Candler
- Warren A. Candler
- Albert Luther Candy
- J. F. Regis Canevin
- Arthur Graves Canfield
- Dorothy Canfield
- George Folger Canfield
- Harry C. Canfield
- Roy Bishop Canfield
- William Walker Canfield
- William Henry Canniff
[edit]- Annie Jump Cannon
- Clarence Cannon
- Fanny Venable Cannon
- Frank Jenne Cannon
- Henry White Cannon
- James Cannon Jr.
- Joseph Gurney Cannon
- Walter Bradford Cannon
- William Austin Cannon
- Leon Joseph Canova
- William Alexander Cant
- Princess Cantacuzene
- Eddie Cantor
- Charles E. Cantrell
- Deaderick Harrell Cantrell
- James William Cantwell
- John Joseph Cantwell
- Emily Palmer Cape
- Thomas Capek
- Charles Laban Capen
- Edward Warren Capen
- Samuel Paul Capen
- Walter Branham Capers
- William Theodotus Capers
- William Banks Caperton
- William Parr Capes
- Martin Joseph Caples
- Arthur Capper
- Charles R. Capps
- Edward Capps
- Joseph Almarin Capps
- Washington Lee Capps
- Thaddeus H. Caraway
- George Alexander Carden
- William Thomas Carden
- Ira D. Cardiff
- Benjamin Nathan Cardozo
- Richard Henry Cardwell
- James Carew
- John F. Carew
- Archibald James Carey
- Charles Henry Carey
- Francis King Carey
- Joseph Maull Carey
- Miriam Eliza Carey
- Robert Davis Carey
- William Francis Carey
- Daniel Carhart
- Hamilton Carhartt (redirects to company he founded)
- Albert Garfield Caris
- Francis Augustus Carl
- Katharine Augusta Carl
- William Crane Carl
- Frank Austin Carle
- Nathaniel Allen Carle
- Richard Carle
[edit]- Clifford Carleton
- Guy Carleton (general)
- Mark Alfred Carleton
- Murray Carleton
- Henry Thompson Carley
- William Buford Carlile
- Charles Creighton Carlin
- James Joseph Carlin
- Charles Arthur Carlisle
- Floyd Leslie Carlisle
- Howard Bobo Carlisle
- James McCoy Carlisle
- John Nelson Carlisle
- Marcus Lee Carlisle
- Carl Laurence Carlsen
- Emil Carlsen
- Anton Julius Carlson
- George Alfred Carlson
- Harry Edwin Carlson
- Harry Johan Carlson
- John Fabian Carlson
- Oscar E. Carlstrom
- Albert E. Carlton
- Frank Tracy Carlton
- Newcomb Carlton
- William Newnham Chattin Carlton
- William Levi Carlyle
- James Walton Carmalt
- William Henry Carmalt
[edit]- Albert Pruden Carman
- Augustine Spencer Carman
- Bliss Carman
- George Noble Carman
- George Edgar Carmichael
- Henry Carmichael
- John Hugh Carmichael
- Oliver Cromwell Carmichael
- Robert Daniel Carmichael
- Thomas Harrison Carmichael
- William Perrin Carmichael
- John Carmody
- David Hobart Carnahan
- George Holmes Carnahan
- Thomas Morrison Carnegie
- Laura Horner Carnell
- Frank Carney (geologist)
- Mabel Carney
- Allen Harmon Carpenter
- Alva Edwin Carpenter
- Arthur DeVere Carpenter
- Arthur Howe Carpenter
- Benjamin Carpenter (businessman) b. 1865
- Charles Everly Carpenter
- Charles Lincoln Carpenter
- Delph E. Carpenter
- Edmund Janes Carpenter
- Edmund Nelson Carpenter
- Edward Childs Carpenter
- Elbert Lawrence Carpenter
- Fanny Hallock Carpenter
- Ford Ashman Carpenter
- Frank George Carpenter
- Frank Watson Carpenter
- Fred Green Carpenter
- Fred Warner Carpenter
- Frederic Ives Carpenter
- Frederic Walton Carpenter
- George Albert Carpenter
- George Oliver Carpenter
- Horace Francis Carpenter
- Hubert Vinton Carpenter
- John Alden Carpenter
- John Slaughter Carpenter
- Louis George Carpenter
- Niles Carpenter
- Reid Carpenter
- Rhys Carpenter
- Thorne Martin Carpenter
- William E. Carpenter
- William Henry Carpenter
- William L. Carpenter (Michigan judge)
[edit]- Alexander Carr
- Clarence Alfred Carr
- Gene Carr (cartoonist)
- Harry Cumming Carr
- Harvey Carr
- Henry James Carr
- James Ozborn Carr
- John Foster Carr
- John Wesley Carr
- Julian Shakespeare Carr
- Lewis E. Carr
- Ossian Elmer Carr
- Raymond Norman Carr
- Robert Franklin Carr
- Sarah Pratt Carr
- Sterling Douglas Carr
- Walter Lester Carr
- Wilbur John Carr
- William Jarvis Carr
- William Phillips Carr
- Wooda Nicholas Carr
- Henry Beach Carre
- Alexis Carrel
- George Prescott Carrel
- Ora W. Carrell
- Alice Van Leer Carrick
- Manton Marble Carrick
- Joseph Leonard Carrico
- Wilbur Oscar Carrier
- Clarence Carrigan
- Edward Codrington Carrington
- Fitzroy Carrington
- Hereward Carrington
- James Beebee Carrington
- William Thomas Carrington
- Lewis Herbert Carris
- Beryl F. Carroll
- Charles Carroll (academic) b. 1876
- Charles Eden Carroll
- Dudley DeWitt Carroll
- George W. Carroll
- Henry King Carroll
- James Bernard Carroll
- James E. Carroll
- James Milton Carroll
- John D. Carroll
- John Haydock Carroll
- John Patrick Carroll
- Alexander Mitchell Carroll
- Mollie Ray Carroll
- Raymond G. Carroll
- Robert Sproul Carroll
- Thomas F. Carroll
- Flemming Carrow
- Arthur J. Carruth Jr.
- Charles Theodore Carruth
- Fred Hayden Carruth
- William Herbert Carruth
- Edward Francis Carry
- Elizabeth Carse
[edit]- Adam Clarke Carson
- George Prentice Carson
- Hampton L. Carson (lawyer)
- Harry Roberts Carson
- Howard Adams Carson
- James Carlton Carson
- Jessie May Carson
- John Fleming Carson
- John Miller Carson
- Luella Clay Carson
- Norma Bright Carson
- Norman Bruce Carson
- William Wallace Carson
- William Waller Carson
- William Leighton Carss
- William Turner Carstarphen
- Gustav Arnold Carstensen
- Albert Edward Carter
- Arthur Hazleton Carter
- Artie Mason Carter
- Charles David Carter
- Charles Frederick Carter (writer) b. 1863
- Charles Milton Carter
- Clarence Edwin Carter
- Clifton Carroll Carter
- Edward Carlos Carter
- Emma Smuller Carter
- Ernest Trow Carter
- Francis Beauregard Carter
- George Carter (editor) b. 1865
- George Henry Carter
- George Robert Carter
- George William Carter
- Henry Holland Carter
- Henry Rose Carter
- Herbert Swift Carter
- James Carter (clergyman) b. 1853
- James Francis Carter
- Jesse McIlvaine Carter
- John Ridgely Carter
- Mrs. Leslie Carter
- Oliver Clinton Carter
- Orrin Nelson Carter
- Randall Albert Carter
- Russell Carter (music educator) b. 1881
- Russell Gordon Carter
- Samuel Fain Carter
- Seth May Carter
- Thomas Albert Carter
- William Carter (clergyman) b. 1868
- William Francis Carter
- William Harding Carter
- William Henry Carter
- William Spencer Carter
- John Jay Carton
- James Henry Cartwright
[edit]- John J. Carty
- George J. Caruana
- Emma Carus
- David Nunes Carvalho
- Solomon Solis Carvalho
- Clifford Nickels Carver
- Fred Langhenry Carver
- George Washington Carver
- Thomas Nixon Carver
- Walter Lexor Carver
- Willard Carver
- William Owen Carver
- Austin Cary
- Charles Cary (physician)
- Charles Preston Cary
- Edward Richard Cary
- Elisabeth Luther Cary
- George Cary (architect)
- George Foster Cary
- Harry Francis Cary
- Lucian Cary
- Melbert Brinkerhoff Cary
- Robert John Cary
- William Joseph Cary
- Pablo Casals
- Immanuel Moses Casanowicz
- Adelaide Teague Case
- Albert Hermon Case
- Anna Case
- Carl Delos Case
- Charles Orlando Case
- Clarence Edwards Case
- Clarence Marsh Case
- Eckstein Case
- Ermine Cowles Case
- Frances Powell Case
- George Sessions Case
- James Thomas Case
- Lorenzo Dow Case
- Norman Stanley Case
- Shirley Jackson Case
- Walter Summerhayes Case
- Edward Pearce Casey
- Francis de Sales Casey
- John J. Casey
- Thomas Lincoln Casey
- Joseph Thomas Cashman
- Alonzo Beecher Cass
- Louis S. Cass
- Mary Cassatt
- Henry Burd Cassel
- John H. Cassel
[edit]- George Washington Cassidy
- Gerald Cassidy (artist)
- Massillon Alexander Cassidy
- Hurd Alexander Cassill
- Francis Cassilly
- Samuel Edson Cassino
- Herbert Newton Casson
- Eugene Castello
- Homer Levi Castle
- Stanley Castle (author)
- William Ernest Castle
- William Richards Castle
- William Richards Castle, Jr.
- John Jackson Castleberry
- Virginia Carter Castleman
- Alfred Guido Rudolph Castles/Alfred Guido Rudolph Schloesser Castles
- Joseph Compton Castner
- Frank Monroe Casto
- Salvador Castrillo
- Hector David Castro
- Matilda Castro
- Irving A. Caswell
- Lucien B. Caswell
- Mary S. Caswell
- Wilbur Larremore Caswell
- Thomas Clendinen Catchings
- Waddill Catchings
- Bert Clarence Cate
- Horace Nelson Cate
- Charles Theodore Cates
- Louis Shattuck Cates
- Arthur Martin Cathcart
- Charles Sanderson Cathcart
- Wallace Hugh Cathcart
- William Ledyard Cathcart
- Willa Sibert Cather
- Charles Catlett
- Albertus Wright Catlin
- Henry Guy Catlin
- Louise Ensign Catlin
- Robert Mayo Catlin
- Theron Ephron Catlin
- George Cator
- Carrie Chapman Catt
- Edward James Cattell
- Henry Ware Cattell
- James McKeen Cattell
- Sidney Johnston Catts
- Frank Guernsey Cauffman
- John Britton Cauldwell
- Leslie Giffen Cauldwell
- Henry Stewart Caulfield
- William Bowdoin Causey
- Lina Cavalieri
- Marie Cavan
- John Alexis Cavanagh
- John William Cavanaugh
- Samuel McCrea Cavert
- Edgar Moore Cawley
- Joseph Cawthorn
- Louis Vasmer Caziarc
- Russell Cecil
- George C. Cell
- Emanuel Celler
- Barry Cerf
- Enrico Filiberto Cerracchio
- Alejandro Cesar
- Carlos Manuel de Cespedes y Quesada
[edit]- Orange Howard Cessna
- Arnold Buflum Chace
- Arthur Freeborn Chace
- Erlon R. Chadbourn
- George Storrs Chadbourne
- Thomas Lincoln Chadbourne
- William Merriam Chadbourne
- Charles Gilbert Chaddock
- Robert Emmet Chaddock
- Charles Ernest Chadsey
- Charles Wesley Chadwick
- Clarence Wells Chadwick
- George Halcott Chadwick
- George Whitefield Chadwick
- John Shelby Chadwick
- Stephen James Chadwick
- Zechariah Chafee
- Allen Chaffee
- Arthur Billings Chaffee
- Emory Leon Chaffee
- Lucien Gates Chaffin
- Harry Malcolm Chalfant
- Feodor Chaliapin
- Lyman Chalkley
- William Albert Challener
- Hugh Chalmers (redirects to company he founded)
- James Chalmers (educator) b. 1859
- Louis Henry Chalmers
- Margaret R. Piper Chalmers
- Stephen Chalmers (author) b. 1880
- Thomas Chalmers (politician) b. 1869
- Thomas Clark Chalmers
- Thomas Hardie Chalmers
- William Everett Chalmers
- William James Chalmers
- William Wallace Chalmers
- Allen Chamberlain
- Arthur Henry Chamberlain
- Charles Joseph Chamberlain
- Clark Wells Chamberlain
- Eugene Tyler Chamberlain
- Francis Asbury Chamberlain
- Frederick Stanley Chamberlain
- George Agnew Chamberlain
- George Earle Chamberlain
- Henry Harmon Chamberlin
- James Franklin Chamberlain
- John Loomis Chamberlain
- Lawrence Chamberlain (banker) b. 1878
- Montague Chamberlain
- Orville Tryon Chamberlain
- Oscar Pearl Chamberlain
- Paul Mellon Chamberlain
- William Isaac Chamberlain
- William W. Chamberlain
- William Chamberlaine
[edit]- Edson Joseph Chamberlin
- Edwin Martin Chamberlin
- Floyd Bruce Chamberlin
- Frederick Chamberlin
- George Ellsworth Chamberlin
- Henry Barrett Chamberlin
- Henry Harmon Chamberlin
- Joseph Edgar Chamberlin
- Joseph Hanson Chamberlin
- McKendree Hypes Chamberlin
- Rollin Thomas Chamberlin
- Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin
- Tolles Chamberlin
- Charles Augustus Chambers
- Charles Edward Chambers
- Edward Chambers (railway official) b. 1859
- Francis T. Chambers
- Frank Taylor Chambers
- Henry Edward Chambers
- Isaiah Mench Chambers
- Mary Davoren Chambers
- Porter Flewellen Chambers
- Robert Chambers (biologist)
- Robert Chambers (missionary)
- Robert William Chambers
- Walter Boughton Chambers
- Washington Irving Chambers
- Will Grant Chambers
- William Lea Chambers
- William Nesbitt Chambers
- Alexander Wilds Chambliss
- Charles Edward Chambliss
- Hardee Chambliss
- Aquila Chamlee
- Mario Chamlee
- Emile Monnin Chamot
- Edwin Ross Champlin
- Henry Martyn Chance
- Julie Grinnell Chance
- Eustathius A. Chancellor
- William Estabrook Chancellor
- Alexander J. Chandler
- Algernon Bertrand Chandler
- Anna Curtis Chandler
- Charles Chandler (educator)
- Charles Frederick Chandler
- Elwyn Francis Chandler
- Francis Ward Chandler
- Frank Wadleigh Chandler
- George Brinton Chandler
- George Fletcher Chandler
- Harry Chandler
- Joseph Hayes Chandler
- Julian Alvin Carroll Chandler
- Katherine Chandler
- Lloyd Horwitz Chandler
- Percy Milton Chandler
- Thomas Alberter Chandler
- Walter Marion Chandler
- William Henry Chandler (botanist)
- William Jessup Chandler
- John Crawford Chaney
- Lucian West Chaney
- Morris J. Chaney
- Newcomb Kinney Chaney
- Novetus Holland Chaney
- Ralph Hill Chaney
- Amelie Rives Chanler
- Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler
- William Astor Chanler
- Edward Channing
- John Parke Channing
- William George Chanter
- Ellen Chazal Chapeau
[edit]- Alfred Clark Chapin
- Charles Brookes Chapin
- Charles Frederic Chapin
- Charles Sumner Chapin
- Charles Value Chapin
- Edward Whitman Chapin
- Edward Young Chapin
- Francis Stuart Chapin
- Henry Dwight Chapin
- Howard Millar Chapin
- Joseph Hawley Chapin
- Roy Dikeman Chapin
- Charles Spencer Chaplin
- William Edwards Chaplin
- Jesse Grant Chapline
- Arthur Chapman (poet)
- Carlton Theodore Chapman
- Charles Edward Chapman
- Charles Shepard Chapman
- Clowry Chapman
- Edward Mortimer Chapman
- Edwin Garner Chapman
- Elverton R. Chapman
- Francis Chapman (lawyer) b. 1869
- Frank Michler Chapman
- Herman Haupt Chapman
- James Crosby Chapman
- James Russell Chapman
- James Virgil Chapman
- John Jay Chapman
- Joseph Chapman (businessman) b. 1871
- Katharine Hopkins Chapman
- Kenneth Milton Chapman
- Pleasant Thomas Chapman
- Virgil Munday Chapman
- William Edgar Chapman
- William Gerard Chapman
- Edwin B. Chappell
- George Shepard Chappell
- Benjamin Franklin Chappelle
- William D. Chappelle
- Joe Mitchell Chapple
- Carlos Eugenio Chardon
- Frances Charles
- William Barclay Charles
- George Herbert Charls
- Charles Magnus Charlton
- George James Charlton
- Loudon Charlton
- Helen Charlton/Helen Stanley Charlton
- F. W. Charske
- Werrett Wallace Charters
- Joseph Chartrand
[edit]- Adelaide Cole Chase
- Arthur Horace Chase
- Benjamin Franklin Chase
- Charles E. Chase
- Cleveland King Chase
- Cora Mancia Chase
- Daniel Chase
- Edna Woolman Chase
- Ellen Chase
- Frederic Hathaway Chase
- Frederick Lincoln Chase
- George Davis Chase
- George Francis Chase
- George Henry Chase
- Harold Taylor Chase
- Harry Woodburn Chase
- Harvey Stuart Chase
- Irving Hall Chase
- Jason Franklin Chase
- Jehu Valentine Chase
- Jessie Anderson Chase
- John Calvin Chase
- Joseph Cummings Chase
- Kelsey Stillman Chase
- Lewis Nathaniel Chase
- Pearl-Adell Chase
- Mary Ellen Chase
- Paul Addison Chase
- Stuart Chase
- William Sheafe Chase
- Charles Louis Chassaignac
- Thomas Marean Chatard
- George Richard Chatburn
- Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor
- Fenimore Chatterton
- Ruth Chatterton
- John Henry Cheatham
- Kitty Cheatham
- William Reuel Chedsey
- William Elisha Chenery
- William Ludlow Chenery
- Winthrop Holt Chenery
- Edward Stephen Chenette
- Anne Cleveland Cheney
- Charles Henry Cheney
- Howell Cheney
- Lloyd Lyman Cheney
- Louis Richmond Cheney
- Orion Howard Cheney
- Sheldon Warren Cheney
- Sherwood Alfred Cheney
- William Atwell Cheney
- William Fitch Cheney
- Caroline Van Deusen Chenoweth
- Catherine Richardson Chenoweth
- Paul Terry Cherington
- George Kruck Cherrie
- Ernest Hurst Cherrington
- Charles Cherry
- Henry Hardin Cherry
- James William Cherry
- Thomas Crittenden Cherry
- Ulysses Simpson Grant Cherry
- John Morrison Chesbrough
- Robert Augustus Chesebrough
- Joseph Blount Cheshire
- Cummings C. Chesney
- Victor King Chesnut
- Charles Waddell Chesnutt
- Nelson Alexander Chesnutt
[edit]- Alden Chester
- Colby Mitchel Chester
- Frank Dyer Chester
- Samuel Hall Chester
- Wayland Morgan Chester
- Arthur Henry Chetlain
- Charles Howard Chetwood
- John Chetwood
- Charles Humbert Chevee
- Beverly Chew (banker) b. 1850
- Ng Poon Chew
- James Barton Cheyney
- Edward Gheen Cheyney
- Edward Potts Cheyney
- John Patrick Sylvester Chidwick
- John Edward Chilberg
- Ellery Channing Chilcott
- Charles Gardner Child
- Charles Manning Child
- Clarence Griffin Child
- Clement Dexter Child
- Edwin Burrage Child
- Elias Earle Child
- Richard Washburn Child
- Arthur Edward Childs
- Edward Powell Childs
- Eleanor Stuart Childs
- Frank Hall Childs
- Richard Spencer Childs
- Ross Renfroe Childs
- William Hamlin Childs
- James Alburn Chiles
- Horace Chilton
- Robert S. Chilton
- William Edwin Chilton
- Gilbert Chinard
- Carl Richard Chindblom
- Burnett Mitchell Chiperfield
- Charles Phillips Chipman
- William Pendleton Chipman
- Hugh Joseph Chisholm Jr. (b. 1886)
- Howard Roy Chislett
- Edward Wilson Chittenden
- Frank Hurlbut Chittenden
- Jonathan Brace Chittenden
- Russell Henry Chittenden
- William Lawrence Chittenden
- Joseph Howard Chitwood
- Oliver Perry Chitwood
- Charles Francis Choate
- Joseph Kittredge Choate
- Washington Choate
- Nelbert Murphy Chouinard
- Augustus McKee Chreitzberg
- Lewis Herbert Chrisman
- Oscar Chrisman
- George Francis Christensen
- John Cornelius Christensen
- Parley Parker Christensen
- Edmund Adolph Christian
- Eugene Christian
- George Busby Christian
- George Llewellyn Christian
- Henry Asbury Christian
- John Tyler Christian
- F. Melius Christiansen
- Adolph Marcus Christianson
- Theodore Christianson
- Alexander Christie (bishop)
- Arthur Carlisle Christie
- Francis Albert Christie
- George Irving Christie
- Jane Johnstone Christie
- Luther Rice Christie
- Robert Christie (clergyman) b. 1837
- Robert James Christie
- William Wallace Christie
- Henry Jacob Christman
- Carl Christol
- Carl Christophelsmeier
- Harley Hannibal Christy
- Howard Chandler Christy
- Mintin Asbury Chrysler
- Edwin Watts Chubb
- Percival Chubb
- Henry Chung (activist)/Henry Chung de Young (b. 1890)
- Archibald Church (doctor) b. 1861
- Arthur Latham Church
- Denver Samuel Church
- Earl Frank Church
- Elihu Church
- Frank Henry Church
- Frederick Stuart Church
- George Dudley Church
- Henry Ward Church
- Irving Porter Church
- James Edward Church
- Melville Church
- Samuel Harden Church
- William Howell Church
[edit]- Alfred Vance Churchill
- Charles Samuel Churchill
- Everett Avery Churchill
- Frank Spooner Churchill
- George Bosworth Churchill
- Joseph Richmond Churchill
- Julius Alonzo Churchill
- Lida A. Churchill
- Marlborough Churchill
- Thomas William Churchill
- Winston Churchill (novelist)
- John Woolman Churchman
- Philip Hudson Churchman
- Arthur Hunt Chute
- Arthur Lambert Chute
- Charles Lionel Chute
- Horatio Nelson Chute
- Frantisek Chvalkovsky
- Gustave Cimiotti
- Peter Walter Claassen
- Maria Claessens
- Arthur Whitman Claflin
- John Claflin
- Kate Holladay Claghorn
- Frank Clague
- William Stirling Claiborne
- Matthew Wesley Clair
- Ina Claire
- Albert Worthington Clancy
- Frank Willey Clancy
- John Richard Clancy
- Robert H. Clancy
- Charles Horace Clapp
- Clift Rogers Clapp
- Cornelia Maria Clapp
- Edwin Jones Clapp
- Eleanor Bassett Clapp
- Frederick Gardner Clapp
- George Wood Clapp
- Herbert Codman Clapp
- Jacob Crawford Clapp
- John Mantle Clapp
- Moses Edwin Clapp
- Philip Greeley Clapp
- Frank Edmund Clarity
[edit]- Alfred Edward Clark
- Allen Culling Clark
- Alson Skinner Clark
- Anne Kinnier Clark
- Annie Maria Lawrence Clark
- Arthur Bridgman Clark
- Arthur Henry Clark
- Barrett H. Clark
- Benjamin Preston Clark
- Bert Boone Clark
- Calvin Montague Clark
- Caroline Richards Clark
- Charles Badger Clark
- Charles Cleveland Clark
- Charles Hopkins Clark
- Charles Upson Clark
- Charles William Clark
- Clarence Don Clark
- Clarence Munroe Clark
- Edgar Erastus Clark
- Edith Kirkwood Ormsby Clark
- Edward Brayton Clark
- Eliot Candee Clark
- Eliot Round Clark
- Ellery Harding Clark
- Elmer Talmage Clark
- Elroy Newton Clark
- Emory W. Clark
- Eugene Francis Clark
- Felicia Buttz Clark
- Francis Edward Clark
- Frank Clark (politician)
- Frank Sylvester Clark
- Franklin Jones Clark
- Fred Emerson Clark
- Fred Pope Clark
- Frederic Simmons Clark
- Frederick Huntington Clark
- Frederick M. Clark
- Frederick Timothy Clark
- Friend Ebenezer Clark
- George Campbell Clark
- George Hardy Clark
- George Larkin Clark
- George Luther Clark
- George Ramsey Clark
- George Thomas Clark (librarian) b. 1862
- Glenn Clark (academic) b. 1882
- Grover Clark
- Harry Henderson Clark
- Harry Willard Clark
- Henry Alden Clark
- Henry W. Clark (lawyer) b. 1874
- Howard J. Clark
- Hubert Lyman Clark
- Imogen Clark
- James Edwin Clark
- James Levan Clark
- James Richard Clark
- James Ross Clark
- John Bates Clark
- John Brittan Clark
- John Cheesman Clark
- John Dustin Clark
- John Edward Clark
- John Goodrich Clark
- John Jesse Clark
- John Kirkland Clark
- John Lewis Clark
- John Maurice Clark
- Joshua Reuben Clark
- Kate Upson Clark
- Keith Clark (author)
- L. Pierce Clark
- Lindley Daniel Clark
- Lucius Charles Clark
- Mallie Adkin Clark
- Marguerite Clark
- Melton Clark
- Melville A. Clark
- Melvin Green Clark
- Olynthus B. Clark
- Paul Franklin Clark
- Randolph Clark
- Reed Paige Clark
- Robert Fry Clark
- Samuel Wesley Clark
- Solomon Henry Clark
- Thomas Arkle Clark
- Thomas Curtis Clark
- Thomas Frederic Clark
- Valma Clark
- Victor Selden Clark
- Virginius E. Clark
- Walter Clark (judge)
- Walter Eli Clark
- Walter Ernest Clark
- Walter Eugene Clark
- Walton Clark
- Washington A. Clark
- Will L. Clark
- William Alexander Graham Clark
- William Andrews Clark
- William Andrews Clark Jr.
- William Braddock Clark
- William Heermans Clark
- William Timothy Clark
- William Walker Clark
[edit]- Arthur Edward Clarke
- Charles Cameron Clarke
- Charles Henry Clarke (banker) b. 1864
- Charles Lorenzo Clarke
- Charles S. Clarke
- Edith Emily Clarke
- Edmund Arthur Stanley Clarke
- Elizabeth Crocker Lawrence Clarke
- Ernest Perley Clarke
- Ernest Swope Clarke
- Frank Wigglesworth Clarke
- George Herbert Clarke
- George W. Clarke (Iowa politician)
- Helen Archibald Clarke
- Herbert Lincoln Clarke
- Hopewell Clarke
- Hugh Archibald Clarke
- Ida Clyde Clarke
- James Augustine Clarke
- James Everitt Clarke
- James Frederic Clarke
- John Davenport Clarke
- John Hessin Clarke
- John Mason Clarke
- John Proctor Clarke
- Joseph Ignatius Constantine Clarke
- Lewis Latham Clarke
- Lorenzo Mason Clarke
- Samuel Fessenden Clarke
- Sarah J. Clarke
- Thomas Benedict Clarke
- Walter Irving Clarke
- Walter James Clarke
- William Fayal Clarke
- William Hawes Crichton Clarke
- Franklin Clarkin
[edit]- Coker Fifield Clarkson
- Grosvenor B. Clarkson
- Henry Mazyck Clarkson
- Heriot Clarkson
- Louise Clarkson Whitelock / Louise Clarkson
- Ralph Clarkson
- Ralph Preston Clarkson
- David Guy Classon
- Fred Payne Clatworthy
- Linda May Clatworthy
- Carl Harry Claudy
- William Lewis Clause
- Bernard Chancellor Clausen
- James Earl Clauson
- Julia Claussen
- Kate Claxton
- Mary Hannah Johnson Claxton
- Philander Priestley Claxton
- Albert Tobias Clay
- Brutus Junius Clay
- William Rogers Clay
- Horatio C. Claypool
- Henry D. Clayton Jr.
- Henry Helm Clayton
- James Benjamin Clayton
- Thomas Ash Claytor
- Alphonso Trumpbour Clearwater
- James M. Cleary
- Maurice Garrett Cleary
- William E. Cleary
- Harold Loomis Cleasby
- John Frederic Cleaveland
- Livingston Warner Cleaveland
- Nelson C. Cleaves
- Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn
- Alexander McIntosh Cleland
- Charles S. Cleland
- Herdman Fitzgerald Cleland
- Robert Glass Cleland
- Robert Wickliffe Cleland
- John Lincoln Clem
- Charles Edwin Clemens
- William Montgomery Clemens
- Charles Maxwell Clement
- Edmond Clement
- Ernest Wilson Clement
- George Clinton Clement
- Mrs. Henry H. Clement
- John Addison Clement
- Percival Wood Clement
- Colin Campbell Clements
- Courtland Cushing Clements
- Edith Schwartz Clements
- Francis Washington Clements
- Frederic Edward Clements
- William Lawrence Clements
- Charles Frederic Clemons
- Walter John Clemson
- Frank Montrose Clendenin
- Henry Wilson Clendenin
- Francis Hector Clergue
- Alexander Sessums Cleveland
- Alfred Alexander Cleveland
- Clement Cleveland
- Cynthia Eloise Cleveland
- Frances Folsom Cleveland
- Frederick Albert Cleveland
- John Bomar Cleveland
- William Davis Cleveland
- Galen Howell Clevenger
- Conrad Clever
- Adam C. Cliffe
- Edward Clifford (lawyer) b. 1873
- Elmer Laurence Clifford
- Harry Ellsworth Clifford
- Albert Earl Clift
- Charles Clifton (manufacturer) b. 1853
- Edward Sears Clinch
- Richard Floyd Clinch
- Cyrus Cline
- Isaac Monroe Cline
- Sheldon Scott Cline
- Walter Branks Cline
- Benjamin West Clinedinst
- John George Clinkscales
[edit]- Fred S. Clinton
- George Clinton (born 1846)
- George Perkins Clinton
- Marshall Clinton
- Arthur Raymond Clippinger
- Erle Elsworth Clippinger
- Walter Gillan Clippinger
- Joseph Waddell Clokey
- Edward Nicholas Clopper
- Malvern Bryan Clopton
- Timothy Cloran
- Stuart Close
- William B. Closson
- Morris Lewis Clothier
- William Jackson Clothier
- Charles H. Cloud
- James Henry Cloud
- John Hofer Cloud
- Virginia Woodward Cloud
- William Woodward Cloud
- David Marston Clough
- Francis Edgar Clough
- Henry Clough-Leighter
- Wynne F. Clouse
- George Frederick Clover
- Samuel Travers Clover
- Elijah Ellsworth Clovis
- Robert Charles Clowry
- E. Harold Cluett
- George Alfred Cluett
- Robert Cluett
- Harvey H. Cluff (politician)
- Harold Dunstan Clum
- Willard Nelson Clute
- Jacob Abraham Clutz
- Thomas Stone Clyce
- R. Swinburne Clymer
- Charles F. Clyne
- Charles Pearce Coady
- Cornelius Godfrey Coakley
- James Johnson Coale
- Charles Florus Coan
- Frederick Gaylord Coan
- John Firman Coar
- Charles Edward Coates
- David C. Coates
- Florence Earle Coates
- George Morrison Coates
- Joseph Horner Coates/Horner Cotes
- Thomas Jackson Coates
- Adelbert Sumpter Coats
- Albert B. Coats
- Marion Coats
- Andrew Jackson Cobb
- Bertha Browning Cobb
- Calvin Cobb
- Carolus Melville Cobb
- Charles Wellington Cobb
- Collier Cobb
- Ebenezer Baker Cobb
- Ernest Cobb
- Florence Etheridge Cobb
- Henry Evertson Cobb
- Henry Ives Cobb
- Herbert Edgar Cobb
- Irvin S. Cobb
- James A. Cobb
- John Candler Cobb
- John Nathan Cobb
- Joseph Pettee Cobb
- Nathan Augustus Cobb
- Rufus Wills Cobb
- Samuel Ernest Cobb
- Stanwood Cobb
- William Titcomb Cobb
- Charles Elliott Cobbey
- Ira Maurice Cobe
- Arthur Byron Coble
- Nelson Simmons Cobleigh
- Emory Lorenzo Coblentz
- Virgil Coblentz
- William Weber Coblentz
[edit]- Charles Douville Coburn
- Eleanor Hallowell Abbott Coburn
- Foster Dwight Coburn
- William Coburn
- William Gibson Coburn
- Alexander G. Cochran
- Andrew McConnell January Cochran
- Carlos Bingham Cochran
- Ernest Ford Cochran
- George Ira Cochran
- Jean Carter Cochran
- Joseph Wilson Cochran
- Samuel Poyntz Cochran
- Thomas Cochran (banker)
- Thomas Everette Cochran
- William J. Hamilton Cochran
- Aaron Van Schaick Cochrane
- Charles Henry Cochrane (author) b. 1856
- Laurence Marsham Cockaday
- Charles Alexander Cockayne
- James Cockcroft
- Lucian Howard Cocke
- Matty L. Cocke
- William Horner Cocke
- Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell
- Egbert Railey Cockrell
- Robert Spratt Cockrell
- Ashley Cockrill
- John Barrett Cockrum
- Orrin Giddings Cocks
- William Willets Cocks
- Adolphe Valery Coco
- George Pierre Codd
- Herbert Guibord Coddington
- William Henry Code
- Edmund Dwight Codman
- Ernest Amory Codman
- John Sturgis Codman
- Russell Sturgis Codman
- Frank T. Codrington
- Claude Carr Cody
- Frank Cody (educator) b. 1870
- Hiram Alfred Cody
- Sherwin Cody
- Zeachariah Thornton Cody
- Fanny E. Coe
- Frank Winston Coe
- George Albert Coe
- Henry Clarke Coe
- Henry Waldo Coe
- Isabelle Coe
- John Allen Coe
- Robert Coe (engineer) b. 1868
- Wesley Roswell Coe
- Leland Eggleston Cofer
- Rudolph Isaac Coffee
- George Nelson Coffey
- James V. Coffey
- Robert Calvin Coffey
- Walter Bernard Coffey
- Walter Castella Coffey
[edit]- Charles Albert Coffin
- Charles E. Coffin (banker)
- Charles Franklin Coffin
- Henry Sloane Coffin
- Howard Earle Coffin
- John Lambert Coffin
- Joseph Herschel Coffin
- Lorenzo S. Coffin
- Robert Peter Tristram Coffin
- Victor Coffin
- William Coffin (diplomat)
- William Anderson Coffin
- William Carey Coffin
- William Sloane Coffin Sr.
- DeWitt Coffman
- Leroy Mallon Coffman
- Lotus Delta Coffman
- Arthur Sterry Coggeshall
- Edwin Walter Coggeshall
- George Whiteley Coggeshall
- Rose Coghlan
- Wilbur Adelman Cogshall
- William Sterling Cogswell
- Daniel Florence Cohalan
- George M. Cohan
- Abraham Cohen (mathematician) b. 1870
- Alfred J. Cohen
- Alfred Morton Cohen
- Charles Joseph Cohen
- Harry Isaac Cohen
- Helen Louise Cohen
- Henry Cohen (rabbi)
- Jacob da Silva Solis Cohen
- John Sanford Cohen
- Julius Henry Cohen
- Lily Young Cohen
- Louis Cohen (engineer) b. 1876
- Morris Raphael Cohen
- Octavus Roy Cohen
- Solomon Solis Cohen
- William Nathaniel Cohen
- Edmund Pendleton Cohill
- Adolphe Cohn
- Alfred Einstein Cohn
- Alfred I. Cohn
[edit]- Beverly Waugh Coiner
- Arthur Clinton Coit
- James Milnor Coit
- John Eliot Coit
- John McLean Coit
- Ruth Coit
- Stanton Coit
- James L. Coke
- John Story Coke
- David Robert Coker
- Francis William Coker
- Robert Ervin Coker
- William Chambers Coker
- John Marvin Colaw
- Grace Isabel Colbron
- Albert Ladd Colby
- Bainbridge Colby
- Branch Harris Colby
- Everett Colby
- Frank Harvey Colby
- Frank Moore Colby
- Franklin Green Colby
- Harrison Gray Otis Colby
- James Fairbanks Colby
- June Rose Colby
- Leonard Wright Colby
- William Edward Colby
- Francis Horton Colcock
- Charles Francis Colcord
- Lincoln Ross Colcord
- Roswell Keyes Colcord
- Alfred Dodge Cole
- Arthur Charles Cole
- Charles F. Cole
- Charles Nelson Cole
- Cornelius Cole
- Cyrenus Cole
- Eli Kelley Cole
- Fay-Cooper Cole
- Frank B. Cole
- Frank Nelson Cole
- George E. Cole (printer) b. 1845
- George Watson Cole
- Harry Outen Cole
- Howard Ellsworth Cole
- Jean Dean Cole
- John Adams Cole
- Lawrence Thomas Cole
- Lawrence Wooster Cole
- Leon Jacob Cole
- Lewis Gregory Cole
- Louis Maurice Cole
- Mabel Cook Cole
- Nathan Cole Jr.
- Patience Bevier Cole
- R. Clint Cole
- Ralph Dayton Cole
- Redmond Selecman Cole
- Rossetter Gleason Cole
- Rufus Cole
- Samuel Valentine Cole
- Samuel Winkley Cole
- Theodore Lee Cole
- Thomas F. Cole (businessman)
- Timothy Cole
- Whitefoord R. Cole
- William Carey Cole
- William Isaac Cole
- William Morse Cole
- Chauncey Peter Colegrove
- Frederick Welton Colegrove
- Kenneth Wallace Colegrove
[edit]- Algernon Coleman
- Alice Blanchard Coleman
- Arch Coleman
- Benjamin Wilson Coleman
- Bessie Blackstone Coleman
- Charles Caryl Coleman
- Charles Philip Coleman
- Charles Washington Coleman
- Christopher Bush Coleman
- Frederick W. B. Coleman
- George W. Coleman
- Gilbert Payson Coleman
- James Melville Coleman
- John Hamline Coleman
- Laurence Vail Coleman
- Norman Frank Coleman
- Robert Buckner Coleman
- Thomas Davies Coleman
- Walter Moore Coleman
- Warren Coleman (physician) b. 1869
- William Caldwell Coleman
- William H. Coleman
- William John Coleman
- William Macon Coleman
- William Wheeler Coleman
- Alfred Porter Coles
- Jonathan Ackerman Coles
- Henry Thomas Colestock
- Edward Huntington Coley
- William Bradley Coley
- Lawrence Maclay Colfelt
- Gilbert Colgate (businessman) b. 1858
- James Colby Colgate
- Sidney Morse Colgate
- Philip Taylor Colgrove
- Edward Martin Colie
- Raymond S. Coll
- Edward Francis Colladay
- Samuel Rakestraw Colladay
- Henry Collbran
- William A. Colledge
- Charles Collens (redirects to firm he co-founded)
- Frederick George Collett
- George Lucius Collie
- Barron Collier
- David Charles Collier
- Edward Augustus Collier
- Frank Wilbur Collier
- James William Collier
- Theodore Collier
- William Collier Sr.
- William Armistead Collier
- William Miller Collier
- Charles Avery Collin
- Frederick Collin
- Patricia Collinge
- Crittenden Taylor Collings
- Harry Thomas Collings
- Howard Paxton Collings
- Herbert Winslow Collingwood
[edit]- Alfred Morris Collins
- Archie Frederick Collins
- Atwood Collins
- Bertrand Robson Torsey Collins
- Charles Edwin Collins (engineer) b. 1868
- Charles Wallace Collins
- Clinton DeWitt Collins
- Cornelius Van Santvoord Collins
- Edgar Thomas Collins
- Edward Day Collins
- Edwin R. Collins
- Everell Stanton Collins
- Francis Arnold Collins
- Frank Shipley Collins
- Frederick Lewis Collins
- George Lewis Collins
- George Stuart Collins
- Herman Leroy Collins
- Howard Dennis Collins
- James Franklin Collins (botanist) b. 1863
- James Hiram Collins
- John Joseph Collins (bishop)
- Joseph Collins (neurologist)
- Joseph Dorsey Collins
- Joseph Victor Collins
- Lorin Cone Collins
- Matthew Garrett Collins
- Michael Francis Collins
- Paul Valorous Collins
- Philip Sheridan Collins
- Robert Moore Collins
- Ross Alexander Collins
- Varnum Lansing Collins
- Virgil Dewey Collins
- William Henry Collins (astronomer) b. 1859
- Hermann Collitz
- Klara Hechtenberg Collitz
- Edna Mary Colman
- Charles Blayney Colmore
- Oscar Branch Colquitt
- Ethel M. Colson
- Edward Colston (lawyer) b. 1844
- William Ainslie Colston
- Cornelius Chapman Colt
- Le Baron Bradford Colt
- Fred T. Colter
- Robert Coltman
- Arthur Willis Colton
- Charles Adams Colton
- Don Byron Colton
- Elizabeth Avery Colton
- Elizabeth Sweetser Colton
- Ethan Theodore Colton
- George Henry Colton
- Winfred Rufus Colton
- Padraic Colum
- Alice Ross Colver
- William Byron Colver
- Carl Colvin
- David Leigh Colvin
- George Colvin
- Oliver Dyer Colvin
- George Partridge Colvocoresses
- Nathan Porter Colwell
- Charlotte Buell Coman
- Edwin Truman Coman
- Mary Meriam Coman
- George Hamilton Combs (clergyman) b. 1864
- Gilbert Raynolds Combs
- Josiah Henry Combs (author) b. 1886
- Leslie Combs III
- Braxton Bragg Comer
- Cornelia Atwood Pratt Comer
- Edward Trippe Comer
- George Legare Comer
- Frank Comerford
- Arthur Coleman Comey
- Arthur Messinger Comey
- Anna Manning Comfort
- Walter R. Comfort
- Will Levington Comfort
- William Wistar Comfort
- Lydia Kingsmill Commander
- John Rogers Commons
- Arthur Holly Compton
- Charles Herrick Compton
- Elias Compton
- Karl Taylor Compton
- William Randolph Compton
[edit]- Ada Louise Comstock
- Albert H. Comstock
- Anna Botsford Comstock
- Clarence Elmer Comstock
- Daniel Frost Comstock
- F. Ray Comstock
- Frank Mason Comstock
- George Cary Comstock
- Harriet Theresa Comstock
- John Adams Comstock
- John Henry Comstock
- Louis Kossuth Comstock
- Sarah Comstock
- Solomon Gilman Comstock
- Carlos Everett Conant
- Charlotte Howard Conant
- Ernest Bancroft Conant
- Frederick Odell Conant
- Grace Wilbur Conant
- Henry Dunning Conant
- John Willis Conant
- Luther Conant
- Samuel Morris Conant
- Willis Ganett Conant
- Henry Shoemaker Conard
- Martin Thomas Conboy Jr.
- Sara Agnes Conboy
- Bertha Conde
- George Herbert Condict
- John Thomas Condon
- Randall Judson Condon
- Thomas Gerald Condon
- George Evert Condra
- Theodore Lincoln Condron
- Helen Gray Cone
- Hutchinson Ingham Cone
- Charles Harris Congdon
- Clement Hillman Congdon
- LaFayette Congdon
- Leon Abel Congdon
- Randolph Thatcher Congdon
- John Leonard Conger
- John William Conger
- Mary Josephine Conger
- Seymour Beach Conger
- Charles Conklin
- Edwin Grant Conklin
- Hugh William Conklin
- Roland Ray Conklin
- Alfred Ronald Conkling
- Alonzo Theodore Conley
- Carey Herbert Conley
- John Wesley Conley
- William Maxwell Conley
[edit]- George Chester Conn
- Harry L. Conn
- Ulysses Sylvester Conn
- Elijah L. Connally
- Tom Connally
- John Waldo Connaway
- Horatio Connell
- James Mark Connell
- Richard Connell
- Samuel Connell
- William Henry Connell
- William Lawrence Connell
- William Phillips Connell
- Wilson Edward Connell
- Clifford Brown Connelley
- William Elsey Connelley
- Emma Mary Connelly
- John R. Connelly
- Marc Connelly
- Albert Holmes Conner
- Fox Conner
- Jacob Elon Conner
- James Keyes Conner
- James Moyer Conner
- James Perry Conner
- Lewis Atterbury Conner
- Walter Thomas Conner
- William James Conners
- Thomas Bernard Joseph Connery
- William Patrick Connery
- Charles Jay Connick
- Harris De Haven Connick
- Paul R. Conniff
- Christopher Powell Connolly
- James Brendan Connolly
- James J. Connolly
- Joseph E. F. Connolly
- Vera L. Connolly
- Theodore Connoly
- Charles Francis Connor
- George Whitfield Connor
- Guy Leartus Connor
- Henry Groves Connor
- Ray Connor (physician) b. 1876
- Robert Digges Wimberly Connor
- Washington Everett Connor
- William Durward Connor
- William Ott Connor
- John P. Connors
- Adams Jewett Conover
- Ida Conquest
- Arcturus Z. Conrad
- Carl Nicholas Conrad
- Henry Clay Conrad
- Edward Conradi
- Wilford Seymour Conrow
- Thomas Conry
- Frank Henry Constant
- Costello C. Converse
- Florence Converse
- Frederick Shepherd Converse
- Harry Pollard Converse
- Miriam Sewall Converse
[edit]- John Sebastian Conway
- John Severinus Conway
- Katherine Eleanor Conway
- Patrick Conway
- Russell Herman Conwell
- Walter Lewis Conwell
- Jackie Coogan
- Albert Samuel Cook (educator) b. 1873
- Albert Stanburrough Cook
- Alfred Newton Cook
- Ansel Granville Cook
- Arthur Leroy Cook
- Charles Augustus Cook
- Charles Sumner Cook
- David C. Cook (company he founded)
- Frank Gaylord Cook
- George Fox Cook
- George Washington Cook (dentist)b. 1866
- George Washington Cook
- George Wythe Cook
- Harold James Cook
- Howard Willard Cook
- James Henry Cook
- Joe Cook (educator) b. 1862
- John Belmont Cook
- Katherine Margaret Cook
- Melville Thurston Cook
- Orator Fuller Cook
- Paul Cook (journalist) b. 1882, Alabama
- Paul Cook (businessman) b. 1847
- Philip Cook (bishop)
- Robert George Cook
- R. Harvey Cook
- Roy Bird Cook
- Samuel E. Cook
- Samuel Richard Cook
- Waldo Lincoln Cook
- Walter Wheeler Cook
- William Adelbert Cook
- William Locke Cook
- William Wallace Cook
- William Wilson Cook
- Willis Clifford Cook
- Alexander Bennett Cooke
- Arthur Bledsoe Cooke
- Charles Montague Cooke Jr.
- Clarence Hyde Cooke
- Douglas H. Cooke
- Edmund Vance Cooke
- Elbridge Clinton Cooke
- Flora Juliette Cooke
- George Anderson Cooke
- George Henry Cooke
- Grace MacGowan Cooke
- Helen Temple Cooke
- Hereward Lester Cooke (physicist) b. 1879
- James Francis Cooke
- Joseph Brown Cooke
- Morris Llewellyn Cooke
- Richard Joseph Cooke
- Walter Platt Cooke
- William Parker Cooke
[edit]- George Robert Cooksey
- Melville Fuller Coolbaugh
- Ina Donna Coolbrith
- Anna Maria Cooley
- Arthur Henderson Cooley
- Charles Horton Cooley
- Charles Parsons Cooley
- Mortimer Elwyn Cooley
- Robert Allen Cooley
- Robert Lawrence Cooley
- Roger William Cooley
- Stoughton Cooley
- William Forbes Cooley
- Algernon Coolidge
- Archibald Cary Coolidge
- Calvin Coolidge
- Charles Allerton Coolidge
- Charles Austin Coolidge
- Cora Helen Coolidge
- Dane Coolidge
- Emelyn Lincoln Coolidge
- Herbert Coolidge
- John Gardner Coolidge
- John Templeman Coolidge
- Joseph Randolph Coolidge
- Julian Lowell Coolidge
- Louis Arthur Coolidge
- Mary Roberts Coolidge
- Sherman Coolidge
- William David Coolidge
- William Henry Coolidge
- Charles Sleeman Coom
- Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy
- Ethel Russell Coombes
- Charles Whitney Coombs
- Frank L. Coombs
- Zelotes Wood Coombs
- Charles Lee Coon
- Henry Herbert Coone
- Michael Cooney (brigadier-general) b. 1837
- Percival John Cooney
- Howard Coonley
- Jacob Jones Coons
[edit]- Robert Edward Coontz
- Allen Foster Cooper
- Charles Champlin Cooper
- Charles Hermance Cooper
- Charles Phillips Cooper
- Charles Proctor Cooper
- Clayton Sedgwick Cooper
- Colin Campbell Cooper
- Courtney Ryley Cooper
- Edward Cooper (West Virginia politician)
- Elizabeth Cooper (author) b. 1877
- Ellwood Cooper
- Frank Cooper (judge)
- Frank B. Cooper
- Frank Irving Cooper
- Frederic G. Cooper
- Frederic Taber Cooper
- George Franklin Cooper
- Henry Allen Cooper
- Henry Elliott Cooper
- Henry Ernest Cooper
- Hermon Charles Cooper
- Homer H. Cooper
- Hugh Lincoln Cooper
- Irving Steiger Cooper
- John Gordon Cooper
- John Ralph Cooper
- Kent Cooper
- Lane Cooper
- Merian C. Cooper
- Oscar Henry Cooper
- Richard Watson Cooper
- Robert Archer Cooper
- Samuel Williams Cooper
- Sanson Milligan Cooper
- Thomas Poe Cooper
- William Irenaeus Cooper
- William Knowles Cooper
- John Edgar Coover
- Melanchthon Coover
- Gilbert Cope
- Charles Copeland (illustrator)
- Charles Townsend Copeland
- Edwin Bingham Copeland
- Foster Copeland
- Frederick Kent Copeland
- Guild Anderson Copeland
- Royal Samuel Copeland
- Theodore Copeland
- Walter Charles Copeland
- William Franklin Copeland
- Ira Clifton Copley
- William Michael Late Coplin
- Owen Copp
[edit]- Francis C. Coppicus
- Levi J. Coppin
- Pompeo Coppini
- Leon Coquard
- Joseph A. Coram
- Elizabeth F. Corbett
- Gail Sherman Corbett
- Harvey Wiley Corbett
- Laurence Jay Corbett
- Lee Cleveland Corbett
- Timothy Corbett
- Alice Corbin Henderson
- Arthur Linton Corbin
- Caroline Corbin
- John Corbin
- William Herbert Corbin
- Charles Linwood Corbitt
- Lawrence Jugurtha Corbly
- Brewer Corcoran
- Harry William Cordell
- Arthur Burton Cordley
- Luis Felipe Corea
- Alfred Adams Corey
- Herbert Corey
- Merton Leroy Corey
- William Ellis Corey
- Elmer Ellsworth Corfman
- Isador Henry Coriat
- William Thomas Corlett
- Anne Parrish Corliss
- Charles Albert Corliss
- Frederick William Corliss
- Guy Carleton Haynes Corliss
- John Blaisdell Corliss
- Samuel Thompson Corn
- Thomas Mullan Cornbrooks
- Barton Corneau
- Octavia Roberts Corneau
- Charles Over Cornelius
- David William Cornelius
- Olivia Smith Cornelius
- Samuel Anderson Cornelius
- George Washington Corner
- Thomas Cromwell Corner
- Noah E. Cornetet
- Charles Robert Corning
- Frederick Gleason Corning
- Parker Corning
- Albert Judson Cornish
- Edward Joel Cornish
- Leslie Colby Cornish
- Louis Craig Cornish
- Daniel Cornman
- Oliver Perry Cornman
[edit]- Edward Everett Cornwall
- Dean Cornwell
- John J. Cornwell
- John Hubert Cornyn
- Charles Hunter Corregan
- Jones Irwin Joseph Corrigan
- Owen Bernard Corrigan
- Roberto Corruccini
- Harry Prosper Corser
- David Birdsall Corson
- Eugene Rollin Corson
- Oscar Taylor Corson
- George Bruce Cortelyou
- Arthur Bateman Corthell
- Nellis Eugene Corthell
- Ellen Mackay Hutchinson Cortissoz
- Royal Cortissoz
- Arthur Mills Corwin
- Edward Samuel Corwin
- Richard Warren Corwin
- Robert Nelson Corwin
- Abram Edward Cory
- Charles Edward Cory
- Clarence Linus Cory
- David Cory (author)
- Harry Thomas Cory
- Spencer Cosby
- Jessica Garretson Cosgrave
- John O'Hara Cosgrave
- James E. Cosgriff
- John C. Cosgrove
- Oliver Perry Coshow
- George Cosson
- Harry Todd Costello
- Peter E. Costello
- Edward Prentiss Costigan
- George Purcell Costigan
- John Edward Costigan
- Thomas Perrin Cothran
- Gilbert Geoffrey Cottam
- Sallie Southall Cotten
- James Edward Cotter
- Joseph Seamon Cotter Sr.
- William Cotter (businessman) b. 1858
- John Hazelton Cotteral
- George Fletcher Cotterill
- Claybrook Cottingham
- Irven A. Cottingham
- Edward Howe Cotton
- Fassett Allen Cotton
- Frederic Jay Cotton
- Henry Andrews Cotton
- Jesse Lee Cotton
- Joseph Bell Cotton
- Joseph Potter Cotton
- William H. Cotton
- Edwin Angell Cottrell
- Elias Cottrell
- Frederick Gardner Cottrell
- Jesse Samuel Cottrell
- Amalia Kussner Coudert
- Frederic René Coudert, II b. 1871
[edit]- Clarence Dennis Coughlin
- W. G. Coughlin
- William Thomas Coughlin
- John Bishop Coulston
- Andrew Jackson Coultas
- Charles Wellsley Coulter
- Ellis Merton Coulter
- Ernest Kent Coulter
- John Lee Coulter
- John Merle Coulter
- Mary Geigus Coulter
- Stanley Coulter
- William Thomas Councilman
- John Donnan Countermine
- Gratia Alta Countryman
- Marcellus L. Countryman
- George Sylvester Counts
- Albert John County
- James Francis Coupal
- William Couper (sculptor)
- Jesse Harliaman Coursault
- Oscar William Coursey
- William Howard Courtenay
- Stuart Appleton Courtis
- William Munroe Courtis
- William Louis Courtleigh
- Joseph William Courtney
- Walter Courtney
- Eanger Irving Couse
- John Albert Cousens
- Frank Cousins (photographer)
- Robert Bartow Cousins
- Robert Gordon Cousins
- James Couzens
- Louis Chapin Covell
- Charles Carden Coveney
- John Walter Coverdale
- William Chalmers Covert
- Frederick Vernon Coville
- Harry Franklin Covington
- James Harry Covington
- Edward Payson Cowan
- George H. Cowan
- John Franklin Cowan
- Samuel Kinkade Cowan
- Edward Fales Coward
- John Brandon Cowden
- Edward Gilmore Cowdery
- Alfred Lucius Cowell
- Hervey Sumner Cowell
- William B. Cowen
[edit]- David Murray Cowie
- Thomas Jefferson Cowie
- Hugh Alvin Cowing
- Jane (Maiden Name Cowles) Cowl
- Alfred Cowles
- Alfred Hutchinson Cowles
- Charles H. Cowles
- Edward Spencer Cowles
- Emma Milton Cowles
- Eugene Cowles
- Frederic Albert Cowles
- Gardner Cowles
- Genevieve Almeda Cowles
- Henry Chandler Cowles
- John Cowles
- John Henry Cowles
- William Hutchinson Cowles
- William Lyman Cowles
- Donald John Cowling
- Herford Tynes Cowling
- Allen Corson Cowperthwaite
- Albert Scott Cox
- Archibald Cox
- Argus Cox
- Benjamin Cox
- Channing Harris Cox
- Charles Elbridge Cox
- C(Larence) Brown Cox
- Daniel Hargate Cox
- Edward Eugene Cox
- Eleanor Rogers Cox
- Frederick Irving Cox
- George Clark Cox
- G(Eorge) Howland Cox
- Harvey Warren Cox
- Henry Joseph Cox
- Ignatius Wiley Cox
- Isaac Joslin Cox
- J. Elwood Cox
- James B. Cox
- James M(Iddleton) Cqx
- James Monroe Cox
- John Harrington Cox
- Laurie Davidson Cox
- Leonard Martin Cox
- Louise Howland King Cox
- Palmer Cox
- Richard Garfield Cox
- Roy Cox
- William Elijah Cox
- William Stately Cox
- Alfred Conkling Coxe
- Macgrane Coxe
- William Briscom Coxe
- Owen Cochran Coy
- William Henry Coye
- Eugene Coyle
- Henry Coyle
- William Radford Coyle
- Alfred Leland Crabb
- Charles C. Crabbe
- Charlotte (“Lotta”) Crabtree
- Frederick Crabtree
- James William Crabtree
[edit]- Clarence Christian Craft
- James Pressley Craft
- Marcella Craft
- Leo Melville Crafts
- Sara Jane Crafts
- Laura Ella Cragin
- Thomas Spencer Crago
- Alfred Edwin Craig
- Anne Abbot Throop Craig
- Asa Hollister Craig
- Austin Craig
- Charles Craig
- Charles Curtis Craig
- Charles Franklin Craig
- Charles Patton Craig
- Daniel Frank Craig
- Donald Alexander Craig
- Frank Craig
- Hardin Craig
- James Alexander Craig
- Joseph Davis Craig
- Joseph Edgar Craig
- Katherine L. Craig
- Locke Craig
- Malin Craig
- Samuel G. Craig
- Thomas Bigalow Craig
- Wallace Craig
- William Benjamin Craig
- Edwin Boone Craighead
- Erwin Craighead
- Christopher Craigie
- Franklin Webster Cram
- George F. Cram
- Ralph Adams Cram
- Ralph Warren Cram
- William Everett Cram
- Frederic Cramer
- John Luther Cramer
- Stuart Warren Cramer
- W(Illiam) Stuart Cramer
- Henry Edward Crampton
- Louis C. Cramton
- Arthur Fitz James Crandall
- Bruce Verne Crandall
- Charles Spencer Crandall
- H(Iram) Burr Crandall
- Franklin Philip Crandon
- Le Roi Goddard Crandon
- Aaron Martin Crane
- Arthur Griswold Crane
- Augustus Crane
- A(Ugustus) W(Arren) Crane
- (Robert) Bruce Crane
- Caroline Bartlett Crane
- Charles Richard Crane
- Clinton Hoadley Crane
- Edward Andrew Crane
- Evan Jay Crane
- Frank Crane
- Frederick Evan Crane
- George Francis Crane
- Henry Hitt Crane
- Judson Adams Crane
- Leo Crane
- Louis Burton Crane
- Martin Mcnulty Crane
- Michael Joseph Crane
- Richard Crane
- Richard Teller Crane
- R(Obert) Newton Crane
- Robert Treat Crane
- Ronald Salmon Crane
- Thomas Frederick Crane
- Walter Richard Crane
- William H. Crane
- William Her Crane
[edit]- James Britton Cranfill
- Whliam Ivey Cranford
- Philip Wendell Crannell
- Earl Cranston
- Thomas George Cr An Well
- William Wallace Crapo
- Algernon Sidney Crapsey
- George Waldo Crary
- Mabel Cratty
- Robert Irvin Cratty
- Paul Drennan Cravath
- Alfred Craven
- Bruce Craven
- Charles Edmiston Craven
- George Warren Craven
- Hermon Wilson Craven
- James Braxton Craven
- Thomas Tingey Craven
- (William) Ben Cravens
- Du Val Garland Cravens
- John William Cravens
- Harrison Warwick Craver
- Librarian Os
- Andrew Murray Crawford
- Andrew Wright Crawford
- Angus Crawford
- Charles Crawford
- Coe Isaac Crawford
- David A. Crawford
- Earl Stetson Crawford
- George Gordon Crawford
- Isabel Crawford
- Jack Randall Crawford
- John Forsyth Crawford
- John Raymond Crawford
- John Thomas Gavin Crawford
- Leonard Jacob Crawford
- Mary Caroline Crawford
- Morris Barker Crawford
- Nelson Antrim Crawford
- Ralph Dixon Crawford
- Russell Tracy Crawford
- Thomas Dwight Crawford
- Thomas Henry Crawford
- Walter Joshua Crawford
- William Campbell Crawford
- William Henry Crawford
- William Webb Crawford
- Edwin Schofield Crawley
- Fred Duane Crawshaw
- William Henry Crawshaw
- Charle3 E. Creager
- John Oscar Creager
- Rentfro Banton Creager
- Arcli(Ibald) C(Unningham) Cree
- Harris Creech
- John W. Creech
- Wigginton Ellis Creed
- Charles Cole Creegan
[edit]- Cecil Willis Creel
- George Creel
- Richard Henry Creel
- Harlan Creelman
- Albert Cushing Crehore
- James Edwin Creighton
- John Thrale Creighton
- William Henry Creighton
- Jacob Theodoor Cremer
- Henri Crenier
- George Oscar Cress
- George Croswell Cressey
- W(Illiam) Penn Cresson
- Will Martin Cress Y
- Paul Philippe Cret
- Henry Crew
- Ralph Crews
- Austin Daniel Crile
- Dennis Riuer Wood Crile
- George W. Crile
- John William Henry Crim
- Luigi Criscuolo
- Arthur Crisp
- Charles R. Crisp
- Egerton Lafayette Crispin
- Forrest Crissey
- Daniel Richard Cris Singer
- Harris Mccabe Crist
- Raymond Fowler Crist
- Albert Barnes Cristy
[edit]- George Stuart Criswell
- Stuart Croasdale
- Frank Hearne Crockard
- Anna Martin Crocker
- Charles Henry Crocker
- Herbert Samuel Crocker
- Walter James Crocker
- William Crocker
- William Henry Crocker
- Albert Stevens Crockett
- Charles Winthrop Crockett
- Eugene Anthony Crockett
- Ingram Crockett
- Delmer Eugene Croft
- Alfred Careno Croftan
- William Henry Crogman
- De Witt Clinton Croissant
- Morris William Croll
- Philip C. Croll
- William M . Croll
- Herbert Croly
- George Benedict Cromer
- P. M. C.
- George Washington Cromer
- William James Cromie
- Arthur Dayton Cromwell
- Frank H. Cromwell
- George Cromwell
- William Nelson Cromwell
- Rudolf Cronau
- Frank Linden Crone
- R. Bertram Crone
- Con P. Cronin
- Marcus Daniel Cronin
- Adelbert Cronkhite
- Leonard Wolsey Cronkhite
- George William Cronyn
- Alj A Robinson Crook
- James Walter Crook
- Jere Lawrence Crook
- William Mckissack Crook
- Florence Kollock Crooker
- Joseph Henry Crooker
- Harry Means Crooks
- James Church Cropsey
- Andres Bernardino Crosas
- Dick J. Crosby
- Edward Harold Crosby
- Franklin Muzzy Crosby
- George Harrington Crosby
- George Heman Crosby
- Henry Lamar Crosby
- John Crawford Crosby
- Oscar Terry Crosby
- Raymond Moreau Crosby
- Sheldon Leavitt Crosby
- Walter Wilson Crosby
- William Dorr Crosby
- William Hugh Crosby
- William Otis Crosby
- William Michael Crose
- John Welsh Croskey
- Clayton Edward Crosland
- Henrietta Crosman
- Anson Kent Cross
- Arthur Lyon Cross
- Edward Makin Cross
- E(Than) Aqlen) Cross
- George Cross
- Ira Brown Cross
- John Walter Cross
- Lewis Josephus Cross
- Martha Ruth Cross
- Roselle Theodore Cross
- Samuel Hazzard Cross
- Tompeete Cross
- (Charles) Whitman Cross
- Wilbur Lucius Cross
- William Thomas Cross
- (William) Mentor Crosse
- John Roach Grosser
- Robert Crosser
- Lewis Abbott Crossett
- Richard Henry Crosspield
- Frederic Beers Crossley
- James Judson Crossley
- James Greenleaf Cros Swell
- George Edward Crothers
- Harold Marion Crothers
- Rachel Crothers
- Samuel Mcchord Crothers
- Calvin. Henry Crouch
- Leonard Callender Crouch
- Charles Augustus Crow
- Charles Langley Crow
- Enoch Herbert Crowder
- Prank Warfield Crowder
- Thomas Reid Crowder
- Benedict Crowell
- F(Rances) Elisabeth Crowell
- Henry Parsons Crowell
- John Franklin Crowell
- Katharine Roney Crowell
- Merle Crowell
- Henry J. Crowley
- Patrick Edward Crowley
- Gertrude Crownfield
- Charles Henry Prownhart
- Frank Crowther
- James Edwin Crowther
- Samuel Crowther
- Deidre Iii
- Fred(Erick) Cleveland Croxton
- Homer Croy
- William Crozier
- Lee Cruce
- Miguel Crtjchaga
- Alfred B. Crttikshank
- George Marcus Cruikshank
- William Mackey Cruikshank
- S. J. Crumbine
- Clifford Charles Cook Crump
- Edward Hull Crump
- Walter Gray Crump
- Maurice Edgar Crumpacker
- Leonard Crunelle
- Thomas Cruse
- Lewis Pinkerton Crutcher
- George Edward Cryer
- Ellwood Patterson Cubberley
- Fred Cubberly
- William Robert Cubbins
- Edward A. Cudahy
- Edward Aloysius Cudahy
- Michael Francis Cudahy
- Elizabeth Cueny
- Charles A. Culberson
- Anne Virginia Culbertson
- Henry Coe Culbertson
- Hugh Emmett Culbertson
- John Giffen Culbertson
- William Smith Culbertson
- (Robert) Stewart Culin
- Thomas Ernest Cullen
- Thomas H. Cullen
- Thomas Stephen Cullen
- Arthur Jerome Culler
- Am. Assn. Unlv. Profb. A.A.A.S.
- Joseph Albertus Culler
- Joseph Stephen Cullinan
- Am. Mus. Natural History A.A.A.S.
- Marvin Mctyeire Cullom
- Willis Richard Cullom
- Whliam Allen Cullop
- John M. Culp
- Mary Mccrae Culter
- Charles Mortimer Culver
- Frank Pugh Culver
- Helen Culver
- Henry S. Culver
- John Yapp Culyer
- William Wilson Cumberland
- Edgar Roscoe Cumings
- Clyde Lottridge Cummer
- Gaylord Church Cummin
- Charles Atherton Cumming
- Charles Gordon Cumming
- Hugh S. Cumming
- Byron Cummings
- D(Avid) Mark Cummings
- M. G.
- Edward Cummings
- Herbert Wesley Cummings
- Homer Stiue Cummings
- James Howell Cummings
- John Cummings
- Marshall Baxter Cummings
- Melvin Earl Cummings
- Albert Baird Cummins
- Albert Wilson Cummins
- Alexander Griswold Cummins
- Caroline Seely Cummins
- James Dirickson Cummins
- Robert Mclean Cumnock
- Jesse Lee Cuninggim
- John William Cunliffe
- Albert Benjamin Cunningham
- Andrew Oswald Cunningham
- Augustine Joseph Cunningham
- Benjamin B. Cunningham
- Benjamin Frazier Cunningham
- Edward Henry Cunningham
- Edwin Sheddan Cunningham
- Frank Simpson Cunningham
- Gustavus Watts Cunningham
- Holly Estil Cunningham
- John F. Cunningham
- John Henry Cunningham
- John Lovell Cunningham
- Louis Wyborn Cunningham
- Richard Hoope Cunningham
- Thomas Mayhew Cunningham
- Wilfred Harris Cunningham
- William James Cunningham
- Hazlitt Alva Cuppy
- Calvin Maples Cureton
- Daniel J. Curley
- Frank E. Curley
- James Michael Curley
- Michael Joseph Curley
- George’ Oliver Curme
- Charles Courtney Curran
- William Spenser Currell
- J(Osiah) Seymour Currey
[edit]- Barton Wood Currie
- George Graham Currie
- Gilbert Archibald Currie
- Thomas White Currie
- Albert Dean Currier
- Albert Henry Currier
- Thomas Franklin Currier
- Albert Bruce Curry
- Allen Curry
- Arthur Ray Curry
- Charles Forrest Curry
- Charles Madison Curry
- George Curry
- James Bernard Curry
- D(Aniel) Thomas Curtin
- Alice Turner Curtis
- Carlton Clarence Curtis
- Charles Curtis
- C(Harles) Densmore Curtis
- Charles Gordon Curtis
- Charles Minot Curtis
- Claude Davis Curtis
- Constance Curtis
- Edward Harvey Curtis
- Edward S. Curtis
- Eugene Newton Curtis
- Francis Curtis
- Frederic Colton Curtis
- Frederick Smillie Curtis
- George Carroll Curtis
- Harry Alfred Curtis
- Harvey Lincoln Curtis
- Heber Doust Curtis
- Henry Stoddard Curtis
- Howard Junior Curtis
- James Freeman Curtis
- Mattoon Monroe Curtis
- Oakley Chester Curtis
- Paul Allan Curtis
- Sumner (Macomber) Curtis
- Wardon Allan Curtis
- William Franklin Curtis
- William Fuller Curtis
- William John Curtis
- Winterton Conway Curtis
- Beatrice L.
- Charles Chauncey Curtiss
- Charles Franklin Curtiss
- David Raymond Curtiss
- Frederic Haines Curtiss
- George Boughton Curtiss
- Glenn Hammond Curtiss
- Philip Everett Curtiss
- Ralph Hamilton Curtiss
- Richard Sydney Curtiss
- Lewis Curts
- James Oliver Curwood
- Charles Phelps Cushing
- George Holmes Cushing
- Grafton Dulany Cushing
- Harry Alonzo Cushing
- Harvey (Williams) Cushing
- John Pearsons Cushing
- Allerton Seward Cushman
- Edward Everett Cushman
- Frank Cushman
- Herbert Ernest Cushman
- Joseph Augustine Cushman
- Elizabeth Bacon Custer
- Vanderveer Custis
- Esther Cutchin
- Chester Welde Cuthell
- Anna Alice Cutler
- Burwell Smith Cutler
- Condict Walker Cutler
- Elbridge Gerry Cutler
- Frederick Morse Cutler
- Hudson Os
- Henry Franklin Cutler
- Ira Eugene Cutler
- James Elbert Cutler
- James Goold Cutler
- John Christopher Cutler
- Robert Cutler
- William Frye Cutler
- Elmer Guy Cutshall
- George Barton Cutten
- Irving Samuel Cutter
- John Ashburton Cutter
- K(Irtland) K(Elsey) Cutter
- Victor Macomber Cutter
- William Parker Cutter
- Bronson Murray Cutting
- Charles Sidney Cutting
- Chut-Chill Hunter Cutting
- Elisabeth Brown Cutting
- John Clifton Cutting
- Mary Stewart Cutting
- R(Obert) Fulton Cutting
- Starr Willard Cutting
- Richard Rudolph Czerwqnky
- Charles William Dabney
- Richard Heath Dabney
- Samuel Gordon Dabney
- Leon Dabo
- Theodore Scott Dabo
- (John) Chalmers Da Costa
- Camille Pierre Dadant
- Alexander Lucien Dade
- Frances May Dadmun
- Albert Thomas Daeger
- N. G. H. Emile Daeschner
- Katie Daffan
- Forrest Eugene Dager
- Aaron Simon Daggett
- Mabel Potter Daggett
- Parker Hayward Daggett
- Stuart Daggett
- Windsor Pratt Daggett
- Maynard Lee Daggy
- Loost Dahlerup
- Charles W. Dahlgreen
- Ulric Dahlgren
- James Charles Dahlman
- Elliott Daingerfield
- Frank Burnett Dains
- John Broughton Daish
- Charles Dake
- Charles Laurence Dake
- Henry Drysdale Dakin
- Judson Daland
- Alan (Alfred J. Cohen) Dale
- Frank Dale
- Harrison Clifford Dale
- Harry Howard Dale
- Porter Hinman Dale
- Thomas Nelson Dale
- William Healey Dall
- Cyrus Edwin Dallin
- Frederick William Dallinger
- Charles Dalmores
- William Haddock Dalrymple
- Albert Clayton Dalton
- Test Dalton
- William Dalton
- W(Illiam) R(Obert) Inge Dalton
- Arnold (Peter Christopher) Daly
- Charles Frederick Daly
- James J. Daly
- John Wallace Daly
- Reginald Aldworth Daly
- Thomas Augustine Daly
- John Dalzell
- William Sage Dalzell
- Frank Libby Dame
- George Alfred Damon
- Lindsay Todd Damon
- S(Amuel) Foster Damon
- Samuel Mills Damon
- Frank Heino Damrosch
- Walter Johannes Damrosch
[edit]- Charles Loomis Dana
- Edward Salisbury Dana
- John Cotton Dana
- Lynn Boardman Dana
- Myron T. Dana
- Paul Dana
- Richard Henry Dana
- Richard Turner Dana
- William Parsons Winchester Dana
- Alexander Brown Dancy
- Marie Millicent Dancy
- Danske Dandridge
- Edmund Pendleton Dandridge
- Ernest Blaney Dane
- Robert Melville Danford
- George Jonathan Danforth
- Georgewashington Danforth
- Loomis Le Grand Danforth
- William H. Danforth
- William Joseph Dangaix
- Charles William Daniel
- Cullen Coleman Daniel
- Hawthorne Daniel
- John Daniel
- J(Ohn) Frank(Lin) Daniel
- John Mobley Daniel
- Albert Frank Daniels
- Arthur Hill Daniels
- Charles Nelson Daniels
- Cora Linn Daniels
- Francis Potter Daniels
- Frank Daniels
- John Daniels
- Joseph Daniels
- Joseph Leonard Daniels
- Josephus Daniels
- Mabel Wheeler Daniels
- Mark (Roy) Daniels
- Milton J. Daniels
- Winthrop More Daniels
- Frances Weld Danielson
- Jacques Danielson
- Richard Ely Danielson
- William L. Danley
- Hollis Ellsworth Dann
- William T. Dannat
- John Milton Dannelly
- Peter C. Danner
- George Henry Danton
- Henry Danziger
- Edwin Tyler Darby
- William Lambert Darby
- Edwin Charles Dargan
- Edwin Preston Dargan
- Olive Tilford Dargan
- Arthur Beebe Darling
- Charles Hial Darling
- Charles Kimball Darling
- Chester Arthur Darling
- Joseph Robinson Darling
- Mary Greenleaf Darling
- Philip Grenville Darling
- Samuel Taylor Darling
- William Lafayette Darling
- Charles Francis Darlington
- Frederick Darlington
- James Henry Darlington
- Thomas Darlington
- Marcy Bradshaw Darnall
- William Edgar Darnall
- William Darrach
- Archibald Bard Darragh
- Clarence S. Darrow
- Floyd Lavern Darrow
- George Potter Darrow
- Thomas Campbell Darst
- Carlton Rollin Dart
- Nelson Horatio Darton
- Camille D’Arville
- Charles Carlyle Darwin
- Taraknath Das
- George Dasch
- George Franklin Dasher
- Paul Joseph Dashiell
- William Robert Dashiell
- Josephine Dodge Da Seam
- Henry Baldwin Dates
- William Herman Theodore Dau
- Clarence William Daugette
- Edgar Fay Daugherty
- Harry Kerr Daugherty
- Harry Micajah Daugherty
- James Alexander Daugherty
- Robert Long Daugherty
- Freeman Daughters
- Thomas S. Davant
- Henry A. Davee
- Bennett Franklin Davenport
- Charles Benedict Davenport
- Eugene Davenport
- Frances Gardiner Davenport
- Frederick Morgan Davenport
- George William Davenport
- Herbert Joseph Davenport
- James Sanford Davenport
- Louis M. Davenport
- R(Euben) Briggs Davenport
- Richard Graham Davenport
- Walter Rice Davenport
- William Edwards Davenport
- James Charles Davey
- Martin L. Davey
- Randall Davey
- Alfred James Davidson
- Anstruther Davidson
- Augustus Cleveland Davidson
- Benjamin Davidson
- De Witt A. Davidson
- Edith Bowker Davidson
- G(Ilbert) Aubrey Davidson
- Hannah Amelia Davidson
- Irville Fay Davidson
- James Edward Davidson
- James Edward Davidson
- James Hamilton Davidson
- James Wheeler Davidson
- Jay Brownlee Davidson
- Jo Davidson
- Laura Lee Davidson
- Loucretia Isobel Davidson
- Royal Page Davidson
- Samuel Presley Davidson
- Theodore Fulton Davidson
- Thomas William Davidson
- William Joseph Davidson
- William Mehard Davidson
- Preston Davie
- Arthur B. Davies
- Arthur Ernest Davies
- David Charles Davies
- George Reginald Davies
- Hywel Davies
- James : B. Stockport Davies
- John Vipond Davies
- Joseph Edward Davies
- Linton Lincoln Davies
- Mary Carolyn Davies
- Thomas Frederick Davies
- Maria Thompson Daviess
[edit]- Felix Cordova Davila
- Achilles Edward Davis
- Alexander Macdonald Davis
- Arthur Kyle Davis
- Arthur Newton Davis
- Arthur Powell Davis
- Arthur Vining' Davis
- Asa Barnes Davis
- Beale Davis
- Benjamin Marshall Davis
- Bergen Davis
- Bert Byron Davis
- Boothe Colwell Davis
- Bradley Moore Davis
- Byron Bennett Davis
- Calvin Olin Davis
- Cameron Josiah Davis
- Carl Braden Davis
- Carl Henry Davis
- Carroll Melvin Davis
- Charles Davis
- Charles B. Davis
- Charles Belmont Davis
- Charles Gilbert Davis
- Charles Hall Davis
- Charles Harold Davis
- Charles Thornton Davis
- Clarence Alba Davis
- David John Davis
- David William Davis
- Dwight Pilley Davis
- Earl J. Davis
- Edward Everett Davis
- E(Dward) Gorton Davis
- Edward Parker Davis
- Edwin G. Davis
- Elmer (Holmes) Davis
- Ewin Lamar Davis
- Frank Davis
- Sept. 12 O.
- Frederick (Clyde) Davis
- George Henry Davis
- George Jacob Davis
- George Russell Davis
- George Samler Davis
- George Thompson Brown Davis
- George William Davis
- Harry Lyman Davis
- Harry Orville Davis
- Harry Phillips Davis
- Harvey Nathaniel Davis
- Harwell Goodwin Davis
- Hayne Davis
- Henry Edgar Davis
- Herbert Burnham Davis
- J. Frank (James Francis) Davis
- J. Warren Davis
- James Davis
- James Cox Davis
- James Harvey Davis
- James John Davis
- James Porter Davis
- Jerome Davis
- Jesse Buttrick Davis
- John Allen Davis
- John D. Davis
- John Francis Davis
- John Ker Davis
- John Lionberger Davis
- John Staige Davis
- John William Davis
- Jonathan Mcmillan Davis
- Kary Cadmus Davis
- Katharine Bement Davis
- Le Compte Davis
- Lyman Edwyn Davis
- Nelson Fithian Davis
- Newton Eadds Davis
- Norah Davis
- Norman H. Davis
- Oscar King Davis
- Owen Davis
- Ozora Stearns Davis
- Philip Davis
- Preston Davis
- Reuben Nelson Davis
- Richmond Pearson Davis
- Robert Courtney Davis
- Robert Hobart Davis
- Roland Parker Davis
- Rowland Lucius Davis
- Roy Davis
- Roy Tasco Davis
- Royal Jenkins Davis
- Roy All Oscar Eugene Davis
- Sheldon Emmor Davis
- Stephen Brooks Davis
- June 4 M.
- T(Heodore) Lawrence Davis
- Thomas Alderson Davis
- Thomas Archibald Davis
- Thomas Francis Davis
- Titus Elwood Davis
- Vernon Mansfield Davis
- Wallace Davis
- Walter Allison Davis
- Warren Johnson Davis
- Westmoreland Davis
- William Church Davis
- William Harper Davis
- William Holmes Davis
- William Horace Davis
- William Morris Davis
- William Stearns Davis
- William Whiting Davis
- William Z. Davis
- Charles Davison
- Charles Stewart Davison
- George Willets Davison
- John Davison
- Russell Lee Davison
- Sarah Margaret Davison
- Wilburt Cornell Davison
- Ralph Davol
- G(Eorge) Grosvenor Dawe
- Anna Laurens Dawes
- Beman Gates Dawes
- Charles Gates Dawes
- Henry May Dawes
- James William Dawes
- Rufus Cutler Dawes
- William Ruggles Dawes
- Benjamin Cornwell Dawkins
- Frank E. Dawle Y
- Thomas Robinson Dawley
- Hazel Dawn
- Albert Foster Dawson
- Charles I. Dawson
- Claude Ivan Dawson
- Clyde C. Dawson
- Coningsby (William) Dawson
- Edgar Dawson
- George Ellsworth Dawson
- George Walter Dawson
- John Charles Dawson
- John Shaw Dawson
- Lemuel Or Ah Dawson
- Leonard G. Dawson
- Marion Lindsay Dawson
- T^F.Iies Menander Dawson
- Percy Millard Dawson
- (Francis) Warrington Dawson
- William Dawson
- William James Dawson
- William Leon Dawson
- Arthur Louis Day
- Benjamin Franklin Day
- Charles Day
- Clarence Day
- Clive Day
- David Talbot Day
- Edmund Ezra Day
- Edward Day
- Edward Cason Day
- Edward Marvin Day
- Ewing Wilber Day
- Francis Day
- Frank Leighton Day
- Frank Leslie Day
- George Armstrong Day
- George Calvin Day
- George Parmly Day
- Holman Francis Day
- John Boynton Wilson Day
- John Dabney Day
- John Francis Day
- Joseph Paul Day
- Leigh Gross Day
- Lillian Day
- Richard Edwin Day
- Robert Henry Day
- Thomas Fleming Day
- Thomas Franklin Day
- William A. Day
- William Horace Day
- William Louis Day
- Hughes Dayton
- James Henry Dayton
- John Havens Dayton
- Charles Turner Dazey
[edit]- William Heiskell Deaderick
- Jasper Newton Deahl
- Herbert Deakyne
- Joseph T. Deal
- George Bannerman Dealey
- James Quayle Dealey
- Alexander Dean
- Arthur Davis Dean
- Arthur Lyman Dean
- Bashford Dean
- Edwin Blanchard Dean
- Francis Winthrop Dean
- George Reinald Dean
- James Renwick Dean
- James Theodore Dean
- John Candee Dean
- John Marvin Dean
- Lee Wallace Dean
- Richmond Dean
- Robert Augustus Dean
- Sara Dean
- Mrs. Sidney Walter Dean
- William John Dean
- Ruthven Deane
- Walter Deane
- George Van Ness Dearborn
- Ned Dearborn
- Walter Fenno Dearborn
- Fred Morris Bearing
- William Prentice Dearing
- Washington Strother Dearmont
- Luereb. Deasy
- John B. Deaver
- Stone Deavours
- Henry Ticknor De Bardeleben
- Edwin Debarr
- Cornelia Bernarda De Bey
- Austen Kennedy De Blois
- William J. Deboe
- John T. Debolt
- Harvey Rufus De Bra
- Eugene Victor Debs
- Benjamin De Casseres
- Eleonora De Cisneros
- Benton Clark Decker
- Edward Williams Decker
- Frank Deedmeyer
- Edward Andrew Deeds
- Edward Mark Deems
- J(Ames) Harry Deems
- Charles Deering
- James Deering
- Robert Waller Deering
- Charles Henry Deetz
- Walter Sylvanus Deffenbaugh
- Henry Pelouze De Forest
- Henry Wheeler De Forest
- Jean Louise De Forest
- Lee De Forest
- Lockwood De Forest
- Robert Weeks De Forest
- Joseph Holton Defrees
- Charles De Garmo
- James M. De Garmo
- William Burton De Garmo
- Emilio Eduardo De Gogorza
- Everette Lee De Golyer
- Dr. A. C. D. De Graeff
- Mary Clare De Graffenried
- Carter De Haven
- Frank De Haven
- Frederick Shipp Deibler
- Carl F. Deichman
- James F. Deiming
- Theodore C. Deitrich
- Elizabeth Platt Deitrick
- Frederick Simpson Deitrick
- James Deitrick
- Archibald Edwin Deitz
- Elizabeth Dejeans
- Courtenay De Kalb
- Charles De Kay
- John Wesley De Kay
- Clarence Woods De Knight
- Edmund Burke Delabarre
- Frank Alexander Delabarre
[edit]- Edward Coleman Delafield
- John Ross Delafield
- Richard Delafield
- Eric De Lamarter
- Charles Edmund De Land
- Clyde Osmer Deland
- Margaretta Wade Deland
- Edith Barnard Delano
- Francis Henry Delano
- Frederic Adrian Delano
- Lyman Delano
- William Adams Delano
- Henry Beard Delany
- Patrick Bernard Delany
- Seldea Peabody Delany
- Henry Beeckman Delatour
- Sidney Philip Delaup
- D(Avid) Bryson Delavan
- Joseph Bolivar De Lee
- Edwin Delk
- Floyd Dell
- Frederick Samuel Dellenbatjgh
- John Howard Dellinger
- Alexander Del Mar
- Algernon Del Mar
- Eugene Del Mar
- William Arthur Del Mar
- Delphin Michael Delmas
- Percival De Luce
- Edmond Joseph Delwiche
- James Ellis Delzell
- William Henry Steele Demare St
- William Thomas Demare St
- Edward Thomas Demby
- Alexander Nicolas De Menil
- Edwin De Meritte
- Albert Fox Demers
- Aida Rodman De Milt
- Edwin Willard Deming
- Horace Edward Deming
- Horace Grove Deming
- Judson Keith Deming
- William Chapin Deming
- D Ana J Ames Demorest
- William Curtis Demorest
- Clarence Haines Dempsey
- Elam Franklin Dempsey
- S(Tephen) Wallace Dempsey
- William John Dempster
- John Halliday Denbigh
- Charles Denby
- Edwin Denby
- Edward Bradford Dench
- Charles Isidore Denechaud
- Charles Samuel Deneen
- Walter Denis Denegre
- Edward Denham
- Henry H. Denhardt
- Robert Gracey Denig
- Francis Brigham Denio
- Larimore Conover Denise
- Arthur Carter Denison
- Edward Everett Denison
- John Henry Denison
- John Henry Denison
- John Hopkins Denison
- Robert Charles Denison
- Burt J. Denman
- Ira O. Denman
- Ulysses Grant Denman
- William Denman
- Jeanne Whitney Dennen
- Edward Power Dennett
- Fred Dennett
- Roger Herbert Dennett
- Tyler Dennett
- Charles Eugene Denney
- James Arlando Denney
- Joseph Villiers Denney
- William Du Hamel Denney
[edit]- Joseph M. Denning
- William Ira Denning
- Alfred Lewis Pinneo Dennis
- Alfred Pearce Dennis
- Charles Henry Dennis
- Clifford Edsall Dennis
- Frederic Shepard Dennis
- Lindley Hoag Dennis
- Louis Munroe Dennis
- Ralph Dennis
- Samuel Shepard Dennis
- William B. Dennis
- William Cullen Dennis
- E(Dwin) Haldeman Dennison
- George Austin Dennison
- Henry Sturgis Dennison
- Collins Denny
- George Hutcheson Denny
- James De Normandie
- Herbert Mckenzie Denslow
- Frances Densmore
- Hiram D. Densmore
- John B. Densmore
- John Hopkins Densmore
- Nimrod Davis Denson
- Stanley Hubert Dent
- George Kirkpatrick Denton
- James Edgar Denton
- Minna Caroline Denton
- Matthew Rombach Denver
- John Russell Den Yes
- Chauncey Mitchell Depew
- Dora De Phillippe
- Ashton Philander Derby
- George Mcclellan Derby
- George Strong Derby
- Orville Adalbert Derby
- Richard Derby
- Francis Xavier Dercum
- Clarence George Derick
- Donald Derickson
- Charles Derleth
- George Henry Dern
- Shriner). Clubs: Commercial K.C.C.H.
- Cyrus George Derr
- Homer Munro Derr
- Sidney Jacob Derrick
- Franklin Lewis Dershem
- Frank A. Derthick
- Henry J. Derthick
- D(Esiderius) George Dery
- Alfonso De Salvto
- Humphrey Joseph Desmond
- Thomas Charles Desmond
- Hernando De Soto
- Louis Paul Dessar
- Emmy Destinn
- Thure De Thulstrup
- John A. Detlefsen
- Yvonne De Treville
- Jacob Stoll Detrick
- R(Obert) Nathaniel Dett
- Charles Samuel Detweiler
- Frederick German Detweiler
- Frederick Knecht Detwiller
- John Greer Deupree
- Alcuin Henry Deutsch
- Monroe Emanuel Deutsch
- Harriet Beecher Scoville Devan
- Irving R. Devendorf
- Nov. 2 N. Y.
- James Franklin Devendorf
- William Emmett Dever
- Jaime C. De Ve Yra
- Edward Thomas Devine
- Joseph Mcmurray Devine
- Robert Thomas Devlin
- Walter De Voe
- Carroll Augustine Devol
- F(Rederick) Usher De Voll
- Daniel Bradford Devore
- Rebecca Jane De Vore
- Julius Emilius De Vos
- Herman Devries
- Marion De Vries
- Tiemen De Vries
- Arthur Granville Dewalt
- Frederick Wesley Dewart
- Murray Wilder Dewart
- William Herbert Dewart
- William Thompson Dewart
- Joseph Adalbert Dewe
- Truman Armstrong De Weese
- Byrd Spilman Dewey
- Charles Melville Dewey
- Charles Schuveldt Dewey
- Davis Rich Dewey
- Evelyn Dewey
- Francis Henshaw Dewey
- Harry Pinneo Dewey
- Henry Bingham Dewey
- Henry Sweetser Dewey
- Lyster Hoxie Dewey
- Melvil Dewey
- Richard (Smith) Dewey
- Stoddard Dewey
- Maria Oakey Dewing
- Thomas Wilmer Dewing
- Benjamin Parke De Witt
- William Converse De Witt
- Frank Walbridge De Wolf
- Wallace Leroy De Wolf
- Elsie De Wolfe
- Ernest Ritson Dewsnup
- Clarence Sawyer Dexter
- Edwin Grant Dexter
- Franklin Dexter
- Philip Dexter
- Walter Friar Dexter
- Mary Helena Dey
- Albert M. Deyoe
- Frederick Robert De Young
- Meichel Harry De Young
- Nathaniel Barksdale Dial
- Rafaelo Diaz
- Roy Floyd Dibble
- Homer Bliss Dibell
- Agnew Thomson Dice
- Albert Blake Dick
- Charles Dick
- Homer T. Dick
- Samuel Medary Dick
- John Howard Dickason
- Charles Ernest Dicken
- Albert Dickens
- John Lunsford Dickens
- George Sherwood Dickerman
- Sherwood Owen Dickerman
- William Carter Dickerman
- Charles Estell Dickerson
- Denver S. Dickerson
- James Spencer Dickerson
- Oliver Morton Dickerson
- Adam Herbert Dickey
- James Edward Dickey
- John Lindsay Dickey
- Lyle Alexander Dickey
- Marcus Dickey
- Samuel Dickey
- Walter S. Dickey
- William Donaldson Dickey
- James Francis Dickie
- Samuel Dickie
- Albert Dickinson
- Alfred James Dickinson
- Asa Don Dickinson
- Charles Henry Dickinson
- Charles Monroe Dickinson
- Clarence Dickinson
- Clement Cabell Dickinson
- Dwight Dickinson
- Edward Dickinson
- Edwin Henry Dickinson
- Frances Dickinson
- Hobert Cutler Dickinson
- Jacob Mcgavock Dickinson
- James Taylor Dickinson
- John Quincy Dickinson
- Lester Jesse Dickinson
- Martha Gilbert Dickinson
- May Bliss Dickinson
- Oliver Booth Dickinson
- Robert Latou Dickinson
- Sidney Edward Dickinson
- Thomas H(Erbert) Dickinson
- William Frederick Dickinson
[edit]- Joseph Theodore Dickman
- Erie Roy Dickover
- Edward Augustus Dickson
- Frederick Stoever Dickson
- Harris Dickson
- Leonard Eugene Dickson
- Samuel Henry Dickson
- Tracy Campbell Dickson
- William Alexander Dickson
- Samuel Dickstein
- John Joseph Didcoct
- Henry William Diederich
- Albert Charles Dieffenbach
- Jose De Diego
- Charles Edward Diehl
- Charles Sanford Diehl
- Gerrit John Diekema
- Frederick Dielman
- Hugo Diemer
- George Elias Dienst
- Hermann Diestel
- Charles Henry Dietrich
- Frank Sigel Dietrich
- Herman Rudolph Dietrich
- John Hassler Dietrich
- Thomas Scott Dietrick
- C(Larence) Percival Dietsch
- Gould Cooke Dietz
- Richard Priest Dietzman
- George M. Diffenderfer
- Bassett Digby
- Henry B. Dike
- Norman Staunton Dike
- Clarence C. Dill
- Franklin Geselbracht Dill
- Lewis Dill
- Frank Clifford Dillard
- James Hardy Dillard
- Blanche Dillaye
- Richar Dbenj Amin Dillehunt
- Joseph Silas Diller
- Theodore Diller
- Albert Wallwick Dilling
- Albert Caldwell Dillingham
- Charles Bancroft Dillingham
- Frances Bent Dillingham
- Frank Dillingham
- Charles Dillon
- Charles Hall Dillon
- Clarence Dillon
- Edmond Bothwell Dillon
- Fannie (Charles) Dillon
- John Irving Dillon
- Philip Robert Dillon
- Frank Dilnot
- John Byron Diman
- Eugene Dumont Dimmick
- George Dimmock
- Edward D. Dimnent
- Julian Anthony Dimock
- William Wallace Dimock
- Joseph Nicholas Dinand
- Tyson S. Dines
- J. N. Ding
- Edward Nelson Dingley
- Alva Clymer Dinkey
- Alva Charles E.
- James Dinkins
- William Bell Dinsmoor
- Charles Allen Dinsmore
- Frank F. Dinsmore
- Hugh Anderson Dinsmore
- John Wirt Dinsmore
- Albert Bledsoe Dinwiddie
- Edwin Courtland Dinwiddie
- William Dinwiddie
- William Dinwiddie
- Eugenio Di Pirani
- (Johann) Andreas Dippel
- Michel Angelo Diskin
- Raymond Lee Ditmars
- Leo Ditrichstein
- John Valentine Dittemore
- Abram Jesse Dittenhoefer
- Charles Divine
- Dorothy Dix
- John Alden Dix
- William Frederick Dix
- Henry E. Dixey
- Amzi Clarence Dixon
- Arminius Gray Dixon
- High Point Os
- Asher Hooper Dixon
- Brandt Van Blarcom Dixon
- Frank Haigh Dixon
- George Dallas Dixon
- George William Dixon
- James M. Dixon
- James Main Dixon
- John Dixon
- Joseph Moore Dixon
- Lincoln Dixon
- Maynard Dixon
- Roland Burrage Dixon
- Royal Dixon
- Sam Houston Dixon
- Thomas Dixon
- William Palmer Dixon
- Zella Allen Dixson
- Fletcher Morris Doan
- Frank Carleton Doan
- D(Uane) Howard Doane
- Samuel Everett Doane
- George W. Dobbin
- James Dobbin
- Gaines Stanley Dobbins
- Harry Thompson Dobbins
- Hoyt Mcwhorter Dobbs
- John Francis Dobbs
- Samuel Candler Dobbs
- Armistead Mason Dobie
- Charles Caldwell Dobie
- George Frederick Dobson
- Fletcher Dobyns
- William Ray Dobyns
- Alphonse Raymond Dochez
- George Dock
- Lavinia L. Dock
- Floyd Carlton Dockeray
- Alexander Monroe Dockery
- Isidore Bernard Dockweiler
- Charles Hastings Dodd
- George Allan Dodd
- Ira Seymour Dodd
- John Morris Dodd
- Lee Wilson Dodd
- Monroe Elmon Dodd
- Verne Adams Dodd
- Walter Fairleigh Dodd
- William Edward Dodd
- William Brown Doddridge
- Francis Henry Dodds
- Robert J. Dodds
- Bayard Dodge
- Charles Richards Dodge
- Charles Wright Dodge
- Cleveland E. Dodge
- Cleveland Hoadley Dodge
- Daniel Kilham Dodge
- Frederic Dodge
- Henry Irving Dodge
- Henry Nehemiah Dodge
- H(Enry) Percival Dodge
- Homer Levi Dodge
- Louis Dodge
- M(Arcellus) Hartley Dodge
- Melvin Gilbert Dodge
- Murray Witherbee Dodge
- Nathan Phillips Dodge
- Omenzo Dodge
- Philip Tell Dodge
- Raymond Dodge
- Raynal Dodge
- Richard Elwood Dodge
- R(Obert) E(Lkin) Neil Dodge
- Walter Phelps Dodge
- Wendell Phillips Dodge
- William De Leftwich Dodge
[edit]- George Rowland Dodson
- Harry Lea Dodson
- John E. Dodson
- John Milton Dodson
- Martha Ethel Dodson
- William Rufus Dodson
- Joseph Bodwell Doe
- Christian Doerfler
- Edmund Janes Doering
- Laurence Locke Doggett
- Edward G. Dohan
- Edward Laurence Doheny
- Henry Latham Doherty
- Philip Joseph Doherty
- Alfred Robert Louis Dohme
- Jacob C. Dold
- Charles Fletcher Dole
- Edmund Pearson Dole
- Helen James (Bennett) Dole
- Nathan Haskell Dole
- Sanford Ballard Dole
- Franklin D’Olier
- Robert Dollar
- Charles Sumner Dolley
- David Hough Dolley
- Margaret Gay Dolliver
- Leon Dominian
- Santos Anibal Dominici
- Fred H. Dominick
- Frederick Donaghey
- George W. Donaghey
- A. Vic (Tor) Donahey
- James Harrison Donahey
- Mary Dickerson Donahey
- William Donahey
- Daniel Joseph Donahoe
- Maurice H. Donahue
- George Kenneth Donald
- Charles M. Donaldson
- Henry Herbert Donaldson
- John Donaldson
- John. M. Donaldson
- Thomas Quint Donaldson
- Erie Meldrim Donalson
- Giuseppe Donato
- Alfred William Donegan
- Carl Gregg Done Y
- Wallace Brett Donham
- Alice Heighes Donlevy
- William Henry Donley
- Alphonsus John Donlon
- Edward Wilton Donn
- Annie Hamilton Donnell
- Charles Donnelly
- Asst. Gen. Counsel Os
- Dorothy Agnes Donnelly
- Edward Terence Donnelly
- Francis Patrick Donnelly
- Frederick William Donnelly
- Harold Irvin Donnelly
- John C. Donnelly
- June Richardson Donnelly
- Lucy Martin Donnelly
- Samuel Bratton Donnelly
- Simon Peter Donnelly
- Thomas Frederick Donnelly
- William Henry Donner
- Denis Donohoe
- Michael Donohoe
- Thomas Joseph Donohoe
- Herman Lee Donovan
- Jeremiah Donovan
- Jerome Francis Donovan
- John Joseph Donovan
- William Joseph Donovan
- Winfred Nichols Donovan
- George Donworth
- Grace Donworth
- Benjamin Leonard D’Ooge
- John Calvin Doolan
- Channing Rice Dooley
- Michael F. Dooley
- William Henry Dooley
- Maurice T. Dooling
- Peter J. Dooling
- Dudley Doolittle
- Roscoe Edward Doolittle
- Katharine Elizabeth Dopp
- Carolina Marcial Dorado
- William Thomas Doran
- Daniel Dorchester
- Liverus Hull Dorchester
- Charles Avery Doremus
- Frank Ellsworth Doremus
- Electra Collins Doren
- Halstead Dorey
- Clara Doria
- George Bucknam Dorr
- John Van Nostrand Dorr
- Rheta Childe Dorr
- Gordon Dorrance
- John Hazard Dorroh
- Marion Dorset
- P(Alemon) H(Oward) Dorsett
- Clarence Wilbur Dorsey
- Clayton Chauncey Dorsey
- Ella Loraine Dorsey
- George Amos Dorsey
- Hugh Manson Dorsey
- N(Oah) Ernest Dorsey
- Susan M. Dorsey
- W(Illiam) Roderick Dorsey
- J(Osiah) Dallas Dort
- William Thompson Dorward
- Henry E. Dosker
- John (Roderigo) Dos Passos
- Frank Doster
- James Jarvis Doster
- Carroll Warren Doten
- Samuel Bradford Doten
- Alvah Hunt Doty
- Douglas Zabriskie Doty
- Smith Coll. B. L.
- William Furman Doty
- Frank Nelson Doubleday
- Russell Dotjbleday
- Soe Doherty Dougherty
- Blanford Barnard Dougherty
- Denis J. Dougherty
- George A. Dougherty
- St. Mary’S Sem. A. B.
- George S. Dougherty
- Hugh Dougherty
- Paul Dougherty
- Raymond Philip Dougherty
- Baltimore Pl
- William H. Dougherty
- Robert L. Doughton
- Howard Waters Doughty
- Walter Francis Doughty
- William Ellison Doughty
- Albert Douglas
- Alexander Douglas
- Alice May Douglas
- Charles Henry Douglas
- Charles Winfred Douglas
- Davison Mcdowell Douglas
- Ernest Douglas
- Frances Douglas
- George William Douglas
- George William Douglas
- Henry Tr Overt Douglas
- Hiram Arnett Douglas
- Lee Douglas
- Lloyd C(Assel) Douglas
- Robert Dick Douglas
- Wallace Barton Douglas
- Walter Douglas
- William Harris Douglas
- William Lewis Douglas
- William Wilberforce Douglas
[edit]- Andrew Ellicott Douglass
- Dana Carroll Douglass
- Earl Douglass
- Edwin Herbert Douglass
- Gaylord William Douglass
- George C. Douglass
- H(Arlan) Paul Douglass
- John Joseph Douglass
- Rufus Collins Douglass
- Truman Orville Douglass
- Jasper L. Douthit
- Nicholas Dout Y
- Blackburn Barrett Dovener
- Elmer Dover
- Alex Dow
- Allan Wade Dow
- Caroline Bell Dow
- Dorothy Dow
- Edward Albert Dow
- Frederick Neal Dow
- Grove Samuel Dow
- Herbert Henry Dow
- Louis Henry Dow
- Charles North Dowd
- Emma C. Dowd
- John Worthington Dowd
- Guy Grigsby Dowdall
- James Render Dowdell
- Cassius C. Dowell
- Spright Dowell
- Walter H. Dower
- Austin Dowling
- Oscar Dowling
- Victor James Dowling
- Charles Alfred Downer
- James Walker Downer
- William Augustus Downes
- William Howe Downes
- David George Downey
- George Eddy Downey
- George Faber Downey
- Hal Downey
- John Florin Downey
- June Etta Downey
- Mary Elizabeth Downey
- Stanley Wilson Crowell Downey
- Augustus S. Downing
- Elliot Rowland Downing
- John Franklin Downing
- Paul M. Downing
- Robert L. Downing
- Lawrence Aloysius Downs
- George William Dowrie
- Williambradford Homer Dowse
- Henry Grattan Doyle
- James Harold Doyle
- Michael Francis Doyle
- Robert Morris Doyle
- Sherman Hoadley Doyle
- Thomas Aloysius Doyle
- Thomas Henchion Doyle
- John James Doyne
- Melville Dozier
[edit]- Bernard Drachman
- Julius Drachsler
- August Drahms
- James Andrew Drain
- C(Larence) St. Clair Drake
- 'Durant Drake
- Emma Frances Angell Drake
- Emmet Addis Drake
- Franklin Jeremiah Drake
- Fred Raymond Drake
- James Frank Drake
- Jeannette May Drake
- J(Ohn) Walter Drake
- Joseph Horace Drake
- Lauren J. Drake
- Noah Fields Drake
- Tracy Corey Drake
- William Henry Drake
- Herbert Jackson Drane
- Jane Dransfield
- Arthur Stimson Draper
- Daniel Draper
- Edwardbailey Draper
- John William Draper
- Walter Adams Draper
- William Kinnicutt Draper
- Clarence Earl Drayer
- Charles O. Drayton
- Grace Gebbie Drayton
- Charles William Drees
- Julius Daniel Dreher
- William Counts Dreher
- Mary Elisabeth Dreier
- Thomas Dreier
- Theodore Dreiser
- Glenn Ward Dresbach
- Melvin Dresbach
- Arnold Dresden
- Ellis Loring Dresel
- Horatio Willis Dresser
- Louise Dresser
- Fletcher Bascom Dresslar
- Louis Raphael Dressler
- Marie Dressler
- Franklin Mellen Drew
- Gilman Arthur Drew
- John Drew
- John Graham Drew
- William Lincoln Drew
- Patrick Henry Drewry
- Williamfrancis Drewry
- George Peter Dreyer
- Louis Goethe Dreyfus
- Howard Roscoe Driggs
- Laurence La Tourette Driggs
- Henry Sturgis Drinker
- Joseph Frederick Dripps
- Daniel Angelus Driscoll
- George Walter Driscoll
- John Gerald Driscoll
- Louise Driscoll
- Michael Edward Driscoll
- James Driver
- William J. Driver
- John Albert Droege
- George Wesley Droke
- Garrett Droppers
- Arthur (Jerome) Drossaerts
- Edward Staples Drown
- Dow Henry Drukker
- Hugh Aloysius Drum
- John Sylvester Drum
[edit]- Thomas W. Drumm
- Alexander M. Drummond
- Harrison Irwin Drummond
- Harry Roberts Drummond
- I(Saac) Wyman Drummond
- James Herbert Drummond
- Thomas Russell Drummond
- Wilbert Ivanhoe Drummond
- Alexander Greer Drury
- Augustus Waldo Drury
- Francis Keese Wynkoop Drury
- Marion Richardson Drury
- Samuel Smith Drury
- Wells Drury
- Forrest Fairchild Dryden
- Alexander Duane
- Russell Duane
- William Duane
- Henry A(Lfred) Dubes
- William Dubilier
- Louis Israel Dublin
- Constance Goddard Du Bois
- Fred Thomas Dubois
- John Ezekiel Dubois
- Julian Arthur Dubois
- Mary Constance Du Bois
- Horace Mellard Du Bose
- William Haskell Du Bose
- William Richards Du Bose
- Francisjlebrun Du Bosque
- Matthew S. Dudgeon
- Albert Henry Dudley
- Albertus True Dudley
- Bide Dudley
- Edward Lawrence Dudley
- Emelius Clark Dudley
- Frank Virgil Dudley
- Frederick Merritt Dudley
- Helena Stuart Dudley
- Lotus Dudley
- Louise Dudley
- Plimmon Henry Dudley
- Samuel William Dudley
- Sarah Lotta Emery Dudley
- Wesley Coleman Dudley
- Arthur Baldwin Duel
- Alvan Emile Duerr
- Alexander Wilmer Duff
- Edward Dickinson Duffield
- Howard Duffield
- Pitts Duffield
- James Albert Duffy
- James O. G. Duffy
- Richard Duffy
- Edward Dufner
- Frank Oliver Dufour
- William Cyprien Dufour
- Hector Dufranne
- Raymond Smith Dugan
- Thomas Buchanan Dugan
- Sherman Duggan
- Stephen Pierce Duggan
- Benjamin Minge Duggar
- John Frederic Duggar
- Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore
- Benjamin Newton Duke
- James Buchanan Duke
- Richard Thomas Walker Duke
- Samuel Page Duke
- Victor Leroy Duke
- William Richard Duke
- Charles Thomas Dukelow
- Benjamin Lewis Dulaney
- Alice Rebecca L. C.
- Henry Stier Dulaney
- George William Dulany
- Allen Macy Dulles
- Allen Welsh Dulles
- John Foster Dulles
- Joseph Heatly Dulles
- Edwin Theodore Dumble
- Frank Vincent Dumond
- Wayne Dumont
- Leandre Arthur Du Mouchel
- Frank Du Moulin
- Edwin Dun
- Thomas F. Dunaway
- James Whitson Dunbar
- John H. Dunbar
- Newell Dunbar
- William Harrison Dunbar
- Frederic Duncalf
[edit]- Albert Greene Duncan
- Alexander Edward Duncan
- Carson Samuel Duncan
- Charles Miguel Duncan
- David Shaw Duncan
- George Brand Duncan
- George Martin Duncan
- James Duncan
- James Cameron Duncan
- James Floyd Duncan
- John Charles Duncan
- Joseph S. Duncan
- Walter Jack Duncan
- Warren W. Duncan
- Watson Boone Duncan
- William Cary Duncan
- William Mckinley Duncan
- Samuel John Duncan-Clark
- David Roberts Dun Gan
- Arthur Dunham
- Daniel H. Dunham
- Henry Goodrich Dunham
- Henry Kennon Dunham
- Henry Morton Dunham
- James Henry Dunham
- Samuel Clarke Dunham
- Abigail Scott Duniway
- Clyde Augustus Duniway
- Damon Duffield Dunkin
- Boutwell Dunlap
- Charles Bates Dunlap
- Charles Graham Dunlap
- Charles Kephart Dunlap
- Frederick Dunlap
- Frederick Levy Dunlap
- John Robertson Dunlap
- Knight Dunlap
- Maurice P. Dunlap
- Millard Fillmore Dunlap
- Renick William Dunlap
- Edwin Wesley Dunlavy
- Robert Baldwin Dunlevy
- Walter Thomas Dunmore
- Arthur Wallace Dunn
- Arthur William Dunn
- Byron Archibald Dunn
- Charles John Dunn
- Frank Kershner Dunn
- Frederick Sherwood Dunn
- Gano Dunn
- George M. Dunn
- Harry Thatcher Dunn
- Henry Wesley Dunn
- Herbert Omar Dunn
- Ignatius J. Dunn
- Jacob Piatt Dunn
- Jesse James Dunn
- Joseph Dunn
- Joseph Allan Dunn
- Leslie C(Larence) Dunn
- Neil Harrison Dunn
- Robert (Steed) Dunn
- Samuel Orace Dunn
- Thomas B. Dunn
- Waldo Hilary Dunn
- William Edward Dunn
- William Frank Dunn
- William Le Roy Dunn
[edit]- Henry E. Dunnack
- Edmund M. Dunne
- Finley Peter Dunne
- Peter Francis Dunne
- Mark Boothby Dunnell
- Albert Elijah Dunning
- Alden W. Dunning
- Harry Westbrook Dunning
- James Edmund Dunning
- Morton Dexter Dunning
- N. Max Dunning
- Francis Perry Dunnington
- Samuel Whitney Dunscomb
- Andrew B. Dunsmore
- Lewis Marion Dunton
- William Elliott Dunwody
- Henry Harrison Chase Dunwoody
- Pierre Samuel Du Pont
- T(Homas) Coleman Du Pont
- Arthur Mason Du Pre
- Daniel Allston Du Pre
- Herbert Du Puy
- Raymond Du Puy
- William Atherton Du Puy
- Mrs . Albert C . See Sawyer Duran D
- E(Dward) Dana Durand
- William Frederick Durand
- William Crapo Durant
- Victor Hugo Duras
- Winfield Taylor Durbin
- Edward Hovey Durell
- George Du Relle
- Herbert Augustus Durfee
- William Pitt Durfee
- George Francis Durgin
- Charles Love Durham
- Henry Welles Durham
- James Ware Durham
- J(Oseph) Edward Durham
- Nelson Wayne Durham
- Plato Tracy Durham
- Frank Williams Durkee
- J(Ames) Stanley Durkee
- William Arthur Durst
- John Hurst Durston
- Charles Dury
- Edwin Duryea
- Saul Dushman
- George Matthew Dutcher
- Charles Judson Dutton
- George Burwell Dutton
- William Jay Dutton
- Charles Warren Duval
- Frederic Beale Du Val
- Charles Raymond Duvall
- Ellen Duvall
- James William Duvall
- Trumbull Gillette Duvall
- Joseph William Tell Duvel
- Claire Dux
- George Whitefield D’Vys
- Arthur Smith Dwight
- Edmund Dwight
- Edwin Welles Dwight
- Harrison Griswold Dwight
- John Wilbur Dwight
- Jonathan Dwight
- Richard Everett Dwight
[edit]- James Francis Dwyer
- Jeremiah Dwyer
- John William Dwyer
- Harrison Gray Dyar
- William Andrew Dyche
- Eva Emery Dye
- John Walter Dye
- William Holton Dye
- David Patterson Dyer
- Francis John Dyer
- Frank Dyer
- Frank Lewis Dyer
- Franklin Benjamin Dyer
- Frederick Rainey Dyer
- Gustavus Walker Dyer
- H(Ezekiah) Anthony Dyer
- Isaac Watson Dyer
- John Lafayette Dyer
- Joseph Henry Dyer
- Leonard Huntress Dyer
- Leonidas Carstarphen Dyer
- Walter Alden Dyer
- Charles Bartlett Dyke
- Peter William Dykema
- Colin Victor Dyment
- Owen William Dynes
- Holmes Dy Singer
- Charles Wilson Dyson
- Owen Philips Eaches
- John Joseph Eagan
- George Boardman Eager
- George Eugene Eager
- Joe Henry Eagle
- Theophilus Randolph Eagles
- James Beaty Eagleson
- Wells Phillips Eagleton
- Arthur Starr Eaele
- Arthur Johnson Eames
- Charles Holmes Eames
- Emma Eames
- Henry Purmort Eames
- John Capen Eames
- Wilberforce Eames
- Lida Belle Earhart
- Robert Francis Earhart
- Charles Earl
- Edward Earl
- Mrs. Elizabeth Claypool Earl
- George Goodell Earl
- George H. Earl
- Guy Chaffee Earl
- John Arthur Earl
- Robert Earl
- Frank Breckenridge Earle
- Franklin Sumner Earle
- George Howard Earle
- Ralph Earle
- Samuel T. Earle
- Swepson Earle
- Albert J. Earling
- Herman B. Earling
- Mary Graham Bonner Early
- Manuel Earnshaw
- Edwin Lee Earp
- James William Earp
- Ralph Montgomery Easley
- Anna Merritt East
- Edward Murray East
- De La Warr Benjamin Easter
- Florence Martin Eastland
- Clarence Willis Eastman
- Crystal Eastman
- Edward Roe Eastman
- Elaine Goodale Eastman
- Fred Eastman
- George Eastman
- John Coates Eastman
- Joseph Bartlett Eastman
- Joseph Rilus Eastman
- Linda Anne Eastman
- Max Eastman
- William Reed Eastman
- Burton Scott Easton
- Stanly Alexander Easton
- Carl Johan Eastvold
[edit]- Alice Eastwood
- Charles Aubrey Eaton
- Charles Frederick Eaton
- Charles Warren Eaton
- Cyrus Stephen Eaton
- Edward Dwight Eaton
- Elon Howard Eaton
- Ernest Theophilus Eaton
- Fred Laurine Eaton
- George Daniel Eaton
- George Francis Eaton
- Henry William Eaton
- Horace Ainsworth Eaton
- James Shirley Eaton
- Joseph Oriel Eaton
- Lewis Tillson Eaton
- Marquis Eaton
- Walter Prichard Eaton
- William Colgate Eaton
- George Eaves
- Lucile Eaves
- Charles Christopher Eberhardt
- Adolph O(Lson) Eberhart
- Nelle Richmond Eberhart
- Abastcnia St. Leger Eberle
- Alphonse George Eberle
- Edward Walter Eberle
- George Agler Eberly
- William Stahl Ebersole
- Rudolph Gustav Ebert
- Homei Ebright
- Marriner Stoddard Eccles
- Robert G(Ibson) Eccles
- Charles Patton Echols
- Leonard Sidney Echols
- William Holding Echols
- William Joseph Echols
- Leighton Wilson Eckard
- Edwin Clarence Eckel
- James Hamilton Eckenrode
- Frederick H. Ecker
- Howard Eckfeldt
- Thomas Hooper Eckfeldt
- Engelhardt August Eckhardt
- Bernard Albert Eckhart
- Clarence Henry Eckles
- Isabel Lancaster Eckles
- Fannie Hardy Eckstorm
- Carl Frank Ludwig Ed
- Wallace Eddinger
- Brayton Eddy
- Charles Brown Eddy
- Clarence Eddy
- David Brewer Eddy
- Forrest Greenwood Eddy
- Harrison Prescott Eddy
- Henry Turner Eddy
- Sherwood Eddy
- Spencer Eddy
- Walter Lewis Eddy
- Alberta C. Edell
- Philip E. Edelman
- Hazel Eden
- William Edenborn
- William Grant Edens
- Phanor James Eder
- Robert Edesqn
- Charles Bloomfield Edgar
- Charles Leavitt Edgar
- J(Ames) Clifton Edgar
- Randolph Edgar
- William Crowell Edgar
- Walter Evans Edge
- George Harold Edgell
- Winfield Scott Edgerly
- Charles Eugene Edgerton
- Franklin Edgerton
- Henry White Edgerton
- James Arthur Edgerton
- John Emmett Edgerton
- Edwin Francis Edgett
- Thomas Benton Edgington
- 12th La. Inf. A
- Guy Lewis Edie
- William Seabrook Edings
- Charles Edison
- Thomas A(Lva) Edison
- Samuel Sumner Edmands
- Franklin Spencer Edmonds
- George Washington Edmonds
- Harry Marcus Weston Edmonds
- Henry Morris Edmonds
- Richard Hathaway Edmonds
- Thomas Williams Edmondson
- William John Edmondson
- James Bartlett Edmonson
- Albert Joseph Edmunds
- Charles Keyser Edmunds
- Charles Wallis Edmunds
- Samuel Henry Edmunds
- James Depew Edmundson
[edit]- Percy T. Edrop
- David Linn Edsall
- Carroll Everett Edson
- Howard Austin Edson
- Job Adolphus Edson
- John Joy Edson
- Katherine Philips Edson
- David Edstrom
- Arthur Robin Edwards
- Benjamin Franklin Edwards
- (F.) Boyd Edwards
- Charles Gordon Edwards
- Charles Lincoln Edwards
- Charles Vernon Edwards
- Charles William Edwards
- Chauncey Theodore Edwards
- Clarence Ransom Edwards
- David George Edwards
- David Morton Edwards
- Deltus Malin Edwards
- Don Calvin Edwards
- Edward B. Edwards
- Edward Irving Edwards
- Edward William Edwards
- Frederick Edwards
- George Herbert Edwards
- George Lane Edwards
- George Porter Edwards
- George Thornton Edwards
- George Wharton Edwards
- George William Edwards
- Granville Dennis Edwards
- Howard Edwards
- John Harrington Edwards
- John Homer Edwards
- John Rogers Edwards
- Joseph Lee Edwards
- Kate Flournoy Edwards
- Loren Mcclain Edwards
- Louise Betts Edwards
- Lyford Paterson Edwards
- Ogden Matthias Edwards
- Ray Gwyther Edwards
- Thomas Cynonfardd Edwards
- Victor Everett Edwards
- Walter Alison Edwards
- William Hanford Edwards
- John Robert Effinger
- Louis Henry Egan
- Martin. Egan
- John Hodson Egar
- James Chidester Egbert
- Seneca Egbert
- W(Illiam) Grant Egbert
- Julius Augustus Egdahl
- Hattie B. Ege
- George William Eggers
- Harold Everett Eggers
- Carl Edgar Eggert
- Charles Augustus Eggert
- Cary Eggleston
- Joseph Dupuy Eggleston
- William Charles Lawson Eglin
- Mark Ehle
- Charles Hatch Ehrenfeld
- Albert Ehrenfried
- Edward Macfarlane Ehrhorn
- Harold Louis Ehrich
- Walter Louis Ehrich
- Mary Bartholomew Ehrman
- Max Ehrmann
- William Snyder Eichelberger
- Rudolf Eickemeyer
- Otto Marc Eidlitz
- John (Arndt) Eiesland
- Carl H. Eigenmann
- Charles Franklin Eikenbary
- William Lewis Eikenberry
- Karl (Emrich) Eilers
- Max Einhorn
- Lewis Einstein
- Frederick Eis
- Frederick Carl Eiselen
- Drew Theol. Sem. B. D.
- Gustavus A(Ugustus) Eisen
- J(Ohn) Linwood Eisenberg
- Blanche Goodman Eisendrath
- Daniel Nathan Eisendrath
- Luther Pfahler Eisenhart
- George Gotthilf Eitel
- John Bernard Ek.Eley
- Herman Lewis Ekern
- Paul Elder
- Robert Henry Elder
- (James) Walter Elder
[edit]- J(Ames) Raymond Elderdice
- Arvie Eldred
- Byron E. Eldred
- Edward Henry Eldridge
- Francis Reed Eldridge
- Jay Glover Eldridge
- Robert Burns Eleazer
- Charles William Eliot
- Edward Cranch Eliot
- Ethel Cook Eliot
- Frederick May Eliot
- Samuel Atkins Eliot
- Samuel Atkins Eliot
- Thomas Lamb Eliot
- Walter Graeme Eliot
- Rafael Hector Elizalde
- William Lewis Elkin
- William Simpson Elkin
- Davis Elkins
- Abram I. Elkus
- Carl Stephens Ell
- Daniel Rudolph Ellabarger
- Alma Martin Ellerbe
- James Edwin Ellerbe
- Paul Lee Ellerbe
- Ulric Henry Ellerhusen
- Ferdinand Ellerman
- Edward Ellery
- Eloise Ellery
- Edward Coleman Ellett
- John Morris Ellicott
- Joseph D Oliver Elliff
- Albert Russell Ellin Gwood
- Everett E. Ellinwood
- George Thomson Elliot
- John Wheelock Elliot
- Charles Burke Elliott
- Charles Gleason Elliott
- Edward Elliott
- Edward Charles Elliott
- Elizabeth Shippen Green Elliott
- Francis Perry Elliott
- George Elliott
- George Blow Elliott
- George Frank Elliott
- George Frederick Elliott
- Gertrude Elliott
- Henry Wood Elliott
- Homer Elliott
- Howard Elliott
- Huger Elliott
- Jackson S. Elliott
- James Douglas Elliott
- John Elliott
- John Barnwell Elliott
- John Henry Elliott
- John Henry Elliott
- John Love Joy Elliott
- John Mackay Elliott
- Lilian Elwyn Elliott
- Maude Howe Elliott
- Maxine Elliott
- Milton Courtright Elliott
- Oliver Morton Elliott
- Orrin Leslie Elliott
- Richard Maurice Elliott
- Richard Nash Elliott
- Robert Michael Elliott
- Sarah Barnwell Elliott
- Simon Bolivar Elliott
- Walter Elliott
- William Arthur Elliott
- William S. Elliott
- William Sanders Elliott
[edit]- A(Lexander) Caswell Ellis
- Anderson Nelson Ellis
- Carleton Ellis
- Charles Calvert Ellis
- David Abram Ellis
- Don Carlos Ellis
- Edgar Clarence Ellis
- George Edwin Ellis
- Griffith Ogden Ellis
- Harold Milton Ellis
- Horace Ellis
- James Tandy Ellis
- J(Ohn) Breckenridge Ellis
- Katharine Ruth Ellis
- Mary Ellis
- Max Mapes Ellis
- Overton Gentry Ellis
- Perry Canby Ellis
- Ralph Ellis
- Robert Walpole Ellis
- Wade H. Ellis
- William D. Ellis
- William Hull Ellis
- William Thomas Ellis
- Joseph Roy Ellison
- Thomas Emmet Ellison
- William Bruce Ellison
- George (Miss) Elliston
- Grace Elliston
- George Herbert Ellmore
- Franklin Fowler Ellsworth
- James William Ellsworth
- Sidney Ernest Ellsworth
- William Webster Ellsworth
- Charles Abram Ellwood
[edit]- Mischa Elman
- Dwight Lathrop Elmendorf
- Theresa Hubbell Elmendorf
- Herbert Charles Elmer
- Manuel Conrad Elmer
- Jefferson Elmore
- Wilber Theodore Elmore
- Axel Louis Elmquist
- Morton John Elrod
- Samuel Harrison Elrod
- Charles Albert Elsberg
- James Claude Elsom
- Alfred Walter Elson
- Arthur Elson
- Henry William Elson
- William Harris Elson
- Isaac Compton Elston
- Arthur Wells Elting
- Howard Elting
- Victor Elting
- Julian Eltinge
- Leroy Eltinge
- John Prince Elton
- Carl Frederick Eltzholtz
- Politte Elvins
- Fayette Herbert Elwell
- Robert Arthur Elwood
- Albert Heman Ely
- Charles Russell Ely
- Elizabeth L. Ely
- Hanson Edward Ely
- Leonard Wheeler Ely
- Richard Theodore Ely
- Robert Erskine Ely
- Sumner Boyer Ely
- Barnett Abraham Elzas
- Alfred Oscar Elzner
- Aaron Ember
- Edwin Rogers Embree
- William Dean Embree
- John Embry
- Ay Mar Embury
- Arnold Emch
- Benjamin Kendall Emerson
- Charles Phillips Emerson
- Chester Burge Emerson
- Edward Randolph Emerson
- Edward Waldo Emerson
- Edwin Emerson
- George H. Emerson
- Guy Emerson
- Harrington Emerson
- Haven Emerson
- Henry Ivory Emerson
- Henry Pendexter Emerson
- John Emerson
- Justin Edwards Emerson
- Linn Emerson
- Nathaniel Waldo Emerson
- Oliver Farrar Emerson
- Philip Emerson
- Rollins Adams Emerson
- Samuel Franklin Emerson
- William Emerson
- William Robie Patten Emerson
[edit]- Ephraim Emerton
- James H. Emerton
- Albert Hamilton Emery
- Earnest Wesley Emery
- Fred Parker Emery
- Frederick Azro Emery
- Grenville C. Emery
- Ina Capitola Emery
- James Augustan Emery
- John Garfield Emery
- Lewis Emery
- Natt Morrill Emery
- Roe Emery
- William Orrin Emery
- Z(Achary) Taylor Emery
- Lydia Field Emmet
- William Leroy Emmet
- Charles Demoss Emmons
- George Edward Emmons
- William Harvey Emmons
- Arthur Guy Empey
- James Emprxngham
- Frederick Erne3t Emrich
- Howard Edwin Enders
- James Lawrence Endicott
- Mordecai Thomas Endicott
- William Endicott
- William Crowninshield Endicott
- Gustav Adolf Endlich
- Charles Ross Endsley
- Hyman Gerson Enelow
- Carl Christian Engberg
- John Louis Engdahl
- Carl Engel
- Edward J. Engel
- Francis Ernest Engelhardt
- Nickolaus Louis Engelhardt
- Zephyrin Engelhardt
- George C. Engerrand
- Edward Engerud
- Edward Theodore England
- Wilber Dwight Engle
- William F. Englebright
- Charles Mortimer Englis
- David Combs English
- Emory Hampton English
- Frank Clare English
- George Letchworth English
- George Washington English
- Harry David Williams English
- Horace Bidwell English
- John Mahan English
- Robert Byrns English
- Virgil P. English
- William Eastin English
- Hugh Robert Ennis
- Luna May Ennis
- William Ennis
- William Duane Ennis
- Richard Edward Enright
- Forest Chester Ensign
- Josiah Davis Ensign
- Orville Hiram Ensign
- Raymond Powell Ensign
- Eugene F. Enslen
- Hasse Octavius Enwall
- Percy H(Arold) Epler
- Lloyd L. Epley
- Max Epstein
- John Lawrence Erb
- Newman Erb
- Bernard August Erdland
- Charles Rosenbury Erdman
- John Frederick Erdmann
- Hugo Erichsen
[edit]- C(Harles) Telford Erickson
- Charles Watt Erickson
- Frank Morton Erickson
- John E. Erickson
- John Ernst Ericson
- Henry Anton Erikson
- Abraham Lincoln Erlanger
- Joseph Erlanger
- Mitchell Louis Erlanger
- Henri Ern
- Millard Clayton Ernsberger
- Clayton Holt Ernst
- Henry Ernst
- Oswald Herbert Ernst
- Richard Pretlow Ernst
- Albert Russel Erskine
- George Chester Erskine
- John Erskine
- Laurie York Erskine
- R. B. A. Edward (Frederick) Ertz
- Robert Tait Ervin
- Henry Wood Erving
- Guy Burton Erwin
- James Brailsford Erwin
- Logan Esarey
- John Jacob Esch
- Franklin Escher
- Joseph Berg Esenwein
- Augustus Adolph Eshner
- James Burnette Eskridge
- Edward Everett Eslick
- Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa
- Jesse Frederick Essary
- Thurlow Gault Essington
- Arthur Howard Estabrook
- Fred Watson Estabrook
- Leon Moyer Estabrook
- James Borden Estee
- Blackburn Esterline
- Charles J. Esterly
- Henry Minor I Esterly
- David Foster Estes
- Webster Cummings Estes
- William Lawrence Estes
- William Lee Estes
- Stephen Sewall Estey
- Harry Fishburne Estill
- William Esty
- Bernard Alfred Etcheverry
- Florence Etheridge
- William Carlyle Etheridge
- George H. Ethridge
- George Taylor Ettinger
- William L. Ettinger
- Victor (G. C.) Eubank
- Frederic Augustus Eustis
- John Edward Eustis
- Percy Sprague Eustis
- William H. Eustis
- Anthony Henderson Euwer
[edit]- Alexander William Evans
- Alvin Eleazer Evans
- Anthony Harrison Evans
- Arthur Grant Evans
- Arthur Maybury Evans
- Arthur Thompson Evans
- Aurelius Augustus Evans
- Cecil Eugene Evans
- Charles Evans
- Charles Evans
- Charles Evans
- Charles Graham Evans
- Charles Napoleon Evans
- Charles Robley Evans
- Curtis Alban Evans
- Dafydd Joshua Evans
- Daniel Evans
- Daniel Henry Evans
- David Jones Evans
- Edward Baker Evans
- Edward Payson Evans
- Evan Evans
- Evan Alfred Evans
- Frank Edgar Evans
- Frederic Dahl Evans
- Frederick Evans
- Frederick Noble Evans
- George Ballentine Evans
- George E. Evans
- George Watkin Evans
- Griffith Conrad Evans
- Henry Evans
- Henry Clay Evans
- Henry David Evans
- Henry Ridgely Evans
- Herbert Francis Evans
- Herbert Mclean Evans
- Herbert Silas Evans
- Hiram Kinsman Evans
- Hiram Wesley Evans
- Isaac Blair Evans
- John Evans
- John Brooke Evans
- John Ellis Evans
- John Gary Evans
- John Morgan Evans
- John Morris Evans
- John William Evans
- Joseph Spragg Evans
- Joshua Evans
- Lawrence Boyd Evans
- Lawton Bryan Evans
- Lynden Evans
- Margaret J. Evans
- Marshall Blakemore Evans
- Mary Evans
- Mary Elizabeth : B. Syracuse Evans
- Milton G. Evans
- Newton (Gurdon) Evans
- Rayo. Evans
- Robert Emory Evans
- Robert Kennon Evans
- Rudulph Evans
- Silas Evans
- Thomas Evans
- Thomas Crain Evans
- Walter Evans
- Walter Harrison Evans
- William Evans
- William Augustus Evans
- William D. Evans
- William Frank Evans
- William Gray Evans
- William Lloyd Evans
- William Prentice Evans
[edit]- Allen Wardner Evarts
- Hal G. Evarts
- Duncan Eve
- Samuel S. Eveland
- Edward Samuel Evenden
- Arthur Greene Everett
- George Abram Everett
- Herbert Edward Everett
- Howard Everett
- Ida Josephine Everett
- Roberts Everett
- Sidney Johnston Everett
- Walter Goodnow Everett
- Barton Warren Evermann
- Walter A. Eversman
- William Graham Everson
- Moritz Ernst Eversz
- Katherine Jewell Everts
- William Wallace Everts
- Jan Charles August Everwijn
- Robert Benson Evins
- John Oluf Evjen
- John Marcus Evvard
- Frank Carman Ewart
- Hamilton Glover Ewart
- Louis B. Ewbank
- Arthur Woolsey Ewell
- Glenn Blackmer Ewell
- Lois Ewell
- Marshall Davis Ewell
- John Moiggs Ewen
- Bernard Capen Ewer
[edit]- Arthur Eugene Ewing
- Charles H. Ewing
- Fayette Clay Ewing
- James Ewing
- James Caruthers Rhea Ewing
- John Thomas Ewing
- Presley Kittredge Ewing
- Quincy Ewing
- Robert Ewing
- Robert Legan Ewing
- Thomas Ewing
- William Ewing
- Frank Exline
- Viscount Exmouth
- Max Joseph Exner
- James Anderson Exton
- Charles Louis Eyanson
- Elmer Kendall Eyerly
- John Eyerman
- Frank P. Eyman
- Henry C. Eyman
- Laurence Eyre
- Thomas Taylor Eyre
- Wilson Eyre
- John Augustine English E Yster
- (John) Eberhard Faber
- William Frederic Faber
- Mary Jacquelene Fabian
- George Fabyan
- Frank Diehl Fackenthal
- David Parks Fackler
- Edward Bathurst Fackler
- Carl Faelten
- Reinhold Faelten
- Charles Aloysius Fagan
- James Octavius Fagan
- Charles Prospero Fagnani
- John H. Fahey
- James Frederick Fahnestock
- William Fahnestock
- David Wesley Fahs
- Eugene Fair
- Henry Arnold Fairbairn
- Arthur Boyce Fairbank
- Kellogg Fairbank
- Arthur Fairbanks
- Douglas Fairbanks
- Frank Perley Fairbanks
- Arthur Henry Rolph Fairchild
- Arthur Wilson Fairchild
- Benjamin Lewis Fairchild
- Charles Stebbins Fairchild
- Clarence A. Fairchild
- David Grandison Fairchild
- David Sturges Fairchild
- Fred Rogers Fairchild
- George Winthrop Fairchild
- Henry Pratt Fairchild
- Herman Le Roy Fairchild
- Julian D. Fairchild
- George Herbert Fairclough
- Henry Rushton Fairclough
- Louis W. Fairfield
- David William Fairleigh
- Edwin Fairley
- John Archibald Fairlie
- Samson Lane Faison
- Jacob Alexander Falconer
- John Ironside Falconer
- Robert Clemons Falconer
- William Armistead Falconer
- Frederick Sayward Fales
- Winnifred (Shaw) Fales
- K. George Falk
- Louis Falk
- Otto Herbert Falk
- Roland Post Falkner
- Albert Bacon Fall
- Charles Gershom Fall
- Clifford Pervines Fall
- Frank Andrews Fall
- Henry Clinton Fall
- Alice Katharine Fallows
- Edward Huntington Fallows
- Charles Buckles Falls
- Dewitt Clinton Falls
- Bertram Hull Fancher
- Elvadore R. Fancher
- Frederick Bartlett Fancher
- Cecil Fanning
- Ralph Fanning
- John Clayton Fant
- William Curtis Farabee
- Warren Fred Faragher
[edit]- Benjamin Franklin Farber
- Charles Breckenridge Faris
- Ellsworth Faris
- Herman Preston Faris
- John Thomson Faris
- Paul Patton Faris
- Robert Lee Faris
- Frederick Garesche Farish
- George Edwin Farish
- Edward Phillip Farley
- Frank Edgar Farley
- Richard Blossom Farley
- Edward Farmer
- Harry Haile Farmer
- William M. Farmer
- William Robertson Farmer
- Mrs. Charles H. Farnam
- Henry Walcott Farnam
- William Whitman Farnam
- Frederic James Farnell
- Charles Chittenden Farnham
- Charles Wells Farnham
- Edwin Pickett Farnham
- Sally James Farnham
- Charles Hubert Farnsworth
- Charles Stewart Farnsworth
- Frederick Eugene Farnsworth
- Joseph Eastman Farnsworth
- Dustin Farnum
- Royal Bailey Farnum
- Arthur B. Farquhar
- Henry Farquhar
- Clifford Bailey Farr
- Finis King Farr
- John Richard Farr
- Albert John Farrah
- Livingston Farrand
- Max Farrand
- Roy Felton Farrand
- Wilson Farrand
- Fred Farrar
- Elizabeth M. Began Practice M.
- Geraldine Farrar
- Gilbert Powderly Farrar
- John (Chipman) Farrar
- Thomas James Farrar
- William Edmund Farrar
- Charles Leroy Farrell
- Francis David Farrell
- Henry Edward Farrell
- James A(Ugustine) Farrell
- John D. Farrell
- Patrick Joseph Farrell
- Patrick Joseph Hoshie Farrell
- Dora Davis Farrington
- Edward Holyoke Farrington
- Edward Silsby Farrington
- Frank Farrington
- Frederic Ernest Farrington
- Harry Webb Farrington
- Henry Farrington
- Oliver Cummings Farrington
- Robert I. Farrington
- Wallace Rider Farrington
- Edward Samuel Farrow
- Arthur Farwell
- John Villiers Farwell
- Jacob Sloat Fassett
- James Hiram Fassett
- Oliver Lanard Fassig
- Edward Arthur Fath
- Arthur Louis Faubel
- William Dollison Faucette
- Barry Faulkner
- Charles James Faulkner
- Charles James Faulkner
- Harold Underwood Faulkner
- Harry Charles Faulkner
- Herbert Waldron Faulkner
- John Alfred Faulkner
- Lester Bradner Faulkner
- William Harrison Faulkner
- William Herbert Perry Faunce
[edit]- Albert Bernhardt Faust
- Charles Lee Faust
- Frederick Faust
- Samuel D. Faust
- Edgar Fauver
- William Faversham
- Alpheus Davis Faville
- Frederick F. Faville
- John Faville
- William B. Faville
- Charles Allen Favrot
- George Kent Favrot
- Angelo Vance Fawcett
- George D. Fawcett
- Jacob Fawcett
- M. Edward Fawcett
- Frederick Winthrop Faxon
- Ralph Henry Faxon
- William Bailey Faxon
- Albert Hill. Fay
- Amy Fay
- Charles Ernest Fay
- Charles Norman Fay
- Frederic Harold Fay
- Henry Fay
- Maude Fay
- Sidney Bradshaw Fay
- Frank H. Fayant
- William Francis Feagin
- Richard Lee Fearn
- George Hadsall Fe Arons
- James Edmond Fechet
- Oscar Augustus Fechter
- Charles S. Fee
- Mary Helen Fee
- Daniel F. Feehan
- Harlan Luther Feeman
- Adrian Coll. Ii
- Samuel Marks Fegtly
- August Frederick Fehlandt
- Harrison Robert Fehr
- Frederick Morris Feiker
- Paul Louis Feiss
- Logan Feland
- James Huston Felgar
- Herbert Felkel
- Samuel Demeritt Felker
- Alpheus Gilbert Fell
- Marian Fell
- Thomas Fell
- John Henry Fellingham
- George Emory Fellows
- Grant Fellows
- Raymond Fellows
- David Felmley
- Mary (Mrs. Joseph Fels) Fels
- Charles Frederick Wilson Felt
- Dorr Eugene Felt
- Edward Webster Felt
- Ephraim Porter Felt
- Harvey Wickes Felter
- Edgar Conway Felton
- Samuel Morse Felton
- William Hamilton Felton
- Frederick Abildgaard Fenger
- George Harrison Fenkell
- Oscar Fenley
- E(Dward) Hart Fenn
- William Wallace Fenn
- Nevin M. Fenneman
- Burt L. Fenner
- Charles Payne Fenner
- Erasmus Darwin Fenner
- Harlan K. Fenner
- Hiram Walter Fenner
- Frederick Alexander Fenning
- Karl Fenning
- Hector Tyndale Fenton
- Howard Withrow Fenton
- William David Fenton
- Charles Ghequiere Fenwick
- Edna Ferber
- Charles Ferguson
- Charles Eugene Ferguson
- Finlay Forbes Ferguson
- Frank William Ferguson
- George Oscar Ferguson
- Harley Bascom Ferguson
- Homer Lenoir Ferguson
- James Edward Ferguson
- John Calvin Ferguson
- Louis Aloysius Ferguson
- Margaret Clay Ferguson
- Milton James Ferguson
- Miriam A. Ferguson
- Olin Jerome Ferguson
- Hluminating Engring. Soc. A.A.A.S.
- Robert Gracey Ferguson
- Walter Ferguson
- Wiluam J. Ferguson
- William Law Ferguson
- William Porter Frisbee Ferguson
- William Scott Ferguson
- E(Dmund) Morris Fergusson
- Park Coll. D. D.
- Frank Kerby Fergusson
- Harvey Fergusson
- Sterling Price Fergu S Son
- Bert M. Fernald
- Chester Bailey Fernald
- Gustavus Stockman Fernald
- Henry Torsey Fernald
- Merritt Lyndon Fernald
- Robert Heywood Fernald
- Walter Elmore Fernald
- R(Obert) Livingston Fernbach
- Henning Fernstrom
- Edoardo Ferrari-Fontana
- Giuseppe Ferrata
- Barr Ferree
- Clarence Errol Ferree
- John Appley Ferrell
- John Atkinson Ferrell
- Augustin William Ferrin
- Dana Holman Ferrin
- William Nelson Ferrin
- Albert Warren Ferris
- Charles Ed War D Ferris
- Cornelius Ferris
- David Lincoln Ferris
- Elmer Ellsworth Ferris
- Helen Josephine Ferris
- Jean Leon Gerome Ferris
- Mary Lanman Douw Ferris
- Scott Ferris
- Walter Lewis Ferris
- Walter Rockwood Ferris
- Woodbridge Nathan Ferris
- Franklin Ferriss
- James Henry Ferriss
- Dexter Mason Ferry
- E. Hayward Ferry
- Ervin Sidney Ferry
- Frederick Carlos Ferry
- Merton Leroy Ferson
- James William Fesler
- Simeon D. Fess
- Franklin Goodridge Fes Senden
- Frederick James Fessenden
- Reginald Aubrey Fessenden
- Russell Green Fessenden
- Francis T. B. Fest
- John Turney Fetherston
- Frank Albert Fetter
- John Colvin Fetterman
- Gottlob Fetzer
- Lewis William Fetzer
- Robert M. Feustel
- William Preston Few
- J(Esse) Walter Fewkes
- Anthony Fiala
[edit]- Henry H. Fick
- H(Enry) Edwards Ficken
- 15 Yrs. N.G.N.Y.
- Harry L. Fidler
- Gustave Joseph Fiebeger
- Allan Bertram Field
- Archelaus G. Field
- Carter Field
- Md. N.G. A
- Charles Kellogg Field
- Charles Neale Field
- David Mason Field
- Edward Field
- Fredtarbell Field
- George Wilton Field
- Gertrude Rugg Field
- Harry Ashby Field
- Heman H. Field
- Henry Field
- Isaac S . Fiel D
- James Alfred Field
- Louise Maunsell Field
- Marshall Field
- Neill Brooks Field
- Robert Patterson Field
- Stanley Field
- Walter Taylor Field
- William Henry Field
- James Fairman Fielder
- William Fielder
- Mantle Fielding
- Wiluam John Fielding
- Arno Carl Fieldner
- John Fields
- William Jason Fields
- Zedenek Fierlinger
- J(Ames) Newton Fiero
- James Louis Fieser
- George Buchanan Fife
- Robert Herndon Fife
- Joseph Wilson Fifer
- Benjamin F. Fifield
- Effie Woodward Merriman Fifield
- Henry Allen Fifield
- Emery Thomas Filbey
- A. Lincoln Filene
- Edward A. Filene
- Mervin Grant Filler
- Parker Fillmore
- Ernst B. Filsinger
- Mrs. Ernst B. Filsinger
- Edward Ridley Finch
- Washington Pi. N.W.
- John Wellington Finch
- Colo. Scientific Soc. A.A.A.S.
- Roy Herbert Finch
- Royal George Finch
- Stanley Wellington Finch
- William George Harold Finch
- Henry Theophilus Finck
- Martin Luther Finckel
- Hugh Findlay
- Alvin Irwin Findley
- Henry Burchard Fine
- Hayim Fineman
- Roy E. Finerty
- Thomas Edward Finegan
- Charles Joseph Finger
- Henry James Finger
- Bruce Fink
- Colin Garfield Fink
- David N. Fink
- Reuben Fink
- George Finke
- Erwin Oliver Finkenbinder
- Frederick Cecil Finkle
- George Irving Finlay
- James Ralph Finlay
- Kirkman George Finlay
- John Duncan Finlay Son
- John Huston Finley
- William Henry Finley
- William Lovell Finley
- Anna E. Finn
- Francis James Finn
- Richard James Finnegan
- Edward Clingan Finney
- Harry Anson Finney
- John Miller Turpin Finney
- F-
- Ross Lee Finney
- William Parker Finney
- Elmer Otterbein Fippin
- Peter Fireman
- Harvey Samuel Firestone
- Oscar N. Firkins
- Joseph Lannison Firm
- Norman Charles Firth
- Anton Otto Fischer
- Edward Louis Fischer
- Ernst Georg Fischer
- Washington N. W.
- Israel F. Fischer
- Jacob Fischer
- Louis Fischer
- Martin Henry Fischer
- Richard Fischer
- Carl Russell Fish
- C(Harles) W(Illiam) Fish
- Daniel Fish
- Fred Alan Fish
- Frederick Perry Fish
- Frederick Samuel Fish
- Hamilton Fish
- Horace (Francis Xavier) Fish
- John Charles Lounsbury Fish
- Pierre Augustine Fish
- Walter Clark Fish
- William Hansell Fish
- Williston Fish
- Morris Fishbein
- Maurice Fishberg
- John Eugene Fishburn
- Randolph Eugene Fishburn
- Edward Bell Fishburne
- Albert Kenrick Fisher
- Anna Fisher
- Boyd Fisher
- Cassius Asa Fisher
- Clarence Stanley Fisher
- Clyde Olin Fisher
- Edmund Drew Fisher
- Edward Dix Fisher
- Elizabeth Florette Fisher
- Fred Douglas Fisher
- Frederick Bohn Fisher
- Frederick Charles Fisher
- Frederick Vining Fisher
- Galen Merriam Fisher
- George J. Fisher
- Harriet White Fisher
- Harrison Fisher
- Henry Johnson Fisher
- Henry Wright Fisher
- Herbert Wescott Fisher
- Horace Newton Fisher
- Howard Shreve Fisher
- Hubert Frederick Fisher
- Irving Fisher
- James Fisher
- John Frederick Fisher
- John S. Fisher
- Lewis Fisher
- Lewis Beals Fisher
- Mahlon Leonard Fisher
- Mary Fisher
- Miles Bull Fisher
- Richard Thornton Fisher
- Robert (Strettle) Jones Fisher
- Robert Joseph Fisher
- Robert Welles Fisher
- Samuel Brownlee Fisher
- Samuel Herbert Fisher
- Samuel Jackson Fisher
- Sophie Therese Ada Fisher
- Stanley Ross Fisher
- Stokely S. Fisher
- Sydney George Fisher
- Thomas Edward Fisher
- Walter Kenrick Fisher
- Walter L. Fisher
- Willard Clark Fisher
- William Arms Fisher
- William Cummings Fisher
- William H. Fisher
- William Wilson Fisher
- Charles Henry Fisk
- Charles Joseph Fisk
- Daniel Moses Fisk
- Eugene Lyman Fisk
- Everett Olin Fisk
- Harlan Wilbur Fisk
[edit]- Arthur Irving Fiske
- Asa Severance Fiske
- Bradley Allen Fiske
- Charles Fiske
- Edmund Walter Fiske
- George Converse Fiske
- George Mcclellan Fiske
- George Walter Fiske
- Gertrude Fiske
- Haley Fiske
- Harold Benjamin Fiske
- Harrison Grey Fiske
- Horace Spencer Fiske
- James Porter Fiske
- Minnie Maddern Fiske
- Thomas Scott Fiske
- William F. Fiske
- John Barclay Fisken
- Albert Parker Fitch
- Charles Hall Fitch
- Edward Fitch
- Ezra Charles Fitch
- Florence Mary Fitch
- George Hamlin Fitch
- Grant Fitch
- John Andrews Fitch
- Joseph Henry Fitch
- Ralph Roswell Fitch
- William Edward Fitch
- Emerson David Fite
- Warner Fite
- 1894 D.
- William Benjamin Fite
- J (Ohn) C(Onrad) Fitterer
- Alice Evelina Fitts
- William Cochran Fitts
- Aaron Ogden Fitz-Gerald
- Desmond Fitzgerald
- Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
- Harrington Fitzgerald
- James Fitz Gerald
- James Merlin Fitzgerald
- James Wilford Fitzgerald
- John Driscoll Fitz-Gerald
- John Francis Fitzgerald
- John Joseph Fitzgerald
- Robert Mullins Fitzgerald
- Roy Gerald Fitzgerald
- Walter James Fitzgerald
- William Sinton Fitz Gerald
- Louis Fitzhenry
- Guston Thomas Fitzhugh
- Percy Keese Fitzhtjgh
- Thomas Fitzhugh
- John E. Fitzmaurice
- Edward Augustus Fitzpatrick
- Gilbert Fitz-Patrick
- Herbert Fitzpatrick
- John Clement Fitzpatrick
- John Tracy Fitzpatrick
- June 30 N.G.N.Y.
- Morgan C. Fitzpatrick
- Thomas Vanhook Fitzpatrick
- Perry Braxton Fitzwater
- Horace Edgar Flack
- Edward Flad
- Ernest Flagg
- Isaac Flagg
- James Chester Flagg
- James Montgomery Flagg
- Josiah Foster Flagg
- Rufus Cushman Flagg
- Frederick H. Flaherty
- Lawrence J. Flaherty
- Victor Flambeau
- James Wain Wright Flanagan
- John Flanagan
- Webster Flanagan
- Ralph Edward Flanders
- Charles Macomb Flandrau
- John Flannery
- Richard Charles Flannigan
- Leonard A. Flansburg
- John Joseph Flather
- M(Aurice) Douglas Flattery
- Beulah Marie Dix Flebbe
- Henry Thomas Fleck
- Frederick Gleed Fleetwood
- Charles Fleischer
- Julius Fleischmann
- Max C. Fleischmann
- Simon Fleischmann
- Benjamin Wilfred Fleisher
- Samuel S. Fleisher
- Hubert Fleishhacker
- Mortimer Fleishhacker
- John Adolph Flemer
- Adrian Sebastian Fleming
- Arthur Henry Fleming
- Bryant Fleming
- Burton Percival Fleming
- Charles A. Fleming
- Daniel Johnson Fleming
- Fred W. Fleming
- Harvey Brown Fleming
- James Wheeler Fleming
- John Adam Fleming
- John Donaldson Fleming
- Matthew Corry Fleming
- Wallace B. Fleming
- 1894 O.
- Walter Lynwood Fleming
- William Henry Fleming
- Andrew Fletcher
- (Thomas) Brooks Fletcher
- Duncan Upshaw Fletcher
- Frank Friday Fletcher
- Frank Ward Fletcher
- Frederick Charles Fletcher
- Henry Fletcher
- Henry Jesse Fletcher
- Henry Prather Fletcher
- Jefferson Butler Fletcher
- John Fletcher
- John Gould Fletcher
- John Madison Fletcher
- Orlin Ottman Fletcher
- Robert Fletcher
- Robert Fletcher
- Robert Howe Fletcher
- Robert Stillman Fletcher
- Robert Virgil Fletcher
- Stevenson Whitcomb Fletcher
- William Bartlett Fletcher
- William Meade Fletcher
- Ralph Tyler Flewelling
- Abraham Flexner
- Bernard Flexner
- Simon Flexner
- Alexander Clarence Flick
- Lawrence F. Flick
- Roy Caston Flickinger
- Samuel Jacob Flickinger
- Fred Morrow Fling
- Alfred Douglas Flinn
- John Cunningham Flinn
- John Joseph Flinn
- Richard Orme Flinn
- Ira Arthur Flinner
- Austin Flint
- Charles Ranlett Flint
- 1883. Partner Gilchrist N. Y.
- Charles Wesley Flint
- Frank Putnam Flint
- Joseph Marshall Flint
- Leon Nelson Flint
- Joseph Simeon Flipper
- Percy Scott Flippin
- John A. Floersh
- George Tobias Flom
- Ned Arden Flood
- Warren Washburn Florer
- John Samuel Flory
- Joseph Flory
- Parke Poindexter Flourno^
- William Walton Flournoy
- Henry Corwin Flower
- Alan Estis Flowers
- Allen Gilbert Flowers
- Montaville Flowers
- Robert Lee Flowers
- Charles Miller Floyd
- Frank Monroe Floyd
- Dennis T. Flynn
- Joseph Michael Flynn
- Joseph V. Flynn
- P. J. Flynn
- William James Flynn
- William Smith Flynn
- Benjamin K. Focht
- John Brown Focht
- Theodore Moses Focke
- Charles Michael Foell
- August Frederick Foerste
- Adolph Martin Foerster
- Norman Foerster
- Robert Franz Foerster
- Thomas Fogarty
- Soc. Of Illustrators. Clubs: Players N. G.N.Y.
- Sorenus P. Fogdall
- At Des Moines O. T.C.
- Ralph Justin Fogg
- Harold Waldstein Foght
- Ferdinand Julius Fohs
- Paul Joseph Foik
- Charles Weston Folds
- Arthur Lee Foley
- George Cadwalader Foley
- James A. Foley
- James William Foley
- John Burton Foley
- Henry Clay Folger
- William Mayhew Folger
- Otto Folin
- John Fulton Folinsbee
- Daniel Folkmar
- Homer Folks
- Mitchell Davis Follansbee
- Robert Follansbee
- Harold Newton Follmer
- David Morrill Folsom
- Mrs. Elizabeth Irons Folsom
- Justus Watson Folsom
- Frederick Steinman Foltz
- Herbert Willard Foltz
- Amory Prescott Folwell
- Arthur Hamilton Folwell
- William Hazleton Folwell
- William Watts Folwell
- Samuel Fomon
- James Alfred Foord
- Leroy Albert Foot
- Allen Ripley Foote
- Arthur Foote
- Arthur De Wint Foote
- Dellizon Arthur Foote
- Elizabeth Louisa Foote
- Francis S. Foote
- Harry Ward Foote
- Henry Wilder Foote
- John A. Foote
- John Taintor Foote
- Nathaniel Foote
- Stephen Miller Foote
- Will Howe Foote
- Hulbert Footner
[edit]- Allan Forbes
- Bertie Charles Forbes
- Charles Henry Forbes
- Am. Philol. Assn Os)
- Edgar Allen Forbes
- Edward Waldo Forbes
- Elmer Severance Forbes
- Ernest Browning Forbes
- Frederick Faber Forbes
- George Mather Forbes
- George Shannon Forbes
- Elizabeth. Asso. In Chemistry W
- Harriette Merrifield Forbes
- Harrye R. P. Forbes
- James Forbes
- John Sims Forbes
- Richard Tasker Forbes
- Robert Humphrey Forbes
- Roger Sawyer Forbes
- Stephen Alfred Forbes
- Gertrude Forbes-Robertson
- Johnston Forbes-Robertson
- Sample Bouvard Forbus
- Edward Howe Forbush
- Alexander Hume Ford
- Amelia Clewley Ford
- Arthur Hillyer Ford
- Arthur Y Ounger Ford
- Charles Halsey Lindsley Ford
- Clyde Ellsworth Ford
- Cornelius Ford
- Daniel Ford
- Frank Richards Ford
- George Alfred Ford
- George Burdett Ford
- George Michael Ford
- Guy Stanton Ford
- Henry Ford
- Henry Jones Ford
- Hugh Ford
- James Buchanan Ford
- James Lauren Ford
- Jeremiah Denis Mathias Ford
- John Ford
- Samuel Clarence Ford
- Sewell Ford
- Simeon Ford
- Smith Thomas Ford
- Thomas Francis Ford
- Tirey Lafayette Ford
- Walter Burton Ford
- William Ebenezer Ford
- William Henry Ford
- Worthington Chauncey Ford
[edit]- Herbert Fordham
- Joseph Warren Fordney
- Charles Fordyce
- Claude Powell Fordyce
- John Addison Fordyce
- Samuel Wesley Fordyce
- Grant Foreman
- Henry Gerhard Foreman
- Milton J. Foreman
- David Robertson Forgan
- James Berwick Forgan
- Henry James Forman
- Samuel Eagle Forman
- Charles Vincent Fornes
- Jacob Dorsey Forrest
- Leland Stanford Forrest
- William Mentzel Forrest
- Nils Forsander
- Charles Thomas Forse
- Alexius Mador Forster
- Garnet Wolsey Forster
- Rudolph Forster
- David Dryden Forsyth
- Jessie Forsyth
- Robert Forsyth
- William Forsyth
- Franklin William Fort
- Gerrit Fort
- Tomlinson Fort
- Abraham Fortenbaugh
- Granville (Roland) Fortescue
- Samuel Fortier
- J(Ohn)Robert Fortune
- William Fortune
- Gerald Elton Fosbroke
- Harry Emerson Fosdick
- James William Fosdick
- Lucian John Fosdick
- Raymond Blaine Fosdick
- Claude William Foss
- Eugene Noble Foss
- Frank H. Foss
- George Edmund Foss
- George Ernest Foss
[edit]- Laurence Fossler
- Agness Greene Foster
- Alexis Caldwell Foster
- Alfred Dwight Foster
- Ben Foster
- Carol Howe Foster
- Charles Elwood Foster
- Edna (Abigail) Foster
- Ernest Le Neve Foster
- Eugene Clifford Foster
- Fay Foster
- Francis Apthorp Foster
- Frank Hugh Foster
- Harry Latourette Foster
- Henry Bacon Foster
- Herbert Darling Foster
- Herbert Hamilton Foster
- Irving Lysander Foster
- Israel Moore Foster
- John Early Foster
- John Gilman Foster
- John Mcgaw Foster
- Joseph Foster
- Joshua Hill Foster
- Major Bronson Foster
- Marcellus Elliott Foster
- Matthias Lanckton Foster
- Maximilian Foster
- Nellis Barnes Foster
- Paul Hadley Foster
- Paul Pinkerton Foster
- Percy Semple Foster
- Robert Arnold Foster
- Robert Frederick Foster
- Roger Foster
- Rufus Edward Foster
- Rufus James Foster
- Theodore Bogert Foster
- W(Alter) Bert(Ram) Foster
- Warren Dunham Foster
- Warren William Foster
- William Foster
- William Davis Foster
- William Eaton Foster
- William Edward Foster
- William Tmfant Foster
- William Wilson Foster
- G. Selmer Fougner
- William Dudley Foulke
- William Foulkes
- William Hiram Foulkes
- Benjamin Delahauf Foulois
- Claude Russell Fountain
- Samuel Warren Fountain
- William Alfred Fountain
- Alexis Jean Fournier
- Julius Isaac Foust
- Henry H. Fout
- Gerard Fowke
- Frank Fuller Fowle
- (Harry) Alfred Fowler
- Arthur Thomas Fowler
- C. Lewis Fowler
- Carl Hitchcock Fowler
- Charles Evan Fowler
- Charles Newell Fowler
- Charles Wesley Fowler
- George Little Fowler
- H. Robert Fowler
- Harold North Fowler
- Harry Atwood Fowler
- Henry Thatcher Fowler
- James Alexander Fowler
- Jessie Allen Fowler
- Julian Sabin Fowler
- Laurence Hall Fowler
- Leonard Burke Fowler
- Robert Ludlow Fowler
- William Eric Fowler
- John Guy Fowlkes
[edit]- Albert Charles Fox
- Albert Whiting Fox
- Austen George Fox
- Carl Fox
- Charles Eli Fox
- Charles James Fox
- Daniel Frederick Fox
- Dixon Ryan Fox
- Edward J. Fox
- Edward Lyell Fox
- Felix Fox
- Fontaine Talbot Fox
- Frances Barton Fox
- Frances Margaret Fox
- Francis Morton Fox
- George Henry Fox
- George Levi Fox
- Henry Fox
- Herbert Fox
- Herbert Henry Heywood Fox
- Herbert Wright Fox
- Howard Fox
- Jabez Fox
- John Fox
- John Pierce Fox
- L(Awrance) Webster Fox
- Marion L. Fox
- Philip Fox
- Walter Gordon Fox
- William Fox
- William Henry Fox
- William Joseph Fox
- William Sherwood Fox
- Eddie (Edward Fitzgerald) Foy
- Mary Emily Foy
- Wilbur Garland Foye
- Leo Joachim Frachtenberg
- Adelbert Grant Fradenburgh
[edit]- Alice Browne Frame
- Andrew Jay Frame
- James Everett Frame
- Joseph Irwin France
- Melville Jefferson France
- Albert Philip Francine
- Arthur J. Francis
- David Rowland Francis
- George Blinn Francis
- James A. Francis
- John Francis
- John Haywood Francis
- John Miller Francis
- John Morgan Francis
- Joseph Marshall Francis
- Lee Masten Francis
- Mark Francis
- Mary Evans Francis
- May E. Francis
- Vida Hunt Francis
- William Rates Francis
- John Bond Francisco
- Harry Alverson Franck
- Axel Franc K-Philip Son
- Kuno Francke
- Victor Emmanuel Francois
- Joseph Nicola Francolini
- Julius Herman Frandsen
- Peter Frandsen
- Alfred Frank
- Glenn Frank
- Henry Frank
- Isaac William Frank
- Maude Morrison Frank
- Nathan Frank
- Tenney Frank
- Waldo David Frank
- Emil Frankel
- Lee Kaufer Frankel
- Harry Crawford Fran Kenfield
- George Bell Frankforter
- Felix Frankfurter
- Alfred Franklin
- Benjamin A. Franklin
- Edward Curtis Franklin
- Ezra Thomas Franklin
- Fabian Franklin
- Mrs. Fabian Franklin
- Frank George Franklin
- James Henry Franklin
- John Eddy Franklin
- Leo M. Franklin
- Lewis Battelle Franklin
- Lindley Murray Franklin
- Melvin M. Franklin
- Philip Albright Small Franklin
- William Suddards Franklin
- E. T. Franks
- Robert A. Franks
- Frank Frantz
- Frank Flavius Frantz
- Shepherd Ivory Franz
- August Franzen
- Charles William Franzoni
- Frank Roy Fraprie
- George Stronach Fraps
- Francis Cowles Frary
[edit]- Chelsea Curtis Fraser
- Daniel (Realname Donald Fraser
- Everett Fraser
- Horatio Nelson Fraser
- James Earle Fraser
- Leon Fraser
- Malcolm Fraser
- Melvin Fraser
- Thomas Boone Fraser
- Wilber John Fraser
- George Willard Frasier
- Hugh Frayne
- Harry Herbert Frazee
- Elizabeth Frazer
- George Enfield Frazer
- John Frazer
- John Stanley Frazer
- John William Frazer
- Joseph Christie Whitney Frazer
- Robert Frazer
- Robert Sellers Frazer
- William Henry Frazer
- Charles Harrison Frazier
- Fred Brennings Frazier
- George Harrison Frazier
- James B. Frazier
- Kenneth Frazier
- Lynn Joseph Frazier
- Raymond Robert Frazier
- James A. Frear
- Walter Frear
- Walter Francis Frear
- Thomas Bruce Freas
- Christine Mcgafiey Frederick
- Daniel Alfred Frederick
- George Aloysius Frederick
- John Towner Frederick
- J(Ustus) George Frederick
- Pauline Frederick
- John Donnan Fredericks
- R. N. Fredericks
- Leopold Fredrick
- Arthur Monroe Free
- Edward Elway Free
- Montague Free
- Spencer Michael Free
- Joseph Henry Freedlander
- William Horatio Freedman
- Sargent Prentiss Freeling
- Albert Howard Freeman
- Alden Freeman
- Allen Weir Freeman
- Mrs. Charles Manning Freeman
- Clarence Campbell Freeman
- Douglas Southall Freeman
- Edward Monroe Freeman
- Francis Breakey Freeman
- Frank Nugent Freeman
- George Fouche Freeman
- Henry Raymond Freeman
- James Edward Freeman
- John D. Freeman
- John Ripley Freeman
- John William Freeman
- Joseph Hewett Freeman
- Leonard Freeman
- Lewis Ransome Freeman
- Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
- Richard Patrick Freeman
- Robert Freeman
- Rowland Godfrey Freeman
- Thomas Jones Freeman
- Winfield Freeman
[edit]- Eleanor Everest Freer
- Mrs. Otto (Agnes Lee) Freer
- Otto (Tiger) Freer
- Harry Whittier Frees
- Albert Henry Freiberg
- Olive Fremstad
- Alice (“Octave Thanet”) French
- Allen French
- Amos Tuck French
- Arthur Willard French
- Asa Palmer French
- Burton Lee French
- Calvin Hervey French
- Daniel Chester French
- Ferdinand Courtney French
- Frank French
- George French
- Harley Ellsworth French
- Henry Willard French
- Howard Barclay French
- James J. French
- John Shaw French
- Joseph Lewis French
- Lafayette French
- Leigh Hill French
- Owen Bert French
- Pinckney French
- Thomas French
- Thomas Ewing French
- Willard French
- William Henry French
- William John French
- Joseph Freri
- Elbert Kirtley Fretwell
- Franklin Kline Fretz
- John Rudolph Freuler
- Ernst Freund
- Sanford H. E. Freund
- Walter Edwin Frew
- Adolf Frey
- John Philip Frey
- Noah J. Frey
- Joseph E. Frick
- William Jacob Frick
- David Friday
- George Fried
- Harry Friedenwald
- Herbert Friedenwald
- Julius Friedenwald
- Elisha Michael Friedman
- Emanuel David Friedman
- Herbert Jacob Friedman
- Ignace Friedman
- Isaac Kahn Friedman
- Lee Max Friedman
- Moses Friedman
- William Sterne Friedman
- Michael Friedsam
- Arthur Olney Friel
- Oscar Jerome Friend
- James Nelson Frierson
- William Little Frierson
- Amos Alfred Fries
- Archibald Fries
- Francis Henry Fries
- J(Oens) Elias Fries
- John William Fries
- William Otterbein Fries
- Frederick Carl Frieseke
- H. Edmund Friesell
- Trixie Friganza
- Fred Goodrich Frink
- Margery Eleanor Frink
- William J. Fripp
- William Albert Fbisbie
- Edgar Frisby
- Harriet Whitney Frishmuth
- Algernon Sydney Frissell
- Louis Charlton Fritch
- George John Fritschel
- John Henry Charles Fritz
- Robert Lindsay Fritz
- Daniel Frohman
- Philip Hubert Frohman
- Maurice Fromkes
- Fred Denton Fromme
- Charles Henry Fromuth
- Arthur Burdett Fro St
- Arthur Chester Frost
- F
- Charles Sumner Frost
- Edward Wheeler Frost
- Edwin Brant Frost
- Eliott Park Frost
- Henry Weston Folger Frost
- John Frost
- Robert Frost
- Amherst M. A.
- Stanley Frost
- Thomas Gold Frost
- Timothy Prescott Frost
- Wade Hampton Frost
- Walter Archer Frost
- Wesley Frost
- William Dodge Frost
- William Goodell Frost
- Jessie Peabody Frothingham
- Louis Adams Frothingham
- Paul Revere Frothingham
- Robert Frothingham
- Thomas Goddard Frothingham
- John Phelps Fruit
- Alfred Brooks Fry
- Francis Rhodes Fry
- Harry Shipley Fry
- Sherry Edmundson Fry
- Frances E. Fryatt
- Agnes Moore Fryberger
- James Albert Frye
- John H. Banker Frye
- Prosser Hall Frye
- Theodore Christian Frye
- Eugenie Mary Fryer
- John Fryer
- Emil Fuchs
- Ludwig Ernst Fuerbrenger
- James Hillhouse Fuertes
- Louis Agassiz Fuertes
- Claude Moore Fuess
- James F. Fulbright
- Gordon S(Cott) Fulcher
- Leonhard Felix Fuld
- William Freeland Fullam
- Henry Jackson Fullbright
- Almon Homer Fuller
- Alvan Tufts Fuller
- Ben Hebard Fuller
- Caroline Macomber Fuller
- Charles E. Fuller
- Charles Gordon Fuller
- Edward Fuller
- Frank Lanneau Fuller
- Frederic Ernest Fuller
- George R(Iley) Fuller
- George Warren Fuller
- George Washington Fuller
- Harold Dewolf Fuller
- Henry Amzi Fuller
- Henry Blake Fuller
- Henry Brown Fuller
- Henry Jones Fuller
- Henry Starkey Fuller
- Hubert Bruce Fuller
- Loie Fuller
- Lucia Fairchild Fuller
- Myron Leslie Fuller
- Oliver Clyde Fuller
- Paul Fuller
- Raymond Garfield Fuller
- Robert Higginson Fuller
- Stuart Jamieson Fuller
- Thomas Staples Fuller
- William David Fuller
- William Oliver Fuller
- Williamson 'Whitehead Fuller
- Baxter P. Fullerton
- Charles Alexander Fullerton
- Edith Loring Fullerton
- George Stuart Fullerton
- Hugh Stuart Fullerton
- Kemper Fullerton
- Mark A. Fullerton
- William Morton Fullerton
- Clark Adelbert Fulmer
- Hampton Pitts Fulmer
- Charles Herman Fulton
- Elmer Lincoln Fulton
- Frank Taylor Fulton
- John Allen Fulton
- John Hamilton Fulton
- John Samuel Fulton
- Maurice Garland Fulton
- William Pomeroy Fulton
- William Stewart Fulton
- Peter Fumasqni-Biondi
- Mrs. Antoinette Funk
- Clarence Sidney Funk
- Frank Hamilton Funk
- Henry Daniel Funk
- Wilfred John Funk
- Wilhelm Heinrich Funk
- William R. Funk
- Abram Paul Funkhouser
- William Delbert Funkhouser
- Henry Fuqua
- Isham W. Fuqua
- John Baptist Furay
- Henry Jewett Furber
- Francis Thomas Furey
- Atherton Bernard Furlong
- Charles Wellington Furlong
- Boston Art Club N. E.
- Allen John Furlow
- Franklin Deronde Furman
- John Myers Furman
- Lucy Furman
- Henry Natsch Furnald
- Caroline Ellen Furness
- Horace Howard Furness
- Edgar Stephenson Furniss
- Henry Watson Furniss
- William Davis Furry
- Clyde (Bowman) Furst
- Andrew Furuseth
- Lewis Fussell
[edit]- Thomas Barnes Futcher
- John Clinton Futrall
- May (Peel) Futrelle
- John William Fyfe
- Isauro Gabaldon
- Gilbert Wolf Gabriel
- John Huston Gabriel
- Mgrditch Simbad Gabriel
- John Allyne Gade
- Arno Clemens Gaebelein
- Frank Ely Gaebelein
- Paul Frederick Gaehr
- Herman Julius Gaertner
- William Gaertner
- Cornelia Gaffney
- T(Homas) St. John Gaffney
- Albert Henry Gage
- George Williams Gage
- Harry Morehouse Gage
- Henry Phelps Gage
- Henry Tifft Gage
- Homer Gage
- Lyman Judson Gage
- Simon Henry Gage
- Walter Boutwell Gage
- Mary Gage-Day
- Edward Gagel
- C(Harles) Stuart Gager
- Edwin Hall Gaggin
- Harry C. Gahn
- William Wallace Gail
- Edwin White Gaillard
- Thomas Frank Gailor
- Joseph Henry Gainer
- Charles Kelsey Gaines
- Clement Carrington Gaines
- John Wesley Gaines
- John William Gaines
- Joseph Holt Gaines
- Lewis Mcfarland Gaines
- Robert Edwin Gaines
- Ruth Gaines
[edit]- Bennett S. Gaitskill
- Anna Mary Galbraith
- Archibald Victor Galbraith
- William James Galbraith
- Charles Burleigh Galbreath
- Arthur Sullivan Gale
- Edward Chenery Gale
- Henry Gordon Gale
- Hoyt Stoddard Gale
- Noel Gale
- Oliver Marble Gale
- William Holt Gale
- Zona Gale
- Albert John Galen
- Roger Sherman Galer
- Daniel J. Gallagher
- Hugh Clifford Gallagher
- Louis Joseph Gallagher
- Michael James Gallagher
- Sears Gallagher
- Thomas Gallagher
- Ernest Yale Gallaher
- Albert Ernest Gallant
- Albert Eugene Gallatin
- Bern Budd Gallaudet
- Araelita Galli-Curci
- William Thompson Galliher
- James Ambrose Gallivan
- George Alfred Galliver
- Nathan Gallizier
- Fortune Gallo
- Beverly Thomas Galloway
- Blanche Galloway
- Charles Mills Galloway
- Charles William Galloway
- David Henry Galloway
- Herman Jamison Galloway
- Lee Galloway
- Thomas Walton Galloway
- Tommaso Gallozzi
- Anna Billing-3 Gallup
- Frank Amner Gallup
- William Arthur Gallup
- Charles Josiah Galpin
- Stanley Leman Galpin
- Herbert Randolph Galt
- Howard Spilman Galt
- Domicio Da Gama
- Frederick Luther Gamage
- J Ames N Orris Gamble
- Robert Bruce Gamble
- Robert Jackson Gamble
- Samuel Walter Gamble
- Sidney David Gamble
- William Elliott Gamble
[edit]- J(Ohn) Montgomery Gambrill
- Stephen Warfield Gambrill
- Josiah Bethea Game
- Francis Dunlap Gamewell
- Robert William Gammon
- John Arthur Gamon
- Charles Moore Gandy
- Harry L. Gandy
- John Manuel Gandy
- William Arthur Ganfield
- George Etienne Ganiere
- James Vincent Ganly
- Frank Ernest Gannett
- Guy Patterson Gannett
- Thomas Brattle Gannett
- William Howard Gannett
- John Mark Gannon
- Wiuiam Francis Ganong
- Waldorf L. Ganssle
- Samuel Goodwin Gant
- Henry Laurence Gantt
- Arnold Johann Gantvoort
- Rudolph Ganz
- Daniel Garber
- Hajrvey C. Garber
- John Palmer Garber
- Milton Cline Garber
- Fabian Garcia
- Willis Lloyd Gard
- Mary Garden
- Robert Hallo Well Gardiner
- T(Heodore)Momolu Gardiner
- Charles Spurgeon Gardner
- Frank Gardner
- Frank Duane Gardner
- Frederick Dozier Gardner
- George Peabody Gardner
- Gilson Gardner
- Halbert Paine Gardner
- Henry Alfred Gardner
- Henry Brayton Gardner
- Horace Chase Gardner
- James Augustus Gardner
- John Gardner
- Lester Durand Gardner
- Lucien Dunbibbin Gardner
- Oliver Max Gardner
- Percy W. Gardner
- Rathbone Gardner
- Walter Edwin Gardner
- Washington Gardner
- William Edward Gardner
- William Henry Gardner
- William Sisson Gardner
- Wright Austin Gardner
- Edward Francis Garesche
[edit]- Enoch Barton Garey
- Valentin R. Garfias
- Abram Garfield
- Charles Fowler Garfield
- Charles William Garfield
- Harry Augustus Garfield
- James Rudolph Garfield
- Arthur L. Garford
- Howard Roger Garis
- Roy Lawrence Garis
- Daniel Frank Garland
- Hamlin Garland
- Thomas James Garland
- William May Garland
- Henry M. Garlice
- Ernest Albert Garlington
- Harrison Garman
- Harry Otto Garman
- Samuel Garman
- James Bert Garner
- James Wilford Garner
- John Nance Garner
- Wightman Wells Garner
- Edward Bernard Garnett
- James Garnett
- Judith Livingston Cox Garnett
- Leslie Coombs Garnett
- Author H.)
- Porter Garnett
- Elmer Ellsworth Garnsey
- Francis Arthur Garrecht
- Arthur Garrels
- Austin Bruce Garretson
- Joseph Garretson
[edit]- Daniel Edward Garrett
- David Claiborne Garrett
- Edmund Henry Garrett
- Erwin Claxkson Garrett
- Finis James Garrett
- John Biddle Garrett
- J(Oshua) Tracy Garrett
- Mitchell Bennett Garrett
- Robert Garrett
- Rufus Napoleon Garrett
- William Abner Garrett
- Walter Eugene Garrey
- Charles Grant Garrison
- Daniel Mershon Garrison
- Fielding Hudson Garrison
- F(Rank) Lynwood Garrison
- James Carr Garrison
- James Harvey Garrison
- John Boggs Garrison
- Lemuel Addison Garrison
- Lindley Miller Garrison
- Theodosia Pickering Garrison
- Winfred Ernest Garrison
- Hal Garrott
- Perry Garst
- Warren Garst
- Thomas Russell Garth
- Francis Patrick Garvan
- Francis Marion Garver
- John Anson Garver
- William Henry Harrison Garver
- Edwin Louis Garvin
- Margaret Root Garvin
- E(Dward) Stanley Gary
- Elbert Henry Gary
- Hampson Gary
- Hunter Larrabee Gary
- Theodore Gary
- Mrs. Herman E. Gasch
- John J. Gascoyne
- Alfred Gaskill
- Nelson Burr Gaskill
[edit]- Leon Gaspard
- Allard Henry Gasque
- Thomas Ignatius Gas Son
- Robert Shaeser Gast
- Charles Robert Gaston
- Edward Page Gaston
- Joseph Alfred Gaston
- Lucy Page Gaston
- William Gaston
- William Alexander Gaston
- Willis Dew Gatch
- George Washington Gatchell
- Caleb Frank Gates
- Charles Winslow Gates
- Clarence Ray Gates
- Edward Percy Gates
- Elmer Gates
- Errett Gates
- Fanny Cook Gates
- Frederick Taylor Gates
- Herbert Wright Gates
- Jasper Calvin Gates
- John Howard Gates
- Joseph Wilson Gates
- Josephine Scribner Gates
- Manchester Gates
- Milo Hudson Gates
- Moody Bliss Gates
- Owen Hamilton Gates
- Philetus Warren Gates
- Robert Moores Gates
- Susa Young Gates
- Thomas Sovereign Gates
- W(Illey) Francis Gates
- William Frederick Gates
- James Duncan Gatewood
- James Edwin Gatewood
- George Grant Gatley
- H(Oward) Prescott Gatley
- Giulio Gatti-Casazza
- Ignaz Marcel Gaugengtgl
- Harvey B. Gaul
- Robert David Gauley
- Alphonse Gaulin
- Robert Harvey Gault
- Frank Ales Gause
- Christian Gauss
- Clarence Edward Gauss
[edit]- Eva Gauthier
- Edward James Gavegan
- Francis Henry Gavisk
- John Palmer Gavit
- Allison Gaw
- Carl Warren Gay
- Edward Gay
- Edward James Gay
- Edwin Francis Gay
- Frank Butler Gay
- Frederick Parker Gay
- George Washington Gay
- H(Arry) Nelson Gay
- Maria Gay
- Maude Clark Gay
- Robert Malcolm Gay
- Walter Gay
- Charles Mills Gayley
- Franklin Augustus Gaylord
- Harvey Russell Gaylord
- Joseph Searle Gaylord
- Truman Penfield Gaylord
- Joseph M. Gazzam
- Harry Barnes Gear
- Hiram Lewis Gear
- Ephraim Maclay Gearhart
- John M. Gearin'
- Heinrich Gebhard
- Willrich Gebhard
- George Frederic Gebhardt
- Alice Spencer Geddes
- Sir Auckland Campbell Geddes
- Frederick Lyman Geddes
- James Geddes
- Howard James Gee
- Bennette Eugene Geer
- Curtis Manning Geer
- Danforth Geer
- Theodore Thurston Geer
- Waiter Geer
- William Chauncey Geer
- William Henry Geer
- William Montague Geer
- Henry Snyder G-Ehman
- Albert Gehrlng
- John George Gehring
- Karl Wilson Gehrkens
- John Henry Gehrs
- Adam Geibel
- Frederick August Geier
- Ferdinand A. Geiger
- Jacob Geiger
- Joseph Roy Geiger
- William Frederick Geiger
- John Bart Geijsbeek
- William Edgar Geil
- Carolyn Geisel
- Karl Frederick Geiser
- James Allen Geissinger
- Arthur H. Geissler
- Ludwig Reinhold Geissler
- Emil Sebastian Geist
- Mrs. Louis Napoleon Geldert
- Johannes Sophus Gelert
- George Gellhorn
- St. Louis Med. Soc. A. M.A.
- William Henry Gemmell
- Benjamin Mckee Gemmill
- Willard Beharrell Gemmill
- William Headrick Gemmill
- William Nelson Gemmill
- Lorraine M. Gensam
- Lillian Genth
- Charles Burt Gentry
- William Lee Gentry
- George Frederick Genung
- William Anthony Geohegan
- Walter Ferdinand Georg
- Albert Eugene George
- Charles Albert George
- Charles Carlton George
- Edgar Jesse George
- Grace George
- Joseph Henry George
- Joseph Warren George
- Marian M. George
- Russell D. George
- Walter Franklin George
- William George
- William Jhenry George
- William Reuben George
[edit]- Charles Christian Georgeson
- William Franklin Gephart
- Elmer Hendrickson Geran
- Jameswatson Gerard
- George Henry Gerber Ding
- Daniel James Gercke
- Thomas Golding Gerdine
- George Grant Gere
- William Paul Gerhard
- Wilhelm Gericke
- John Lawrence Gerig
- William Gerig
- Walter Diedrick Gerken
- John Joseph Gerlach
- Edward Bennett Germain
- Charles E. Germane
- Fred B(Enjamin) Gernerd
- Hugo Gernsback
- Gordon Hall Gerould
- James Thayer Gerould
- John Hiram Gerould
- Katharine Fullerton Gerould
- Richard Oliver Gerow
- Gregory Gerrer
- Willard Peabody Gerrish
- Elbridge Thomas Gerry
- Margarita Spalding Gerry
- Martin Hughes Gerry
- Peter Goelet Gerry
- George Gershwin
- Felix Napoleon Gerson
- Oscar Gerson
- Alice Gerstenberg
- Charles William Gerstenberg
- Henry John Gerstenberger
- George William Gerwig
- U. Of Neb. G.: B.A.
- Arnold Gesell
- Robert Gesell
- Anthon Temple Gesner
- Theodore A. K. Gessler
- Hermann Bertram Gessner
- John Marshall Gest
- Joseph Henry Gest
- Morris Gest
- William Purves Gest
- Fred William Gethro
- Frederick Hutton Getman
- Edward Christopher Getsinger
- Raymond Garfield Gettell
- Charles Ferris Gettemy
- Robert N. Getty
- George Fulmer Getz
- William James Ghent
- Bancroft Gherardi
- Amadeo Peter Giannini
- Attilio H. Giannini
- Joachim G. Giaver
- John Heysham Gibbon
- Stuart Gatewood Gibboney
- Floyd (Phillips) Gibbons
- Henry Gibbons
- Herbert Adams Gibbons
- A(Rthur) Hamilton Gibbs
- Edwin C(Lark) Gibbs
- George Gibbs
- George Gibbs
- George Sabin Gibbs
- Harry Drake Gibbs
- Lincoln Robinson Gibbs
- Robert Adams Gibbs
- Roswell Clifton Gibbs
- Walter Chesterfield Gibbs
- William Francis Gibbs
- Winifred Stuart Gibbs
- Virgil Pendleton Gibney
- Axel Emil Gibson
- Ben J. Gibson
- Carleton Bartlett Gibson
- Charles Brock Way Gibson
- Charles Dana Gibson
- Charles Hammond Gibson
- Charles Langdon Gibson
- Ernest Willard Gibson
- Eva Katherine Clapp Gibson
- Finley Foster Gibson
- Frank Markey Gibson
- George Miles Gibson
- Harvey Dow Gibson
- Henry Richard Gibson
- Horatio Gates Gibson
- Hugh Gibson
- James Lambert Gibson
- Preston Gibson
- Robert Murray Gibson
- Robert Williams Gibson
- Samuel Carrol Gibson
- William Meredith Gibson
- William Wesley Gibson
- Franklin Henry Giddings
- Howard Andrus Giddings
- Abram Gideon
- Valentine Gideon
- James Williams Gidley
- Leonard Anthony Giegerich
- William John Gies
- William Frederic Giese
- Albert Anthony Giesecke
- John Ulrich Giesy
- James Kelly Giffen
- John Kelly Giffen
- William M. Giffin
- Charles L. Gifford
- Frances Eliot Gifford
- Franklin Kent Gifford
- George Gifford
- George Gifford
- Harold Gifford
- James Meacham Gifford
- John Clayton Gifford
- Livingston. Gifford
- Miram Wentworth Gifford
- Orrin Philip Gifford
- Ralph Waldo Gifford
- Seth Kelley Gifford
- Walter Sherman Gifford
- William Logan Rodman Gifford
[edit]- Beniamino Gigli
- Leigh Robinson Gignilliat
- Trinity Coll. M. A.
- Albert Dakin Gihon
- Alexander Gilbert
- Arthur Witter Gilbert
- Cass Gilbert
- Charles Allan Gilbert
- Charles Henry Gilbert
- Charles Kendall Gilbert
- Charles Pierrepont H. Gilbert
- Clinton Wallace Gilbert
- Edward Martinius Gilbert
- Frank Bixby Gilbert
- George Holley Gilbert
- Hiram Thornton Gilbert
- James Henry Gilbert
- John Jacob Gilbert
- Joseph Walter Gilbert
- Nelson Rust Gilbert
- Newton Whiting Gilbert
- Norman Everett Gilbert
- Prentiss Bailey Gilbert
- Ralph Gilbert
- Seymour Parker Gilbert
- S(Tirling) Price Gilbert
- Virgil O. Gilbert
- William Ball Gilbert
- Esteban Gilborges
- Sidney Gordon Gilbreath
- Frank Bunker Gilbreth
- Lillian Moller Gilbreth
- Albert Waller Gilchrist
- Beth Bradford Gilchrist
- Donald Bean Gilchrist
- Huntington Gilchrist
- T(Homas) Caspar Gilchrist
- London M.R.C.S.
- Joseph B. Gilder
- Robert Fletcher Gilder
- Rodman Gilder
- John Martin Gile
- Howard Everett Giles
- J(Abez) Edward Giles
- Charles Whitney Gilkey
- James Gordon Gilkey
- Union Theol. Sem. B. D.
- Adam Capen Gill
- Augustus Herman Gill
- Charles Clifford Gill
- George Carleton Gill
- John Gill
- John Edward Gill
- Joseph A. Gill
- Joseph Kaye Gill
- Kermode Frederic Gill
- Laura Drake Gill
- Patrick Francis Gill
- Thomas Augustus Gill
- Theol. Sem. B. D.
- Waltus Hughes Gill
- Wilson Lindsley Gill
- Charles P. Gillen
- Barnes Gillespie
- Guy Tillman Gillespie
- Oscar William Gillespie
- Richard Thomas Gillespie
- Thomas A. Gillespie
- William Gillespie
- Arthur Lincoln Gillett
- Charles Ripley Gillett
- B.S. C. E.
- Frederick Huntingdon Gillett
- James Norris Gillett
- Clarence Preston Gillette
- Frank Edward Gillette
- Halbert Powers Gillette
- James Robert Gillette
- John Morris Gillette
- Lewis Singer Gillette
- William Gillette
[edit]- David Tod Gilliam
- James T. Gillick
- Andrew Gillies
- James Lewis Gillies
- Strickland Glllilan
- Adam Raymond Gilliland
- Clarence Vosburgh Gilliland
- John W. Gilliland
- John Lewis Gillin
- Clinton Hancock Gillingham
- Arthur L. Gilliom
- James Martin Gillis
- Horatio Gonzalo Gillmor
- Inez Haynes Gillmore
- James Clarkson Gillmore
- Rufus (Hamilton) Gillmore
- John William Gillon
- Wallace Gillpatrick
- Albert Franklin Gilman
- Alfred Alonzo Gilman
- Benjamin Ives Gilman
- Bradley Gilman
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Dorothy Foster Gilman
- Lawrence Gilman
- Luthene Clairmont Gilman
- Mary Rebecca Foster Gilman
- Stephen Warren Gilman
- Stewart Gilman
- Theodore Gilman
- Thomas Lewis Gilmer
- William Wirt Gilmer
- Albert Field Gilmore
- Charles Whitney Gilmore
- Edward Gilmore
- Eugene Allen Gilmore
- George William Gilmore
- John Washington Gilmore
- Myron T. Gilmore
- Pascal Pearl Gilmore
- Ralph J(Ohn) Gilmore
- Robert Gilmore
- Charles Sidney Gilpin
- Joseph Elliott Gilpin
- William Edgar Gilroy
- Roy Rolfe Gilson
- Leigh Gordon Giltner
- Jacob Gimbel
- Curvin Henry Gingrich
- Frank Hadley Ginn
- Robert Mcniel Ginter
- Mary Pemberton Ginther
- Louis Ginzberg
- Lawrence Henry Gipson
- John Harvey Girdner
- George Herbert Girty
- Dorothy Gish
- Lillian Gish
- Roy Gittinger
- J(Ohn) Claxton Gittings
- Robert Henry Gittins
- John Laporte Given
- Robert Chenault Givler
- Knut Gjerset
- William J. Glackens
- William Nathan Gladson
- Hugh Grundy Glascock
- Lulu Glaser
- Otto (Charles) Glaser
- Arthur Graham Glasgow
- Benjamin Bascom Glasgow
- Samuel Mcpheeters Glasgow
- William Anderson Glasgow
- Gilson Gardner Glasier
- Carter Glass
- Franklin Potts Glass
- James H. Glass
- Joseph Sarsfleld Glass
- Meta Glass
- Montague (Marsden) Glass
- Samuel Sampson Glasscock
- William Ellsworth Glasscock
- Henry Haywood Glassie
- William Henry Glasson
- Samuel F. Glatfelter
- Otis Allan Glazebrook
[edit]- Clarence Willard Gleason
- Edward Baldwin Gleason
- Herbert Wendell Gleason
- William Palmer Gleason
- Albert Gleaves
- James Willis Gleed
- Charles K. Gleeson
- Henry Crete Gleiss
- Irving Mackey Glen
- Robert Glendinning
- Robert Glenk
- Charles Bowles Glenn
- Edwin Forbes Glenn
- Garrard Glenn
- Gustavus Richard Glenn
- J(Ohn) Lyles Glenn
- John Mark Glenn
- John Mcgaw Glenn
- Leonidas Chalmers Glenn
- Oliver Edmunds Glenn
- Thomas Kearney Glenn
- William Schaeffer Glenn
- Arthur Henry Glennan
- James Henry Glennon
- John Joseph Glennon
- Marguerite Linton Glentworth
- John Jacob Glessner
- Charles Jasper Glidden
- Minnie Maud Gli D Den
- Fritz Glogauer
- Charles Carroll Glover
- Jan. 10 U. S.N.
- Charles Carroll Glover
- George Henry Glover
- James Waterman Glover
- Robert Hall Glover
- W(Arren) Irving Glover
- Samuel Moses Gloyd
- Alma Gluck
- Bernard Glueck
- James P. Glynn
- Martin H. Glynn
- Orrin S. Goan
- William Mathis Gober
- George Seymour Godard
- John Emory Godbey
- Edgar Godbold
- Charles William Goddard
- Christopher Marsh Goddard
- Edwin C. Goddard
- Harold Clarke Goddard
- Harry Williams Goddard
- Henry Herbert Goddard
- Henry Newell Goddard
- Henry Warren Goddard
- James (H.) Goddard
- John Calvin Goddard
- Leroy Albert Goddard
- Morrill Goddard
- O. Fletcher Goddard
- Oscar Elmo Goddard
- Pliny Earle Goddard
- Ralph Bartlett Goddard
- Robert Hutchings Goddar1j
- John Granville Godding
- Edward Settle Godfrey
- 21st Ohio Inf. D
- Hollis Godfrey
- Frederic Webster Goding
- Leopold Godowsky
- Jose Francisco Godoy
- Lincoln Derstine God Shall
- Blake-More Godwin
- Earl Godwin
- Hannibal La Fayette Godwin
- Harold Godwin
- Herman Phhip Goebel
- Julius Goebel
- Julius Goebel
- Peter W. Goebel
- J. Henry Goeke
- Robert Goelet
- Robert Walton Goelet
- Philip Henry Goepp
- Helena Theresa Goessmann
- Henry Richard Goetchius
- George Washington Goethals
- Percy Goetschius
- John Andrew Goette
- Philip Becker Goetz
- Frederick Arthur Goetze
- Guy Despard Goff
- John W. Goff
- J(Ames) Riddle Goffe
- Emilio Edouardo De Gogorza
- Conrad Bruno Gohdes
- Charles Buxton Going
- Howard R. Gold
- Pleasant Daniel Gold
- William Henry Gold
- Edward Goldbeck
- Reuben Lucius Goldberg
- Joseph Goldberger
- John Golden
- Alexander Goldenweiser
- Benjamin M. Golder
- Frank Alfred Golder
- Henry M. Goldfogle
- Abraham Jules Goldforb
- Louis Thorn Golding
- Edward Alphonso Goldman
- Mayer C. Goldman
- Samuel P. Goldman
- Pauline Dorothea Goldmark
- Rubin Goldmark
- Louise Dunham Goldsberry
- Phillips Lee Goldsborough
- Winder Elwell Goldsborough
- Worthington Goldsborough
- Goldwin Goldsmith
- Milton Goldsmith
- Robert Goldsmith
- William M(Arion) Goldsmith
- Albert Goldspohn
- James Walter Gol Dthwait
- Joel Ernest Goldthwait
- Nathan Edward Goldthwait
- Anne Goldthwaite
- Nellie Esther Goldthwaite
[edit]- Sigismund Schulz Goldwater
- Samuel (Surname Adopted) Goldwyn
- George W. Goler
- William Harvey Goler
- Joseph Gollomb
- Maximilian Goltman
- Edward Field Goltra
- Moses Gomberg
- Samuel Gompers
- Lillian May Gongwer
- Ambrose Elliott Gonzales
- William Elliott Gonzales
- Frank Austin Gooch
- Edward Ellsworth Good
- Edwin Stanton Good
- Grover Charles Good
- Irby J. Good
- James William Good
- John Walter Good
- Charles Warren Goodale
- Dora Read Goodale
- Hubert Dana Goodale
- Joseph Lincoln Goodale
- Stephen Lincoln Goodale
- Louis Bertrand Goodall
- Frank Marsden Goodchild
- Clement Tyson Goode
- George William Goode
- J(Ohn) Paul Goode
- Richard Livingston Goode
- Charles Elmer Goodell
- Charles Le Roy Goodell
- Reginald Rusdgn Goodell
- Robert Burton Gooden
- George Alfred Goodenough
- Arthur Lehman Goodhart
- Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue
- Edward Solon Goodhue
- Everett Walton Goodhue
- Francis Abbot Goodhue
- William Joseph Goodhue
- Frank R. Gooding
- Maurice Louis Goodkind
- Ruth G. L.
- A(Bbie) Carter Goodloe
- Don Speed Smith Goodloe
- Blanche Goodman
- Jules Eckert Goodman
- Cloyd Goodnight
- Scott Holland Goodnight
- Frank Johnson Goodnow
- Minnie Goodnow
- Mancil Clay Goodrell
[edit]- Alfred John Goodrich
- Arthur (Frederick) Goodrich
- Caspar Frederick Goodrich
- Chauncey Goodrich
- Ernest Payson Goodrich
- Frank Goodrich
- Frederick William Goodrich
- Herbert F. Goodrich
- Hubert Baker Goodrich
- James Clarence Goodrich
- James Putnam Goodrich
- Nathaniel Lewis Goodrich
- Robert Eugene Goodrich
- Malcolm Goodridge
- Edward Fletcher Good Son
- Edgar Johnson Goodspeed
- David Lincoln Goodwillie
- Arthur C. Goodwin
- Cardinal (Leonidas) Goodwin
- Charles Jacques Goodwin
- Clarence Norton Goodwin
- Edward C. Goodwin
- Edward Jasper Goodwin
- Edward Jewett Goodwin
- Elliot H. Goodwin
- Francis M. Goodwin
- Frank Judson Goodwin
- Godfrey G. Goodwin
- Harold Goodwin
- Harry Manley Goodwin
- Mark London Goodwin
- Maud Wilder Goodwin
- Wilder Goodwin
- William Hall Goodwin
- William Nelson Goodwin
- William Shields Goodwin
- Anson Conger Goodyear
- Bradley Goodyear
- Wells Goodykoontz
- Harry Mann Gordin
- Charles H. Gordinier
- Hermon Camp Gordinier
- Alfred Gordon
- Anna Adams Gordon
- Armistead Churchill Gordon
- Arthur Horace Gordon
- Charles Henry Gordon
- Clarence Gordon
- Clarence Mccheyne Gordon
- David Stuart Gordon
- Eleanor Elizabeth Gordon
- Fred George Rus3 Gordon
- George Angier Gordon
- George Breed Gordon
- George Byron Gordon
- Irwin Leslie Gordon
- James Herndon Gordon
- James Logan Gordon
- James Marcus Gordon
- John Henry Gordon
- Kate Gordon
- Margaret Gordon
- Neil Elbridge Gordon
- Peyton Gordon
- S(Amuel) D(Ickey) Gordon
- Walter Henry Gordon
- Wuliam Gordon
- William St. Clair Gordon
- Wilbur Fisk Gordy
- Claude Gore
- Elbert Brutus Gore
- Herbert Charles Gore
- Howard Mason Gore
- James Howard Gore
- John Kin3ey Gore
- Thomas Pryor Gore
- W. A. Gore
- Frederic Poole Gorham
- Orville B. Gorin
- Daniel M. Gorman
- Georffe Edmond Gorman
- James Edward Gorman
- John Jerome Gorman
[edit]- Ross Aiken Gortner
- Mack F. Gose
- Elmer Isaac Goshen
- Hart John Goslee
- Arthur Goss
- Charles A. Goss
- Charles Frederic Goss
- Evan Benson Goss
- Warren Lee Goss
- William Freeman Myrick Goss
- George Daniel Gossard
- Philip Green Gossler
- William Charles Gotshall
- William Thomas Gott
- William Samuel Gottheil
- Oscar Hunt Von Gottschalck
- Louis Ferdinand Gottschalk
- Oscar M. Gottschall
- John C. Gotwals
- Franklin Curtis Goudy
- Frederic Wilham Goudy
- Emile Jefferson Gough
- Harry Bainbridge Gough
- Anna Laura Gould
- Charles Newton Gould
- Charles Winthrop Gould
- Clarence Pembroke Gould
- Edwin Gould
- Frank Jay Gould
- Grace Margaret Gould
- Harris Perley Gould
- Helen Miller Gould
- Herbert Bingham Gould
- Howard Gould
- Howard Gould
- Kingdom Gould
- Norman Judd Gould
- Samuel Wadsworth Gould
- William Edward Gould
- Harvey Danforth Goulder
- Harrison William Gourley
- Joseph Harvey Gourley
- Louis Hill Gourley
- William B. Gourley
- Teunis Earl Gouwens
- Charles Augustus Gove
- Rafael R. Govin
- George Coleman Gow
- James Steele Gow
- Ephraim Gowan Gowans
- John Gowdy
- Roy Cotsworth Gowdy
- Francis Innes Gowen
- Herbert Henry Gowen
- Isaac William Gowen
- Robert Fellows Gowen
- Enoch Burton Gowin
- Amadeus William Grabau
- Mary Antin Grabau
- Edward Darwin Graber
- Ethelbert Vincent Grabill
- E(Dward) F(Rank) Grable
- Eugene Gifford Grace
- Joseph Peter Grace
- William Joseph Grace
- William Russell Grace
- Wilbur Tirell Gracey
- Theodore Graebner
- Ellis U. Graff
- Charles Grafly
- Dorothy Grafly
- Robert Wadsworth Grafton
- Allen Jordan Graham
- Christopher Graham
- David Wilson Graham
- Edwin Eldon Graham
- Ernest Robert Graham
- Evarts Ambrose Graham
- George Scott Graham
- George Sellers Graham
- Henry Tucker Graham
- Horace French Graham
- James Clark Graham
- James M. Graham
- John Meredith Graham
- John Young' Graham
- Joseph Alexander Graham
- Mary Owen Graham
- Neil F. Graham
- Robert Graham
- U. Of Ky. B. S.
- Samuel Jordan Graham
- Stephen Victor Graham
- Thomas Wesley Graham
- William Alexander Graham
- William Harrison Graham
- William Johnson Graham
- William Pratt Graham
[edit]- Percy (Aldridge) Grainger
- Lewis Merritt Gram
- Carl Eckhardt Grammer
- John Cowper Granbery
- Charles Paxton Grandfield
- Charles Hall Grand Gent
- Egbert Henry Grandin
- Alfred Hoyt Granger
- Charles Trumbull Granger
- Frank Butler Granger
- Sherman Moorhead Granger
- Henry Regis Granjon
- Charles P. Grannan
- Elizabeth Bartlett Grannis
- Anna Jane Granniss
- Albert Weston Grant
- Amy (Allison) Grant
- Arthur Rogers Grant
- Charles Henry Grant
- Elihu Grant
- Ethel Watts-Mumford Grant
- Frederick Clifton Grant
- Heber J. Grant
- James Richard Grant
- Jesse R. Grant
- Joseph Donohoe Grant
- Lester Strickland Grant
- Madison Grant
- Percy Stickney Grant
- Richard Frank Grant
- Robert Grant
- Robert John Grant
- Rollin P. Grant
- Ulysses S. Grant
- Ulysses Sherman Grant
- Walter Bruce Grant
- Whit Mcdonough Grant
- William Thomas Grant
- William West Grant
- Edwin Lincoln Grantham
- Ulysses Grant- Smith
- William Anthony Granville
- Norman Scott Brien Gras
- Edwin Grasse
- Caesar Augustin Grasselli
- John Sharshall Grasty
- Louis Caxyl Graton
- William Caspar Graustein
- William Loyall Gravatt
- Caswell Grave
- Abbott Fuller Graves
- Anson Rogers Graves
- Charles Graves
- Charles Alfred Graves
- C(Harles) Edward Graves
- Charles Hinman Graves
- Charles Marshall Graves
- Frank Pierrepont Graves
- Frederick Rogers Graves
- Henry Solon Graves
- Jackson Alpheus Graves
- James Wesley Graves
- Jay P. Graves
- John Temple Graves
- John Temple Graves
- Louis Graves
- Marvin Lee Graves
- Nelson Zuingle Graves
- Ralph A. Graves
- Ralph H. Graves
- Schuyler Colfax Graves
- Stuart Graves
- Waller W. Graves
- William Phillips Graves
- William Sidney Graves
- Charles Theodore Grawn
[edit]- Alfred Leftwich Gray
- Andrew Caldwell Gray
- Arthur Irving Gray
- Arthur Romeyn Gray
- Baron De Kalb Gray
- Campbell Gray
- Carl Raymond Gray
- Charles Oliver Gray
- Charlotte Elvira Gray
- Clarence Truman Gray
- Clifton Daggett Gray
- Daniel Thomas Gray
- Dudley Guy Gray
- Edward Winthrop Gray
- Finly H. Gray
- George Gray
- George H. Gray
- Henry David Gray
- James M. Gray
- James Mcllvaine Gray
- John Henry Gray
- John Pinkham Gray
- Joseph M. M. Gray
- Joseph Phelps Gray
- Joslyn Gray
- Lewis Cecil Gray
- Louis Herbert Gray
- Morris Gray
- Oscar Lee Gray
- Prentiss Nathaniel Gray
- Roland Gray
- William Crane Gray
- William Rensselaer Gray
- William Scott Gray
- Cary Travers Grayson
- Charles Prevost Grayson
- Clifford Prevost Grayson
- David Grayson
- Edmund Greacen
- Kathleen Honora Greatorex
- Edwin St. John Greble
- Edwin Seneca Greeley
- Louis May Greeley
- Samuel Arnold Greeley
- William Buckhout Greeley
- Adolphus Washington Greely
- Antoinette Greely
- Addison Loomis Green
- Allen Ayrault Green
- Anna Katharine Green
- Arthur Laurence Green
- Berryman Green
- Charles Henry Green
- Charles Montraville Green
- Crawford Richmond Green
- David I. Green
- Edward Brodhead Green
- Edward Melvin Green
- Edwin George Green
- Fitzhugh Green
- Francis Harvey Green
- Frank Russell Green
- Fred Warren Green
- Frederick Green
- Frederick Robin Green
- Frederick William Green
- Gardner Leland Green
- Grafton Green
- H. T. S. Green
- Henry Irvin Green
- Henry Woodhull Green
- Horace Green
- James Green
- James Benjamin Green
- James F. Green
- Jerome Joseph Green
- John Edgar Green
- Marcellus Green
- Robert Alexis Green
- Rufus Lot Green
- Theodore Francis Green
- Thomas Edward Green
- Walton Atwater Green
- William Green
- William Green
- William Mercer Green
- William Raymond Green
- Wyman Reed Green
[edit]- Leo Greenbaum
- Max Greenbaum
- Samuel Greenbaum
- Sydney Greenbie
- Leo Green Dlinger
- Anne Bos Worth Greene
- Arthur Maurice Greene
- Charles Jerome Greene
- Charles Lyman Greene
- Charles Samuel Greene
- Charles Warren Greene
- Charles Wilson Greene
- Clarence Wilson Greene
- Clay Meredith Greene
- D(Aniel) Crosby Greene
- Edwin Farnham Greene
- Evarts Boutell Greene
- Frances Nimmo Greene
- Frank Lester Greene
- Frederick Stuart Greene
- Gardiner Greene
- George Francis Greene
- George Wellington Greene
- Harry Irving Greene
- Henry Copley Greene
- Henry Vincent Greene
- Herbert Eveleth Greene
- Herbert Wilber Greene
- Homer Greene
- Jerome Davis Greene
- John Greene
- John Morton Greene
- John Priest Greene
- M(Aria) Louise Greene
- Mary Anne Greene
- Robert Holmes Greene
- Roger Sherman Greene
- Roger Sherman Greene
- Samuel Harrison Greene
- Samuel Webb Greene
- Sarah Pratt Greene
- Walter Kirkland Greene
- Warwick Greene
- William Brenton Greene
- William Chace Greene
- William Chase Greene
- William Milbury Greene
- William Stedman Greene
- Henry Everett Greenebaum
- Moses Ernest Greenebaum
- Harry Cornell Greening
- Edwin Greenlaw
- James Leal Greenleaf
- Jesse More Greenman
- Milton J. Greenman
- Walter Folger Greenman
- Chester Noyes Greenough
- James Carruthers Greenough
- Jeanie Ashley Bates Greenough
- John Greenough
- Robert Battey Greenough
- William Bates Greenough
[edit]- Ferris Greenslet
- Julius Hillel Greenstone
- James Cowan Greenway
- John Campbell Greenway
- Allen Greenwood
- Arthur H. Greenwood
- Elizabeth Ward Greenwood
- Thomas Benton Greenwood
- Hilton Ross Greer
- Lawrence Greer
- Samuel Miller Greer
- Cordia Greer-Petrie
- Gustavus Garland Greever
- Walton Harlowe Greever
- Alexander White Gregg
- Curtis Hussey Gregg
- Earl Lamont Gregg
- Frank Moody Gregg
- Fred Marion Gregg
- Harris Hibbard Gregg
- James Edgar Gregg
- John Andrew Gregg
- John Robert Gregg
- John William Gregg
- William C. Gregg
- Elmer Russell Gregor
- Caspar Rene Gregory
- Charles Noble Gregory
- Chester Arthur Gregory
- Herbert Ernest Gregory
- Jackson Gregory
- John Gregory
- John Goadby Gregory
- John Herbert Gregory
- Thomas W Att Gregory
- Warren Gregory
- Warren Fenno Gregory
- William Benjamin Gregory
- W(Illiam) K(Ing) Gregory
- William Voris Gregory
- Willis George Gregory
- Alexander Simpson Greig
- John E. Greiner
- Felix Grendon
- Helen Loring Grenfell
- Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
- John Hubert Greusel
- Charles Theodore Greve
- Nicolay A. Grevstad
[edit]- Joseph Clark Grew
- Elmer Grey
- Frank Herbert Grey
- Zane Grey
- John Gribbel
- Warren Grice
- Alvan Ruckman Grier
- James Alexander Grier
- Norman Macdowell Grier
- Robert Calvin Grier
- William Walton Griest
- Edwin Oscar Griffenhagen
- Anthony Jerome Griffin
- Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin
- Daniel J. Griffin
- Edward Herrick Griffin
- Frank Loxley Griffin
- Frederick Robertson Griffin
- James Aloysius Griffin
- James Owen Griffin
- John Griffin
- Lawrence Edmonds Griffin
- Martin Luther Griffin
- Nathaniel Edward Griffin
- Robert Stanislaus Griffin
- Solomon Bulkley Griffin
- Walter Griffin
- Walter Burley Griffin
- William Vincent Griffin
- William Elliot Griffis
- Armond Harrold Griffith
- Benjamin Griffith
- Benjamin Whitfield Griffith
- David (Lewelyn) Wark Griffith
- Elmer Cummings Griffith
- Frank Carlos Griffith
- Franklin Thomas Griffith
- Griffith Pritchard Griffith
- Ivor Griffith
- Jefferson Davis Griffith
- J(Ohn) P. Crozer Griffith
- P. Merrill Griffith
- Reginald Harvey Griffith
- William Griffith
- David Griffiths
- Edwin Stephen Griffiths
- Edward Howard Griggs
- Everett Gallup Griggs
- Frederick Griggs
- Herbert Lebau Griggs
- John William Griggs
- Robert Fiske Griggs
- Elizabeth Berkeley Grimball
- Frances Grimes
- Angelina Weld Grimke
- Archibald Henry Grimke
- Francis James Grimke
- Carl William Grimm
- Robert Grimshaw
- Mrs. Samuel A. Grimson
- Harry Sands Grindley
- Joseph Grindon
- Elizabeth Grinnell
- George Bird Grinnell
- Joseph Grinnell
- Lloyd Carpenter Griscom
- Rodman Ellison Griscom
- Augustus H. Griswold
- Benjamin Howell Griswold
- Johns Hopkins A. B.
- Edith Julia Griswold
- Florence Griswold
- F(Rank) Gray Griswold
- Hervey De Witt Griswold
- Latta Griswold
- Sheldon Munson Griswold
- Thomas Griswold
- George Gorham Groat
- Joseph George Groeninger
- Alexander J. Groesbeck
- Clarence Edward Groesbeck
- Herman V. S. Groesbeck
- Starke Mclaughlin Grogan
- Albert Lorey Groll
- Samuel David Gromer
- Jens Kristiad Grgndahl
- Duncan Lawrence Groner
[edit]- Thomas Hakon Gronwall
- George Richmond Grose
- Howard Benjamin Grose
- Charles Edward Gross
- Charles Welles Gross
- Joseph Leonard Gross
- Myra Geraldine Gross
- Louis Grossmann
- Rudolph Grossmann
- Abbie Johnston Grosvenor
- Edwin Augustus Grosvenor
- Edwin Prescott Grosvenor
- Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor
- William Mason Grosvenor
- Slavko Y. Grouitch
- Abel Joel Grout
- Daniel Alexander Grout
- Edward Marshall Grout
- Frank F(Itch) Grout
- John Henry Grout
- Josiah Grout
- Delo Corydon Grover
- Edwin Osgood Grover
- Eulalie Osgood Grover
- Frederick Orville Grover
- Frederick Warren Grover
- Schenectady Pl
- Nathan Clifford Grover
- Oliver Dennett Grover
- Charles Stuart Groves
- Ernest Rutherford Groves
- Edwin Atkins Grozier
- Eugene Housel Grubb
- Ignatius Cooper Grubb
- William Irwin Grubb
- James M. Gruber
- L. Franklin Gruber
- William Henry Gruen
- Gustav Gruener
- Hippolyte Gruener
- Ernest Henry Gruening
- Frederic Rodrigo Gruger
- Clifford Grosselle Grulee
- Grant Bartholomew Grumbine
- Harvey Carson Grumbine
- Francis Eugene Grunert
- Carl Ewald Grunsky
- Kurt Grunwald
- Charles Paul Gruppe
- Harvey Snyder Gruver
- Humphry J Ohn Max Well Gr Ylls
- Louis Albert Gudebrod
- Alfred Gudeman
- Edward Gudeman
- Edward. Prof M.
- Eugene Willis Gudger
- James Madison Gudger
- Albert Leon Guerard
- Helene Adeline Guerber
- Jules Guerin
- William Eugene Guerin
- Othon Goepp Guerlac
- Alice Margaret Guernsey
- Frank Edward Guernsey
- Nathaniel Taylor Guernsey
- Edith Guerrier
- Alexander Guerry
- Dupont Guerry
- Le Grand Guerry
- William Alexander Guerry
- George Albert Guertin
- Harry Adalbert Guess
- Edgar Albert Guest
- Pedro Guevara
- James Mcclurg Guffey
- Daniel Guggenheim
- Murry (Morris) Guggenheim
- Simon Guggenheim
- Solomon R. Guggenheim
- William Guggenheim
- Frank Warburton Guilbert
- Courtenay Guild
- Lewis Thurber Guild
- Roy Bergen Guild
- William Alva Guild
- John Caldwell Guilds
- Walter Scribner Guiler
- John Hudson Guill
- David Wendel Fentress Guion
- Walter Guion
- Juan Guiteras
- Ramon Guiteras
- Arthur Guiterman
- William Backus Guitteau
- Charles Burton Gulick
- Edward Leeds Gulick
- Luther Halsey Gulick
- Sidney Lewis Gulick
- Needham Yancey Gulley
- Julia Henrietta Gulliver
- Lucile Gulliver
- Amelia Mott Gummere
- Richard Mott Gummere
- William Stryker Gummere
- Henry Riley Gummey
- Adolf Gundersen
- Henrik Gundersen
- Carl Gunderson
- Richard Fitz Harris Gun Dry
- Glenn Dillard Gunn
- Selskar Michael Gunn
- Herbert Foster Gunnison
- Edwin Norton Gunsaulus
- Julius Caldeen Gunter
- Franklin Mott Gunther
- Samuel Marcus Gup
- William Gupton
- Henry Benjamin Gurler
- William Fitzhugh Gurley
- Uriah Cloyd Guss
- Axel Ferdinand Gustafson
- Carl Henry Gustafson
- William Gustafson
- During World War A.
- Frederick Passmore Gutelius
- William Westley Guth
- Carl Eugen Guthe
- Anna Lorraine Guthrie
- Charles Claude Guthrie
- Charles Ellsworth Guthrie
- David Vance Guthrie
- Donald Guthrie
- Joseph Edward Guthrie
- Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie
- Lewis Van Gilder Guthrie
- William Anderson Guthrie
- William Dameron Guthrie
- William Norman Guthrie
- Mrs. David Gutierrez
- George H. Gutter Son
- Charles Lewis Guy
- Harvey Hugo Guy
- J(Ames) Sam(Uel) Guy
- William Evans Guy
- Claude E. Guyant
- Michael Frederic Guyer
- Ulysses Samuel Guyer
- William Harris Guyer
- James Tayloe Gwathmey
- Earl Stimson Gwin
- Joseph Marr Gwinn
- Herbert Britton Gwyn
- Thomas Lenoir Gwyn
- Walker Gwynne
- William George Haan
- Charles Francis Haanel
- George Christian Frederick Haas
- George Christian Otto Haas
- Gustav Haas
- John A. W. Haas
- Julius Henry Haass
- Christian Henry Haber Korn
- Elizabeth Jane Miller Hack
- Gwendolyn Dunlevy Kelley Hack
- William Bower Hackenburg
[edit]- Charles Wilson Hackett
- Chauncey Hackett
- E(Dmond) Byrne Hackett
- Francis Hackett
- Frank S. Hackett
- Frank Warren Hackett
- James Keteltas Hackett
- C. H.
- Karleton Spalding Hackett
- Wallace Hackett
- William Stormont Hackett
- Ed(Ward) T. Hackney
- Leonard J. Hackney
- Alexander Hadden
- Archibald Hadden
- Crowell Hadden
- Arthur Twining Hadley
- Chalmers Hadley
- Everett Addison Hadley
- Henry K. Hadley
- Herbert Spencer Hadley
- Hiram Elwood Hadley
- Lindley Hoag Hadley
- Philip Bardwell Hadley
- Ueorge Depue Hadzsits
- Arminius T. Haeberle
- Theophilus Levi Haecker
- Fitzhugh William Haensel
- William Edwin Haesche
- Yale B.
- William Joseph Hafey
- Delbert James Haff
- Oliver Owen Haga
- Stansbury Hagar
- Alfons Ludwig Hageboeck
- Hermann Hagedorn
- Richard Hageman
- William John Hagenah
- Luther George Hager
- Edward Thomson Hagerman
- Frank Hagerman
- Herbert James Hagerman
- James Hagerman
- Christian Dane Hagerty
- James Edward Hagerty
- Acting Head Of Dept. Os
- Alfred Martin Haggard
- Fred Porter Haggard
- In Russia Y.M.C.A.
- Sewell Haggard
- William David Haggard
- Melvin Everett Haggerty
- Ben Ali Haggin
- Louis Terah Haggin
- Warren Armstrong Haggott
- Fred Eugene Ha Gin
- Fred Eugene Hagin
- Johnson Ha Good
- G(Ustavus) Arvid Hagstrom
- Frank Hague
- Maurice Stewart Hague
- Vernon Lester Hague
- Henry B. Hagy
- Adolf Hahn
- Benjamin Daviese Hahn
- Conrad Velder Hahn
- Leo Haid
- Albert Haight
- Elizabeth Hazelton Haight
- Thomas Griffith Haight
- Columbus Haile
- Orren Luico Hailey
- William Nicholas Hailmann
- Bayard Taylor Hainer
- Charles Grove Haines
- Charles Henry Haines
- Frank David Haines
- Henry Cargiu Haines
- Jennie Day Haines
- Matthias Loring Haines
- Robert Terrel Haines
- Baird Halberstadt
- Homer Valmore Halbert
- William George Haldane
- Bruce Haldeman
- Harry Marston Haldeman
- Isaac Massey Haldeman
- William Birch Haldeman
- Albert (Barlow) Hale
- Chandler Hale
- Clarence Hale
- Edward Everett Hale
- Ellen Day Hale
- Fletcher Hale
- Franklin Darius Hale
- Fred Douglas Hale
- Frederick Hale
- Gardner Hale
- George Ellery Hale
- S. H.
- Harris Grafton Hale
- Harrison Hale
- Harry Clay Hale
- Irving Hale
- John Philetus Hale
- Ledyard Park Hale
- Lilian Westcott Hale
- Louise Closser Hale
- Marshal Hale
- Matthew Hale
- Nathan Wesley Hale
- Philip Hale
- Philip Leslie Hale
- Philip Thomas Hale
- Ralph Tracy Hale
- Reuben Brooks Hale
- Robert Hale
- William Barton Hale
- William Benjamin Hale
- William Gardner Hale
- William Green Hale
- William Jay Hale
- William Thomas Hale
- Elijah Walker Halford
- Adelaide S. Hall
- A(Lbert) Neely Hall
- Albert Richardson Hall
- Albin William Hall
- Amanda Benjamin Hall
- Arnold Bennett Hall
- Arthur Crawshay Alliston Hall
- Arthur Graham Hall
- Arthur Jackson Hall
- Arthur Pinckney Hall
- Asaph Hall
- Benjamin Mortimer Hall
- It. Of Ga. B. E.
- Durham N. C.
- Am. Inst. Mining Engrs. C. E.
- Bolton Hall
- Charles Mercer Hall
- Colby Dixon Hall
- Daniel Hall
- Edward Hagaman Hall
- Edward Kimball Hall
- Edwin Herbert Hall
- Eliza Calvert Hall
- Fitzgerald Hall
- Francis Joseph Hall
- Frank M. Hall
- Frank Oliver Hall
- Frederic Aldin Hall
- George Edward Hall
- George Gilman Hall
- Pl
- Gertrude Hall
- G(Ranville) Stanley Hall
- Harvey Monroe Hall
- Henry Hall
- Henry Clay Hall
- Henry Noble Hall
- Herman Hall
- Howard Judson Hall
- James King Hall
- James Morris Whiton Hall
- James Norman Hall
- James Parker Hall
- James Pierre Hall
- John Ellsworth Hall
- John Lesslie Hall
- John William Hall
- Josiah Newhall Hall
- Lester W. Hall
- Louis Dixon Hall
- Louis Phillips Hall
- Lyman Beecher Hall
- Matthew Walton Hall
- Maurice Crowther Hall
- Newton Marshall Hall
- Oakel Fowler Hall
- Orson Loftin Hall
- Percival Hall
- Reynold Thomas Hall
- Richard Cartwright Hall
- Robert William Hall
- Rufus Bartlett Hall
- Ruth Hall
- Sharlot Mabridth Hall
- Thomas Hall
- Thomas Cuming Hall
- Tomas Proctor Hall
- Walter Henry Hall
- Walter Perley Hall
- William Bonnell Hall
- William Edwin Hall
- William O. Hall
- William Phillips Hall
- William Preble Hall
- William Shafer Hall
- William Thomas Hall
- M.D. U„ 1887
- Julia (Kirkland) Clark Hallam
- Oscar Hallam
- Reuben Post Halleck
- Edwin Forrest Hallenbeck
- Richard Matthews Hallet
- George Hervey Hallett
- U„ 1889-90
- Ernest Milton Halliday
- James Edward Halligan
- Ashleigh C. Halliwell
- Harry -Dele Hallmark
- Frank Kirkwood Hallock
- Gerard Hallock
- Gerard Benjamin Fleet Hallock
- Mary Elizabeth Hallock
- Madeleine A. Hallowell
- N(Orwood) Penrose Hallowell
- Robert Hallowell
- Alfred Lawrence Hall-Quest
- William Halnon
- Benzion Halper
- (William) Forrest Halsey
- Frederick Arthur Halsey
- John Taylor Halsey
- Rena Isabelle Halsey
- Richard T. Haines Halsey
- Albert Halstead
- Albert Edward Halstead
- Alexander Seaman Halstead
- William Riley Halstead
- Abel Stevens Halsted
- George Bruce Halsted
- Thomas Henry Halsted
- Toronto Med. Sch. M. D.
- Clifford Dudley Ham
- Guy Andrews Ham
- H. H.
- Marion Franklin Ham
- Roscoe James Ham
- William Felton Ham
- William Ross Ham
- John Irvin Hamaker
- B(Enjamin) Howard Ha Man
- Carl August Hamann
- Carl Ferdinand Hamann
- Charles Henry Hamblin
- Earle W. Hamblin
- George Philip Hambrecht
- William Henry Hamby
- Charles Dennis Hamel
- Ottamar Hamele
- Thomas Ray Hamer
- Arthur Arton Hamerschlag
- Charles Humphrey Hamill
- Ernest Alfred Hamill
- James A. Hamill
- Samuel Mcclintock Hamill
- Albert Hine Hamilton
- Alice Hamilton
- U. Of Mich. M. D.
- Arthur Stephen Hamilton
- Charles Elbert Hamilton
- 1890-94 N. Y.
- Charles Mann Hamilton
- Charles Sumner Hamilton
- Clarence Grant Hamilton
- Clayton (Meeker) Hamilton
- David Wiley Hamilton
- Edxvard La Rue Hamilton
- Frank Hastings Hamilton
- Frederic Rutherford Hamilton
- Frederick William Hamilton
- George Anson Hamilton
- George E. Hamilton
- George Hall Hamilton
- George Livingstone Hamilton
- Grant E. Hamilton
- Hamilton Hamilton
- Hollister Adelbert Hamilton
- James Henry Hamilton
- James Mclellan Hamilton
- John Alan Hamilton
- John M. Hamilton
- John Mclure Hamilton
- John Sherman Hamilton
- J(Ohn) Taylor Hamilton
- John Taylor Hamilton
- John William Hamilton
- Kate Waterman Hamilton
- Peter Joseph Hamilton
- Thomas Benton Hamilton
- Thompson A. Hamilton
- Walter Raleigh Hamilton
- Walton Hale Hamilton
- William Hamilton
- William James Hamilton
- William Peter Hamilton
- William Pierson Hamilton
- William Wistar Hamilton
- James C. Hamlen
- Alfred Dwight Foster Hamlin
- Charles Summer Hamlin
- Chauncey J. Hamlin
- Clarence Clark Hamlin
- Conde Hamlin
- Courtney Walker Hamlin
- Hannibal Emery Hamlin
- Louis Hamman
- William Charles Adam Hammel
- William C. Hammer
- William Joseph Hammer
- Louis Nicholas Hammerling
- Charles Edward Hammett
- Edward Hammett
- John Hammill
- Joseph Otis Hammitt
- Andrew B. Hammond
- Edwin Pouock Hammond
- Eleanor Prescott Hammond
- Frank Clinch Hammond
- George Francis Hammond
- Graeme Monroe Hammond
- John Dennis Hammond
- John Hays Hammond
- John Hays Hammond
- John Henry Hammond
- Lily Hardy Hammond
- Matthew Brown Hammond
- Ogden Haggerty Hammond
- Percy Hammond
- Theodore Augustus Hammond
- William Alexander Hammond
- William Churchill Hammond
[edit]- William Allen Hamor
- Jerome J. Hanauer
- Charles Connard Hanch
- John William Hancher
- Benton Hanchett
- George Tilden Hanchett
- Lafayette Hanchett
- Arthur Boyd Hancock
- Glover Dunn Hancock
- Harris Hancock
- James Cole Hancock
- (Ernest) La Touche Hancock
- Thomas Hightower Hancock
- Augustus Noble Hand
- George Trowbridge Hand
- Learned Hand
- Henry Ebenezer Handerson
- Frank Augustine Handlin
- Charles H(Art) Handschin
- Henry Hunter Smith Handy
- Parker Douglas Handy
- Ray D. Handy
- Elbridge Hanecy
- Frederick Theodore Haneman
- Bert Emory Haney
- Dick Haney
- John Louis Haney
- Lewis Henry Haney
- Charles Barnum Hanford
- Cornelius Holgate Hanford
- Franklin Hanford
- James Holly Hanford
- Harry Baylor Hanger
- L. Judson Hanifan
- Frank Hamilton Hankins
- Abbot Atherton Hanks
- Lucien Mason Hanks
- Elijah Andrews Hanley
- John Chaney Hanley
- William Scott Hanley
- Lee Franklin Hanmer
- Charles Augustus Hanna
- Edward J. Hanna
- Howard Melville Hanna
- Hugh Si3son Hanna
- James Robert Hanna
- Louis Benjamin Hanna
- Philip C. Hanna
- Rea Hanna
- Richard Henry Hanna
- Charles Edward Hannaford
- Jule Murat Hannaford
- Ian Campbell Hannah
- Frederick Watson Hannan
- Arthur Thomas Hannett
- Francis James Hannigan
- W. H. Hannon
- William F. Hanny
- Henry Clay Hansbrough
- Elizabeth Deering Hanscom
- John Washington Hansel
- Howard Forde Hansell
- Joseph Francis Hanselman
- Armin Carl Hansen
- Harry Hansen
- Niels Ebbesen Hansen
- Paul Hansen
- Albert Hoit Hanson
- Bert Hanson
- Charles Lane Hanson
- George Charles Hanson
- George M. Hanson
- Henry W. A. Hanson
- Joseph Mills Hanson
- Martin H. Hanson
- Miles Hanson
- Ole Hanson
- Thomas Grafton Hanson
- Victory Henry Hanson
- William Christopher Hanson
- Paul Henry Hantjs
- Hutchins Hapgood
- Isabel Florence Hapgood
- Marshall Jay Hapgood
- Norman Hapgood
- Tasuku (Surname Adopted) Harada
- William Johnson Harahan
- Abram Alexander Harbach
- Otto Abels Harbach
- Thomas Chalmers Harbaugh
- Giles Bates Harber
- Ralph Warner Harbison
- Elias Peter (Adopted Name) Harbo
- Peter Monroe Harbold
- James Guthrie Harbord
- John Harbottle
- Jefferson Lee Harbour
- Lee Cohen Harby
- Alfred Harcotjrt
- William Hard
- Cary Augustus Hardee
- Nicholas Brodie Hardeman
- Edward Walker Harden
- William Harden
- Irving Hardesty
- Everitt C(Hancy) Hardin
- John Ralph Hardin
- Martin D. Hardin
- Willett Lepley Hardin
- Arthur Mccracken Harding
- C(Harles) Francis Harding
- Charlotte Harding
- Chester Harding
- George Harding
- Harry Alexis Harding
- J. Horace Harding
- John. William Harding
- Nelson Harding
- Samuel Bannister Harding
- William Lloyd Harding
- William P. G(Ould) Harding
- Hal Williams Hardinge
- Thomas William Hardwick
- Arthur Sherburne Hardy
- Ashley Kingsley Hardy
- Chester Ernest Hardy
- Edward Lawyer Hardy
- Edwin Noah Hardy
- Fannie Pearson Hardy
- George Erastus Hardy
- George Fiske Hardy
- Guy U. Hardy
- James Graham Hardy
- John Crumpton Hardy
- Lamar Hardy
- Rufus Hardy
- Summers Hardy
- Warren Follansbee Hardy
- Author M. D.
- Butler B. Hare
- George Andrew Hare
- Hobart Amory Hare
- James H. Hare
- James Madison Hare
- With 6th N.J.N.G.
- Marmaduke Hare
- T(Homas) Truxtun Hare
- Charles Moreau Harger
- Charles Wesley Hargitt
- George Thomas Hargitt
- Alexander1 Haring
- Clarence Henry Haring
- Clarence Melvin Haring
- Beverly Drake Harison
- J (Oseph) Max(Imilian) Hark
- Catherine Harker
- Joseph Ralph Harker
- Oliver Albert Harker
- Ray Clarkson Harker
- Edward Francis Harkins
- William Draper Harkins
- Albert Granger Harkness
- James Stewart Harkness
- Charles Johnson Harkrader
[edit]- Edgar Rubey Harlan
- Henry David Harlan
- James Elliott Harlan
- James S. Harlan
- John Maynard Harlan
- Otis Harlin
- Richard Davenport Harlan
- Rolvix Harlan
- Charles Richard Harley
- W(Illiam) Franke Harlin G
- Alvin Fay Harlow
- Victor Emmanuel Harlow
- William Elam Harlow
- William Page Harlow
- Henry Elliott Harman
- Jacob Anthony Harman
- James Lewie Harman
- Henry Harmeling
- Stephen John Harmeling
- Andrew Davidson Harmon
- Cameron Harmon
- Frank Wilson Harmon
- John Francis Harmon
- Judson Harmon
- Leo Clinton Harmon
- William Elmer Harmon
- John Henry Harms
- Perry L. Harned
- Robert Ellsworth Harned
- Thomas Biggs Harned
- Virginia Harned
- George Edward Harney
- Albert James Ha.Rno
- Cornelius Allen Harper
- Donald Harper
- George Mclean Harper
- Heber (Reece) Harper
- Henry Winston Harper
- Ida Husted Harper
- James Patterson Harper
- James R. Harper
- John Lyeil Harper
- Mabel Herbert (Urner) Harper
- Merritt Wesley Harper
- Robert Aimer Harper
- Robert N. Harper
- Roland M(Cmillan) Harper
- Theodore Acland Harper
- Thomas Henry Harper
- Wilhelmina Harper
- Brest Y.M.C.A.
- William Allen Harper
- William Wade Harper
- Charles Melvin Harpster
- William R. Harr
- Charles Jefferson Harrah
- Jared Alphonso Harr Al
- T. Everett Harre
- John Williams Harreld
- George Herbert Harries
- Alice Harriman
- Mrs. E. H. Harriman
- Edward Avery Harriman
- Frederick William Harriman
- Trinity Coll. B.A
- Henry Ingraham Harriman
- Mrs. J. Borden Harriman
- Job Harriman
- Joseph Wright Harriman
- Karl Edwin Harriman
- Lewis Gildersleeve Harriman
- Oliver Harriman
- Charles Medbury Harrington
- Harry Franklin Harrington
- John Lyle Harrington
- John T. Harrington
- John Walker Harrington
- Karl Pomeroy Harrington
- Purnell Frederick Harrington
- Vernon Charles Harrington
- William Watson Harrington
- Clara Morris Harriott
- Abram Winegardner Harris
- Albert Hall Harris
- Albert Mason Harris
- Albert Wadsworth Harris
- Beverly Dabney Harris
- C. Addison Harris
- Carlton Danner Harris
- Charles Harris
- Charles Joseph Harris
- Charles K. Harris
- Christopher C. Harris
- Credo Fitch Harris
- Edwin Ewell Harris
- Ernest Lloyd Harris
- Frank Harris
- Franklin Stewart Harris
- Frederic Robert Harris
- Garrard Harris
- Gilbert Dennison Harris
- Heaton W. Harris
- Henry Fauntleroy Harris
- Hugh Henry Harris
- James A. Harris
- J(Ames) Arthur Harris
- James Coffee Harris
- John Andrews Harris
- J(Ohn) Andrews Harris
- John Howard Harris
- John Royall Harris
- John William Harris
- Joseph Harris
- Julia Collier Harris
- Julian Larose Harris
- Lawrence Thomas Harris
- Lynn H(Arold) Harris
- Malcolm Lasalle Harris
- M(Artha) Anstice Harris
- Mattie Powell Harris
- Maurice Henry Harris
- May Harris
- Miriam Coles Harris
- Morris Bedford Harris
- Nathaniel Edwin Harris
- Norman Dwight Harris
- Overton Harris
- Paul Percy Harris
- Peter Charles Harris
- Robert Le Roy Harris
- Robert Orr Harris
- Sam H. Harris
- Seale Harris
- Thomas Green Harris
- Thomas Jefferson Harris
- Thomas Luther Harris
- Uriah Rose Harris
- Victor Harris
- Wade Hampton Harris
- Walter Alexander Harris
- W Alter Butler Harri S
- William Harris
- W(Illiam) Hall Harris
- W(Illiam) John Harris
- William Julius Harris
- William Laurel Harris
- William Welton Harris
- (Thomas) Alexander Harrison
- Alfred Craven Harrison
- Belle Richardson Harrison
- (Lovell) Birge Harrison
- Byron Patton Harrison
- Carter Henry Harrison
- Catherine Norris Harrison
- Charles Custis Harrison
- Edith Ogden Harrison
- Elizabeth Harrison
- Fairfax Harrison
- Florence Harrison
- Floyd Reed Harrison
- Francis Burton Harrison
- (William) Fred Harrison
- George Billingsley Harrison
- George Moffett Harrison
- George Paul Harrison
- Harry P. Harrison
- Henry Sydnor Harrison
- John Ellis Harrison
- John Smith Harrison
- Joseph Le Roy Harrison
- Leland Harrison
- Leon Harrison
- Marguerite Harrison
- Orla Ellsworth Harrison
- Fat (Byron Patton) Harrison
- Ross Granville Harrison
- Russell Benjamin Harrison
- Shelby Millard Harrison
- Thomas Perrin Harrison
- Thomas Walter Harrison
- W(Ilbur) Vernon Harrison
- William Groce Harrison
- Zadok Daniel Harrison
- Orville Harrold
- Benjamin Harrow
- William Mclntire Harsha
- William Asbury Harshbarger
- John William Harshberger
- Robert Bartholow Harshe
- Walter Scott Harshman
- M. Joseph Harson
[edit]- Carl Axel Harstrom
- Albert Bushnell Hart
- Archibald Chapman Hart
- Boies Chittenden Hart
- Charles Calmer Hart
- Edward Hart
- Frances Noyes Hart
- Francis Russell Hart
- Harris Hart
- Hastings Homell Hart
- Irving Harlow Hart
- James Norris Hart
- Jerome Alfred Hart
- Jesse C. Hart
- John Francis Hart
- John Marion Hart
- John William Hart
- Joseph Kinmont Hart
- Letitia Bennet Hart
- Louis Bret Hart
- Louis Folwell Hart
- Marion Weddell Hart
- Merwin Kimball Hart
- Percie (William Edward) Hart
- Sophie Chantal Hart
- Thomas Norton Hart
- Thomas Patrick Hart
- Walter Morris Hart
- William H. Hart
- William Henry Hart
- William Henry Harrison Hart
- William Octave Hart
- William S. Hart
- Emmet Forrest Harte
- Richard Hickman Harte
- George Abram Harter
- John Mccallum Hartfield
- Drew Thompson Harthorn
- William Calvert Hartinger
- Charles Pinckney Hartley
- Eugene Fuller Hartley
- George Inness Hartley
- James Joseph Hartley
- Lowrie C. Hartley
- Roland H. Hartley
[edit]- Carl G. Hartman
- Charles S. Hartman
- Edwin Mitman Hartman
- Gertrude Hartman
- Jesse L. Hartman
- John Daniel Hartman
- John Peter Hartman
- Lee Foster Hartman
- Leon Wilson Hartman
- Arthur (Martinus) Hartmann
- Jacob Wittmer Hartmann
- James Hartness
- Lucie Hartr.Ath
- Clifford Wayne Hartridge
- Emelyn Battersby Hartridge
- John Earle Hartridge
- William Wright Harts
- William Henry Hartshorn
- Hugh Hartshorne
- Nelson Thomas Hartson
- Mary Bronson Hartt
- Rollin Lynde Hartt
- Burt Laws Hartwell
- Ernest Clark Hartwell
- Henry Walker Hartwell
- John Augustus Hartwell
- Shattuck Osgood Hartwell
- Herman Hartwich
- Jeremiah J. Harty
- Charles Hartzell
- Joseph Crane Hartzell
- J(Oseph) Culver Hartzell
- Milton Bixler Hartzell
- Thomas B . Hartzell
- John Ellsworth Hartzler
- Sue Harvard
- Alexander Harvey
- Basil Coleman Hyatt Harvey
- Charles Henry Harvey
- Edmund Newton Harvey
- Eli Harvey
- George Cockburn Harvey
- Paul Harvey
- P(Aul) Caspar Harvey
- Samuel Clark Harvey
- William Hope Harvey
- William Patrick Harvey
- William Riggs Harvey
- P. H.
- W(Illiam) W(Est) Harvey
[edit]- John Bruce Harvie
- Charles Mchenry Harwood
- Frank James Harwood
- George Alexander Harwood
- Gilbert D. B. Hasbrouck
- Louise Seymour Hasbrouck
- Wilbur (Fisk) Hascall
- Burton Haseltine
- Leonard Haseman
- Charles Nathaniel Haskell
- Edward Howard Haskell
- Eugene Elwin Haskell
- Frederick Tudor Haskell
- Henry Joseph Haskell
- Horace Bray Haskell
- Mellen Woodman Haskell
- Reuben L. Haskell
- William Edwin Haskell
- William Edwin Haskell
- William Nafew Haskell
- Frederic J . Ha Skin
- William Lawrence Haskin
- Charles Nelson Haskins
- Robert Thomas Haslam
- Henry Hasler
- Elmer Haslett
- Childe Hassam
- Adelaide Has5e
- Louis Hasselmans
- Joseph F. Hasskarl
- Elizabeth Emily (Hall) Hassler
- Charles Harris Hastings
- Charles Sheldon Hastings
- Daniel O. Hastings
- Edwin George Hastings
- Frank Seymour Hastings
- Frank Warren Hastings
- George Henry Hastings
- Harry George Hastings
- John Russel Hastings
- Reuben C.M. Hastings
- Samuel Miles Hastings
- Thomas Hastings
- Thomas Wood Hastings
- William Granger Hastings
- William Walter Hastings
- William Wirt Hastings
- Alanson Mason Haswell
- Albert Sydney Hatch
- Edward Hatch
- Edward Wingate Hatch
- Edwin Glentworth Hatch
- Emily Nichols Hatch
- Henry James Hatch
- John Wood Hatch
- Philander Ellsworth Hatch
- William Henry Paine Hatch
- John Henry Hatcher
- Robert Anthony Hatcher
[edit]- Charles Albert Phelps Hatfield
- Charles James Hatfield
- Charles Sherrod Hatfield
- Henry Drury Hatfield
- Henry Rand Hatfield
- James Taft Hatfield
- James Tobias Hatfield
- Joshua Alexander Hatfield
- Arthur Stafford Hathaway
- Charles Montgomery Hathaway
- Fons A. Hathaway
- George Henry Hathaway
- Joseph Henry Hathaway
- William Lee Hathaway
- William Kendrick Hatt
- Augustus Raymond Hatton
- Moses Wesley Hatton
- T. Chalkley Hatton
- John James Hattstaedt
- Herman A. Haubold
- Louise Platt Hauck
- Henry Alexander Haugan
- Gilbert N. Haugen
- Nils Pederson Haugen
- Benjamin Franklin Haught
- Thomas William Haught
- William Frederic Hauhart
- Lewis Muhlenberg Haupt
- Samuel Thomas Hauser
- Erich Hausmann
- Valery Havard
- Henry Osborne Haveme Yer
- Horace Havemeyer
- Loomis Havemeyer
- Joseph Emerson Haven
- William Ingraham Haven
- George Clement Havenner
- James Smith Havens
- Raymond Dexter Havens
- Raymond Lester Havens
- Freeman Alfred Havighurst
[edit]- Clarence Floyd Haviland
- Karel Havlicek
- Austin Foster Hawes
- Charles Henry Hawes
- George Edward Hawes
- Harry Bartow Hawes
- John Bromham Hawes
- Richard S. Hawes
- Philip Bovier Hawk
- Clarence Hawkes
- Ernest William Hawkes
- Forbes (Robert) Hawkes
- Herbert Edwin Hawkes
- Mcdougall Hawkes
- Alan Spencer Hawkesworth
- Charles Martyr Hawkins
- Chauncey Jeddie Hawkins
- George K. Hawkins
- Hamilton Smith Hawkins
- Horace Norman Hawkins
- J(Ohn) Dawson Hawkins
- John J. Hawkins
- Layton S. Hawkins
- Thomas Hayden Hawkins
- William Edward Hawkins
- William John Hawkins
- William Waller Hawkins
- James Dudley Hawks
- Albert Henry Hawley
- Donly Curtis Hawley
- Fred Vermillia Hawley
- Frederick William Hawley
- Graham Hawley
- James H. Hawley
- John. Blackstock Hawley
- John Mitchell Hawley
- Ralph Chipman Hawley
- Willis Chatman Hawley
[edit]- Henry Gaines Hawn
- Erasmus Haworth
- Paul Leland Haworth
- Charles Webster Hawthorne
- Hildegarde Hawthorne
- Julian Hawthorne
- Charles Henry Hawtrey
- Charles Martin Hay
- Eugene Gano Hay
- Helen Hay
- Henry Clinton Hay
- James Hay
- James Hay
- John W. Hay
- Marion E. Hay
- Mary Garrett Hay
- Oliver Perry Hay
- Samuel Eoss Hay
- William Henry Hay
- William Perry Hay
- Sessue Kintaro Hayakawa
- Carl (Trumbull) Hayden
- Charles Hayden
- Edward Everett Hayden
- Frank Hayden
- Frederick Smith Hayden
- Jay G. Hayden
- John Louis Hayden
- Philip Cady Hayden
- Alfred Hayes
- Arthur Badley Hayes
- Carlton Joseph Huntley Hayes
- Clara Edna Hayes
- Daniel Webster Hayes
- Doremus Almy Hayes
- Edward Cary Hayes
- Ellen Hayes
- Everis Anson Hayes
- Francis Little Hayes
- Frank J. Hayes
- Hammond Vinton Hayes
- H(Arry) Gordon Hayes
- Henry Hayes
- John Russell Hayes
- John William Hayes
- Max S. Hayes
- Patrick Joseph Hayes
- Ralph Hayes
- Samuel Perkins Hayes
- Samuel Walter Hayes
- Simeon Mills Hayes
- Stephen Quentin Hayes
- Wade Hampton Hayes
- Watson Mcmillan Hayes
- John Fillmore Hayford
- Emery Roe Hayhurst
- John William Hayley
- Jesse N. Haymaker
- Coe Hayne
- James Adams Hayne
- William Hamilton Hayne
- Carlyle Boynton Haynes
- David Oliphant Haynes
- Eli Stuart Haynes
- Elwood Haynes
- Fred Emory Haynes
- George Edmund Haynes
- George Henry Haynes
- Ira Allen Haynes
- Irving Samuel Haynes
- John Randolph Haynes
- Myron Wilbur Haynes
- Nathaniel Smith Haynes
- Roy Asa Haynes
- Thornwell Haynes
- William Barber Haynes
- (Nathan) Williams Haynes
- Arthur Alexander Hays
- Arthur Garfield Hays
- Calvin Cornwell Hays
- Daniel Peixotto Hays
- Edward D. Hays
- Frank W. Hays
- George Washington Hays
- I(Saac) Minis Hays
- Margaret Gebbie Hays
- Will H. Hays
- Willet Martin Hays
- William Charles Hays
- William Jacob Hays
- Charles D. Hayt
[edit]- Florence Hayward
- Harry Hayward
- Mrs. Sidney W. Hayward
- William Hayward
- Harry Leroy Haywood
- John Kerfoot Haywood
- Marshall De Lancey Haywood
- Caroline Hazard
- Daniel Lyman Hazard
- Marshall Curtiss Hazard
- Willis Hatfield Hazard
- John Raymond Hazel
- James Hervey Hazelrigg
- Harold Dexter Hazeltine
- Horace Hazeltine
- Mary Emogene Hazeltine
- John Hampden Hazelton
- Mary Brewster Hazelton
- Allen Hazen
- Azel Washburn Hazen
- Charles Downer Hazen
- Leslie Eugene Hazen
- Henry Hazlitt
- Jesse Charles Hazzard
- John Edward Hazzard
- Henry Oswald Head
- Idress Head
- James Marshall Head
- John Benedict Head
- Walter William Head
- William Parker Headden
- Isaac Taylor Headland
- Thomas J. Headlee
- Leal Aubrey Headley
- Roy Headley
- Frederick De Forest Heald
- William Henry Heald
- Charles C. Healey
- Daniel Joseph Healy
- Ezra Anthony Healy
- Patrick Joseph Healy
- Robert E. Healy
- William Healy
- William James Heaps
- Arthur Marston Heard
- James Delavan Heard
- Oscar Edwin Heard
- William H. Heard
- William Wright Heard
- Clint Calvin Hearn
- Hardie B. Hearn
- Edward Dingle Hearne
- William Randolph Hearst
- Donald R. Heath
- Frederic Heath
- Harold Heath
- Hugh Austin Heath
- Perry Sanford Heath
- William Ames Heath
- Charles William Heathcote
- Augustus Goodyear Heaton
- John Langdon Heaton
- Lee Wilbert Heaton
- Lucia Elizabeth Heaton
- Robert Douglas Heaton
- Cornelius Jacob Heatwole
- Lewis James Heatwole
- Grace Raymond Hebard
- John Calder Hebden
- Carl Augustus Heber
- Ben Hecht
- Rudolph S. Hecht
- Nicholas Hunter Heck
- Robert Culbertson Hays Heck
- Mary Hays. Instr. Mech. Engring. C. H.
- G(Eorge) H. Hecke
- Albert Kerr Heckel
- Edward Balthasar Heckel
- George Baugh Heckel
[edit]- Frank Joseph Hecker
- John Walter Heckert
- Samuel B. Heckman
- Wallace Heckman
- August Heckscher
- Celeste Delongpre Heckscher
- Robert Valantine Heckscher
- Axel Emanuel Hedback
- George Grant Hedgcock
- Frederic Henry Hedge
- Thomas Hedge
- William Russell Hedge
- Frank Hinckley Hedges
- Job Elmer Hedges
- Samuel Hamilton Hedges
- Winn David Hedleston
- Evalena (Fryer) Hedley
- Frank Hedley
- Martha Hedman
- Charles Baker Hedrick
- Earle Raymond Hedrick
- Ira Grant Hedrick
- Ulysses Prentiss Hedrick
- Carl Oscar Hedstrom
- Charles Heebner
- Edmond Heelan
- Edgar Laing Heermance
- Radcliffe Heermance
- Charles Abram Heermans
- Forbes Heermans
- Silvanus Laurabee Heeter
- Samuel Gring Hefelbower
- John Lorenzo Heffron
- Patrick Richard Heffr.On
- 1920. Home: Winona Xv
- J(Ames) Thomas Heflin
- Elmer Ellsworth Heg
- Alice Caldwell Hegan
- Martin Hegland
- Robert William Hegner
- Martin A. Hehir
- William Arthur Heidel
- Jascha Heifetz
- Victor Conard Heiees
- William Frankhn Heil
- Sterling Heilig
- Ralph Emerson Heilman
- Samuel Heilnee
- Van Campen Heilner
- William Heimke
- George Heimrod
- Otto Louis Hein
- Walter Ben Heineman
- Gordon Graham Heiner
- Robert D. Heinl
- Edward Os Heinrich
- .Jacob Heinrichs
- Charles Heinroth
- Victor Heintz
- Howard Heinz
[edit]- Otto Charles Heinze
- John J. Hei Scum Ann
- Victor George Heiser
- Clarence Benjamin Heiserman
- John Netherland Heiskell
- John Clement Heisler
- Austin Elmer Hei Ss
- Henry Heitfeld
- Oscar Stuart Heizer
- Ludvig Hektoen
- Andreas Helland
- Fred Burton Renney Hellems
- A(Mos) Arthur Heller
- Edmund Heller
- Frank Morley Heller
- Maximilian Heller
- Otto Heller
- Charles Edward Hellier
- George Sidney Hellman
- Marco H. Hellman
- Maurice S. Hellman
- Rudolph Emil Hellmund
- Harry Sherman Helm
- James Meredith Helm
- Nathan Wilbur Helm
- Thaddeus Geary Helm
- William P. Helm
- Frank Ambrose Helmer
- Henry Frederic Helmholz
- Eli Alva Helmick
- Edgar James Helms
- Elmer Ellsworth Helms
- 1897-99 N. Y.
- Paul Hoy Helms
- William Tod Helmtjth
- Dell A. Helpman
- Roy Addison Helton
- Guy Tresillian Helvering
- Phil Harold Hembdt
- Carl August Hemborg
- Alfred Hemenway
- Augustus Hemenway
- Henry Bixby Hemenway
- Herbert Daniel Hemenway
- Francis Hemington
- John Conrad Hemmeter
- Frieda Hempel
- Charles Robert Hemphill
- James Calvin Hemphill
- Josephnewton Hemphill
- Fay Hempstead
- John Benjamin Henck
[edit]- Alice Corbin Henderson
- Archibald Henderson
- Charles Henderson
- Charles Belknap Henderson
- C(Harles) Hanford Henderson
- Charles William Henderson
- Daniel (Macintyre) Henderson
- Ernest Flagg Henderson
- Ernest Norton Henderson
- Gerard C. Henderson
- Helen Weston Henderson
- John Joseph Henderson
- Joseph Lindsey Henderson
- Lawrence Joseph Henderson
- Leland John Henderson
- Lester Dale Henderson
- Lizzie George Henderson
- Mary N. Foote Henderson
- Paul Henderson
- Robert Henderson
- Theodore Sommers Henderson
- Thomas Stalworth Henderson
- Walter C. Henderson
- William D. Henderson
- William Edwards Henderson
- William James Henderson
- William Olin Henderson
- William Penhallow Henderson
- William Price Henderson
- Whliam Williams Henderson
- Yandell Henderson
- Linville Laurentine Hendren
- Archer Wilmot Hendrick
- Burton Jesse Hendrick
- Calvin Wheeler Hendrick
- Ellwood Hendrick
- Allan Barringer Hendricks
- Eldo Lewis Hendricks
- George Lincoln Hendrickson
- Eugene Russell Hendrix
- William Samuel Hendrix
- Walter Scott Hendrixson
- James Beardsley Hendryx
- Francis Joseph Heney
- Herbert C. Hengstler
[edit]- Max Hentus
- Frederick Goodrich Henke
- Rae Delancey Henkle
- Vivian Allen Charles Henmon
- Albert William Henn
- William Franklin Henney
- Arthur Sears Henning
- Edward J. Henning
- George Neely Henning
- Robert Henri
- Fernando Henri Ques
- Alexander Henry
- Alfred Hylas Henry
- Alfred Judson Henry
- Alice Henry
- Aurelia Henry
- Bayard Henry
- Charles Lewis Henry
- Eugene John Henry
- Frederick Augustus Henry
- Frederick Porteous Henry
- George Frederick Henry
- Horace Chapin Henry
- Howell Meadors Henry
- Hugh Thomas Henry
- James Mcclure Henry
- Jerry Maurice Henry
- John Robertson Henry
- Lemuel H. Henry
- Nelson Herrick Henry
- Philip Walter Henry
- Robert Lee Henry
- Robert Llewellyn Henry
- Stuart Henry
- Waights Gibbs Henry
- William Arnon Henry
- William Elmer Henry
- William Thomas Henry
- James Alexander Henshall
- Frederic Rich Hen Shaw
- Frederick William Henshaw
- Henry Wetherbee Henshaw
- Samuel Henshaw
- Sophia Almon Hensley
- Walter Lewis Hensley
- William Nicholas Hensley
- Charles Mcguffey Hepburn
- Elizabeth Newport Hepburn
- Henry Hepburn
- William Murray Hepburn
- Ernest J. Heppenheimer
- Stephen Joseph Herben
- Albert Herbert
- Victor Herbert
- William Richard Hereford
- Oliver Herford
- Joseph Her Ge S Heimer
- John Francis Her Get
[edit]- Carl Hering
- Daniel Webster Hering
- Henry Hering
- Hermann S. Hering
- Hollis Webster Hering
- Raphael Herman
- Theodore Frederick Herman
- William Ellsworth Hermance
- Binger Hermann
- Halldor Hermanns Son
- William Brodbeck Herms
- Benigno Cardenas Hernandez
- Jose Conrado Hernandez
- Charles Traverse Herndon
- Andrew Hero
- William Pirtle Herod
- Don Herold
- William Bayard Heroy
- Edwin Musser Herr
- Herbert Thacker Herr
- Charles N. Herreid
- Charles Frederick Herreshoff
- James Brown Herreshoff
- Nathanael Greene Herreshoff
- Charles Judson Herrick
- Cheesman Abiah Herrick
- Christine Terhune Herrick
- D-Cady Herrick
- Elizabeth Herrick
- Francis Hobart Herrick
- George Frederick Herrick
- Glenn Washington Herrick
- Harold Herrick
- James Bryan Herrick
- Manuel Herrick
- Myron T. Herrick
- Robert Herrick
- Robert Frederick Herrick
- Samuel Herrick
- William Franklin Herrin
- Hubert Clinton Herring
- Cass E. Herrington
- Frank Irving Herriott
- Richard Herrmann
- Charles Herron
- George Davis Herron
- Clemens Herschel
- William Herschell
- Indianapolis Pl
- Heloise Edwina Hersey
- Henry Blanchard Hersey
- Henry Johnson Hersey
- Ira Greenlief Hersey
- Mark Leslie Hersey
- Amos Shartle Hershey
- Milton Snavely Hershey
- Omer F. Hershey
- Scott F. Hershey
- Oliver Sylvester Hershman
- Charles Campbell Hersman
- Christopher C. Hersman
- Hugh Steel Hersman
- Albert Herter
- Benjamin Russell Herts
- Charles Holmes Herty
- Alfred Hertz
- John Daniel Hertz
- Arthur Emanuel Hertzler
- Walter Scott Hertzog
- Alpheus Baker Hervey
- Mrs.' Alpheus Baker Hervey
- Harry Clay Hervey
- Walter Lowrie Hervey
- William Rhodes Hervey
- Charles Simon Herzig
- Alfred Fabian Hess
- Frank L. Hess
- Franklin Hess
- Julius Hays Hess
- Walter Norton Hess
- Bernard Conrad Hesse
[edit]- George Ernest Hesser
- John Charles Hessler
- St. Clair Hester
- William Van Arden Hester
- Winifred Estelle Thomas Heston
- Ralph Dorn Hetzel
- Howard George Hetzler
- Theodore Hetzler
- Fred G. Heuchling
- William Henry Heuer
- William Samuel Heusner
- Amy Hewes
- Laurence Ilsley Hewes
- Edgar Lee Hewett
- Caroline Maria Hewens
- Author Wentworth Hewitt
- Edwin Hawley Hewitt
- Erskine Hewitt
- Joseph William Hewitt
- Middletown Pl
- A(Lbion) Walter Hewlett
- J(Ames) Monroe Hewlett
- Addinell Hewson
- Charles Heydler
- Henry Darling’ Heydgn
- Benjamin Alexander Heydrick
- William Heyliger
- Theodore Heysham
- Isaac Winter Heysinger
- Du Bose Heyward
- Duncan Clinch Heyward
- Florence Heywood
- James Ormerod Heyworth
- Walter Sanders Hiatt
- (Clarence) Addison Hibbard
- Aldro (Thompson) Hibbard
- Angus Smith Hibbard
- Benjamin Horace Hibbard
- Carlisle V. Hibbard
- David Sutherland Hibbard
- Frederick Cleveland Hibbard
- George Hibbard
- H(Erbert) Wade Hibbard
- Rufus Percival Hibbard
[edit]- John Grier Hibben
- Paxton Hibben
- Henry Horace Hibbs
- Franklin Hichborn
- Smith Hickenlooper
- Jack Dewey Hickerson
- Andrew J. Hickey
- James Burke Hickey
- Joseph Aloysious Hickey
- Preston Manasseh Hickey
- Thomas F. Hickey
- William Augustine Hickey
- William Howard Hickman
- Charles Thomas Hickok
- Paul Robinson Hickok
- Ralph Kiddoo Hickok
- Ami Mali Hicks
- Clarence John Hicks
- Francis Marion Hicks
- Frederick Charles Hicks
- Frederick Charles Hicks
- Frederick Cocks Hicks
- John Donald Hicks
- Josiah Duane Hicks
- Lewis Ezra Hicks
- Marshall Hicks
- Robert Emmet Hicks
- Xenophon Hicks
- William James Hickson
- Robert Enoch Hieronymus
- Anselm Vinet Hiester
- Albert Enos Higbee
- Frederic Goodson Higbee
- Harry Higbee
- Edgar Creighton Higbie
- Robert Winfield Higbie
- Sam(Uel) Higginbottom
- Alvin Mccaslin Higgins
- Charles Houchin Higgins
- Edwin Werter Higgins
- Frank James Higgins
- George Frederick Higgins
- James Henry Higgins
- Robert Barnard Higgins
- Robert William Higgins
- Samuel Higgins
- W(Illiam) Victor Higgins
- Ella Higginson
- Francis John Higginson
- Francis Lee Higginson
- Francis Lee Higginson
- Mary P. Thacher Higginson
- Stanley (Hoflund) High
- Virgil Lee Highland
- Jacob Franklin Highsmith
- J(Ohn) Henry Highsmith
- Emmett Hightower
- John U. Higinbotham
[edit]- Adelbert Pankey Higley
- Brodie Gilman Higley
- Miles M. Higley
- James H. Hiland
- Jesse Richardson Hildebrand
- Joel Henry Hildebrand
- Howard L(Ogan) Hildebrandt
- John Chapman Hilder
- John Lewis Hildreth
- Melvin Andrew Hildreth
- Henry Louis Hilgartner
- Charles Joseph Hilkey
- Albert Hudgins Hill
- Albert Ross Hill
- Arthur B. Hill
- Arthur Dehon Hill
- Arthur Edward Hill
- Arthur Turnbull Hill
- Bert Hodge Hill
- Mrs. Caroline Miles Hill
- Charles Hill
- Charles Edward Hill
- Charles Louis Hill
- Charles Shattuck Hill
- Clyde Milton Hill
- Daniel Harvey Hill
- David Jayne Hill
- David Spence Hill
- Eben Clayton Hill
- Edgar Preston Hill
- Edward Burlingame Hill
- Edward Curtis Hill
- Edward Y Ates Hill
- Everett Wentworth Hill
- Felix Robertson Hill
- (Charles) Francis Hill
- Frank Pierce Hill
- Frederic Stanhope Hill
- Frederick Trevor Hill
- George Andrews Hill
- George Griswold Hill
- Gershom Hyde Hill
- Grace Livingston Hill
- Harry Grandson Hill
- Harry Harrison Hill
- Hiram Warner Hill
- Howard Copeland Hill
- Lone Virginia Hill
- James Langdon Hill
- James Norman Hill
- James Perminter Hill
- Janet Mckenzie Hill
- John A(Rthur) Hill
- John Edward Hill
- John Godfrey Hill
- John M(Cmurray) Hill
- John Philip Hill
- John Warren Hill
- John Wesley Hill
- Joseph Abner Hill
- Joseph Adams Hill
- Joseph Adna Hill
- Joseph Henry Hill
- Joseph Morrison Hill
- Joseph St. Clair Hill
- Judson Sudborough Hill
- Julien Harrison Hill
- Lawrence Benjamin Hill
- Lister Hill
- Louis A. Hill
- Louis Clarence Hill
- Louis Warren Hill
- Mabel Hill
- Noble Hill
- Owen Aloysius Hill
- Patty Smith Hill
- Percival Smith Hill
- Ralph Waldo Snowden Hill
- Randolph William Hill
- Robert Potter Hill
- Robert Thomas Hill
- Robert William Hill
- Roscoer. Hill
- Samuel Hill
- Samuel Billingsley Hill
- Samuel Smith Hill
- William A. Hill
- William Bancroft Hill
- William Free Hill
- William H. Hill
- William S. Hill
- Robert D. M.
- Mary Robbins Hillard
- Earl Kansas Hillbrand
- Hermann Hille
- Edgar D. Hilleary
- Harold Newcomb Hillebrand
- William Francis Hillebrand
- Milo Burdette Hillegas
- Charles Dewey Hilles
- William Samuel Hilles
- Howard Stevens Hille Y
- Benjamin Clark Hilliard
- Edmund Bayfield Hilliard
- John Northern Hilliard
- Robert Cochran Hilliard
- Newell Dwight Hillis
[edit]- James Noah Hillman
- John Linnaeus Hillman
- Morris Hillquit
- Ada A. Hills
- Elijah Clarence Hills
- Joseph Lawrence Hills
- Laura Coombs Hills
- Laurence Hills
- Oscar Armstrong Hills
- Victor Gardiner Hills
- William Henry Hills
- Homer Winthrop Hillyer
- Robert Silliman Hillyer
- Thomas Arthur Hillyer
- Virgil Mores Hillyer
- William Hurd Hillyer
- William Charles Hilmer
- Herman Volrath Hilprecht
- John Wolfe Hiltman
- Clifford L. Hilton
- Henry Hoyt Hilton
- Warren Hilton
- William Atwood Hilton
- Joseph Hendrix Himes
- Joseph Himmel
- Walter Swain Hinchman
- Allen Carter Hinckley
- Edwin Smith Hinckley
- Frank Erastus Hinckley
- George Lyman Hinckley
- George W. Hinckley
- Julian Hinckley
- Robert Hinckley
- Thomas Hinckley
- Edward Young Hincks
- Howard Lister Hindley
- Ernest Hinds
- Henry Hind S
- Charles De Lano Hine
- Clint C. Hine
- Francis Lyman Hine
- Lewis Wickes Hine
- William Henry Hinebaugh
- Edward Hines
- Frank Thomas Hines
- Harlan Cameron Hines
- Herbert Waldo Hines
- James Eollock Hines
- John Fore Hines
- John Leonard Hines
- Linnaeus Neal Hines
- Crawfordsville Os
- Murray Arnold Hines
- Walker Downer Hines
- Joseph Beaumont Hingeley
- Frederick William Hinitt
- William John Hinke
- Beatrice M. Hinkle
- Frederick Wallis Hinkle
- James Fielding Hinkle
- Alonzo Gibbs Hinkle Y
- John Hinkley
- George Elijah Hinman
- George Warren Hinman
- George Wheeler Hinman
- Harold J. Hinman
- Harvey Deforest Hinman
- Carl Gustav Hinrichs
- Charles Arthur Hinsch
- Ellen Clarinda Hinsdale
- Guy Hinsdale
- Wilbert B. Hinsdale
- Edmund Howard Hinshaw
- Melvin Taliaferro Hinshaw
- Virgil Goodman Hinshaw
- Carl B. Hinsman
- Walter Benwell Hinson
- Charles Louis Hinton
- Edward Wilcox Hinton
[edit]- Alphius Hugh Hipple
- Arthur Henry Hirsch
- Frank E. Hirsch
- Isaac E. Hirsch
- Seth Isaac Hirsch
- William F(Rederic) Hirsch
- Michael Henry Hirschberg
- Fred Hirschhorn
- Louis Jacob Hirschman
- Herbert Simon Hirshberg
- Leonard Keene Hirshberg
- Barton Cooke Hirst
- Robert Lincoln Hirst
- Friedrich Hirth
- Frank Harris Hiscock
- Apr. 16 N. Y.
- Thomas Louis Hisgen
- Joseph Hislop
- Arthur Martin Hitch
- Calvin Milton Hitch
- Abner Edward Hitchcock
- Albert Spear Hitchcock
- Alfred Marshall Hitchcock
- Alvirus Nelson Hitchcock
- Chicago Theol. Sem. B. D.
- Charles A. Hitchcock
- Embury Asbury Hitchcock
- Frank Harris Hitchcock
- Frank Lauren Hitchcock
- Frederick Hills Hitchcock
- George Collier Hitchcock
- Gilbert Monell Hitchcock
- Henry Booth Hitchcock
- Lucius Wolcott Hitchcock
- Rex Hitchcock
- Romyn Hitchcock
- Arthur Parker Hitchens
- Lewis Field Hite
- Omar Hite
- Charles J. Hittell
- William Hitz
- Fred Whitlo Hixson
- William Christian Hoad
- George Arthur Hoadley
- Clarence Gilbert Hoag
- David Doughty Hoag
- Ernest Bryant Hoag
- Junius Clarkson Hoag
- William Ricketson Hoag
- Robert J. Hoage
- Daniel Webster Hoan
- Edward Francis Hoban
- Michael John Hoban
- Alvah Sabin Hobart
- Douglas Roseberry Hobart
- George Vere Hobart
- Henry Metcalf Hobart
- Horace Reynolds Hobart
- Marie Elizabeth Jefferys Hobart
- Henry Martin Hobbie
- Charles Wood Hobbs
- Franklin Warren Hobbs
- George Sayward Hobbs
- G(Ustavus) Warfield Hobbs
- Lewis Lyndon Hobbs
- Roe Raymond Hobbs
- William Herbert Hobbs
- William J. Hobbs
- William Pettus Hobby
- Allan Hoben
- Frank P. Hgbgood
- Asher Hobson
- Harriet Malone Hobson
- John Peyton Hobson
- Joseph Reid Anderson Hobson
- Richmond Pearson Hobson
- Sarah Matilda Hobson
- William Andrew Hobson
- Edward Wallis Hoch
- Homer Hoch
- Robert William Hochstetter
- Albert Frederick Hochwalt
- Ela Hockaday
[edit]- William Adam Hooker
- Homer Carey Hockett
- William Ernest Hocking
- Frank Heywood Hodder
- Charles Wesley Ho Dell
- Danietrussell Hodgdon
- Frank Wilbert Hodgdon
- Caspar Wistar Hodge
- Clifton Fremont Hodge
- Frederick Webb Hodge
- Hugh Lenox Hodge
- Richard Morse Hodge
- Walter Roberts Hodge
- William Hodge
- Arthur Hodges
- George Hartshorn Hodges
- Harry Marsh Hodges
- Leigh Mitchell Hodges
- Leroy Hodges
- Nathaniel Dana Carlile Hodges
- Thomas Edward Hodges
- William V(An Berveer) Hodges
- Beverly Lacy Hodgiiead
- Charles Elkanah Hod Gin
- Howard Lincoln Hodgkins
- Louise Manning Hodgkins
- Francis Hodgkinson
- Burns P. Hodgman
- T(Homas) Morey Hodgman
- William Lansing Hodgman
- Albert James Hodgson
- Carey Vandervort Hodgson
- Caspar Wistar Hodgson
- Harry Hodgson
- James Goodwin Hodgson
- Joseph Park Hodgson
- Laurence Curran Hodgson
- Lewis Hodous
- Foochow M'.
- Theodor Albert Hoeck
- Adolph August Hoehling
- Charles Hoeing
- Eli J. Hoenshel
- Clyde Roark Hoey
- Emanuel Buechley Hoff
- Nelville Soule Hoff
- Olaf Hoff
- Arthur Sullivant Hoffman
- Charles W. Hoffman
- Edward George Hoffman
- Frank Sargent Hoffman
- Frederick Ludwig Hoffman
- Horace Addison Hoffman
- John Washington Hoffman
- Milton J. Hoffman
- Richard Curzon Hoffman
- Roy Hoffman
- Heinrich Oscar Hofman
- Josef (Casimir) Hofmann
- Julius Hofmann
- Frank J. Hogan
- John Vincent Lawless Hogan
- Michael J. Hogan
- Enoch George Hogate
- James Doster Hoge
- Peyton Harrison Hoge
- Albert Harrison Hogeland
- David Hogg
- William Clifford Hogg
- Wilford Bacon Hoggatt
- Addison Hogue
- S. Fred Hogue
- Emil Louis George Hohenthal
- Silas Matthew Hohf
- Alexander Rudolf Hohlfeld
- Henry Ford Hoit
- Charles William Hoitt
- Kremer J. Hoke
- Michael Hoke
- Roy Edward Hoke
- Russell Allen Hoke
- William Alexander Hoke
- Ross Edgar Holaday
- William P. Holaday
- Hjalmar Rued Holand
- Arthur Tenney Holbrook
- Dwight Holbrook
- Elmer Allen Holbrook
- Evans Holbrook
- Florence Holbrook
- Henry Crosby Holbrook
- John Swift Holbrook
- Lucius Roy Holbrook
- Richard Thayer Holbrook
- Williard Ames Holbrook
- Marcus Hensey Holcomb
- Oscar Raymond Holcomb
- Arthur Norman Holcombe
- John Marshall Holcombe
- Thomas Hull Holcombe
- Charles Arthur Holden
- Charles Re Veil Holden
- Edwin Chapin Holden
- Frederick Clark Holden
- George Parker Holden
- George Walter Holden
- Gerry Rounds Holden
- Hale Holden
- Henry Matthews Holden
- Horace Moore Holden
- James Holden
- James Austin Holden
- James Franklin Holden
- John Burt Holden
- Louis Edward Holden
- Perry Greeley Holden
- Roy Jay Holden
- Ward Andrews Holden
- Arthur Ernest Holder
- Charles Adams Holder
- Francis Jerome Holder
- Andrew Roberdeau Hold Err Y
- William Matthew Holderby
- Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
[edit]- Jesse Holdom
- George Ward Holdrege
- John Thom Holdsworth
- Thomas Franklin Holgate
- Clifford Milburn Holland
- Edward Everett Holland
- Ernest O. Holland
- Frank P. Holland
- James Buchanan Holland
- James M. Holland
- Joseph Jefferson Holland
- Peter Olai Holland
- Philip Holland
- Ray(Mond) P (Runty) Holland
- Robert Allen Holland
- Rupert Sargent Holland
- Rush Lamotte Holland
- William J(Acob) Holland
- William Merideth Holland
- Jacob H. Hollander
- Edmund Howard Hollands
- John Welles Hollenback
- Herman Hollerith
- Francis Holley
- Horace Holley
- Marietta Holley
- (Charles) Arthur Hollick
- Carl Holliday
- Robert Cortes Holliday
- William Harrison Holliday
- William Helmus Holliday
- David A. Hollingsworth
- Richard Deming Hollin Gton
- Harry Levi Hollingworth
- Allen Hollis
- Henry French Hollis
- Henry Leonard Hollis
- Ira Nelson Hollis
- W(Illiam) Stanley Hollis
- Clay Harvey Hollister
- Granger A. Hollister
- Horace Adelbert Hollister
- Joseph Hollister
- Ned Hollister
- Orlando Knapp Hollister
- William Henry Hollister
[edit]- Harry Triebner Hollmann
- James Arthur Hollomon
- William Clarence Hollopeter
- Edward Stratton Holloway
- Emory Holloway
- Harry Vance Holloway
- Jacob James Holloway
- Thomas Beaver Holloway
- William Lawson Holloway
- William M. Holloway
- Richard Carmichael Hollyday
- The Holm-Nestorian Expdn. To Sian-Fu Os
- (Herman) Theodor Holm
- Victor S(Ophus Joachim) Holm
- Alfred Holman
- Frederick Van Voorhies Holman
- Louis Arthur Holman
- Charles Holman-Black
- Gustaf Fredrik Holmberg
- Arthur Holmes
- (Elias) Burton Holmes
- Charles Elmer Holmes
- David Eugene Holmes
- Edward Thomas Holmes
- Edwin Francis Holmes
- E(Lias) Burton Holmes
- Fenwicke Lindsay Holmes
- Frederick Lionel Holmes
- Frederick S. Holmes
- George Kirby Holmes
- Gustavus S . Holme S
- Guy Earl Holmes
- Harry Nicholls Holmes
- Henry Wyman Holmes
- Jesse Herman Holmes
- John Andrew Holmes
- John Haynes Holmes
- Mary Caroline Holmes
- Mary Elisabeth Holmes
- Merrill Jacob Holmes
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Robert Shailor Holmes
- Rudolph Wieser Holmes
- Samuel Foss Holmes
- Samuel Jackson Holmes
- Samuel Van Vranken Holmes
- Wilbur Fisk Holmes
- William Henry Holmes
- William Henry Holmes
- Lucius Henry Holsey
[edit]- Henry Lincoln Holstein
- Adoniram Judson Holt
- Andrew Holt
- Arthur Erastus Holt
- Bryon Webber Holt
- Constance D’Arcy Mackay Holt
- Edwin Bissell Holt
- Erastus Eugene Holt
- Erwin Allen Holt
- Fred Park Holt
- George Chandler Holt
- Guy Holt
- Hamilton Holt
- Henry Holt
- Henry Winston Holt
- Ivan Lee Holt
- Lawrence Shackleford Holt
- Lucius Hudson Holt
- Roland Holt
- Rosa Belle Holt
- Walter Vincent Holt
- William Arthur Holt
- William Franklin Holt
- William Sylvester Holt
- Norman B. Holter
- Edwin Lee Holton
- M(Artha) Adelaide Holton
- Henry Fuller Holtzclaw
- Edward Holyoke
- Charles Elmer Holzer
- William Andrew Holzheimer
- Fletcher Homan
- Amy Morris Homans
- Alfred William Homberger
- Louise Dil Worth Beatty Homer
- Sidney Homer
- Samuel William Honaher
- William Francis Honan
- Masujiro Honda
- Samuel Robertson Honey
- George Honig Honig
- Moses Alfred Honline
- William Lincoln Hqnnold
- B(Ert) Raymond Koobler
- Charles Crook Hood
- E(Dmund) Lyman Hood
- Frazer Hood
- George E. Hood
- George William Hood
- Hora.Ce Hood
- Oliver Roland Hood
- Ozni Porter Hood
- Raymond Mathewson Hood
- Solomon Porter Hood
- William Hood
- William Ross Hood
- John Adrian Hoogewerff
- (William) Brian Hooker
- Donald Russell Hooker
- Edward Beecher Hooker
- Elon Huntington Hooker
- Forrestine Cooper Hooker
- George Ellsworth Hooker
- Henry Stewart Hooker
- James Murray Hooker
- Margaret Huntington Hooker
- Richard Hooker
- Thomas Hooker
- George Albert Hool
- Arthur Hooley
- Ben W. Hooper
- Everett (Dennison) Hooper
- Frank Finley Hooper
- Franklin Henry Hooper
- John Julian Hooper
- Joseph Lawrence Hooper
- Osman Castle Hooper
- William Everett Hooper
- Earnest Albert Hooton
- Bessie Ray Hoover
- Charles Franklin Hoover
- Charles Lewis Hoover
- C(Harles) R(Uglas) Hoover
- Harvey Daniel Hoover
- Herbert Clark Hoover
- Theodore Jesse Hoover
- William Hoover
- William D. Hoover
- Chester Raines Hope
- Edward William Hope
- James Haskell Hope
- John Hope
[edit]- Helen Hopekirk
- Arthur Hopewell- Smith
- Albert Lafayette Hopkins
- Anderson Hoyt Hopkins
- Andrew Delmar Hopkins
- Archibald Hopkins
- Arthur Melancthon Hopkins
- Clarence Victor Hopkins
- Edna Boies Hopkins
- Edwin Mortimer Hopkins
- Ellen Dunlap Hopkins
- Ernest Martin Hopkins
- Evan Henry Hopkins
- Franklin Hopkins
- Frederick Eli Hopkins
- Grant Sherman Hopkins
- James Frederick Hopkins
- James Love Hopkins
- James R. Hopkins
- John Henry Hopkins
- Louis Bertram Hopkins
- Louise Virginia Martin Hopkins
- Nevil Monroe Hopkins
- Pauline Bradford Hopkins
- Richard J. Hopkins
- Selden G. Hopkins
- Sherburne Gillette Hopkins
- Thomas Cramer Hopkins
- Thomas Snell Hopkins
- William John Hopkins
- William Rowland Hopkins
- Charles (Sydney) Hopkinson
- Ernest Hopkinson
- John Edward Hopley
- Herman Henry Hoppe
- (William) Dewolf Hopper
- Franklin Ferguson Hopper
- James Marie Hopper
- John J. Hoppes
- Joseph Clark Hoppin
- William Warner Hoppin
- William Fowler Hop Son
- Avery Hopwood
- Erie Clark Hopwood
- Josephus Hopwood
- Robert Freeman Hopwood
- Frank Edward Horack
- H. Claude Horack
- John Winebrenner Horine
- William Horlick
- Orren Chalmer Hormell
- William Garfield Hormell
- Ernest Horn
- Henry John Horn
- John Louis Horn
- Paul Whitfield Horn
- Clifford Lee Hornaday
- Jamesparks Hornaday
- William Temple Hornaday
- Samuel Lee Hornbeak
- 1886 A. M.
- John Wesley Hornbeck
- Marquis D. Hornbeck
- Stanley K(Uhl) Hornbeck
- Arthur Hornblow
- Henry Hornblower
- Henry Hornbostel
- Lester George Hornby
- Charles Francis Horne
- Herman Harrell Horne
- Summers Y.M.C.A.
- Mary Tracy Earle Horne
- Nellie Mathes Horne
- Perley Leonard Horne
- Charles Francis Horner
- Harlan Hoyt Horner
- J(Ames) Richey Horner
- John B. Horner
- Junius Moore Horner
- Leonard Sherman Horner
- William Harrison Hornibrook
- John Allen Hornsby
- Christian Hor.Nung
- Louis Jay Horowitz
- George Edwin Horr
- Ernest Philip Horr Witz
- R(Obert) Bruce Horsfall
- Cornelia Horsford
- Edward Horsky
- John Shelton Horsley
- Charles Horswell
- Edward Augustus Horton
- George Horton
- (Charles) Marcus Horton
- Ozy Roscoe Horton
- Robert Elmer Horton
- Thomas Corwin Horton
- Walter Shurts Horton
- Murray Philip Horwood
- Hester Eloise Hosford
- James Fleming Hosic
- Herman C. Hoskier
- Arthur Joseph Hoskin
- Fermin Lincoln Hoskins
- James Dickason Hoskins
- John Deane Charles Hoskins
- J(Ohn) Preston Hoskins
- Leander Miller Hoskins
- William Hoskins
- Frank Alvan Hosmer
- Frederick Lucian Hosmer
- James Kendall Hosmer
- Ralph Sheldon Hosmer
- Henry Hotchener
- Marie Russak Hotchener
- Clarence Roland Hotchkiss
- George Burton Hotchkiss
- George W. Hotchkiss
- H(Enry) Stuart Hotchkiss
- Lucius Wales Hotchkiss
- Willard Eugene Hotchkiss
- A.M. Os
- William Horace Hotchkiss
- William Otis Hotchkiss
- Willis R. Hotchkiss
- Charles Frederick Hottes
- Louis Houck
- Harry Houdini
- Charles Merrill Hough
- George Anthony Hough
- Henry Hughes Hough
- Lynn Harold Hough
- Romeyn Beck Hough
- Theodore Hough
- Walter Hough
- James Lawrence Houghteling
[edit]- Alanson Bigelow Houghton
- Frederick Boies Houghton
- Frederick Lowell Houghton
- Mrs. Had Win Houghton
- Henry Spencer Houghton
- Herbert Pierrepont Houghton
- Louise Phillips Houghton
- Lucile C. Houghton
- William Morris Houghton
- Isaac A. Hourwich
- Elwin Lincoln House
- Francis Edwin House
- James Arthur House
- Jay Elmer House
- John Henry House
- Ralph Emerson House
- Robert Ernest House
- Roy Temple House
- Gilbert L(Ogan) Houser
- Walter L. Houser
- Charles Albert Houston
- David Franklin Houston
- Feb. 17 N. C.
- George Harrison Houston
- Grant Houston
- Herbert Sherman Houston
- Robert Griffith Houston
- Willianl Cannon Houston
- Charles Alfred Houts
- Frank L. Houx
- William Adgate Hover
- Carl Hovey
- Chester Ralph Hovey
- Edmund Otis Hovey
- George Rice Hovey
- Otis Ellis Hovey
- Mrs. Richard Hovey
- William Hovgaard
- Louis How
[edit]- Albert Andrew Howard
- Alfred Taylor Howard
- Arthur Platt Howard
- Burton James Howard
- Charles Danforth Howard
- Clarence Henry Howard
- Claud Howard
- Clifford Howard
- Clinton Norman Howard
- Earl Dean Howard
- Edgar Howard
- Emma Pease Howard
- Eric Howard
- Ernest Howard
- Sir Esme William Howard
- Everette B. Howard
- Ezra Lee Howard
- Frank Eugene Howard
- Fred Leslie Howard
- Frederic Hollis Howard
- George Elliott Howard
- George H(Enry) Howard
- Harry Clay Howard
- Harvey James Howard
- Hector Holdbrook Howard
- Henry Howard
- H(Enry) Clay Howard
- James E. Howard
- James Raley Howard
- John Galen Howard
- John Raymond Howard
- Joseph Henry Howard
- Kathleen Howard
- Leland Ossian Howard
- Louis Orrin Howard
- Nathanial Lamson Howard
- Perry Wilbon Howard
- Philip Eugene Howard
- Ralph Hills Howard
- Rossiter Howard
- Roy Wilson Howard
- Sidney Coe Howard
- Walter Lafayette Howard
- Wendell Stanton Howard
- Wesley O. Howard
- William Guild Howard
- William Lauriston Howard
- William Marcellus Howard
- William Schley Howard
- William Travis Howard
- Ammon Lincoln Howarth
[edit]- Irving Howbert
- Frederick Bingham Howden
- Arthur Millidge Howe
- Charles Sumner Howe
- Edgar Watson Howe
- Edward Leavitt Howe
- Frank William Howe
- Frederic Clemson Howe
- Frederic William Howe
- George Howe
- George Howe
- George Maxwell Howe
- Harland Bradley Howe
- Harriet Emma Howe
- Harrison Estell Howe
- Henry Saltonstall Howe
- Herbert Alonzo Howe
- James Lewis Howe
- John Benedict Howe
- John Lynn Howe
- J(Oseph) Olin Howe
- Lucien Howe
- Malverd Abijah Howe
- Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe
- Marshall Avery Howe
- Reginald Heber Howe
- Reginald Heber Howe
- Richard Flint Howe
- Samuel Howe
- Samuel Burnett Howe
- Stanley H(Art) Howe
- Thomas Carr Howe
- Pres. Os
- Will David Howe
- Willard B. Howe
- Willard Clay Howe
- William Augustus Howe
- William Henry Howe
[edit]- A(Lfred) Brazier Howell
- Arthur Holmes Howell
- Benjamin Franklin Howell
- Charles Fish Howell
- Clark Howell
- Daniel Lane Howell
- David J. Howell
- Edward Vernon Howell
- Francis Singleton Howell
- John White Howell
- J(Oseph) Morton Howell
- R(Obert) Beecher Howell
- William Barberie Howell
- William Henry Howell
- John Mead Howells
- Mildred Howells
- Ira Woods Howerth
- James Robert Howerton
- Benjamin Alfred Howes
- Ethel Dench Puffer Howes
- George Edwin Howes
- Alice Gulielma Howland
- Arthur Charles Howland
- Charles P. Howland
- Frances Louise Howland
- Fred Arthur Howland
- Harold (Jacobs) Howland
- Henry Raymond Howland
- Hewitt Hanson Howland
- John Howland
- Leroy Albert Howland
- Louis Howland
- Murray Shipley Howland
- Paul Howland
- William Howland
- James David Howlett
- Charles Bowen Howey
- Hilary Ewing Howse
- Elmer Thomas Howson
- Robert Lee Howze
- George Luke Hoxie
- Richard Leveridge Hoxie
- William Winslow Hoxton
- Stephen A. Hoxworth
- Clement Hoyler
[edit]- Thomas Maclay Hoyne
- Thomas Temple Hoyne
- William Hoynes
- Albert Ellis Hoyt
- Arthur Stephen Hoyt
- Charles Kimball Hoyt
- Charles Oliver Hoyt
- Deristhe Lavint.A Hoyt
- Edward C. Hoyt
- Eleanor Hoyt
- Franklin Chase Hoyt
- J A.Mes Phillips Ho Yt
- John Clayton Hoyt
- John Philo Hoyt
- John Sherman Hoyt
- Wilbur Franklin Hoyt
- William Dana Hoyt
- W(Illiam) Henry Hoyt
- Ales Hrblicka
- Robert Thruston Hubard
- Charles Wells Hubbard
- Elijah Kent Hubbard
- Frances Virginia Hubbard
- Frank Gaylord Hubbard
- Frank W. Hubbard
- George David Hubbard
- George Henry Hubbard
- Havrah William Lines Hubbard
- Henry Vincent Hubbard
- John Hubbard
- John Charles Hubbard
- Leslie Elmer Hubbard
- Lucius Lee Hubbard
- Samuel Fairfield Hubbard
- Theodora Kimball Hubbard
- Thomas Hubbard
- Walter Comstock Hubbard
- Walton Hubbard
- William H. Hubbard
- Burt G. Hubbell
- Charles Bulkley Hubbell
- Clarence W. Hubbell
- George Allen Hubbell
- Henry Salem Hubbell
- Raymond Hubbell
[edit]- James Monroe Hubbert
- Edwin Powell Hubble
- Irving G. Hubbs
- G(Otthelf) Carl Huber
- John Bessner Huber
- John Greenleaf Huber
- Seba Cormany Huber
- Walter Leroy Huber
- Charles Henry Huberich
- Philip Gengembre Hubert
- Charles William Hubner
- Oliver Huckel
- John Homer Huddilston
- J(Erome) Klahr Huddle
- George Huddleston
- Earl Hudelson
- Morgan Hughes Hudgins
- William Herbert Hudnut
- Claude Silbert Hudson
- Daniel E. Hudson
- Edmund Hudson
- Grant Martin Hudson
- Jay William Hudson
- Manley Ottmer Hudson
- Paul Hudson
- Ralph Gorton Hudson
- Richard B. Hudson
- Samuel Eddy Hudson
- Samuel Henry Hudson
- William Mestrezat Hudson
- Woodward Hudson
- Lessee Of B.&Amp H.R. R.R.
- C. B. Hudspeth
- Robert S. Hudspeth
- Solomon S. Huebner
- Charles Joseph Huerter
- Ethel (Mrs. E. J. Best) Hueston
- George A. Huff
- Slaughter William Huff
- William Bashford Huff
- William Kistler Huff
- Clarence Lester Huffhines
- Jasper Abraham Huffman
- Alfred Huger
- J(Ames) Percival Huget
- Eli Lundy Huggins
- Raleigh Russell Huggins
- William Lloyd Huggins
- Jessie Wallace Hughan
[edit]- Agnes Lockhart Hughes
- Alfred Franklin Hughes
- Charles Colfax Hughes
- Charles Evans Hughes
- Charles Frederick Hughes
- Charles Hamilton Hughes
- Charles Haynes Hughes
- Clair Brinton Hughes
- Dudley Mays Hughes
- Edwin Hughes
- Edwin Holt Hughes
- Ohio Wesleyan A. B.
- Felix Hughes
- Gerald Hughes
- Denver U. B.
- Hector James Hughes
- Howard Larison Hughes
- James Anthony Hughes
- John T. Hughes
- Levi Allen Hughes
- Percy Hughes
- Percy Meredith Hughes
- Raymond Mollyneaux Hughes
- Robert Hugh Hughes
- Robert Morton Hughes
- Rupert Hughes
- Thomas Aloysius Hughes
- Thomas Welburn Hughes
- William Edgar Hughes
- William F. Hughes
- William Joseph Hughes
- Marvin Hughitt
- Marvin Hughitt
- Trevanion William Hugo
- Charles Frederick Huhlein
- Leon Huhner
- Max Huhner
- Arthur Clarke Huidekoper
- Frederic Louis Huidekoper
- Reginald Shippen Huidekoper
- Oliver J. Huie
- Edwin Martin Hukill
- Theodore W. Hukriede
- Archer Butler Hulbert
- Gustavus Adolphus Hulbert
- Henry Woodward Hulbert
- Homer Bezaleel Hulbert
- Milan Hulbert Hulbert
- Murray Hulbert
- Deforest Hulburd
- Lorrain Sherman Hulburt
- Edwin Lee Hulett
- George Augustus Hulett
- Willis James Hulings
- Albert Wallace Hull
- Alexander Hull
- Charles Henry Hull
- Cordell Hull
- David Carlisle Hull
- David Denton Hull
- Gordon Ferrie Hull
- Harry Edward Hull
- Helen Rose Hull
- Herod B. Hull
- John Adley Hull
- John Albert Tiffin Hull
- Morton Denison Hull
- Theodore Young Hull
- [[William Edgar Hull]]
- William Isaac Hull
- Lincoln Hulley
- Walter Hullihen
- Edwin Ware Hullinger
- Edward Maslin Hulme
- William Henry Hulme
- Hiram Richard Hulse
- Gottfried Emanuel Hult
- Herman H. Hulten
- Otey Crawford Hulvey
[edit]- Alfred Hume
- Edgar Erskine Hume
- H. Harold Hume
- James Cleland Hume
- Leland Hume
- Robert Allen Hume
- Samuel James Hume
- E. Lowry Humes
- George F. Hummel
- William Grandvhle Hummel
- Alexander Pope Humphrey
- Arthur Luther Humphrey
- Charles Frederic Humphrey
- Edward Frank Humphrey
- George Colvin Humphrey
- Grace Humphrey
- Lewis Craig Humphrey
- Richard Lewis Humphrey
- Seth King Humphrey
- William Armine Humphrey
- William Brewster Humphrey
- William E. Humphrey
- Zephine (Harriette) Humphrey
- Albert Edmund Humphreys
- Alexander Crombie Humphreys
- F(Rancis) Landon Humphreys
- Lester Warren Humphreys
- Milton Wylie Humphreys
- Walter Humphreys
- William Jackson Humphreys
- William Yerger Humphreys
- Charles H. Humphriss
- Walter Coutant Humstone
- Henry Hun
- John Gale Hun
- Henry Rhodes Hundley
- John Trible Thomas Hundley
- William August Huneke
- Edward Hungerford
- Herbert Barker Hungerford
- John Hunn
[edit]- Walter J. Hunsaker
- Albert Clarence Hunt
- Andrew Murray Hunt
- Arthur Prince Hunt
- Benjamin Weeks Hunt
- Caroline Louisa Hunt
- Charles Warren Hunt
- Clara Whitehill Hunt
- Clyde Du Vernet Hunt
- Edward Eyre Hunt
- Emory William Hunt
- Ernest Leroi Hunt
- Frazier Hunt
- George Edwin Hunt
- George Wylie Paul Hunt
- Henry Thomas Hunt
- James Gallaway Hunt
- James Ramsay Hunt
- Levi Clarence Hunt
- Myron Hunt
- Percival Hunt
- Ralph Hudson Hunt
- Ralph Waldo Emerson Hunt
- Reid Hunt
- Richard Howland Hunt
- Rockwell Dennis Hunt
- Seth Bliss Hunt
- Sumner P. Hunt
- Theodore Whitefield Hunt
- Thomas Forsyth Hunt
- Walter Frederick Hunt
- William Chamberlin Hunt
- William Henry Hunt
- Aaron Burtis Hunter
- Alexander Stuart Hunter
- Alfred M. Hunter
- Arthur Hunter
- Dard Hunter
- Edward Hunter
- Frederick Maurice Hunter
- George King Hunter
- George Leland Hunter
- George Mcpherson Hunter
- George William Hunter
- Graham Chambers Hunter
- Hiram Tyram Hunter
- Joel Hunter
- John Hunter
- Pauli Stuart Hunter
- Rudolph Melville Hunter
- Samuel John Hunter
- Stanley Armstrong Hunter
- Thomas Hunter
- Walter David Hunter
- Walter Samuel Hunter
- William Boyd Hunter
- Fred Stanley Hunting
- Gardner Hunting
- Walter Judson Hunting
- Albert Tracy Huntington
- Archer Milton Huntington
- Carlos Iii Xii
- Arria Sargent Huntington
- Charles Clifford Huntington
- Clarence William Huntington
- Daniel Trumbull Huntington
- David Lynde Huntington
- Edward Vermilye Huntington
- Ellsworth Huntington
- Ford Huntington
- Frank Huntington
- George Herbert Huntington
- Dodge H
- George Sumner Huntington
- Harwood Huntington
- Henry Edwards Huntington
- Oliver Whipple Huntington
- Robert Watkinson Huntington
- Thomas Waterman Huntington
- William Chapin Huntington
- William Edwards Huntington
[edit]- Charles R. Huntley
- George Ezra Huntley
- William Lee Hunton
- Gardner A. Huntoon
- Louis Doremus Huntoon
- Frank G. Huntress
- Owen Benjamin Huntsman
- Winfield A. Huppuch
- Arthur William Hurd
- Edward Payson Hurd
- Eugene Hurd
- George Edward Hurd
- Henry Mills Hurd
- Lee Maidment Hurd
- Louis Guthrie Hurd
- William Daniel Hurd
- Elizabeth Hurdon
- Byron Satterlee Hurlbut
- Edwin Wilcox Hurlbut
- Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
- William James Hurlbut
- Edward Nash Hurley
- Edward Timothy Hurley
- George Hurley
- John Patrick Hurley
- Julien A. Hurley
- Estelle May Hurll
- Clarence Barzillai Hurrey
- Albert S. Hurst
- Carltoti Bailey Hurst
- John Hurst
- William .Henry Hurst
- Huber William Hurt
- John Jeter Hurt
- Rollin Hurt
- Peter Joseph Hurth
- John N. Hurty
- Henry Hurwitz
- Wallie Abraham Hurwitz
- Joseph Husband
- Richard Wellington Husband
- William Walter Husband
- Harry Mclaren Pinckney Huse
- Isaac Husik
- George Morehouse Huss
- Henry Holden Huss
- Charles Lincoln Hussey
- William Joseph Hussey
- James Delno Husted
- James William Husted
- Mary Irving Husted
- James H. Hustis
- Abraham Francis Huston
- Charles Lukens Huston
- Henry Augustus Huston
- Mccready Huston
- S(Imeon) Arthur Huston
[edit]- Frank Townsend Hutchens
- Robert James Hutcheon
- Ernest Hutcheson
- Grote Hutcheson
- Joseph C. Hutcheson
- William Anderson Hutcheson
- Frank Day Hutchings
- Richard Henry Hutchings
- Augustus Schell Hutchins
- Charles Clifford Hutchins
- Charles Lewis Hutchins
- Edward Webster Hutchins
- Frank Frazier Hutchins
- Harry Burns Hutchins
- John Corbin Hutchins
- Will Hutchins
- William James Hutchins
- Cary Talcott Hutchinson
- Charles Lawrence Hutchinson
- Edith Stotesbury Hutchinson
- Elijah Cubberley Hutchinson
- Ellen Mackay Hutchinson
- Frances Kinsley Hutchinson
- George Alexander Hutchinson
- John Hutchinson
- John Corrin Hutchinson
- John Irwin Hutchinson
- Joseph Baldwin Hutchinson
- Norman Hutchinson
- Paul Hutchinson
- Woods Hutchinson
- Benjamin Franklin Hutchison
- Claude Burton Hutchison
- Harvey Macleary Hutchison
- James Edgar Hutchison
- Miller Reese Hutchison
- Robert Alden Hutchison
- Stuart Nye Hutchison
- William Easton Hutchison
- Charles Woodward Hutson
- Frederick Leroy Hutson
- Joshua Brown Hutson
[edit]- Henry Hutt
- Edward Hyatt Hutton
- Josiah Lawson Hutton
- Levi W. Hutton
- Norman Hutton
- Alfred Hutty
- Edmund Niles Huyck
- Juan Bernardo Huyke
- Moses Hyamson
- Anna Vaughn Hyatt
- Charles Eliot Hyatt
- Nathaniel Irving Hyatt
- Albert Alexander Hyde
- Arthur M. Hyde
- Charles Cheney Hyde
- Charles Gilman Hyde
- Charles Leavitt Hyde
- Clarence Ludlam Hyde
- Clayton H. Hyde
- Cornelius Willet Gillam Hyde
- Dorsey William Hyde
- Edward Pechin Hyde
- Edward Warden Hyde
- Edward Wyllys Hyde
- Edwin Francis Hyde
- Henry Morrow Hyde
- Howard Elmer Hyde
- Ida Henrietta Hyde
- James Hazen Hyde
- James Macdonald Hyde
- Jesse Earl Hyde
- John Hyde
- Louis Kepler Hyde
- Mary Backus Hyde
- Mary Kendall Hyde
- Miles Goodyear Hyde
- Theophilus Rodgers Hyde
- Walter Woodburn Hyde
- William Henry Hyde
- Frank Sidney Hyer
- Robert Stewart Hyer
- John F. Hylan
- Rudolph Kelker Hynicka
- Benjamin Murray Hypes
- James Augustus Hyslop
- Edward M. Hyzer
- Harold L. Ickes
- Edward John Iddings
- Lewis Morris Iddings
- Henry Idema
- Silas Ellsworth Idleman
- George Nicolas Ifft
- Samuel Iglauer
- William L. Igoe
- Axel Olaf Ihlseng
- George Iles
- Edward Joseph Ill
- Margaret Illington
- Henry Illoway
- James Keeler Ilsley
- Samuel Marshall Ilsley
- James Imbrie
- Lorin Everett Imlay
- Ruth Immell
- Thomas Harper Ince
- George Hoadly Ingalls
- James Monroe Ingalls
- Walter Renton Ingalls
- Zebulon Montgomery Pike Inge
- Charles Edward Ingersoll
- Charles Henry Ingersoll
- Colin Macrae Ingersoll
- Ernest Ingersoll
- George Pratt Ingersoll
- Leonard Rose Ingersoll
- Raymond Vail Ingersoll
- Robert Hawley Ingersoll
- Royal Rodney Ingersoll
[edit]- Charles Samuel Ingham
- Harvey Ingham
- Edward Ingle
- William Ingle
- Fred Ingle Y
- Alexander James Inglis
- James Inglis
- Edgar Shugert Ingraham
- George Landon Ingraham
- William Moulton Ingraham
- Augustus Eugenio Ingram
- Edward Lovering Ingram
- Frances Ingram
- Frederick Fremont Ingram
- Henry Atlee Ingram
- Richard Morehead Inlow
- Arthur Crew Inman
- Edward Hamilton Inman
- Henry Arthur Inman
- Samuel Guy Inman
- Frederick Neil Innes
- George Innes
- Katherine Innes
- George Inness
- George Swan Innis
- William Henry Insley
- Samuel Insull
- Ernest Ludvig- Ipsen
- John St. John Irby
- Alleyne Ireland
- Clifford Ireland
- Mary E. Ireland
- Merritte Weber Ireland
- Robert Livingston Ireland
- William (Addison) Ireland
- Alexander Fitzgerald Irvine
- Frank Irvine
- Cornell B. S.
- James Irvine
- Julia Josephine Irvine
- Leigh Hadley Irvine
- Robert Tate Irvine
- William Irvine
- William Burriss Irvine
- William Mann Irvine
- Wilson Henry Irvine
- Isabel Irving
- Thomas Patrick Irving
- Charles Walter Irwin
- Clinton Fillmore Irwin
- Edward M. Irwin
- Mo. Med. Coll. M. D.
- Florence Irwin
- George Le Roy Irwin
- Harry Newton Irwin
- Mar. 9 O.
- Inez Haynes Irwin
- May Irwin
- Noble Edward Irwin
- Richard William Irwin
- Samuel Wesley Irwin
- Violet Irwin
- Wallace Irwin
- Walter Mcmaster Irwin
- W(Illiam) Francis Irwin
- Charles Applewhite Isaacs
- John Dove Isaacs
- Nathan Isaacs
- Charles David Isaacson
- John Ise
- Adrian Iselin
- Charles Oliver Iselin
- Columbus O’Donnell Iselin
- Frederick B. Isely
- Asa Brainerd Isham
- Frederic Stewart Isham
- Mary Keyt Isham
- Norman Morrison Isham
- William Butts Ittner
- Samuel Gilbert Iverson
- Augustus Wright Ives
- Charles Taylor Ives
- Ernest Linwood Ives
- Frederic Eugene Ives
- George Burnham Ives
- Herbert Eugene Ives
- Howard Chapin Ives
- James Edmund Ives
- Joel Stone Ives
- Percy Ives
- Sarah Noble Ives
- Sumner Albert Ives
- Joseph Henry Ivie
[edit]- Benjamin Franklin Price Ivins
- Milwaukee Pl
- Lester Sylvan Ivins
- Robert Henry Ivy
- Toyokichi Iyenaga
- Frederick Lafayette Jack
- John George Jack
- Theodore Henley Jack
- Daniel Cowan Jackling
- Howard Hill Jackman
- Albert Atlee Jackson
- Arthur C(Harles) Jackson
- Bennett Barron Jackson
- Carlton Jackson
- Charles Akerman Jackson
- Charles Cabot Jackson
- Charles H. Spurgeon Jackson
- Charles Loring Jackson
- Charles Samuel Jackson
- Charles Tenney Jackson
- Charles Warren Jackson
- Chevalier Jackson
- Clarence Martin Jackson
- Dugald Caleb Jackson
- Dunham Jackson
- Ed. Jackson
- Edward Jackson
- Frank Dar Jackson
- Fred Jackson
- Fred Schuyler Jackson
- Frederick John Foakes Jackson
- Frederick Mitchell Jackson
- George Jackson
- George B. Jackson
- George Leroy Jackson
- Henry Jackson
- Henry Ezekiel Jackson
- Henry S. Jackson
- Herbert Spencer Jackson
- Holmes Condict Jackson
- Jabez North Jackson
- James Frederick Jackson
- James Hathaway Jackson
- Jesse Benjamin Jackson
- John Day Jackson
- John Edwin Jackson
- John Price Jackson
- Lambert Lincoln Jackson
- Leonora Jackson
- Margaret Doyle Jackson
- Richard Arbuthnot Jackson
- Robert Tracy Jackson
- Thomas Wright Jackson
- Will Woodward Jackson
- William Benjamin Jackson
- William J. Jackson
- William Kenneth Jackson
- William Purnell Jackson
- Cary Franklin Jacob
- Peyton Jacob
- Charles Michael Jacobs
- Edwin Elmore Jacobs
- Henry Barton Jacobs
- Henry Eyster Jacobs
- J(Ames) Arthur Jacobs
- Joseph Earle Jacobs
- Michel Jacobs
- Thornwell Jacobs
- Walter Abraham Jacobs
- Walter Ballou Jacobs
- William States Jacobs
- Ph.D. M. A.
[edit]- Norman Jacobsen
- Carl Alfred Jacobson
- Fritz Jacobson
- Morris Lazarev Jacobson
- Meyer Jacob Stein
- Stevens Inst. Tech. M. E.
- Melancthon Williams Jacobus
- Lieorge W. Jacoby
- Harold Jacoby
- Henry Sylvester Jacoby
- H(Erman) Murray Jacoby
- William Picard Jacocks
- Henderson Madison Jacoway
- William White Jacques
- Edgar Jadwin
- Theodore Jaeckel
- Edmund Carroll Jaeger
- Albert Jaegers
- Augustine Jaegers
- Frederic Blair Jaekel
- Myer Edward Jaffa
- Louis Isaac Jaffe
- Clive Talbot Jaffray
- Thomas Augustus Jaggar
- Alice Archer Sewall James
- Aphie James
- Arthur Curtiss James
- Bartlett Burleigh James
- Western Maryland Coll. A. B.
- Westminster (Md.) Theol. Sem. B. D.
- Charles James
- Darwin Rush James
- D(Avid) Bushrod James
- Eldon Revare James
- Elias Olan James
- Francis Bacon James
- George Francis James
- George Oscar James
- Asst. Prof Os
- George Roosa James
- George Wharton James
- Herman Gerlach James
- James Alton James
- John James
- John Edwin James
- Joseph Hidy James
- Samuel Catlett James
- Samuel Humphreys James
- W. Frank James
- Walter Belknap James
- Walter Gilbert James
- William Carey James
- William John James
- William P. James
- Will(Iam Roderick) James
- Edwin Cornell Jameson
- Jay Paul Jameson
- John Franklin Jameson
- Charles Clark J Amieson
- Guy Arthur Jamieson
- William Darius Jamieson
- Alpha Pierce Jamison
- Atha Thomas Jamison
- Minnie Lou Jamison
- William Arbuckle Jamison
- George Milton Janes
[edit]- Frank Latimer Janeway
- Phineas Allen Janeway
- Elsie Janis
- O(Liver) Edward Janney
- Thomas B. Janney
- Peter Jansen
- Charles Janvier
- Alfred Jaques
- William Thomas Jaquess
- James Tertius Jar Dine
- William M. Jardine
- Herman Jarecky
- Joseph Leonard Jarman
- Milton Preston Jarnagin
- Edwin Seton Jarrett
- William Paul Jarrett
- James Newbegin Jarvie
- Chester Deacon Jarvis
- George Tibbals Jarvis
- Robert Edward Lee Jarvis
- Thomas Neilson Jarvis
- Joseph Jastrow
- John Edwin Jay
- Peter Augustus Jay
- Pierre Jay
- Walter Husted Jaycox
- Joseph Lee Jayne
- Walter Addison Jayne
- Jules Benjamin Jeanmard
- Albert Webb Jefferis
- Lamar Jeffers
- Leroy Jeffers
- Robinson Jeffers
- William Martin Jeffers
- Benjamin Lafayette Jefferson
- Charles Edward Jefferson
- John Percival Jefferson
- Edward Turner Jeffery
- Edward Miller Jefferys
- William Hamilton Jefferys
- Edward Charles Jeffrey
- Frank Rumer Jeffrey
- Louis Eugene Jeffries
- Millard Dudley Jeffries
- Zay Jeffries
- Malcolm George Jeffris
- John Lemuel Jelks
- William Dorsey Jelrs
- Smith Ely Jelliffe
- Robert Jemison
- Robert Jemison
- Millard Alford Jenkens
- Arthur Hugh Jenkins
- Burris Atkins Jenkins
- Charles Francis Jenkins
- Charles Rush Jenkins
- C(Laudius) Bissell Jenkins
- Daniel Edwards Jenkins
- Douglas Jenkins
- Edward Hopkins Jenkins
- Frances Jenkins
- Frank Edwin Jenkins
- John Murray Jenkins
- Oliver Peebles Jenkins
- Paulburrill Jenkins
- 9th Training Regt. L
- Thomas Albert Jenkins
- Thomas Atkinson Jenkins
- William M. Jenkins
- Richard C. Jenkinson
- Albert Ernest Jenks
- Almet Francis Jenks
- Charles O. Jenks
- Edwin Hart Jenks
- George Charles Jenks
- James Lawrence Jenks
- Jeremiah Whipple Jenks
- John Edward Jenks
- Orrin Roe Jenks
[edit]- Charles Albert Jenney
- Charles Francis Jenney
- William Sherman Jenney
- Andrew Jackson Jennings
- Charles Godwin Jennings
- Edward Henry Jennings
- Elzy Dee Jennings
- Henry Burritt Jennings
- Henry C. Jennings
- Herbert Spencer Jennings
- Isaac Jennings
- Judson Toll Jennings
- Leslie Nelson Jennings
- Otto Emery Jennings
- Robert William Jennings
- Sidney Johnston Jennings
- Walter Jennings
- Walter Louis Jennings
- W(Illiam) Beatty Jennings
- Christen Jensen
- Christian Nephi Jensen
- Elmer C. Jensen
- Howard Eikenberry Jensen
- Jens Jensen
- John Christian Jensen
- John William Jent
- Harry Benjamin Jepson
- Willis Linn Jepson
- Maria Jeritza
- William Wallace Jermane
- Reinert August Jernberg
- Marcus Wilson Jernegan
- Prescott Ford Jernegan
- William Travers Jerome
- Henry Jervey
- Huger Wilkinson Jervey
- James Postell Jervey
- J(Ames) Wilkinson Jervey
- Richard Henry Jesse
- Charles Augustus Jessup
- Elon Jessup
- Henry Wynans Jessup
- Walter Albert Jessup
- Robert Carter Jett
- Edward Alden Jewell
- James Ralph Jewell
- John Franklin Jewell
- Louise Pond Jewell
- Mary Frances Jewell
- Theodore Frelinghuysen Jewell
[edit]- Charles Webster Jewett
- Frances Gulick Jewett
- Frank Baldwin Jewett
- Frank Fanning Jewett
- George Anson Jewett
- George Franklin Jewett
- Harry Mulford Jewett
- Harvey C. Jewett
- James Richard Jewett
- John Howard Jewett
- Rutger Bleecker Jewett
- Stephen Shannon Jewett
- Willard Rouse Jillson
- Herbert Keightley Job
- Mary L. (Mrs. Carl Akeley) Jobe
- James Wesley Jobling
- Samuel Levinson Joekel
- Carl Johann
- Albert Johannsen
- Oskar Augustus Johannsen
- John C(Hristen) Johansen
- M. Jean Johansen
- Otto Marion John
- Samuel Will John
- William Scott John
- Charles A. Johns
- Clayton Johns
- George Sibley Johns
- William Hingston Johns
- Mrs. Adelaide Johnson
- Albert Johnson
- Albert Sidney Johnson
- Alexander Johnson
- Alex(Ander) Carlton Johnson
- Alfred Sidney Johnson
- Allen Johnson
- Alvin Saunders Johnson
- Amandus Johnson
- Andrew Gustavus Johnson
- Anna (“Hope Daring”) Johnson
- Arthur Charles Johnson
- Arthur Newhall Johnson
- Arthur Stoddard Johnson
- Ashley Sidney Johnson
- Ben Johnson
- Bernard Lyman Johnson
- Bolling Arthur Johnson
- Buford Jeannette Johnson
- Burges Johnson
- Burt W. Johnson
- Charles Fletcher Johnson
- Charles Frederick Johnson
- Charles Henry Johnson
- Charles Nelson Johnson
- Charles Williamson Johnson
- Charles Willis Johnson
- Charles Willison Johnson
- Clarke Howard Johnson
- Clifton Johnson
- Cone Johnson
- David Bancroft Johnson
- Douglas Wilson Johnson
- Duncan Starr Johnson
- Eben Samuel Johnson
- Edgar Hutchinson Johnson
- Edith Johnson
- Edward Johnson
- Edward Carl Johnson
- Edward Payson Johnson
- Edwin S. Johnson
- Elbert Leland Johnson
- Eldridge Reeves Johnson
- Elias Finley Johnson
- Elizabeth Forrest Johnson
- Elizabeth Winthrop Johnson
- Emory Richard Johnson
- Emsley Wright Johnson
- Frank Pearson Johnson
- Frank Seward Johnson
- Franklin Paradise Johnson
- Franklin Winslow Johnson
- Frederick Ernest Johnson
- Frederick Foote Johnson
- George Johnson
- George Ellsworth Johnson
- George K. Johnson
- George William Johnson
Johnson, H.
[edit]- Henry Johnson
- Henry Lincoln Johnson
- Henry Viley Johnson
- Herbert Johnson
- Herbert Spencer Johnson
- Hiram Warren Johnson
- Homer Hosea Johnson
- Hugh S. Johnson
- Irving Peake Johnson
- Jackson Johnson
- Jacob Johnson
- James Granville Johnson
- James Weldon Johnson
- Jeremiah Augustus Johnson
- Jesse Johnson
- Jesse Johnson
- John Albert Johnson
- John Benjamin Johnson
- John Edward Johnson
- John Lipscomb Johnson
- J(Ohn) Lovell Johnson
- John Mitchell Johnson
- John T. Johnson
- John William Johnson
- Joseph French Johnson
- Joseph Horsfall Johnson
- Joseph Lowery Johnson
- Lewis Edgar Johnson
- Lewis Jerome Johnson
- Lilian Wyckoff Johnson
- Livingston Johnson
- Luther Alexander Johnson
- Magnus Johnson
- Margaret Johnson
- Martin (Elmer) Johnson
- Mary Hannah Johnson
- Melvin Maynard Johnson
- Merle Devore Johnson
- Milbank Johnson
- Nelson Trusler Johnson
- Noble J. Johnson
- Oliver Ray Johnson
- Oscar John Johnson
- Owen (Mcmahon) Johnson
- Paul Burney Johnson
- Philander Chase Johnson
- Richard H. Johnson
- Richard Harvey Johnson
- Robert Underwood John Son
- Robert Wilkinson Johnson
- Roger Bruce Cash Johnson
- (John) Rosamond Johnson
- Rossiter Johnson
- Roswell Hill Johnson
- Roy Ivan Johnson
- Royal Cleaves Johnson
- S(Amuel) Arthur Johnson
- Simeon Moses Johnson
- Stanley H. Johnson
- Sveinbjorn Johnson
- Thomas Cary Johnson
- Thomas E. Johnson
- Tillman Davis Johnson
- Treat Baldwin Johnson
- Walter Lathrop Johnson
- William Eugene Johnson
- William F. Johnson
- William Hallock Johnson
- William Hannibal Johnson
- William Martin Johnson
- William Mindred Johnson
- William Orlando Johnson
- William R. Johnson
- William Samuel Johnson
- William Woolsey Johnson
- Willis Ernest Johnson
- Willis Fletcher Johnson
- Wolcott Johnson
[edit]- Agnes Christine Johnston
- Annie Fellows Johnston
- Archibald Anderson Johnston
- Charles Johnston
- Charles Eugene Johnston
- Charles Haven Ladd Johnston
- Clarence Howard Johnston
- Clarence Thomas Johnston
- David Henry Johnston
- David Ira Johnston
- Forney Johnston
- Gordon Johnston
- Howard Agnew Johnston
- James A. Johnston
- James Steptoe Johnston
- John Johnston
- John Alexander Johnston
- John B. Johnston
- John Black Johnston
- John Lawrence Johnston
- Marbury Johnston
- Mary Johnston
- Oliver Martin Johnston
- Oscar Goodbar Johnston
- Percy Hampton Johnston
- Richard Hall Johnston
- Richard Holland Johnston
- Rienzi Melville Johnston
- Robert Daniel Johnston
- Rufus Perry Johnston
- Stewart Johnston
- Thomas Alexander Johnston
- William (Andrew) Johnston
- William Agnew Johnston
- W(Illia)M Allen Johnston
- William Atkinson Johnston
- W(Illiam) Dawson Johnston
- William Hartshorne Johnston
- William Hugh Johnston
- William Milton Johnston
- Arthur Edward Johnstone
- Edward Ransom Johnstone
- Edward Robert Johnstone
- Ernest Kinloch Johnstone
- John Humphreys Johnstone
- William Jackson Johnstone
- Edwin Sheldon Johonnott
- Austin Howell Jolly
- Frank Gilbert Jonah
- August Frederick Jonas
- Nathan S. Jonas
- Aaron Jones
- A(Lbert) Marshall Jones
- Amos Blanch Jones
- Andrieus Aristieus Jones
- Arthur Julius Jones
- Ashby Jones
- Augustine Jones
- Bassett Jones
- Beatrix Jones
- Benjamin Franklin Jones
- Benjamin Franklin Jones
- Bob Jones
- Breckinridge Jones
- Buell Fay Jones
- Burr W. Jones
- Burton Rensselaer Jones
- Carter Helm Jones
- Chapin Jones
- Charles Edward Jones
- C(Harles) Hampson Jones
- Charles Henry Jones
- Charles Reading Jones
- Charles Sumner Jones
- Chester Lloyd Jones
- Clement Ross Jones
- Daniel Fiske Jones
- David Hugh Jones
- David Percy Jones
Jones, E.
[edit]- Edgar Dewitt Jones
- Edith Kathleen Jones
- Edmund Adams Jones
- Edward Campbell Jones
- Edward David Jones
- Edward E. Jones
- Edward Perry Jones
- Eliot Jones
- Elizabeth Dickson Jones
- Ella Virginia Jones
- Elmer Ellsworth Jones
- E(Mmett) Milton Jones
- E(Mest) Lester Jones
- Eugene Kinckle Jones
- Evan J. Jones
- Everett Starr Jones
- Evert Leon Jones
- Forrest Robert Jones
- Francis Coates Jones
- Francis Ilah Jones
- Frank Beall Jones
- Frank Johnston Jones
- Franklin D. Jones
- F(Rederick) Robertson Jones
- Frederick Scheetz Jones
- Gaius J. Jones
- Gardner Maynard Jones
- George H. Jones
- Grace Latimer Jones
- Grinnell Jones
- Grosvenor Monro Jones
- Guernsey Jones
- Harry Stewart Jones
- Harry Wild Jones
- Henry Craig Jones
- Henry Lawrence Jones
- Herschell V. Jones
- Hilary Pollard Jones
- Hilton Ira Jones
- Horace Leonard Jones
- Howard Mumford Jones
- H(Ugh) Bolton Jones
- Ira B. Jones
- J. Claude Jones
- J. Shirley Jones
- James Coulter Jones
- James Emlyn Jones
- James Sumner Jones
- Jefferson Jones
- Jesse Holman Jones
- John Carleton Jones
- John E. Jones
- John George Jones
- John Price Jones
- Joshua H. Jones
- Lake Jones
- Lauder William Jones
- Laurence Clifton Jones
- Lewis Henry Jones
- Lewis Ralph Jones
- Livingston Erringer Jones
- Livingston French Jones
- Llewellyn Jones
- Lynds Jones
- Author J. )
- Marcus Eugene Jones
- Marvin Jones
- Matt Bushnell Jones
- M(Eredith) Ashby Jones
- Norman L. Jones
- Paul Jones
- Paul Jones
- Quill Jones
- Richard Lloyd Jones
- Richard Saxe Jones
- Richard Uriah Jones
- Robert Edmond Jones
- Robert Elijah Jones
- Robert Ellis Jones
- Robert Lee Jones
- Robinson Godfrey Jones
- Rufus Matthew Jones
- Samuel Augustus Jones
- Samuel Fosdick Jones
- Sebastian Chatham Jones
- Seth Benjamin Jones
- Seward William Jones
- Sullivan W. Jones
- Theodore Francis Jones
- Thomas Alfred Jones
- Thomas Davies Jones
- Thomas Elsa Jones
- Thomas Jesse Jones
- T(Homas) Sambola Jones
- Thomas Samuel Jones
- Virgil Laurens Jones
- W (Allace) Franklin Jones
- Walter Jones
- Walter Clinton Jones
- Walter Clyde Jones
- Wesley Livsey Jones
- Wharton Stewart Jones
- Wiley Emmet Jones
- Will Owen Jones
- Wilham A. Jones
- William Alexander Jones
- William Carey Jones
- William Ralph Jones
- William Russell Jones
- Wilie Jones
[edit]- Alphonse Jongers
- Charles B. Jopp
- John Howard Jopson
- Nov. 11 M. C.U.S.A.
- Arthur Melviue Jordan
- David Starr Jordan
- Edward Stanlaw Jordan
- Edwin Oakes Jordan
- Elizabeth Jordan
- Frank Craig Jordan
- Harvey Ernest Jordan
- Harvie Jordan
- John Clark Jordan
- John H. Jordan
- John Woolf Jordan
- Jules (Julius) Jordan
- Kate Jordan
- Mary Augusta Jordan
- Riverda Harding Jordan
- Whitman Howard Jordan
- William Frederick Jordan
- William George Jordan
- William Henry Jordan
- Edward Fletcher Jorden
- Herman Emil Jorgensen
- Lionel Josaphare
- Donrosco Joseph
- Isaac A. Josephi
- Charles Conant Josey
- Elliott Proctor Joslin
- Falcon Joslin
- Harold Vincent Joslin
- Theodore Goldsmith Joslin
- Benage S. Josselyn
- Lloyd Wadleigh Josselyn
- Henry Lee Jost
- Edward Stockton Jouett
- Marcel Journet
- Henry Bourne Joy
- James Richard Joy
- Richard Pickering Joy
- Williamb. Joyce
- John Warren Joyes
- James Yadkin Joyner
- Frederick Juchhoff
- Edward Starr Judd
- James Robert Judd
- John Waltus Judd
- Maurice Judd
- Neil Merton Judd
- Zebulon Judd
- Charles Otis Judkins
- Clara Ingram Judson
- Harry Pratt Judson
- Katharine Berry Judson
- William Lees Judson
- William Pierson Judson
- Alfred Juergens
- Frank Alexander Juhan
- John Christopher Juhring
- John Herndon Julian
- Herbert Atchinson Jump
- Gustavus S. Junkerman
- Charles Franklin Junkermann
- Peter Junker Sfeld
- Francis Thomas Anderson Junkin
- Niels Juul
- Alexander Kadi Son
- Charles Salis Kaelin
- Gustav Kaemmerling
- Waldemaf Bernhard Kaempffert
[edit]- Charles L. Kagey
- Louis Kahlenberg
- Frederick August Kahler
- Harry Adams Kahler
- Hugh Macnair Kahler
- John Henry Kahler
- Charles Edwin Kahlke
- Albert Kahn
- Florence Prag Kahn
- Julius Kahn
- Lazard Kahn
- Otto Hermann Kahn
- Archibald Chetwode Kains
- Maurice Grenville Kains
- Albert David Kaiser
- John Boynton Kaiser
- Lewis Kaiser
- Louis Anthony Kaiser
- Duke Of Kalachine
- Maximo M. Kalaw
- Samuel Kalisch
- Julius Wilbur Kalkus
- Horace Meyer Kallen
- Herbert Thomas Kalmus
- Grad Os
- Hans Kaltenborn
- Frederic Kammerer
- Julius Ernest Kammeyer
- Allenbuckner Kanavel
- Isaac Leon Kandel
- Francis Fisher Kane
- Matthew John Kane
- Thomas Franklin Kane
- Wiuiam T. Kane
- St. John’S Coll. Os
- Jacob Robert Kantor
- Francis Kanski
- Bernard Michael Kaplan
- Isaac M. Kapper
- Vladimir Karapetoff
- Phya Prabha Karavongse
- John Connell Karel
- Gustav J. Karger
- Louis Charles Karpinski
- N.E.A. A.A.A.S.
- Howard Thomas Karsner
- Gertrude Kasebier
- Edward Kasner
- Charles Kassel
- Edwin Stebbins Kassler
- Ludwig Kast
- John P. Raster
- Richard Donland Kathrens
- Edwin Britton Katte
- Frank J(Ames) Katz
- Mark Jacob Katz
- Edward Lawrence Katzenbach
- Frank S. Katzenbach
- William E. Katzenberger
- Calvin Henry Kauffman
- James Lee Kauffman
- Reginald Wright Kauffman
- Rudolph Kauffmann
- Victor Kauffmann
- Abraham Charles Kaufman
- George S. Kaufman
- Herbert Kaufman
- Louis Graveraet Kaufman
- Paul Kaufman
- Ed(Ward) Kaufmann
- John Lanzel Kaul
- C(Harles)E(Liezer) Kauvar
- Marcus A. Kavanagh
- William Kerr Kavanaugh
[edit]- K. K. Kawakami
- Charles De Kay
- Edgar Boyd Kay
- George Frederick Kay
- Gertrude Alice Kay
- Joseph William Kay
- James Hamilton Barcroft Kaye
- Elmer Louis Kayser
- Joseph B. Kealing
- Philip Joseph Kealy
- Jefferson Randolph Kean
- Doris Keane
- James John Keane
- Paul Winfred Kear
- Francis Joseph Kearful
- Belle Kearney
- Lawrence Francis Kearney
- Thomas Henry Kearney
- Charles Cyrus Kearns
- Edward Quinton Keasbey
- George Macculloch Keasbey
- Lindley Miller Keasbey
- Cecil A. Keating
- Edward Keating
- Frank Webster Keating
- James R. Keaton
- Hersilia A. Mitchell Keays
- Lyman Frederic Kebler
- Wilbur Keblinger
- Charles Keck
- Frank Stewart Kedzie
- John Bell Keeble
- Lee Keedick
- Edwin Roulette Keedy
- Daniel J. Keefe
- David Andrew Keefe
- John Wuliam Keefe
- Joseph Isadore Keefer
- Peter Charles Keegan
- Roy Dee Keehn
- Charles Augustus Keeler
- John Everett Keeler
- Ralph Welles Keeler
- Edward S. Keeley
- James Keeley
- Walter Angus Keeling
- Edward Leggett Keen
- Gregory Bernard Keen
- William Williams Keen
- Leo John Keena
- Frank Keenan
- Henry Francis Keenan
- Thomas Johnston Keenan
- Amor Frederick Keene
- Carter Brewster Keene
- Edward Spencer Keene
- Francis Bo.Wler Keene
- Frederick Thomas Keeney
- Charles Hallam Keep
- Chauncey Keep
- Robert Porter Keep
- Charles Albert Keffer
- James N. Kehoe
- (James) Walter Kehoe
- George Charles Keidel
- J(Oseph) Warren Keifer
- A(Lbert) Edwin Keigwin
- Benjamin J. Keiley
- William Keiller
- John Sibbit Keir
- Malcolm Keir
- Gideon Isaac Keirn
- Albert Keiser
- Edward Harrison Keiser
- Arthur Keith
- Arthur Leslie Keith
- Charles Alexander Keith
- Charles Penrose Keith
- Charles Smith Keith
- Dora Wheeler Keith
- James Keith
- John Alexander Hull Keith
- Minor Cooper Keith
- Nathaniel Shepard Keith
- George Wannamaker Keitt
- Charles Hendre Kelby
- James Edward Kelby
- George William Kelham
[edit]- John Austin Keliher
- Rudolph Frederick Kelker
- Clarence Budington Kelland
- Chambers Kellar
- Eliza Kellas
- Herbert John Kellaway
- Daniel Kelleher
- William Vail Kellen
- Albert Galloway Keller
- Arthur Ignatius Keller
- Emil Ernest Keller
- Harry Frederick Keller
- Helen Adams Keller
- Herbert Paist Keller
- Lue Alice Keller
- Oscar Edward Keller
- Will E. Keller
- William Simpson Keller
- Karl Frederic Kellerman
- Ivy Kellerman-Reed
- Paul Delmar Kelleter
- Cornelius Francis Kelley
- Edgar Stillman Kelley
- “Gulliver” I
- Ethel May Kelley
- Eugene Robert Kelley
- Florence Kelley
- Francis Alphonsus Kelley
- Francis Clement Kelley
- Hermon Alfred Kelley
- Howard G. Kelley
- J(Ames) Herbert Kelley
- Lilia Elizabeth Kelley
- Nicholas Kelley
- Patrick Henry Kelley
- Robert Michael Kelley
- Robert Weeks Kelley
- Samuel Walter Kelley
- William Valentine Kelley
- William Valla.Ndigham Kelley
- Max Kellner
- Abraham Lincoln Kellogg
- Arthur Piper Kellogg
- Frank Billings Kellogg
- Frederic Rogers Kellogg
- Frederick William Kellogg
- George Dwight Kellogg
- Henry Theodore Kellogg
- Howard Kellogg
- James C. Kellogg
- James Lawrence Kellogg
- John Harvey Kellogg
- John Morris Kellogg
- John Prescott Kellogg
- Joseph Augustus Kellogg
- Louise Phelps Kellogg
- Olin Clay Kellogg
- Oliver Dimon Kellogg
- Paul Underwood Kellogg
- Robert James Kellogg
- Thomas Moore Kellogg
- Vernon Lyman Kellogg
- Walter Guest Kellogg
- Wilfred Harvey Kellogg
[edit]- Frances Kellor
- Edward A. Kelly
- Elizabeth T. Kelly
- Florence Finch Kelly
- Fred C(Harters) Kelly
- Frederick James Kelly
- George Kelly
- George Henderson Kelly
- Guy Edward Kelly
- Harold Edward Kelly
- Harry Eugene Kelly
- Harry Mccormick Kelly
- Howard Atwood Kelly
- James Edward Kelly
- Joseph Luther Kelly
- Lon Hamman Kelly
- M(Elville) Clyde Kelly
- Michael D. Kelly
- Raymond Kelly
- Robert James Kelly
- Robert Lincoln Kelly
- Thomas Howard Kelly
- William Kelly
- William Joseph Kelly
- William Powers Kelly
- John Kelman
- Albert Kelsey
- Carl Kelsey
- Charles Edward Kelsey
- Clarence Hill Kelsey
- Francis Willey Kelsey
- Henry Hopkins Kelsey
- James Anderson Kelso
- John Bolton Kelso
- Robert Wilson Kelso
- Edward Windsor Kemble
- Edwin Walter Kemmerer
- Johnl. Kemmerer
- Bolivar Edwards Kemp
- Edwin Carl Kemp
- Ellwood Leitheiser Kemp
- (Clarence) Everett Kemp
- Harry Hibbard Kemp
- James Furman Kemp
- M(Atthew) Stanley Kemp
- Samuel Barnet Kemp
- Theodore Kemp
- W(Illiam) Thomas Kemp
- William Webb Kemp
[edit]- Graham Hawes Kemper
- William Mauzy Kemper
- William Thornton Kemper
- Isaac Herbert Kempner
- Mrs. St. George Kempson
- Charles Walter Kempton
- Arthur Isaac Kendall
- Charles Pierce Kendall
- Courts P. Kendall
- Edward Calvin Kendall
- Elizabeth Kimball Kendall
- Henry Hubbard Kendall
- Henry Plimpton Kendall
- James Kendall
- John Chester Kendall
- John Smith Kendall
- Margaret Kendall
- Nathan E. Kendall
- Samuel Austin Kendall
- (William) Sergeant Kendall
- William Converse Kendall
- William Mitchell Kendall
- Eliza Hall Kendrick
- John Benjamin Kendrick
- John William Kendrick
- W. Freeland Kendrick
- Joseph Alphonse (Marie) Kene
- Daniel Joseph Kf.Nefick
- William Herbert Kenerson
- James Mortimer Keniston
- Ralph Hayward Keniston
- John Kenlon
- John R. Kenly
- Ritchie Graham Kenly
- William Lacy Kenly
- Edward Dudley Kenna
- Charles Brents Kennamer
- Franklin Elmore Kennamer
- George Kennan
- Beulah Elfreth Kennard
- Frederic Hedge Kennard
- Joseph Spencer Kennard
- Samuel M. Kennard
- Ambrose Kennedy
- Charles A. Kennedy
- Charles Rann Kennedy
- Mrs. Charles Rann Kennedy
- Chase Wilmot Kennedy
- Daniel Joseph Kennedy
- David Scott Kennedy
- Elijah Robinson Kennedy
- Foster Kennedy
- Francis Williard Kennedy
- F(Rank) Lowell Kennedy
- James Kennedy
- James Henry Kennedy
- John Bright Kennedy
- John Lauderdale Kennedy
- John Louis Kennedy
- Mrs. John Stewart Kennedy
- Joseph Kennedy
- Julian Kennedy
- Moorhead Cowell Kennedy
- Paca Kennedy
- Philip Benjamin Kennedy
- Robert Patterson Kennedy
- Samuel Macaw Kennedy
- Sidney Robinson Kennedy
- T(Homas) Blake Kennedy
- William Sloano Kennedy
[edit]- Arthur Edwin Kennelly
- Mitchell Kennerley
- John Hanger Kennerly
- Wesley Travis Kennerly
- Thaddeus Davis Kenneson
- Richard Rolland Kenney
- William Francis Kenney
- William P Kenney
- George Frederick Kenngott
- Cass (Langdon) Kennicott
- John Kennish
- William Lee Kennon
- Albert Sewall Kenny
- Michael Kenny
- A(Rthur) Atwater Kent
- Charles Foster Kent
- Everett Kent
- Frank Richardson Kent
- Fred I. Kent
- Henry Watson Kent
- Ira Rich Kent
- Norton Adams Kent
- Raymond Asa Kent
- Rockwell Kent
- Roland Grubb Kent
- William Kent
- William Patton Kent
- Edna Kenton
- Alpheus Burdick Kenyon
- Bernice L(Esbia) Kenyon
- Charles (Arthur) Kenyon
- Doris Margar T Kenyon
- James Benjamin Kenyon
- John Samuel Kenyon
- Theda Kenyon
- William Houston Kenyon
- William Squire Kenyon
- Andrew Keogh
- Martin Jerome Keogh
- Thomas Bernard Keogh
- Cyrus Jeffries Kephart
- Horace Kephart
- John William Kephart
- Charles Ober Kepler
- Harry V. Kepner
- Frederick Paul Keppel
- Joseph Keppler
- Severn Parker Ker
- William Joseph Kerby
- John Barrett Kerfoot
- Samuel Fletcher Kerfoot
- Charles Gilmore Kerley
- Robert Thomas Kerlin
- Alfred Allan Kern
- Frank Dunn Kern
- Frederick John Kern
- Howard Lewis Kern
- Jeromo David Kern
- John Adam Kern
- Maximilian Kern
- Oily J. Kern
- Paul Bentley Kern
- Walter Mccullough Kern
- Francis Joseph Kernan
- Robert Joseph Kerner
- James Kerne Y
- Abram Tucker Kerr
- Albert Boardman Kerr
- Alvah Milton Kerr
- Charles Kerr
- Charles Volney Kerr
- David Ramsey Kerr
- Edgar Davis Kerr
- Eugene Wycliff Kerr
- Frank Marion Kerr
- Harry Hyland Kerr
- H(Enry )Farquharson Kerr
- Henry Hampton Kerr
- Hugh T. Kerr
- James Bremer Kerr
- James Manford Kerr
- James Taggart Kerr
- John Brown Kerr
- John Brown Kerr
- John Campbell Kerr
- John Hosea Kerr
- John Steele Kerr
- John Walter Kerr
- Le Grand Kerr
- Margaret Kerr
- Mina Kerr
- William Jasper Kerr
- Willis Holmes Kerr
[edit]- Harrison Summers Kerrick
- Frank Henry Kerrigan
- Philip D. Kerrison
- Wilette Kershaw
- Frederick Doyle Kershner
- Hugh Leo Kerwtn
- John Louis Kesler
- Martin Luther Kesler
- Borden Bowne Kessler
- Frederick Edward Kester
- Paul Kester
- Daniel Warren Ketcham
- John Clark Ketcham
- Victor Alvin Ketcham
- Milo Smith Ketchum
- Weir Carlyle Ketler
- Tony Louis Ketman
- Charles Franklin Kettering
- Edgar Ulf Kettle
- William Henry Kettig
- William Kettner
- Albert Lenoir Key
- David Martin Key
- James Lee Key
- John A. Key
- Pierre Van Rensselaer Key
- Angela Mary Keyes
- Charles Henry Keyes
- Charles Rollin Keyes
- Edward Loughborough Keyes
- Frederick George Keyes
- George Thurman Keyes
- Henry Wilder Keyes
- Homer Eaton Keyes
- Rollin Arthur Keyes
- Thomas Bassett Keyes
- Victor Ernest Keyes
- Cassius Jackson Keyser
- Ephraim Keyser
- Ernest Wise Keyser
- Harriette A. Keyser
- Leander Sylvester Keyser
- Alvin Kezer
- Mirza Ali Kuli Khan
- Joseph H. Kibbey
- Walter Kidde
- Alfred Vincent Kidder
- Fred Thomas Kidder
- Kathryn Kidder
- Wellington Parker Kidder
- Raymond Francis Charles Kieb
- Guy Lincoln Kiefer
- Henry Martyn Kieffer
- Charles E . Kiefner
- David Litchard Kiehle
- William Henry Kiekhofer
- Henry William Kiel
[edit]- Peter D. Kiernan
- Wynkoop Kiersted
- William Samuel Kies
- Paul Werner Kieser
- Edgar Raymond Kiess
- William Douglas Kilbourn
- Charles Evans Kilbourne
- John William Kilbreth
- Clinton Maury Kilby
- Thomas Erby Kilby
- Edward Jones Kilduff
- Orville Merton Kile
- Benjamin Wesley Kilgore
- James Kilgore
- Otto George Theobald Kiliani
- Edgar L. Killam
- John Milton Killits
- Leroy Noble Kilman
- Frederick Barnett Kilmer
- Theron Wendell Kilmer
- Walter Glenn Kilner
- Aaron Edward Kilpatrick
- William Heard Kilpatrick
- Alfred Redington Kimball
- Arthur Reed Kimball
- Charles Dean Kimball
- Clarence Oliver Kimball
- Dexter Simpson Kimball
- Edward Partridge Kimball
- Everett Kimball
- Fiske Kimball
- George Henry Kimball
- Gustavus Sylvester Kimball
- Herbert Harvey Kimball
- Justin Ford Kimball
- Katharine Kimball
- Leroy Elwood Kimball
- Ralph Kimball
- Theodora Kimball
- Thomas Rogers Kimball
- Walter Gardner Kimball
- Willard Kimball
- William Wirt Kimball
- John Haines Kimble
- Herbert Kimbrough
- Robert Alexander Kimbrough
- Gustav Bernard Kimmel
- Trevor Kincaid
- William Wallace Kincaid
- Andrew Armstrong Kincannon
- David Hayes Kincheloe
- George John Kindel
- Edward Martin Kindle
[edit]- Hans Kindler
- John Joseph Kindred
- John Henry Kinealy
- George Goodhue Kineon
- Albert Henry King
- Alexander Campbell King
- Arthur Scott King
- (William Benjamin) Basil King
- Campbell King
- Caroline Blanche King
- Charles King
- Charles Banks King
- Charles Burton King
- Charles Francis King
- Clyde Lyndon King
- Cora Smith King
- David Bennett King
- D(Avid) Ward King
- Edmund Burritt King
- Edward J. King
- Edward Leonard King
- Edward S(Kinner) King
- Edwin Burruss King
- Frank Q. Cartoonist King
- Frederick Allen King
- Grace Elizabeth King
- Harry Andrews King
- Helen Dean King
- Henry Churchill King
- Henry Stauffer King
- Herbert Hiram King
- Horace Williams King
- Irving King
- James Joseph King
- J(Ohn) Cheston King
- John Rigdon King
- Julie Rive King
- Lida Shaw King
- Lorenzo Houston King
- Mary Perry King
- Paul King
- Robert Waldo King
- Stanley King
- Stanton Henry King
- Theophilus King
- Thomas Brown King
- Virginia Ann King
- Willard Vinton King
- Willford Isbell King
- William A. King
- William Henry King
- William Peter King
- William Reynolds King
- William Robert King
- Union S.S
- Will(Iam) R(Ufus) King
- William Wirt King
- Willis L. King
- Wyncie King
- Hugh Macmaster Kingery
[edit]- Albert Kingsbury
- Benjamin Freeman Kingsbury
- John Adams Kingsbury
- Joseph Thomas Kingsbury
- Kenneth Raleigh Kingsbury
- Mary Melinda Kingsbury
- Susan Myra Kingsbury
- Howard Nelson Kingsford
- Bruce Gordon Kingsley
- Clarence Darwin Kingsley
- Darwin Pearl Kingsley
- Florence Morse Kingsley
- J(Ohn) Sterling Kingsley
- Sherman Colver Kingsley
- Willey Lyon Kingsley
- William Morgan Kingsley
- Morgan Kingston
- Cleves Kinkead
- Edgar Benton Kinkead
- Eleanor Talbot Kinkead
- Eugene F. Kinkead
- Otto Kinkeldey
- David Kinley
- William Asahel Kinnan
- John E. Kinnane
- Leonard Hummel Kinnard
- Wilson Sherman Kinnear
- William Ennis Kinnett
- Bruce Kinney
- Henry Walsworth Kinney
- Margaret West Kinney
- Timothy Kinney
- Troy Kinney
- Oliver P. Kinsey
- James C. Kinsler
- Albert Thomas Kinsley
- Carl Kinsley
- Earle S. Kinsley
- Charles Lambert Kinsloe
- Frederick Joseph Kinsman
- Arthur Barksdale Kinsolving
- George Herbert Kinsolving
- Lucien Lee Kinsolving
- Sally Bruce Kinsolving
- William Lewis Kinter
- Abraham Lincoln Kip
- Frederic Ellsworth Kip
- Alexander Kipnis
- Absolom Kirby
- C. Valentine Kirby
- Edmund Burgis Kirby
- Frank E. Kirby
- Fred Morgan Kirby
- George Hughes Kirby
- John Kirby
- John Henry Kirby
- R(Obert) Harper Kirby
- Rollin Kirby
- William Fosgate Kirby
[edit]- J. Edward Kirbye
- Alfred Henry Kirchhofer
- George W(Ashington) Kirchwey
- Albert E. Kirk
- Charles Townsend Kirk
- Edward Cameron Kirk
- Harris Elliott Kirk
- John R. Kirk
- Ralph G. Kirk
- William Kirk
- William Frederick Kirk
- Franklin Butler Kirkbride
- Stanton Davis Kirkham
- William Barri Kirkham
- Archie Howard Kirkland
- James Hampton Kirkland
- Weymouth Kirkland
- Winifred Margaretta Kirkland
- Edwin Asbury Kirkpatrick
- Elbert W. Kirkpatrick
- Sanford Kirkpatrick
- Thomas Le Roy Kirkpatrick
- William Sebring Kirkpatrick
- Irwin Kirkwood
- Joseph Edward Kirkwood
- Marion Rice Kirkwood
- William Reeside Kirkwood
- George John Kirn
- Charles Henry Kirshner
- Louia Edward Kirstein
- John Copeland Kirtland
- James Samuel Kirtley
- Samuel Ellsworth Kiser
- Henry Snyder Kissam
- Mary Lois Kissell
- George Raphael Kister
- Joseph Gray Kitchell
- William Walton Kitchin
- Harry Dexter Kitson
- Henry Hudson Kitson
- James Shepard Kittell
- Sumner Ely Wetmore Kittelle
- Charles Morgan Kittle
- George Lyman Kittredge
- George Watson Kittredge
- Mabel Hyde Kittredge
- Wheaton Kittredge
- Norman Goree Kittrell
- John Kivel
- Frederick Klaeber
- William Henry Klapp
- Paul Klapper
- Charles Zeller Klauder
- Marc Klaw
- Rudolph Kleberg
- Arnold Carl Klebs
- John C. Kleczka
- Gustav Adolph Kleene
[edit]- Arthur Jay Klein
- Frederick Charlgs Klein
- Harry Martin John Klein
- Hermann Klein
- Joseph Jerome Klein
- Julius Klein
- Louis Amos Klein
- Rudolph August Kleinschmidt
- Rufus Bernhard Von Kleinsmid
- Grenville Kleiser
- James Aloysius Kleist
- Edward Julius Klemme
- Frank Klepetko
- Alfred Will Kliefoth
- John Walter Kliewer
- Allen Marshall Kline
- Ardolph L. Kline
- Burton Kline
- George Milton Kline
- I. Clinton Kline
- Marion Justus Kline
- Whorten Albert Kline
- William Fair Kline
- William Jay Kline
- Orie Erb Klingaman
- Charles Edward Kloeber
- Charles Luther Kloss
- Oskar Klotz
- Whitehead Kluttz
- Samuel S. Knabenshite
- Ernest Knaebel
- Arnold Herman Knapp
- Arthur May Knapp
- Bliss Knapp
- Bradford Knapp
- Charles Knapp
- Charles Luman Knapp
- Fred Church Knapp
- George Leonard Knapp
- Grace Higley Knapp
- Harold Everard Knapp
- Henry Alonzo Knapp
- Joseph Palmer Knapp
- Kemper K. Knapp
- Shepherd Knapp
- Thad Johnson Knapp
- Loyal Edwin Knappen
- Theodore Macfarlane Knappen
- Ernest Knaufft
- Strickland Landis Kneass
- William L. Kneedler
- George Jackson Kneel And
- Stillman Foster Kneeland
- Franz Kneisel
- Harry Herbert Knibbs
- Fred Hugh Knickerbocker
- William Henry Kniffin
[edit]- Adele Ferguson Knight
- Albion Williamson Knight
- Austin Melvin Knight
- Charles Knight
- Charles Landon Knight
- Charles Robert Knight
- Charles Strongman Knight
- Edgar Wallace Knight
- Edward Hooker Knight
- Edward Wallace Knight
- Erastus Cole Knight
- George Wells Knight
- Henry Granger Knight
- John Thornton Knight
- L(Ouis) Aston Knight
- Lucian Lamar Knight
- Nicholas Knight
- Samuel Knight
- William Allen Knight
- William Henry Knight
- Alden Arthur Knipe
- Emilie Benson Knipe
- Charles Tobias Knipp
- Warren B. Kniskern
- Tully Cleon Knoles
- Adolph Knopf
- Alfred A. Knopf
- S. Adolphus Knopf
- Karl Knortz
- Laura A. Knott
- Richard Gillmore Knott
- Van Buren Knott
- Armanis F. Knotts
- Edward C. Knotts
- Henry Mcelderry Knower
- Joseph Russell Knowland
- Archibald Campbell Knowles
- Ellin J. Knowles
- Horace Greeley Knowles
- Jessica Knowles
- Morris Knowles
- Eliot A. Knowlton
- Frank Hall Knowlton
- George Willard Knowlton
- P(Hiletus) Clarke Knowlton
- (William) Franklin Knox
- Jessie Juliet (Daily) Knox
- John Barnett Knox
- John Clark Knox
- Raymond Collyer Knox
- Robert White Knox
- Rush Hightower Knox
- William Elliott Knox
- William White Knox
- Frederick Hermann Knubel
- Albert Cornelius Knud Son
- Lewis Knudson
- Harold Knutson
- William August Kobbe
- George Martin Kober
- Frederick Henry Koch
- Julius Arnold Koch
- Theodore Wesley Koch
[edit]- Hiram Miller Kochersperger
- Albert Kocourek
- Otto Erwin Koegel
- Adolph Koenig
- Moses Koenigsberg
- Frank (Franz K8ster) Koester
- Charles Atwood Kofoid
- Elmer Peter Kohler
- Fred Kohler
- G. A. Edward Kohler
- Kaufmann Kohler
- Max James Kohler
- Walter Jodok Kohler
- Francis L. Kohlman
- Herman Henry Kohlsaat
- Edward Delor Kohlstedt
- August Kohn
- Jacob Kohn
- Robert David Kohn
- Lee Kohns
- C. Wellington Kqiner
- Ellsworth Leonardson Kolb
- Louis John Kolb
- Parke Rexford Kolbe
- Frederick Strange Kolle
- Carl Koller
- John Albert Kolmer
- Frederick August Kolster
- Manuel Komroff
- Edward Reeves Kone
- Thomas Frank Konop
- Alexander Konta
- Annie Lemp Konta
- Isidore Konti
- Ernest Charles Kontz
- Vi-Kyuin Wellington Koo
- John Cornelius Koons
- Tilghman Benjamin Koons
- James R. Koqntz
- Harry Lyman Koopman
- Leonard Vincent Koo.S
- Louis Joseph Kopald
- Henry Koplik
- Arthur William Kopp
- William F. Kopp
- Mario Korbel
- Charles Alexander Korbly
- John Koren
- Sergius Alexander Korff
- Jules Gilmer Korner
- Joseph Saul Kornfeld
- Augusta Kortrecht
- Frederick Jacob Koster
- Ludwig Kotany
- Augustus Frederick Kountze
- Harold Kountze
- Alois Francis Kovarik
- Charles Herschel Koyl
- Henry Kraemer
- Carl R. Krafft
- James Lewis Kraft
- Josef Jiri Kral
- Frederick Ferdinand Kramer
- George Washington Kramer
- Harold Morton Kramer
- John F. Kramer
- Simon Pendleton Kramer
- Horatio Sheaf E Krans
- George Philip Krapp
- Nathan Krass
- Henry Elton Kratz
- John Aubel Kratz
- Adolf Kratjs
- Charles August Kraus
- Edward Henry Kraus
- E(Zra) J(Acob) Kraus
- Milton Kraus
- Maria Kraus-Boelte
- Allen Kramer Krause
- Carl Albert Krause
- Elmer Frederick Kraus S
- William Krauss
- Charles Rieseck Krauthoff
- Alvin William Krech
[edit]- Edward Albert Kreger
- Aaron Shenk Kreider
- Charles Daniel Kreider
- Fritz Kreisler
- Frederick Herman Kreismann
- Milo William Krejci
- Charles Edward Kremer
- J. Bruce Kremer
- Edward Kremers
- John P. Krempel
- Isidor «.Acob Kresel
- Elijah Everitt Kresge
- Sebastian S. Kresge
- George Henry Kress
- John Alexander Kress
- Samuel Henry Kress
- Paul Edward Kretzmann
- Alfred Kreymborg
- Charles Shalter Krick
- Oscar Schultz Kriebel
- Vernon Kriebel Krieble
- Otto Edward Kriege
- Arthur Krock
- Alfred L. Kroeber
- Louis Samuel Kroeck
- Ernest Richard Kroeger
- Charles Frederick Kroeh
- Barend Herman Kroeze
- William Otterbein Krohn
- Leon Kroll
- Louis Kronberg
- Theodore Kronshage
- Mary Hannah Krout
- Arthur Edwin Krows
- Arnold Kruckman
- John Frederick Krueger
- Paul John Kruesi
- Walter Edison Kruesi
- Henry Krug
- Miles Henry Krumbine
- Edward Ludwig Krumbeig
- Charles Krumwie De
- Frederick William Kruse
- Paul J. Kruse
- Joseph Wood Krutch
- Julius Kruttschnitt
- Bohumir Kryl
- Stephen Joseph Kubel
- Jan Kubelik
- Sydney Kuh
- Ernest Peter Kuhl
- Arthur K. Kuhn
- Franz Christian Kuhn
- Joseph E. Kuhn
- William Frederick Kuhn
- Luther Melanchthon Kuhns
- Oscar Kuhns
- John A. Kumler
- H. Karl William Kumm
- Henry Barnard Kummel
- Frederic Arnold Kummer
- Robert Kunitzer
[edit]- Beverly Waugh Kunkel
- Ernst K Un Wald
- George Frederick Kunz
- Jakob Kunz
- Stanley Henry Kunz
- Jacob Christoph Kunzmann
- James M. Kurn
- William Kurrelmeyer
- Harry Rushworth Kurrie
- Franklin Thomas Kurt
- Daniel Webster Kurtz
- Jacob Banks Kurtz
- Robert Merrill Kurtz
- Harry Muir Kurtzworth
- Nathan Kussy
- O. J. Kvale
- Preston Kyes
- Edwin Dewees Kyle
- Edwin Jackson Kyle
- Hugh Graham Kyle
- Melvin Grove Kyle
- William S.. Mfr. Kyle
- Lynwood Westinghouse Kyles
- Peter Bernard Kyne
- Alpha Gilruth Kynett
- William D. Kyser
- Antoine G. Labbe
- Louis La Beaume
- James D. Lacey
- John Wesley Lacey
- Arthur Lachman
- Harry Lachman
- Wilton Lackaye
- Emile Henry Lacombe
- William Henry Lacy
- Adoniram Judson Ladd
- Edwin Fremont Ladd
- Eugene F. Ladd
- George Edgar Ladd
- George Tallman Ladd
- Horatio Oliver Ladd
- Maynard Ladd
- Mrs. Maynard Ladd
- Niel Morrow Ladd
- Sanford Burritt Ladd
- Scott M. Ladd
- William Mead Ladd
- William Palmer Ladd
- Christine Ladd-Franklin
- Dwight B. La Du
- Carl Laemmle
- Albert Laessle
- Bancel La Farge
- Christopher Grant La Farge
- Linnaeus Edford La Fetra
- Abraham Walter Lafferty
- William Thorton Lafferty
- Francis La Flesche
- Harvey Marion La Follette
- Robert Marion La Follette
- Robert Marion La Follette
- William L. La Follette
[edit]- Edward Albert Kreger
- Aaron Shenk Kreider
- Charles Daniel Kreider
- Fritz Kreisler
- Frederick Herman Kreismann
- Milo William Krejci
- Charles Edward Kremer
- J. Bruce Kremer
- Edward Kremers
- John P. Krempel
- Isidor «.Acob Kresel
- Elijah Everitt Kresge
- Sebastian S. Kresge
- George Henry Kress
- John Alexander Kress
- Samuel Henry Kress
- Paul Edward Kretzmann
- Alfred Kreymborg
- Charles Shalter Krick
- Oscar Schultz Kriebel
- Vernon Kriebel Krieble
- Otto Edward Kriege
- Arthur Krock
- Alfred L. Kroeber
- Louis Samuel Kroeck
- Ernest Richard Kroeger
- Charles Frederick Kroeh
- Barend Herman Kroeze
- William Otterbein Krohn
- Leon Kroll
- Louis Kronberg
- Theodore Kronshage
- Mary Hannah Krout
- Arthur Edwin Krows
- Arnold Kruckman
- John Frederick Krueger
- Paul John Kruesi
- Walter Edison Kruesi
- Henry Krug
- Miles Henry Krumbine
- Edward Ludwig Krumbeig
- Charles Krumwie De
- Frederick William Kruse
- Paul J. Kruse
- Joseph Wood Krutch
- Julius Kruttschnitt
- Bohumir Kryl
- Stephen Joseph Kubel
- Jan Kubelik
- Sydney Kuh
- Ernest Peter Kuhl
- Arthur K. Kuhn
- Franz Christian Kuhn
- Joseph E. Kuhn
- William Frederick Kuhn
- Luther Melanchthon Kuhns
- Oscar Kuhns
- John A. Kumler
- H. Karl William Kumm
- Henry Barnard Kummel
- Frederic Arnold Kummer
- Robert Kunitzer
[edit]- Beverly Waugh Kunkel
- Ernst K Un Wald
- George Frederick Kunz
- Jakob Kunz
- Stanley Henry Kunz
- Jacob Christoph Kunzmann
- James M. Kurn
- William Kurrelmeyer
- Harry Rushworth Kurrie
- Franklin Thomas Kurt
- Daniel Webster Kurtz
- Jacob Banks Kurtz
- Robert Merrill Kurtz
- Harry Muir Kurtzworth
- Nathan Kussy
- O. J. Kvale
- Preston Kyes
- Edwin Dewees Kyle
- Edwin Jackson Kyle
- Hugh Graham Kyle
- Melvin Grove Kyle
- William S.. Mfr. Kyle
- Lynwood Westinghouse Kyles
- Peter Bernard Kyne
- Alpha Gilruth Kynett
- William D. Kyser
- Antoine G. Labbe
- Louis La Beaume
- James D. Lacey
- John Wesley Lacey
- Arthur Lachman
- Harry Lachman
- Wilton Lackaye
- Emile Henry Lacombe
- William Henry Lacy
- Adoniram Judson Ladd
- Edwin Fremont Ladd
- Eugene F. Ladd
- George Edgar Ladd
- George Tallman Ladd
- Horatio Oliver Ladd
- Maynard Ladd
- Mrs. Maynard Ladd
- Niel Morrow Ladd
- Sanford Burritt Ladd
- Scott M. Ladd
- William Mead Ladd
- William Palmer Ladd
- Christine Ladd-Franklin
- Dwight B. La Du
- Carl Laemmle
- Albert Laessle
- Bancel La Farge
- Christopher Grant La Farge
- Linnaeus Edford La Fetra
- Abraham Walter Lafferty
- William Thorton Lafferty
- Francis La Flesche
- Harvey Marion La Follette
- Robert Marion La Follette
- Robert Marion La Follette
- William L. La Follette
La Forge
[edit]- Laurence La Forge
- Ferdinand William Lafrentz
- Carl Gustaf Lagergren
- Walter Edwards Lagerquist
- John Oliver La Gorce
- Fiorello H. La Guardia
- Theodore De Leo De Laguna
- Henry Charles Lahee
- Frank Purdy Lahm
- Walter Laidlaw
- Harry Wellington Laidler
- Gordon Jennings Laing
- Allison White Laird
- John Baker Laird
- John Wesley Laird
- Warren Powers Laird
- Moses Barnett Lairy
- Frederick Lai St
- Thedore Frederick Lai St
- Jacquin L. (Jack Lait) Lait
- Charles H. Lake
- Everett John Lake
- Kirsopp Lake
- Leonora Marie Lake
- Simon Lake
- Arthur Lakes
- Alice Lakey
- Dietrick Lamade
- Andrew Jackson Lamar
- William Harmong Lamar
- Arthur Becket Lamb
- Charles Rollinson Lamb
- Daniel Smith Lamb
- Ella Condie Lamb
- Frederick Stymetz Lamb
- Henry Whitney Lamb
- Isabel Ostrander Lamb
- John Lamb
- Albert Bond Lambert
- Alexander Lambert
- Byron James Lambert
- Edith Lowry Lambert
- Fred Dayton Lambert
- John S. Lambert
- Samuel Waldron Lambert
- Tallmadge Augustine Lambert
- Walter Davis Lambert
- Wilton John Lambert
- Chess Lamberton
- May Lamberton-Becker
- William Alexander Lambeth
- Uel Walter Lamkin
- Henry Lamm
- Lynne M. Lamm
- Benjamin G. Lamme
- Forrest Lamont
- Robert Patterson Lamont
- Thomas William Lamont
- John Dominique La Mothe
- Ellen Newbold La Motte
- Howard Alexander La Moure
- William Blakeman Lampe
- Floran Lampert
- Carl Otto Lampland
- Lewis Lampman
- Louise Lamprey
- Walter M. Lampton
- Charles Henry Lamson
- George Herbert Lamson
- Guy Caleb Lamson
- Frank Lamson-Scribner
- Ellsworth Gage Lancaster
- Henry Carrington Lancaster
- Hewes Lancaster
- John Lynch Lancaster
- Richard Venable Lancaster
- Alfred Dillingham Land
- Fort Elmo Land
- William Jesse Goad Land
- Francis Leroy Landacre
- Louisa Lander
- George Foreman Landers
- Bertha Knight Landes
- Henry Landes
- William Grant Landes
- Charles Israel Landis
- Frederick Landis
- Henry Robert Murray Landis
- Josiah Pennabecker Landis
- Kenesaw Mountain Landis
- William Weidman Landis
- Herman Landon
- Thomas Durland Landon
- Warren Hall Landon
- Burnet Landreth
- Olin Henry Landreth
- William Barker Landreth
- Ira Landrith
- Robert D(Allas) Landrum
- William Warren Landrum
[edit]- Max Landsberg
- Karl Land Steiner
- Fairfax Stuart Land Street
- Alfred Church Lane
- Charles Homer Lane
- Charles Stoddard Lane
- Edward Binney Lane
- Edward Wood Lane
- Francis Ransom Lane
- Frank Hardy Lane
- Gertrude Battles Lane
- Harry Alfred Lane
- Henry Higgins Lane
- Henry Marcus Lane
- Isaac Lane
- John Edward Lane
- Merritt Lane
- Mills Bee Lane
- Mortimer Bliss Lane
- Otho E. Lane
- Ralph Norman Angell. Lane
- Rose Wilder Lane
- Rufus Herman Lane
- Stoddard Lane
- Thomas Welsh Lane
- Victor Hugo Lane
- Wallace Rutherford Lane
- William Coolidge Lane
- Albert Ray Lang
- Charles H. Lang
- Charles Michael Angelo Lang
- George Lang
- Henry Albert Lang
- Henry Roseman Lang
- Herbert (Otto Henry) Lang
- John Walton Lang
- Karl Lang
- Margaret Ruthven Lang
- John William Langdale
- Courtney Langdon
- Frank Warren Langdon
- Stephen Herbert Langdon
- William Chauncy Langdon
- William Henry Langdon
- Alexis Frederick Lange
- Dietrich Lange
- Karl Langenbeck
- William Langer
- Herbert Sidney Langfeld
- Millard Langfeld
- Joseph Alonzo Langfitt
- William Campbell Langfitt
- Jonathan Nicholas Langham
[edit]- George Taylor Langhorne
- John Wesley Langley
- John Williams Langley
- Samuel Sorrels Langley
- Irving Langmuir
- Alexander Suss Langsdorf
- William Bell Langsdorf
- Walter Hamer Langshaw
- John Dallas Langston
- Albert Perkins Langtry
- Charles Ford Langworthy
- Fritz Garland Lanham
- Alexander Cartwright Lanier
- Charles Lanier
- Henry Wysham Lanier
- Jay Ford Laning
- James Andrew Lanius
- James Boon Lankershim
- Julius J. Lankes
- William Chester Lankford
- Charles Rockwell Lanman
- John Francis Lanneatt
- Maria Hornor Lans Dale
- Rinaldo Addison Lans Dell
- Dick Latta Lansden
- John Ernest Lansing
- Marion Florence Lansing
- Robert Lansing
- Van Rensselaer Lansingh
- Oscar Monroe Lanstrum
- Anthony Joseph Lanza
- Gaetano Lanza
- Marquise Clara Lanza
- Oscar Lapham
- Ernest Laplace
- Ewing Laporte
- John A. Lapp
- William Thomas Laprade
- Robert Alberti Lapsley
- Henry Ackley Lardner
- James Lawrence Lardner
- Ring W. Lardner
- John J. Large
- Loyal Herbert Larimer
- Adrian Hoffman Larkin
- Edgar Lucien Larkin
- Francis Marion Larkin
- Fred Viall Larkin
- Augusta Larned
- Linda Hull Larne D
- John Bell Larner
- Philippe De La Rochelle
- Edward Allan Larrabee
- Octaviano Larrazolo
[edit]- Walter Harrison Larrimer
- Alfred (Ferdinand Olaf ) Larsen
- William Washington Larsen
- Carl W. Larson
- Christian Daa Larson
- Laurence Mareellus Larson
- Oscar John Larson
- Daniel Wolford La Rue
- William Earl La Rue
- Ed(Ward) Cunningham Lasater
- Mary Augusta Laselle
- Albert Davis Lasker
- Edward Lasker
- Loula Davis Lasker
- John Ellsworth Laskey
- Jesse L. Lasky
- Newton Hance Lassiter
- William Lassiter
- John Holladay Latane
- D(Avid) Austin Latchaw
- John Roland Harris Latchaw
- Charles Louis Latham
- Harold Strong Latham
- Arlington Pl
- Rex Knight Latham
- Robert Lathan
- Clarence Lathbury
- Herbert William Lathe
- Alanson P. Lathrop
- Charles Newton Lathrop
- Elise Lathrop
- Gardiner Lathrop
- Henry Burrowes Lathrop
- Julia Clifford Lathrop
- William Langson Lathrop
- Julian Lane Latimer
- Kenneth Scott Latourette
- David Gardner Latshaw
- Samuel Whitehill Latta
- Desmond Kenneth Laub
- Joseph Latjber
- W(Illiam) Jett Lauck
- Irving Pink Laucks
- Sir Harry (Maclennan) Lauder
- Berthold Laufer
- Aug M. C.U.S.A.
- Clara Elizabeth Laughlin
- Frank C. Laughlin
- Gail Laughlin
- George (Mccully) Laughlin
- George Mark Laughlin
- Harry Hamilton Laughlin
- Irwin (Boyle) Laughlin
- James Laurence Laughlin
- Julian Laughlin
- Sceva Bright Laughlin
- Robert Laurent
[edit]- J(Ohn)Nilsen Laurvik
- Agnes C. Laut
- J Acob Zallel Lauterbach
- William J(Ohanne) La Varre
- Cecil Fairfield Lavell
- Michael J. Lavelle
- Kurt Laves
- Claude Hervey Lavinder
- Arthur Ayer Law
- Charles Blakeslee Law
- Herbert Edward Law
- James D. Law
- John Adger Law
- Robert Adger Law
- Thomas Hart Law
- William Adger Law
- Charles Herbert La Wall
- John J. Lawler
- Oscar Lawler
- Thomas Bonaventure Lawler
- William Patrick Lawlor
- James Peyton Stuart Lawrance
- Marion Lawrance
- William Irvin Lawrance
- Albert Lathrop Lawrence
- Andrew Middleton Lawrence
- Benjamin Franklin Lawrence
- Carl Gustavus Lawrence
- Charles Kennedy Lawrence
- Charles Solomon Lawrence
- David Lawrence
- Edwin Gordon Lawrence
- Edwin Winship Lawrence
- Ellis Fuller Lawrence
- Florus Fremont Lawrence
- Henry F. Lawrence
- Isaac Lawrence
- John Benjamin Lawrence
- John Silsbee Lawrence
- John Strachan Lawrence
- Josephine Lawrence
- Robert Means Lawrence
- William Lawrence
- William Hereford Lawrence
- William Mangam Lawrence
- William Van Duzer Lawrence
- William Witherle Lawrence
- Harold Newbold Lawrie
- Lee Lawrie
- Annie Laws
- Curtis Lee Laws
- Elijah Laws
- Frank Arthur Laws
- George William Laws
- Andrew Cowper Lawson
- Ernest Lawson
- George Benedict Lawson
- Huron Willis Lawson
- J(Ames) Gilchrist Lawson
- Joseph Albert Lawson
- Laurin Leonard Lawson
- Thomas William Lawson
- Victor Fremont Lawson
- W(Illiam) Elsworth Lawson
- Alexander Rudolf Lawton
- Ezra Mills Lawton
- Frederick Lawton
- William Cranston Lawton
[edit]- Stewart Lawwill
- George Lawyer
- Charles Downing Lay
- George William Lay
- Julius Gareche Lay
- Tracy Hollingsworth Lay
- Wilfrid Lay
- Craven Laycock
- Lewis Cass Laylin
- Waldo Arnold Layman
- Caleb Rodney Layton
- Hipolito Lazaro
- Ladislas Lazaro
- Albert Lazenby
- Carolina (Antoinette) Lazzari
- Virgilio Lazzari
- Clarence Frederick Lea
- Fannie Heaslip Lea
- Luke Lea
- Edward Qiles Leach
- Frank Aleamon Leach
- George E. Leach
- Henry Goddard Leach
- Howard Seavoy Leach
- Ralph Waldo Emerson Leach
- William Augustine Leahy
- Roy Lathen Leak
- Eugene Walter Leake
- Frank Leake
- Charles Augustus Leale
- Medwin Leale
- Edmund Bennett Leaming
- Charles William Leaphart
- Arthur Garfield Learned
- Dwight Whitney Learned
- Ellin Craven Learned
- Henry Barrett Learned
- William Setchel Learned
- Daniel Bell Leary
- John Joseph Leary
- Lewis Gaston Leary
- Montgomery Elihu Leary
- Timothy Leary
- William Henry Leary
- Emory Bair Lease:
- Mary Elizabeth Lease
- Waller S(Mith) Leathers
- Elmer O. Leatherwood
- Landrum Pinson Leavell
- Richard Marion Leavell
- William Hayne Leavell
- Robert French Leavens
- Francis Preserved Leavenworth
- Ashley Day Leavitt
- Burke Fay Leavitt
- Charles Wellford Leavitt
- Ezekiel Leavitt
- Frank Mcdowell Leavitt
- Julius Adelbert Leavitt
- Roger Leavitt
- Scott Leavit.T
- Sheldon Leavitt
- John Kittredge Le Baron
- William Le Baron
- Randall James Le Boeuf
- Paul Leche
- Louis Arthur Lecher
- Katherine Lece.Ie
- J(Oseph) Arthur Le Clerc
- Irville Charles Lecompte
- Joseph Nisbet Le Conte
- Robert Grier Le Conte
- Edwin Raymond Le Count
- Walter A. Ledbetter
- Charles Lederer
- George W. Lederer
- George Ledlie
- Albert Reid Ledoux
- John Walter Ledoux
- Louis Vernon Ledoux
- Emanuel B. Ledvina
- Joshua Heard Ledyard
- Lewis Cass Ledyard
[edit]- Agnes (Mrs. Otto Freer) Lee
- Albert Lee
- Alice Louise Lee
- Andrew Ericson Lee
- Benjamin Franklin Lee
- Blair Lee
- Blewett Lee
- Bradner Wells Lee
- Burton James Lee
- Charles Albert Lee
- Charles Hamilton Lee
- David Russell Lee
- Edgar Desmond Lee
- Edward Hervey Lee
- Edward Thomas Lee
- Elisha Lee
- Elmer Lee
- Frank Lee
- Frank Augustus Lee
- Frank Charles Lee
- Frank Theodosius Lee
- Frederic Edward Lee
- Frederic Girard Lee
- Frederic Schiller Lee
- George Bolling Lee
- George Cabot Lee
- George Winthrop Lee
- Gerald Stanley Lee
- Gordon Lee
- Graham Lee
- Guy Carleton Lee
- Harry Lee
- Henry Thomas Lee
- Homer Lee
- Howard Burton Lee
- Ivy Ledbetter Lee
- J(Ames) Beveridge Lee
- James Melvin Lee
- James Wideman Lee
- Jennette (Barbour Perry) Lee
- Jesse Matlock Lee
- John Clarence Lee
- John Mallory Lee
- John Penn Lee
- Jordan Gray Lee
- Joseph Lee
- Joseph Wilcox Jenkins Lee
- Marian Lee
- Oliver Justin Lee
- Oscar Grant Lee
- Porter Raymond Lee
- Richard Edwin Lee
- Roger Irving Lee
- Samuel Todd Lee
- Thomas George Lee
- Thomas Zanslaur Lee
- Wauace Lee
- Wallace Howe Lee
- Warren Isbell Lee
- William Granville Lee
- William H. Lee
- William L. Lee
- William States Lee
- Willis Thomas Lee
[edit]- Lewis Harper Leech
- Paul Leeds
- John W. Leedy
- John. Went Worth Leedy
- James Thomas Lees
- Charles Henry Leete
- Frederick Deland Leete
- John Hopkin Leete
- William White Leete
- Henry Lefavotjr
- Albert Lefevre
- Arthur Lefevre
- Edwin Lefevre
- Frank Jacob Lefevre
- Charles Wesley Leffingwell
- Russell Cornell Leffingwell
- William Elderkin Leffingwell
- Henry Leffmann
- Solomon Lefschetz
- Eva Le Gallienne
- Richard Le Gallienne
- Benito Le Garda
- Benjamin Franklin Leggett
- Ethel Leginska
- Frederick Reimold Lehlbach
- Arthur Lehman
- Eugene Heitler Lehman
- Ezra Lehman
- George Mustin Lehman
- Herbert H. Lehman
- Irving Lehman
- Frederick William Lehmann
- Derrick Norman Lehmer
- Samuel Franklin Leib
- Joseph Leidy
- Richard Henry Leigh
- Southgate Leigh
- Townes Randolph Leigh
- William Robinson Leigh
- Joseph Alexander Leighton
- Marshall Ora Leighton
- Paul Seibert Leinbach
- Macon Anderson Leiper
- William Morris Leiserson
- Joseph Dugald Leitch
- Mary Sinton Leitch
- Joseph Leiter
- Charles Kenneth Leith
- John Archer Lejeune
- Frank Bruce Leland
- George Adams Leland
- Henry Martyn Leland
- Lester Leland
- Ora Miner Leland
- Samuel Phelps Leland
- Waldo Gifford Leland
- Edwin Henry Lemare
- Henry Rowan Lemly
- Sara Allen Plummer Lemmon
- James S Lemond
- Pedro Joseph Lemos
- Louis Valcoulon Le Moyne
- William Charles Lengel
- Felix Leitgfeld
- Claude L’Engle
- Victor Lenker
[edit]- Mathias Clement Lenihan
- Michael Joseph Lenihan
- John Nicholas Lenker
- Nels Johann Lennes
- Thomas J. Lennon
- Patrick Joseph Lennox
- John Powell Lenox
- Irvine Luther Lenroot
- Richard Charles Henry Lenski
- Frederick Lent
- Leo Lentelli
- Bernard Lentz
- John Jacob Lentz
- Max Carl Guenther Lentz
- Francis Henry Leny Gon
- Maurice Leon
- Adna Wright Leonard
- Albert Leonard
- Arthur George Leonard
- Arthur Gray Leonard
- Charles Henri Leonard
- Charles Leslie Leonard
- Charles Ransom Leonard
- Clifford Milton Leonard
- John Walter Leonard
- Jonah Fitz Randolph Leonard
- Mary Finley Leonard
- Robert Josselyn Leonard
- Sterling Andrus Leonard
- Walter Anderson Leonard
- William Andrew Leonard
- William Ellery Leonard
- Morton F. Leopold
- Samuel Maynard Le Page
- James Edward Le Rossignol
- Charles Henry Lerrigo
- Austin C. Lescareoura
- Oscar Leser
- John Andrew Lesh
- Ulysses Samuel Lesh
- John V. Lesher
- Robert Whitman Lesley
- Victor Darwin Lespinasse
[edit]- Otto Eduard Lessing
- Clarence Brown Lester
- James Westcott Lester
- Oliver Clarence Lester
- Arthur Le Sueur
- Marion Letcher
- Charles Blair Letton
- F. Dickinson Letts
- Ira Lloyd Letts
- James Henry Leuba
- Harold Lewis Leupp
- Armin Otto Leuschner
- Winfred George Leutner
- Oscar Adolph Leutwiler
- Eugene Henry Cozzens Leutze
- David Leventritt
- Asbury Francis Lever
- (Richard) Hayley Lever
- (Carl) Henry Leverage
- William C. Levere
- Frank Leverett
- Albert Levering
- Eugene Levering
- Joshua Levering
- Charles Herbert Levermore
- Frank Leveroni
- Benjamin Arthur Levett
- Charles Mack Levey
- Harry Levi
- Moritz Levi
- Ed Wina Levin
- Leonard S. Levin
- Isaac Don Levine
- Louis (Family Name Levine
- Salmon Oliver Levinson
- Bernard Louis Levinthal
- Eric Levi Son
- Jacob Bertha Levison
- Jacob J. Levison
- Solomon Levitan
- Albert Levitt
- Mischa Levitzki
- Ernest Coleman Levy
- Maurice Ambrose Levy
- Max Levy
- Newman Levy
- William Auerbach Levy
- Leon Theodore Le Wald
- Elsie (Singmaster) Lewars
- Isidor Lewi
- Adele Lewing
[edit]- Aaron Dennison Lewis
- Albert Buell Lewis
- Allen Lewis
- Alvin Fayette Lewis
- Bransford Lewis
- Burdette Gibson Lewis
- Calvin Leslie Lewis
- Ceylon Harris Lewis
- Charles Clarke Lewis
- Charles Lee Lewis
- Charles Lundy Lewis
- Claude Isaac Lewis
- Daniel F. Lewis
- Dave Lewis
- David John Lewis
- Dean (De Witt) Lewis
- Edward Mann Lewis
- Edward Morgan Lewis
- Edward Samuel Lewis
- Edwin Lewis
- Edwin Herbert Lewis
- Edwin James Lewis
- Edwin Seelye Lewis
- Elijah Banks Lewis
- Ernest Irving Lewis
- Erne3t Sidney Lewis
- Ernest William Lewis
- Ervin Eugene Lewis
- Eugene W. Lewis
- Exum Percival Lewis
- F(Rancis) Park Lewis
- Prank Grant Lewis
- Franklin Crocker Lewis
- Fred Ewing Lewis
- Frederick Wheeler Lewis
- G(Eorge) Griffin Lewis
- George William Lewis
- Gilbert Newton Lewis
- Grant Kirkland Lewis
- Harry Fletcher Lewis
- Harry Reynolds Lewis
- Henry Lewis
- Henry Carleton Lewis
- Homer Pierce Lewis
- Irving Jefferson Lewis
- Isaac Newton Lewis
- Ivey Foreman Lewis
- James Hamilton Lewis
- James Ogier Lewis
- John Frederick Lewis
- John H. Lewis
- John Llewellyn Lewis
- John Neher Lewis
- J(Oseph) Volney Lewis
- Judd Mortimer Lewis
- Leo Rich Lewis
- Lunsford Lomax Lewis
- Margaret Cameron Lewis
- Mary Sybil Lewis
- Merton Elmer Lewis
- Morris James Lewis
- Nelson Peter Lewis
- Olin Bailey Lewis
- Paul A. Lewis
- Read Lewis
- Richard Henry Lewis
- Richard Wilborn Lewis
- Robert Lewis
- Robert E. Lewis
- Robert Ellsworth Lewis
- Roger Labaree Lewis
- Sinclair Lewis
- Spearman Lewis
- Thomas Hamilton Lewis
- Tracy Hammond Lewis
- Vivian M. Lewis
- Walter Oliver Lewis
- Warren Harmon Lewis
- Warren Kendall Lewis
- Wilfred Lewis
- Willard Potter Lewis
- William Alexander Lewis
- William Dodge Lewis
- William Draper Lewis
- William Eugene Lewis
- William Henry Lewis
- William Mather Lewis
- Winford Lee Lewis
[edit]- Adolph Lewisohn
- Ludwig Lewisohn
- Sam Adolph Lewisohn
- Frederick Lewis Lewton
- Frederick Theodore Ley
- Harold Alexander Ley
- Frank X. Leyendecker
- Joseph Christian Leyendecker
- Edward Drummond Libbey
- Joseph Harold Libbey
- Laura Jean Libbey
- William Libbey
- Arthur Stephen Libby
- Edward Norton Libby
- Orin Grant Libby
- Walter Libby
- Emanuel Libman
- J ( Oseph )Mortimer Lighten Auer
- Bernard Lichtenberg
- Leopold Lichtenberg
- Joy Lichtenstein
- William Otto Lichtner
- John Alden Lichty
- Frank Austin Lidbury
- Manchester U.)
- Donald Macy Liddell
- Eva Louise (Barnes) Liddell
- Mark Harvey Liddell
- Jonas Lie
- Charles Lieb
- John William Lieb
- Michael Liebel
- Elias Lieberman
- Leonard Lieb Ling
- Arnold Johnson Lien
- Elia? Johnson Lien
- Eugene Theodore Lies
- Thurlow Lieurance
- Hunter Liggett
- Louis Kroh Liggett
- John Henry Light
- Jewel Preston Lightfoot
- William Rheem Lighton
- Elvin Seth Ligon
- C. Bai Lihme
- William F. Likly
- William Minor Lile
- Howard Lilienthal
- Walter Huston Lillard
- Frank Rattray Lillie
- Ralph Stayner Lillie
- Samuel Morris Lillie
- Thomas F. Lillis
- Josiah Kirby Lilly
- Thomas Jefferson Lilly
- Manoel De Oliveira Lima
- Azariah Thomas Lincoln
- Charles Clark Lincoln
- Charles Monroe Lincoln
- Edmond Earle Lincoln
- Francis Church Lincoln
- Gatewood Sanders Lincoln
- James Claiborne Lincoln
- James Rush Lincoln
- Jonathan Thayer Lincoln
- Joseph Crosby Lincoln
- Julius Lincoln
- Natalie Sumner Lincoln
- Paul Martyn Lincoln
- Robert Todd Lincoln
- Sumner H. Lincoln
- Waldo Lincoln
- William Ensign Lincoln
- William Henry Lincoln
- John Lind
- John Edward Lind
- Samuel Colville Lind
[edit]- Irvin L. Lindabury
- Richard Vliet Lindabury
- Abram Frank Lindberg
- Carl Otto Lindberg
- Conrad Emil Lindberg
- Irving August Isaac Lindberg
- Charles August Lindbergh
- Eduard Christian Lindeman
- Gustav Lindenthal
- Albert Elmer Linder
- Frankbird Linderman
- Waldemar Lindgren
- Albert Lindley
- Erasmus Christopher Lindley
- Ernest Hiram Lindley
- Harlow Lindley
- Hervey Lindley
- Walter C. Lindley
- Francis O . Lindquist
- Alexander Lindsay
- Anna Robertson Brown Lindsay
- D(Avid) Moore Lindsay
- George Washington Lindsay
- John Douglas Lindsay
- Maud Mcknight Lindsay
- Nicholas Vachel Lindsay
- Samuel Mccune Lindsay
- Vachel Lindsay
- William Sharp Lindsay
- Ben(Jamin) B(Arr) Lindsey
- Edward Allen Lindsey
- Edward Sherman Lindsey
- Joseph Bridge© Lindsey
- Washington Ellsworth Lindsey
- Henry Dickinson Lindsley
- Charles Elijah Linebarger
- Daniel Haden Linebaugh
- Walter Franklin Lineberger
- Edwin Stevens Lines
- H. Wales Lines
- Frederick Bloomfield Linfield
- James Henry Linford
- Charles Joseph Ling
- Reese M. Ling
- Williame. Lingelbach
- David Judson Lingle
- Walter Lee Lingle
- Charles Ramsdell Lingley
- Samuel Black Linhart
- Theodore Carl Link
- Alvin Frank Linn
- James Weber Linn
- Paul Hinkle Linn
- William Alexander Linn
- Joseph Hamilton Linnard
- Irving Nelson Linnell
- Edward Bangs Linnen
- Frank Armfield Linney
- Earle Garfield Linsley
- Corwin Knapp Linson
- John Charles Linthicum
- Edwin Linton
- L.
- Ralph Linton
- Robert Linton
- William Seelye Linton
- Clarence Philander Linville
- Isaac H. Lionberger
- Charles Bernard Lipman
- Clara Lipman
- Frederick Lockwood Lipman
- Jacob G-Oodale Lipman
- William Benjamin Lipphard
- Horace Mather Lippincott
- Joseph Barlow Lippincott
- Joseph Wharton Lippincott
- Joshua Bertram Lippincott
- Martha Shepard Lippincott
- William Adams Lippincott
- Charles Warren Lippitt
- Henry Frederick Lippitt
- Julie Mathilde Lippmann
- Walter Lippmann
- Oscar Hiram Lipps
- Ella Partridge Lipsett
- Louis Lipsitz
- Louis Lipsky
- Benno Edward Lischer
- Arthur Beymer Lisle
- Frederick J. Lisman
- Meyer Lissner
- Soren Listoe
[edit]- Electus Darwin Litchfield
- Grace Denio Litchfield
- Lawrence Litchfield
- Mary Elizabeth Litchfield
- Simon Litman
- Edwin Carlile Litsey
- Lucius Nathan Littauer
- Frank Bowers Littell
- Isaac William Littell
- Philip Littell
- Robert Littell
- Arthur D(Ehon) Little
- Arthur W. Little
- Bascom Little
- Caroline Frances Little
- Charles Edgar Little
- Chauncey B. Little
- Clarence Belden Little
- Clarence C(Ook) Little
- Edward Campbell Little
- Frances Little
- George Little
- George Obadiah Little
- Harry Britton Little
- Homer Payson Little
- John Sebastian Little
- Lucius Freeman Little
- Nat(Haniel Stanton) Little
- Philip .Artist Little
- Richard Henry Little
- Riley Mcmillan Little
- William Augustus Little
- William Nelson Little
- Eben Northup Littlefield
- George W. Littlefield
- Nathan Whitman Littlefield
- Walter Littlefield
- Adam Brown Littlepage
- Frank Leslie Littleton
- Jesse Talbot Littleton
- Martin Wilie Littleton
[edit]- Jennings Crawford Litzenberg
- Frank Lively
- George Griswold Livermore
- Kenneth Carter Livermore
- Burton Edward Livingston
- Crawford Livingston
- Douglas Clermont Livingston
- Florence Bingham Livingston
- George Livingston
- Goodhue Livingston
- James Duane Livingston
- Philip Livingston
- Colin Hamilton Livingstone
- Silas James Llewellyn
- William H. H. Llewellyn
- Alfred Henry Lloyd
- Arthur Selden Lloyd
- Bolivar Jones Lloyd
- Curtis Gates Lloyd
- Demarest Lloyd
- Edward Read Llo Yd
- E(Dwin) Russell Lloyd
- Ella Stryker Mapes Lloyd
- Francis Ernest Lloyd
- Frank T. Lloyd
- Frederic Ebenezer John Lloyd
- Harold (Clayton) Lloyd
- Henry Lloyd
- James Tighlman Lloyd
- Johnuri Lloyd
- John William Lloyd
- Marshall Bums Lloyd
- Morton Githens Lloyd
- Nelson Mcallister Lloyd
- Samuel Lloyd
- Stewart Joseph Lloyd
- William Henry Lloyd
- James Leazure Loar
- Charles E. Lobdell
- Efiie L(Eola) Lobdell
- Georg John Lober
- Andrew Stewart Lobingier
- Charles Sumner Lobingier
- Helio Lobo
- Louis Paul Lochner
- P. D. Lochridge
- Alain Leroy Locke
- Augustus Locke
- Bessie Locke
- Charles E. Locke
- Charles Edward Locke
- Edward Locke
- Edwin Allen Locke
- Frank Lovering Locke
- Franklin Day Locke
- George Herbert Locke
- Hugh Allen Locke
- James Locke
- M(Ary) Katherine Locke
- Victor Murat Locke
- Andrew M. Lockett
- James Lockett
- Joseph Byrne Lockey
- Burton Wellesley Lockhart
- Caroline Lockhart
- Clinton Lockhart
- Frank P. Lockhart
- Walter Samuel Lockhart
- Dewitt Lockman
- Albert Lockwood
- Alfred Collins Lockwood
- Benjamin Curtis Lockwood
- Charles Clapp Lockwood
- Charles Daniel Lockwood
- Francis Cummins Lockwood
- George Browning Lockwood
- George Rae Lockwood
- Henry Lockwood
- Laura Emma Lockwood
- Luke Vincent Lockwood
- Stephen Timothy Lockwood
- Thomas Dixon Lockwood
[edit]- William Albert Locy
- Gonzalez Lodge
- Henry Cabot Lodge
- Carl M. Loeb
- Hanau Wolf Loeb
- Isidor Loeb
- Jacob Moritz Loeb
- James Loeb
- Leo Loeb
- Sophie Irene Loeb
- Virgil Loeb
- William Loeb
- Charles Martin Tornov Loeffler
- Frank Joseph Loesch
- Charles Alexander Loeser
- Frederick William Loetscher
- Arthur Solomon Loevenhart
- Marcus Loew
- Dietrich Eduard Loewe
- George W. Loft
- Scott Marion Loftin
- Hugh Lofting
- Albert J. Logan
- Frank Granger Logan
- James Logan
- James Addison Logan
- James Elmore Logan
- Marvel Mills Logan
- Mercer Patton Logan
- Robert Fulton Logan
- Thomas Dale Logan
- Thomas Francis Logan
- Walter Seth Logan
- William Hoffman Gardiner Logan
- William Newton Logan
- J. Washington Logue
- Lenox Riley Lohr
- Nels J. Lohre
- John Avery Lomax
- Louis Lombard
- Warren Plimpton Lombard
- Gudbrand J. Lomen
- Christian Peter Lommen
- Jack London
- Meyer London
- Augustine Lonergan
- Andrew Theodore Long
- Augustus White Long
- Boaz Walton Long
- Breckinridge Long
- Charles Grant Long
- Chester I. Long
- Daniel Albright Long
- Eli Herr Long
- Ernest D. Long
- Eugene Rufus Long
- Henry Fletcher Long
- John D. Long
- John Dietrich Long
- John Luther Long
- John Wesley Long
- Joseph Ragland Long
- Le Roy Long
- Lily Augusta Long
- Omera Floyd Long
- Orie William Long
- Oscar Fitzalan Long
- Percy Waldron Long
- Ray Long
- Robert Alexander Long
- Samuel Dismukes Long
- Simon Peter Long
- Theodore Kepner Long
- William Henry Long
- William Joseph Long
[edit]- Lindsay Bartholomew Longacre
- Edward Everett Longan
- Warfield Theobald Longcope
- Aladine Cummings Longden
- Henry Boyer Longden
- Andrew Houston Longino
- Harry Sherman Longley
- William Raymond Longley
- Charles Longstreth
- Morris Longstreth
- T(Homas) Morris Longstreth
- Oliver Henry Longwell
- Nicholas Longworth
- Carl Adolph Lonnquist
- John Gerdes Lonsdale
- Alfred F(Ullerton) Loomis
- Amy Brooks Loomis
- Archibald Gilbert Loomis
- Chester Loomis
- Edward Eugene Loomis
- Elmer Howard Loomis
- Francis Butler Loomis
- Frederic Brewster Loomis
- Harvey Worthington Loomis
- Henry M(Eech) Loomis
- Leverett Mills Loomis
- Louise Ropes Loomis
- Milton Early Loomis
- Nelson Henry Loomis
- Ruth Loomis
- Samuel Lane Loomis
- George Looms
- William Thomas Lopp
- Emil Lorch
- Arthur Lord
- Augustus Mendon Lord
- Chester Sanders Lord
- Daniel Miner Lord
- Edward Thomas Sumner Lord
- Edwin Chesley Estes Lord
- Eleanor Louisa Lord
- Everett William Lord
- Frederick Taylor Lord
- George Dana Lord
- Henry Lord
- Henry Curwen Lord
- Herbert Gardiner Lord
- Herbert Mayhew Lord
- Isabel Ely Lord
- James R. Lord
- John Lord
- John King Lord
- John Prentiss Lord
- Livingston C. Lord
- Louis Eleazer Lord
- Rivington David Lord
- Robert Howard Lord
- William Sinclair Lord
- James Taber Loree
- Leonor Fresnel Loree
- Daniel Edward Lorenz
- William Frederick Lorenz
- Ernest Gustav Lorenzen
- Pierre Lorillard
- George Horace Lorimer
- William Lorimer
- Albert Carpenter Loring
- Augustus Peabody Loring
- John Alden Loring
- Victor Joseph Loring
- William Caleb Loring
- William Cushing Loring
- William Joseph Loring
[edit]- Eugene Lorton
- Lewis L. Lor Win
- George William Lose
- Frederick Douglas Losey
- Fannie Mack Lothrop
- Howard Augustus Lothrop
- Samuel Kirkland Lothrop
- Edson Schuyler Lott
- Edward F. L. Lotte
- Silas A. Lottridge
- Matilda Lotz
- Oscar Lotz
- Annie Frances Loud
- Frank Herbert Loud
- George Alvin Loud
- John Hermann Loud
- William Louden
- George Davis Louderback
- Jonkheer John Loudon
- Willis Eugene Lougee
- James Edwin Lough
- Samuel Alexander Lough
- William Henry Lough
- Mrs. Katherine O’Neil Loughan
- James Fairfax Loughborough
- Flora Haines Loughead
- Gerald Francis Loughlin
- Alice Lounsberry
- Phineas Chapman Lounsbury
- David A. Lourie
- Hattie Horner Louthan
- Albert Gallatin Love
- Don Lathrop Love
- Frank Samuel Love
- Harry Houser Love
- J. Mack Love
- Julian Price Love
- Robertus Love
- Thomas Bell Love
- Arthur Oncken Lovejoy
- Esther Pohl Lovejoy
- J(Esse) Robert Lovejoy
- Owen Reed Lovejoy
- Thomas E. Lovejoy
- (Zoe) Seymour Loveland
- Earl B. Lovell
- John Harvey Lovell
- Ralph L. Lovell
- Blanche Grosbec Loveridge
- Edgar Odell Lovett
- Robert H. Lovett
- Robert Morss Lovett
- Robert Scott Lovett
- Robert Williamson Lovett
- William Cuyler Lovett
- Samuel Harrison Lovewell
[edit]- Edward Pierre Loving
- Sir A. Maurice Low
- Albert Howard Low
- Benjamin Robbins Curtis Low
- Frederick Rollins Low
- Mary Fairchild Low
- Will Hicok Low
- William Gilman Low
- James William Lowber
- Frank Orren Lowden
- Arthur Houghton Lowe
- Boutelle Ellsworth Lowe
- Clement Belton Lowe
- Ephraim Noble Lowe
- John Lowe
- John Adams Lowe
- John Smith Lowe
- Titus Lowe
- Walter Irenaeus Lowe
- A(Bbott) Lawrence Lowell
- Daniel Ozro Smith Lowell
- Francis R. Lowell
- Guy Lowell
- James Arnold Lowell
- John Lowell
- Orson Lowell
- William Edgar Lower
- John Livingston Lowes
- Charles Frederick Loweth
- Robert Heinrich Lowie
- Mary Elizabeth Lowndes
- John Witherspoon Lowrance
- B(Ell) G(Reen) Lowrey
- Bill G. Lowrey
- Frederick Jewett Lowrey
- Lawrence Tyndale Lowrey
- William Tyndale Lowrey
- James Walter Lowrie
- Samuel Thompson Lowrie
- Selden Gale Lowrie
- Walter Lowrie
- Will Leonard Lowrie
- Edward George Lowry
- Hiram Harrison Lowry
- Horace Lowry
- Robert James Lowry
- William Jackson Lowstuter
- Edgar Allan Lowther
- Granville Lowther
- Sylvester K(Line) Loy
- George Robert Loyall
- Ralph Fulton Lozier
- Henry Lubeck
- Simon Julius Ltjbin
- Prince Casimir Lubomirski
- Ben Judah Lubschez
- James Luby
- Albert Pike Lucas
- Arthur Lucas
- Frederic Augustus Lucas
- William Palmer Lucas
- George Naphtali Luccock
- Halford Edward Luccock
[edit]- Alice Hanson Luce
- Harry James Luce
- Robert Luce
- Robert Francis Luce
- Dennis Benedict Lucey
- Patrick Joseph Lucey
- Charles Edward Lucke
- Edgar Frederick Luckenbach
- Daniel David Luckenbill
- James S. Luckey
- Arnobenedict Luckhardt
- Matthew Luckiesh
- Alfred Lucking
- Charles Henry Ludington
- Arthur Clyde Ludlow
- Henry Hunt Ludlow
- Jacob Lott Ludlow
- James Meeker Ludlow
- Clarence Allen Ludlum
- Alice Emelie Ludovici
- Martin Lawrence Lueck
- Martin Luecke
- Arthur Charles Lueder
- Elgood Chauncey Lufkin
- Wilfred W. Lufkin
- Charles Henry Lugg
- Oscar Raymond Luhring
- Milo Luka
- I. H. Luke
- (Henry) Augustus Lukeman
- Herman Tyson Lukens
- Charles James Lukin
- George Benjamin Luks
- Gerard Bramley Lull
- Herbert Galen Lull
- Richard Swann Lull
- David Walker Lum
- Charles Fletcher Lummis
- Leslie Leon Lumsden
- Emil Lund
- Fred Bates Lund
- Charles J. Lundberg
- Frank A. Lundberg
- Florence Lundborg
- Ernest Lundeen
- John Lundie
- Arthur Constant Lunn
- George Richard Lunn
- William Lunsford
- Horace Gray Lunt
- William Edward Lunt
- Charles Thomas Lupton
- Dil Worth Lupton
- Stuart Kenneth Lupton
- Frederick Bliss Luquiens
- Claude Zeph Luse
- Eva May Luse
- Charles Keeler Lush
- Clayton Riley Lusk
- Frank Stillman Lusk
- Graham Lusk
- Louise (Mrs. Collier Platt) T.
- James W. Lusk
- William Foster Lusk
- Benedict Lust
- Joseph Lustrat
- Daniel Benjamin Luten
- Della Thompson Lutes
- Edwin Cornelius Luther
- Flavel Sweeten Luther
- Mark Lee Luther
[edit]- Peter Christian Lutkin
- Frank Eugene Lutz
- George Washington Lutz
- Grace Livingston Lutz
- Harley Leist Lutz
- Ralph Haswell Lutz
- Samuel Garber Lutz
- Lee Francis Lybarger
- Albert Howe Lybyer
- Harry Miller Lydenberg
- Jesse Dean Lydick
- Richard Paul Lydon
- James Otis Lyford
- Oliver Smith Lyford
- Will Hartwell Lyford
- Benjamin Franklin Lyle
- Eugene P. Lyle
- Henry Hamilton Moore Lyle
- Hubert Samuel Lyle
- William Thomas Lyle
- Alexander Steele Lyman
- Amy Brown Lyman
- Charles Adelbert Lyman
- Charles Baldwin Lyman
- Chester Wolcott Lyman
- Edward Branch Lyman
- Elmer Adelbert Lyman
- Eugene William Lyman
- Frank Lyman
- Frederick Wolcott Lyman
- George Richard Lyman
- George Richards Lyman
- Homer Childs Lyman
- Richard Roswell Lyman
- Robert Hunt Lyman
- Rufus Ashley Lyman
- Theodore Lyman
- Elmer E. Lymer
- Anna Lynch
- Charles Lynch
- Charles F. Lynch
- Charles Wesley Lynch
- Ella Frances Lynch
- Frederick (Henry) Lynch
- Frederick Bicknell Lynch
- Gertrude Lynch
- James Mathew Lynch
- James William Lynch
- Jerome Morley Lynch
- John A. Lynch
- John Roy Lynch
- Joseph Patrick Lynch
- Matthew Christopher Lynch
- Warren J. Lynch
- Francis Lynde
- Samuel Adams Lynde
- Edward James Lynett
- Margaret Lynn
- Robert Henry Lynn
[edit]- Anne Bozeman Lyon
- David Gordon Lyon
- Dorsey Alfred Lyon
- (Mckune) L. S
- Edmund Daniel Lyon
- Elias Potter Lyon
- Ernest Lyon
- F(Rank) Emory Lyon
- George F. Lyon
- Gideon Allen Lyon
- Hastings Lyon
- Henry Ware Lyon
- Homer Legrand Lyon
- John Stanley Lyon
- Leverett Samuel Lyon
- Marcus Ward Lyon
- Milford Hall Lyon
- Scott Cary Lyon
- T(Homas) Lyttleton Lyon
- Albertbrown Lyons
- Chalmers J. Lyons
- Charles William Lyons
- Dennis Francis Lyons
- John Frederick Lyons
- John Sprole Lyons
- Judson Whitlocke Lyons
- Julius J. Lyons
- Robert Edward Lyons
- Thomas Daniel Lyons
- Thomas Richard Lyons
- Herbert G. Lytle
- Charles Harold Lyttle
- Anthony J. Maas
- Charles Frederic Mabery
- Charles R. Mabey
- Louise Kennedy Mabie
- Milton Harvey Mabry
- Robert Emmet Mac Alarney
- Robert John Mac Alpine
- Arthur Frederic Mac Arthur
- Douglas Macarthur
- John R. Mac Arthur
- Ruth Alberta Brown Mac Arthur
- Walter Mac Arthur
- Thomas Benton Macartney
- Alvan Macauley
- Charles Raymond Macauley
- Florence Macbeth
- Henry Macbeth
[edit]- Thomas Huston Macbride
- John Archibald Mac Callum
- William George Mac Callum
- William Carpenter Mac Carty
- Clay Mac Cauley
- Clara Taggart Mac Chesney
- William Damall Mac Clintock
- James Roberton Mac Coll
- John Wilson Mac Connell
- Sarah Warder Mac Connell
- William Alexander Mac Corkle
- Townsend Mac Coun
- Henry Noble Mac Cracken
- John Henry Mac Cracken
- A.M. U„ 1894
- John Mac Crate
- George Grant Mac Curdy
- Frank Mac Daniel
- Alexander Macdonald
- June 15 N. Y.
- Carlos Frederick Macdonald
- Charles Macdonald
- Duncan Black Macdonald
- George Alexander Macdonald
- James Allan Macdonald
- Jesse Juan Macdonald
- Pirie Mac Donald
- Robert Macdonald
- Stewart Lincoln Macdonald
- Thomas Harris Mac Donald
- William Mac Donald
- William J. Mac Donald
- William Townley Macdonald
- Angus (Peter) Macdonall
- Daniel Trembly Mac Dougal
- Hamilton Crawford Macdougall
- Robert Mac Doug All
- Edwin Carleton Mac Dowell
- Melbourne Macdowell
- John Macduffie
- John Wilson Mace
- William Harrison Mace
- Wilmer W. Mac Elree
- Andrew Jackson Mac Elroy
- Roy Samuel Mac Elwee
- Bernarr Macfadden
- Charles Stedman Macfarland
- Charles William Macfarlane
- James Macfarlane
- John Muirhead Macfarlane
- Peter Clark Macfarlane
- Will(Iam) C(Harles) Macfarlane
- John Bernard Mac Ginley
- John Mac Ginniss
- Alice Mac Gowan
- David Bell Macgowan
- Granville Mac Gowan
- Kenneth Macgowan
- Harold Mac Grath
- Charles Peter Mac Gregor
- Clarence Mac Gregor
- Theodore Douglas Mac Gregor
- Edmund (Robert Otto) Von Mach
- John Brainerd Mac Harg
- William (Briggs) Mac Harg
- J(Ohn) Gresham Machen
- John Murdoch Mac Innis
- Douglas Clyde Macintosh
- John Alexander Mac Intosh
- Andrew Mack
- Edward Mack
- Edward Mack
- John Givan Davis Mack
- Julian William Mack
- Norman Edward Mack
- William Mack
- (Alexander) Lawton Mackall
- Leonard Leopold Mackall
- Louis Mackall
- Clarence Hungerford Mackay
- Robert Mackay
- Harold Steele Mackaye
- Hazel Mackaye
- James Mackaye
- Percy Mackaye
- Herman Mackensen
[edit]- Alastair St. Clair Mackenzie
- Dewitt (T.) Mackenzie
- J. Gazzam Mackenzie
- James Cameron Mackenzie
- Jean Kenyon Mackenzie
- John Noland Mackenzie
- Murdo Mackenzie
- Robert Mackenzie
- Tandy Mackenzie
- Thomas Hanna Mackenzie
- William Douglas Mackenzie
- William Roy Mackenzie
- George Lewis Mackintosh
- Kenneth Mackintosh
- James Edgar Macklin
- Otis Hardy Maclay
- William Walter Maclay
- Charles Fraser Maclean
- John Norman Maclean
- Stuart Maclean
- Francis Maclennan
- Mrs. Francis Maclennan
- Francis William Maclennan
- Frederick Joseph Macleod
- John James Rickard Macleod
- Kerr Duncan Macmillan
- Lucy Hayes Macmillan
- Francis Macmillen
- Augustus Canfield Macomb
- John R. Macomber
- Robert Bruce Macon
- Thomas Howard Macqueary
- George Wythe Macrae
- Hugh Mac Rae
- John Macrae
- George Herbert Macrum
- Edith Macvane
- Carleton Macy
- John Albert Macy
- V(Alentine) Everit Macy
- Eva Anne Madden
- John Thomas Madden
- Joseph Warren Madden
- Martin Barnaby Madden
- Percy Downs Maddin
- William E. Maddock
- Fletcher Maddox
- John J. Maddox
- John W. Maddox
- Robert Foster Maddox
- William Arthur Maddox
- Louis Childs Madeira
- Percy Child Madeira
- Charles C. Madison
- Harold Lester Madison
- Lucy Foster Madison
- Joseph Maerz
- Urban Maes
- Carl C. Magee
- Charles Lohr Magee
- James Dysart Magee
- James M. Magee
- John Magee
- Walter Warren Magee
- William Addison Magee
- David Magie
- William Francis Magie
- Frank Stockton Magill
- George Pauli Magill
- Hugh Stewart Magill
- Robert Edward Magill
- William Seagrove Magill
[edit]- Charles Donagh Maginnis
- Samuel Abbot Maginnis
- Thomas Francis Magner
- Judah Leon Magnes
- Carl Edward Magntjsson
- Peter Magnus Magnusson
- Ralph Van Deman Magoffin
- Henry A. Magoun
- Herbert William Magoun
- Frederick W. Magrady
- William Magrath
- Frank Abbott Magruder
- Thomas Pickett Magruder
- William Thomas Magruder
- John Arthur Maguire
- John Macarthur Maguire
- Matthew Maguire
- Charles Delahunt Mahaffie
- Bryan Francis Mahan
- Dennis Hart Mahan
- Rowland Blennerhassett Mahan Y
- George Washington Maher
- James P. Maher
- Stephen John Maher
- Frank Webster Mahin
- John Lee Mahin
- Thaddeus Maclay Mahon
- William D Mahon
- Edward R. Mahoney
- John Dennis Mahoney
- John Joseph Mahoney
- Joseph Nathaniel Mahoney
- Michael Joseph Mahony
- J(Ohn) W(Ilmot) Mahood
- Johnbarry Mahool
- Guy Maier
- Max Mailhouse
- Arthur El Win Main
- Charles Thomas Main
- Hubert Platt Main
- John Fleming Main
- John Hanson Thomas Main
- George Preston Mains
- David R. Major
- Elliott Woolf Oik Major
- James Earl Major
- Samuel C. Major
- George Albert Makinson
[edit]- William Peabody Malburn
- George Arthur Malcolm
- Ola Powell Malcolm
- Roy Malcom
- Leon Andrew Malkiel
- Otto Tod Mallery
- 16th St. Is
- Severo Mallet-Prevost
- Daniel Trowbridge Mallett
- Wilbert Grant Mallett
- Edward Mallinckrodt
- Douglas Malloch
- Frank Burr Mallory
- Hugh Shepherd Darby Mallory
- Kathleen Moore Mallory
- Marie Louise Malloy
- Frederick William Mally
- Gustav Nathanael Malm
- Booth M. Malone
- Dudley Field Malone
- J. Walter Malone
- John Wesley Malone
- Paul Bernard Malone
- Richard Harwell Malone
- William Battle Malone
- Robert S. Maloney
- Milo Roy Maltbie
- William Henry Maltbie
- William Mills Maltbie
- Margaret Eliza Maltby
- Henry Malter
- Stephen Babcock Mambert
- Ernest A. Man
- James Manahan
- John Levi Bjanahan
- Harold A. W. Manard
- Pianist Mana-Zucca
- Grover Cleveland Mange
- Charles Manchester
- Charles Howard Manchester
- Earl Northup Manchester
- Arch Mandel
- John Alfred Mandel
- Hubert C. Mandeville
- Thomas J. Man Gan
- Morris Manges
- George Benjamin Mangold
- Josiah Thomas Mangum
- Franklin Pierce Manhart
- Beue Kanaris Maniates
- Edward J. Manion
- Joe J. Manlove
- Basil Maxwell Manly
- Charles Manly
- Charles Matthews Manly
- John Matthews Manly
- Robert Emmet Manly
- William Hester Manly
[edit]- Albert Mann
- Albert Clinton Mann
- Albert Russell Mann
- Alexander Mann
- Arthur Teall Mann
- B(Enjamin) Pickman Mann
- Cameron Mann
- Charles August Mann
- Charles Riborg Mann
- Conklin Mann
- Edward Garnett Batson Mann
- Frank Hurt Mann
- Frederick Maynard Mann
- Gustav Mann
- Horace Borchsenius Mann
- Isaac Thomas Mann
- Kristine Mann
- Louis Mann
- Louis Leopold Mann
- Mary Ridpath Mann
- Newton Mann
- Paul Blakeslee Mann
- Rowena Morse Mann
- Seth Mann
- William Abram Mann
- William Hodges Mann
- Mary Mannering
- J(Ohn) Hartley Manners
- David Mannes
- Charles Fonteyn Manney
- Jean Mannheim
- Jenny Mannheimer
- Edward Betts Manning
- Frances Duncan Manning
- Henry Parker Manning
- Isaac A. Manning
- Isaac Hall Manning
- James Hilton Manning
- James Smith Manning
- Mrs. John L. Manning
- Richard Irvine Manning
- Van(Noy) H(Artrog) Manning
- Walter Webster Manning
- Warren Henry Manning
- William Albert Manning
- William Ray Manning
- William Thomas Manning
- Frank Addison Manny
[edit]- Archibald Romaine Mansfield
- Beatrice Cameron Mansfield
- Blanche Mcmanus Mansfield
- Francis Miltoun Mansfield
- Howard Mansfield
- Ira Franklin Mansfield
- Orlando Augustine Mansfield
- Robert E. Mansfield
- Samuel Mather Mansfield
- Paul Manship
- Frederic E. Manson
- Marsden Manson
- John J. Mantell
- Robert Bruce Mantell
- Julius Robert Mantey
- Lee Mantle
- Martin Thomas Manton
- Walter Porter Manton
- Edward Britton Manville
- Wilfred Hamilton Manwaring
- Carl Edgar Mapes
- Victor Mapes
- Charles Gilmore Maphis
- Wible Lawrence Mapother
- Annie Russell Marble
- Charles Baldwin Marble
- George Watson Marble
- Mitcheu Stewart Marble
- Thomas Littlefield Marble
- William Allen Marble
- Theodore Marburg
- Elisabeth Marbury
- William L. Marbury
- Curtis Fletcher Marbut
- Alden March
- Francis Andrew March
- John Lewis March
- Peyton Conway March
- Thomas Stone March
- J. Marchand
- Carolina Marcial-Dorado
- Max Marcin
- (Guglielmo) William Marconi
- Isaac Frederick Marcos Son
- Sol Marcos Son
- Henry Marcotte
- George Edward Marcy
- Charles Carroll Mar Den
- Jesse Krekore Mar Den
- Oscar Avery Marden
- Philip Sanford Marden
- Emma Endicott Marean
- Willis Adams Marean
[edit]- Max Leopold Margolis
- David Marine
- Fania Marinoff
- Antonio Marinoni
- John Hardin Marion
- Clayton Mark
- Edgar H. Mark
- Edward Laurens Mark
- Kenneth Lamartine Mark
- Charles Frederick Markell
- Isaac Markens
- Charles Henry Markham
- Edgar Markham
- Edwin Markham
- George C. Markham
- George Dickson Markham
- Osmon Grant Markham
- Alvan Markle
- John Markle
- Alfred Collins Markley
- Joseph Lybrand Markley
- Henry Kingdon Marks
- Jeannette Marks
- Lewis Hart Marks
- Lionel Simeon Marks
- Marcus M. Marks
- Percy Marks
- Abby Lillian Marlatt
- Charles Lester Marlatt
- Harry Halpine Marlin
- Alfred Erskine Marling
- Frank William Marlow
- Thomas A. Marlow
- Julia Marlowe
- Harry Aaron Marmer
- Jeff Berry Marmon
- Robert Overton Marnell
- Helen Marot
- Mary Louise Marot
- Allan Marquand
- John Phillips Marquand
- Carl Eugene Marquardt
- Walter William Marquardt
- Albert Nelson Marquis
- Don(Ald Robert Perry) Marquis
- Franklin Wales Marquis
- George Pauli Marquis
- John Abner Marquis
- J(Ohn) Clyde Marquis
- Robert Lincoln Marquis
- Rollin Ruth Win Marquis
- Samuel Simpson Marquis
- William Stevenson Marquis
- Carl Marr
- Gibson Atherton Marr
[edit]- J(Ames) Theodore Marriner
- Crittenden Marriott
- W(Illiams) Mckim Marriott
- Starlin Marion Newberry Marrs
- C(Harles) Dwight Marsh
- Daniel L. Marsh
- Fred Dana Marsh
- George T. Marsh
- James Prentiss Marsh
- Joseph William Marsh
- Mae Warne Marsh
- Myron Maurice Marsh
- O. Gaylord Marsh
- Walter Randall Marsh
- William John Marsh
- Albert Brainerd Marshall
- Alfred Marshall
- Benjamin Howard Marshall
- Benjamin Tinkham Marshall
- Bernard Gay Marshall
- Carrington Tanner Marshall
- Charles Marshall
- Charles Edward Marshall
- Clarence James Marshall
- Edison Marshall
- (Davis) Edward Marshall
- Edward Asaph Marshall
- Edwin Jessop Marshall
- Eli Kennerly Marshall
- Francis Cutler Marshall
- Frank James Marshall
- Harold Marshall
- Henry Rutgers Marshall
- Henry Wright Marshall
- Herbert Camp Marshall
- James Rush Marshall
- John Marshall
- John Marshall
- John Marshall
- John Augustine Marshall
- John Patten Marshall
- Leon Carroll Marshall
- Louis Marshall
- Ray Gifford Marshall
- Richard Coke Marshall
- Robert Bradford Marshall
- Robert Eliot Marshall
- Thomas Chalmers Marshall
- Thomas Franklin Marshall
- Thomas Maitland Marshall
- Thomas Riley Marshall
- William A. Marshall
- William Alexander Marshall
- William Stanley Marshall
- Joseph Hancock Marshburn
- John Tyron Marshman
- Cora Marsland
- Anson Marston
- Edgar Lewis Marston
- George White Marston
- Charles Martel
[edit]- Frederick Herman Martens
- Alfred Wilhelm Martin
- Andrew Bennett Martin
- Anne Henrietta Martin
- Asa Earl Martin
- Bradley Martin
- Burton Mcmahan Martin
- Chalmers Martin
- Charles Fletcher Martin
- Charles Henry Martin
- Charles Irving Martin
- Chester W. Martin
- Clarence Martin
- Clarence Augustine Martin
- Daniel Hoffman Martin
- Daniel Strobel Martin
- Dempster Disbrow Martin
- Eben Wever Martin
- Mrs. Lois W. Finger M.
- Edgar Stanley Martin
- Edward Martin
- Edward Martin
- Edward Sandford Martin
- Ernest Gale Martin
- Everett Dean Martin
- Fernando Wood Martin
- Frank Joseph Martin
- Franklin H. Martin
- F(Rederick) Oskar Martin
- Frederick Roy Martin
- George Martin
- George Brown Martin
- George Curtis Martin
- George E. Martin
- George Ellsworth Martin
- G(Eorge) Forrest Martin
- George Riley Martin
- George Washington Martin
- George William Martin
- Gertrude Shorb Martin
- Glenn L. Martin
- Guy H. Martin
- Helen Reimensnyder Martin
- Herbert Martin
- Herbert Spencer Martin
- Horace Ford Martin
- James Macdonald Martin
- James Sankey Martin
- John A. Martin
- John James Martin
- John Wellborn Martin
- Joseph Martin
- Joseph William Martin
- Kingsley Leverich Martin
- Lawrence Martin
- Lillien Jane Martin
- Louis Adolphe Martin
- Hydraulics V
- Mabel Wood Martin
- Martha Evans Martin
- Melvin Albert Martin
- Miles Macon Martin
- Percy Alvin Martin
- Quinn Martin
- Renwick Harper Martin
- Riccardo Martin
- Robert Grant Martin
- Sylvester Mitchell Martin
- Thomas Commerford Martin
- Thomas Lysons Martin
- Thomas Paul Martin
- T(Homas) T(Heodore) Martin
- Thomas Wesley Martin
- Victoria Claflin Woodhull Martin
- Walton Martin
- Warren Frederic Martin
- Whitmell Pugh Martin
- William Elejius Martin
- William Franklin Martin
- William Joseph Martin
- William Leslie Martin
- William Logan Martin
- William Mcchesney Martin
- Earl Henry Martindale
[edit]- James Edgar Martine
- Giovanni Martinelli
- Philip Martiny
- Wyndham Martyn
- George Ralph Marvell
- Charles Frederick Marvin
- Cloyd Heck Marvin
- Cornelia Marvin
- Dwight Marvin
- Dwight Edwards Marvin
- George Marvin
- Langdon Parker Marvin
- Thomas O. Marvin
- Walter Taylor Marvin
- William Glenn Marvin
- Winthrop Lippitt Marvin
- Alexander Marx
- Charles David Marx
- Guido Hugo Marx
- Otto Marx
- George Thomas Mar Ye
- Eduardo Marzo
- Alfred Bishop Mason
- A(Mos) Lawrence Mason
- Arthur Mason
- Augustus Lynch Mason
- Caroline Atwater Mason
- Cassity E. (Miss) Mason
- Charles Ellis Mason
- Charles Noble Mason
- Charles Walter Mason
- Daniel Gregory Mason
- Edith (Barnes) Mason
- Edward Wilson Mason
- Frank Stuart Mason
- George Grant Mason
- Grace Sartwell Mason
- Gregory Mason
- Henry Freeman Mason
- Henry Lowell Mason
- Herbert Delavan Mason
- J(Ohn) Alden Mason
- John Henry Mason
- Julian Starkweather Mason
- L. Walter Mason
- Lewis Duncan Mason
- Mary Knight Wood Mason
- Mary Stoddert Mason
- Maud M. Mason
- Max Mason
- Newton Eliphalet Mason
- Silas Cheever Mason
- Wallace Edward Mason
- Walt Mason
- Wilbur Nesbitt Mason
- William Pitt Mason
- William Smith Mason
- William Woodman Mason
- Clinton Joseph Masseck
- Jasper Cortenus Masses
- W (Ill) Wellington Massee
- Felix Matthias Massey
- George Betton Massey
- George Valentine Massey
- John Massey
- Lucius Saunders Massey
- David Meade Massie
- Eugene Carter Massie
- Chester Bentley Masslich
- Thomas L. (Tom Masson) Masson
- Samuel Ottmar Mast
- Henry Buck Master
- Edgar Lee Masters
- Victor Irvine Masters
- Kate Masterson
- William Wesley Masterson
[edit]- William Mcdowell Mastin
- Rudolph Matas
- Charles Horatio Matchett
- Alonzo Clark Mather
- Arthur Mather
- Frank Jewett Mather
- Frederic Gregory Mather
- Kirtley Fletcher Mather
- Samuel Mather
- William Gwinn Mather
- William Tyler Mather
- Winifred Holt Mather
- Hugh Thompson Mathers
- Kenneth Gordon Matheson
- Albert Prescott Mathews
- Arthur Frank Mathews
- Charles Thomson Mathews
- Clarence Wentworth Mathews
- Belancey North Mathews
- Edward Bennett Mathews
- F(Erdinand) Schuyler Mathews
- Frances Aymar Mathews
- Frank Stuart Mathews
- Jerry A. Mathews
- John Alexander Mathews
- John Mabry Mathews
- Joseph Howard Mathews
- Joseph Mcdowell Mathews
- Lois Carter Kimball Mathews
- Shailer Mathews
- William Burdette Mathews
- Champion Herbert Mathewson
- Edward Payson Mathewson
- Beltran Mathieu
- Clark Mckenzie Mathis
- Edward Thomson Mathison
- Leon Albert Matile
- Caroline Ruby Matson
- George Charlton Matson
- Smith Corbin Matson
- Tsuneo Matsudaira
- Charles Matteson
- Frank Willington Matteson
- Herman Howard Matteson
- Marie Mattfeld
- William Henry Matthai
- Francois Emile Matthes
- William Diller Matthew
- N.Y. Zool A.A.A.S.
- Albert Matthews
- (James) Brander Matthews
- Charles Matthews
- George Bagby Matthews
- H(Arry) Alexander Matthews
- Isaac George Matthews
- John Aaron Matthews
- J(Oseph) Merritt Matthews
- Mark Allison Matthews
- Mary Lockwood Matthews
- Nathan Matthews
- Paul Matthews
- Robert Orville Matthews
- William Albert Matthews
- William Baynham Matthews
- William Henry Matthews
- Edward Shiloh Matthias
- Robert Edgar Mattingly
- Lino Mattioli
- Richard Vanselous Mattison
- Arthur Martyn Mattoon
- Bernard Gause Mattson
- Peter August Mattson
- Herman N. Matzen
- Margarete Matzenauer
- Haveth Elmer Mau
- Sebastian Jacob Mauchly
[edit]- Joseph William Mauck
- Cyril Francis Maude
- Frank Gratin Mauldin
- Harry Edward Maule
- Mary Katherine Maule
- Achilles J. Maumus
- John Lawrence Mauran
- Edward Rose Maurer
- Irving Maurer
- James Hudson Maurer
- Oscar Edward Maurer
- William Allen Maurer
- Arthur Bartlett Maurice
- Jules Gote Ultimus Mauritzson
- Carlotta Joaquina Maury
- Dabney Herndon Maury
- L(Ouis) Mervin Maus
- Marion Perry Maus
- Patrick Joseph Maveety
- William Maver
- Nancy Barr Mavity
- Carroll Lewis Maxcy
- Edward Ernest Maxey
- Edwin Maxey
- Florence Maxim
- Hiram Percy Maxim
- Hudson Maxim
- James Matthew Maxon
- William Ralph Maxon
- Ralph Nelson Maxson
- Charles Augustus Maxwell
- Charles Robert Maxwell
- Evelyn Croom Maxwell
- Francis Taylor Maxwell
- George Hebard Maxwell
- George Holmes Maxwell
- Guy Everett Maxwell
- James Angus Maxwell
- Lawrence Maxwell
- Leon Ryder Maxwell
- Margery Maxwell
- Perriton Maxwell
- Samuel Steen Maxwell
- William Cochrane Maxwell
- William John Maxwell
- Charles Henry May
- David William May
- Ernest H. May
- H(Arold) Cameron May
- James Vance May
- Max May
- Max Benjamin May
- Thomas May
- Bernard Ralph Maybeck
- Charles Raphael Mayer
- Emil Mayer
- Hy. (Henry) Mayer
- Joseph Mayer
- Joseph Bell Mayer
- Julius M. Mayer
- Lucius W. Mayer
- Oscar Gottfried Mayer
- William Harding Mayes
- James Jefferson Mayfield
- Charles Johnson Maynard
- Fred Augustus Maynard
- Harry Lee Maynard
- James Maynard
- John Albert Maynard
- Lester Maynard
- Poole Maynard
- Reuben Leslie Maynard
- Richard Field Maynard
- Samuel Taylor Maynard
- Theodore Maynard
- William Hale Maynard
[edit]- Dexter Dwight Mayne
- Charles Horace Mayo
- Chester Garst Mayo
- Earl Williams Mayo
- Henry Thomas Mayo
- Katherine Mayo
- Nelson Slater Mayo
- Highland Park Pl
- William Benson Mayo
- William James Mayo
- Dannitte Hill Mays
- James H. Mays
- Mathewt. Maze
- Robert Mazet
- William Gaillard Mazyck
- Lawrence Mazzanovich
- East St. Louis Os
- Charles Hallan Mccarthy
- Charles James Mccarthy
- Daniel J. Mccarthy
- Denis Aloysius Mccarthy
- Edward Mccarthy
- Charles Samuel Mcclelland
- Clarence Paul Mcclelland
- Henry Thom Mcclelland
- James Farley Mcclelland
- Nancy Vincent Mcclelland
- Ross St. John Mcclelland
- Silas Edward Mcclelland
- William Craig Mcclelland
- Robert B. Practiced Law B.
- Elizabeth (Wife Of Joseph C. Odell U.S. A.)
- Allan Joseph Mclaughlin
- Malcolm Meacham
- W(Illiam) Banks Meacham
- Albert Davis Mead
- Arthur Raymond Mead
- Charles Larew Mead
- Daniel Webster Mead
- Edward Sherwood Mead
- Edwin Doak Mead
- Elwood Mead
- George Herbert Mead
- George Whitefield Mead
- James M. Mead
- Lucia True Ames Mead
- Nelson Prentiss Mead
- William Edwards Mead
- William Rutherford Mead
- William Whitman Mead
- Janifer Dewitt Meade
- Richard Kidder Meade
- Clarence Linton Meader
- George Farnham Meader
- William Ransom Meadows
- David Macgregor Means
- Eldred Kurtz Means
- Philip Ainsworth Means
- Rice William Means
- Stewart Means
- Thomas Herbert Means
- Walter E. Meanwell
- Edmond Stephen Meany
- Edward P. Meany
- Frank S. Meara
- Brainerd Mears
- Eliot .Grinnell Mears
- Frederick Mears
- Mary Mears
- Lyon Mearson
- Robert Sloan Mebane
- Floyd Russell Mechem
- Merritt Cramer Mechem
- Leila Mechlin
- George Mecklenburg
- Valier Ii
- John Moffatt Mecklin
- Philip Henry Mecom
- Milton Bennett Medary
- Charles Sanderson Medbury
- Emil Medicus
- Charles Simpson Meek
- Edward Roscoe Meek
- John Henry Meek
- Robert Abner Meek
- Theophile James Meek
- Tom Jones Meek
- Walter Joseph Meek
- Arthur Meeker
- Ezra Meeker
- Frank Leroy Meeker
- George Herbert Meeker
- Ralph Inman Meeker
- Royal Meeker
- Isaac Melson Meekins
- Lynn Roby Meekins
- Lynn Webster Meekins
- Everett Victor Meeks
- Carl Leo Mees
- Charles Edward Kenneth Mees
- Otto Mees
- Spenser Byron Meeser
- William Frederick Meggers
- William Megginson
[edit]- Herbert Ashton Megraw
- Roi Cooper Megrue
- John Dennis Mehan
- Edward J. Mehren
- Julius L. Meier
- M. Hildreth Meiere
- Thomas Meighan
- Cornelia Lynde Meigs
- Grace Lynde Meigs
- Montgomery Meigs
- William Montgomery Meigs
- Alexander Meiklejohn
- George De Rue Meiklejohn
- William Wallace Mein
- Emilio Pepe Michael Meinecke
- (Henrieh) William W. Meiners
- Oscar Edward Meinzer
- L. R. Meisenhelter
- Federico Mejia
- A(Xel) L(Eonard) Melander
- Mme. Nellie Melba
- Columbus Rudolph Melcher
- Frederic Gershom Melcher
- Gari Melcher S
- Oliver Hoffman Melchor
- Charles Manly Melden
- Peter W. Meldrim
- Andrew Barclay Meldrum
- A(Ndrew) Mackenzie Meldrum
- Herbert Alexander Meldrum
- James Melville Melear
- Clarence Edmund Meleny
- Nathan R. Melhorn
- Irving E. Melhus
- John Howard Melish
- William Bromwell Melish
- Carl August Mellby
- Charles Sanger Mellen
- Chase Mellen
- George Frederick Mellen
- Harry Bertine Meller
- Lowell Mellett
- Carl Johan Mellin
- Mary Mellish
- Andrew William Mellon
- James R. Mellon
- Richard Beatty Mellon
- Thomas Alexander Mellon
- William Larimer Mellon
- Marie Mattingly Meloney
- William Brown Meloney
- Luella Price Meloy
- Edgar Mels
- Charles Lewis Melton
- Leroy Melton
- Wightman Fletcher Melton
- William D. Melton
- Charles Henry Meltzer
- Henry Melville
- Rose Melville
- Alberto Membreno
- James Wilbert Meminger
- Allard Memminger
- Lucien Memminger
- Henry Louis Mencken
- Lafayette Benedict Mendel
- Clarence Whittlesey Mendell
- Charles Elwood Mendenhall
- George Newton Mendenhall
- Harlan George Mendenhall
- William Orville Mendenhall
- Frederick De Mendes
- Henry Pereira Mendes
- Joaquin Mendez
- Frederick Menge
- Franklin Menge S
- Isolde Menges
- S. Stanwood Menken
- Karl Augustus Menninger
- Charles Thomas Menoher
- Ernst Heinrich Mensel
- Alan Wilfrid Cranbrook Menzies
- Albert Amedee Meras
- Joseph Merc A Dante
- Sept. 19 N. J.
- Alfred Clifford Mercer
- Archibald Mercer
- Henry Chapman Mercer
- Hugh Victor Mercer
- Samuel Alfred Browne Mercer
- Saul Erastus Mercer
- William Fairfield Mercer
- Frank Ivan Merchant
- Rodney Augustus Mercur
- Albert Barrett Meredith
- Edwin Thomas Meredith
- Florence Lyndon Meredith
- James Alva Meredith
- Virginia Claypool Meredith
- Lewis Meriam
- Benjamin Shores Merigold
- Louis Adolph Merillat
- Miss Marguerite Merington
- Lee Meriwether
- Van Santvoord Merle-Smith
- William Penn Meroney
- Edgar Sanford Keen Merrell
- Irving Seward Merrell
- William Dayton Merrell
[edit]- Alexander Ross Merriam
- Charles Edward Merriam
- C(Linton) Hart Merriam
- Edmund Franklin Merriam
- Florence Augusta Merriam
- Harold Guy Merriam
- John Campbell Merriam
- William Rush Merriam
- Edwin Thomas Merrick
- George Peck Merrick
- J(Ames) Hartley Merrick
- Izola Forrester Merrifield
- Allyne Litchfield Merrill
- (Litchfield) M. H
- Barzille Winfred Merrill
- Bradford Merrill
- Cassius Exum Merrill
- Charles Clarkson Merrill
- Charles Washington Merrill
- Cyrus Strong' Merrill
- Edward Bagley Merrill
- Edwin Godfrey Merrill
- Elmer Drew Merrill
- Elmer Truesdell Merrill
- Frank Thayer Merrill
- Frederick Augustus Merrill
- George Arthur Merrill
- George Earnest Merrill
- George Perkins Merrill
- Henry Ferdinand Merrill
- James Andrew Merrill
- James Milford Merrill
- John Fuller Appleton Merrill
- John Lenord Merrill
- Joseph Francis Merrill
- Leon Stephen Merrill
- Lucius Herbert Merrill
- Melvin Clarence Merrill
- Oscar Charles Merrill
- Paul Willard Merrill
- Payson Merrill
- Samuel Merrill
- Samuel Merrill
- William Augustus Merrill
- William Bradford Merrill
- William Pierson Merrill
- Effie Woodward Merriman
- Helen Bigelow Merriman
- Mansfield Merriman
- Roger Bigelow Merriman
- San Lorenzo Merriman
- Dixon Lanier Merritt
- Ernest George Merritt
- Frank Merritt
- Hulett Clinton Merritt
- Leonidas Merritt
- Robert Clarence Merritt
- Schuyler Merritt
- Glenn Newton Merry
- Ralph Davenport Mershon
- William Butts Mershon
- Gustave Frederick Mertins
- Marshall Louis Mertins
- Holmes Whittier Merton
- Albert Mertz
- Henry Childs Merwin
- Samuel Merwin
- Timothy Dwight Merwin
- Charles Merz
[edit]- Clinton Vanderbilt Meserole
- Charles Francis Meserve
- Harry Chamberlain Meserve
- J(Ames) Franklin Messenger
- Lillian Rozell Messenger
- North Overton Messenger
- William Stuart Messer
- George S. Messersmith
- Abraham Joseph Messing
- Eugene Lawrence Messler
- Sebastian Gebhard Messmer
- Edward Potter Metcalf
- Frank Arthur Metcalf
- George Wallace Metcalf
- Haven Metcalf
- Henry Clayton Metcalf
- Henry Harrison Metcalf
- Irving- Wight Metcalf
- Jesse Houghton Metcalf
- Joel Hastings Metcalf
- John Calvin Metcalf
- John Milton Putnam Metcalf
- Leonard Metcalf
- Maynard Mayo Metcalf
- Ralph Metcalf
- Stephen Olney Metcalf
- Victor Howard Metcalf
- Wilder Stevens Metcalf
- Willard Leroy Metcalf
- James Stetson Metcalfe
- Tristram Walker Metcalfe
- Thomas Buford Mete Yard
- John Wyckoff Mettler
- L(Ee) Harrison Mettler
- Abraham Louis Metz
- Charles William Metz
- Herman A. Metz
- William Henry Metzler
- Adolf Meyer
- Alfred Meyer
- Annie Nathan Meyer
- Arthur William Meyer
- Balthasar Henry Meyer
- Charles F. Meyer
- Eugene Meyer
- Frederick H. Meyer
- George Homer Meyer
- Henry Co&Lt Meyer
- Henry Herman Meyer
- Herman Henry Bernard Meyer
- Hugo Richard Meyer
- John Diedrich Ernest Meyer
- John Jacob Meyer
- Julius Paul Meyer
- Max F(Riedrich) Meyer
- Willy Meyer
[edit]- George Rudolph Meyercord
- Charles Henry Meyerholz
- J. Edward Meyers
- Milton Kayton Meyers
- Sidney Stuyvesant Meyers
- William John Meyers
- George Louis (Julien) Meylan
- Paul Julien Meylan
- Emil B. Meyrowitz
- Jenny Delony Rice Meyrowitz
- John Mez
- Sidney Edward Mezes
- Arthur Michael
- Charles Ritter Michael
- M. Alfred Michael Son
- Lioubomir Michailovitch
- Bohumil Michalek
- Gustave Michaud
- Regis Michaud
- William Michel
- Albert Abraham Michelson
- Charles Michelson
- Miriam (Miss) Michelson
- Truman Michelson
- Carroll Kinsey Michener
- Earl Cory Michener
- Louis Theodore Michener
- Wilhelm Middelschulte
- Arthur D. Middleton
- Austin Ralph Middleton
- George Middleton
- Stanley Grant Middleton
- Thomas Cooke Middleton
- Albert Leonard Midgley
- Leo Mielzxner
- Charles Christopher Mierow
- William Otto Miessner
- Henry Judah Mikell
- William Ephraim Mikell
- Carl Hastings Milam
- John George Milburn
- Alfred William Mil Den
- Basil Miles
- Carlton Wright Miles
- Joshua Weldon Miles
- Louis Wardlaw Miles
- Nelson Appleton Miles
- Robert Parker Miles
- Vincent Morgan Miles
- Walter Richard Miles
- Willard Wesbery Miles
- Jess Wells Miley
- John Henry Miley
- Morton Marshall Milford
- Willis Isbister Milham
- John Elmer Milholland
- Howard Jay Milks
- Alexander Copeland Millar
- Edward Alexander Millar
- Robert Wyness Millar
- William Bell Millar
- Bailey Millard
- Clifford I(Saac) Millard
- Everett Lee Millard
- William Barrett Millard
- Edna St. Vincent Millay
- Guy Stiuman Millberry
Miller, A.
[edit]- Adolph Caspar Miller
- Albert Edward Miller
- Alfred Stanley Miller
- Alice Duer Miller
- Alten S. Miller
- Andrew Miller
- Arthur Mcquiston Miller
- Austin Vicente Miller
- Benjamin Kurtz Miller
- Benjamin Leroy Miller
- Byron E. Miller
- Charles Miller
- Charles Addison Miller
- Charles Christian Miller
- Charles Ervine Miller
- C(Harles) Jeff(Erson) Miller
- Charles Lewis Miller
- Charles R. Miller
- Charles William Emil Miller
- Crosby Parke Miller
- David Hunter Miller
- David Milton Miller
- Dayton Clarence Miller
- Dickinson Sergeant Miller
- Edgar Calvin Leroy Miller
- Edmund Thornton Miller
- Edward Alanson Miller
- Edward Furber Miller
- Edward Waite Miller
- Edwin Lillie Miller
- Elizabeth Jane Miller
- Emerson R. Miller
- Ephraim Miller
- Francis Trevelyan Miller
- Francis Garner Miller
- Frank Augustus Miller
- Frank Ebenezer Miller
- Frank Justus Miller
- Frank William Miller
- Franklin Thomas Miller
- Fred J. Miller
- Frederic A. Miller
- Frederick A. Miller
- George Abram Miller
- George Amos Miller
- George E. Miller
- George Frederick Miller
- George Henry Miller
- George Morey Miller
- Gerrit Smith Miller
- Grace Moncrieff Miller
- Gustavus Hindman Miller
- Harry Irving Miller
- Helen Richards Guthrie Miller
- Helen Topping Miller
- Henry Miller
- Henry (John) Miller
- Henry B. Miller
- Henry Russell Miller
- Henry Watkins Miller
- Herbert Adolphus Miller
- Hugh Miller
Miller, I.
[edit]- Irving Elgar Miller
- J(Acob) Jay Miller
- James Alexander Miller
- James Alexander Miller
- J(Ames) Martin Miller
- John Anthony Coll Miller
- John Barnes Miller
- John Calvin Miller
- John D. Miller
- John Eschelman Miller
- John Franklin Miller
- John Henry Miller
- J(Oseph) Corson Miller
- Joseph Dana Miller
- Joseph Leggett Miller
- J(Oseph) Maxwell Miller
- Justin Miller
- Kelly Miller
- Kempster Blanchard Miller
- Kenneth Hayes Miller
- Leo Edward Miller
- Leslie William Miller
- Lewis Bennett Miller
- Lucius Hopkins Miller
- Marion Mills Miller
- Maude Murray Miller
- Milton A. Miller
- Minnie W. Baines Miller
- Nathan L. Miller
- Nellie Bur Get (Mrs. L. A.) Miller
- Oscar Phineas Miller
- Park Hays Miller
- Paul Gerard Miller
- Perry B. Miller
- R. T. Miller
- Ransford Stevens Miller
- Raphael Harwood Miller
- Reed Miller
- Richard E. Miller
- Robert Johnson Miller
- Robert Talbott Miller
- Rufus Wilder Miller
- Russell Benjamin Miller
- Russell King Miller
- Samuel H. Miller
- Samuel Haas Miller
- Samuel Warren Miller
- Shackelford Miller
- Sidney Trpwbridge Miller
- Spencer Miller
- Stephen Ivan Miller
- Thomas Condit Miller
- Victor Joseph Miller
- Walter Miller
- Walter Mcnab: B. Osborn Miller
- Mrs. Walter Mcnab Miller
- Warren Hastings Miller
- Wilbur Gilchrist Miller
- Wilford Stanton Miller
- Wilhelm Miller
- William John Miller
- William Niswonger Miller
- William Snow Miller
- William Wilson Miller
- Clara Millerd
[edit]- Edward Milligan
- Ezra Mcleod Milligan
- Jacob L. Milligan
- Melvin Lee Milligan
- Robert Andrews Millikan
- Carl Elias Milliken
- John David Milliken
- John Wilson Million
- Harry Alvin Millis
- John Millis
- Wade Millis
- William Alfred Millis
- Abbot Low Mills
- Alfred Elmer Mills
- 1882 U.)
- Anson Mills
- Charles Burdick Mills
- Charles Henry Mills
- Charles Karsner Mills
- Charles Smith Mills
- Edmund Mead Mills
- Edward Laird Mills
- Frank Moody Mills
- Harriet May Mills
- Harriette Melissa Mill S
- Herbert Elmer Mills
- Isaac Newton Mills
- James Edward Mills
- John Mills
- Ogden Mills
- Ogden Livingston Mills
- Thornton Mills
- Weymer Jay Mills
- William C. Mills
- William Webster Mills
- Arthur Chester Millspaugh
- Frank Crenshaw Millspaugh
- William Hulse Millspaugh
- Russell Hastings Millward
- David Milne
- Duncan Chambers Milner
- Florence Cushman Milner
- Henry Key Milner
- Robert Teague Milner
- Charles Martin Milroy
- William Forsyth Milroy
- Dec. 28 N.Y
- William Mccracken Milroy
- John Brown Milton
- William Hall Milton
- Edwin Mims
- Stewart Lea Mims
- Daniel Francis Minahan
[edit]- Asher Miner
- Charles Wright Miner
- Edward Griffith Miner
- Harlan Sherman Miner
- Jack Miner
- James Burt Miner
- Luella Miner
- Maude E. Miner
- William Harvey Miner
- Howard L. Mingo S
- William Charles Minifie
- Edith (Dowe) Miniter
- Harvey C. Minnich
- John Harrison Minnick
- C(Uthbert) Powell Minnxgerode
- Meade Minnigerode
- Charles Launcelot Minor
- Edward S. Minor
- George Henry Minor
- John Clair Minot
- William Minot
- Mary Miles Minter
- Henry Collin Minton
- James Francis Minturn
- Frances Sankstone Mintz
- George Alonzo Mirick
- Alfred Mirovitch
- Youel Benjamin Mirza
- Orin Burlingame Mitcham
- Albert Roscoe Mitchell
- Charles Anderson Mitchell
- Charles Bayard Mitchell
- Charles Edwin Mitchell
- Charles Franklin Mitchell
- Charles Tennant Mitchell
- Clifford Mitchell
- Edward Page Mitchell
- Edwin Knox Mitchell
- Emory Forrest Mitchell
- Evelyn Groesbeeck Mitchell
- F. Edward Mitchell
- George Mitchell
- Harry Dawson Mitchell
- Harry Walter Mitchell
- Henry Sewall Mitchell
- Howard Hawks Mitchell
- Howard Walton Mitchell
- Hugh Chester Mitchell
- James Farnandis Mitchell
- James Mccormick Mitchell
- John J. Mitchell
- John Joseph Mitchell
- Johnr. Mitchell
- John Raymond Mitchell
- Langdon Elwyn Mitchell
- Lebbeus (Horatio) Mitchell
- Louis Mitchell
- Mason Mitchell
- Samuel Alfred Mitchell
- Samuel Chiles Mitchell
- Sydney Knox Mitchell
- Walter Mitchell
- Wesley Clair Mitchell
- William Mitchell
- William Dewitt Mitchell
- William Ledyard Mitchell
- William Samuel Mitchell
- Wilmot Brookings Mitchell
- Charles A. Mitke
- Thomas Eugene Mitten
- Charles Louis Mix
- Melville Walter Mix
- Tom Mix
- Samuel Jason Mixter
- William Gilbert Mixter
- Robert Herbert Mize
[edit]- Wilson Mizner
- Charles Adolphus Mock
- Beatrice C. F.
- Ralph Modjeski
- Alfred Kean Moe
- Henry Allen Moe
- Henry A. Moehlenpah
- Arthur B. Moehlman
- Conrad Henry Moehlman
- Henry Moeller
- Louis (Charles) Moeller
- Philip Moeller
- Charles L. Moench
- William J. Moenkhatts
- David William Moffat
- Frederick G. Moffat
- William David Moffat
- James Hugh Moffatt
- James Strong Moffatt
- Charles Alexander Moffett
- Cleveland (Langston) Moffett
- Ross E. Moffett
- Samuel Austin Moffett
- Thomas Clinton Moffett
- William Adger Moffett
- William Walter Moffett
- Herbert Charles Moffitt
- A. L. Mohler
- Jacob Christian Mohler
- John Frederick Mohler
- John Robbins Mohler
- Willard Lee Mohorter
- Charles Adam Mohr
- Barry Mohun
- Jose Mojica
- Charles Edward Mol Denke
- George Arnold Moleen
- Raymond Moley
- David Albert Molitor
- Frederic Albert Molitor
- Engring. Depts. R.R
- Emil Mollenhauer
- Mathias Peter Moller
- Mary Aloysia Molloy
- Bennett Arthur Molter
- Count Carl Paul Oscar Moltke
- Richard Paul Mom3en
- James Monaghan
- Arthur Coleman Monahan
- James Gideon Monahan
- Michael Monahan
- John Wildman Moncrief
- Frank Wheeler Mondell
- Francis Cassatt Monfort
- Louis Celestin Monin
- George Howard Monks
- Lester Hawthorne Monks
- Julien C(Harles) Monnet
- Francis Sylvester Monnett
- Mervin Jeremiah Monnette
- Orra Eugene Monnette
- Anne Shannon Monroe
- Frank Adair Monroe
- Harriet Monroe
- Harriet Earhart Monroe
- J(Ules) Blanc Monroe
- Paul Monroe
- Walter Scott Monroe
- Will S(Eymour) Monroe
- William Stanton Monroe
- Frederick Imman Monsen
- George S. Monson
- Andrew Jackson Montague
- Andrew Philip Montague
- Gilbert Holland Montague
- James Jackson Montague
- Margaret Prescott Montague
- William Pepperell Montague
- William Frederick Montavon
- Mrs. William N. Montfort
- Charles Carroll Montgomery
- Douglas William Montgomery
- Edward Emmet Montgomery
- Edward Gerrard Montgomery
- Edward Louis Montgomery
- George Redington Montgomery
- Jack Percival Montgomery
- James Alan Montgomery
- James Shera Montgomery
- John Knox Montgomery
- John Rogerson Montgomery
- Oscar Hilton Montgomery
- Robert Hiester Montgomery
- Samuel James Montgomery'
- Thomas Lynch Montgomery
- Mrs. William A. Montgomery
- William Coons Montgomery
- Roy Lee Moo Die
- Dan Moody
- Herbert Raymond Moody
- John Moody
- Lewis Ferry Moody
- Paul Dwight Moody
- Walter Sherman Moody
- William Lewis Moody
- William Revell Moody
- Carl Moon
- Edwin G. Moon
- (Frederick) Franklin Moon
- Grace Purdie Moon
- Parker Thomas Moon
- Reuben Osborne Moon
- Truman Jesse Moon
- Charles A. Mooney
- Charles Patrick Joseph Mooney
- Daniel Francis Mooney
- Robert Johnstone Mooney
- William C. Mooney
- Addison Webster Moore
- Albert Burten Moore
- Albert Weston Moore
- Alexander Pollock Moore
- Alice Medora Rogers Moore
- Allen Francis Moore
- Andrew Charles Moore
- Anne Carroll Moore
- Arthur Harry Moore
- Barrington Moore
- Burton Evans Moore
- C. Ellis Moore
- Cecil Albert Moore
- Charles Moore
- Charles Albert Moore
- Charles Calvin Moore
- Charles Herbert Moore
- Charles Leonard Moore
- Charles Napoleon Moore
- C(Harles) Ulysses Moore
- Clarence Bloomfield Moore
- Clarence King Moore
- Clarence Lemuel Elisha Moore
- Clifford Herschel Moore
- Clyde B. Moore
- Daniel Decatur Moore
- D(Aniel) Mcfarlan Moore
- David Richard Moore
- Dewitt Van Deusen Moore
- Edmond H. Moore
- Edward Caldwell Moore
- Edward Golman Moore
- Edward James Moore
- Edward Jay Moore
- Edward Small Moore
- Edward W. Moore
- Edwin King Moore
- Eliakim Hastings Moore
- Ernest Carroll Moore
- Fillmore Moore
- Forris Jewett Moore
- Francis Moore
- Frank Gardner Moore
- Frank Lincoln Moore
- Franklin Benjamin Moore
- Frederick Moore
- Mrs. Frederick F. Moore
- Frederick Ferdinand Moore
- George Foot Moore
- George Thomas Moore
- Harrie G. Moore
- H(Arry) Humphrey Moore
- Harry Tunis Moore
- Henrietta Greer Moore
- Henry Frank Moore
- Henry Hoyt Moore
- Henry Ludwell Moore
- Henry Lynn Moore
- Henry Thomas Moore
- Herbert Fisher Moore
- Herbert Mccomb Moore
- Hight C. Moore
- Houston Burger Moore
- Hugh Benton Moore
- Hugh Kelsea Moore
- James Ross Moore
- John Bassett Moore
- John G. Moore
- John Leverett Moore
- John M. Moore
- John Matthew Moore
- John Milton Moore
- John Monroe Moore
- John Peabody Moore
- John Percy Moore
- John Trotwood Moore
- John W. Moore
- John William Moore
- Joseph B. Moore
- Joseph Haines Moore
- J(Oseph) Hampton Moore
- Lewis Baxter Moore
- Milton Harvey Moore
- Mrs. N. Hudson Moore
- Nathan Grier Moore
- Olin Harris Moore
- Mrs. Philip N. Moore
- Philip North Moore
- Randle T. Moore
- Ransom Asa Moore
- Raymond Cecil Moore
- Richard Bishop Moore
- Robert Lee Moore
- Robert Lee Moore
- Robert S. Moore
- Robert Walton Moore
- Robert Webber Moore
- Royal Archibald Moore
- Rupert Eastmer Moore
- Samuel Wallace Moore
- Thomas Morrell Moore
- Thomas Verner Moore
- Thomas Verner Moore
- Veranus Alva Moore
- Victor F. Moore
- Walter William Moore
- William Garrett Moore
- William Herman Moran
- Willis Luther Moore
- Wilmer Lee Moore
- Frederick Brown Moorehead
- Warren King Moorehead
- Hattie Moore-Mitchell
- Charles Bruce Moores
- Merrill Moores
- Frank Graham Moorhead
- Louis David Moorhead
- Maxwell K. Moorhead
- Charles Harwood Moorman
- Jolin Farwell Moors
- Charles J. Moos
[edit]- Adelbert Moot
- F(Rancis) Luis Mora
- Joseph Jacinto Mora
- Franklin E. Morales
- (Luis) Sanchez Morales
- Daniel Edward Moran
- Francis Thomas Moran
- Frank Go Ding Moran
- Fred T. Moran
- Hugh Anderson Moran
- (John) Leon Moran
- (Edward) Percy Moran
- Robert Moran
- Thomas Moran
- Thomas Francis Moran
- Roberto Moranzoni
- Albert Richard Morawetz
- Victor Morawetz
- Samuel Fox Mordecai
- T(Homas) Moultrie Mordecai
- Charles Church More
- E(Noch) Anson More
- Louis Trenchard More
- Paul Elmer More
- John Alfred Morehead
- John Henry Morehead
- Daniel Walter Morehouse
- Frederic Cook Morehouse
- George Pierson Morehouse
- John Richard Moreland
- Mary Leona Moreland
- William Hall Moreland
- Julian Moreno-Lacalle
- Giuseppe Moretti
- Charles Rufus Morey
- Charles William Morey
- Henry Martyn Morey
- John William Morey
- William Carey Morey
- Alfred Powell Morgan
- Angela Morgan
- Anna Morgan
- (James) Appleton Morgan
- Arthur Ernest Morgan
- Brooks Sanderson Morgan
- Byron Morgan
- Carey E. Morgan
- Casey Bruce Morgan
- Charles Eldridge Morgan
- Charles Herbert Morgan
- Charles Lincoln Morgan
- Charles Stillman Morgan
- Edmund Morris Morgan
- Edward Broadbent Morgan
- Edward M. Morgan
- Edwin Lee Morgan
- Edwin Vernon Morgan
- Ephraim Franklin Morgan
- (Miles) Forrest Morgan
- Frederic Evan Morgan
- Geoffrey Francis Morgan
- Geerge Morgan
- George Allen Morgan
- G(Eorge) Campbell Morgan
- George Horace Morgan
- Gwladys Myfanwy Morgan
- Harry Hays Morgan
- Henry A. Morgan
- James Morgan
- James Henry Morgan
- James Norris Morgan
- John Harcourt Alexander Morgan
- John. Hiu Morgan
- J(Ohn) Pierpont Morgan
- Joy Elmer Morgan
- Lewis Lovering Morgan
- Maud Morgan
- Ora Sherman Morgan
- Paul Beagary Morgan
- Robert Kenneth Morgan
- Tali Esen Morgan
- Thomas Hunt Morgan
- 1888 M. S.
- Thomas W. Morgan
- Tom P. Morgan
- Walter Piety Morgan
- William Berry Morgan
- William Fellowes Morgan
- William Gerry Morgan
- William Henry Morgan
- William John Morgan
- William M. Morgan
- William Mckendree Morgan
- William Sacheus Morgan
- William Yost Morgan
- Nina Morgana
- Julian Morgenstern
- Henry Morgenthau
- Sergius Morgulis
- William Daniel Moriarty
- John M. Morin
- Erika Morini
- Samuel Eliot Morison
- Robert Edouard Moritz
- Julius Moritzen
- John Wallace Morland
- Clarence Joseph Morley
- Frank Morley
- George Bidwell Morley
- S(Ylvanus) Griswold Morley
- Sylvanus Griswold Morley
- James Bale Morman
- John Antonio Moroso
- Charles Bradfield Morrey
- Albro David Morrill
- Austin Winfield Morrill
- Charles Henry Morrill
- Chester Morrill
- Henry Albert Morrill
- John Adams Morrill
- Alice A. Parmelee Morris
- Arthur J. Morris
- Benjamin Wistar Morris
- Charles Harwood Morris
- Charles Meyer Morris
- Clara Morris
- Dave Hennen Morris
- Douglas Morris
- Edward Morris
- Edward Parmelee Morris
- Effingham Buckley Morris
- George Davis Morris
- George Edward Morris
- George F. Morris
- George Van Derveer Morris
- Gouverneur Morris
- Harrison Smith Morris
- Henry Crittenden Morris
- Hugh Martin Morris
- Ira Nelson Morris
- J(Ames) Cheston Morris
- James Craik Morris
- John Morris
- John Morris
- John Baptist Morris
- Lloyd Morris
- Oscar Matison Morris
- Page Morris
- Ray Morris
- Robert Clark Morris
- Robert Hugh Morris
- Robert Nelson Morris
- Robert Tuttle Morris
- Roger Sylvester Morris
- Roland Sletor Morris
- Samuel Leslie Morris
- William Morris
- William Alfred Morris
- William Charles Morris
- William Torrey Morris
[edit]- Albert Alexander Morrison
- Cameron Morrison
- Charles B. Morrison
- Charles Clayton Morrison
- Charles Walthall Morrison
- Frank Morrison
- Frank Barron Morrison
- Harvey Arch Morrison
- Henry Clay Morrison
- Henry Clinton Morrison
- James Dow Morrison
- James Frank Morrison
- John Cayce Morrison
- John F. Morrison
- John Tracy Morrison
- Joseph E. Morrison
- Martin Andrew Morrison
- Robert John Morrison
- Robert Stewart Morrison
- Theodore Nevin Morrison
- Thomas Morrison
- William Brown Morrison
- William Mccutchon Morrison
- Andrew Marcus Morrissey
- James Peter Morrissey
- John Reynolds Morron
- Albert Sydney Morrow
- Arthur Albert Morrow
- Dwight Whitney Morrow
- Edwin P. Morrow
- George Washington Morrow
- Mrs. Honore Willsie Morrow
- Hugh Morrow
- James Binkley Morrow
- Jay Johnson Morrow
- John Morrow
- John D. A. Morrow
- Marco Morrow
- W(Illiam) Carr Morrow
- William W. Morrow
- Winston Vaughan Morrow
- Joseph Morschatjser
[edit]- Alfred Handley Chipman Morse
- Charles Adelbert Morse
- Charles Henry Morse
- Charles Hosmer Morse
- E. Rollins Morse
- Edward Sylvester Morse
- Edwin Kirtland Morse
- Edwin Wilson Morse
- Elmer Addison Morse
- Frank Lincoln Morse
- Fremont Morse
- George Frederick Morse
- Glenn Tilley Morse
- Harry Wheeler Morse
- Hermann Nelson Morse
- Hosea Ballou Morse
- Irving Haskell Morse
- James Herbert Morse
- Jerome Edward Morse
- John Lovett Morse
- John Torrey Morse
- Josiah Morse
- Lucy Gibbons Morse
- Margaret Fessenden Morse
- Perley Morse
- Richard Cary Morse
- Roy L. Morse
- Sidney Morse
- Waldo Grant Morse
- Warner Jackson Morse
- Wilbur Morse
- (Max) Withrow Morse
- Robert Porter Morsman
- Charles Anthony Morss
- Everett Morss
- Peter Alvin Morten Son
- Alfred Garnett Mortimer
- Frank Cogswell Mortimer
[edit]- Asa Henry Morton
- Charles Gould Morton
- David Morton
- George Edwin Morton
- Hattie Morton
- Henry H. Morton
- Howard Mcllvain Morton
- James Ferdinand Morton
- James Madison Morton
- James Madison Morton
- James Proctor Morton
- John Jamieson Morton
- Joy Morton
- Katharine Ammon Morton
- Marcus Morton
- Oren Frederic Morton
- Rosalie Slaughter Morton
- Samuel Walker Morton
- William Morton
- Alexis Victor Moschcowitz
- Paul Moschcowitz
- Charles West Moseley
- Ella Lowery Moseley
- George Van Horn Moseley
- Lonzo B. Moseley
- Mercer Pamplin Moseley
- Charles Kroth Moser
- Jefferson Franklin Moser
- Alfred Geiger Moses
- Belle Moses
- Bernard Moses
- George Higgins Moses
- Horace Augustus Moses
- Montrose Jonas Moses
- David N. Mosessqhn
- Nehemiah Mosessohn
- Eliza Maria Mosher
- George Clark Mosher
- George Frank Mosher
- Gouverneur Frank Mosher
- Harris Peyton Mosher
- Robert Brent Mosher
- William Eugene Mosher
- Jeremiah George Mosier
- Samuel K(Insinger) Mosiman
- Charles Melville Moss
- James Alfred Moss
- Ralph W. Moss
- Frank E. Mossman
[edit]- Robert Burns Motherwell
- Robert Russa Moton
- Johnr. Mott
- Jordan Lawrence Mott
- Lewis Freeman Mott
- T(Homas) Bentley Mott
- William Elton Mott
- Roger Henwood Motten
- Henry Mottet
- David Myers Mottier
- Arthur Wheelock Moulton
- Charles Robert Moulton
- Charles William Moulton
- Elton James Moulton
- Forest Ray Moulton
- George Mayhew Moulton
- Harold Glenn Moulton
- Richard Green Moulton
- Robert Hurt Moulton
- Warren Joseph Moulton
- Willis Bryant Moulton
- Harry William Mountcastle
- Harry Mquntfgrd
- Edwin Dubose Mouzon
- H(Arry) Siddons Mowbray
- Charles Drown Mower
- Edgar Ansel Mowrer
- Frank Roger Mowrer
- Paul Scott Mowrer
- Blanche Swett Mowry
- Ross Rutledge Mowry
- Charles Edward Moyer
- Gabriel Hocker Moyer
- James Ambrose Moyer
- James Henry Moyle
- Anthony Moultrie Muckenfuss
- Floyd Summer Muckey
- John Seiser Muckle
- Harvey Gilmer Mudd
- 1881 U.)
- Seeley Wintersmith Mudd
- May 24 U. S.A.
- Sydney E. Mudd
- Edmund Webster Mudge
- Isadore Gilbert Mudge
- Lewis Seymour Mudge
- Bruce D. Mudgett
- Adolph Mueller
- Edward Mueller
- Karl Anton Mueller
- John Charles Muerman
- Adolf Muhlmann
- Albert Charles Muh S E
- Charles Henry Muir
- Jere T. Muir
- John Muir
- Joseph Johnstone Muir
- James Fullarton Muirhead
- Arnold Mulder
- Peter J. Muldoon
- George Abraham Mulfin Qer
- Clarence Edward Mulford
- Walter Mulford
- Frank L. Mulholland
- William Mulholland
- Frederick William Mulkey
- George Fulmer Mull
- J. Harry Mull
- Charles J. Mullaly
- George Vincent Mullan
- James Mcelwane Mullan
- Arthur Francis Mullen
- James William Mullen
- William E. Mullen
- Rollin Clarke Mullenix
- George P. Muller
- U. Of Pa. M. D.
- Hermann Joseph Muller
- Adolfo Muller-Ury
- Mary B. Mullett
- Louis Christian Mullgardt
- Catharine A(Rcher) Mulligan
- Alfred Henry Mulliken
- Samuel Parsons Mulliken
- Edgar Young Mullins
- Isla May Mullens
- David Winfield Mulvane
- Charles Mumford
- Frederick Blackmar Mumford
- George Saltonstall Mumford
- Herbert Windsor Mumford
- John Kimberly Mumford
- Clarence Allen Mummart
- William Norris Mumper
- George William Mundelein
- William Bryce Mundie
- Ethel Frances Mundy
- Talbot Mundy
- William Nelson Mundy
- Dell H. Munger
- Thomas Charles Munger
- Dist. Judge U.S
- Leander Whitcomb Munhall
- Joseph Arnasa Munk
- John Pixley Munn
- Orson Desaix Munn
- Luis Munoz-Marin
- Annette Gardner Munro
- Dana Carleton Munro
- Robert Frater Munro
- Walter Lee Munro
- Wilfred Harold Munro
- William Bennett Munro
- Charles Edward Munroe
- Henry Smith Munroe
- Hersey Munroe
- James Phinney Munroe
- John Alexander Munroe
- Kirk Munroe
- Frank Munsell
- Frank Andrew Munsey
- Arley Munson
- Edward Lyman Munson
- Frank C. Munson
- Gorham B. Munson
- James Decker Munson
- James Eugene Munson
- John B. Munson
- John P. Munson
- Samuel Lyman Munson
- William Benjamin Munson
- Carl Leonard De Muralt
- Cornelius Daniel Murane
- Lucien Muratore
- Robert Charles Murchie
- Carl Murchison
- Claudius Temple Murchison
- Kenneth Mackenzie Murchison
- John Murdoch
- John Gormley Murdoch
- Charles Albert Murdock
- George John Murdock
- Harold Murdock
- Joseph Ballard Murdock
- Kenneth Ballard Murdock
- Victor Murdock
- Hopson Owen Murfee
- Walter Lee Murfee
- James Orin Murfin
- Charles Sumner Murkland
- Lemuel Herbert Murlin
- George Murnane
- Daniel Shuford Murph
- Albert Alexander Murphree
- Alfred J. Murphy
- Charles Joseph Murphy
- Daniel D. Murphy
- Dominic I. Murphy
- Donald Ridgway Murphy
- (Merle) Farmer Murphy
- Frank Murphy
- Fred Towsley Murphy
- George H. Murphy
- Hermann Dudley Murphy
- James Bumgardner Murphy
- James Edward Murphy
- James R. Murphy
- James Shields Murphy
- J Oseph Aloysius Charles Murphy
- Mabel Ansley Murphy
- Michael Thomas Murphy
- Robert Cushman Murphy
- Robert Daniel Murphy
- Samuel Silenus Murphy
- Thomas Dowler Murphy
- Thomas Edward Murphy
- William Larkin Murphy
- William Robert Murphy
- William Belton Murrah
- Arthur Murray
- Arthur T. Murray
- Augustus Taber Murray
- Charles Theodore Murray
- David Ambrose Murray
- Elizabeth Murray
- George Welwood Murray
- John Gardner Murray
- John Gregory Murray
- John Tucker Murray
- Lawrence O. Murray
- Nathaniel Carleton Murray
- Peter Murray
- Roy Irving Murray
- Samuel Murray
- Sidney Eugene Murray
- William Spencer Murray
[edit]- William Alphonso Murrill
- George Clarke Musgrave
- William Everett Musgrave
- Ovide Musin
- William Muss-Arnolt
- Nancy Musselman
- John Herr Musser
- Ellen Spencer Mussey
- Wilfred Pirt Mustard
- William James Mutch
- Claudia Muzio
- David Saville Muzzey
- Edmund John Myer
- Albert Cook Myers
- Barton Myers
- Burton Dorr Myers
- Charles Haven Myers
- Clifford R. Myers
- Clyde Hadley Myers
- Cortland (Roosa) Myers
- David Albert Myers
- David Jackson Duke Myers
- Dean Wentworth Myers
- Frank Martin Myers
- Garry Cleveland Myers
- George Boggan Myers
- George Edmund Myers
- Gustavus Myers
- Henry L. Myers
- Horwoodprettyman Myers
- Jerome Myers
- John Quincy Myers
- Johnston Myers
- Joseph Simmons Myers
- Lewis Edward Myers
- Louis Wescott Myers
- Myrl Scott Myers
- Philip Van Ness Myers
- Victor Caryl Myers
- Weldon Thomas Myers
- William Heyward Myers
- William Shields Myers
- William Starr Myers
- Abraham Myerson
- Arthur Beckwith Myrick
- Herbert Myrick
- Robert Kirkland Nabours
- Henry Francis Nachtrieb
- Thomas William Nadal
- Ira Alfred Nadeau
- Joseph Darwin Nagel
- James C. Nagle
- Frank Alvin Nagley
- James Nai Smith
- Frank Fielding Nal'Der
- Edward Julian Nally
- Marguerite Namara
- Charles Edward Nammack
- Walter Buckner Nance
- Frank Arthur Nankivell
- Romulo S. Naon
- George Moultrie Napier
- Frances Louise Nardin
- Arthur Nash
- Charles Ellwood Nash
- Charles Sumner Nash
- Charles W. Nash
- Edgar Smiley Nash
- Elliott E. Nash
- George Williston Nash
- John Henry Nash
- Luther Roberts Nash
- Lyman Junius Nash
- Mell Achilles Nash
- Philip Curtis Nash
- Albert John Nason
- Arthur Huntington Nason
- Frank Lewis Nason
- Albert Julius Nast
- Conde Nast
[edit]- Alfred Nathan
- Edgar Joshua Nathan
- Edward Isaac Nathan
- Georgo Jean Nathan
- Maud Nathan
- Robert Nathan
- Gilbert Owen Nations
- Mary Anderson De Navarro
- Anna Eliza Semans Nave
- Addison Wood Naylor
- Emmett Hay Naylor
- James Ball Naylor
- Roy Benton Naylor
- Wilson Samuel Naylor
- Pickens Neagle
- Herbert Vincent Neal
- James Henry Neal
- Robert Wilson Neal
- Thomas Neal
- M(Ervin) Gordon Neale
- Walter Neale
- Scott Nearing
- Frank Knowlton Nebeker
- Colin Neblett
- Charles Willis Needham
- James Carson Needham
- James George Needham
- Arthur Chase Needles
- John Lawton Neeley
- Charles Gracchus Neely
- Matthew Mansfield Neely
- Thomas Benjamin Neely
- George W. Neet
- Frank Howard Neff
- Joseph Seal. M.D. Neff
- Pat Morris Neff
- Silas S. Neff
- Fred Neher
- Victor Nehlig
- Henry Nehrlxng
- William Jonathan Neidig
- William Harold Neidlinger
- John Gneisenau Neihardt
- Matt Marshall Neil
- Samuel Graham Neil
- Samuel Graham Neiler
- Charles Patrick Neill
- Francis Neilson
- Jason Andrew Neilson
- Lewis Neilson
- Nellie Neilson
- Prof Os
- Thomas Hall Neilson
- Thomas Rundle Neilson
- William Allan Neilson
- William Lewis Nelms
- Adolphus P. Nelson
- Arthur E. Nelson
- Aven Nelson
- Benjamin F. Nelson
- Bertram Griffith Nelson
- C(Arl) Ferdinand Nelson
- Charles Alexander Nelson
- Clara Albertine Nelson
- Edward William Nelson
- Elnathan Kemper Nelson
- Frank Nelson
- Frank Howard Nelson
- George Francis Nelson
- J. Arthur Nelson
- John Edward Nelson
- John Mandt Nelson
- Martin Nelson
- Nels Christian Nelson
- Nelson O. Nelson
- Richard Henry Nelson
- Richard J. Nelson
- Robert W. Nelson
- Rufus Jerry Nelson
- Sofus Bertelson Nelson
- Wilbur Armistead Nelson
- William Lester Nelson
- Charles Francis Nesbit
- Harrison Nesbit
- Otis Burgess Nesbit
- Wilbur D(Ick) Nesbit
- Frank Wa.Tterson Nesbitt
- Agnes Nestor
- Ragnvald Anderson Nestos
- Jeremiah Neterer
- Edgar S Nethercut
- Olga (Isabel) Nethersole
- George Henry Nettleton
- Walter Nettleton
- Eugen Netjhaus
- Arnold John Robert Neumann
- F(Erdinand) Wight Neumann
- Henry Neumann
- David Neumark
- Juergen Ludwig Neve
- Edwin Lowe Neville
- Keith Neville
- Robert Henry Neville
- Wendell Cushing Neville
- William Coleman Nevils
- Arthur Finley Nevin
- George Balch Nevin
- Gordon Balch Nevin
- James Banks Nevin
- William Charming Nevin
- Allan Nevins
- Catherine Mclaen New
- Clarence Herbert New
- Harry Stewart New
- Robert Edward Lee Newberne
- Perry Newberry
- Truman Handy Newberry
- Willard Douglas Newbill
- W(Illiam) Romaine Newbold
- Harvey Ellsworth Newbranch
- Joseph Newburger
- Joseph Emanuel Newburger
- Ernest Henry Newcomb
- Ezra Newcomb
- Harry Turner Newcomb
- J Ames Francis Newcomb
- John Lloyd Newcomb
- Rexford Newcomb
- Frederick Charles Newcombe
- Henry Clay Newcomer
- Waldo Newcomer
- Charles Herbert Newell
- Edward Theodore Newell
- Frederick Haynes Newell
- Jaires W. Newell
- Lyman Churchill Newell
- Wilbur Charles Newell
- Wilmon Newell
- Adrian M. Newens
- Morris Newfield
- Charles Stedman Newhall
- Charles Watson Newhall
- Samuel Newhouse
- Newton Newkirk
- John Walter Newlean
- William Jesse Newlin
- Jesse Homer Newlon
- Albert Henry Newman
- Allen George Newman
- Carol Montgomery Newman
- E. M. Newman
- Edgar Douglas Newman
- Edwin A. Newman
- Frank R Newman
- Henry Parker Newman
- Herman Newman
- Horatio Hackett Newman
- Jacob Newman
- Jared Treman Newman
- John Grant Newman
- Oliver Peck Newman
- Stephen Morrell Newman
- Willie Betty Newman
- Marco Ross Newmark
- Maurice Harris Newmark
[edit]- Curtis Bishop Newsom
- John Flesher Newsom
- Alfred Edward Newton
- Alma Newton
- Byron Rufus Newton
- Charles Bertram Newton
- Charles Damon Newton
- Cleveland Alexander Newton
- Elbridge Ward Newton
- Mrs. F. H. Newton
- Isaac Burkett Newton
- James Thornwell Newton
- John Orville Newton
- Joseph Fort Newton
- Louie De Votie Newton
- Walter Hughes Newton
- Walter Russell Newton
- John Francis Neylan
- Clarence Adolph Ne Ymann
- Albert Parker Niblack
- Charles Wilson Nibley
- Leonard Blaine Nice
- Anna Nicholas
- William Evan Nicholl
- Rhoda Holmes Nicholls
- Samuel Jones Nicholls
- Thomas David Nicholls
- William Durrett Nicholls
- Charles Henry Nichols
- Charles Lemuel Nichols
- Claude Andrew Nichols
- Edward Leamington Nichols
- Edward Tattnall Nichols
- Edward West Nichols
- Egbert Ray Nichols
- Ernest Fox Nichols
- Floyd Bruce Nichols
- Frederick George Nichols
- George Elwood Nichols
- Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols
- Harry Peirce Nichols
- Henry Sargent Prentiss Nichols
- Herbert Nichols
- (Henry) Hobart Nichols
- J(Esse) Brooks Nichols
- Jesse Clyde Nichols
- John Benjamin Nichols
- John Treadwell Nichols
- Malcolm E. Nichols
- Robert Hastings Nichols
- Shirley Hall Nichols
- Spencer Baird Nichols
- Walter Edmond Nichols
- Walter Hammond Nichols
- William Ford Nichols
- William Henry Nichols
- William Theophilus Nichols
- William Wallace Nichols
- Edward Everett Nicholson
- Frank Lee Nicholson
- Henry Hudson Nicholson
- James William Nicholson
- John Frederick Nicholson
- John Reed Nicholson
- Leonard Kimball Nicholson
- Meredith Nicholson
- Reginald Fairfax Nicholson
- Samuel Edgar Nicholson
- Samuel M. Nicholson
- Seth Barnes Nicholson
- Soterios Nicholson
- Thomas Nicholson
- Watson Nicholson
- William Jones Nicholson
- J. Leroy Nickel
- Hoffman Nickerson
- Alexander R. Nicol
- Charles Edgar Nicol
- George Frederick Nicolassen
- Helen Nicola Y
- De Lancey Nicoll
- Matthias Nicoll
- Frank Walter Nicolson
- H(Elmut) Richard Niebuhr
- Reinhold Niebuhr
- George W. Niedringhaus
- Thomas Key Niedringhaus
- Charles Henry Niehaus
- Regina Armstrong Niehaus
- John P. Nields
- Alice Nielsen
- Fred Kenelm Nielsen
- Orsen Norman Nielsen
- Minnie Jean Nielson
- Lucius W. Nieman
- John Henry Niemeyer
- Henry Christoph Niese
- Homer E. Niesz
- Julius Arthur Nieuwland
- John Joseph Nilan
- Alfred Salem Niles
- Blair (Mrs. Robert L. Niles Niles
- George Mccallum Niles
- Henry Carpenter Niles
- Nathan Eric Niles
- Walter Lindsay Niles
- William White Niles
- Hjalmar Nilsson
- Victor Nilsson
- George Croll Nimmons
- Harry Dwight Nims
- Edward Summerfield Ninde
- Francis Eugene Nipher
- James Douglas Nisbet
- Robert Hogg Nisbet
- Harry Nissen
- Ludwig Nissen
- William Albert Nitze
- Elsa Koenig Nitzsche
- George E. Nitzsche
- William Niven
[edit]- Charles Elston Nixon
- George Felton Nixon
- Lewis Nixon
- Paul Nixon
- Samuel F. Nixon
- Ernestine Noa
- Alden Charles Noble
- Annette Lucile Noble
- Charles Noble
- Charles Franklin Noble
- Charles P. Noble
- Edmund Noble
- Eugene Allen Noble
- George Lawrence Noble
- John Noble
- Lucretia Gray Noble
- Marcus Cicero Stephens Noble
- Robert Ernest Noble
- Robert Houston Noble
- Thomas Tertius Noble
- W(Illiam) Clark Noble
- William Lincoln Noble
- Milton Nobles
- Adolf Carl Noe
- James Thomas Cotton Noe
- Jakob Emil Noeggerath
- Edmund Favor Noel
- F(Rancis) Regis Noel
- Joseph Roberts Noel
- Hugh Godwin Noffsinger
- Hideyo Noguchi
- Dennis Edward Nolan
- Mae Ella Nolan
- Preston M(Eredith) Nolan
- Thomas Nolan
- Lloyd Noland
- John Nolen
- Arthur Howard Noll
- John Francis Noll
- Gerard Scholte Nollen
- Henry Scholte Nollen
- John Scholte Nollen
- Louis Gustavus Nolte
- Harold Adin Nomer
- Robert Hodgson Nones
- Herbert C. Noonan
- William T. Noonan
- Peter Norbeck
- Frank Parsons Norbury
- Frank Herbert Norcross
- Grenville Howland Norcross
- Theodore White Norcross
- Brtiho Victor Nordberg
- Jorgen Nordby
- Philip Augustus Nordell
- Charles Bernard Nordhoff
- Olaf Morgan Norlie
- George Norlin
- Charles Gilman Norris
- Ernest Eden Norris
- George Washington Norris
- George William Norris
- George William Norris
- Harry Waldo Norris
- Henry Norris
- Henry Hutchinson Norris
- Henry Mccoy Norris
- James Flack Norris
- Kathleen Norris
- Richard Cooper Norris
- Walter Blake Norris
- William Norris
- Cecil Clare North
- Charles Edward North
- Emmett Pipkin North
- Francis Reid North
- Frank Mason North
- Isaac Franklin North
- Simon Newton Dexter North
- Solomon Taylor North
- Stafford Mantle Northcote
- Elliott Northcott
- Mary Harrod Northend
- George Norton Northrop
- Edwin Fitch Northrup
- Elliott Judd Northrup
- William Perry Northrup
- Clark Sutherland Northup
- George Tyler Northup
- William Guile Northup
- Arthur Henry Norton
- Charles Ladd Norton
- David Z. Norton
- Edwin Clarence Norton
- Eliot Norton
- Eugene Levering Norton
- Frederick Owen Norton
- George Washington Norton
- Grace Norton
- Grace Fallow Norton
- Harold Percival Norton
- James Norton
- J(Ohn) Pease Norton
- Mary Teresa Norton
- Miner Gibbs Norton
- Patrick Daniel Norton
- Roy Norton
- Stephen Alison Norton
- Thomas Herbert Norton
- Dec. 27 N.Y
- Thomas James Norton
- William Bernard Norton
- William Harmon Norton
- William John Norton
- Albert Dexter Nortoni
- Theophilus Lincoln Norval
- Saunders Norvell
- Charles Joseph Norwood
- Edwin P. Norwood
- John Nelson Norwood
- John Wilkins Norwood
- Robert Norwood
- Peter Elbert Nostrand
- Jonas O. Notestein
- Wallace Notestein
- William Lee Notestein
- William Frederick Notz
- Edward Everett Nourse
- Edwin Griswold Nourse
- Elizabeth Nourse
- Frank John Novak
- Frederick George Novy
- William Dudley Nowlin
- Frank (Wright) Noxon
- Alexander Dana Noyes
- Arthur Amos Noyes
- Carleton (Eldredge) Noyes
- Charles Rutherford Noyes
- Clara D. Noyes
- Edward Macarthur Noyes
- Frank Brett Noyes
- Frederick Bogue Noyes
- Frederick Brooks Noyes
- George Rapall Noyes
- Guy Lincoln Noyes
- Harry Alfred Noyes
- Irving George Noyes
- James Atkins Noyes
- Marion Ingalls Noyes
- Pierrepont Burt Noyes
- Theodore Williams Noyes
- Walter Chadwick Noyes
- William Albert Noyes
- Joseph Henry Nuelle
- John Louis Nuelsen
- William L. Noessle
- Daniel Cline Nugent
- Johnp. Nugent
- Paul Cook Nugent
[edit]- Louis Mccoy Nulton
- Clement Singleton Nunn
- Paul N. Nunn
- Jesse Logan Nusbaum
- Paul Joseph Nussbaum
- J Oseph Randolph Nutt
- George Henry Falkiner Nuttall
- Leonard John Nuttall
- Zelia Nuttall
- Charles Cleveland Nutting
- George Edward Nutting
- Herbert Chester Nutting
- John Danforth Nutting
- H. N.
- Perley Gilman Nutting
- Wallace Nutting
- Josef Pierre Nuyttens
- Sidney Lauer Nyburg
- James Archibald Nydegger
- 1912 U.S.P.H.S.
- Arthur Wickes Nye
- Illuminating Engring. Soc. A.A.A.S.
- Frank Mellen Nye
- Gerald P. Nye
- Irene Nye
- Reuben Lovell Nye
- Wallace George Nye
- Ward Higley Nye
- Paul Henry Ny Strom
- Reuben Edson Nyswander
- Frederick Warren Oakes
- George Washington Ochs Oakes
- Herbert Walter Oakes
- P. Davis Oakey
- Imogen Brashear Oakley
- Thornton Oakley
- Violet Oakley
- Charles Walter Obee
- Henry Kulp Ober
- Sarah Endicott Ober
- Emil Oberhoffer
- Harry Church Oberholser
- Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer
- Sara Louisa Oberholtzer
- Francis Joseph O’Boyle
- John Lord O'Brian
- Edward Charles O'Brien
- Edward Francis O'Brien
- Eugene O’Brien
- Francis Paul Obrien
- Frank Michael O’Brien
- Frederick O’Brien
- Howard Vincent O’Brien
- James H. O’Brien
- James P. O’Brien
- John P. O’Brien
- Mrs. Joseph O’Brien
- Morgan Joseph O’Brien
- Patrick Henry O’Brien
- Robert Lincoln O’Brien
- Seumas O’Brien
- Thomas Dillon O’Brien
- Thomas Henry O’Brien
- Thomas James O’Brien
- William Austin O’Brien
- David O’Brine
- Peter Joseph O’Callaghan
- Adolph S. Ochs
- George Washington Ochs
- Milton Barlow • 6. Cincinnati Ochs
- Albert John Ochsner
- Edward H. Ochsner
- Leonard Ochtmann
- John Augustus Ockerson
- David Joseph O'Connell
- Dennis Joseph O'Connell
- James O'Connell
- Jeremiah Edward O'Connell
- John Joseph O'Connell
- Joseph Francis O'Connell
- Marjorie O'Connell
- Maurice D. O'Connell
- William Henry O'Connell
- William Henry O'Connell
- Andrew O'Connor
- Effie Scott O'Connor
- Evangeline M. O'Connor
- Frank Aloysius O'Connor
- James O'Connor
- John Joseph O'Connor
- John Joseph O'Connor
- J(Ohn) Robert O'Connor
- John Francis Xavier O'Conor
- Norreys Jephson O'Conor
[edit]- Tasker Lowndes Oddie
- Edward John O’Dea
- Arthur Lee Odell
- Benjamin Barker Odell
- Daniel Ingalls Odell
- Frank Glenn Odell
- George Clinton Densmore Odell
- George Edward O’Dell
- George Thomas Odell
- Joseph Henry Odell
- Paul Edwin Odell
- William Robert Odell
- Willis Patterson Odell
- Willmot Mitchell Odell
- Frederick Louis Odenbach
- Arthur Fuller Odlin
- Michael J. O’Doherty
- Charles Leo O’Donnell
- Thomas Jefferson O’Donnell
- Charles O’ Donovan
- Felix Von Oefele
- Leo Oehmler
- Marie Conway Oemler
- Hanns Oertel
- Horst Oertel
- William Oeschger
- Henry F. Offermann
- Cleland Nelson Offley
- Thiemann Scott Offutt
- Hal O’Flaherty
- William Fielding Ogburn
- Charles Franklin Ogden
- Dunbar Hunt Ogden
- George Dickie Ogden
- George Washington Ogden
- Henry Neely Ogden
- Herschel Coombs Ogden
- James Matlock Ogden
- Robert Morris Ogden
- Rollo Ogden
- Frederic Austin Ogg
- Remsen Brinckerhoff Ogilby
- Episcopal Theol. Sch. B. D.
- Clarence Cooper Ogilvie
- Walter Ellsworth Ogilvie
- Marbury Bladen Ogle
- Woodson Ratcliffe Oglesby
- James A. O' Gorman
- James Michael O’Gorman
- Thomas O’Hagan
- Frank Trimble O’ Hair
- Edward H. O’Hara
- Frank O’Hara
- Frank Hurburt O’Hara
- Geoffrey O’Hara
- Cleophas Cisney O’ Harr A
- Charles A. O’Hern
- Harvey O’Higgins
- Jeremiah Franklin Ohl
- Gustavus Ohlinger
- Joseph Christian Ohlmacher
- Walter Collins O’Kane
- Thomas Washington O’Kelley
- Victor A. Olander
- John Callan O’Laughlin
- Enrique Olaya
- Michael B. Olbrich
- Benwilson Olcott
- Charles Sumner Olcott
- Eben Erskine Olcott
- Frances Jenkins Olcott
- Jacob Van Vechten Olcott
- William James Olcott
- William Morrow Knox Olcott
- William Tyler Olcott
- Arne Oldberg
- Fremont Older
- William Abbott Olbfather
[edit]- William Allen Oldfield
- G(Eorge) Ashton Oldham
- Lemuel E. Oldham
- William Fitzjames Oldham
- William K. Oldham
- George Daniel Olds
- Ransom Eli Olds
- Robert Edwin Olds
- Walter Olds
- Denis O’Leary
- John William O’Leary
- Thomas M. O’Leary
- Wesley Marion Oler
- Arvin Solomon Olin
- John Myers Olin
- Richard M. Olin
- Stephen Henry Olin
- Walter Herbert Olin
- Ivan Gregorewitch Olinsky
- Abner Chambers Oliphant
- Herman Oliphant
- Jose De Olivares
- Edgar William Olive
- Arthur L. Oliver
- Daniel Charles Oliver
- Edwin Austin Oliver
- Elmer Rogers Oliver
- Frank Oliver
- James Harrison Oliver
- Jean Nutting Oliver
- John Chadwick Oliver
- John William Oliver
- Joseph Doty Oliver
- Lunsford Errett Oliver
- Robert Shaw Oliver
- Thomas Edward Oliver
- William Bacon Oliver
- Stuart Olivier
- Henry Olle Sheimer
- Albert Ten Eyck Olmstead
- Florence Olmstead
- Everett Ward Olmsted
- Frederick Law Olmsted
- James Greeley Olmsted
- John Bartow Olmsted
- Millicent Olmsted
- Victor Hugo Olmsted
- William Beach Olmsted
- Richard Olney
- Warren Olney
- Archibald Ernest Olpp
- John Charles Olsen
- Edwin August Olson
- Adele E. (Mrs. Clarence Hogberg) E. W.
- Harry Olson
- Henry Philip Olson
- Julius Emil Olson
- Oscar Ludvig Olson
- Alexander Olsson
- Robert Olyphant
- John Patrick O’Mahoney
- Austin O’Malley
- Frank Ward O’Malley
- Henry O’Malley
- Joseph Wallace Oman
- Mark O’Meara
- Henry William O’Melveny
- George L(Eslie) Omwake
- Howard Rufus Omwake
- Adrian Holmes Onderdonk
- Frank Scovill Onderdonk
- Gilbert Onderdonk
- James O’Neal
- William Russell O’Neal
- Charles O'Neil
- John Francis O’Neil
- Joseph Henry O’Neil
- Patrick Henry O’Neil
- Edmond O’Neill
- Eugene M. O’Neill
- James Milton O’Neill
- Rose Cecil O’Neill
- William Henry Onken
- William Ophuls
- Eugene Lindsay Opie
- James Oppenheim
- Samuel Oppenheim
- Julius John Oppenheimer
- Frederick Burr Opper
- William Dana Orcutt
- Ola Johannessen Ordal
- Zakarias J. Ordal
- Albert Le Grand Ordean
- Samuel Hanson Ordway
- Thomas Ordway
- J. Rafael Oreamuno
- Edward Clay O’Rear
- Bernard Patrick O’Reilly
- Edward Synnott O’Reilly
- Gabriel Ambrose O’Reilly
- James O’Reilly
- James Thomas O’Reilly
- Mary Boyle O’Reilly
- Peter J. O’Reilly
- James Bradley Orman
- John Pinckney Orme
- Ebenezer Jolls Ormsbee
- Oliver Samuel Ormsby
- William Ridgely Orndorff
- Samuel Ornitz
- Leo Ornstein
- Lawrence James O’Rourke
- Carey Cassius Orr
- Charles Orr
- H(Iram) Winnett Orr
- James Washington Orr
- John Alvin Orr
- Joseph Kyle Orr
- Louis Thomas Orr
- William Orr
- George Alexander Orrok
- Charles Daniel Orth
- John Orth
- Arnold Edward Ortmann
- Anna B. Orton
- Edward Orton
- Samuel Torrey Orton
- William Allen Orton
- Ellis Lewis Orvis
- John F. O’Ryan
[edit]- Chase Salmon Osborn
- Edwin Faxon Osborn
- Erastus William Osborn
- Frederick Arthur Osborn
- H(Enry) Fairfield Osborn
- Henry Leslie Osborn
- Herbert Osborn
- Loran David Osborn
- Marvin Griffing Osborn
- Norris Galpin Osborn
- William Church Osborn
- William H. Osborn
- Edward William Osborne
- Frank Wellman Osborne
- George Abbott Osborne
- Grover Pease Osborne
- James Insley Osborne
- Johnball Osborne
- John E. Osborne
- Loyall Allen Osborne
- Lucy Eugenia Osborne
- Margherita Osborn Osborne
- Oliver Thomas Osborne
- Thomas Burr Osborne
- Thomas Mott Osborne
- William Hamilton Osborne
- Lloyd Osbourne
- Raymond Carroll Osburn
- Alfred Townsend Osgood
- Charles Grosvenor Osgood
- Farley Osgood
- George Laurie Osgood
- John Cleveland Osgood
- Robert Bayley Osgood
- Roy Clifton Osgood
- Wilfred Hudson Osgood
- William Fogg Osgood
- M. M. O’Shaughnessy
- Nelson O’Shaughnessy
- George Francis O’Shaunessy
- Michael Vincent O’Shea
- Shaemas O'Sheel
- John Milton Oskison
- I(Saac) Thornton Osmond
- Martha Ostenso
- John Edward Oster
- Hugo Osterhaus
- Martin Osterholm
- Edmund Osthaus
- James Adolph O Strand
- John Edwin Ostrander
- Bernhard Ostrolenk
- Henry Ostrom
- J Ohn O’ Sullivan
- Patrick Brett O’Sullivan
- Vincent O’Sullivan
- Juan Jose Osuna
- John Clyde Oswald
- Miguel Antonio Otero
- Alphonse Elmer Spencer Otis
- Arthur Sinton Otis
- Edward Osgood Otis
- Harrison Gray Otis
- Joseph Edward Otis
- Merrill E. Otis
- Philo Adams Otis
- William Augustus Otis
- Theobald Otjen
- William Joseph O’Toole
[edit]- Edward Amherst Ott
- George Ott
- William Pinkerton Ott
- Hugo Emil Otte
- John Edward Otterson
- Bernard John Otting
- John King Ottley
- Benjamin Otto
- Max Carl Otto
- Ladialus Michael Ottofy
- Louis Ottofy
- Maurice Agnus Oudin
- Richard Victor Oulahan
- Charles Fulton Oursler
- Richard Felton Outcault
- Alexander Ewing Outerbridge
- Eugene Harvey Outerbridge
- Samuel Ovenshine
- Chauncey Percival Overfield
- Lee Slater Overman
- Merflffloh A. S
- Arthur Warren Overmyer
- Areli Charles Overpeck
- Walter Henry Overs
- Harry Allen Overstreet
- James Whetstone Overstreet
- Frank Overton
- Grant (Martin) Overton
- James Bertram Overton
- Mary White Ovington
- Alfred Owen
- Allison Owen
- Mary Alicia Owen
- Ralph Domfeld Owen
- Robert Everett Owen
- Robert Latham Owen
- Stephen Walker Owen
- Thomas Henry Owen
- Walter Cecil Owen
- Wilber (Allen) Owen
- William Eishop Owen
- William Frazer Owen
- Clarence Julian Owens
- Robert Bowie Owens
- Alfred Owre
- Alvin Mansfield Owsley
- Wilberfoss George Owst
- G(Arfield) Bromley Oxnam
- Benjamin Alexander Oxnard
- Robert Oxnard
- Frederic Breading Oxtoby
- William Henry Oxtoby
- James F. Oyster
- Edward Aloysius Pace
- Homer St. Clair Pace
- Jerome Grant Pace
- Walter Pach
- Vladimir De Pachmann
- Arthur Newton Pack
- Charles Lathrop Pack
- Frederick James Pack
[edit]- Alton Packard
- Burdett Aden Packard
- Charles Stuart Wood Packard
- Earl Leroy Packard
- Francis Randolph Packard
- Frank Lucius Packard
- George Arthur Packard
- George Byron Packard
- Horace Packard
- James Ward Packard
- Joseph Packard
- Winthrop Packard
- Francis Herman Packer
- Paul C. Packer
- Robert Lewis Paddock
- Wendell Paddock
- Frank William Padelford
- Frederick Morgan Padelford
- Silas Catching Padelford
- William Mitchel Paden
- Ignace Jan Paderewski
- Frederick Warde Padgett
- Bashka Paeff
- Louis John Paetow
- Oliver Elwood Pagan
- Alfred Rider Page
- Arthur Wilson Page
- Carroll Smalley Page
- Charles Page
- Charles Edward Page
- Curtis Hidden. Page
- Elizabeth Fry Page
- Frederick Harlan Page
- George T. Page
- Henry Page
- Henry Page
- Herman Page
- James Page
- James Morris Page
- Kirby Page
- Leigh Page
- Lewis Coues Page
- Marie Danforth Page
- Nathaniel Clifford Page
- Robert Newton Page
- Thomas Walker Page
- Walter Gilman Page
- William Herbert Page
- William Nelson Page
- William Tyler Page
- Edwin William Pahlow
- Calvin D. Paige
- Sidney Paige
- Albert Bigelow Paine
- Ellery Burton Paine
- Henry Gallup Paine
- Howard Simmons Paine
- N(Athaniel) Emmons Paine
- Paul Mayo Paine
- Ralph Delahaye Paine
- Robert Findlay Paine
- Robert Treat Paine
- Robert Treat Paine
- Rowlett Paine
- William Alfred Paine
- Willis Seaver Paine
- Charles Fairbank Painter
- Henry Mcmahon Painter
- Charles Palache
- Conde Benoist Pallen
- Agnes Lizzie Palmer
- Albert Wentworth Palmer
- A(Lexander) Mitchell Palmer
- Andrew Henry Palmer
- A(Rchie) Emerson Palmer
- Aulick Palmer
- Bradley Webster Palmer
- Charles Skeele Palmer
- Chase Palmer
- Claude Irwin Palmer
- Cornelius Solomon Palmer
- David J. Palmer
- Edgar Palmer
- Ely Eliot Palmer
- E(Phraim) Laurence Palmer
- Ezra W. Palmer
- Francis Leseure Palmer
- Frank Herbert Palmer
- Frank Nelson Palmer
- Frederic Palmer
- Frederic Palmer
- Frederick Palmer
- Frederick Palmer
- George Herbert Palmer
- George Washington Palmer
- Howard Palmer
- Irving Allston Palmer
- Leslie Richard I Palmer
- John Mcauley Palmer
- Leigh Carlyle Palmer
- Leroy Sheldon Palmer
- Loren Palmer
- Lucia A. Palmer
- Mary Bell Palmer
- Pauline Palmer
- Potter Palmer
- Mrs. Raymond Palmer
- Samuel Sterling Palmer
- Theodore Sherman Palmer
- Thomas Waverly Palmer
- Thomas Waverly Palmer
- Truman Garrett Palmer
- Walter Launt Palmer
- Warren Sherman Palmer
- William Pendleton Palmer
- Frederick Palme Y
- Victor Hugo P Alt Sits
- Max Pam
[edit]- Louis Hermann Pammel
- Stephen Panaretoff
- Henry Khunrath Pancoast
- Henry Spackman Pancoast
- Frederic Werden Pangborn
- Georgia Wood Pangborn
- Eltore Panizza
- Otto Herman Pannkoke
- Concordia Coll. B. A.
- Constantine Maria Panunzio
- Eric Pape
- Charles Alfred Paquette
- Samuel Savil Paquin
- Frank Ilsley Paradise
- Swami Paramananda
- John Ira Parcel
- Arthur Mccay Pardee
- George Cooper Pardee
- Israel Platt Pardee
- James Thomas Pardee
- Felipe Pardo
- Frederick William Parham
- Auguste Jean Paris
- William Francklyn Paris
- John Carl Parish
- Charles Caldwell Park
- Charles Edwards Park
- Charles Francis Park
- Frank Park
- J(Ohn) Edgar Park
- Julian Park
- Lawrence Park
- Marion Edwards Park
- Mary Isabel Park
- Maud Wood Park
- Robert Emory Park
- Robert Ezra Park
- William Hallock Park
- P.
- William Lee Park
- A. Warner Parker
- Alexi3 Du Pont Parker
- 1882 M. A.
- Alton Brooks Parker
- Amasa Junius Parker
- Charles Barnsdall Parker
- Charles Wolcott Parker
- Chauncey David Parker
- Chauncey Goodrich Parker
- Clarence P(Rentice) Parker
- Cornelia Stratton Parker
- Daingerfield Parker
- Dewitt Henry Parker
- Dorothy Rothschild Parker
- Edith Putnam Parker
- Edward Frost Parker
- Edward Melville Parker
- Edward Sanders Parker
- Edward Wheeler Parker
- Edwin B. Parker
- Emmett Newton Parker
- Fitzgerald Sale Parker
- Frances Parker
- Francis Hubert Parker
- Francia Lejau Parker
- Frank Parker
- Frank Wilson Parker
- Franklin Nutting Parker
- George Albert Parker
- George Amos Parker
- George Frederick Parker
- 144th St. Office: 20 Broad St. W
- George Howard Parker
- Henry Taylor Parker
- Herbert Parker
- Herschel Clifford Parker
- Horatio Newton Parker
- James Parker
- James Southworth Parker
- John Henry Parker
- John Johnston Parker
- John Milliken Parker
- Junius Parker
- Lawton S. Parker
- Lewis Waxdlaw Parker
- Lottie Blair Parker
- Myron Melvin Parker
- Samuel Chester Parker
- Torrance : B. Richmond Parker
- William Edward Parker
- William Stanley Parker
- Willis Allen Parker
- Charles Herbert Parkes
- Charles Breckinridge Parkhill
- James William Park Hill
- Charles Henry Parkhurst
- Frederic Augustus Parkhurst
- John Adelbert Parkhurst
- Lewis Parkhurst
- Almon Ernest Parkins
- John Barber Parkinson
- Robert Henry Parkinson
- Thomas Ignatius Parkinson
- Henry Parkman
- Charles Wellman Parks
- Edward Lamay Parks
- George Alexander Parks
- Henry Martin Parks
- Leighton Parks
- Marvin Mctyeire Parks
- Samuel Conant Parks
- Tilman Bacon Parks
- Wythe Marchant Pares
- Ralph Parlette
- Frankedson Parlin
- Kathleen Parlow
- Cullen Warner Parmelee
- Howard Coon Parmelee
- Maurice Parmelee
- Charles Sylvester Parmenter
- Charles Winfield Parmenter
- Frederick James Parmenter
- George Freeman Parmenter
- Joseph William Parmley
- Samuel Wilson Parr
- Thomas Parran
- Albert Garrett Parrish
- Anne Parrish
- Clara Weaver Parrish
- Karl Calvin Parrish
- Maxfield Parrish
- Stephen Parrish
- De Witt Parshall
- Hubert Templeton Parson
- Albert Ross Parsons
- Alice Knight Parsons
- Andrew Clarkson Parsons
- Azariah Worthington Parsons
- Charles Francis Parsons
- Charles Lathrop Parsons
- Edward Lambe Parsons
- Edward Smith Parsons
- Ernest William Parsons
- Eugene Parsons
- Frank Alvah Parsons
- Frank Nesmith Parsons
- Harry Deberkeley Parsons
- Herbert Parsons
- Mrs. Herbert Parsons
- Marion Randall Parsons
- Payn Bigelow Parsons
- Philip Archibald Parsons
- Richard Parsons
- Robert Stevens Parsons
- William Barclay Parsons
- William Edward Parsons
- William Wood Parsons
- Willis Edwards Parsons
- Frederick Eugene Partington
- William Dempsey Partlow
- Winnie Leroy Partner
- Ernest Par.Ton
- Edward Lasell Partridge
- Frank Charles Partridge
- George Everett Partridge
- John Slater Partridge
- Roi Partridge
- Sidney Catlin Partridge
- William Ordway Partridge
- Franklin Cressey Paschal
- Henry Bickford Pasmore
- Ellis Pusey Passmore
- Lincoln K. Passmore
- Edith Marion Patch
- Howard Rollin Patch
- Frank Glines Patchin
- Walter Romny Pate
- James Venn Paterson
- Haig Patigian
- James Morton Paton
- Lewis Bayles Paton
- Stewart Paton
- Thomas Bugard Paton
- Angelo Patri
- George Thomas White Patrick
- Hugh Talbot Patrick
- Mary Mills Patrick
- Mason Mathews Patrick
- Fred Lewis Pattee
- Amos Williams Patten
- George Yeager Patten
- Helen Philbrook Patten
- James A. Patten
- James Horace Patten
- Thomas Gedney Patten
- William Patten
- William Patten
- Zeboim Charles Patten
- Ada Patterson
- Alvah Worrell Patterson
- Andrew Henry Patterson
- Catherine Norris Patterson
- Ernest Odell Patterson
- Flora Wambaugh Patterson
- Francis F. Patterson
- Frank Miner Patterson
- Frederick Beck Patterson
- Gaylaxd Hawkins Patterson
- George Stuart Patterson
- George Washington Patterson
- Graham Creighton Patterson
- Grove Hiram Patterson
- Harry Jacob Patterson
- Herbert Patterson
- James Albert Patterson
- James Lawson Patterson
- John Fulton Patterson
- John Letcher Patterson
- John Thomas Patterson
- Joseph Mcdowell Patterson
- Pulte Med. Coll. M. D.
- J(Oseph) Medill Patterson
- Lamar Gray Patterson
- Lemuel B. Patterson
- Malcolm Rice Patterson
- Marjorie Patterson
- Paul Chenery Patterson
- Roscoe Conkling Patterson
- Ross Vernet Patterson
- Samuel Patterson
- Shirley Gale Patterson
- Thomas Patterson
- Walter Kennedy Patterson
- William Brown Patterson
- William Morrison Patterson
- William R. Patterson
- Wright A. Patterson
- S(Usanna) Louise Patteson
- Nathan Allen Pattillo
- Harold Pattison
- John Pattison
- John R. Pattison
- Lee Marion Pattison
- Salem Griswold Pattison
- William J. Pattison
- Charles E. Patton
- Cornelius Howard Patton
- Francis Landey Patton
- Horace Bushnell Patton
- John Shelton Patton
- J Oseph Mcintyre Patton
- Katharine Patton
- Kenneth Stuart Patton
- Raymond Stanton Patton
- Robert Howard Patton
- J. P.
- Walter Melville Patton
- Willard Patton
- William Augustus Patton
- George Pattttllo
- Charles Ho Ward Paul
- Charles Thomas Paul
- Elliot Harold Paul
- George Philip Paul
- Henry Martyri Pahl
- John Haywood Paul
- John Rodman Paul
- Sarah Woodman Paul
- Willard Augustus Paul
- Charles Cook Paulding
- Ben Sandford Paulen
- W. H. Paulhamus
- Charles Oscar Patjllin
- Francis Petrus Paulus
- Ante Tresich Pavichich
- Irene Pavloska
- Frederic John Paxon
- Frederic Logan Paxson
[edit]- John Gallatin Paxton
- Joseph Francis Paxton
- William Mcgregor Paxton
- Bruce Ryburn Payne
- Byron Samuel Payne
- Charles Albert Payne
- Charles Rockwell Payne
- Christopher H. Payne
- Edgar Alwin Payne
- Elizabeth Stancy Payne
- E(Noch) George Payne
- F(Anny) Ursula Payne
- Fernandus Payne
- George Henry Payne
- Jason Elihu Payne
- Leonidas Warren Payne
- Nathan Beers Payne
- Phiup Payne
- Wiu Payne
- William Wallace Payne
- Edward Saxton Payson
- Eliot Robertson Payson
- Franklin Conant Payson
- William Farquhar Payson
- Arthur Peabody
- Augustus Stephen Peabody
- Cecil Hobart Peabody
- Charles Peabody
- Charles Augustus Peabody
- Endicott Peabody
- Francis Greenwood Peabody
- Francis Weld Peabody
- Frederick Forrest Peabody
- George Foster Peabody
- Helen Sophia Peabody
- Mrs. Henry W. Peabody
- Robert Westly Peach
- Dred Peacock
- Joseph Leishman Peacock
- Hervey B. Peairs
- Elmore Elliott Peake
- Rembrandt Peale
- Haywood Jefferson Pearce
- J(Ames) Newton Pearce
- Mcleod Milligan Pearce
- Richard Mills Pearce
- William Pearce
- William Cliff Pearce
- Raymond Pearl
- Hyman Pearlstone
- Sumner Bass Pearmain
- Benjamin Simon Pearsall
- Carroll Gardner Pearse
- Langdon Pearse
- Alfred John Pearson
- Arthur Emmons Pearson
- Edmund Lester Pearson
- Edward Jones Pearson
- Frank Bail Pearson
- Henry Carr Pearson
- Henry Clemens Pearson
- James John Pearson
- Joseph Thurman Pearson
- Matthew Edgar Pearson
- Peter Henry Pearson
- Ralph M. Pearson
- Raymond Allen Pearson
- T(Homas) Gilbert Pearson
- Walter Washington Pearson
- William Alexander Pearson
- William Lazarus Pearson
- Josephine Diebitsch Peary
- Arthur Stanley Pease
- Charles Giffin Pease
- Ernest Mondell Pease
- Francis Gladheim Pease
- 1924 M. S.
- Theodore Calvin Pease
- Amos Jenkins Peaslee
- Robert James Peaslee
- Sept. 23 N. H.
- Elia Wilkinson Peattie
- Robert (Burns) Peattie
- Hubert Haskell Peave Y
- Austin Peay
- James Pech
- Edmund Cash Pechin
- Louis Augustus Pechstein
- Annie Smith Peck
- Charles Horton Peck
- Charles Howard Peck
- Epaphroditus Peck
- Frederick Burritt Peck
- George Bacheler Peck
- George Clarke Peck
- George Lyman Peck
- George Wesley Peck
- Harriet R. Peck
- Herbert Massey Peck
- John Sedgwick Peck
- John Weld Peck
- Morton Eaton Peck
- Paul Frederick Peck
- Samuel Mintum Peck
- Staunton Bloodgood Peck
- Theodora Agnes Peck
- Thomas Charles Peck
- William Thane Peck
- Willys Ruggies Peck
- Frank Edwin Peckham
- John J(Udah) Peckham
- Orviue Peckham
- William Gibbs Peckham
- Edward Andrew Peden
[edit]- Victor Cox Pedersen
- Armando Pedrini
- George Nelson Peek
- William Lawson Peel
- Robert Peele
- Stanton Judkins Peelle
- Thomas H. Peeples
- George Campbell Peery
- John Carnahan Peery
- Rufus Benton Peery
- Elizabeth Peet
- Lyman Plimpton Peet
- William Peet
- William Wheelock Peet
- Westbrook Pegler
- George Braxton Pegram
- George Herndon Pegram
- Robert Baker Pegram
- Albert Shipp Pegues
- Arthur Winslow Peirce
- George James Peirce
- Harold Peirce
- John Peirce
- M(Elusina) Fay Peirce
- Paul Skeels Peirce
- Thomas Mitchell Peirce
- William Henry Peirce
- Ernest Clifford Peixotto
- Jessica Blanche Peixotto
- Sidney Salzado Peixotto
- Edward Leigh Pell
- George Pierce Pell
- Herbert Claiborne Pell
- Robert Paine Pell
- Frank Chapman Pellett
- Giuseppe Mario Pellettieri
- Charles Ernest Pellew
- John Jeremiah Pelley
- William Dudley Pelley
- William Nelson Pelouze
- Fred Paul Pelter
- Mabell Shippie Clarke Pelton
- Roger Trowbridge Pelton
- Brock Pemberton
- Raymond Woodbury Pence
- William David Pence
- Harold Pender
- Hugh Pendexter
- Charles Sutphin Pendleton
- Ellen Fitz Pendleton
- Francis Key Pendleton
- Joseph Henry Pendleton
- Louis (Beauregard) Pendleton
- William Gibson Pendleton
- Edward Penfield
- Smith Newell Penfield
- Walter Scott Penfield
- Wilder Graves Penfield
- William Hitt Penhallegon
- Dunlap Pearce Penhallow
- Daniel Allen Penick
- Edwin Anderson Penick
- John Simpson Penman
- Arthur A. Penn
- I(Rvine) Garland Penn
- Julius Augustus Penn
- Joseph Pennell
- Walter Otis Pennell
- James Pennewill
- Simeon Selby Pennewill
- Charles George Penney
- James Cash Penney
- Mark Embury Penney
- Thomas Penney
- James Hosmer Penniman
- Josiah Harmar Penniman
- Edmund Pennington
- Jeanne Gillespie Pennington
- J(Ohn) Rawson Pennington
- Levi Talbot Pennington
- Mary Engle Pennin Gton
- Gilbert Lee Pennock
- Charles Huntington Pennoyer
- George Barlow Penny
- Henry Pennypacker
- Isaac Rusling Pennypacker
- Charles Penrose
- Charles Bingham Penrose
- Charles William Penrose
- Spencer Penrose
[edit]- Christian Joy Peoples
- Richard Grier Peoples
- Edward Henry Peple
- Charles Hovey Pepper
- Charles Melville Pepper
- George Hubbard Pepper
- George Wharton Pepper
- John Robertson Pepper
- William Pepper
- W(Alter) Leon Pepperman
- Charles William Peppler
- Mary Boland Pequignot
- Victor Semon Perard
- Frederick Bosworth Percy
- Leroy Percy
- William Alexander Percy
- Charles Pergler
- Charles Page Perin
- Florence Hobart Perin
- Flora Perini
- Ell Wood Chappell Perisho
- Ismar John Peritz
- Albert Thompson Perkins
- Charles Albert Perkins
- Charles Albert Perkins
- Charles Edwin Perkins
- Charles Elliott Perkins
- Dwight Heald Perkins
- Elisha Henry Perkins
- Frances Perkins
- Frank Walley Perkins
- Frederic Williams Perkins
- Frederick Perkins
- Frederick Orville Perkins
- George Henry Perkins
- Henry Augustus Perkins
- Henry Farnham Perkins
- Herbert Farrington Perkins
- James Handasyd Perkins
- Jamas Mcdaniel Perkins
- Janet Russell Perkins
- John Carroll Perkins
- Kenneth Perkins
- Lucy Fitch Perkins
- Mahlon Fay Perkins
- Randolph Perkins
- Robert Patterson Perkins
- Roger Griswold Perkins
- S. Albert Perkins
- Thomas Nelson Perkins
- (David) Walton Perkins
- Kirtland Irving Perky
[edit]- George Halsey Perley
- Sidney Perley
- Nathan D. Perlman
- Robert Permar
- Frank Alvord Perret
- James Perrigo
- John Perrin
- John William Perrin
- Marshall Livingston Perrin
- Willard Taylor Perrin
- Charles Dillon Perrine
- Irvins' Perrine
- Van Dearing Perrine
- Albertus Perry
- Antonio Perry
- Arthur Perry
- Arthur Cecil Perry
- Barbour Perry
- Bliss Perry
- Charles Perry
- Edward Baxter Perry
- Edward Delavan Perry
- Ernest James Perry
- Everett Robbins Perry
- George Hough Perry
- Hector H. Perry
- James Clifford Perry
- James De Wolf Perry
- James De Wolf Perry
- John Holliday Perry
- John Hoyt Perry
- John Morris Perry
- Lawrence Perry
- Lewis Perry
- Lilia Cabot Perry
- Louis Clausiel Perry
- Marsden Jasiel Perry
- Oscar Butler Perry
- Ralph Barton Perry
- Richard Ross Perry
- Roland Hinton Perry
- Stella George Stern Perry
- Stuart Hoffman Perry
- Thomas Sergeant Perry
- Walter Scott Perry
- Howell Terry Pershing
- James Hammond Pershing
- John Joseph Pershing
- Harlow Stafford Person
- Frederick Torrel Persons
- Warren Milton Persons
- William Frank Persons
[edit]- Walton Peteet
- Alfred Meredith Peter
- Luther Crouse Peter
- Marc Peter
- Philip Adam Peter
- William Wesley Peter
- Andrew James Peters
- Charles Clinton Peters
- Charles Rollo Peters
- Emil Cornelius Peters
- Harry Alfred Peters
- John Andrew Peters
- Le Roy Samuel Peters
- Lewis Edwin Peters
- Thomas Pollock Peters
- Thomas Willing Peters
- William John Peters
- Andrew N. Petersen
- Arthur Peterson
- Elmer George Peterson
- Frederick Peterson
- Henry John Peterson
- Jane Peterson
- John B. Peterson
- Joseph Peterson
- Maud Howard Peterson
- Olof August Peterson
- Reuben Peterson
- Roy Merle Peterson
- Carl Johan Petri
- George Petrie
- George Laurens Petrie
- Olga Petrova
- Alexander Petrunkevitch
- George Daniel Pettee
- Lemuel Gardner Pettee
- Heman Judson Pettengill
- Rodolphe C. Putter
- Augustus Herman Pettibone
- Frank G. Pettibone
- George Atwood Pettigrew
- Richard Franklin Pettigrew
- Frank Hervey Pettingell
- William Leroy Pettingill
- Clifford Robert Pettis
- Edison Pettit
- Erie Pettus
- A(Lonzo) Ray Petty
- C(Arl) Wallace Petty
- Marlen Edwin Pew
- George Ellsworth Pexton
- Francisco J. Peynado
- Frank Charles Peyraud
- Ethel R. Pe Y Ser
- Herbert F. Peyser
[edit]- Frederic Alfonso Pezet
- Franz Pfaff
- Orange Garrett Pfaff
- Carl Pfanstiehl
- Ernst Philip Pfatteicher
- Edward Pfeiffer
- Jacob Pfeiffer
- Oscar Joseph Pfeiffer
- Adolph O. Pfingst
- Frederick Pfotenhauer
- A. Herman Pfund
- Paul Stephens Phalen
- Clyde Pharr
- James Duval Phelan
- Michael Francis Phelan
- Warren Waverly Phelan
- Albert Charles Phelps
- Andrew Henry Phelps
- Washington C. A.
- Arthur Stevens Phelps
- Charles Edward Phelps
- Charles Henry Phelps
- Earle Bernard Phelps
- Edwin Philbrook Phelps
- Esmond Phelps
- Guy Fitch Phelps
- Helen Watson Phelps
- Isaac King Phelps
- James Ivey Phelps
- John Jay Phelps
- Lawrence Phelps
- Pauline Phelps
- Ruth Shepard Phelps
- Shelton Joseph Phelps
- Stephen Phelps
- William Henry Phelps
- William Lyon Phelps
- William Richard Phelps
- William Woodward Phelps
- Fred Wood Phifer
- Robert Smith Phifer
[edit]- Francis Samuel Philbrick
- Herbert Shaw Philbrick
- Warren Coffin Philbrook
- Hoffman Philip
- Julius Edward Philippi
- Carlin Philips
- Jesse Evans Philips
- William Pyle Philips
- David Philipson
- Joseph Martin Phillippi
- Alexander Hamilton Phillips
- Alfred Edward Phillips
- Arthur L. Phillips
- Asa Emory Phillips
- Charles Phillips
- Charles Henry Phillips
- Charles Leonard Phillips
- Daniel Edward Phillips
- Edgar John Phillips
- Everett Franklin Phillips
- Frank Mcginley Phillips
- Harry Irving Phillips
- Henry Albert Phillips
- Henry Wallace Phillips
- Herbert S. Phillips
- James David Phillips
- J(Ay) Campbell Phillips
- John Albert Phillips
- John Charles Phillips
- John Mcfarlane Phillips
- John Milton Phillips
- John Sanburn Phillips
- Leroy Phillips
- Michael James Phillips
- Nelson Phillips
- Orie Leon Phillips
- Paul Chrisler Phillips
- Percival Phillips
- Philip Lee Phillips
- Richard Harvey Phillips
- Richard Jones Phillips
- Thomas Wharton Phillips
- Tully Marshall Phillips
- Mrs. Tully Marshall Phillips
- Ulrich Bonnell Phillips
- Watson Lyman Phillips
- Wendell Christopher Phillips
- William Phillips
- William Fowke Ravenel Phillips
- William Irving Phillips
- Ze Barney Thorne Phillips
- Peter Willey Philpott
- Allan Bearden Philputt
- James M(Cbride) Philputt
- Bowdre Phinizy
- Frank Huntington Phipps
- Henry Phipps
- John Shaffer Phipps
- Lawrence Cowle Phipps
- Charles E. Phoenix
- Lloyd Phoenix
- Wilson Phraner
- Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
- Attilio Piccirilli
- Furio Piccirilli
- Greenleaf Whittier Pickard
- John Pickard
- William Lowndes Pickard
[edit]- Charles William Pickells
- Mary Brooks Picken
- James Madison Pickens
- Samuel O. Pickens
- William Pickens
- George Henry Pickerell
- Abner Pickering
- Loring Pickering
- William Alfred Pickering
- William Henry Pickering
- Charles E. Pickett
- E(Lbert) Deets Pickett
- La Salle Corbell (Mrs.) Pickett
- Louis Julien Picot
- John Bartholomew Gough Pidge
- Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon
- Franz August Otto Pieper
- Arthur Stanwood Pier
- Garrett Chatfleld Pier
- Anna Eloise Pierce
- Byron Root Pierce
- Claude Connor Pierce
- Clay Arthur Pierce
- Daniel Thompson Pierce
- Dante Melville Pierce
- Edward Lillie Pierce
- Edward Peter Pierce
- Francis Marshal Pierce
- Frank Pierce
- Frank Pierce
- George Washington Pierce
- Grace Adele Pierce
- H(Enry)Clay Pierce
- Henry Hill Pierce
- Jason Noble Pierce
- Joseph Hart Pierce
- Maurice Campbell Pierce
- Norval Harvey Pierce
- Oliver Willard Pierce
- Palmer Eddy Pierce
- Rice A. Pierce
- Robert Fletcher Young Pierce
- Roger Pierce
- Ulysses Grant Baker Pierce
- Walter Marcus Pierce
- William Hasson Pierce
- Winslow Shelby Pierce
- Joseph William Piercy
- James Pierpont
[edit]- George Francis Pierrot
- Alba Chambers Piersel
- George Arthur Piersol
- George Morris Piersol
- Charles Wheeler Pierson
- Delavan Leonard Pierson
- Johh Fred Pierson
- Lewis Eugene Pierson
- William Pierson
- William Whatley Pierson
- Adrian John Pieters
- Aleida Johanna Pieters
- Karl Pietsch
- Charles Piez
- William Trigg Pigott
- Ernst Frederick Pihlblad
- Antonius Piip
- Charles Burrall Pike
- Clayton Warren Pike
- F(Rank) H(Enry) Pike
- Harry Hale Pike
- Josph Brown Pike
- Armin Henry Pikler
- Carl Francis Pilat
- James Taft Pilcher
- Lewis Frederick Pilcher
- Lewis Stephen Pilcher
- Samuel Henry Piles
- Charles Winfield Pilgrim
- Charles Adrian Pillars
- Albert Enoch Pillsbury
- Alfred Fiske Pillsbury
- Charles Stinson Pillsbury
- Edwin S. Pillsbury
- Evans Searle Pillsbury
- Horace Davis Pillsbury
- John Sargent Pillsbury
- Rosecrans W. Pillsbury
- Walter Bowers Pillsbury
- Henry Augustus Pilsbry
- Maximilian Pilzer
- W(Illiam) Paul Pim
- Amos Richards Eno Pinchot
- Gifford Pinchot
- Xenophon Overton Pindall
- Henry Means Pin Dell
- William Bliss Pine
- Robert E. Pinkerton
- Roy David Pinkerton
- Dotha Stone Pinneo
- David Pen Ski
- William Washington Pinson
- Joseph Gabriel Pinten
- Rudolf Pintner
[edit]- Alva Sherman Pinto
- Charles Vancouver Piper
- Edgar Bramwell Piper
- Edwin Ford Piper
- Fred Leroy Piper
- Margaret Rebecca Piper
- Martin Luther Pipes
- Eugenio Di Pirani
- Emma Elizabeth Pirie
- James Speed Pirtle
- John Baptist Pitaval
- Herbert Frank Pitcher
- Robert Lucas Pitfield
- Wolcott H. Pitkin
- Frank Wesley Pitman
- John Pitman
- Norman Hinsdale Pitman
- John Oliver Halsted Pitney
- Mahlon Pitney
- Robert Healy Pitt
- Henri Francois Pittier
- Hannah Daviess Pittman
- Key Pittman
- Alexander Davidson Pitts
- Alexander White Pitzer
- Ira Adelbert Place
- Perley Oakland Place
- William L. Plack
- Frederick William Plaisted
- William Bertolette Plank
- Myra Goodwin Plantz
- Samuel Plantz
- Charles Platt
- Charles Platt
- Charles Adams Platt
- Edmund Platt
- Henry Russell Platt
- John Platt
- Samuel Platt
- William Popham Platt
- John Wesley Platten
- M(Arx) Warley Platzek
- Frank Lester Pleadwell
- Ruffin Golson Pleasant
- Carl Copping Plehn
- George Arthur Plimpton
- George Lincoln Plimpton
- George Taylor Plowman
- Adolph Pluemer
- Harry Grant Plum
- Charles Sumner Plumb
- Charles Albert Plumley
- Frank Plumley
- Charles Griffin Plummer
- Edward Clarence Plummer
- Edward Hinkley Plummer
- James Kemp Plummer
- Samuel C. Plummer
- William Alberto Plummer
- Charles Peshall Plunkett
- Charles T. Plunkett
- Almira George Plympton
- Clarence Poe
- Edgar Allan Poe
[edit]- George Poffenbarger
- Albert Theodore Poffenberger
- Willy (William Andrew) Pogany
- Joseph Ezekiel Pogue
- Augustus Grote Pohlman
- William Clark Poillon
- Joseph Boyd Poindexter
- Miles Poindexter
- Giorgio Polacco
- Victor Henry Polachek
- John Osborne Polar
- Walter Nicholas Polakov
- Orville Swett Poland
- William Carey Poland
- Albin Polasek
- Joseph Polcar
- Daniel Alfred Poling
- Albert Fawcett Polk
- Frank Lyon Polk
- Rudolph Polk
- Arthur Gayton Pollard
- Charles Louis Pollard
- Edward Bagby Pollard
- John Garland Pollard
- John William Hobbs Pollard
- Samuel Cleland Polley
- Sigmund Pollitzer
- William Pollman
- Benjamin Reathe Pollock
- Charming Pollock
- Charles Andrew Pollock
- Edwin Taylor Pollock
- Horatio Milo Pollock
- John C. Pollock
- Simon Oscar Pollock
- Thomas Cithcart Pollock
- Atlee Pomerene
- Daniel Eleazer Pomeroy
- Eltweed Pomeroy
- John Norton Pomeroy
- Ralph Brouwer Pomeroy
- Allen Bartlit Pond
- Charles Fremont Pond
- Francis Jones Pond
- Frederick Eugene Pond
- Irving Kane Pond
- James B(Urton) Pond
- Wilf Pocklington Pond
- Rosa Melba Ponselle
- David Willard Pontius
- David De Sola Pool
- Eugene Hillhouse Pool
- Leonidas Moore Pool
- Raymond John Pool
- Abram Poole
- Charles Augustus Poole
- Dewitt Clinton Poole
- Ernest Poole
- Franklin Osborne Poole
- Frederic Poole
- John Poole
- Murray Edward Poole
- Charles A. Poole Y
- Charles Lane Poor
- Charles Marshall Poor
- John Merrill Poor
- Ruel Whitcomb Poor
- Benjamin Andrew Poore
- Henry Rankin Poore
[edit]- Alexander Pope
- Amy Elizabeth Pope
- Arthur Upham Pope
- Edward Waldron Pope
- Frederick Pope
- Gustavus Debrille Pope
- Harold Linder Pope
- John Dawson Pope
- John Russell Pope
- Ralph Wainwright Pope
- Paul Popenoe
- (Frederick) Wilson Popenoe
- Conrad Herman Poppenhusen
- William Popper
- Belisario Porras
- Albert Porter
- A(Rthur) Kingsley Porter
- Arthur Le Moyne Porter
- Bruce Porter
- Charles Allen Porter
- Charlotte E. Porter
- Charlotte Williams Porter
- Claude R. Porter
- David Richard Porter
- Delia Lyman Porter
- Dwight Porter
- Ernest Warren Porter
- Eugene Hoffman Porter
- F. Addison Porter
- Frank Chamberlin Porter
- Frank Monroe Porter
- Gene Stratton (Mrs.) Porter
- George French Porter
- Gilbert Edwin Porter
- Henry Alford Porter
- Mcmaster U. B. A.
- H(Enry) Hobart Porter
- Holbrook Fitz-John Porter
- James Pertice Porter
- J(Ames) Sherman Porter
- Jermain Gildersleeve Porter
- John Lincoln Porter
- John Lupher Porter
- John William Porter
- Joseph Franklin Porter
- Joseph Yates Porter
- Miles Fuller Porter
- Milton Brockett Porter
- Rebecca Newman Porter
- Russell Williams Porter
- Samuel Judson Porter
- Silas Wright Porter
- Stephen Geyer Porter
- Verne Hardin Porter
- Washington Tullis Porter
- William David Porter
- William Gove Porter
- William Henry Porter
- William Henry Porter
- William Townsend Porter
- William Wagoner Porter
[edit]- Allen Wilson Porterfield
- William Campbell Posey
- Alice Thacher Post
- Charles Johnson Post
- Edwin Post
- Emily Post
- George Adams Post
- James Howell Post
- Josephine Fowler Post
- Louis Freeland Post
- Melville Davisson Post
- Regis Henri Post
- Roswell Olcott Post
- Wilber E. Post
- W(Illiam) Merritt Post
- William Stone Post
- Wilbur Everett Postle
- Elias Mcclellan Poston
- Edwin Mcneill Poteat
- William Louis Poteat
- Aram J Pothier
- Francis Lister Hawks Pott
- Francis Marion Pottenger
- Albert Franklin Potter
- Albert Knight Potter
- Andrey Abraham Potter
- Burton Willis Potter
- Charles Francis Potter
- Charles Lewis Potter
- Charles Nelson Potter
- Clarkson Potter
- David Potter
- Delbert Maxwell Potter
- Edwin Augustus Potter
- George Milton Potter
- George Sabine Potter
- Henry Noel Potter
- Homer Dexter Potter
- Marion E. Potter
- Mark Winslow Potter
- Mary Ross Potter
- Milton Chase Potter
- Miriam Clark Potter
- Pitman Benjamin Potter
- Rockwell Harmon Potter
- William Potter
- William Bancroft Potter
- William Chapman Potter
- William Henry Potter
- William J. Potter
- Thomas Edward Potterton
- Edward Henry Potthast
[edit]- Juliet Wilbor Tompkins Pottle
- Alfred Fremont Potts
- Charles Shirley Potts
- Charles Sower Potts
- James Henry Potts
- James Henry Potts
- Ramsay Douglas Potts
- Robert Joseph Potts
- Roy C. Potts
- Templin Morris Potts
- Edward William Pou
- Anne Emilie Poulsson
- Arthur Pound
- Cuthbert Winfred Pound
- Ezra (Loomis) Pound
- Jere M. Pound
- Louise Pound
- Roscoe Pound
- Terence Vincent Powderly
- Harford W. H. Powel
- Alma Webster Powell
- Annie Marion Powell
- (Jones) P. S
- Caroline Amelia Powell
- Charles L. Powell
- E. Alexander Powell
- Edward Alexander Powell
- Edward Lindsay Powell
- Edward Thomson Powell
- Elmer Ellsworth Powell
- Elmer Nathaniel Powell
- John Powell
- John Benjamin Powell
- John H. Powell
- John Lee Powell
- Joseph Wright Powell
- Legh Richmond Powell
- Lucien Whiting Powell
- Lyman Pierson Powell
- Nathan Powell
- Olga Powell
- Richard Holmes Powell
- Robert Powell
- Thomas Carr Powell
- Thomas Edward Powell
- Thomas Reed Powell
- William David Powell
- William Hamilton Powell
- William Henry Powell
- Wilson Marcy Powell
- Wilfrid Van Nest Powelsqn
- Effie Louise Power
- Ethel B. Power
- Frederick Balding- Power
- James Edward Power
- Caleb Powers
- Delmar T. Powers
- George Mcclellan Powers
- Harry Huntington Powers
- Harry Joseph Powers
- Hugh Winfield Powers
- Joseph Neely Powers
- Legrand Powers
- Luther Milton Powers
- Samuel Leland Powers
- M. P.
- Thomas Jefferson Powers
- William L. Powers
- Charles Ford Pqwlison
- John Cowper Powys
- Llewelyn Powys
- Clara Martin Poynter
- John Albert Poynton
- Louis Augustus Pradt
[edit]- Anning S. Prall
- William Prall
- Mary Dana-Hicks Prang
- Thomas J. Prather
- Arthur Peabody Pratt
- Charles C. Pratt
- Charles Millard Pratt
- Charles Stuart Pratt
- Cornelia Atwood Pratt
- Daniel Pratt
- Edward Barton Pratt
- Edward Ewing Pratt
- Edwin Hartley Pratt
- Frank Randall Pratt
- Frederic Bayley Pratt
- George Dwight Pratt
- Harcourt J. Pratt
- Harold Irving Pratt
- Harry Hayt Pratt
- Harry Noyes Pratt
- Henry Sherring Pratt
- Herbert Lee Pratt
- J Ames Alf R E D Pratt
- James Bissett Pratt
- John Francis Pratt
- John Teele Pratt
- Mrs. John Teele Pratt
- Joseph Hersey Pratt
- Joseph Hyde Pratt
- Lucy Pratt
- Orville Clyde Pratt
- Richard Henry Pratt
- Waldo Selden Pratt
- Charles Nelson Fray
- James Sturgis Pray
- Geoffrey Lloyd Preacher
- Edward Alexander Preble
- Fred Myron Preble
- Robert Bruce Preble
- Edith Mitchill Prellwitz
- Henry Prellwitz
- Maurice Brazil Prendergast
- William A. Prendergast
- Donald Bishop Prentice
- E(Zra) Parmalee Prentice
- Samuel Oscar Prentice
- Sartell Prentice
- William Kelly Prentice
- Robert Riddick Prentis
- Henry James Prentiss
- Eugene W. Presbrey
- Frank: B. Buffalo Presbrey
- Charlotte Sulley Presb Y
[edit]- Arthur Taylor Prescott
- Charles Henry Prescott
- Frank Clarke Prescott
- Frederick Clarke Prescott
- Henry Washington Prescott
- Katharine T. Prescott
- Oliver Prescott
- Samuel Cate Prescott
- Theodore Presser
- Henry Albert Pressey
- Adelaide B. Preston
- Andrew W. Preston
- Byron Webster Preston
- Douglas A. Preston
- El Wyn Greeley Preston
- Guy Henry Preston
- Harold Preston
- Howard Willis Preston
- James Harry Preston
- John White Preston
- Josephine Corliss Preston
- Keith Preston
- May Wilson Preston
- Mrs. Thomas J. Preston
- Thomas Jex Preston
- Thomas Ross Preston
- Forest Johnston Prettyman
- Virgil Prettyman
- Jacob Aall Ottesen Preus
- Carl Adolph Preyer
- Anna May Price
- Burr Price
- Carl Fowler Price
- Charles Wilson Price
- Chester B. Price
- Edith Ballinger Price
- Eldridge Cowman Price
- Frank J. Price
- George Clinton Price
- George Edmund Price
- George Hunter Price
- George Mccready Price
- George Moses Price
- Hannibal Price
- Harrison Jackson Price
- Harvey Lee Price
- Homer Charles Price
- Ira Maurice Price
- Jacob Embury Price
- James Houston Price
- Jesse Dashiell Price
- John G. Price
- Margaret Evans Price
- Miles Oscar Price
- Milo B. Price
- Ore Lee Price
- Orlo Josiah Price
- Oscar Jay Price
- Raymond B. Price
- Richard Nye Price
- Richard Rees Price
- Robert Beverly Price
- Samuel D. Price
- Silas Eber Price
- Theodore Hazeltine Price
- Walter Winston Price
- Warwick James Price
- Willard De Mille Price
- William Gray Price
- William Jennings Price
- William Raleigh Price
- Harold Adye Prichard
[edit]- William Augustus Prickitt
- Charles Hamilton Pridgeon
- Arthur Ragan Priest
- George Madison Priest
- Henry Samuel Priest
- Irwin G. Priest
- Walter Scott Priest
- George Colin Priestley
- Herbert Ingram Priestley
- Benjamin F. Prince
- Frank Moody Prince
- Frederick Henry Prince
- George Harrison Prince
- George W. Prince
- John Dyneley Prince
- Leon Cushing Prince
- Morton Prince
- Sydney Rhodes Prince
- Walter Franklin Prince
- Edwin Jay Prindle
- Joseph Colburn Pringe Y
- Ernest Henry Pringle
- Henry Nelson Pringle
- Ralph Pringle
- Ralph W. Pringle
- William James Pringle
- Arthur Thomas Pritchard
- James Stuart Pritchard
- John Wagner Pritchard
- Myron Thomas Pritchard
- Samuel Reynolds Pritchard
- Henry Smith Pritchett
- Edward Frizer
- Frank Holman Probert
- Lionel Charles Probert
- William Cooper Procter
- Alexander) Phimister Proctor
- Henry Hugh Proctor
- John Thomas Proctor
- Mary Proctor
- Redfield Proctor
- Eduard Prokosch
- Datus Dewitt Proper
[edit]- Charles Allen Prosser
- Seward Prosser
- James Harrison Prothero
- Daniel Protheroe
- Henry Goslee Prout
- William Christopher Prout
- Olive Higgins Prouty
- Solomon Francis Prouty
- William Frederick Prouty
- Herbert Winston Provence
- Samuel Moore Provence
- John William Provine
- Loring Harvey Provine
- Andrew Jackson Provost
- Olivier O. Provo Sty
- George R. Prowell
- Byron Edgar Peart Prugh
- Robert Clarence Pruyn
- Edward Bailey Pryor
- Ike T. Pryor
- James Chambers Pryor
- Joseph William Pryor
- William August Puckner
- William George Puddefoot
- John Huegin Puelicher
- Ethel Dench Puffer
- J(Oseph) Adams Puffer
- Griffith Thompson Pugh
- Robert Chalfant Pugh
- William Samuel Pugh
- Charles William Pugsley
- Cornelius Amory Pugsley
- Arsene Paulin Pujo
- Joseph Pulitzer
- Ralph Pulitzer
- Walter Pulitzer
- Elisabeth Pullen
- Herbert Armitage Pullen
- Edwin Seward Puller
[edit]- William Ellis Pulliam
- Harold Trowbridge Pulsifer
- Harrie Bridgman Pulsifer
- Lawson Valentine Pulsifer
- Nathan Trowbridge Pulsifer
- William E. Pulsifer
- Michael Idovrsky Pupin
- Frank Andrew Purcell
- Henry Purcell
- William E. Purcell
- Charles De La Cherois Purdon
- Alexander Converse Purdy
- Cory Don Tyler Purdy
- Lawson Purdy
- Milton Dwight Purdy
- Nina Purdy
- Richard Augustus Purdy
- Ross Coffin Purdy
- Florence Purington
- Daniel Boardman Purxnton
- Edward Earle Purinton
- Herbert Ronelle Purinton
- Charles Hiram Purmort
- Fred Sampson Purnell
- Oscar M. Purnell
- William Archer Purrington
- Charles B. Purvis
- Charles Pur Year
- William Allen Pusey
- Arthur Putnam
- Eben Putnam
- Edwin Putnam
- Emily James Putnam
- George Ellsworth Putnam
- George Haven Putnam
- George Palmer Putnam
- George Rockwell Putnam
- Harrington Putnam
- Helen Cordelia Putnam
- H(Enry) St. Clair Putnam
- Herbert Putnam
- James William Putnam
- James Wright Putnam
- Ruth Putnam
- Stephen Greeley Putnam
- Warren Edward Putnam
- William Lowell Putnam
- William Rowell Putnam
- Albert Hutchinson Putney
- John Samuel Pyeatt
- John Sherman Pyle
- Joseph Gilpin Pyle
- Katharine Pyle
- Percy Rivington Pyne
- James Francis Augustin Pyre
- John Duncan Quackenbos
- Alexander Quackenboss
- Milo Milton Quaife
- George Emerson Quaile
- Eric P. Quain
- Altus Lacy Qtjaintance
[edit]- Edwin Latham Quarles
- James Thomas Quarles
- William Charles Quarles
- Harold Barlow Quarton
- John Francis Quayle
- John Harrison Quayle
- William Alfred Quayle
- Patrick J. Quealy
- Stuart Alfred Queen
- John Francis Queeny
- Edmund Chase Quereau
- Manuel Castro Quesada
- George W. Quick
- (John) Herbert Quick
- Walter (Jacob) Quick
- Harold Scott Quigley
- Samuel Quigley
- Robert Quillen
- William Fletcher Quillian
- Clinton Simon Quin
- Huston Quin
- Percy Edwards Quin
- Frank Haviland Quinby
- Charles Frederick Quincy
- Arthur Hobson Quinn
- Daniel Joseph Quinn
- Edmond Quinn
- James H. Quinn
- John Quinn
- John Robertson Quinn
- Patrick Henry Quinn
- Thomas Charles Quinn
- (Elisabeth) Vernon Author Quinn
- Edward Quintard
- John Henry Quinton
- John F. Quirk
- Leslie W. Quirk
[edit]- Hiter Nelson Quisenberry
- Kate Milner Rabb
- William Louis Rabenort
- Oran Lee Raber
- Wenzel Albert Raboch
- Vittorio Racca
- John H. Race
- Benjamin Knox Rachford
- Jean Rachmiel
- Amos H. Radcliffe
- Wallace Radcliffe
- Jesse Lee Rader
- Paul Rader
- Percy Scott Rader
- William Rader
- Benjamin Johnson Radford
- Robert Somerville Radford
- William A. Radford
- Max Radin
- Paul Radin
- Lazar Raditz
- Paul Rankov Radosavljevich
- John Rae
- Louis Christian Raegener
- William Carroll Rafferty
- W(Illiam) Edward Raffety
- John Henry Raftery
- Samuel Evan Ragland
- William T. Ragland
- He Arts Ill Ragon
- James W. Ragsdale
- George Earle Raiguel
- William Macleod Raine
- Joseph Rainer
- Henry Thomas Rainey
- Lilius Bratton Rainey
- Robert M. Rainey
- Leon Rains
- William Stephen Rainsford
- Clarence Elmer Rainwater
- Bradstreet Stinson Rairden
- Rosa Raisa
- Carl Rakeman
- John Edward Raker
- Henry Patrick Raleigh
- Edward Everett Rall
- Harris Franklin Rall
- Jackson Harvey Ralston
- John Chester Ralston
- Oliver Caldwell Ralston
- Colorado Coll. B. S.
- Samuel Moffett Ralston
- Albert John Ramaker
- Francis Ramaley
- George Gibier Rambaud
[edit]- Charles Henry Rammelkamp
- David Marshall Ramsay
- Erskine Ramsay
- Robert Lee Ramsay
- Charles William Rams Dell
- Alfred Ramsey
- Fred W. Ramsey
- George Ramsey
- George Junkin Ramsey
- Horace Marion Ramsey
- John Patterson Ramsey
- John Rathbone Ramsey
- Rolla Roy Ramsey
- Willis Hinksman Ramsey
- C(Hristian) William Ramseyer
- Clayton Haverstick Ranck
- Henry Haverstick Ranck
- Lee Everett Ranck
- Samuel Haverstick Ranck
- Benjamin Rand
- Charles Frederic Rand
- Edward Kennard Rand
- Edward Lothrop Rand
- Frank Chambless Rand
- Frank Prentice Rand
- Frederick Henry Rand
- George Franklin Rand
- Herbert Wilbur Rand
- John Langdon Rand
- William Rand
- Blanchard Randall
- Burton Alexander Randall
- Charles Hiram Randall
- Clifford Ellsworth Randall
- Daniel Richard Randall
- David Lindsey Randall
- Edward Randall
- Edward Caleb Randall
- Edwin Mortimer Randall
- Harrison Mcallister Randall
- John Arthur Randall
- J(Ohn) Herman Randall
- Otis Everett Randall
- William Trafton Randall
- Wyatt William Randall
- Giuseppe Aldo Randegger
- Choice Boswell Randell
- Corliss Fitz Randolph
- Edward Hughes Randolph
- George F. Randolph
- Harold Randolph
- Harrison Randolph
- Hollins Nicholas Randolph
- Joseph Fitz Randolph
- Lee F. Randolph
- Robert Lee Randolph
- Winslow Hoxton Randolph
- Frank William Rane
- Mckendree Llewellyn Raney
- Walter Eugene Ranger
[edit]- Carroll Watson Rankin
- Egbert Guernsey Rankin
- Emmet Woollen Rankin
- Frederic Wharton Rankin
- Isaac Ogden Rankin
- James Doig Rankin
- Jeannette Rankin
- John Elliott Rankin
- John Hall Rankin
- Thomas Ernest Rankin
- Walter Mead Rankin
- Watson Smith Rankin
- Wellington Duncan Rankin
- William Durham Rankin
- William Thomasson Rankin
- Joseph Eugene Ransdell
- Charles Orrin Ran S Ford
- Harry C. Ransley
- Brayton Howard Ransom
- Frank Leslie Ransom
- George Brinkerhoff Ransom
- John Crowe Ransom
- Marion Ransom
- Rastus Seneca Ransom
- William Lynn Ransom
- Frederick Leslie Ransome
- S(Tephen) Walter Ranson
- Augustus Neal Rantoul
- Robert Samuel Rantoul
- Arthur Ranum
- Louis Win Rapeer
- Charles Lee Raper
- Howard Riley Raper
- Thomas Gwynn Rapier
- John Frederick Louis Raschen
- (Arthur) Burton Rascoe
- John J. Raskob
- Bertil Mathias Rasmusen
- Frederik Rasmussen
- Samuel Eugene Rasor
- Leo Rassieur
- Michael D. Ratchford
- Albert Rathbone
- Henry Riggs Rathbone
- Josephine Adams Rathbone
- St. George Rathborne
- Elmer Jeremiah Rathbun
- George St. John Rathbun
- Mary Jane Rathbun
- James Burness Rather
- Wiuiam Roedel Rathvon
- Abraham C. Ratshesky
- Charles F. Rattigan
- Albert George Rau
- Otto Martin Rau
- William Longstreth Raub
- George W. Rauch
- Walter Rautenstrauch
- John Howard Raven
- Mazyck Porcher Ravenel
- William De Chastignier Ravenel
- Grace Ravlin
- G(Abi-Iel) Bie Ravndal
- Augustus Ravogli
- Bernard Hazelius Rawl
- Francis Rawle
- William A. Rawles
- Eugene Hubbard Rawlings
- Joseph Lafayette Rawlins
- Frank Joseph Rawlinson
- Charles A. Rawson
- Edward Kirk Rawson
- Frederick Holbrook Rawson
[edit]- Anna Chapin Ray
- Charles Ray
- Charles Wayne Ray
- David Heydorn Ray
- E. Lansing Ray
- Edward Chittenden Ray
- Franklin Arnold Ray
- Frederick Augustus Ray
- G(Eorge) J(Oseph) Ray
- George Washington Ray
- Jefferson Davis Ray
- John Arthur Ray
- P(Erley) Orman Ray
- Robert Jackson Ray
- T. Bronson Ray
- Ward Lowe Ray
- William Wallace Ray
- Walter James Raybold
- Sam Rayburn
- Joseph Edward Raycroft
- Albert Reesor Raymer
- Charles Beebe Raymond
- Buchtel Coll. M. A.
- Charles W. Raymond
- C(Larence) Rexford Raymond
- Clifford Samuel Raymond
- Fred Morton Raymond
- George Lansing Raymond
- Harry Howard Raymond
- Henry Ingle Raymond
- Henry Warren Raymond
- Howard Monroe Raymond
- Jerome Hall Raymond
- Percy Edward Raymond
- Reginald Irving Raymond
- Robert Fulton Raymond
- Thomas Lynch Raymond
- William Galt Raymond
- William Lee Raymond
- Emma Rayner
- Ernest Adolphus Rayner
- Herbert F. Raynolds
- John Madison Raynolds
[edit]- John Andrew Rea
- John Dougan Rea
- Paul Marshall Rea
- Samuel Rea
- Albert Cushing Read
- Benjamin Stalker Read
- Charles O. Read
- George Windle Read
- John Elliot Read
- Mary Lilian Read
- Melbourne Stuart Read
- Norman Read
- Opie Read
- Thomas T(Hornton) Read
- William Alexander Read
- John Moore Reade
- Francis Smith Reader
- Allan Chamberlain Rearick
- Matthew Howell Reaser
- Willbur Aaron Reaser
- Theodore Wood Reath
- Samuel Watson Reaves
- Charles Frank Reavis
- James Overton Reavis
- Eurith Trabue Pattison Rebasz
- George Rebec
- U. Of Mich. A. B.
- John Reber
- Louis Ehrhart Reber
- Pa. State Coll. B. S.
- Samuel Reber
- Augustus Phineas Reccord
- Arthur Bernard Recknagel
- Edward Rector
- Elbridge Lee Rector
- Frank Rector
- Lizzie E. Rector
- Donald Reddick
- Joseph Deighn Redding
- Wyllys Rede
- Casper Lavater Redfield
- Edward Willis Redfield
- Ethel Emily Redfield
- Henry Stephen Redfield
- William C. Redfield
- Edwin Richard Redhead
- Sarah Redington
- Ben Ray Redman
- Granville Redmond
- Jacques Wardlaw Redway
- B(Razilla) Carroll Reece
- Ernest James Reece
[edit]- Albert Granberry Reed
- Alfred Zantzinger Reed
- Amy Louise Reed
- Carroll Roscoe Reed
- Charles Alfred Lee Reed
- Charles Bert Reed
- Charles John Reed
- Chester Allyn Reed
- Clyde Martin Reed
- Daniel Alden Reed
- David Aiken Reed
- Earl Howell Reed
- Edward Bliss Reed
- Edwin Clarence Reed
- Elmer Ellsworth Reed
- Florence Reed
- Frank Fremont Reed
- Frank Lefevre Reed
- Frank Otis Reed
- George Edward Reed
- George Matthew Reed
- George William Reed
- Harold Lyle Reed
- Harry Bertram Reed
- Harry Lathrop Reed
- Helen Leah Reed
- Henry Albert Reed
- Henry Thomas Reed
- Herbert Reed
- Howard Sprague Reed
- Ivy Kellerman Reed
- James Reed
- J Ames A . Ree D
- James Byron Reed
- James Calvin Reed
- James Hay Reed
- Joseph Rea Reed
- Leslie Edgar Reed
- Luther Dotterer Reed
- Milton Reed
- Richard Clark Reed
- Richard Forman Reed
- Sarah A. Reed
- Stuart F. Reed
- Thomas Harrison Reed
- Thomas Milbume Reed
- Warren Augustus Reed
- Willard Reed
- Charles L. Reeder
- Glezen Asbury Reeder
- Rudolph Rex Reeder
- William Augustus Reeder
- William Marion Reedy
- Estelle Reel
- Edmund Henry Reeman
- Corwin Pottenger Rees
- Robert Irwin Rees
- Rollin R. Rees
- Thomas Rees
- Tliomas Henry Rees
- Albert Moore Reese
- Charles Lee Reese
- Curtis Williford Reese
- Alton Cl
- Frederick Focke Reese
- Herbert Meredith Reese
- Lizette Woodworth Reese
- Lowell Otus Reese
- T. T. Reese
- Theodore Irving Reese
- William Smythe Reese
- Arthur Benjamin Reeve
- James Knapp Reeve
- Sidney Armor Reeve
- Albert L. Reeves
- Alfred Gandy Reeves
- Floyd Wesley Reeves
- Ira Louis Reeves
- Jesse Siddall Reeves
- Owen Thornton Reeves
- Thomas Rosser Reeves
- William Peters Reeves
- Frank Stewart Regan
- James L. Regan
- Robert Smith Re Gar
- Francis Henry Register
- George Edward Rehberger
- Alfred Rehder
- Herbert Ware Reherd
- Wilson Meyer Rehrig
- Edward Tyson Reichert
- Carl Reichmann
- William Charles Reick
- Albert Turner Reid
- Charles Chester Reid
- Charles Wesley Reid
- Daniel Gray Reid
- E. Emmet Reid
- Fergus Reid
- Frank R. Reid
- George T. Reid
- Gilbert Reid
- Harry Reid
- Harry Fielding Reid
- O. L.. Supt Reid
- Ogden Mills Reid
- Philip Joseph Reid
- Robert Reid
- William Alfred Reid
- William Clifford Reid
- William Duncan Reid
- William Thomas Reid
- Jacob (Ellsworth) Reighard
- Henry Ottridge Reik
- Earl Reiland
[edit]- Henry Joseph Reilly
- John Liguori Reilly
- Leigh Reilly
- Michael K. Reilly
- Thomas Lawrence Reilly
- E. Mont Reily
- Helen Reimensnyder
- Marie Reimer
- Ernest Conrad Reineke
- Fritz Reiner
- Joseph Clergyman Reiner
- Charles William Reinhardt
- Oscar Halvorsen Reinholt
- Charles Myron Reinoehl
- August Karl Reischauer
- Christian Fichthorne Reisner
- George Andrew Reisner
- Henry Gerber Reist
- Charles Reitell
- George Cook Reiter
- Frances Helen Relf
- John Rellstab
- Charles M. Relyea
- Bertha Rembaugh
- Arthur Gaillard Rembert
- George William Francis Rembert
- Juniusbenjamin Remensnyder
- Charles Mason Remey
- George Collier Remey
- Grace May Remick
- James Waldron Remick
- Franklin Remington
- Harold Remington
- Harvey Foote Remington
- William Procter Remington
- Milton Remley
- Harmon Liveright Remmel
- Valentine Remmel
- Peter Charles Remondino
- Daniel Smith Remsen
- Ira Remsen
- Alfred Remy
- Charles Frederick Remy
- John Ballard Rendall
- William Cary Renfrow
- Leon Rennay
- Hugo Albert Rennert
- Conrad Reno
- Jesse Wilford Reno
- 1883 U.
- Edward Renouf
- Raemer Rex Renshaw
- Gordon S(Ohn) Rentschler
- William Walter Renwick
- William Whetten Renwick
- J(Acob) Leonard Replogle
- Agnes Repplier
- Mark Lawrence Reqija
- Stanley Resor
- Edwin Devore Ressler
- Henry Bond Restarick
- Elisabeth Rethberg
- Harry Frederick Rethers
- Leo Frederick Rettger
- Johann Michael Reu
- Arvid Reuterdahl
- Henry Reuterdahl
- Alexander Hamilton Revell
- Fleming Hewitt Revell
- Thomas P. Revelle
- Robert Rexdale
- Frank A. Rexford
- N.Y. L.L
- Samuel Wallace Reyburn
- William Stuart Reyburn
- John Van Wicheren Reynders
- Alfred Reynolds
- Amesburyl. Reynolds
- Arthur Reynolds
- Charles Bingham Reynolds
- Charles Lee Reynolds
- Cuyler Reynolds
- July 25 Iii.
- Ernest Shaw Reynolds
- George Mcclelland Reynolds
- Jackson Eli Reynolds
- James Burton Reynolds
- John Edwin Reynolds
- John Hugh Reynolds
- John Hughes Reynolds
- John Merriman Reynolds
- Myra Reynolds
- Myron Herbert Reynolds
- Paul Revere Reynolds
- Samuel Guilford Reynolds
- Thomas Harvey Reynolds
- Walter Ford Reynolds
- Wellington Jarard Reynolds
- Louis John Rhead
- Rush Rhees
- A(Ndrew) Burnet Rhett
- Robert Goodwyn Rhett
- J(Ohn) Massey Rhind
- Philip Mercer Rhinelander
- Joseph Lafayette Rhinock
- Edward Henry Rhoades
- John Harsen Rhoades
- Mabel Carter Rhoades
- Nelson Osgood Rhoades
- Nina Rhoades
- Charles James Rhoads
- Mchenry Rhoads
- Samuel Nicholson Rhoads
- Paul Peter Rhode
- Bradford Rhodes
- Charles Dudley Rhodes
- Elisha Hunt Rhodes
- Eugene Manlove Rhodes
- Harrison (Garfield) Rhodes
- James For (I Rhodes
- 1850-77 I-Vii
- Jeremiah Rhodes
- Marion Edward Rhodes
- Mosheim Rhodes
- D-D.* Jerome Sixtus Ricard
- Vittorio Rolandi Ricci
[edit]- Alexander Hamilton Rice
- Arthur Louis Rice
- Benjamin Franklin Rice
- Cale Young Rice
- Calvin Winsor Rice
- Charles Atwood Rice
- Charles Francis Rice
- Edward Irving Rice
- Edward Loranus Rice
- Edwin Wilbur Rice
- Am. Bible Soc A.B.C.F.M
- Edwin Wilbur Rice
- Elmer L. Rice
- F. Willis Rice
- George Brackett Rice
- George Samuel Rice
- Grantland Rice
- Harmon Howard Rice
- Herbert Ambrose Rice
- Herbert Ho Ward Rice
- Herbert Leigh Rice
- Herbert Louis Rice
- 1894 M. S.
- James Edward Rice
- 1885 N. Y.
- James Henry Rice
- John Andrew Rice
- John Campbell Rice
- John Hodgen Rice
- John Pierrepont Rice
- Joseph J. Rice
- Joseph Mayer Rice
- Laban Lacy Rice
- Merton Stacher Rice
- Richard Ashley Rice
- Richard Austin Rice
- Richard Henry Rice
- Robert Rice
- Wallace (De Groot Cecil) Rice
- William Gorham Rice
- W(Illia)M North Rice
- Jenny Delony Rioe-Meyrowitz
- Adelbert P. Rich
- Burdett Alberto Rich
- Charles Alonzo Rich
- Edgar Judson Rich
- Ednah Anne Rich
- Edson Prosper Rich
- Edwin Gile Rich
- John A. Rich
- Montgomery) A
- John Harrison Rich
- John T. Rich
- Charles Richard
- Harold Charles Richard
- Alfred Ernest Richards
- Alfred Newton Richards
- Charles Gorman Richards
- Charles Herbert Richards
- Charles Lenmore Richards
- Charles Russ Richards
- Charles Russel Richards
- Charles Sudler Richards
- Eben Richards
- Emily S Richards
- Erwin Hart Richards
- Frederick Barnard Richards
- George Richards
- George Richards
- George Warren Richards
- Harry Sanger Richards
- Herbert Maule Richards
- J Ames L. Richards
- Jean Marie Richards
- John E. Richards
- John Thomas Richards
- John Wayne Richards
- Joseph H. Richards
- Laura Elizabeth Richards
- Lela Horn Richards
- Paul Stanley Richards
- Robert Hallowell Richards
- Robert Haven Richards
- Theodore William Richards
- Thomas Cole Richards
- William Henry Richards
- William Joseph Richards
- Anna Steese Richardson
- Charles Henry Richardson
- Clifford Richardson
- David Crockett Richardson
- Edward Elliott Richardson
- Elliott Verne Richardson
- Ernest Cushing Richardson
- Ernest Gladstone Richardson
- Florence Richardson
- Francis Asbury Richardson
- Francis Henry Richardson
- Frederick Richardson
- Friend William Richardson
- George Tilton Richardson
- Guy A. Richardson
- Harry Alden Richardson
- Hester Dorsey Richardson
- Hilary Goode Richardson
- Holden Chester Richardson
- Hugh Richardson
- Ira Richardson
- James Julius Richardson
- James Parmelee Richardson
- Katherine Berry Richardson
- Leon Josiah Richardson
- Louisa Holman Richardson
- Mark Wyman Richardson
- Norman Egbert Richardson
- Norval Richardson
- Oliver Huntington Richardson
- Owen Willans Richardson
- Robert Kimball Richardson
- Russell Richardson
- Seth Whitley Richardson
- Wilds Preston Richardson
- William Cummings Richard Son
- William D. Richardson
- William Franklin Richardson
- William King Richardson
- William Lambert Richardson
- W(Illiam) Symmes Richardson
- Donald Randall Rxchberg
- Charles Swift Riche
- John Jacob Richeson
- Ada U»
- Albert Sutton Richey
- Arthur Richman
- Irving Ber Dine Richman
- Charles Alexander Richmond
- Charles Wallace Richmond
- Edgar Monroe Richmond
- George Chalmers Richmond
- Grace S. Richmond
- Mary Ellen Richmond
- Emil Heinrich Richter
- F(Loyd) K(Arker) Richtmyer
- Edgar Rickard
- Richard Darke Rickard
- Thomas Arthur Rickard
- George Collins Rickards
- John Ezra Rickards
[edit]- (Martha) Edith Rickert
- Thomas A. Rickert
- James Edgar Ricketson
- Edwin D. Ricketts
- Louis Davidson Ricketts
- Palmer Chamberlaine Ricketts
- Crockett M. Riddell
- Guy Crosby Riddell
- Walter Hayes Riddell
- Bernard Herman Ridder
- Carl W. Riddick
- Thomas Kader Riddick
- Wallace Carl Riddick
- Lillian W. W.
- Carl Brown Riddle
- Finis E. Riddle
- John Wallace Riddle
- Lawrence Melville Riddle
- Oscar Riddle
- William Riddle
- Henry Milner Rideout
- Arthur William Rider
- (Arthur) Fremont Rider
- Gertrude Tressel Rider
- Hilliard Samuel Ridgely
- Amos Caryl Ridgway
- Arthur Osbourne Ridgway
- Erman Jesse Ridgway
- Robert Ridgway
- Robert Ridgway
- Thomas Ridgway
- William Hance Ridgway
- John Ridlon
- Percival Sheldon Ridsdale
- Charles Henry Rieber
- Rudolf M. Riefstahl
- William Henry Rieger
- Compton Riely
- Albert Riemenschneider
- Guido Carl Leo Riemer
- Elias Elkan Ries
- Heinrich Ries
- Frederick W. Riesberg
- Felix Riesenberg
- Hugo Riesenfeld
- David Riesman
- Richard Henri Riethmuller
- Henry Lewis Rietz
- William Titus Rigby
- Charles Loammi Rigdon
- Jonathan Rigdon
- William Francis Rigge
- Austen Fox Riggs
- Ernest Wilson Riggs
- Henry Earle Riggs
- Henry Harrison Riggs
- James Gilbert Riggs
- James Milton Riggs
- James Stevenson Riggs
- John Davis Seaton Riggs
- Norman Colman Riggs
- Robert Baird Riggs
- Theodore Foster Riggs
- Thomas Riggs
- Walter Merritt Riggs
- George Washington Rightmire
- Ameen (Fares) Rihani
- Abraham Mitrie Rihbany
- Albert Burdsall Riser
- Andrew Lawrence Riker
- Carroll Livingston Riker
- Franklin Wing Riker
- Thad Weed Riker
[edit]- Benjamin Franklin Riley
- Bert Clair Riley
- Bryan M. Riley
- Cassius Marcellus Riley
- Fletcher Settle Riley
- Frank Branch Riley
- Franklin Lafayette Riley
- George Washington Riley
- Harrison Barnett Riley
- James Riley
- Leonard William Riley
- Lewis Adams Riley
- Phil Madison Riley
- Thomas James Riley
- William Albert Riley
- William Bell Riley
- (Isaac) Woodbridge Riley
- Giacomo Rimini
- George Franklin Rinehart
- Mary Roberts Rinehart
- George Edwin Rines
- Blanche Ring
- Welding Ring
- Adam Weir Rin Gland
- Edward Olson Ringstad
- Ralph Curtis Ringwalt
- Timothy Allen Riordan
- Raymond Riordon
- Alfred Lawrence Ripley
- Frederic Herbert Ripley
- George Sherman Ripley
- Gliles Emmett Ripley
- James Madison Ripley
- Joseph Ripley
- Lauren William Ripley
- William Zebina Ripley
- Sarah Cory Rippey
- Benjamin Henry Ripton
- Elisabeth Risdon
- Henry Rising
- Edwin H. Risley
- Theodore Granville Risley
- George Willis Ritchey
- Albert Cabell Ritchie
- Andrew Jackson Ritchie
- John Ritchie
- John Woodside Ritchie
- Mary Lily Munsell Ritchie
- Ryerson Ritchie
- Frank Miller Riter
- William Delamater Riter
- Wilhelm Ritschel
[edit]- George Brown Rittenhouse
- Jessie Belle Rittenhouse
- Edward Frederick Ritter
- Louis E. Ritter
- William Emerson Ritter
- Walter Frank Rittman
- Harold A. Ritz
- Robert Wheaton Rivers
- William Cannon Rivers
- Wuliam Walter Rivers
- Amelie Rives
- Romeyn Henry Rivenburg
- Hallie Erminie Rives-Wheeler
- Charles Northrup Rix
- Presley Marion Rixey
- Emmet Rixford
- Sidney C. Roach
- Thomas Watson Roach
- Roy Kenneth Roadrtjck
- Charles Roads
- George James Roark
- Charles Henry Robb
- E(Ccles) Donald Robb
- Hunter Robb
- John Franklin Robb
- Russell Robb
- William Lispenard Robb
- Willis Oscar Robb
- Alexander Cumming Robbie
- Arthur Graham Robbins
- Charles Burton Robbins
- Edmund Yard Robbins
- Edward Denmore Robbins
- Edwin Clyde Robbins
- Franklin G. Robbins
- Frederick Wright Robbins
- George Ridgway Robbins
- Hayes Robbins
- Henry Spencer Robbins
- Howard Chandler Robbins
- John Williams Robbins
- Joseph Chandler Robbins
- Mary Esther Robbins
- Merton Covey Robbins
- Milton Holley Robbins
- Reginald Chauncey Robbins
- Royal Robbins
- Wilford Lash Robbins
- William Jacob Robbins
- Frank Roberson
- Joseph Thomas Robert
- Albert H . Roberts
- Alice Mumford Roberts
- Arthur Jeremiah Roberts
- Benson Howard Roberts
- Brigham Henry Roberts
- (Henry) Chalmers Roberts
- Charles Humphrey Roberts
- Clarence J. Roberts
- Edwin Ewing Roberts
- Elmer Roberts
- Ernest William Roberts
- Florence Roberts
- Frank Hunt Hurd Roberts
- George Roberts
- George Evan Roberts
- George Litcli Roberts
- George Lucas Roberts
- Harlan Page Roberts
- Henry Roberts
- Herbert Rufus Roberts
- Isaac Phillips Roberts
- James Cole Roberts
- James Hudson Roberts
- John Bingham Roberts
- John Emerson Roberts
- Kate Louise Roberts
- Kenneth Lewis Roberts
- M Ary Ele An Or Robert S
- Mary Fanton Roberts
- Milnor Roberts
- Owen Josephus Roberts
- Percival Roberts
- Peter Roberts
- Robert Roberts
- Roy Allison Roberts
- Shelby Saufley Roberts
- Stewart Ralph Roberts
- Theodore Roberts
- Thomas Paschall Roberts
- Thomas Sadler Roberts
- Walter Adolphe Roberts
- Warren Russell Roberts
- Wightman Durand Roberts
- William Blair Roberts
[edit]- Abram Heaton Robertson
- Alexander Mitchell Robertson
- Alice Mary Robertson
- Archibald Thomas Robertson
- Ashley Herman Robertson
- Benjamin Perry Robertson
- David Allan Robertson
- David Brown Robertson
- Donald Robertson
- Edward P. Robertson
- Edwin Wales Robertson
- Felix Huston Robertson
- Frank Chester Robertson
- Fred Robertson
- George Robertson
- H(Arold) E(Ugene) Robertson
- Harrison Robertson
- Hugh Reid Robertson
- James Alexander Robertson
- John Dill Robertson
- Joseph Andrew Robertson
- Lucy Henderson Robertson
- Robert Henderson Robertson
- Thomas Ernest Robertson
- Virgil Otis Robertson
- William Egbert Robertson
- William Henry Robertson
- William Joseph Robertson
- William Spence Robertson
- Lila P. Robeson
- William Henry Robey
- Virginia (Huntington) Robie
- Charles Russell Robins
- Edward Robins
- Elizabeth Robins
- Henry Burke Robins
- Raymond Robins
- Sally Nelson Robins
- Thomas Robins
- Albert Gardner Robinson
- Alexander Robinson
- Alexander Cochrane Robinson
- Allan Robinson
- Arlington Robinson
- Arthur R. Robinson
- Benjamin Lincoln Robinson
- Benjamin Willard Robinson
- Beverley Robinson
- Boardman Robinson
- Chalfant Robinson
- Charles Alexander Robinson
- Charles Dorman Robinson
- Cyrus Robinson
- Daniel Sommer Robinson
- David Moore Robinson
- Doane Robinson
- Mrs. Douglas Robinson
- Dwight Parker Robinson
- Edgar Eugene Robinson
- Edith Robinson
- Edward Robinson
- Edward Levi Robinson
- Edwin Arlington Robinson
- Edwin Meade Robinson
- Florence Vincent Robinson
- Frank Upham Robinson
- Fred Norris Robinson
- Frederick Bertrand Robinson
- George Canby Robinson
- George Livington Robinson
- George Thomas Robinson
- George Washington Robinson
- George William Robinson
- May 28 Iii.
- Harold Mcafee Robinson
- Harry Charles Robinson
- H(Arry) Perry Robinson
- Henry Mauris Robinson
- Henry Seymour Robinson
- Howard Robinson
- Ira Ellsworth Robinson
- James E. Robinson
- James Harvey Robinson
- Jane (Marie) Bancroft Robinson
- Jesse Squibb Robinson
- John Robinson
- John Trumbull Robinson
- John W. Robinson
- Joseph Robinson
- Joseph Taylor Robinson
- Julia Almira Robinson
- Leonard George Robinson
- Leonidas Robinson
- Author: Gates And Keys To Matthew K.P
- Leonidas Dunlap Robinson
- Loui3 Newton Robinson
- Lucien Moore Robinson
- Lucius Waterman Robinson
- Luther Emerson Robinson
- Lydia Gillingham Robinson
- Mabel Louise Robinson
- Maurice Henry Robinson
- Myron Wilber Robinson
- Richard Lee Robinson
- Robert P. Robinson
- Samuel Worthington Robinson
- Silas Arnold Robinson
- Theodore Winthrop Robinson
- Thomas John Bright Robinson
- Thomas Linton Robinson
- Tracy Robinson
- Waltour M. Robinson
- Wilfreid Robinson
- Willard Haskell Robinson
- William Alexander Robinson
- William Duffield Robinson
- U. Of Pa. M. D.
- William Henry Robinson
- William J. Robinson
- William S. Robinson
- Winifred Josephine Robinson
- Wirt Robinson
- Henry Barton Robison
- John Albert Robison
- John Keeler Robison
- Samuel Shelburne Robison
- William Ferretti Robison
- John Marshal Robsion
[edit]- Frank E. Robson
- May Robson
- May Waldron Rob Son
- Alfred George Robyn
- Ambrose Francis Roche
- Arthur Somers Roche
- Joseph T. Roche
- William James Roche
- Edward Sudler Rochester
- John Davison Rockefeller
- John Davison Rockefeller
- Samuel Dickerson Rockenbach
- Alpha Eugene Rockey
- Alphonso David Rockwell
- David Ladd - 6. Akron Rockwell
- Florence Rockwell
- Frederick Frye Rockwell
- Harry Westcott Rockwell
- Joseph H. Rockwell
- Julius Ensign Rockwell
- Samuel Rockwell
- William Hayden Rockwell
- William Walker Rockwell
- Elbert William Rockwood
- Frank Ernest Rockwood
- George I. Rockwood
- Thomas Rodd
- William Joseph Roddey
- Homer Alvan Rodeheaver
- Carl Bismarck Roden
- Henry Nathan Rodenbaugh
- Adolph Julius Rodenbeck
- William A. Rodenberg
- Stella Virginia Roderick
- Bernard Shandon Rodey
- James George Rodger
- Cleveland Rodgers
- James Linn Rodgers
- John Rodgers
- John Augustus Rodgers
- John Isaac Rodgers
- Raymond Perry Rodgers
- Thomas Slidell Rodgers
- William Ledyard Rodgers
- William Thomas Rodgers
- Burleigh Cushing Rodick
- Benedict Joseph Rodman
- Hugh Rodman
- John Croom Rodman
- William Blount Rodman
- George Brydges Rodney
- Richard Seymour Rodney
- Manuel Rodrigtjez-Serra
- Clifford Griffith Roe
- Edward Drake Roe
- Frederick William Roe
- George Roe
- Gilbert Ernstein Roe
- Herman Roe
- Joseph Wickham Roe
- Washington Augustus Roebl1ng
- John Ransom Roebuck
- Adolph Roeder
- Julius Edward Roehr
- Frederick Louis Roehrig
- John Lincoln Roemer
- John Edward Roessler
- William Henry Roever
- Octavia Fry Rogan
[edit]- Agnes Low Rogers
- Alfred Thomas Rogers
- Allen Rogers
- Allen Hastings Rogers
- Arthur Rogers
- Arthur Kenyon Rogers
- Arthur Small Rogers
- Austin Leonard Rogers
- B(Enjamin) Talbot Rogers
- Bruce Rogers
- Burton R(Ay) Rogers
- (Robert) Cameron Rogers
- Charles Butler Rogers
- Charles Edwin Rogers
- Charles Gardner Rogers
- David Camp Rogers
- Edith Nourse Rogers
- Edward Sidney Rogers
- Ernest Albert Rogers
- Ernest Andrew Rogers
- Eustace Barron Rogers
- Francis Rogers
- Frederick Morris Rogers
- Frederick Titsworth Rogers
- George Mcintosh Rogers
- George Vernor Rogers
- Harry Clayton Rogers
- Harry Lovejoy Rogers
- Henry Munroe Rogers
- Henry Wade Rogers
- Hopewell Lindenberger Rogers
- Howard Jason Rogers
- James Frederick Rogers
- James Gamble Rogers
- James Grafton Rogers
- J(Ames) Harris Rogers
- James Hotchkiss Rogers
- James Tracy Rogers
- Jason Rogers
- John Rogers
- John Jacob Rogers
- John Raphael Rogers
- Julia Ellen Rogers
- Lester Burton Rogers
- Lindsay Rogers
- Lore Alford Rogers
- Louis William Rogers
- Mary Cochrane Rogers
- Max Rogers
- Mclain Rogers
- Oscar H. Rogers
- Philip Fletcher Rogers
- Robert William Rogers
- Roswell Wesley Rogers
- Samuel Lyle Rogers
- Walter Stowell Rogers
- Warren Lincoln Rogers
- Will Rogers
- William Allen Rogers
- William Arthur Rogers
- William Banks Rogers
- William Nathaniel Rogers
- Wynne Grey Rogers
[edit]- Charles Edward Rogerson
- Anna Katharine Green Rohlfs
- Charles Rohlfs
- Edward Gay Rohrbough
- Albert Lawrence Rohrer
- Henry Hermann Rolapp
- Alfred Grosvenor Rolfe
- Charles Wesley Rolfe
- George William Rolfe
- Henry Winchester Rolfe
- John Carew Rolfe
- Fred Maas Rolfs
- Peter Henry Rolfs
- Thomas J. Roller
- Edward Warren Rollins
- Hyder Edward Rollins
- James Wingate Rollins
- Thornton Rollins
- Wallace Eugene Rollins
- Walter Huntington Rollins
- James Rolph
- Julius Rolshoven
- Francis William Rolt-Wheeler
- Ole Edvart Rolvaag
- Ii I
- Caro Roma
- Margaret Romaine
- John Samuel Romig
- Milton Andrew Romjue
- George Mccullough Rommel
- Edward Rondthaler
- Howard Edward Rondthaler
- Henry Rood
- James Theron Rood
- John Romain Rood
- Katharine Metcalf Roof
- Charles Alexander Rook
- Edward Francis Rook
- John Jerome Rooney
- Hervin Ulysses Roop
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- Kermit Roosevelt
- Theodore Roosevelt
- W(Illiam) Emlen Roosevelt
- Azariah Smith Root
- Edward Clary Root
- Edwin Alvin Root
- Elihu Root
- Elihu Lt.S.A.)
- Ernest Rob Root
- Prank Albert Root
- Jesse L. Root
- John Wellborn Root
- Joseph Edward Root
- Louis Carroll Root
- Lyman C. Root
- Oren Root
- Robert Cromwell Root
- Robert Kilburn Root
- William Webster Root
- Winfred Trexler Root
- Logan Herbert Roots
- Alvin Whitehead Roper
- Daniel Calhoun Roper
- Lewis Murphree Roper
- James Hardy Ropes
- J. Henry Roraback
- James Birch Rorer
- Sarah Tyson Rorer
- John C. Rorick
- Louis Rorimer
- Malcolm Churchill Rorty
- Martin Andre Rosanoff
[edit]- Carlton Raymond Rose
- Edward Everett Rose
- Elise Whitlock Rose
- George B. Rose
- Guy Rose
- Henry Howard Rose
- Henry Martin Rose
- John Carter Rose
- John Marshall Rose
- Joseph Nelson Rose
- Josiah Tryon Rose
- Marcus A. Rose
- Robert Hugh Rose
- Rufus Edwards Rose
- Wickliffe Rose
- William Rose
- William Brandon Rose
- William Ganson Rose
- Viola Roseboro
- Judson George Rosebush
- Atlantic City Y.M.C.A.
- Harry Roseland
- Charles Rosen
- Max Rosen
- Milton Joseph Rosenau
- Abraham S. Wolf Rosenbach
- Solomon Guedalia Rosenbaum
- Louis James Rosenberg
- Absalom Rosenberger
- Randle Crater Rosenberger
- Marvin Bristol Rosenberry
- Benjamin Louis Rosenbloom
- Carl Otto Rosendahl
- Simon Wolfe Rosendale
- Maurice (Bernard) Rosenfeld
- Paul Rosenfeld
- Sydney Rosenfeld
- George David Rosengarten
- Joseph George Rosengarten
- E(Mory) Judson Rosengrant
- Alfred Faist Rosenheim
- Edward Carl Rosenow
- Albert Rosenthal
- Lessing Rosenthal
- Julius Rosenwald
- Victor Rosewater
- Joseph Rosier
- Albert Ross
- Albert Randolph Ross
- Allan Charles Ross
- Bennett Battle Ross
- Clarence Frisbee Ross
- Denman Waldo Ross
- Earle Dudley Ross
- Edward Alsworth Ross
- Erskine Mayo Ross
- Frank Elmore Ross
- George H. Ross
- Harold Ellis Ross
- Harry Seymour Ross
- Henry Davis Ross
- John Dawson Ross
- John Elliot Ross
- John Jacob Ross
- John Mason Ross
- J (Ohn ) W Alker Ro S S
- John William Ross
- Leroy Williams Ross
- Luther Sherman Ross
- Nellie Tayloe Ross
- Robert Edwin Ross
- Sarah Gridley Ross
- Walter Lee Ross
- Wilbert Davidson Ross
- William Bradford Ross
- William Horace Ross
- William Mcallister Ross
- Albert Berger Rossdale
- Percival Leonard Rosseau
- John Settles Rossell
- William Quay Rosselle
- John Elijah Rosser
- John Henry Rosseter
- Ehrick Kensett Rossiter
- William Sidney Rossiter
- William Rotch
- Ernest David Roth
- Filibert Roth
- Frederick George Richard Roth
- Amos Cornelius Rothermel
- John Goodhart Rothermel
- Agnes Edwards Rothery
- Leon Rothier
- David Andrew Rqthrock
- Bernard Joseph Rothwell
- Alfred Holt Roudebush
- Arthur Charles Rounds
- Ralph Stowell Rounds
- George Rountree
- (Francis) Peyton Rous
- Arthur B. Rouse
- John Delos Rouse
- Gar A. Roush
- Edmund Swett Rousmaniere
- Harry Harwood Rousseau
- Eugene Coke Routh
- James (Edward) Routh
- Evart Grant Routzahn
- Louis Roversi
- Robert Keable Row
- Andrew Summers Rowan
- Charles Joseph Rowan
- Rush Med. Coll. M. D.
- Joseph Rowan
- Harry E. Rowbottom
- Frederick William Rowe
- Gilbert Theodore Rowe
- Asheville Os
- Henry Clarke Rowe
- Henry Kalloch Rowe
- Jesse Perry Rowe
- Leo S. Rowe
- L(Ouis) Earle Rowe
- Peter Trimble Rowe
- Stuart Henry Rowe
- Walter Ellsworth Rowe
- William Stanhope Rowe
- Chester Harvey Rowell
- George Smith Rowell
- Joseph Cummings Rowell
- Albert Lindsay Rowland
- Arthur John Rowland
- Charles H. Rowland
- Charles Leonard Rowland
- Dunbar Rowland
- Eleanor Harris Rowland
- Helen Rowland
- Henry Cottrell Rowland
- James Marshall Hanna Rowland
- Joseph Medley Rowland
- Vernon Cecil Rowland
- Francis Harold Rowley
- John Rowley
- William C. Rowley
- Leonard George Rowntree
- Arthur (Jay) Roy
- Lillian Elizabeth Roy
- Philip Seddon Roy
- Victor Leander Roy
- George Royal
- Tucker Royall
- William Bailey Royall
- Asa Marshfield Royce
- Frederick Page Royce
- George Monroe Royce
- Edwin Milton Royle
- Hubert Ashley Royster
- James Finch Royster
- Lawrence Thomas Royster
- Horatio Seymour Rubens
- Thomas Lewis Rubey
- Isaac Max Rubinow
- Sydney Godfrey Rubinow
- George Rublee
- Edward Ernest Ruby
- Atterson Walden Rucker
- Elbert Marion Rucker
- William Colby Rucker
- William Waller Rucker
- F(Red) Wellington Ruckstull
- William Platt Rudd
- Edsel Alexander Ruddiman
- Gilbert Thomas Rude
- Frank H. Rudkin
- Charles Rudolph
- Cuno H. Rudolph
- Robert Livingston Rudolph
- Maximilian (Josef) Rudwin
- Charlotte Rudyard
- Levi Lingo Rue
- Rudolf Ruedemann
- Gustav F(Erdinand) Ruediger
- William Carl Ruediger
- Harrison August Rue He
- Margaret Ellen Henry Ruffin
- Sterling Ruffin
- Charles Shumway Ruffner
- Ernest Howard Ruffner
- Titta Ritffo
- Will Carl Rufus
[edit]- Arthur Prentice Rugg
- Frederic Waldo Rugg
- Harold Rugg
- Arthur Hiler Ruggles
- Colden L’Hommedieu Ruggles
- Oliver W. Ruggles
- Charles Edward Rugh
- Arthur Brown Ruhl
- Henry Ruhlender
- John Ruhr Ah
- Merryle Stanley Rukeyser
- Arthur Richards Rule
- William Rule
- Edward Aloysius Rumely
- Israel Parsons Rumsey
- Carl (Clemens Moritz) Rungius
- Erwin William Runkle
- Harry Godley Runkle
- Clive Runnells
- John. Sumner Runnells
- Orange Scott Runnels
- W(Alter) Parker Runyon
- William Nelson Runyon
- Henry Woldmar Ruoff
- Onorio Ruotolo
- Arthur Ringwalt Rupley
- Lawrence Henry Rupp
- Jacob Ruppert
- Frederick Kelsey Rupprecht
- Henry Hurd Rusby
- Benjamin Rush
- Charles Andrew Rush
- Charles Everett Rush
- Olive Rush
- Sylvester R. Rush
- Thomas E. Rush
- David Barker Rushmore
- Edward Rushmore
- John Bikeman Rushmore
- Henry Perly Ruse
- Edgar Russel
- Walter S. Russel
- (George) Alexander Russell
- Annie Russell
- Arthur Joseph Russell
- Charles Edward Russell
- Charles Marion Russell
- Charles Wells Russell
- Daniel Russell
- Edmund A. Russell
- Edward Hutson Russell
- Elbert Russell
- Ernest John Russell
- Francis Wayland Russell
- Franklin Ferriss Russell
- Frederic Arthur Russell
- Frederick Fuller Russell
- George Russell
- George Harvey Russell
- Gordon Russell
- Harry Luman Russell
- Harry Newton Russell
- Henry Russell
- Henry Norris Russell
- Herbert Edwin Russell
- Howard Hyde Russell
- Isaac Franklin Russell
- James Earl Russell
- James Solomon Russell
- John Russell
- John Andrew Russell
- John Henry Russell
- Joseph Ballister Russell
- Joseph James Russell
- Joshua Edward Russell
- Lee Maurice Russell
- Lindsay Russell
- Louis Arthur Russell
- L(Ulu) Case Russell
- Richard Brevard Russell
- Robert Lee Russell
- Robert Lee Russell
- Samuel Russell
- Thomas Halbert Russell
- Thomas Herbert Russell
- Walter Russell
- Walter Earle Russell
- William Fletcher Russell
- William Logie Russell
- William T. Russell
- William Worthington Russell
- Sarah Elizabeth Russum
[edit]- Charles Herbert Rust
- Henry Bedinger Rust
- Clarendon Rutherford
- Mildred Lewis Rutherford
- Samuel Rutherford
- Alexander G(Rant) Ruthven
- Archibald (Hamilton) Rutledge
- Benjamin Huger Rutledge
- George Perry Rutledge
- Frank Roy Rutter
- Robert Lewis Rutter
- Caroline Ruutz-Rees
- Beatrice Baxter Ru Yl
- Thomas Edward Ryals
- Andrew Howard Ryan
- George Joseph Ryan
- Harris Joseph Ryan
- James Augustine Ryan
- John Augustine Ryan
- John D. Ryan
- Marah Ellis Ryan
- Michael J. Ryan
- Michael Sylvester Ryan
- O’Neill Ryan
- Oswald Ryan
- Thomas Ryan
- Thomas Fortune Ryan
- Thomas Jefferson Ryan
- Will Carson Ryan
- William Henry Ryan
- William Thomas Ryan
- Martin Cornelius Rybner
- Per Axel Rydberg
- Arthur Hilton Ryder
- Arthur William Ryder
- Chauncey Foster Ryder
- Frederick Milliachip Ryder
- Harry Osborne Ryder
- Robert Oliver Ryder
- Thomas Clark Rye
- Edwin Warner Ryerson
- Joseph Turner Ryerson
- William Newton Ryerson
- George Taylor Rygh
- Cally Ryland
- Joseph R. Ryland
- Robert Knight Ryland
- James H. T. Ryman
- Edward Rynearson
- Louis Victor Franz Saar
- Adolph Joseph Sabath
[edit]- Mowry Saben
- Alvah Horton Sabin
- Charles Hamilton Sabin
- Edwin Legrand Sabin
- Elbridge Hosmer Sabin
- Ellen Clara Sabin
- Florence Rena Sabin
- Louis Carlton Sabin
- Wallace Arthur Sabin
- Bernard Sachs
- Ernest Sachs
- Julius Sachs
- Paul Joseph Sachs
- Walter Edward Sachs
- Frederic Moseley Sackett
- Henry Woodward Sackett
- Robert Lemuel Sackett
- Walter George Sackett
- William Edgar Sackett
- Walter Allen Sadd
- Herbert Charles Sadler
- Lena Kellogg Sadler
- Sylvester Baker Sadler
- William Samuel Sadler
- Samuel Philip Sadtler
- Oscar Saenger
- William Berney Saffold
- Harry Robinson S Afford
- Mary Augusta Safford
- Mary Joanna Safford
- William Edwin Safford
- Eben Charles Sage
- John Hall Sage
- William Sage
- Joseph Evans Sagebeer
- George Adam Sagendorph
- James E. Sague
- Helen Sahler
- Joseph Sailer
- Homer Schiff Saint -G Audens
- Katey(Andenhoff ) Saint Maur
- Aaron M. Sakolski
- William Salant
- Samuel Sale
[edit]- Earl Adolphus Saliers
- Benjamin I. Salinger
- George Robert Salisbury
- Alexander Samuel Salley
- William Henry Sallmon
- Levi Brimner Salmans
- Alvah Glover Salmon
- Lucy Maynard Salmon
- Thomas William Salmon
- William Charles Salmon
- Wilmer Wesley Salmon
- Lant King Salsbury
- Nate Salsbury
- Mary Turner Salter
- Moses Buckingham Salter
- Sumner Salter
- William Mackintire Salter
- Wuliam David Saltiel
- Gaylord Miller Saltzgaber
- Charles Mckinley Saltzman
- Minnie Saltzman-Stevens
- Victor Salvatore
- Alberto Salvi
- Albert Morris Sames
- Thomas Drake Samford
- William Hodges Samford
- G. Mario Sammarco
- Thomas Sammons
- Wheeler Sammons
- John Richard Sampey
- William Roderick Sample
- Marshall Emmett Samp Sell
- Alden Sampson
- Emma Speed Sampson
- Flem D. Sampson
- Francis Asbury Sampson
- John Albertson Sampson
- John Patterson Sampson
- Martin Wright Sampson
- Earl Corder Sams
- Oliver Newton Sams
- Oscar Ernest Sams
- Bunford Samuel
- Maurice Victor Samuels
- Alvan Francis Sanborn
- Benjamin H. Sanborn
- Elwin Roswell Sanborn
- Frank Berry Sanborn
- Henry Nichols Sanborn
- Herbert Charles Sanborn
- John B. Sanborn
- John Bell Sanborn
- J(Ohn) Pitts Sanborn
- Joseph Brown Sanborn
- Mary Parley Sanborn
- Walter Henry Sanborn
[edit]- Henry Kendall Sanborne
- Francisco Sanchez-Latour
- Carl Sandburg
- Jefferson Davis Sandefer
- Alvin Howard Sanders
- Archie D. Sanders
- Charles Finley Sanders
- Euclid Sanders
- Everett Sanders
- Frank Knight Sanders
- Frederic Williams Sanders
- Henry Arthur Sanders
- Henry Nevill Sanders
- Jared Young Sanders
- John Adams Sanders
- John Oliver Sanders
- Joseph M. Sanders
- Louis Peck Sanders
- Morgan Gurley Sanders
- Newell Sanders
- Thomas Jefferson Sanders
- Walter Frederick Sanders
- William Brownell Sanders
- (Ezra) Dwight Sanderson
- Edwin Nash Sanderson
- Eugene Claremont Sanderson
- George Andrew Sanderson
- George Augustus Sanderson
- Henry Sanderson
- Henry Stephen Sanderson
- Joseph Sanderson
- Joseph Monteith Sanderson
- Julia Sanderson
- Mrs. R. J. Sanderson
- Robert Louis Sanderson
- Joseph Randolph Sandifer
- George Henry Sandison
- John Nicholas Sandlin
- Lawrence Eyster Sands
- Oliver Jackson Sands
- Thomas Edmund Sands
- William Franklin Sands
- George Washington Sandt
- Sven Birger Sandzen
- Robert E(Dward) Lee Saner
- Albert Hart Sanford
- Allan Douglas Sanford
- Charles F. Sanford
- Chester Milton Sanford
- Daniel Sammis Sanford
- Edmund Clark Sanford
- Edward Field Sanford
- Edward Terry Sanford
- Elias Benjamin Sanford
- Fernando Sanford
- George Edwin Sanford
- Henry Lindsay Sanford
- James Clark Sanford
- John B. Sanford
- Lillias Rumsey Sanford
- Louis Childs Sanford
- Myron Reed Sanford
- Rollin B. Sanford
- Steadman Vincent Sanford
- Alexander Sanger
- Joseph Prentice Sanger
- Sydney Sanner
- Marion Sansom
- Emery John San Souci
- George Santayana
- Ellis Monroe Santee
- Harris Ellett Santee
- William Henry Santelmann
- Maud Santley
- Edwin Warren Saphore
- Grange Sard
[edit]- Frederick William Sardeson
- Lew Sarett
- Frank Wadleigh Sargeant
- Gaston Sargeant
- Charles Sprague Sargent
- Christopher Gilbert Sargent
- Dudley Allen Sargent
- Fred Wesley Sargent
- Frederick Leroy Sargent
- George Henry Sargent
- Helen Sanborn Sargent
- Henry Bradford Sargent
- John Garibaldi Sargent
- John Singer Sargent
- Paul Dudley Sargent
- Porter Sargent
- Walter Sargent
- William Durham Sargent
- William Edward Sargent
- Elmore Yocum Sarles
- David Sarnoff
- Emily Sartain
- Paul Judd Sartain
- William Sartain
- Joseph Francis Sartori
- Alexander Saslavsky
- John Elbert Sater
- Robert Samuel Satterfield
- George Reese Satterlee
- Herbert Livingston Satterlee
- Eric Ericson Sattler
- Robert Sattler
- Emil Sauer
- Willard Saulsbury
- Arthur Percy Saunders
- Charles Francis Saunders
- Frederick A(Lbert) Saunders
- John Monk Saunders
- John R. Saunders
- Kenneth James Saunders
- Paul Hill Saunders
- Samuel James Saunders
- William Lawrence Saunders
- Paul (Louis) Saurel
- Albert Sauveur
- Charles Albert Savage
- (Charles) Courtenay Savage
- Elmer Seth Savage
- Eugene Francis Savage
- Ezra Perin Savage
- Francis Martin Savage
- George Martin Savage
- Giles Christopher Savage
- Henry Wilson Savage
- Hiram Newton Savage
- John Marbacher Savage
- Maxwell Savage
- Thomas Edmund Savage
- Watson Lewis Savage
- Eugene Coleman Savidge
- Frank Raymond Savidge
- Bruce Wilder Saville
- Caleb Mills Saville
- Marshall Howard Saville
- Jerohn Joseph Savitz
- William H. Sawtelle
- William Luther Sawtelle
- Franklin B. Sawvel
[edit]- Carl Walker Sawyer
- Charles E. Sawyer
- Charles Winthrop Sawyer
- Edmund Ogden Sawyer
- Henry Buckland Sawyer
- Hiram Arthur Sawyer
- John Pascal Sawyer
- John Talbott Sawyer
- Joseph Dillaway Sawyer
- Joseph Henry Sawyer
- Mary Alma Sawyer
- Philip Sawyer
- Roland Douglas Sawyer
- Samuel Nelson Sawyer
- Walter Hulme Sawyer
- Wesley Caleb Sawyer
- Wilbur Augustus Sawyer
- John G. Saxton
- Joseph Draper Sayers
- Oliver Martin Sayler
- Henry Sayles
- Robert Wilcox Sayles
- Henry Hodgman Saylor
- Anthony Dickinson Sayre
- Francis Bowes Sayre
- Lucius Elmer Sayre
- Monell Sayre
- Reginald Hall Sayre
- Theodore Burt Sayre
- S(Arah) Janet Sayward
- William Henry Sayward
- Roger Livingston Scaife
- Walter Bell Scaife
- Alfred Moore Scales
- Archibald Henderson Scales
- Aroostine Henderson U.S.N.)
- Richard Everingham Scammon
- Charles Scanlon
- David Howard Scanlon
- Dorothy Scarborough
- George Moore Scarborough
- Lee Rutland Scarborough
- William Sanders Scarborough
- William Scarlett
- Salvatore Cartaino Scarpitta
- James Henry Scarr
- J(Oseph) Henry Scattergood
- Anton Schaaf
- Edward Oswald Schaaf
- John Martin Schaeberle
- J(Acob) Parsons Schaeffer
- Mead Schaeffer
- Paul Nicholas Schaeffer
- Edwin George Schafer
- John Charles Schafer
- Joseph Schafer
- Charles E. Schaff
- David Schley Schaff
- Morris Schaff
- William I. Schaffer
- John Henry Schaffner
- Thomas David Schall
- Albert Schaller
- Waldemar Theodore Schaller
- Jay Frank Schamberg
- Tobias Schanfarber
- William August Schafer
- Israel Schapiro
- Edward Leroy Schaub
- Henry Park Schauffler
- Rachel Capen Schauffler
- Robert Haven Schauffler
- William Gray Schauffler
[edit]- Fritzi Scheff
- Herman George Scheffauer
- Charles Frederick Scheible
- Edwin Allison Schell
- Frank Cresson Schell
- William Elias Schell
- Ernest Henry Schelling
- Felix Emanuel Schelling
- Carl Alwin Schenck
- Charles Meigs Schenck
- Edwin Saxton Schenck
- Eunice Morgan Schenck
- Michael Schenck
- Paul Wadsworth Schenck
- Peter Lawrence Schenck
- Alfons William Schenuit
- William Scheppegrell
- James Augustin Brown Scherer
- Tilden Scherer
- George Lawrence Scherger
- James Schermerhorn
- William David Schermerhorn
- Helen Pitkin Schertz
- Frederick Charles Scheuch
- Edward Benjamin Scheve
- Ferdinand Schevill
- Rudolph Schevill
- William V. Schevill
- Clara Eve Schieber
- William Jay Schieffelin
- Herman John Schiek
- Mortimer L. Schiff
- Joseph Schil Dkraut
- Alice Schille
- William Bacon Schiller
- Hugo Karl Schilling
- William Frank Schilling
- Paul Arthur Schilpp
- Henry William Schimpf
- Mrs. S. J. Bayard Schindel
- Kurt Schindler
- Augustin Francis Schinner
- Albert Schinz
- Tito Schipa
- Charles Henry Schlacks
- Herman T. Schladermundt
- Max Gustav Schlapp
[edit]- H. Franklin Schlegel
- Arthur Meier Schlesinger
- Columbia M. A.
- Elmer Schlesinger
- Frank Schlesinger
- Frederick (William) Schlieder
- Paul Arthur Schilpp
- Oscar Menderson Schloss
- Herman Schlundt
- Albert George Schmedeman
- William Herman Schmedtgen
- Alfred Francis William Schmidt
- Edward Charles Schmidt
- Edward William Schmidt
- Frederick Augustus Schmidt
- Joseph Martin Schmidt
- Karl Schmidt
- Louis Bernard Schmidt
- Louis Ernst Schmidt
- Nathaniel Schmidt
- Otto L. Schmidt
- Paul Gerhard Schmidt
- Richard Ernest Schmidt
- William Schmidt
- Bernadotte Everly Schmitt
- Samuel Christian Schmtjcker
- Dorothy M. Prof." Natural Science M.
- David Bowman Schneder
- Adolph Benedict Schneider
- Albert Schneider
- Edward Christian Schneider
- Frederick William Schneider
- George J. Schneider
- Herman Schneider
- Joseph Schneider
- Eugene Paul Schoch
- Georg Schock
- Ernest William Schoder
- Jacob F. Schoellkopf
- Paul Arthur Schoellkopf
- Charles T. Schoen
- Henry Schoenefeld
- Hermann Schoenfeld
- Julia Schoenfeld
- Rudolf Emil Schoenfeld
- Otto Schoenrich
- W(Illiam) Kesley Schoepf
- Max Schoetz
[edit]- Wilfred Harvey Schoff
- Frank Herman Schofield
- Frank Lee Schofield
- Harvey A. Schofield
- Mary Lyon Cheney Schofield
- W (Alter) Elmer Schofield
- Samuel Ray Scholes
- John William Scholl
- Carl Scholz
- Emil Maurice Scholz
- Richard Frederick Scholz
- Henri Schonhardt
- Lewis Schooler
- John James Schoonhoven
- Edwin Davies Schoonmaker
- Frederic Palen Schoonmaker
- Frank Earle Schoonover
- Henry Schott
- Alfred Mcgill Schoyer
- Frank Charles Schrader
- Frederick Franklin Schrader
- Jacob Richard Schramm
- Isaac Butler Schreckengast
- George Abel Schreiner
- Oswald Schreiner
- Joseph Schrembs
- Alwin Schroeder
- Ernest Charles Schroeder
- Reginald Schroeder
- William Edward Schroeder
- Charles Schuchert
- William Henry Schuerman
- Oswald Francis Schuette
- George William Schuhmann
- Anthony J. Schuler
- Hans Schuler
- Loring Ashley Schuler
- Samuel Schulman
- Alfred Paul Schultz
- Alfred Reginald Schultz
- Ernst William Schultz
- George F. Schultz
- James Willard Schultz
- John Richie Schultz
- Canton U.)
- William Eben Schultz
- Arthur Schultze
- Carl Gustav Schulz
- Leo Schulz
- Paul Schulze
- Matthew Aloysius Schumacher
- Thomas Milton Schumacher
- George Wellington Schurman
- Jacob Gould Schurman
- Carl Lincoln Schurz
- William Lytle Schurz
- Louis Henry Schutte
- Martin Schutze
- Karl Cortlandt Schuyler
- Livingston Rowe Schuyler
- Montgomery Schuyler
- Walter Scribner Schuyler
[edit]- Charles M. Schwab
- Francis Xavier Schwab
- John George Schwab
- Sidney Isaac Schwab
- John Henry Schwacke
- Peter Schwamb
- Theodore Schwan
- Julia Augusta Schwartz
- Karl Schwartz
- George Frederick Schwarz
- Carl Schwarzburger
- William Nathaniel Schwarze
- Isaac Joachim Schwatt
- Harry Christian Schweikert
- Julius Adolph Schweinfurth
- George Edmund De Schweinitz
- Paul De Schweinitz
- J. Otto Schweizer
- Charles Hodgdon Schweppe
- August John Schwertner
- Frederick Sievers Schwinn
- Alphonse Mary Schwitalla
- Arnold Schwyzer
- Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore
- Lynn A. Scipio
- Carl Schurz Scofield
- Edward Scofield
- Charles Elbert Scoggins
- Clinton Scollard
[edit]- Harvey James Sconce
- Evelyn Scqtney
- Albert Lyon Scott
- Albert Woodburn Scott
- Arthur Curtis Scott
- Austin Wakeman Scott
- (Robert) Bruce Scott
- Campbell Scott
- Carrie Emma Scott
- Charles Felton Scott
- Charles Frederick Scott
- Charles Herrington Scott
- Charles Payson Gurley Scott
- Charlotte Angas Scott
- Colin Alexander Scott
- Earl Francis Scott
- Eben Greenough Scott
- Elmon Scott
- Emmett Jay Scott
- Washington N. W.
- Ernest Findlay Scott
- Evan Walter Scott
- Frank Augustus Scott
- Frank Douglas Scott
- Frank Hamline Scott
- Franklin William Scott
- Fred Newton Scott
- Frederic William Scott
- Frederick Andrew Scott
- George Scott
- George Cromwell Scott
- George Winfield Scott
- Henri (Guest) Scott
- Henry Edwards Scott
- Henry Tiffany Scott
- Henry Wilson Scott
- Hugh Lenox Scott
- Isaac Macburney Scott
- Isaiah Benjamin Scott
- James Brown Scott
- Jeannette Scott
- John Adams Scott
- John Addison Scott
- John Loughran Scott
- John Prindle Scott
- John R. K. Scott
- John Reed Scott
- John W(Illiam) Scott
- John William Scott
- Jonathan French Scott
- Joseph Scott
- Leroy Scott
- Leslie M. Scott
- Llewellyn Davis Scott
- Lon Allen Scott
- Martin J. Scott
- N(Athan) Stone Scott
- Richard John Ernst Scott
- Robert Scott
- Robert Bruce Scott
- Samuel Parsons Scott
- Thomas Albertson Scott
- Tully Scott
- Waiter Scott
- Walter Canfield Scott
- Walter Dill Scott
- Wilfred Welday Scott
- Willard Scott
- William Amasa Scott
- William Berryman Scott
- William Edouard Scott
- William Henry Scott
- William R. Scott
- William Sherley Scott
- Winfield Scott
[edit]- George Scott-Hunter
- Antonio Scotti
- John Crawford Scotjller
- Hiram Thompson Scovill
- Annie Beecher Scoville
- Robert Scoville
- Samuel Scoville
- Wilbur Lincoln Scoville
- Worthington Scranton
- Francis Arthur Scratchley
- Arthur Hawley Scribner
- Charles Scribner
- Charles Ezra Scribner
- F. Lamson- Scribner
- Frank Kimball Scribner
- Mrs. Lucy Skidmore Scribner
- Edward Wyllis Scripps
- Robert Paine Scripps
- William Edmund Scripps
- Edward Wheeler Scripture
- George Percival Scriven
- Joseph Whitefield Scroggs
- William Oscar Scroggs
- Loyd Scruggs
[edit]- James Graves Scrugham
- Charles Locke Scudder
- Doremus Scudder
- Janet Scudder
- Myron Tracy Scudder
- Vida Dutton Scudder
- Wallace Mcllvaine Scudder
- William Augustine Scully
- Samuel Seabury
- William Marston Seabury
- Effle M. Seachrest
- Henry Rogers Seager
- Lawrence H. Seager
- Oscar Seagle
- Frank Evans Sea Grave
- William Elmer Sealock
- Arthur Edmund Seaman
- Eugene Cecil Seaman
- George Milton Seaman
- Gilbert Edmund Seaman
- Henry Bowman Seaman
- Louis Livingston Seaman
- William Grant Seaman
- Frederick Preston Search
- Preston Willis Search
- Chesley Hunter Searcy
- James Thomas Searcy
- Frederick Hanley Seares
- Colbert Searle S
- William Henry Searle S
- Charles Brown Sears
- Clara Endicott Sears
- Edmund Hamilton Sears
- Mrs. Franklin Warren Sears
- Fred Coleman Sears
- Frederic William Sears
- George Gray Sears
- George Wallace Sears
- Joseph Hamblen Sears
- Nathaniel Clinton Sears
- Sarah Choate Sears
- Taber Sears
- William Henry Sears
- William Joseph Sears
- Willis G. Sears
- Zelda Sears
- James William Searson
- Carl Emil Seashore
- John Lawrence Seaton
- Roy Andrew Seaton
- Joel Herbert Seaverns
- Warren Abner Seavey
- Herbert Floyd Seawell
- George James Seay
[edit]- John Uno Sebenius
- John Alstyne Secor
- Horace Secrist
- William Little Seddon
- Ellery Sedgwick
- Henry Dwight Sedgwick
- Thomas Jefferson Jackson See
- Charles Louis Seeger
- Charles Louis Seeger
- John Conrad Seegers
- Levi Seeley
- Paul Stark Seeley
- Fred Loring Seely
- Herman Gastrell Seely
- Walter Hoff Seely
- Elizabeth Eggleston Seel Ye
- Laurenus Clark Seelye
- Frank Newell Seerle Y
- Homer Horatio Seerle Y
- August Frederick Seested
- William John Seever
- Vivienne Segal
- George N. Seger
- George Seibel
- Frank A. Seiberling
- Louis Seibold
- Emil Seidel
- Mathias Joseph Seifert
- Alice Seipp
- Don Carlos Seitz
- Augustine Dawson Selby
- Clarence Davey Selby
- Charles Albert Selden
- Gilbert Seldes
- Harry Hunter Seldomridge
- Charles Claude Selecman
- H(Arry) Gordon Selfridge
- William Nicholas Selig
- Albert Joseph Seligman
- Arthur Seligman
- Henry Seligman
- Jefferson Seligman
- Mrs. Basil De Selincourt
- Edward Scott Sell
- Henry Blackman Sell
- Henry Thorne Sell
- Elias Howard Sellards
- Roy Wood Sellars
- Willard Chamberlain Selleck
- Edwin Jaquett Sellers
- Horace Wells Sellers
- James Freeman Sellers
- Kathryn Sellers
- Matthew Bacon Sellers
- Sandford Sellers
- George Clarke Sellery
- George Tucker Sellew
- Walter Aslxbel Sellew
- Cato Sells
- Sam R. Sells
- Charles Alden Seltzer
- Watson Selvage
- Robert Washington Selvidge
- Conrad George Selvig
- Edgar Selwyn
- Harry Merrick Semans
[edit]- J. Sembach
- Charles Jacob Sembower
- Marcella Sembrich
- William James Semelroth
- Ellen Churchill Semple
- Henry Churchill Semple
- William Tunstall Semple
- James Seehorn Seneker
- Harold Dickinson Senior
- John Lawson Senior
- Thomas J. Senn
- George Washington Sentell
- Joseph Archibald Serena
- Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant
- Charles Hubbard Sergel
- Emma Serl
- William Jones Serrill
- Abram Ralph Serven
- Garrett Putman Serviss
- Clarence William Sessions
- Davis Sessums
- William Albert Setchell
- Julia Seton
- Robert Seton
- Giulio Setti
- George Thomas Settle
- Warner Ellmore Settle
- Karl John Seulke
- George Francis Sever
- Cordenio Arnold Severance
- Frank Hayward Severance
- Henry Ormal Severance
- Henry Franklin Severens
- Edmund Severn
- Melvin Linwood Severy
- Joseph Ramsey Sevier
- Alice Archer Sewall
- Arthur Wollaston Sewall
- Harold Marsh Sewall
- Henry Sewall
- John Perry Seward
- Samuel Swayze Seward
- Albert Henry Sewell
- (Lydia) Amanda Brewster Sewell
- Jesse Parker Sewell
- Robert Van Vorst Sewell
- George Samuel Sexton
- John Chase Sexton
- Lewis Albert Sexton
- Pliny Titus Sexton
- Thomas Lawrence Sexton
- Charles Louis Seya
- Irma Seydel
- Leopold Seyffert
- Arthur Bliss Seymour
- Augustus Theodore Seymour
- Charles Seymour
- Del. On Rumanian U.S
- Frederick Seymour
- George Dudley Seymour
- James Alward Seymour
- John Sammis Seymour
- Ralph Fletcher Seymour
- Storrs Ozias Seymour
- William Seymour
- William Wolcott Seymour
- George Carl Shaad
- Edward Madison Shackelford
- Martha Hale Shackford
- Dorsey W. Shackleford
- Don Cameron Shafer
- George H. Shafer
- John Douglas Shafer
- Carroll Shaffer
- John Charles Shaffer
- Newton Melman Shaffer
- Morrison Shafroth
- Thomas Joseph Shahan
- Cecil Fleetwood Shallcross
- Ashton C. Shallenberger
- Irwin Maurer Shalter
- George Elmer Shambaugh
- Archibald Dixon Shamel
- Edmundthomas Shanahan
- John Daniel Shanahan
- Aurelius Rives Shands
- Corwin Sheridan Shank
- Samuel Herbert Shank
- Edward Clapp Shankland
- Arnold Shanklin
- William Arnold Shanklin
- David Carey Shanks
- George Patrick Shanley
- Effie Shannon
- Frederick Franklin Shannon
- J(Ames) J(Ebusa) Shannon
- Nellie Shannon
- Thomas Vincent Shannon
- Homer Leroy Shantz
- Alfred Lee Shapleigh
- Bertram (Lincoln) Shapleigh
- Harlow Shapley
- Kate Trimble Sharber
- Joseph Edward Sharkey
- Myrna Docia Sharlow
- Dallas Lore Sharp
- Eckley Grant Sharp
- Frank Chapman Sharp
- George Matthews Sharp
- John Fletcher Sharp
- Joseph Henry Sharp
- Robert Sharp
- Robert Sherman Sharp
- Waldo Z. Sharp
- Charles Manford Sharpe
- Francis Robert Sharpe
- Henry Dexter Sharpe
- Henry Granville Sharpe
- John C. Sharpe
- Mary Elizabeth Evans Sharpe
- Nelson Sharpe
- Frederick F Sharpless
- Joseph William Sharts
- Thomas Hall Shastid
- Aaron Draper Shattuck
- Charles Houston Shattuck
- Frederick Cheever Shattuck
- George Burbank Shattuck
- George Frederick Shaver
- Adele Marie Shaw
- Albert Shaw
- Arch. Wilkinson Shaw
- Avery Albert Shaw
- Charles Fredrick Shaw
- Charles Gray Shaw
- Clarence Reginald Shaw
- Edwin Coupland Shaw
- Elton Raymond Shaw
- Eugene Wesley Shaw
- Frances Wells Shaw
- Frederic Lonsdale Shaw
- Guy Loren Shaw
- Henry Larned Keith Shaw
- Howard Burton Shaw
- Howard Van Doren Shaw
- James Byrnie Shaw
- John Balcom Shaw
- J(Ohn) W(Illiam) Shaw
- Leslie Mortier Shaw
- Lucien Shaw
- Oliver Abbott Shaw
- Ralph Martin Shaw
- Robert Kendall Shaw
- Robert Sidey Shaw
- Samuel Gormley Shaw
- Sterling- Price Shaw
- Sydney Dale Shaw
- Thomas Shaw
- Warren Choate Shaw
- William Shaw
- William Bristol Shaw
- Morris Purdy Shawkey
- Felix Shay
- Frank Shay
- Ernest Vincent Shayler
- Daniel William Shea
- Joseph Bernard Shea
- Joseph Hooker Shea
- Mark Wentworth Sheafe
- Arthur Whitcomb Sheafer
[edit]- Henry B(Eston) Sheahan
- 1911 M. A.
- Charles M. She An
- Cornelius Lott Shear
- Theodore Leslie Shear
- Charles Sheard
- Dec. 31 N. H.
- Augustus Hunt Shearer
- John Louis Shearer
- Clarence John Shearn
- Jacob Sheatsley
- George Clifford Shedd
- John Cutler Shedd
- John Graves Shedd
- Solon Shedd
- William Alfred Shedd
- James B. Sheean
- Morgan M. Sheedy
- J(Oseph) Eastman Sheehan
- Perley Poore Sheehan
- Winfield R. Sheehan
- Earl Wooddeu Sheets
- Edward Fleming Sheffey
- James Rockwell Sheffield
- James M. Shelburne
- Addison Erwin Sheldon
- Arthur Frederick Sheldon
- Caroline M. Sheldon
- Charles Sheldon
- Charles Mills Sheldon
- Charles Monroe Sheldon
- Charles Stuart Sheldon
- Edward Brewster Sheldon
- Edward Stevens Sheldon
- Edward Wright Sheldon
- Frank Milton Sheldon
- Frederick Beaumont Sheldon
- George Lawson Sheldon
- Mrs. Georgie Sheldon
- Henry Clay Sheldon
- Henry Davidson Sheldon
- Henry Newton Sheldon
- John Lewis Sheldon
- Rowland Caldwell Sheldon
- Wiimon Henry Sheldon
- Winthrop Dudley Sheldon
- Victor Ernest Shelford
- George Le Roy Shelley
- Harry Rowe Shelley
- Oliver Hazard Perry Shelley
- Charles Eldred Shelton
- Don Odell Shelton
- Louise Shelton
- Samuel A. Shelton
- Thomas Jefferson Shelton
- Thomas Wall Shelton
- William Arthur Shelton
- William Henry Shelton
- Francis Clinton Shenehon
- John Wesley Shenk
- Herbert Newhard Shenton
- Andrew N. Shepard
- Charles Edward Shepard
- Charles Norman Shepard
- C(Harles) Sidney Shepard
- Earl Dorman Shepard
- Edward Martin Shepard
- Finley Johnson Shepard
- Frank Edward Shepard
- Frederick Job Shepard
- Harriett Elma Shepard
- Harvey Newton Shepard
- Helen Miller (Gould) Shepard
- Horace B. Shepard
- James Edward Shepard
- John Frederick Shepard
- Odell Shepard
- Stuart Gore Shepard
- William Orville Shepard
- William Pierce Shepard
- Frank Lucius Shepard Son
- George Defrees Shepard Son
- Arthur Shepherd
- Charles Reginald Shepherd
- Clifford John Shepherd
- Ernest Stanley Shepherd
- Fred N. Shepherd
- Grace M. Shepherd
- Henry Elliot Shepherd
- Russell E. Shepherd
- William Gunn Shepherd
- William R. Shepherd
- Joseph Mcguire Shepler
- George Leander Shepley
- John Calhoun Sheppard
- Lucius Elmer Sheppard
- Morris Sheppard
- Samuel Edward Sheppard
- Warren W. Sheppard
- William Bostwick Sheppard
- William Henry Sheppard
- Marshall Sheppey
- Rex W. Sherer
- William Sherer
- Sarahm. Sheridan
- Thomas Francis Sheridan
- Swagar Sherley
- Chesla C. Sherlock
- Althea Rosina Sherman
- Carl Sherman
- Charles Colebrook Sherman
- Charles Lester Sherman
- Charles Phineas Sherman
- Christopher Elias Sherman
- Edward Augustine Sherman
- Ellen Burns Sherman
- Gordon Edward Sherman
- Henry Clapp Sherman
- Lecturer Os
- James Morgan Sherman
- Soc. Am. Bacteriologists A.A.A.S.
- John Dickinson Sherman
- Lawrence Y. Sherman
- Lucius Adelno Sherman
- Maurice Sinclair Sherman
- Merritt Masters Sherman
- Philemon Tecumseh Sherman
- Roger Sherman
- Stuart Pratt Sherman
- Asst Os
- Wells Alvord Sherman
- William O’Neill Sherman
- Lucius Rogers Sfiero
- William Francis Shero
- Thomas Herrick Sherrard
- Charles Hitchcock Sherrill
- Henry Knox Sherrill
- John Bascom Sherrill
- Miles Standish Sherrill
- Samuel Wells Sherrill
- Charles Chester Sherrod
- Carl Paxson Sherwin
- Andrew Sherwood
- Carl G. Sherwood
- Henry Noble Sherwood
- Herbert Francis Sherwood
- Isaac R. Sherwood
- Margaret Pollock Sherwood
- Noble Pierce Sherwood
- Robert Emmet Sherwood
- Rosina Emmet Sherwood
- Thomas Adiel Sherwood
- Berkeley Sherwood-Dunn
- Jane Sherzer
- William Hittell Sherzer
- Ebenb. Shewman
- George (Henry) Shibley
- Baron Kijuro Shidehara
- Leland Perry Shidy
- Dan Berry Shields
- G. O. (“Coquina”) Shields
- George Howell Shields
- Gertrude M. Shields
- John Franklin Shields
- John Knight Shields
- William S. Shields
- Albert Shiels
- George Franklin Shiels
- John R. Shillady
- Alexander Shilling
- Bohumil Shimek
- Hervey Woodburn Shimer
- Porter William Shimer
- Herbert Gilby Shimp
- Charles Howard Shinn
- Everett Shinn
- Florence Scovel Shinn
- Milicent Washburn Shinn
- Theodore Merrell Shepherd
- Guy Emery Shipler
- Edward Ellis Shipley
- Frederick William Shipley
- George Shipley
- (Howard) Maynard Shipley
- Walter Penn Shipley
- Arthur Lefflngwell Shipman
- Herbert Shipman
- Louis Evan Shipman
- Samuel Shipman
- Frederic B. Shipp
- Thomas Roerty Shipp
- Lester Burrell Shippee
- Eugene Rodman Shippen
- Joseph Shippen
- (Henry) Lee Shippey
- Mary Blake Woodson Shippey
- Henrik Shipstead
[edit]- James Ancil Shipton
- George Shiras
- George Shiras
- Cassius Clay Shirley
- Paul Shivell
- Eugene (Claire) Shoecraft
- Danielnaylor Shoemaker
- Floyd Calvin Shoemaker
- Henry Wharton Shoemaker
- Michael Myers Shoemaker
- William Rawle Shoemaker
- Anna Mcclure Sholl
- Glenn Alfred Shook
- Simeon P. Shope
- George Gerslion Shor
- Robert James Shores
- Paul Shore Y
- Francis Burgette Short
- Wilmington Y.M.C.A.
- Josephine Helena Short
- Wallace Mertin Short
- William Harrison Short
- Zuber Nathaniel Short
- Samuel Morgan Shortridge
- Wilson Porter Shortridge
- James Thomson Shotwell
- Arthur Glen Dinning Shoup
- Paul Shoup
- Jouett Shouse
- Anthony Johnson Showalter
- Jackson Whipps Showalter
- Joseph Baltzell Showalter
- Noah David Showalter
- William Joseph Showalter
- Grant Showerman
- J(Ohn) Balmer Showers
- E(Dwin) Roscoe Shrader
- Forrest Shreve
- Milton William Shreve
- Alfred Jenkins Shriver
- George Mclean Shriver
- William Jacob Shroder
- Henry William Shryock
- Jacob J. Shubert
- Lee Shubert
- Edwin Longstreet Shuey
- Robert Wilson Shufeldt
- Ellis W(Illiam) Shuler
- A(Aron) Franklin Shull
- Charles Albert Shull
- Deloss Carlton Shull
- George Harrison Shull
- Adolph Robert Shulz
- E(Lmer) Ellsworth Shumaker
- Edwin Llewellyn Shuman
- Daniel Bussier Shumway
- Edgar Solomon Shumway
- Walter Bradley Shumway
- Joseph Lorain Shunk
- Henry Fox Shupe
- Burt Russell Shurly
- Detroit Coll M. D.
- Edwin Dubois Shurter
- Arthur Asahel Shurtleff
- Eugene Shurtleff
- Flavel Shurtleff
- W(Illiam) Morgan Shuster
- A(Braham) Lincoln Shute
- Daniel Kerfoot Shute
- Henry Augustus Shute
- Marion Daniel Shutter
- Frank Barker Shutts
- William Luther Sibert
- Edwin Henry Sibley
- Frank J. Sibley
- Frederick Hubbard Sibley
- John Adams Sibley
- Joseph Crocker Sibley
- Josiah Sibley
- Robert Sibley
- Rufus Adams Sibley
- Samuel Hale Sibley
- William Giddings Sibley
- William George Sickel
- Ivin Sickels
- Frederick Lincoln Siddons
- Walter Raleigh Siders
- William Pratt Sidley
- Thomas Watson Sidwell
- Claude Ellsworth Siebenthal
- Wilbur Henry Siebert
- Frederic Siedenburg
- Henry Otto Rudolf Siefert
- Lee Paul Sieg
- Isaac Siegel
- Fred John Sievers
- Frederick Whliam Sievers
- Harry Austin Sifton
- Charles Peter Sigerfoos
- Frederick Lester Sigmund
- Ernest Gottlieb Sihler
- Clarence S. Sikes
- Enoch Walter Sikes
- George Cushing Sikes
- Timothy Alexander Sikes
- Ludwik Silberstein
- John B. Silcox
- Joseph F. Siler
- Frederick Herbert Sill
- Louise Morgan Sill
- Harry Inness Silliman
- Reuben Daniel Silliman
- Kenneth Charles Morton Sills
- Milton Sills
- Frank Mitchell Silsley
- William Posey Silva
- Abba Hillel Silver
- Ernest Leroy Silver
- Gray Silver
- H(Orace) Percy Silver
- Jesse Forrest Silver
- Robert Silvercru Y S
- Alexander Silverman
- Joseph Silverman
- Earl Reed Silvers
- Richard William Silvester
- George S. Silzer
- John Robert Sim
- Henry Walter Simkins
- William Stewart Simkins
- Frank William Simmonds
- Daniel Augustus Simmons
- Edward Simmons
- Furnifold Mclendel Simmons
- George H. Simmons
- George Welch Simmons
- James Henry Simmons
- James S. Simmons
- Robert Glenmore Simmons
- Thomas Jackson Simmons
- Wallace Delafleld Simmons
- P(Aris) Marion Simms
- S(Tephen) Chapman Simms
- William Philip Simms
- Charles Edmund Simon
- Joseph Simon
- Leon Charles Simon
- Alvan Tracy Simonds
- Frank H(Erbert) Simonds
- Frederic William Simonds
- George Sherwin Simonds
- Dept Os
- Ossian Cole Simonds
- William Edward Simonds
- Algie Martin Simons
- Charles Casper Simons
- George Albert Simons
- John Farr Simons
- Manly Hale Simons
- May Wood Simons
- Minot Simons
- Sarah Emma Simons
[edit]- Gustave Simonson
- Lee Simonson
- William A. Simonson
- Ida Vera Simonton
- Frederick Simpich
- Alex. Jr. Simpson
- Charles Torrey Simpson
- David Ferguson Simpson
- Edward Simpson
- Frances Simpson
- Frank Edward Simpson
- Frank Farrow Simpson
- Herman Simpson
- Howard Edwin Simpson
- James Simpson
- James Clarke Simpson
- John Childs Simpson
- John Dixon Simpson
- John Nathan Simpson
- Johns Hopkins M. D.
- Social Service F.)
- Kirke Larue Simpson
- Robert Simpson
- Robert Edward Simpson
- Samuel Simpson
- Olivet Coll. S.: A.B.
- Sloan Simpson
- Sutherland Simpson
- William Augustus Simpson
- Josephine Price Simrall
- Charles Abercrombie Sims
- Clifford Stanley Sims
- Edwin W. Sims
- Frederick Wilmer Sims
- John Francis Sims
- Newell Leroy Sims
- Thetus Wilrette Sims
- Walter Arthur Sims
- William Sowden Sims
- Harry Ford Sinclair
- James Herbert Sinclair
- James Huntly Sinclair
- Madison Barracks R.O.T.C.
- Mrs. John Archibald Sinclair
- Upton Sinclair
- Berthold Sin Ger
- Edgar Arthur Singer
- Harold Douglas Singer
- Isidore Singer
- William H. Singer
- Joseph Theophilus Singewald
- Esther Singleton
- B(Enneville) Lloyd Singley
- S.
- James Arthur Singmaster
- John Alden Singmaster
- Edmund Ware Sinnott
- Nicholas John Sinnott
- Ella Simons (Mrs. Walter H.) Siple
- Bertram Welton Sippy
- Edward Hinman Sirich
- Charles Herschel Sisam
- Lyman A. Sisley
- Charles Peck Sisson
- Edgar Grant Sisson
- Edward Octavius Sisson
- Francis Hinckley Sisson
- Septimus Sisson
- Thomas Upton Sisson
- Frank Crawford Sites
- Charles Fremont Sitterly
- Anna Pierpont Siviter
- William Henry Siviter
- Joseph Richard Sizoo
- John Peter Sjolander
- William Henry Skaggs
- Ernst Teofil Skarstedt
- Roland Edward Skeel
- Walter Fisher Skeele
- Dorr Skeels
- Wines Harris Skeels
- Leslie James Skelton
- William Vernon Skiles
- Ross Hall Skillern
- Thomas Julien Skillman
- Charles Sanford Skilton
- John Davis Skilton
- Ada Maria Skinner
- Belle Skinner
- Charles Drake Skinner
- Charles Edward Skinner
- Charles Rufus Skinner
- Clarence Aurelius Skinner
- Clarence Edward Skinner
- Clarence Russell Skinner
- Constance Lindsay Skinner
- Cornelia Otis Skinner
- David A. Skinner
- Eleanor Louise Skinner
- Ernest Brown Skinner
- Harry Skinner
- Henry Skinner
- John Harrison Skinner
- Joseph Allen Skinner
- Lewis Bailey Skinner
- M(Ilton) P(Hilo) Skinner
- Otis Skinner
- Robert P. Skinner
- Thomas Glagett Skinner
- William Skinner
- Harriet Mathilda Skogh
- Andrew Leonard Skoog
- Charles William Slack
- Leighton P. Slack
- Lemuel Ertus Slack
- Albert Arthur Slade
- Caleb Arnold Slade
- Charles Blount Slade
- George Theron Slade
- Fred Winchester Sladen
- William Ernest Andrew Slaght
- Robert Lincoln Slagle
- Frederick Slate
- William L. Slate
- A(Rthur) Wakefield Slaten
- Fred C Slater
- Hughes De Courcy Slater
- John Elliot Slater
- John Rothwell Slater
- William Albert Slater
- Woodson Taylor Slater
- John Marshall Slaton
- Charles Lewis Slattery
- Harry Slattery
- John Lawrence Slattery
- John Theodore Slattery
- Herbert Ellsworth Slaught
- John Willis Slaughter
- Moses Stephen Slaughter
- Thomas Horace Sl A Vens
- Andrew Sledd
- Benjamin Sledd
- Albert E. Sleeper
- Henry Dike Sleeper
- Mary Breck Sleight
- J(Osiah) Morris Slemons
- C(Ampbell) Bascorn Slemf
- Samuel D. Slentz
- Leo Slezak
- Charles Sumner Slichter
- Walter Irvine Slichter
- Clay Dean Slinker
- Vesto Melvin Slipher
- Alfred Pritchard Sloan
- Benjamin Sloan
- Charles H. Sloan
- Edwin P. Sloan
- John Sloan
- Marianna Sloan
- Matthew Scott Sloan
- Richard E. Sloan
- Samuel Sloan
- Alfred Baldwin Sloane
- Charles Swift Sloane
- Joseph Curtis Sloane
- T(Homas) O’Conor Sloane
- William A. Sloane
- William Milligan Sloane
- Arthur Gaylord Slocum
- Frederick Slocum
- Herbert Jermain Slocum
- Stephen Elmer Slocum
- Thomas Williams Slocum
- William Frederick Slocum
- Andrew Jackson Sloper
- Marcus Cauffman Sloss
- Annie Trumbull Slosson
- Edwin Emery Slosson
- Preston William Slosson
- Homer Oscar Sluss
- John William Sluss
- William James Sly
- Albion Woodbury Small
- Charles Hughey Small
- John Clay Small
- John Humphrey Small
- John Kunkel Small
- K. S.
- Len(Nington) Small
- Robert Scott Small
- Sam(Uel) (White) Small
- Sidney Aylmer Small
- Sidney Herschel Small
- Vivian Blanche Small
- Willard Stanton Small
- Frank Smalley
- Robert Smalls
- Della Graeme Smallwood
- William Martin Smallwood
- Mrs. C. S. Smart
- E(Dmund) Hodgson Smart
- George Thomas Smart
- Walter Kay Smart
- Wyatt Aiken Smart
- Baxter Timothy Smelzer
- Clara Millerd Smertenko
[edit]- Charles Newton Smiley
- Charles Wesley Smiley
- Daniel Smiley
- David Elmer Smiley
- Francis Edward Smiley
- Sarah Frances Smiley
- William Brownlee Smiley
- William Henry Smiley
- Helen Sheldon Jacobs Smillie
- James A. Smiser
- Addison R(Omain) Smith
- Addison Taylor Smith
- Albert Edwin Smith
- Albert William Smith
- Albert William Smith
- Alexander Wyly Smith
- Alfred Emanuel Smith
- Alfred Franklin Smith
- Alice Ravenel Huger Smith
- Allan Kellogg Smith
- Allen Smith
- Allen John Smith
- Phila. Pathol. Soc. A.A.A.S.
- Alphonse J. Smith
- St. Mary’S (Kan.) Coll. S. : A.B.
- Andrew Thomas Smith
- Annie Morrill Smith
- Arthur B. Smith
- Arthur Cosslett Smith
- A(Rthur) Donaldson Smith
- Arthur D(Ouglas) Howden Smith
- Arthur Henderson Smith
- Arthur L. J. Smith
- Augustus Wardlaw Smith
- Barry Congar Smith
- Barton Smith
- Bolton Smith
- Bridges Smith
- Burton Smith
- Carl F. Smith
- C(Harles) Alphonso Smith
- Charles Axel Smith
- Charles Blood Smith
- Charles Copeland Smith
- Charles Dennison Smith
- Charles Ernest Smith
- Charles Forster Smith
- Charles Frederick Smith
- Charles Lee Smith
- Charles P. Smith
- Charles Stephenson Smith
- Charles Sumner Smith
- Charles Theodore Smith
- Clarence Beaman Smith
- Clark Allen Smith
- Clay Smith
- Courtland Smith
- Dan Morgan Smith
- David Eugene Smith
- David Highbaugh Smith
- David Morton Smith
- David Stanley Smith
- Dean Tyler Smith
- Delos Grosvenor Smith
- Dorothy Whitehill Smith
- E. Otis Smith
- Eaxl Hamilton Smith
- Edgar Smith
- Edgar Bronson Smith
- Edgar Fahs Smith
- Edmund Kirby Smith
- Edward Curtis Smith
- Edward Laurence Smith
- Edward Lincoln Smith
- Edward North Smith
- Edward Parson Smith
- Edward St. Clair Smith
- Edward Willis Smith
- Edwin Bradbury Smith
- E(Dwin) Sumter Smith
- Egbert Watson Smith
- 1882 N. C.
- Elbert Sidney Smith
- Ellison Durant Smith
- Egmer) Boyd Smith
- Elmer William Smith
- Elva Sophronia Smith
- Emily James Smith
- Erastus Gilbert Smith
- (Frederick) Erdmann Smith
- Ernest Ashton Smith
- Ernest Charles Smith
- Ernest Ellsworth Smith
- Erwin F. Smith
- Erwin Jesse Smith
- Ethan Henry Smith
- Eugene Smith
- Eugene Allen Smith
- Eugene Hanes Smith
- F. Berkeley Smith
- Fitz-Henry Smith
- Frances Stanton Smith
- Francis Asbury Smith
- Francis Henry Smith
- Francis Marion Smith
- Frank Smith
- Frank Austin Smith
- Frank G. Smith
- Frank G. Smith
- Frank Leslie Smith
- Frank Marshall Smith
- Frank O. Smith
- Frank Webster Smith
- Frank Whitney Smith
- Franklin Orion Smith
- Fred B. Smith
- Frederick Arthur Smith
- Frederick Danesbury Smith
- Frederick Madison Smith
- Frederick Miller Smith
- George Albert Smith
- George Edsonphilip Smith
- George Harris Smith
- George Henry Smith
- George Hunter Smith
- George Jay Smith
- George Otis Smith
- George Rodney Smith
- George Ross Smith
- George Theodore Smith
- George Weissinger Smith
- G(Eorge) Williamson Smith
- Gertrude Smith
- Gordon Arthur Smith
- Gregory L. Smith
- Guilford Smith
- Hariette Knight Smith
- Harlan Ingersoll Smith
- Harmon Smith
- Harold Babbitt Smith
- Harrison Willard Smith
- Harry Alexander Smith
- Harry Alexander Smith
- Harry Bache Smith
- Harry De Forest Smith
- Harry Eaton Smith
- H(Arry) Lester Smith
- Harry Worcester Smith
- Helen Evertson Smith
- Henry A. M. Smith
- Henry Atterbury Smith
- Henry Cooper Smith
- Henry .Erskine Smith
- Henry Gerrish Smith
- Henry Lester Smith
- Henry Louis Smith
- Henry Preserved Smith
- Henry Tomlinson Smith
- Herbert Booth Smith
- Herbert Eugene Smith
- Herbert Knox Smith
- Herbert Wilson Smith
- Hiram Moore Smith
- Hoke Smith
- Holmes Smith
- Homer Smith
- Horace Herbert Smith
- Howard Caswell Smith
- Howard Everett Smith
- Howard Leslie Smith
- Howard Remus Smith
- Howard Wayne Smith
- Hugh Allison Smith
- Hugh Mccormick Smith
- Huntington Smith
- Hurlbut William Smith
- Isabel E. Smith
- Isaiah Perley Smith
- James Smith
- J(Ames) Allen Smith
- James D. Smith
- James Ellwood Smith
- James Francis Smith
- James Henry Oliver Smith
- James Perrin Smith
- James Power Smith
- James Walter Smith
- Jane Luella Dowd Smith
- Jeremiah Smith
- Jesse Merrick Smith
- Jessie Willcox Smith
- Joel West Smith
- Johnbunyon Smith
- John Day Smith
- John Hammond Smith
- John Merlin Powis Smith
- J(Ohn) Spencer (Wells) Smith
- John Walter Smith
- J(Ohn) Warren Smith
- John Wesley Smith
- J(Onas) Waldo Smith
- J(Onathan) Ritchie Smith
- Franklin And Marshall D. D.
- Joseph Smith
- Joseph Francis Smith
- Joseph Lindon Smith
- J(Oseph) Russell Smith
- Joseph Sewall Smith
- Julia Holmes Smith
- Justin Harvey Smith
- Laura Rountree Smith
- Leon Perdue Smith
- Lewis Worthington Smith
- Livingston Waddell Smith
- Louie Henrie Smith
- Lowell H. Smith
- Mabell Shippie Clarke Smith
- Madison Roswell Smith
- Mahlon Ellwood Smith
- Marion Couthouy Smith
- Mary Prudence Wells Smith
- Matthew F. Smith
- (Thomas)Max Smith
- May Riley Smith
- Minna Caroline Smith
- (Edmund) Munroe Smith
- Nora Archibald Smith
- Norman Kemp Smith
- Oberlin Smith
- O(Nnie) Warren Smith
- Oramandal Smith
- Ormond Gerald Smith
- Orrin Harold Smith
- Otterbein Oscar Smith
- Paul Jordan Smith
- Payson Smith
- Percey Franklyn Smith
- Philip Sidney Smith
- Preserved Smith
- Ralph Eliot Smith
- Ralph Winfield Smith
- Raymond Underwood Smith
- Reuben Valentine Smith
- Richard Hewlett Smith
- Richard Mason Smith
- Richard Root Smith
- Robert Edwin Smith
- Robert Keating Smith
- Robert P(Hilip) Smith
- Robert Shufeldt Smith
- R(Obert) Waverley Smith
- Robinson Smith
- Roland Cotton Smith
- Roy Campbell Smith
- Ruel Perley Smith
- S(Amuel) Archibald Smith
- Samuel Edwin Smith
- Samuel William Smith
- Seth Maccuen Smith
- Seymour Wemyss Smith
- Sidney Smith
- Sidney Irving Smith
- Sionbass Smith
- Solomon Albert Smith
- Stevenson Smith
- Stuart Robertson Smith
- Susan T. Smith
- Sydney Smith
- Theobald Smith
- Theodore Clarke Smith
- Thomas Smith
- Thomas B. Smith
- Thomas Berry Smith
- Thomas Jefferson Smith
- Thomas Octavius Smith
- Thomas R. Smith
- Thomas William Smith
- Ulysses Simpson Smith
- Walter Byron Smith
- Walter Irvine Smith
- Walter Lloyd Smith
- Walter Mcmynn Smith
- Walter Robinson Smith
- Warren Du Pre Smith
- William Alden Smith
- William Benjamin Smith
- William Clarke Smith
- William Griswold Smith
- William Hall Smith
- W(Illiam) Hinckle Smith
- William Owen Smith
- William Redwood Smith
- William Robert Smith
- William Roy Smith
- William Ruthven Smith
- A.E.F. N.G.)
- William Strother Smith
- William Walker Smith
- William Walter Smith
- William Wilberforce Smith
- Wilson George Smith
- Winchell Smith
- Winford Henry Smith
- Zilpha Drew Smith
[edit]- Henry Carpenter Smither
- Ernest Leonard Smithers
- William West Smithers
- Royall Bascom Smithey
- William Royall Smithey
- Mary Isabel Smithson
- William Walpole Smithson
- John Harris Smithwick
- John Conover Smock
- P(Eter) Monroe Smock
- Constarytine Kenneth Smoley
- Charles Head Smoot
- Reed Smoot
- Thomas Arthur Smoot
- Jacob Barstow Smull
- Thomas Jefferson Smull
- John. F. Smulski
- William Emory Smyser
- Charles Henry Smyth
- Clifford Smyth
- Ellison Adger Smyth
- Ellison Adger Smyth
- Henry Lloyd Smyth
- Herbert Weir Smyth
- Margarita Pumpelly Smyth
- Newman Smyth
- S(Amuel) Gordon Smyth
- William Henry Smyth
- Augustine Thomas Smythe
- George Franklin Smythe
- John Snape
- Howard Malcolm Snapp
- Frederick Snare
- Guy Everett Snavely
- E. Hershey Sneath
- David Snedden
- M. Cannon Sneed
- Bertrand H. Snell
- Henry Bayley Snell
- Roy Judson Snell
- Charles Mercer Snelling
- Walter Otheman Snelling
- Haldor Sneve
- Denton Jaques Snider
- Culver Charming Sniffen
- Mar. 3 U.S. A.
- Elmer Ellsworth Snoddy
- John Harold Snodgrass
- Robert Snodgrass
- H(Omer) Clyde Snook
- John S. Snook
- John Wilson Snook
- Albert Sydney Snow
- Alva Edson Snow
- Benjamin Warner Snow
- Charles Henry Snow
- Chauncey Depew Snow
- Chester Snow
- Elbridge Gerry Snow
- Francis (Woolson) Snow
- F. S.
- Franklin Augustus Snow
- Fe_b._23 R. I.
- J(Onathan) Parker Snow
- Leslie Perkins Snow
- Louis Franklin Snow
- U„ 1887
- Walter Bradlee Snow
- William Freeman Snow
- William Josiah Snow
- James Henry Snowden
- Thomas Snowden
- Yates Snowden
- Addison Hogan Snyder
- Alban Goshorn Snyder
- Carl Snyder
- Charles B. J. Snyder
- Charles Mccoy Snyder
- Mrs. Clarence Snyder
- Edgar Callender Snyder
- Franklyn Bliss Snyder
- Fred Beal Snyder
- Harry Snyder
- Henry George Snyder
- Henry Nelson Snyder
- Henry Steinman Snyder
- Homer P . Snyder
- Jefferson Snyder
- Meredith Pinxton Snyder
- Monroe B(Enjamin) Snyder
- Nicholas R. Snyder
- Robert Mcclure Snyder
- Valentine P. Snyder
- Virgil Snyder
- Theodore Gerald Soares
- John Sobieski
- Ralph Washington Sockman
- Joseph Sohn
- Albert Soil And
- Nikolai Sokoloff
- Charles Orrin Solberg
- Thorvald Solberg
- Jacob Solis-Cohen
- Solomon Solis-Cohen
- Torald Hermann Sollmann
- Leon Victor Solon
- John Mason Somerndike
- Andrew L. Somers
- Frederick Howland Somerville
- James Alexander Somerville
- D. &Amp T. M.T.
- Ormond Somerville
- Pearl Cliff E Somerville
- Thomas Hugh Somerville
- Charles G. Sommer
- Frank Henry Sommer
- Martin S. Sommer
- Peter W. Sommer
- Charles Leissring Sommers
- Walter Byers Sommerville
- Frederic Ewald Sondern
- F. A. Sondley
- Oscar George Theodore Sonneck
- Albert Sonnichsen
- Willimantic F.D. 2
- Yngvar Sonnichsen
- Alexander Coburn Soper
- Edmund Davison Soper
- George Albert Soper
- John Harris Soper
- Morris Ames Soper
- Arthur Gustav Sorlie
- Robert Browning Sosman
- Mrs. Edward H. Sothern
- Edward Hugh Sothern
- George William Sotter
- James Sottile
- Edmond Souchon
- Andrew Macnairn Soule
- Edgar Clarke (Huckabee) Soule
- George Soule
- George Henry Soule
- John Philip Sousa
- Jerry C. South
- John Glover South
- Lillian H. South
- James Powell Cocke Southall
- Addison E. Southard
- George Franklin Southard
- J. Julien Southerland
[edit]- Thomas Somerville Southgate
- George Rinaldo Southwick
- Henry Lawrence Southwick
- Franklin Chester Southworth
- Thomas Shepard Southworth
- Leo Sowerby
- J(Ohn) Duncan (Ernst) Spaeth
- Reynold Albrecht Spaeth
- Sigmund Spaeth
- .Herman Louis Spahr
- Arthur Rusmiselle Miller Spaid
- Charles Lyle Spain
- Albert Spalding
- Alfred Baker Spalding
- Alice Huntington Spalding
- Burleigh Folsom Spalding
- Charles Hubbard Spalding
- George Spalding
- J. Walter Spalding
- James Alfred Spalding
- Phebe Estelle Spalding
- Philip Leffingwell Spalding
- Walter Raymond Spalding
- William Andrew Spalding
- Richard Spamer
- James Williams Spangler
- Timon John Spangler
- John Spargo
- Frances Campbell Sparhawk
- Elizabeth Sparhawk-Jones
- Lenora Sparkes
- Stephen M. Sparkman
- Edwin Erie Sparks
- Frank Melville Sparks
- George Mcintosh Sparks
- Joseph Spark S
- Sir T(Homas) Ashley Sparks
- Carroll Mason Sparrow
- Edward Gleason Spaulding
- Forrest Brisbine Spaulding
- Helim G. Spaulding
- Henry George Spaulding
- Huntley Nowel Spaulding
- Oliver Lyman Spaulding
- Rolland Harty Spaulding
- Harold Speakman
- John Charles Speaks
- Oley Speaks
- Albert Moore Spear
- Arthur Prince Spear
- Ellwood Barker Spear
- John William Spear
- Charles Frederic Speare
- Frank Palmer Speare
- Morris Edmund Speare
- Joseph Hall Spearing
- Frank Hamilton Spearman
- John Randolph Spears
- Mary Borden Spears
- Raymond Smiley Spears
- Edward Spease
- Frank Gouldsmith Speck
- Horace Speed
- Keats Speed
- Kellogg Speed
- Harley V. Speelman
- Alfred Alten Speer
- Peter Moore Speer
- Robert Elliott Speer
- Chester Henry Speers
- James M. Speers
- Wallace C. M.
- Eugene Edward Speicher
- 1914 N. A.D.
- Harold Edwin Balme Speight
- Thomas Joseph Spellacy
- Bartholomew John Spence
- John Lee Spence
- William Henry Spence
- Alfred Spencer
- Anna Garlin Spencer
- Arthur Coe Spencer
- Bunyan Spencer
- Claudius Buchanan Spencer
- Francis Marion Spencer
- George Hazelton Spencer
- Guilford Lawson Spencer
- Guy Raymond Spencer
- Henry Russell Spencer
- James Morton Spencer
- John R. Spencer
- John Wesley Spencer
- M(Atthew) Lyle Spencer
- Oliver Martin Spencer
- Paul Spencer
- Robert Spencer
- Robert Nelson Spencer
- Samuel Riley Spencer
- Selden Palmer Spencer
- Vernon Spencer
- Elsa M. I. I. V.
- Walker Brainerd Spencer
- William Gear Spencer
- Willing Spencer
- Conrad E. Spens
- John George Spenzer
- Gino Speranza
- Frederick William Sperr
- Earl Evelyn Sperry
- Elmer Ambrose Sperry
- Lewis Sperry
- Watson Robertson Sperry
- Willard Learoyd Sperry
- James Speyer
- Author K.)
- Clinton Elbert Spicer
- William Ambrose Spicer
- Theodore Spicer- Sim Son
- Theodore Spiering
- Mark Herbert Carver Spiers
- Thomas Spight
- Edward Spillane
- Richard Spillane
- William Gibson Spiller
- Ora Seldon Spillman
- Wuliam Jasper Spillman
- Bernard Washington Spilman
- Edward Guthrie Spilman
- Lewis Hopkins Spilman
- Herbert Joseph Spinden
- Joel Elias Spingarn
- Mary Angela Spink
- Louis Bevier Spinney
- Charles Spiro
- Solon Spiro
- Charles David Spivak
[edit]- Ludd Myrl Spivey
- Thomas Sawyer Spivey
- Walter Marshall William Splawn
- Sarah Field Splint
- Herman Augustus Spoehr
- Charles Milton Spofford
- Charles Horace Spooner
- Florence Garrettson Spooner
- John Alden Spoor
- Albert Arnold Sprague
- June 22 N. H.
- Ft. Sheridan O. T.C.
- Austin Velorous Milton Sprague
- Ezra Kimball Sprague
- Frank Julian Sprague
- Franklin M(Onroe) Sprague
- George Clare Sprague
- Leslie Willis Sprague
- Levi L. Sprague
- Robert James Sprague
- Isabelle Dwight Sprague-Smith
- William Philip Spratling
- Frederick Spratt
- Ruth Hinshaw Spray
- Adolph Bernard Spreckels
- Claus August Spreckels
- Rudolph Spreckels
- Samuel Peter Spreng
- Theodore Frederick Henry Spreng
- Martin Sprengling
- Carl Sprinchorn
- La Verne Ward Spring
- Samuel Spring
- Samuel Newton Spring
- Alfred Springer
- Feb. 12 O.
- Charles Springer
- Durand William Springer
- Francis Edwin Springer
- Frank Springer
- Franklin Wesley Springer
- John Franklin Springer
- John Wallace Springer
- Thomas Grant Springer
- George Springmeyer
- Leroy Springs
- Harry William Springsteen
- Severn D. Sprong
- Charles Gilbert Spross
- Elliott Wilford Sproul
- William Cameron Sproul
- William H. Sproul
- William Sproule
- William Corbit Spruance
- William Corbit Spruance
- Frank Shepherd Spruill
- Alexander Sprunt
- Walter Spry
- William Spry
- Josiah Edward Spurr
- George Owen Squier
- J(Ohn) Bentley Squier
- Lee Welling Squier
- Andrew Squire
- Watson Carvosso Squire
- Charles William Squires
- Vernon Purinton Squires
- Walter Albion Squires
- William Henry Tappey Squires
- Luella W. St. Clair-Moss
- William Sterne St. George
- Charles Edward St. John
- Edward Porter St. John
- George Clare St. John
- Guy Bascom St. John
- Adolphus Frederic St. Sure
- William Heaton Staake
- Herman Stabler
- Jordan Herbert Stabler
- Laird Joseph Stabler
- John Kay Stableton
- Anna Lee Stacey
- John Franklin Stacey
- Edmund John Stack
- Frederic William Stack
- Perry James Stackhouse
- Edward James Stackpole
- Thomas Hobbs Stacy
- Walter Parker Stacy
- Charles A. Stadler
- Charles Lewis Stafford
- John Richard Stafford
- Orin Fletcher Stafford
- Wendell Philips Stafford
- William Henry Stafford
- Amos Alonzo Stagg
- Charles Tracey Stagg
- John Meloy Stahl
- S.R. S. A.R.
- Rose Stahl
- Arthur Edward Stahlschmidt
- Ingtam Macklin Stainback
- Edward Douglas Stair
- Charles Averett Stakely
- 1883-87 S. C.
- Elvin C. Stakman
- Cady Staley
- John Wilson Staley
- Arthur William Stalker
- Gale Hamilton Stalker
- Laurence Stallings
- Frank D. Stalnaker
- John Stambaugh
- Mary Newton Stanard
- William Glover Stanard
- Henry Clay Stanclift
- Myles Standish
- Robert Nelson Stanfield
- Theodore Stanfield
- Alfred Boiler Stanford
- Edward Rosemond Stanford
- Homer Reed Stanford
- Wesley M. Stanford
- Charles Henry Stange
- Charles Emil Stangeland
- Benjamin F. Stangland
- Albert Augustus Stanley
- A(Ugustus) Owsley Stanley
- Edmund Stanley
- Frank Arthur Stanley
- Frederic Bartlett Stanley
- Frederick Jonte Stanley
- Freelan O. Stanley
- Harold Stanley
- Hiram Alonzo Stanley
- John Joseph Stanley
- Louise Stanley
- Joseph Stanley-Brown
- Milivoy Stoyan Stanoyevich
- Ele Stansbury
- Charles Spelman Stanton
- Horace Coffin Stanton
- John Gilman Stanton
- Oscar Fitzalan Stanton
- Philip Ackley Stanton
- Stephen Berrien Stanton
- Theodore Stanton
- Timothy William Stanton
- William Stanton
[edit]- Arthur Gray Staples
- Henry Franklin Staples
- Benjamin F. Stapleton
- William Stapleton
- Edwin Diller Starbuck
- Daniel Starch
- Fred Starek
- Albert Philander Stark
- Francis Raymond Stark
- Harry Rodgers Stark
- Otto Stark
- William Everett Stark
- Frances (Grant) Starr
- Frederick Starr
- Louis Starr
- Merritt Starr
- M(Oses) Allen Starr
- Nathan Starr
- William G. Starr
- Henry Prince Starrett
- Milton Gerry Starrett
- Paul Starrett
- William Aiken Starrett
- Mason Brayman Starring
- Paul Stassevttch
- Madison Stathers
- Ellsworth Milton Statler
- Arthur Frederick Statter
- Walter Adolph Staub
- Clinton Raymond Stauffer
- Vernon Stauffer
- Sidney Augustus Staunton
- Robert Weldon Stayton
- William H. Stayton
- 1883-91 U.S.M.C.
- Robert Stead
- B. Samuel Steadwell
- Henry Bascom Steagall
- Wilson Reiff Stearly
- Reaumur Coleman Stearnes
- Alfred Ernest Stearns
- Arthur French Stearns
- Charles Cummings Stearns
- Charles Falconer Stearns
- Foster (Waterman) Stearns
- Frank Waterman Stearns
- Gustav Stearns
- Lutie Eugenia Stearns
- Wallace Nelson Stearns
- William Guilford Stearns
- William Marion Stearns
- George Coles Stebbins
- G(Eorge) Waring Stebbins
- Henry Hamlin Stebbins
- Joel Stebbins
- Lucy Ward Stebbins
- Henry William Stecher
- Daniel Frederic Steck
- Rice Price Steddom
- Charles Manly Stedman
- George Woolverton Stedman
- 1887 U.)
- Henry Rust Stedman
- John Moore Stedman
- Laura Stedman
- Thomas Lathrop Stedman
- J. Lyman Steed
- Benjamin Broadus Steedly
- Albert Wilbur Steele
- Charles Steele
- Daniel Atkinson King Steele
- David Mcconnell Steele
- Columbia M. A.
- Frederic Dorr Steele
- Henry J. Steele
- Hiram Roswell Steele
- James Dallas Steele
- James King: Steele
- John Nelson Steele
- Rufus (Milas) Steele
- Theodore Clement Steele
- Thomas Mcblain Steele
- Trinity Coll. A. B.
- Wilbur Daniel Steele
- Wilbur Fletcher Steele
- Willis Steell
- Halvor Steenerson
- Joseph Beal Steere
- Joseph Hall Steere
- James Gordon Steese
- Edgar Zell Steever
- Harrison Ross Steeves
- Vilhj Aim Ur Stef Ansson
- Cornelius M. Steffens
- (Joseph) Lincoln Steffens
- Julius Steger
- Aurelius Stehle
- Harry Steier
- George Steiger
- Louis Rudolph De Steiguer
- Evaleen Stein
- James Rauch Stein
- Bruno Stein Del
- Arthur Steindler
- Pauline Steinem
- Bernard Christian Steiner
- Edward Alfred Steiner
- Jesse Frederick Steiner
- Leo K. Steiner
- Robert Eugene Steiner
- Walter Ralph Steiner
- William Howard Steiner
- Williams Kossuth Steiner
- Albert Steinfeld
- Frank Maxmillian Steinhart
- David Barnard Steinman
- Joseph Allison Steinmetz
- Leonhard Stejneger
- Antonio Stella
- Edward James Stellwagen
- Benjamin F. Stelter
- Charles Stelzle
- Otto Adolph Stemler
- Guido Hermann Stempel
- Alfred Stengel
- Frederick William Stengel
- Charles Irwin Stengle
- Bedrich (Frederick) Stepanek
- Alice Barber Stephens
- Ambrose E. B. Stephens
- Mrs. Corrine Brunner C
- Charles Asbury Stephens
- Dan Voorhees Stephens
- Edwin Lewis Stephens
- Edwin William Stephens
- (George) Frank Stephens
- George Stephens
- George Asbury Stephens
- George Ware Stephens
- Herbert Taylor Stephens
- John Hall Stephens
- John Leonard Stephens
- John Vant Stephens
- Kate Stephens
- Leroy Stephens
- Percy Rector Stephens
- Redmond Davis Stephens
- Roswell Powell Stephens
- Ward Stephens
- W(Illiam) Barclay Stephens
- William Dennison Stephens
- Edward Morris Stephenson
- Franklin Bache Stephenson
- Henry Thew Stephenson
- James Pomeroy Stephenson
- Lloyd William Stephenson
- Nathaniel Wright Stephenson
- Orlistus Bell Stephenson
- Sam Stephenson
- William Stephenson
- William B. Stephenson
- Victor Sterki
- Wiuiam F. Sterley
- Ada Sterling
- Bruce F. Sterling
- Ernest Albert Sterling
- Frederick Augustine Sterling
- George Sterling
- Guy Sterling
- Ross Shaw Sterling
- Sara Hawks Sterling
- Thomas Sterling
- Charles Frank Stern
- Jo. Lane Stern
- Nathan Stern
[edit]- Charles Hazelius Sternberg
- Albert Eugene Sterne
- Elaine Sterne
- Maurice Sterne
- Albert Sterner
- Ralfe Leech Sterner
- Frances Roberta Sterrett
- Frank William Sterrett
- Augusta E. Stetson
- Caleb Rochford Stetson
- Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- Eugene William Stetson
- Harlan True Stetson
- Herbert Lee Stetson
- Isaiah Kidder Stetson
- John Batterson Stetson
- Willis Kimball Stetson
- Ed Ward R. Stettinius
- William Mott Steuart
- Adie Allan Stevens
- Alviso Burdett Stevens
- Archie Mcdonald Stevens
- Arthur Albert Stevens
- Ashton Stevens
- Cyrus Lee Stevens
- Daniel Gurden Stevens
- David Stevens
- David Harrison Stevens
- Northwestern U. Ii
- Eben Sutton Stevens
- E(Dmund) Ray Stevens
- Edward Fletcher Stevens
- Edward Francis Stevens
- Elbert Marcus Stevens
- Ellen Yale Stevens
- Frank Lincoln Stevens
- Frank Walker Stevens
- Frederick Waeir Stevens
- George Washington Stevens
- Gorham Phillips Stevens
- Howard Evelsth Stevens
- James Stacy Stevens
- James William Stevens
- John Amos Stevens
- John Calvin Stevens
- John F. Stevens
- J(Ohn) Franklin Stevens
- John Loomis Stevens
- John Morgan Stevens
- Raymond Bartlett Stevens
- Rollin Howard Stevens
- Solon Whithed Stevens
- Thomas Mccorvey Stevens
- Thomas Wood Stevens
- Truman S. Stevens
- Walter Barlow Stevens
- Walter E. Stevens
- Walter Le Conte Stevens
- William Bertrand Stevens
- William Burnham Stevens
- William Chase Stevens
- William Dodge Stevens
- William Oliver Stevens
- Andrew Stevenson
- Archibald Ewing Stevenson
- Burton Egbert Stevenson
- Charles Hugh Stevenson
- Edward Luther Stevenson
- Elliott Grasette Stevenson
- Eugene Stevenson
- Fay Stevenson
- Frederic Augustus Stevenson
- Frederick Stevenson
- Frederick Boyd Stevenson
- George Stevenson
- Holland Newton Stevenson
- John Alford Stevenson
- John James Stevenson
- J(Oseph) Ross Stevenson
- Lewis Green Stevenson
- Marcia Jacobs Stevenson
- Walter Anson Stevenson
- William Francis Stevenson
- William Holmes Stevenson
- William Patton Stevenson
- Leroy T. Steward
- Thomas Gifford Steward
- Langdon Cheves Stewardson
- Alexander Mair Stewart
- Anna Bird Stewart
- Charles D. Stewart
- Charles Leslie Stewart
- Charles West Stewart
- Cora Wilson Stewart
- David Stewart
- De Lisle Stewart
- Donald Ogden Stewart
- Douglas Stewart
- Douglas Hunt Stewart
- Edwin Stewart
- Ella Seass Stewart
- Chicago T. U.
- Ethelbert Stewart
- Frances Elizabeth Stewart
- Francis Robert Stewart
- Fred Carlton Stewart
- George Stewart
- George Black Stewart
- George Craig Stewart
- George David Stewart
- George Neil Stewart
- 1891 M. D.
- George Taylor Stewart
- George W. Stewart
- George Walter Stewart
- Grace Bliss Stewart
- Humphrey John Stewart
- James Bolton Stewart
- Jane Agnes Stewart
- John Aikman Stewart
- John Appleton Stewart
- John Lammey Stewart
- John Leighton Stewart
- John Quincy Stewart
- John Truesdale Stewart
- Joseph Stewart
- Joseph Spencer Stewart
- Julius L. Stewart
- Lispenard Stewart
- Mary Stewart
- Merch Eradt Stewart
- Nathaniel Bacon Stewart
- Oliver Wayne Stewart
- Oscar Milton Stewart
- Robert Stewart
- Robert Laird Stewart
- Robert Wright Stewart
- Russell C. Stewart
- Samuel Vernon Stewart
- Thomas Milton Stewart
- Walter W. Stewart
- William Finney Bay Stewart
- William Kilborne Stewart
- William Lyman Stewart
- William Rhinelander Stewart
- George Stibitz
- Herman Stich
- Arndt Mathis Stickles
- Gustav Stickley
- Amos Stickney
- Herman Osman Stickney
- Samuel Crosby Stickney
- William Wallace Stickney
- William Leroy Stidger
- Alfred Stieglitz
- Julius (Oscar) Stieglitz
- James Madison Stifler
- Charles Wardell Stiles
- George K(Ean) Stiles
- Percy Goldthwait Stiles
- Theodore Lamme Stiles
- James Alexander Stillman
- Stanley Stillman
- Leander Stillwell
- Lewis Buckley Stillwell
- Margaret Bingham Stillwell
- William Burney Stillwell
- Herbert Fenton Stilwell
- Laura. Jean Libbey Stilwell
- Charles Calvin Stimets
[edit]- William G Stimpson
- Arthur Marston Stimson
- Charles D. Stimson
- Dorothy Stimson
- Henry Albert Stimson
- Henry Lewis Stimson
- John Ward Stimson
- Thomas Douglas Stimson
- Charles Milton Altland Stine
- Milton Henry Stine
- Oscar Clemen Stine
- Wilbur Morris Stine
- Walter Russell Stine S S
- Ernest Milmore Stires
- J. Bowman Stirling
- Matthew Williams Stirling
- Yates Stirling
- Yates Stirling
- John Stites
- Edward Rhodes Stitt
- Edward Walmsley Stitt
- Edwin Jacob Stivers
- George Russell Stobbs
- Frederick A. Stock
- Charles Rupert Stockard
- Virginia Alice Cottey Stockard
- Warner W. Stockberger
- Frank Parker Stockbridge
- Henry Stockbridge
- Horace Edward Stockbridge
- Allen Arthur Stockdale
- Harry Emilius Stocker
- James Arthur Stocker
- Edward Villeroy Stockham
- William Henry Stockham
- Jay Thomas Stocking
- William Alonzo Stocking
- Charles Q. Stockslager
- Charles G. Stockton
- Charles Herbert Stockton
- Ernest Looney Stockton
- Frank Tenney Stockton
- Howard Stockton
- Philip Stockton
- Richard Stockton
- Herbert Grant Stockwell
- Cora Frances Stoddard
- Francis Hovey Stoddard
- Henry Luther Stoddard
- John Lawson Stoddard
- (Theodore) Lothrop Stoddard
- William Leavitt Stoddard
- William Osborn Stoddard
- William Osborn Stoddard
- Charles William Stoddart
- Carl Stoeckel
- Albert Stoessel
- Herman Goethe Stoetzer
- Andrew Jacksoh Stokes
- Anson Phelps Stokes
- Charles Francis Stokes
- Edward Casper Stokes
- Frank Wilbert Stokes
- Frederick Abbot Stokes
- Harold Phelps Stokes
- Henry Newlin Stokes
- Henry Warrington Stokes
- I(Saac) N(Ewton) Phelps Stokes
- John Hinchman Stokes
- John Patrick Stokes
- Rose Pastor Stokes
- Michael J. Stqlee
- Elmer Edgar Stoll
- Philip Henry Stoll
- James Hough Stoller
- Joseph Stolz
- Karlruf Stolz
- Andrew Adin Stomberg
- Albert James Stone
- Alfred Holt Stone
- Allison Stone
- Arthur John Stone
- Carlos Huntington Stone
- Charles Augustus Stone
- Charles Waterman Stone
- Charles Wellington Stone
- Claudius Ulysses Stone
- Cliff Winfield Stone
- Clyde Ernest Stone
- Ellen Maria Stone
- Emanuel Olson Stone
- Fred Andrew Stone
- George Edward Stone
- George Hapgood Stone
- Harlan Fiske Stone
- Harry Everette Stone
- H(Enry) Chaxles Stone
- Henry Lane Stone
- Herbert Lawrence Stone
- Isaac Scott Stone
- James Clifton Stone
- James Samuel Stone
- John Charles Stone
- John Stone Stone
- John Timothy Stone
- Joseph Cecil Stone
- Judson F. Stone
- Kimbrough Stone
- Lee Alexander Stone
- Mason Sereno Stone
- Melville Elijah Stone
- Nahum Isaac Stone
- Ormond Stone
- Ralph Stone
- Ralph Whiter Stone
- Royal Augustus Stone
- Rufus Barrett Stone
- Seymour Millais Stone
- Walter King Stone
- Walter Robinson Stone
- Warren Sanford Stone
- Willard John Stone
- Witmer Stone
- Frank B. Stoneman
- Winifred Sackville Stoner
- Byron Stookey
- Lyman Brumbaugh Stookey
- Stephen Wharton Stookey
- John Dashiell Stoops
- Norman Wilson Storer
- Moorfield Storey
- Thomas Andrew Storey
- William Benson Storey
- Charles Wharton Stork
- Albert Boynton Storms
- Martin James Stormzand
- James Jackson Storrow
- Harry Asahel Storrs
- Leonard Kip Storrs
- Lewis Austin Storrs
- Lucius Seymour Storrs
- Francis Quarles Story
- Nelson Story
- Walter Scott Story
- William Edward Story
[edit]- Edward Townsend Stotesbury
- Louis William Stotesbury
- Evan Brown Stotsenburg
- Roscoe Gilmore Stott
- William Taylor Stott
- Ellis Bagley Stouffer
- Karl J. Stouffer
- Henry Wellington Stough
- Bradley Stoughton
- Elmer William Stout
- George Abeel Stout
- George Clymer Stout
- U. Of Pa. M. D.
- Henry Elbert Stout
- John Elbert Stout
- Oscar Van Pelt Stout
- Ralph Emerson Stout
- Selatie Edgar Stout
- Tom Stout
- William Bushnell Stout
- Pleasant Alexander Stovall
- Wallace Fisher Stovall
- William Miller Stover
- Ancel Roy Monroe Stowe
- Charles Edward Stowe
- Lyman Beecher Stowe
- Charles Frederick Stowell
- Charles Henry Stowell
- Ellery Cory Stowell
- Louise Maria Reed Stowell
- Thomas Blanchard Stowell
- William Averill Stowell
- Arthur Clarence Strachauer
- Lionel Strachey
- Erwin Straehley
- Charles Morton Strahan
- Robert Edmund Strahorn
- Lewis Clinton Strang
- Josef Stransky
- Milton Strasburger
- Ralph Beaver Strassburger
- John Roach Straton
- Clarence Stratton
- Frederick Eugene Stratton
- George Malcolm Stratton
- Margaret Elizabeth Stratton
- Samuel Wesley Stratton
- William B. Stratton
- William Ringgold Straughn
- Adolph D. Straus
- Nathan Straus
- Nathan Straus
- Oscar Solomon Straus
- Roger Williams Straus
- Simon William Straus
- Albert Strauss
- Charles Strauss
- Joseph Strauss
- Juliet V(Irginia) Strauss
- Le Wis Lichtenstein Strauss
- Moses Strauss
- Silas Hardy Strawn
- George Drayton Strayer
- Paul Moore Strayer
- El Wood Vickers Street
- Julian Street
- Oliver Day Street
- Robert Gould Street
- Thomas Atkins Street
- Edward Streeter
- Edward Clark Streeter
- George Linius Streeter
- Samuel Frederick Streit
- Thomas Sigismund Stribling
- Francis Lorette Strickland
- Frederic Hastings Strickland
- Frederick Guy Strickland
- Lily Strickland
- Robert Edward Lee Strider
- Lawrence Beaumont Stringer
- Samuel Alphonsus Stritch
- Charles Louis Strobel
- Idahmeacham Strobridge
- Daniel Strock
- Paul Zeller Strodach
- Hudson Strode
- Adam Julius Strohm
- Anna Louise Strong
- Austin Strong
- Benjamin Strong
- Charles Augustus Strong
- Charles Howard Strong
- Edward Strong
- Edward Kellogg Strong
- Edwin Atson Strong
- Prank Strong
- Frederick Smith Strong
- George Alexander Strong
- George Franklin Strong
- James George Strong
- John Henry Strong
- Nathan L. Strong
- Reuben Myron Strong
- Richard Pearson Strong
- Rose Moore Strong
- Theron George Strong
- Thomas Nelson Strong
- Walter Ansel Strong
- Wendell Melville Strong
- William Ellsworth Strong
- Dartmouth A. B.
- William Walker Strong
- Solomon M. Stroock
- James French Strother
- M. Arnold Strothotte
- Morris Wistar Stroud
- Thomas Andre W Stroup
- Edmund Strudwick
- Louie Willard Strum
- Wiuiam Strunk
- Simeon Strunsky
- Joseph Struthers
- Melancthon Woolsey Stryker
- Samuel Stanhope Stryker
- Alexander Tait Stuart
- Charles Macaulay Stuart
- Donald Clive Stuart
- Duane Reed Stuart
- Edward Stuart
- Edwin Sydney Stuart
- Elbridge Amos Stuart
- Francis Joseph Stuart
- Francis Lee Stuart
- George Rutledge Stuart
- Harold Leonard Stuart
- Henry Carter Stuart
- Henry Waldgrave Stuart
- Holloway Ithamer Stuart
- James Edwards Stuart
- James Everett Stuart
- John Leighton Stuart
- Mary Allan Stuart
- Milo H. Stuart
- William Alexander Stuart
- William Hervey Stuart
- Hans Gerhard Stub
- Jacob Aall Ottesen Stub
- Edward Stubblefield
- Francis Palmer Stubbs
- John C. Stubbs
- Mattie Wilma Stubbs
- Walter Roscoe Stubbs
- William Carter Stubbs
- Lorin Stuckey
- Clement Studebaker
- Otto Stuhlman
- Ray Thomas Stull
- John Sutton Stump
- Joseph Stump
- Homer Clyde Stuntz
- Charles Mathews Sturges
- William Spencer Sturges
- Charles Inches Sturgis
- Frank Knight Sturgis
- Guy Hayden Sturgis
- R(Ichard) Clipston Sturgis
- William Codman Sturgis
- George Cookman Sturgiss
- John Loomis Sturtevant
- James Flynn Stutesman
[edit]- Harry C. Stutz
- Harry James Stutzlen
- Henry Delp Styer
- Haakon Styri
- Eduardo Suarez-Mu.Tica
- Clifford Macclellan Sublette
- Ruth Suckow
- Mervin Tubman Sudler
- Arthur Elliott Suffern
- Ambrose L. Suhrie
- Christopher D. Sullivan
- Francis William Sullivan
- Isaac Newton Sullivan
- James Sullivan
- James F. Sullivan
- James William Sullivan
- Jeremiah Francis Sullivan
- Jeremiah J. Sullivan
- Jerry B(Artholomew) Sullivan
- John James Sullivan
- Mark Sullivan
- Patrick F. Sullivan
- Raymond Peter Sullivan
- Russell Sullivan
- William Cleary Sullivan
- William Laurence Sullivan
- William Van Amberg Sullivan
- Alvah Woodbury Sulloway
- Daniel J. Sully
- John Murchison Sully
- Cyrus L. Sulzberger
- Hans A. Sulzer
- William Sulzer
- Charles Pelot Summerall
- Martyn Summerbell
- George Thomas Summerlin
- Alex Summers
- Augustus Neander Summers
- Henry Elijah Summers
- John Edward Summers
- John William Summers
- Wash. N.G. A
- Leland Laflin Summers
- Lewis Preston Summers
- Amelia Shaw Summerville
- George Summey
- Charles Burt Sumner
- Charles Ralsey Sumner
- Francis Bertody Sumner
- Frederick Azel Sumner
- George Watson Sumner
- Helen Laura Sumner
- John Osborne Sumner
- Samuel Storrow Sumner
- Walter Taylor Sumner
- Hatton W. Sumners
- William David Sumpter
- William Ashley Sunday
- Marie Sun Delius
- Ll.R. M„ 1898
- Jabez Thomas Sunderland
- Anders M. Sunbheim
- Bernard Edward Sunny
- Charles Williani Super
- Ovando Byron Super
- Henry Harrison Suplee
- Frank Macy Surface
- Harvey Adam Surface
- John Wallace Suter
- Allan Sutherland
- Arthur Eugene Sutherland
- Dan A. Sutherland
- George Sutherland
- George Sutherland
- Howard Sutherland
- Howard Vigne Sutherland
- John Preston Sutherland
- Joseph Hooker Sutherland
- Phebe Temperance Sutliff
- Richard Sutro
- Theodore Sutro
- Adah Louise Sutton
- Charles Wood Sutton
- Claude William Sutton
- Frank Sutton
- Mary Wooster Munson Sutton
- Richard Lightburn Sutton
- William Sutton
- William Seneca Sutton
- Willis Anderson Sutton
- Charles Crooke Suydam
- Henry (West) Suydam
[edit]- Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki
- Henry Suzzallo
- George Fillmore Swain
- Henry Lawrence Swain
- Joseph Swain
- Robert Eckles Swain
- Silas C. Swallow
- Joseph Arthur Swalwell
- Frank Herbert Swan
- Gustaf Nilsson Swan
- 1917 H. D.
- John Mumford Swan
- John Nesbit Swan
- Thomas Walter Swan
- John I. Swander
- William Bentley Swaney
- Fletcher B. Swank
- Edward Swann
- William Francis Gray Swann
- Arthur Emil Swanson
- Claude Augustus Swanson
- Gloria Swanson
- John Reed Swanton
- Walter Goodwin Swart
- Stanley Simpson Swartle Y
- Gardner Taber Swarts
- Egerton Swartwout
- Charles Benjamin Swartz
- Charles Kephart Swartz
- Herman Frank Swartz
- Mifflin Wyatt Swartz
- Ambrose Swasey
- John Philip Swasey
- Eli Swavely
- Francis Joseph Swayze
- Henry Chapman Swearingen
- John Eldred Swearingen
- Van Cicero Swearingen
- James G. Sweeney
- John William Sweeney
- Orland Russell Sweeney
- Zachary Taylor Sweeney
- William Montgomery Sweeny
- Ada Celeste Sweet
- Alfred Henry Sweet
- Arthur Jeremiah Sweet
- 1909-13 O.
- Edwin Forrest Sweet
- Frank Herbert Sweet
- Joshua Edwin Sweet
- Louis Dennison- Sweet
- Louis Matthews Sweet
- 1896-1901 Nx
- Qney Fred Sweet
- Owen Jay Sweet
- Thaddeus C. Sweet
- William Ellery Sweet
- William Merrick Sweet
- William Warren Sweet
- Cornelius Sowle Sweetland
- Leon Hiram Sweetland
- William Howard Sweetland
- Davidmatthis Sweets
- Henry Hayes Sweets
- Arthur Sweetser
- Edwin Chapin Sweetser
- Kate Dickinson Sweetser
- Earl Gregg Swem
- David Ferdinand Swenson
- Eric P. Swenson
- Laurits Selmer Swenson
- Elbert Byron Swerdfeger
- Roger Williams Swetland
- Ralph Waldo Swetman
- Louis William Swett
- Goodwin Deloss Swezey
- Clarence Herbert Swick
- Carl Brown Swift
- Charles Henry Swift
- Eben Swift
- Edgar James Swift
- Edward Foster Swift
- Edward Wellington Swift
- Fletcher Harper Swift
- The Middle West Iii
- George Hastings Swift
- Harold Higgins Franklin Swift
- Homer Fordyce Swift
- Ivan Swift
- James Marcus Swift
- John Trumbull Swift
- 1889-98 Y.M.C.A.
- Louis Franklin Swift
- Oscar William Swift
- Polemus Hamilton Swift
- Charles H. Swigart
- Edmund Kearsley Swigart
- Douglas Worthington Swiggett
- Glen Levin Swiggett
- William Thomas Swinburne
- Albert Temple Swing
- Philip David Swing
- Raymond (Edwards) Swing
- Walter T(Ennyson) Swingle
- Edward Fletcher Swinney
- John J. Swint
- Charles Clinton Swisher
- George Washington Switzer
- Maurice Switzer
- Robert Mauck Switzer
- William Iryin Swoope
- Herbert Bayard Swope
- King Swope
- Henry Cotheal Swords
- Albert Philip Sy
- Prof J904
- Edgar Sydenstricker
- Charles Henry Sykes
- Edward Sykes
- Edward Turner Sykes
- Eugene Octave Sykes
- M’Cready Sykes
- Richard Eddy Sykes
- Wilfred Sykes
- Allie Lewis Sylvester
- Emma Sylvester
- Herbert Milton Sylvester
- J(Ohn) Foster Symes
- Douglas Symmers
- Charles Jacobs S Ymmond S
- Brandreth Symonds
- Frederick Martin Symonds
- (George) Gardner Symons
- Mary Synon
- Sao-Ke Alfred Sze
- John Szlupas
- Henrietta Szold
- Henry Taber
- John Taber
- Louis John Taber
- Louise Eddy Taber
- Ralph Graham Taber
- Stephen Taber
- Grace Tabor
- Augustus Vincent Tack
- Paul Gerald Taddiken
[edit]- Joseph Alexander Taff
- Charles Phelps Taft
- George Wheaton Taft
- Henry Waters Taft
- 1905 M.
- Horace Dutton Taft
- Hulbert Taft
- Levi Rawson Taft
- Lorado Taft
- Robert Wendell Taft
- William Howard Taft
- David Arthur Taggart
- Elmore Findlay Taggart
- Joseph Taggart
- Marion Ames Taggart
- Thomas Taggart
- Peter F. Tague
- Charles Sumner Tainter
- Jesse Fox Taintor
- W(Illiam) Jasper Talbert
- Adolphus Robert Talbot
- Arthur Newell Talbot
- Edith Armstrong Talbot
- Ellen Bliss Talbot
- Ethelbert Talbot
- Eugene Solomon Talbot
- Fritz Bradley Talbot
- George Frederick Talbot
- Henry Paul Talbot
- John William Talbot
- Marion Talbot
- Mary White Talbot
- Walter Lemar Talbot
- Harold E. Talbott
- J(Ames) Frederick Talcott
- Edith Taliaferro
- James Piper Taliaferro
- Mabel Taliaferro
- Lida Lee Tall
- Hugh Tallant
- Rollo Anson Tallcott
- Dyer Findley Talley
- Lynn Porter Talley
- Marion Nevada Talley
- Clay Tallman
- Robert Emmet Tally
- James Edward Talmage
- Charles Fitzhugh Talman
- Eva Tan Guay
- Frank Tannenbaum
- Cora Tanner
- Edwin Platt Tanner
- Adelphi Coll. Os
- George Clinton Tanner
- Henry Ossawa Tanner
- James Tanner
- John Henry Tanner
- Rollin Harvelle Tanner
- Willard Brooks Tanner
- William Vaughn Tanner
- Wilson Pennell Tanner
- John Joseph Tannrath
- Charles Callan Tansill
- Helen H- Tanzer
- Sidney C. Tapp
- Eva March Tappan
- Thomas Tapper
- Edmund C. Tarbell
- Gage E. Tarbell
- Ida Minerva Tarbell
- Martha Tarbell
- (Newton) Booth Tarkington
- Grayson Emery Tarkington
- G(Eorge) Cornell Tarler
- William Arthur Tarr
- Algernon De Vivier Tassin
- Farish Carter Tate
- Fred N. Tate
- James Alexander Tate
- John Matthew Tate
- John Torrence Tate
- Henry Tatlock
- John Tatlock
- John S. P. Tatlock
- Charles Taylor Tatman
- Henry Tatnall
- Jacob Joseph Taubenhaus
- George Primrose Taubman
- Tom Taubman
- Johanna W. Tauscher-Gadski
- Albert Ernst Taussig
- Frank William Taussig
- Frederick Joseph Taussig
- James Edward Taussig
- Clyde Howard Tavenner
- Guy Allan Tawney
- Benjamin Walter Rogers Tayler
- Joseph Henry Tayler
- A. Merritt Taylor
- Albert Reynolds Taylor
- Alfred Alexander Taylor
- Alfred Simpson Taylor
- Alonzo Englebert Taylor
- Alva Edwards Taylor
- Alva Wilmot Taylor
- Archibald Wellington Taylor
- Barnard Cook Taylor
- Benjamin Irving Taylor
- C. Bryson (Miss) Taylor
- Charles Henry Taylor
- Charles Jay Taylor
- Charles Ralph Taylor
- Davidwatson Taylor
- (Joseph) Deems Taylor
- E. Alexis Taylor
- Edward Livingston Taylor
- Edward Thomas Taylor
- Edwin Taylor
- Eugene Hartwell Taylor
- Frank Bursley Taylor
- Fred Manville Taylor
- Frederic William Taylor
- Frederick Eugene Taylor
- George Braxton Taylor
- George Caldwell Taylor
- George Washington Taylor
- Graham Taylor
- Graham Romeyn Taylor
- Harris Taylor
- Harry Taylor
- Harry Leonard Taylor
- Harvey Birchard Taylor
- Henry Charles Taylor
- Henry Fitch Taylor
- Henry Lewis Taylor
- Henry Osborn Taylor
- Herbert Worthington Taylor
- Hobart C. Chatfield- Taylor
- Howard Canning Taylor
- Huntington Taylor
- J. Will Taylor
- James Alfred Taylor
- James Anderson Taylor
- James Henry Taylor
- James Knox Taylor
- James Milburn Taylor
- James Morford Taylor
- James W. Taylor
- Jesse Reade Taylor
- John Bellamy Taylor
- John Earl Maxwell Taylor
- J(Ohn) Madison Taylor
- Joseph Judson Taylor
- Joseph Russell Taylor
- Joseph S. Taylor
- Julian Daniel Taylor
- Katharine Haviland Taylor
- Kenneth Taylor
- Laurette Taylor
- Lewis Harvie Taylor
- Lillian E. Taylor
- Lily Ros3 Taylor
- Marie Hansen Taylor
- Mary Imlay Taylor
- Merris Taylor
- Montgomery Meigs Taylor
- Moses Taylor
- Myron Charles Taylor
- Richard V. Taylor
- Richard V. S.
- Robert Fenwick Taylor
- Robert Howard Taylor
- Robert Longley Taylor
- R(Obert) Tunstall Taylor
- S. Earl. Taylor
- S(Amuel) N(Ewton) Taylor
- Thomas Taylor
- Thomas Ulvan Taylor
- Walter Penn Taylor
- William Alton Taylor
- William H. Taylor
- William Henry Taylor
- William James Taylor
- William Johnson Taylor
- William Ladd Taylor
- William Mode Taylor
- William Rivers Taylor
- William Sentman Taylor
- Wiuiam Septimus Taylor
- William Sylvester Taylor
[edit]- Ordway Tead
- Walter Clark Teagle
- Joseph Nathan Teal
- Edward Nelson Teall
- Gardner (Callahan) Teall
- Leon Greenfield Tedesche
- Houston B. Teehee
- Warren Floyd Teel
- Ray Palmer Teele
- Wilber John Teeters
- Lyman Beecher Tefft
- Frederick John Teggart
- William C. Teichmann
- James Harvey Teller
- John Du Bois Teller
- Senor Don Manuel C. Tellez
- Marion Telva
- Marie Susan Tempest
- Edward Arthur Temple
- Edward Lowe Temple
- Henry Willson Temple
- Laura Temple
- Mary Boyce Temple
- Seth Justin Temple
- Walter Paul Temple
- Charles Augustus Templeton
- Charlotte Templeton
- Fay Templeton
- Richard Harkness Templeton
- Samuel Moore Templeton
- Thomas W. Templeton
- William Craig Templeton
- Lucinda De Leftwich Templin
- Olin Templin
- John Kinley Tener
- Peter Gansevoort Ten Eyck
- Henry Fry Tennant
- John Hunter Tennant
- David Hilt Tennent
- Charles Daniel Tenney
- Edward Davies Tenney
- Henry Martyn Tenney
- Horace Kent Tenney
- Raymond Parker Tenney
- Charles Buckley Tenny
- Lloyd Stanley Tenny
- Louis John Te Poel
- Albert Payson Terkune
- Virginia Belle Terhune
- William Lewis Terhune
- Lewis Madison Terman
- Thomas J. Terral
- Frederick Terrell
- Glanville Terrell
- Roy Terrell
- Scurry Latimer Terrell
- William Glenn Terrell
- Benjamin Stuytes Terry
- Charles Appleton Terry
- Clyde Ray Terry
- Ellen Terry
- Henry Taylor Terry
- John Taylor Terry
- John Wharton Terry
- Marshall Orlando Terry
- Nathaniel Matson Terry
- Robert James Terry
- Roderick Terry
- T. Philip Terry
- Wallace Irving Terry
- Will Albert Terry
- Nikola Tesla
- Eber Teter
- Lucius Teter
- Luisa Tetrazzini
- Rudolf Bolling Teusler
- Edith Malcolm Tewksbury
- Elwood Gardner Tewksbury
- William Orton Tewson
- Maggie Teyte
- Arthur Thacher
- John Seymour Thacher
- Mary Potter Thacher
- Sherman Day Thacher
- Cum Laude Ll'.B.
- Thomas Chandler Thacher
- Thomas Day Thacher
- William L(Arned) Thacher
- N.Y. City Y.M.C.A.
- J(Ames) Ernest Thacker
- May Dixon Thacker
- John Andy Thackston
- Arthur David Thaeler
- Conrad Engerud Tharaldsen
[edit]- George B. Thatcher
- Maurice Hudson Thatcher
- Oliver Joseph Thatcher
- Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher
- Roland Thaxter
- Addison Sanford Thayer
- Benjamin Bowditch Thayer
- Charles Snow Thayer
- Edwin Pope Thayer
- Emma Redington Lee Thayer
- Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer
- George Augustine Thayer
- Harry Bates Thayer
- Harry Irving Thayer
- Raymond H. J.
- Helen Rand (Mrs Thayer
- Henry Ernest Thayer
- John Adams Thayer
- John Eliot Thayer
- John M. Thayer
- John R. Thayer
- Lucius Harrison Thayer
- Robert Ellis Thayer
- Scofield Thayer
- Vivian Trow Thayer
- Walter Thayer
- William Armour Thayer
- William Greenough Thayer
- William Sydney Thayer
- William Wentworth Thayer
- William W. Theisen
- John William Theiss
- Lewis Edwin Theiss
- Elizabeth Burr Thelberg
- David E. Theleen
- Max Thelen
- Samuel Theobald
- Charles James Theriat
- Jacques Thibaud
- William Francis Thiehoff
- Su.Pt. July-Dee. 1908 Os
- Leo Francis Thiel
- Aloysius John Thiele
- Hugo Paul Thieme
- Theodore F. Thieme
- Frank Thilly
- Wilbur Patterson Thirkield
- James Matthew Thoburn
- Alfred Pembroke Thom
- Charles Thom
- Decourcy Wright Thom
- William Taylor Thom
- Kurt Hermann Thoma
- Albert D. Thomas
- A(Lbert) E(Llsworth) Thomas
- Arthur Abbot Thomas
- Arthur George Thomas
- Arthur Lloyd Thomas
- Augustus Thomas
- Augustus Orloff Thomas
- Benjamin Franklin Thomas
- Carl Clapp Thomas
- Sibley Coll. M. E.
- Charles Preston Thomas
- Charles Randolph Thomas
- Charles Spalding Thomas
- Chauncey Thomas
- Columbus Eugene Thomas
- David Yancey Thomas
- Edith Matilda Thomas
- Edward Beers Thomas
- Edwin Stark Thomas
- Elmer Thomas
- Franklin Thomas
- George Thomas
- Henry M. Thomas
- James Thomas
- James John Thomas
- James Shelby Thomas
- John Jenks Thomas
- Henry Pickering G. W.
- John Lloyd Thomas
- John Martin Thomas
- John Peyre Thomas
- John S(Aunders) Ladd Thomas
- Joseph Brown Thomas
- Joseph Morris Thomas
- Kirby Thomas
- Lee Emmett Thomas
- Lowell Thomas
- Lucien Irving Thomas
- M. Carey (Miss) Thomas
- M. Louise Thomas
- Nathaniel Seymour Thomas
- June 4 Iii.
- Percy H(Olbrook) Thomas
- Robert Young Thomas
- Rolla L. Thomas
- Roy Zachariah Thomas
- S(Tephen) Seymour Thomas
- Thaddeus Peter Thomas
- Washington Butcher Thomas
- William Thomas
- William Aubrey Thomas
- William Henry Griffith Thomas
- William Holcombe Thomas
- William Isaac Thomas
[edit]- Samuel Emory Thomason
- Adele E. Thompson
- Alfred Clark Thompson
- Arthur Webster Thompson
- Carmi Alderman Thompson
- Charles James Thompson
- Charles Manfred Thompson
- Charles Miner Thompson
- Charles Nebeker Thompson
- Charles Seymour Thompson
- Charles Thaddeus Thompson
- Charles Willis Thompson
- Cyrus Thompson
- Daniel Varney Thompson
- David E. Thompson
- Eben Francis Thompson
- Edward Herbert Thompson
- Elbert Nevius Sebring’ Thompson
- Ernest Seton Thompson
- Erwin W. Thompson
- Floyd Eugene Thompson
- Fountain Land Thompson
- Frank Ernest Thompson
- Frank Forrester Thompson
- T.
- Frank M. Thompson
- Fred Lawrence Thompson
- Frederic Lincoln Thompson
- Frederick Henry Thompson
- Frederick Ingate Thompson
- French Woodville Thompson
- George Thompson
- George B. Thompson
- Grace Gallatin Seton Thompson
- Gustave Whyte Thompson
- Harry Arthur Thompson
- Helen Bishop Thompson
- Helen Elizabeth Thompson
- Henry Burling Thompson
- Henry Dallas Thompson
- Holland Thompson
- Huston Thompson
- James Edwin Thompson
- Eng. F.R.C.S.
- James Kidd Thompson
- James Westfall Thompson
- Jean M. Thompson
- John Thompson
- John Thompson
- John Beirt Thompson
- John Gilbert Thompson
- Johnr. Thompson
- John Taliaferro Thompson
- John Winter Thompson
- Joseph Addison Thompson
- J(Oseph) Whitaker Thompson
- Josiah Van Kirk Thompson
- Loyd Thompson
- Marshall Putnam Thompson
- Melville Withington Thompson
- Mills Thompson
- Percy Wallace Thompson
- Ralph Leroy Thompson
- Ralph Seymour Thompson
- Reuben Cyril Hill Thompson
- Richard Ryan Thompson
- Robert Andrew Thompson
- Robert Ellis Thompson
- Robert Foster Thompson
- Robert John Thompson
- Robert Leroy Thompson
- Robert Means Thompson
- Samuel Hunter Thompson
- Samuel Huston Thompson
- Sanford Eleazer Thompson
- Slason Thompson
- Stith Thompson
- Thomas Clarkson Thompson
- Thomas Edward Thompson
- Thomas Payne Thompson
- Vance Thompson
- Waddy Thompson
- Wallace Thompson
- Warren Simpson Thompson
- Will Henry Thompson
- William Bess Thompson
- William Gilman Thompson
- William Goodrich Thompson
- William Hale Thompson
- William Henry Thompson
- William Howard Thompson
- William Joseph Thompson
- William L. Thompson
- William Leland Thompson
- William N. Thompson
- William Ormonde Thompson
- William Oxley Thompson
- W(Illiam) Taliaferro Thompson
- William Townsend Thompson
- Craig Sharpe Thoms
- Alfred Ray Thomson
- Arthur Conover Thomson
- Charles Goff Thomson
- Charles Marsh Thomson
- David Thomson
- Edgar Steiner Thomson
- Edward William Thomson
- Elihu Thomson
- Francis A(Ndrew) Thomson
- Henry Czar Merwin Thomson
- James Mcllhany Thomson
- James William Thomson
- John Stuart Thomson
- Peter Gibson Thomson
- Reginald Heber Thomson
- T. Kennard Thomson
- Thaddeus Austin Thomson
- W. H. Seward Thomson
- Max Thorek
- James Thorington
- Halsten Joseph Thorkelson
- John James Thornber
- Charles Lewis Thornburg
- Zenas Charles Thornburg
- Delmar Leon Thornbury
- Ashley Horace Thorndike
- Augustus Thorndike
- Edward Lee Thorndike
- Lynn Thorndike
- Paul Thorndike
- Townsend William Thorndike
- Willi3 Hale Thorndike
- Charles Embree Thorne
- Chester Thorne
- Eusabeth Griffin Thorne
- Qakleigh Thorne
- Robert Julius Thorne
- Samuel Thorne
- William Thorne
- E(Dward) Quin Thornton
- Edwin William Thornton
- Eric Laurence Thornton
- Sir Henry Worth Thornton
- James Brown Thornton
- Walter Francis Thornton
- William Mynn Thornton
- William Wheeler Thornton
[edit]- Frank Thorp
- Frank Hall Thorp
- George Gowen Thorp
- Harry Walter Thorp
- Josephine Rice Thorp
- Roy Lovelady Thorp
- Willard Brown Thorp
- Burton Lee Thorpe
- Mrs. Compton P. Thorpe
- Francis Newton Thorpe
- George Cyrus Thorpe
- Merle Thorpe
- Rose Hart Wick Thorpe
- William Frederick Thorpe
- Nelson Thor Thorson
- Allen Benton Thrasher
- Archibald Hall Throckmorton
- Frank Dwight Throop
- George Reeves Throop
- Lucy Meacham Thruston
- Thure De Thulstrup
- Patty Prather Thum
- William Thum
- Ferdinand Thun
- Margaret E. (Mrs. Samuel R. Fry) M.D.)
- Caroline Thurber
- Charles Herbert Thurber
- Howard Ford Thurber
- Samuel R. Thurman
- Erasmus Khleber Thurmond
- John William Thurmond
- Alice Maud Thurston
- Edward Sampson Thurston
- Ernest La Thurston
- Henry Winfred Thurston
- Howard Thurston
- Lorrin Andrews Thurston
- Theodore Payne Thurston
- Charles Burton Thwing
- Charles Franklin Thwing
- Edward Waite Thwing
- Eugene Thwing
- Seymour Selden Tibbals
- Mrs. Albert B. Tibbets
- Lawrence Mervil Tibbett
- Charles Edward Dudley Tibbits
- Thomas Henry Tibbles
- Frederick Tice
- Caroline Ticknor
- Thomas Allen Tidball
- Josiah Blake Tidwell
- Franci3 Joseph Tief
- Theodore Tieken
- Charles Bernard Tiernan
- John M. Tierney
- Richard Henry Tierney
- Paul Tietjens
- Francis Judson Tietsort
- Charles Lewis Tiffany
- Francis Buchanan Tiffany
- Louis Comfort Tiffany
- Marie Tiffany
- Nina Moore Tiffany
- Orrin Edward Tiffany
- Henry Neville Tifft
- Dr. J(Ose) Antonio Tigerino
- John James Tigert
- Ambrose Tighe
- Isaac Burton Ti6rett
- John Henry Tihen
- Charles Joseph Tilden
- Douglas Tilden
- Freeman Tilden
- Joseph Mayo Tilden
- Josephine Elizabeth Tilden
- William Tatem Tilden
- John Lee Tildsley
- Mary Wilder Tileston
- Wilder Tileston
[edit]- Frank Tilford
- William Bell Tilghman
- Wilbur Fisk Tillett
- Abram Martin Tillman
- James Davidson Tillman
- John Newton Tillman
- Samuel Escue Tillman
- Edwin Ward Tillotson
- George Willia M Till Son
- John Charles Fremont Tillson
- Albert Arthur Tilney
- Frederick Tilney
- William Edwin Tilroe
- John Quillin Tilson
- Edward Lippincott Tilton
- George Kenry Tilton
- Jan. 31 N.Il
- Mclane Tilton
- Herbert James Tily
- Charles B. Timberlake
- Gideon Timberlake
- Andrew Timberman
- William Henry Timbxe
- Elizabeth. Weston Timlow
- Arthur Henry Timmerman
- J. N. Tincher
- Oscar Adolf Tingelstad
- Charles Love Scott Tingle Y
- Katherine Tingley
- Richard Hoadley Tingley
- Chauncey Brewster Tinker
- 1901 M. A.
- Edward Larocque Tinker
- Edward Richmond Tinker
- Martin Buel Tinker
- George Holden Tinkham
- Henry Crain Tinkham
- Frank Tinney
- Homer E (11s Worth) Tinsman
- Bertrand Martin Tipple
- Ezra Squier Tipple
- Worth Marion Tippy
- Pier Adolfo Tirindelli
- Henry Archelaus Tirrell
- Frederick Monroe Tisdel
- Benjamin Louis Tisinger
- Alexander Tison
- Edward Bradford Titchener
- John Wheelock Titcomb
- Mary Lemist Titcomb
- Miriam Titcomb
- Virginia Chandler Titcomb
- Alfred Alexander Titsworth
- Paul Emerson Titsworth
- Sophie Bronson Titterington
- Ernest Fremont Tittle
- 1916-18 O.
- Walter (Ernest) Tittle
- Otto Hilgard Tittmann
- Edward Coddington Titus
- Harold Titus
- Louis Titus
- Edward P. Tivnan
- Elias Tobenkin
- James Alner Tobey
- Daniel J. Tobin
- George Timothy Tobin
- Joseph Sadoc Tobin
- Richard Montgomery T?Obin
- Edith Tobitt
- Edward Toby
- Maximilian Toch
- J(Ohn) Kennedy Tod
- Albert May Todd
- Arthur James Todd
- Casey Todd
- Chapman Coleman Todd
- Charles Burr Todd
- Clare Chrisman Todd
- David Todd
- Earle Marion Todd
- Edward Howard Todd
- Elmer Ely Todd
- G(Eorge) Carroll Todd
- George Walter Todd
- Henry Alfred Todd
- Henry Davis Todd
- Hiram Charles Todd
- James Edward Todd
- John Welhoff Todd
- Luther Edward Todd
- Marion Todd
- M(Oses) Hampton Todd
- Percy R. Todd
- Robert Henry Todd
- T(Homas) Wingate Todd
- William Henry Todd
- Olof Alfred Toffteen
- Edward Dale Toland
- Joseph Augustus Tolbert
- Elsie Toles
- Aline Gorren Tolfree
- Sheldon Hitchcock Tolles
- Ii. T.
- Harold Sumner Tolley
- Albert Harris Tolman
- Albert Walter Tolman
- Cyrus Fisher Tolman
- Edgar Bronson Tolman
- Herbert Cushing Tolman
- Judson Allen Tolman
- Richard Chace Tolman
- Warren W Tolman
- William Howe Tolman
- George Tolover Tolson
- Floyd Williams Tomkins
- James Harvey Tomlin
- Charles Fawcett Tomlinson
- Everett Titsworth Tomlinson
- George Ashley Tomlinson
- Paul Greene Tomlinson
- Roy Everett Tomlinson
- Vincent Eaton Tomlinson
- Arthur Sidney Tqmpkins
- Christopher Tompkins
- De Loss Monroe Tompkins
- Elizabeth Knight Tompkins
- Leslie Jay Tompkins
- Francis Anthony Tondorf
- Edward C. Toner
- T.
- Svetozar (Ivanoff) Tonjoroff
- Oliver Samuel Tonks
- John Andrew Tonner
- John Peter Toohey
- Lewis Frank Tooker
- Joseph Kemp Toole
- Charles Robinson Toothaker
- Milton Tootle
- Homer W. Tope
- John Alexander Topping
- John Bryant Torbert
- William Sydenham Torbert
- Philip Torchio
- Royal Polytechnic E. E.
- Emilio Del Toro
- Ell Torrance
- Henry Torrance
- (Frederic) Ridgely Torrence
- Charles Cutler Torrey
- George Burroughs Torrey
- Harry Beal Torrey
- Reuben Archer Torrey
- Burr Walter Torrey Son
- George Oakley Totten
- Joseph Byron Totten
- Ralph James Totten
- Harry Aubrey Toulmin
- James William Toumey
- Frank Hale Touret
- William George Tqusey
- Frank Charles Touton
- Carl Vernon Tower
- George Warren Tower
- James Eaton Tower
- Olin Freeman Tower
- Ralph Winfred Tower
- Walter Sheldon Tower
- William Lawrence Tower
- John Henry Towers
- Walter Kellogg Towers
- Forrest Milton Towl
- David Edward Town
- Arthur Whittlesey Towne
- Charles Arnette Towne
- Charles Hanson Towne
- Charles Wayland Towne
- Edward Owings Towne
- Elizabeth Towne
- Ezra Thayer Towne
- George Lewis Towne
- Henry Robinson Towne
- Robert Duke Towne
- Salem B. Towne
- Walter James Towne
- William Elmer Towne
- Edwin Earl Towner
- Horace Mann Towner
- Rutherfqrd Hamilton Towner
- Clayton C. Townes
- Calvert Townley
- Sidney Dean Townley
- Charles B. Towns
- Charles Elroy Townsend
- Charles Haskins Townsend
- Charles Louis Townsend
- Charles Orrin Townsend
- Charles Wendell Townsend
- Curtis Mcdonald Townsend
- Edgar Jerome Townsend
- Edward Waterman Townsend
- Frederic Martin Townsend
- John G. Townsend
- John Wilson Townsend
- Lawrence Townsend
- Reginald Townsend Townsend
- Robert Donaldson Townsend
- S(Mith) Delancey Townsend
- Theodore Irving Townsend
- Virginia Frances Townsend
- William Warren Townsend
- George Townshend
- Clarence Page Townsley
- J(Ohn) Ranken Towse
- Walter Dallam Toy
- Josephine Tqzier
- Alfre D M Arston Tgzz3er
- Herman L. Traber
- George Henry Trabert
- Edmund Francis Trabue
- Marion Rex Trabue
- James Francis Tracey
- James Grant Tracy
- James Madison Tracy
- John Clayton Tracy
- Martha Tracy
- Roger Sherman Tracy
- Thomas Henry Tracy
- Gilbert Haven Trafton
- William Henry Trafton
- Arthur Train
- Elizabeth Phipps Train
- Henry Edward Tralle
- Park Trammell
- Edgar Nelson Transeau
- Frank Weiss Traphagen
- Martin Edwin Trapp
- John Ellingwood Donnell Trask
- John William Trask
- Edward Ernest Russell Tratman
- Peter Edward Traub
- William Emil Trautmann
- Johncresson Trautwine
- John Gideon Traver
- Edward Schofield Travers
- De Hull Norman Travis
- Julius Curtis Travis
- Simeon Ezekiel Travis
- Arcadius Mcswain Trawick
- 1911-19 Y.M.C.A.
- Melvin Alvah Traylor
- Allen Towner Treadway
- Aaron Louis Treadwell
- Charles Gould Treat
- Charles Payson Treat
- Charles Watson Treat
- Jay Porter Treat
- Payson Jackson Treat
- Robert Byron Treat
- Roger Culver Tredwell
- Joe Clifton Trees
- Merle Jay Trees
- James Harry Tregoe
- William Trelease
- Eloise Ruthven Tremain
- Frederick Orlin Tremaine
- Charles Edward Treman
- Robert Henry Treman
- Thomas Whitaker Trenchard
- Norman Maclaren Trenholme
- William Peterfield Trent
- Augustus William Trettien
- Frederick Treudley
- Albert Augustus Trever
- George Henry Trever
- Vittorio Trevisan
- Joseph Ellis Trevor
- Robert Johns Trevorrow
- James Henry Trewin
- Frank M. Trexler
- Harrison Anthony Trexler
- Harry C. Trexler
- Samuel Geiss Trexler
- Louis Lincoln Tribus
- William Trickett
- Frederick Ernst Triebel
- Jacob Trieber
- Ernest T. Trigg
- Richard Trimble
- Charles Clarke Trine
- Ralph Waldo Trine
- Elbert Lee Trinkle
- Willibald Trinks
- John Edwin Triplett
- Norman Triplett
- Guy Eastman Tripp
- James Mcconky Trippe
- Oscar A. Trippet
- Samuel Peter Rolt Triscott
- Albert F. Trivelli
- James Trobec
- John Winthrop Troeger
- Leonard Thompson Troland
- Albert Edmund Trombly
- J(Ared) G(Rassie) Carter Troop
- Alfred Wiuiams Trotter
- Frank Butler Trotter
- Spencer Trotter
[edit]- James Franklin Trottman
- J(Ohan) O(Tto) Emanuel Trotz
- Amelia Rives Troubetzkoy
- Prince Pierre Troubetzkoy
- Ethel Wendell Trout
- Alexander Buel Trowbridge
- Arthur Carleton Trowbridge
- Augustus Trowbridge
- Carl Hoyt Trowbridge
- Edward Dwight Trowbridge
- Vaughan Trowbridge
- Millard Francis Troxell
- Alexander Troy
- John Henry Troy
- Alfred Samuel Trude
- Alfred Charles True
- Allen Tupper True
- Gordon Haines True
- Hiram L. True
- John Preston True
- Rodney Howard True
- Theodore Edmond True
- Thomas Clarkson Trueblood
- William Haynes Truesdale
- Hobart George Trues Dell
- Leon Edgar Truesdell
- George W. Truett
- Everett Ellsworth Truette
- Warren Truitt
- Jefferson Truly
- Herbert Frederic Truman
- Annie Eliot Trumbull
- Charles Gallaudet Trumbull
- Edward Needles Trump
- 1918. Mem. Am. Soc. M.E N. Y.
- May Trumper
- Robert Julius Trumpler
- Frederick Wilson Truscott
- Dwight William Tryon
- James Libby Tryon
- Rolla Milton Tryon
- Winthrop Pitt Tryon
- Frank Dean Tubbs
- T.
- Clyde Edwin Tuck
- Edward Tuck
- Somerville Pinkney Tuck
- Beverley Dandridge Tucker
- Beverley Dandridge Tucker
- Beverley Randolph Tucker
- Frank Tucker
- George Fox Tucker
- Gilbert Milligan Tucker
- Henry St. George Tucker
- Henry St. George Tucker
- Hiram G. Tucker
- Hugh Clarence Tucker
- Irvin B. Tucker
- Irwin St. John Tucker
- John Randolph Tucker
- Richard Hawley Tucker
- 1908-11 S. A.
- Robert Henry Tucker
- Samuel Marion Tucker
- William Conquest Tucker
- William Jewett Tucker
- Willis Gaylord Tucker
- Alfred Tuckerman
- Frederick Tuckerman
- Jacob Edward Tuckerman
- August Herman Tuechter
- Bowen Tufts
- Edgar Tufts
- James Arthur Tufts
- James Hayden Tufts
- Mrs. James H. Tufts
- Henry Enos Tuley
- Philip Speed Tuley
- Edward Pratt Tuller
- John Jay Tuller
- T.
- Robert Lee Tullis
- Rees Edgar Tulloss
- Jim Tully
- Richard Walton Tully
- William John Tully
- Joseph Patrick Tumulty
- Joseph Salathiel Tunison
- Robert Baylor Tunstall
- Claude A. Tupper
- Ellis C. C.
- Frederick Tupper
- Henry Allen Tupper
- James Waddell Tupper
- Charles Joseph Turck
- Pensacola Y.M.C.A.
- Fenton Benedict Turck
- Ill. State Med. Soc. A.A.A.S.
- Raymond Custer Turck
- Milton Haight Turk
- Grace Alice Turkington
- Alonzo John Turkle
- Jay Turley
- Edwin Litchfield Turnbull
- Margaret Turnbull
- Robert Turnbull
- Walter Mason Turnbull
- Frederick Eugene Turneaure
- Archelaus Ewing Turner
- 1884 A. M.
- Arthur Gordon Turner
- Charles Henry Black Turner
- Charles Willard Turner
- Claude Allen Porter Turner
- Edward Crawford Turner
- Edward Raymond Turner
- Fennell Parrish Turner
- Vanderbilt B. A.
- Frederick Jackson Turner
- George Turner
- George Kibbe Turner
- Helen M. Turner
- Henry Ward Turner
- James H. Turner
- James Jewett Turner
- James Patrick Turner
- John Pickett Turner
- John Roscoe Turner
- Maurice Clark Turner
- Nancy Byrd Turner
- Robert Wilson Turner
- Wilfred Dent Turner
- William Turner
- William De Garmo Turner
- William Henry Turner
- Daniel Braxton Turney
- William Ward Turney
- B(Arnwell) Rhett Turnipseed
- Edna Henry Lee Turpin
- Charles Alfred Turrell
- John William Turrentine
- Samuel Bryant Turrentine
- Gustave Robisher Tuska
- Alexander Mackenzie Tuthill
- Edward Tuthill
- John Maurice Ttjtt
- William Jewell Coll. B.
- Albert Henry Tuttle
- Alexander Harrison Tuttle
- Arthur J. Tuttle
- Arthur Lemuel Tuttle
- Charles Augustus Tuttle
- Emma Rood Tuttle
- George Albert Tuttle
- George Marvine Tuttle
- George Thomas Tuttle
- Harold Saxe Tuttle
- Henry William Tuttle
- James Patterson Tuttle
- Julius Herbert Tuttle
- Margaretta Muhlenberg Tuttle
- Thomas Dyer Tuttle
- Thomas Henry Tutwiler
- Anthony G. Tuve
- William Powell Twaddell
- Frank Tweedy
- Henry Hallam Tweedy
- William Henry Twenhofel
- Nathan Crook Twining
- George Ransom Twiss
- Herbert Kenaston Twitchell
- Ralph Emerson Twitchell
- Daniel W. Twohy
- Ella Middleton Maxwell Tybout
- Millard E. Tydings
- Alice Sarah Tyler
- Bayard Henry Tyler
- Benjamin Bushrod Tyler
- D(Avid) Gardiner Tyler
- George Crouse Tyler
- G(Eorgie) Vere Tyler
- Harry Walter Tyler
- Henry Mather Tyler
- James Gale Tyler
- James Hoge Tyler
- James M Tyler
- U. Of Vt Ll.D
- John Mason Tyler
- John Poyntz Tyler
- Lyon Gardiner Tyler
- Richard Gaines Tyler
- Thomas J. Tynan
- Alexander J. Mclvor Tyndall
- Charles Herbert Tyndall
- Charles Noyes Tyndell
- Theodosius Stevens Tyng
- Evans Tyree
- Frank G Tyrrell
- Henry Tyrrell
- Henry Grattan Tyrrell
- Lawrence Davis Tyson
- Stuart Lawrence Tyson
- Ernest Edward Tyzzer
- Denny Hammond Udall
- Johan August Udden
- Stanley Hart Udy
- Edward A. Uehling
- Andreas Ueland
- Elsa Ueland
[edit]- Walter Ufer
- Walter Shepard Ufford
- Willis Lemon Uhl
- Horace Scudder Uhler
- Jacob P. Uhler
- William Harrison Ukers
- Berthold Louis Ullman
- William Alban Ulman
- Albert Ulmann
- Edward Oscar Ulrich
- Robert Emeroy Umbel
- Charles Lee Underhill
- Charles Reginald Underhill
- -Edwin Stewart Underhill
- Frank Pell Underhill
- James Underhill
- Clarence F. Underwood
- Edmund Beardsley Underwood
- Edna Worthley Underwood
- E(Mory) Marvin Underwood
- Frederick Douglass Underwood
- George Arthur Underwood
- Herbert Shapleigh Underwood
- John Curtis Underwood
- Joseph Merritt Underwood
- Loring Underwood
- Mell G. Underwood
- Oscar W. Underwood
- Sophie Kerr Underwood
- William Lyman Underwood
- Louis Untermeyer
- Irwin Untermyer
- Samuel Untermyer
- Allan Updegraff
- Harlan Updegraff
- Milton Updegraff
- Daniel Berkeley Updike
- Eugene Grover Updike
- Ralph E. Updike
- Alfred Horatio Upham
- Charles Melville Upham
- Francis Bourne Upham
- Frederic Wiluam Upham
- John Howell Janeway Upham
- Warren Upham
- William H. Upham
- William David Upshaw
- John Nottingham Upshur
- Ralph Hazlett Upson
- Walter Lyman Upson
- Daniel Upthegrove
- Clifford Brewster Upton
- La Roy Sunderland Upton
- Joseph Urban
- Wilbur Marshall Urban
- Thomas Klingenberg Ur Dahl
- William Simon U’Ren
- Clarence Urmy
- Hammond Urner
- U.
- Edward Preston Usher
- Nathaniel Reilly Usher
- Roland Greene Usher
- Brandram Boileau Ussher
- George D’ Utassy
- Henry Ayres Uterhart
- George Burwell Utley
- Joseph Simeon Utley
- Samuel Utley
- David Utter
- Robert Palfrey Utter
- Albert Ross Vail
- Charles Henry Vail
- Derrick T. Vail
- Henry Hobart Vail
- William Newell Vaile
- Louis David Vaillant
- Demetra Vaka
- Otakar Valasek
- Byron Warren Valentine
- C. A. Valentine
- Caro Syron Valentine
- Edward Virginius Valentine
- Milton Henry Valentine
- William Harman Van Allen
- Henry Arthur Van Alstyne
- Fred D. Van Amburgh
- Carr V. Van Anda
- William Clarkson Van Antwerp
- Nathaniel Hi Van Arsdale
- Charles Edwin Van Barneveld
- William Weed Van Baun
- William Henry Van Benschoten
- Frederick Theodore Van Beuren
- Robert Ward Van Boskerck
- Evelyn Van Buren
[edit]- Arthur Turner Vance
- Burton Vance
- James Isaac Vance
- J(Ames) Milton Vance
- Jessica Smith Vance
- John Thomas Vance
- Joseph Anderson Vance
- Louis Joseph Vance
- Selby Frame Vance
- William Reynolds Vance
- Mynderse Van Cleef
- John D. Van Deman
- Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg
- Cornelius Vanderbilt
- Cornelius Iii Vanderbilt
- Frederick William Vanderbilt
- Harold Stirling Vanderbilt
- Homer Bews Vanderblue
- Margaret Womack Vandercook
- Douglas Vander Hoof
- Charles Edwin Vanderkleed
- Frank Arthur Vanderlip
- John Marinus Vander Meulen
- Emily C. Noyes Vanderpoel
- Frederick William Vanderpool
- Albert Vander Veer
- Conrad Vandervelde
- James W. Vandervoort
- Harry Van Der Weyden
- Jacob Van Der Zee
- George William Van Deusen
- Willis Van Devanter
- Cornelius Van De Ven
- John Herbert Van Deventer
- George Roe Vandewater
- Almuth Cunningham Vandiver
- Willard Duncan Vandiver
- William Van Doorn
- Carl Van Doren
- Mark Van Doren
- Ray Newton Van Doren
- Marcia Van Dresser
- Edward Seguin Van Duyn
- Henry Sayre Van Duzer
- Lewis Sayre Van Duzer
- Francis Cuyler Van Dyck
- George Doug Lass Van Dyke
- V. (?.».)
- Henry Van Dyke
- John Charles Van Dyke
- Paul Van Dyke
- Tertius Van Dyke
- William Duncan Van Dyke
- Clarence Van Epps
- Vernon W. Van Fleet
- Ernest Harvey Van Fossan
- Arthur Van Harlingen
- Weller Van Hook
- Francis Joseph Van Horn
- Frank Robertson Van Horn
- David Van Horne
- William Grant Van Horne
- Gilbert Van Ingen
- W(Illiam) B(Rantley) Van Ingen
- Charles Clark Van Kirk
- Mary Van Kleeck
- Hendrik Willem Van Loon
- Adriaan Van Maanen
- Martha Van Marter
- John Blackford Van Meter
- Thurman William Van Metre
- Richard Tilman Vann
- Isaac J. Van Ness
- Thomas Van Ness
- G(Eorge) Willett Van Nest
- Leonard Charles Van Noppen
- Warner Montagnie Van Norden
- Hubert Everett Van Norman
- Louis Edwin Van Norman
- Frederick Van Nuys
- John Lane Van Ornttm
- Josiah Alexander Van Orsdel
- Charles Edwin Van Orstrand
- John Robert Van Pelt
- John Vredenburg Van Pelt
- 1904-13 U.
- Howard Van Rensselaer
- M. King (Mrs.) Van Rensselaer
- Martha Van Rensselaer
- Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer
- John Crowell Van Riper
- Samuel Rinnah Van Sant
- Seymour Van Santvoord
- John Van Schaick
- Frederick Levi Van Sickle
- James Hixon Van Sickle
- James C. Van Siclen
- Matthew Van Siclen
- Clarence Allan Van Slyke
- Asst Os
- Donald B. Van Slyke
- Lucius Lincoln Van Slyke
- Irving Artemus Vant
- George Casey Van Tu Yl
- Claude Halstead Van Tyne
- Robert Van Valzah
- Carl Van Vechten
- Ralph. Van Vechten
- Edward Burr Van Vleck
- Will George Van Vleck
- William Cabell Van Vleck
- Corneuus Van Vliet
- Robert Campbell Van Vliet
- Henry Clay Van Voorhis
- Bessie Van Vorst
- Anthony Van Wagenen
- James Hubert Van Wagenen
- Isaac Homer Van Winkle
- William Van Wyck
- Clarence Duncan Vanzandt
- Clarence Elmer Van Zandt
- Khleber Miller Van Zandt
- Richard Lipscomb Van Zandt
- Edward Sims Van Zile
- James Kimble Vardaman
- Charles Graves Vardell
- George Varden
- William Scott Vare
- Jacobo Varela
- Charles Edward Varney
- Harold Lord Varney
- William Harrison Varnum
- Lycurgus Rayner Varser
- Samuel Matthews Vauclain
- David Davies Vaughan
- Elmer E. Vaughan
- George Tully Vaughan
- Harold Stearns Vaughan
- 1890 U. S.
- Henry Frieze Vaughan
- Herbert Hunter Vaughan
- John Colin Vaughan
- John George Vaughan
- John Henry Vaughan
- J (Ohn) Walter Vaughan
- Richard Miner Vaughan
- T(Homas) Wayland Vaughan
- Victor Clarence Vaughan
- Earnest Van Court Vaughn
- Francis Arthur Vaughn
- Kate Brew Vaughn
- Mrs. Marion Vaughn
- Robert Gall A Way Vaughn
- Samuel Jesse Vaughn
- George Vaux
- John William Vawter
- Keith Vawter
- Monroe Vayhinger
- Robert Wells Veach
- Clarence Archibald Veasey
- Arthur Clifford Veatch
- Byron Elbert Veatch
- I. Parker Veazey
- Andrew Anderson Veblen
- Oswald Veblen
- Thorstein B. Veblen
- Victor G. Vecki
- Edward Bright Vedder
- Henry Clay Vedder
- Borden Smith Veeder
- Curtis Hussey Veeder
- Van Vechten Veeder
- Fletcher Pearre Veitch
- Hernan Velarde
- Hector Velazquez
- Louise De Launay Veltin
[edit]- Edward Carrington Venable
- Emerson Venable
- Francis Preston Venable
- William Henry Venable
- William Mayo Venable
- William Webb Venable
- Ame Vennema
- Carl Venth
- William Verbeck
- Henri Verbrtjgghen
- William_ Francis Verdi
- Frederick Herman Verhoeff
- George Matthew Verity
- Cornelius Clarkson Vermeule
- Charles William Vermilion
- Ambrose White Vernon
- Leroy Tudor Vernon
- Max Vernon
- Addison Emery Verrxll
- Alpheus Hyatt Verrill
- Charles Henry Verrill
- Elmer Russell Verrill
- Harry Mighels Verrill
- Frank Washington Very
- Oreste Vessella
- Robert Scadden Vessey
- Albert Henry Vestal
- Samuel Curtis Vestal
- Axel Ebenezer Vestling
- Martin Veth
- Jaime Carlos De Veyra
- Charles Vezin
- Ethan Viall
- John Frederick Vichert
- 1899-1904 B. C.
- Walker Whiting Vick
- Enoch Howard Vickers
- Herman Prank Vickery
- Charles Vernon Vickrey
- Arno Viehoever
- Henry Alvin Vieth
- George Frederic Viett
- Lauritz Andreas Vigness
- Joseph Rene Vilatte
- Jonas Viles
- Ignacio Villamor
- Oswald Garrison Villard
- Thomas Jefferson Villers
- William Gould Vinal
- Bird J. Vincent
- Boyd Vincent
- Clarence Cornelius Vincent
- George Edgar Vincent
- Harry Aiken Vincent
- Henry Bethuel Vincent
- Jesse Gurney Vincent
- John Martin Vincent
- Leon Henry Vincent
- Walter B. Vincent
- William David Vincent
- John Finley Vines
- William Madison Vines
- Aad John Vinje
- Albert Earl Vinson
- Box 100 R.R. 1
- Carl Vinson
- Frederick Moore Vinson
- Robert Ernest Vinson
- Taylor Vinson
- Frank Vinsonhaler
- Ebal E. Violette
- Antha Minerva Virgil
- Edward Harmon Virgin
- Stephen Sargent Visher
- Ph.D. S„ 1910
- Edmund March Vittum
- M. 1888
- Harriet E. Vittum
- Alfred Vivian
- Harold Acton Vivian
- Roxana Hayward Vivian
- Thomas Jondrie Vivian
- Carl Voegtlin
- Paul Frederick Voelker
- Thomas Wilson Voetter
- Anthony Wayne Vqgdes
- Augustus Hugo Vogel
- Frank Vogel
- Carl Theodore Vogelgesang
- Alexander Theodore Vogelsang
- Paul Leroy Vogt
- Von Ogden Vogt
- Andrew George Voigt
- Edward Voigt
- Irma Elizabeth Voigt
- Marguerite Volavy
- Mathew Nelson Voldeng
- Wilbur Glenn Voliva
- Douglas Volk
- Lester David Volk
- William Volker
- Edward Charles Volkert
- Lula Vollmer
- Philip Vollmer
- Ursinus Coll. D. D.
- William Auerbach Vollmer
- Edward Vollrath
- Arnold Volpe
- Andrew J. Volstead
- Carl Leopold Von Ende
- Oscar Hunt Von Gottschalck
- Baroness Bettina Von Htjtten
- Rufus Bernhard Von Kleinsmid
- Camillo Von Elenze
- Robert Von Moschzisker
- Bessie Potter Vonnoh
- Robert Vonnoh
- Albert Von Schlie Der
- Hermann Von Schrenk
- George Henry Von Tungeln
- Eckart Von Walther
- Clark Greenwood Voorhees
- Foster Macgo Wan Voorhees
- John Howard Voorhees
- Louis A(Ugustus) Voorhees
- Oscar Mcmurtrie Voorhee S
- Frank Corey Voorhies
- Charles J. Vopicka
- John Ralph Voris
- Mary (Marvin) Heaton Vorse
- Arthur Isaiah Vorys
- Bert John Vos
- Geerhardus Vos
- George Bedell Vosburgh
- Paul L. Ordained Bapt. Ministry S.A.)
- Edward Neville Vose
- Carl August Voss
- Clyde Weber Votaw
- Heber Herbert Votaw
- Edwin Scott Votey
- Josiah William Votey
- William Henry Vredenburgh
- Edward Butterfield Vreeland
- Herbert Harold Vreeland
- Walter J. Vreeland
- Williamson Updike Vreeland
- Peter Dumont Vrqom
- Carl (Schurz) Vrooman
- Frank Buffington Vrooman
- John Wright Vrooman
- Henry Wellington Wack
- Charles Henry Wacker
- William Wackernagel
- Charles Carey Waddell
- Charles Edward Waddell
- John Alexander Low Waddell
- Edmund Waddill
- Blanche Elizabeth Wade
- Cyrus U. Wade
- Pestus John Wade
- Frank Bertram Wade
- Frank Edward Wade
- Herbert Treadwell Wade
- Martin Joseph Wade
- Mary Hazelton Wade
- Raymond J. Wade
- Albion Varette Wadhams
- Frederick Eugene Wadhams
- William Henderson Wadhams
- Francis Rawle Wadleigh
- Am. Mus. Natural History A.A.A.S.
- George Henry Wadleigh
- Horace Greeley Wadlin
[edit]- Augustus Baldwin Wadsworth
- Charles Wadsworth
- Craig Wharton Wadsworth
- Eliot Wadsworth
- George Wadsworth
- Guy Woodbridge Wadsworth
- James Wolcott Wadsworth
- James Wolcott Wadsworth
- Mrs. James Wolcott Wadsworth
- Clifton Sanford Wady
- Albert Edward Waffle
- Charles Henry Adams Wager
- Ralph Edmond Wager
- Alvin Waggoner
- David E. Waggoner
- Adam Willis Wagnalls
- Mabel Wagnalls
- Charles L. Wagner
- Charles Philip Wagner
- Frank Caspar Wagner
- Hugh Kiernan Wagner
- Jonathan Howard Wagner
- Rob (Robert Leicester) Wagner
- Robert Ferdinand Wagner
- Samuel Wagner
- Samuel Tobias Wagner
- Wilmer Gouger Wagner
- Blanche Shoemaker Wagstaff
- Henry Mcgilbert Wagstaff
- George Moritz Wahl
- Lutz Wahl
- Dan Everett Waid
- George S. Waid
- George Handy Wailes
- Dallas Bache Wainwright
- John Wainwright
- Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright
- Richard Wainwright
- Samuel Hay Man Wainwright
- Charles Edmund Wait
- Henry Heileman Wait
- John Cassan Wait
- William Cushing Wait
- William Henry Wait
- Alice Vinton Waite
- Arthur Edward Waite
- Byron Sylvester Waite
- Edward Foote Waite
- Frederick Clayton Waite
- Henry Matson Waite
- Herbert Harold Waite
- John Barker Waite
- John David Waite
- John Leman Waite
- Merton Benway Waite
- Morisonremich Waite
- Edward Mcshane Waits
- Ernest Linden Waitt
- Ernest Alonzo Wakefield
- Arthur Cooper Wakeley
- Keith (Miss) Wakeman
- Wilbur Fisk Wakeman
- George Hicks Walbridge
- Earle Ashley Walcott
- Gregory Dexter Walcott
- Harry Mills Walcott
- Henry Pickering Walcott
- Charles C. Walcutt
- Lillian D. Wald
- Carl Gustav Waldeck
- Lionel Walden
- Percy Talbot Walden
- Mrs. Reginald Prescott Walden
- Walter Walden
- Clarence Abiathar Waldo
- Dwight Bryant Waldo
- Fullerton Leonard Waldo
- George E. Waldo
- Leonard Waldo
- Lillian Mclean Waldo
- Rhinelander Waldo
- Richard H. Waldo
- William Earl Waldo
- Ernest Lynn Waldorf
- William F. Waldow
- Marion Nelson Waldrip
- Clare Bailey Waldron
- James Albert Waldron
- Jeremy Richard Waldron
- John William Waldron
- Webb Waldron
- Wiluam Henry Waldron
- Charles Wald Stein
- Martin E. Wald Stein
- George Russell Wales
- Henry (George) Wales
- Julia Grace Wales
- Charles Edmonds Walk
- George Everett Walk
- Frank Hicks Walke
- Os
- Willoughby Walke
- Alice Johnstone Walker
- Arthur Lucian Walker
- Arthur Tappan Walker
- Belle M. Walker
- Bryant Walker
- Buz M. Walker
- C. Irvine Walker
- Charles Abbot Walker
- C(Harles) Howard Walker
- Charles Rumford Walker
- Charles Swan Walker
- Clifford Mitcheu Walker
- Curtis Howe Walker
- Dugald Stewart Walker
- Edwin Robert Walker
- Elisha Walker
- Emery Lafayette Walker
- Emma Elizabeth Walker
- Ernest George Walker
- Ferdinand Graham Walker
- Francis Walker
- Francis John Barwell Walker
- Frank Banghart Walker
- Frank Robinson Walker
- Fred Allan Walker
- George Walker
- George H. Walker
- George Levi Walker
- George Richard Walker
- George Winfield Walker
- Guy Morrison Walker
- Harry Wilson Walker
- Henry Hammersley Walker
- Henry Oliver Walker
- Henry Yonge Walker
- 1903. Came To U.S. I
- Horatio Walker
- Hugh Kelso Walker
- J. Carter Walker
- James Everett Walker
- James Wilson Grimes Walker
- John Baldwin Walker
- John Brisben Walker
- J(Ohn) Randall Walker
- Joseph Walker
- Kenzie Wallace Walker
- Lewis Carter Walker
- Margaret Coulson Walker
- Meriwether Lewis Walker
- Myron Hamilton Walker
- Nathan Wilson Walker
- Nellie Verne Walker
- Newton Farmer Walker
- Norman Mcfarlane Walker
- Percy H(Argraves) Walker
- Perley F. Walker
- Richard Wilde Walker
- Robert Franklin Walker
- Robert Sparks Walker
- Roberts Walker
- Rollin Hough Walker
- Ryan Walker
- Stuart Walker
- Theodore C. Walker
- Thomas Barlow Walker
- William Henry Walker
- William Kemble Walker
- William Sawyer Walker
- Wilus J. Walker
- Alexander James Wall
- Edward John Wall
- Garrett Buckner Wall
[edit]- Austin Edward Wallace
- Beniamin Bruce Wallace
- Charles Hodge Wallace
- Charles Loring Wallace
- Charles William Wallace
- Charlton Wallace
- David Duncan Wallace
- Dillon Wallace
- Elizabeth Wallace
- George Barclay Wallace
- George Selden Wallace
- Henry Agard Wallace
- Henry Cantwell Wallace
- Howard T. Wallace
- James Wallace
- John J. Wallace
- J(Ohn) Sherman Wallace
- Lew Wallace
- Mary Kent Wallace
- R(Obert) James Wallace
- Robert Minor Wallace
- Rothvin Wallace
- Thomas Ross Wallace
- William Wallace
- William Wallace
- William Charles Wallace
- William H. Wallace
- William Kay Wallace
- William Miller Wallace
- William Ross Wallace
- Axel Fingal Wallenberg
- Carl Gideon Wallenius
- David Jewett Waller
- Gilbert Johnson Waller
- John Robert Waller
- Mary Ella Waller
- Osmar Lysander Waller
- Peter August Waller
- Thomas Mcdonald Waller
- Alfred Wallin
- J(Ohn) E(Dward) Wallace Wallin
- Samuel Wallin
- Van Arthur Wallin
- William John Wallin
- Emory A. Walling
- William English Walling
- Willoughby George Walling
- John Duvall Wallingford
- Nellie Umer Wallington
- Frederick Alfred- 6. Ky. Wallis
- Louis Wallis
- William Fisher Wallis
- Frank Xavier Walls
- Williaml. Walls
- James Elliott Walmsley
- John Henry Walrath
- Allan B. Walsh
- Charles Clinton Walsh
- Correa Moylan Walsh
- David Ignatius Walsh
- Edmund (Aloysius) Walsh
- Edward J. Walsh
- Frank P(Atrick) Walsh
- George Ethelbert Walsh
- Henry Collins Walsh
- James Anthony Walsh
- James Joseph Walsh
- John Walsh
- John Henry Walsh
- John Henry Walsh
- Joseph Walsh
- Matthew J. Walsh
- Richard John Walsh
- Robert Douglas Walsh
- Thomas Walsh
- Thomas James Walsh
- Thomas Joseph Walsh
- William Francis Walsh
- Eugene Walter
- Frank Keller Walter
- Herbert Eugene Walter
- Martha Walter
- Paul Alfred Francis Walter
- William Emley Walter
[edit]- Anderson Howel Walters
- Emile Walters
- Francis Marion Walters
- Frank Walters
- Gus Washington Walters
- Henry Walters
- Raymond Walters
- Theodore A. Walters
- Henry Wellman Emile Walther
- William Dewitt Waltman
- Jan. 24 C.U.S.A.
- Albert Douglass Walton
- Charles Edgar Walton
- George Lincoln Walton
- James Henri Walton
- Lee Barker Walton
- William Bell Walton
- William Randolph Walton
- Etc. A.A.A.S.
- Millard Fillmore Waltz
- John Albrecht Walz
- William Emanuel Walz
- Eugene Wambaugh
- Sarah Wambaugh
- (Lewis) Rodman Wanamaker
- Samuel Henry Wandell
- Irving Price Wanger
- John Skottowe Wannamaker
- James Peter Warbasse
- John Martyn Warbeke
- Felix M. Warburg
- Paul Moritz Warburg
- Clyde William Warburton
- Stanton Warburton
- Albert Ward
- Albert Norman Ward
- Anna Lydia Ward
- Archibald Robinson Ward
- Arthur Sprague Ward
- Cabot Ward
- Charles Bonnell Ward
- Charles Henshaw Ward
- Charles Howell Ward
- Charles Sumner Ward
- Clarence Ward
- Clarence Richard Ward
- Edward Joshua Ward
- Frank Edwin Ward
- Frank Gibson Ward
- Frederick King Ward
- Freeman Ward
- George Gray Ward
- George Morgan Ward
- Hallett Sydney Ward
- Harry Edwin Ward
- Harry Frederick Ward
- Henry Baldwin Ward
- Henry Clay Ward
- Henry Galbraith Ward
- Henry Heber Ward
- Henry Levi Ward
- Henry Winfield Ward
- Henshaw Ward
- Herbert Dickinson Ward
- J. Olive Patricia Ward
- James William Ward
- John Chamberlain Ward
- John Wesley Ward
- Lyman Ward
- Marcus Llewellyn Ward
- Milan Lester Ward
- Reginald Henshaw Ward
- Robert De Courcy Ward
- Stevenson E. Ward
- Susan Hayes Ward
- Thomas Ward
- Willard Parker Ward
- William Breining Ward
- William Edgar Ward
- Ruth Aimee Ward All
- Frederick Warde
- Justus S. Wardell
- Walter Warder
- Joseph Coachman Wardlaw
- Patterson Wardlaw
- Robert Wardrop
- Allison Ware
- Edward Twichell Ware
- Harriet Ware
- Helen (Helen Remer) Ware
- John Nottingham Ware
- Mary S. Ware
- Ernest Clyde Wareing
- David Warfield
- Ethelbert Dudley Warfield
- George Alfred Warfield
- R(Ichard) Emory Warfield
- S(Olomon) Davies Warfield
- William Warfield
- Edward B. Warman
- Henry Clay Warmoth
- Francis Wesley Warne
- Frank Julian Warne
- Alton G. Warner
- Annette J. Warner
- Brainard Henry Warner
- Donald Ticknor Warner
- Edward P(Earson) Warner
- Eli S. Warner
- Ernest Noble Warner
- Everett Longley Warner
- Ezra Joseph Warner
- Frank Warner
- Henry Byron Warner
- Henry Edward Warner
- Horace Emory Warner
- Horace Everett Warner
- John Dewitt Warner
- Jonathan Warner
- Langdon Warner
- Lucien Calvin Warner
- Milton Jones Warner
- Vespasian Warner
- Worcester Reed Warner
- Edmund Warner Y
- William Robert Warnock
- Arthur Warren
- Arthur Fiske Warren
- Benjamin S. Warren
- Bentley Wirt Warren
- Charles Warren
- Charles Beecher Warren
- Charles Elliott Warren
- Charles Howard Warren
- Charles Hyde Warren
- Edward Henry Warren
- Edward Leroy Warren
- Edward Royal Warren
- Fiske Warren
- Francis Emroy Warren
- Frank Lincoln Warren
- Fred D. Warren
- Frederick Morris Warren
- George Frederick Warren
- George Washington Warren
- Harold Broadfield Warren
- Harold Collins Warren
- Henry Kimball Warren
- Howard Crosby Warren
- Ina Russelle Warren
- Irene Warren
- James Goold Warren
- J(Ohn) Collins Warren
- Joseph Warren
- Lillie Eginton Warren
- Lindsay Carter Warren
- Maude Lavinia Warren
- Newton Joseph Warren
- Richard Henry Warren
- Stanley Perkins Warren
- Thomas Davis Warren
- Whitney Warren
- Willard Clinton Warren
- William C. Warren
- William Fairfield Warren
- William H. Warren
- William Homer Warren
- William Marshall Warren
- Winslow Warren
- Albert Powell Warrington
- George Howard Warrington
[edit]- Helen Marie Warrum
- Jacob Warshaw
- Abel George Warshawsky
- Aldred Scott Warthin
- George William Warvelle
- Walter Winter Warwick
- William Edmund Warwick
- Albert Henry Washburn
- Benjamin Earl Washburn
- Bryant Washburn
- Cadwallader Washburn
- Charles Grenfill Washburn
- Claude Carlos Washburn
- Edward Wight Washburn
- Frederic Augustus Washburn
- Frederic Leonard Washburn
- George Frederick Washburn
- George Hamlin Washburn
- Harold Connett Washburn
- Henry Bradford Washburn
- W.
- Homer Charles Washburn
- Jed L. Washburn
- John Hosea Washburn
- Margaret Floy Washburn
- Stanley Washburn
- Victor Duke Washburn
- Marion Foster Washburne
- Henry Stephens Washington
- Horace Lee Washington
- Thomas Washington
- W(Illiam) Lanier Washington
- Edward H. Wason
- Leonard Chase Wason
- Robert Alexander Wason
- Isidor Wasservogel
- George Savary Wasson
- William Harrison Waste
- John Isaac Waterbury
- Alfred James Waterhouse
- Francis Asbury Waterhouse
- Frank Waterhouse
- George Booker Waterhouse
- John Waterhouse
- Charles Winfield Waterman
- Frank Allan Waterman
- Julian Seesel Waterman
- Leroy Waterman
- Nixon Waterman
- Warren Gookin Waterman
- Campbell Easter Waters
- Dudley E. Waters
- Francis E. Waters
- Henry Jackson Waters
- Moses H. Waters
- William Everett Waters
- William Laurence Waters
- William Otis Waters
- John Roach Wathen
- William Ward Watkin
- Aaron Sherman Watkins
- Alexan Der Farrar Wat Kins
- David Ogden Watkins
- Dwight Everett Watkins
- Edgar Watkins
- Elton Watkins
- Gordon S. Watkins
- Henry Hitt Watkins
- John Elfreth Watkins
- John Thomas Watkins
- Mary Fitch Watkins
- Robert Henry Watkins
- Thomas H. Watkins
- Thomas James Watkins
- Walter Kendall Watkins
- Laurence Hawley Watres
- Louis Arthur Watres
- George Dutton Watrous
- Harry Willson Watrous
- Amelia Montague Watson
- Arthur Clinton Watson
- Bruce Mervellon Watson
- Charles Henry Watson
- Charles Roger Watson
- Clarence Wayland Watson
- David Kemper Watson
- Dudley Crafts Watson
- Edith Sarah Watson
- Edward Minor Watson
- Edward Willard Watson
- Elizabeth Lowe Watson
- Emile Emdon Watson
- Emory Olin Watson
- Floyd Rowe Watson
- George D. Watson
- Harry Legare Watson
- H(Enry) Sumner Watson
- Henry Winfield Watson
- Hugh Hammond Watson
- James D. Watson
- James E. Watson
- James Sibley Watson
- John Broadus Watson
- John Henry Watson
- John Jordan Crittenden Watson
- Paul Barron Watson
- Robert Watson
- Robert Watson
- Samuel Newell Watson
- Thomas Augustus Watson
- Thomas Leonard Watson
- William Franklin Wat Son
- William Reeve Watson
- William Richard Watson
- William Tharp Watson
- Homer Andrew Watt
- James Robert Watt
- Richard Morgan Watt
- Rolla Vernon Watt
- Henry Eugene Watters
- Philip Melancthon Watters
- Thomas Watters
- William Henry Watters
- Gurdon Wallace Wattles
- Albert Edward Watts
- Arthur S. Watts
- Claude Samuel Watts
- Frank Overton Watts
- Harvey Maitland Watts
- Mary Stanbery Watts
- Ralph L. Watts
- Richard Cannon Watts
- Ridley Watts
- Stephen Hurt Watts
- William Carlton Watts
- William Lord Watts
- George Armstrong Wauchope
- Frank Albert Waugh
- Frederick Judd Waugh
- Karl Tinsley Waugh
- William Hammond Waugh
- Joseph Howell Way
- Royal Urunson Way
- Sylvester Bedell Way
- Warren Wade Way
- William Way
- John Walter Wayland
[edit]- Harry Clifford Wayman
- Arthur Trezevant Wayne
- Joseph Wayne
- Charles Kasson Wead
- Roy Alexander Weagant
- Thomas Wearing
- Willis Duke Weatherford
- James Meriwether Weatherly
- Ulysses Grant Weatherly
- Charles Clinton Weaver
- Claude Weaver
- Edwaxd Ebenezer Weaver
- George Howitt Weaver
- Harry Otis Weaver
- James Bellamy Weaver
- John Weaver
- John Ernest Weaver
- John Van Alstyn Weaver
- Paul John Weaver
- Rufus B. Weaver
- Rufus Washington Weaver
- Zebulon Weaver
- Alexander Stewart Webb
- Charles Aurelius Webb
- Charles Wallace Webb
- Johns Hopkins M. D.
- Edward Fleming Webb
- Edwin Douglas Webb
- Edwin Yates Webb
- Ernest Clay Webb
- Frank Rush Webb
- George Thomas Webb
- Gerald Bertram Webb
- Hanor A. Webb
- James Avery Webb
- James Henry Webb
- J(Ohn) Burkitt Webb
- Robert Thomas Webb
- Stuart Weston Webb
- Thompson Webb
- Ulysses Sigel Webb
- Walter Loring Webb
- William Alfred Webb
- William H. Webb
- William Robert Webb
- William Robert Webb
- William Seward Webb
- William Walter Webb
- Herbert John Webber
- Le Roy Webber
- Samuel Gilbert Webber
- Adna Ferrin Weber
- Albert J. Weber
- Frederick Clarence Weber
- Gustavus Adolphus Weber
- Henri Carleton Weber
- Jessie Palmer Weber
- John B. Weber
- Joseph M. Weber
- Samuel Edwin Weber
- William A. Weber
- Frank Erastus Webner
- Caroline Farr Webster
- Clyde Irvin Webster
- David Locke Webster
- Edward Harlan Webster
- Edward Jerome Webster
- Edwin Harrison Webster
- Edwin Sibley Webster
- Eugene Carroll Webster
- Frank Daniel Webster
- Frank G. Webster
- Frederic Smith Webster
- George Sidney Webster
- George Smedley Webster
- George Washington Webster
- Harold Tucker Webster
- Helen Livermore Webster
- Henry Kitchell Webster
- Herman Armour Webster
- Hutton Webster
- Jerome Pierce Webster
- John Clarence Webster
- John Hunter Webster
- John Lee Webster
- J(Ohn) Stanley Webster
- Ralph Waldo Webster
- Warren Webster
- William Clarence Webster
- William Grant Webster
- Alexander Wilbourne Weddell
- William Rhind Wedderspoon
- Mons O. Wee
- Alonzo Rogers Weed
- Charles Frederick Weed
- Clarence Moores Weed
- Clive Raymondus Weed
- Edwin Gardner Weed
- Lewis Hill Weed
- Theodore Linus Weed
- Walter Harvey Weed
- Leslie Washington Wee Don
- William Marion Weekley
[edit]- Andrew Jackson Weeks
- Arland Deyett Weeks
- David Fairchild Weeks
- Edwin Ruthven Weeks
- Frank Bentley Weeks
- John Elmer Weeks
- John Wingate Weeks
- Ralph Emerson Weeks
- Raymond Weeks
- Rufus Wells Weeks
- Ruth Mary Weeks
- William Raymond Weeks
- Julius Buel Weems
- Herbert Seeley Weet
- Knud Wefald
- Carroll Harvey Wegemann
- Edward Wegmann
- Louis Brandeis Wehle
- Charles Emanuel Wehler
- Nelson W. Wehrhan
- Vincent Wehrle
- Henry Wehrmann
- Adolf Weidig
- Edward Ray Weidlein
- Albert Greer Weidler
- Samuel Weidman
- William Weigel
- Richard Hanson Weightman
- Edwin F. Weigle
- Luther Allan Weigle
- Jesse William Weik
- Anna Hamlin Weikel
- A. Leo Weil
- Fred Alban Weil
- Rita Weiman
- Albert Barnes Weimer
- Samuel Wein
- Albert Weinert
- Adolph Alexander Weinman
- Ernest Tener Weir
- F(Lorence) Roney Weir
- Hugh Cl Weir
- John Ferguson Weir
- Robert Fulton Weir
- Samuel Weir
- William Clarence Weir
- William Figley Weir
- Harry Weisbach
- Theodore Weisenburg
- Harry Boyer Weiser
- Albert Paul Weiss
- Anton Charles Weiss
- William Casper Weiss
- Augustus Gordon Weissert
- Frank Weitenkampf
- George Thomas Weitzel
- Louis Weitzenkorn
- Ira Clinton Welborn
- Archibald Ashley Welch
- Charles Buckley Welch
- Charles Edgar Welch
- Deshler Welch
- E(Dward) Sohier Welch
- Herbert Welch
- John Collins Welch
- John R. Welch
- Samuel Wallace Welch
- William Henry Welch
- William Henry Welch
- William Mcnair Welch
- Francis Minot Weld
- Frank Augustine Weld
- Harry Porter Weld
- Leroy Dougherty Weld
[edit]- Charles Dater Weldon
- James Brewer Weldon
- Philip Albert Welker
- William Henry Welker
- Maximilian Bethune Wellborn
- Charles Frederick Weller
- Charles Heald Weller
- George Emery Weller
- Leroy Weller
- Ovington E. Weller
- Reginald Heber Weller
- Royal H. Weller
- Stuart Weller
- Harriet Deen Welles
- Henry Hunter Welles
- Kenneth Brakeley Welles
- Roger Welles
- Milton Holmes Welling
- Richard (Ward Greene) Welling
- Charles Wellington
- George Louis Wellington
- William H. Wellington
- Judson Churchill Welliver
- Arthur Holbrook Wellman
- Creighton Wellman
- Francis L. Wellman
- Hiller Crowell Wellman
- Mabel Thacher Wellman
- Rita (Mrs. Edgar F. Leo) Wellman
- Walter Wellman
- William Augustus Wellman
- Addison E. Wells
- Agnes Ermina Wells
- Albert Batchelder Wells
- Amos Russel Wells
- Arthur George Wells
- Briant Harris Wells
- Bulkeley Wells
- Carolyn Wells
- Charles Edwin Wells
- Charles Luke Wells
- Daniel Halsey Wells
- Ebenezer Tracy Wells
- Edward Hubbard Wells
- Edward P. Wells
- Frank Oren Wells
- Frederic De Witt Wells
- Frederic Lyman Wells
- George Fitch Wells
- George R(Oss Maurice) Wells
- Grant Carveth Wells
- H(Arry) Edward Wells
- H(Arry) Gideon Wells
- Heber Manning Wells
- Herbert Johnson Wells
- Horace Lemuel Wells
- Ira Kent Wells
- James Simpson Chester Wells
- John Barnes Wells
- John Daniel Wells
- John Edwin Wells
- John Mason Wells
- John Miller Wells
- Lemuel Henry Wells
- Newell Woolsey Wells
- Oscar Wells
- Philip Patterson Wells
- Roger Clark Wells
- Rolla Wells
- Samuel Calvin Wells
- Stuart Wilder Wells
- Thomas Bucklin Wells
- T(Homas) Tileston Wells
- Walter Augustine Wells
- Wesley Raymond Wells
- William Charles Wells
- William Firth Wells
- George A. Welsh
- Herbert Welsh
- Judson Perry Welsh
- Lilian Welsh
- Pearl H. Welshimer
- (Cyrus) Ernest Weltmer
- Sidney Abram Weltmer
- Benjamin Franklin Welty
- William Lester Wemple
- Oscar Wenderoth
- Edwin Frederick Wendt
- Julia Bracken Wendt
- William Wendt
- Charles William Wendte
- Robert Mark Wenley
- Frank Wenner
- George Unangst Wenner
- William Ervin Wenner
- Calvin Naftzinger Wenrich
- Cecile De Wentworth
- Franklin Harcourt Wentworth
- Marion Jean (Craig) Wentworth
- Abdel Ross Wentz
[edit]- William Francis H. Wentzel
- Gustav Gottlieb Wenzlaff
- Robert Maximilian Wernaer
- M. R. Werner
- Reinald Werrenrath
- Edwin Slusser Wertz
- George M. Wertz
- Cassius Douglas Wescott
- John Wesley Wescott
- Maurice Harley Weseen
- Walter Wesselhoeft
- John Wesselink
- Henry Walton Wessells
- David Wesson
- Allen Brown West
- Andrew Fleming West
- Archa Kelly West
- Bina M. West
- Carl Joseph West
- Charles West
- Charles Cameron West
- Duval West
- E. Lovette West
- Elizabeth Howard West
- Henry Litchfield West
- Henry Skinner West
- James Edward West
- James (Henry) Harcourt West
- James Samuel West
- Jesse Felix West
- Judson S. West
- Mary Brodie Crump West
- Millard F. West
- Oswald West
- Preston C. West
- Raymond M. West
- Roy Owen West
- Thomas Franklin West
- Thomas Henry West
- Thomas Henry West
- Victor J. West
- Willis Mason West
- Elroy Herman Westbrook
- Allan Ferguson Westcott
- John Howell Westcott
- Lucie Westen
- David C. Westenhaver
- Ray Bert Westerfield
- Harry James Westerman
- William Linn Westermann
- Marvin Zabriskie Westervelt
- William Irving Westervelt
- William Young Westervelt
- John Minton Westgate
- Lewis Gardner Westgate
- Henry Herman Westinghouse
- George Hembert Westley
- Charles Sidney Weston
- Charles Valentine Weston
- Edward Weston
- Edward Payson Weston
- Francis Hopkins Weston
- George Weston
- Karl Ephraim Weston
- Nathan Austin Weston
- S(Amuel) Burns Weston
- Sidney Adams Weston
- Stephen Francis Weston
- Myron F. We Stover
- Horace Westwood
- Frank Irving Wetherbee
- George Wetherbee
- Horace Greeley Wetherill
- Elizabeth Bisland Wetmore
- Frank O. Wetmore
- James Alphonso Wetmore
- Maude A. K. Wetmore
- Monroe Nichols Wetmore
- Emil C. Wetten
- Louis Eugene Wettling
- Karl Frederick Wett Stone
- U. Of Dubuque A-B.
- John Wesley Wetzel
- Edward Moffat Weyer
- John Philip Weyerhaeuser
- Cornelius Weygandt
- Clarence Raymond Weymouth
- U. Of Calif. B. S.
- Frank Elwin Weymouth
- Thomas Rote Weymouth
- Arthur Wisswald Weysse
- John Whalen
- A. R. Whaley
- Percival Huntington Whaley
- Richard Smith Whaley
- Horace Morland Whaling
- Thornton Whaling
- Meigs H. Whaples
- Anne Hollingsworth Wharton
- Arthur Orlando Wharton
- Henry Marvin Wharton
- Henry Redwood Wharton
- George Seay Wheat
- U.S.N.R.F
- Virginia Mitchell Wheat
- Marcus Fitzherbert Wheatland
- William Alonzo Wheatley
- Arthur Leslie Wheeler
- Benjamin Ide Wheeler
- Burton Kendall Wheeler
- Charles Barker Wheeler
- Charles Brewster Wheeler
- Charles Gardner Wheeler
- Danisl Edwin Wheeleb
- Edward Warren Wheelek
- Everett Pepperrell Wheeler
- Francis William Wheeler
- George Bourne Wheeler
- George Wakeman Wheeler
- Harry A. Wheeler
- Henry Wheeler
- Herbert Allen Wheeler
- Homer Jay Wheeler
- Homer Webster Wheeler
- Howard Duryee Wheeler
- Janet Wheeler
- John Brooks Wheeler
- John Egbert Wheeler
- John Neville Wheeler
- Joseph Lewis Wheeler
- Loren E. Wheeler
- Mary Curtis Wheeler
- Nelson P. Wheeler
- Olin Dunbar Wheeler
- Post Wheeler
- Mrs. Post Wheeler
- Ruth Wheeler
- Wayne Bidwell Wheeler
- William Archie Wheeler
- William Morton Wheeler
- William Riley Wheeler
- William Webb Wheeler
[edit]- Edwin Dwight Wheelock
- Harry Bergen Wheelock
- Irene Grosvenor Wheelock
- John Hall Wheelock
- Lucy Wheelock
- John Tyler Wheelwright
- Robert Wheelwright
- Thomas Stewart Wheelwright
- William Dana Wheelwright
- Charles A. Whelan
- Charles Elbert Whelan
- Townsend Whelen
- Benjamin Lincoln Whelpley
- Henry Milton Whelpley
- James Davenport Whelpley
- Edgar T(Heodore) Wherry
- Elwood Morris Wherry
- William Buchanan Wherry
- William Mackey Wherry
- Herbert Hice Whetzel
- 1906 M. A.
- George Meason Whicher
- Columbia A. M.
- Henty James Whigham
- Charles Crawford Whinery
- Samuel Whiner Y
- Allen Oldfather Whipple
- Charles Henry Whipple
- George Chandler Whipple
- George Hoyt Whipple
- Guy Montrose Whipple
- Sherman Leland Whipple
- Wayne Whipple
- William G. Whipple
- Horace J. Whitacre
- John J. Whitacre
- Albert Conser Whitaker
- Charles Harris Whitaker
- Edward Gascoigne Whitaker
- Edwards Whitaker
- Frank M. Whitaker
- Hervey Williams Whitaker
- Milton C. Whitaker
- Norman T. Whitaker
- Robert Whitaker
- Walter Claiborne Whitaker
- R(Ay) H(Ughes) Whitbeck
- Frank Weston Whitcher
- David Whitcomb
- Ida Prentice Whitcomb
- Merrick Whitcomb
- Selden Lincoln Whitcomb
- Albert Beebe White
- Albert Blakeslee White
- Albert Easton White
- Alfred Holmes White
- (Mollie) Alma White
- Alvan Newton White
- Arthur Kent White
- Aubrey Lee White
- (John) Beaver White
- Benjamin Franklin White
- Bouck White
- Carolina White
- Charles Dunning White
- Charles Edgar White
- Charles Elmer White
- Charles Henry White
- Charles James White
- Charles Lincoln White
- Charles Thomas White
- Clarence H. White
- Clarence Hudson White
- Courtland Yardley White
- David White
- David Stuart White
- Edmund Valentine White
- Edna Noble White
- Edward Albert White
- Edward Joseph White
- Edward Lucas White
- Edwin Augustine White
- Elijah B. White
- Eliza Orne White
- Florence D. White
- Frances Hodges White
- Francis White
- Francis Johnstone White
- Francis Samuel White
- And 6th Div. N. A.
- Frank White
- Frank Edson White
- Frank Newhall White
- Gaylord Starin White
- George White
- Aug. 21 N. Y.
- George Edward White
- George Frederic White
- George Lor In G White
- George Starr White
- George Whitney White
- Goodrich Cook White
- Hays 3. White
- Helene Maynard White
- Henry White
- Henry White
- Henry Adelbert White
- Henry Alexander White
- Henry Clay White
- Henry Seely White
- Herbert Judson White
- Hervey White
- Horace White
- Horatio Stevens White
- Howard Judson White
- Isaac Deforest White
- Israel C. White
- James A. White
- James Asa White
- 1914 A. M.
- James Gilbert White
- James Mclaren White
- Jesse Hayes White
- John White
- John Baker White
- J(Ohn) Campbell White
- John Chanler White
- John Ellington White
- John Griswold White
- John Hazen White
- John Roberts White
- John Turner White
- John Z. White
- Joseph Augustus White
- Joseph Hill White
- (Mrs. R. A. Herring) H
- J(Ustin) Du Pratt White
- Lynn Townsend White
- Marcus White
- Wesleyan U. W.: A.B.
- Mary (Mary White Talbot) White
- Matthew White
- Michael Alfred Edwin White
- Orrin Augustine White
- Peroival White
- Ray Bridwell White
- Robe Carl White
- Robert White
- Rufus Austin White
- S(Ebastian) Harrison White
- Stanley White
- Stewart Edward White
- Am. Legion A.A.A.S.
- Thomas Raeburn White
- Trumbull White
- Wallace Humphrey White
- H. W.
- Walter (Francis) White
- Walter Porter White
- Wilbert Webster White
- Mar. 31 O.
- William Alanson White
- William Alfred White
- William Allen White
- William Charles White
- William Patterson White
- William Prescott White
- William Wallace White
- Wilson Henry Stout White
- Windsor T. White
- Robert Naylor Whiteford
[edit]- Charles Wesley Whitehair
- Charles Nelson Whitehead
- Edwin Kirby Whitehead
- Harold Whitehead
- John Whitehead
- John Boswell Whitehead
- John Meek Whitehead
- Joseph Whitehead
- Clarence (Eugene) Whitehill
- Horace Whitehouse
- Robert Treat Whitehouse
- Sheldon Whitehouse
- John Addam Whitehurst
- William Robert Whiteis
- James Gustavus Whiteley
- William Wallace Whitelock
- Paul Whiteman
- William Maynard Whitenton
- Edward Tait Whiter
- Frank Reed Whiteside
- James Leonard Whiteside
- Mary Brent Whiteside
- Walker Whiteside
- Albert Hall Whitfield
- Henry Lewis Whitfield
- James Bryan Whitfield
- J(Ames) Edward Whitfield
- James Vivian Whitfield
- Edward Everett Whitford
- Greeley Webster Whitford
- William Calvin Whitford
- Almon Clark Whiting
- Arthur Whiting
- Borden Durfee Whiting
- Edward Elwell Whiting
- Frederic Allen Whiting
- John Downes Whiting
- Lilian Whiting
- Sarah Frances Whiting
- William Alonzo Whiting
- William Henry Whiting
- William Henry Whiting
- Mary Theodora Whitley
- Albert Newlon Whitlock
- Brand Whitlock
- Elliott Howland Whitlock
- Herbert Percy Whitlock
- Charles Huntington Whitman
- Charles Seymour Whitman
- Edmund Allen Whitman
- Ezra Bailey Whitman
- Frank S. Whitman
- Jay Manuel Whitman
- John Lorin Whitman
- Malcolm Douglas Whitman
- Roger B. Whitman
- Royal Whitman
- Russell Ripley Whitman
- Stephen F(Rench) Whitman
- William Whitman
- Henry Allen Whitmarsh
- Theodore Francis Whitmarsh
- Joseph Rutledge Whitmer
- Robert Forster Whitmer
- T(Homas) Carl Whitmer
- Eugene Rudolph Whitmore
- Frank Clifford Whitmore
- Edward Charles Whitmyer
- Harold Orville Whitnall
- Allen Sisson Whitney
- Belle Armstrong Whitney
- Carrie Westlake Whitney
- Caspar Whitney
- David Day Whitney
- Edwin Morse Whitney
- Eli Whitney
- Harry Whitney
- Harry Edward Whitney
- Harry Payne Whitney
- Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney
- Helen (Hay) Whitney
- Henry Howard Whitney
- Herbert Baker Whitney
- Marian Parker Whitney
- Milton Whitney
- Nathaniel Ruggles Whitney
- Payne Whitney
- Travis Harvard Whitney
- William Charming Whitney
- Willis Rodney Whitney
- Arnold Whitridge
- Morris Whitridge
- William Thornton Whitsett
- Andrew Robeson Whitson
- John Harvey Whitson
[edit]- James Whittaker
- Elmer Ellsworth Whitted
- John Edwin Whitteker
- Charles Otto Whittemore
- Edward Loder Whittemore
- Harris Whittemore
- Henry Whittemore
- Luther Denny Whittemore
- Thomas Whittemore
- William John Whittemore
- Robert (Harvey) Whitten
- Charles Comfort Whittier
- Clarke Butler Whittier
- Dexter Gooch Whittinghill
- William Madison Whittington
- Charles Edward Whittle
- Stafford Gorman Whittle
- Thomas Davis Whittles
- James Howard Whitty
- Frederick Silsbee Whitwell
- George Gillatt Whitworth
- James Primrose Whyte
- John Whyte
- Frank Bestow Wiborg
- Edward Arthur Wicher
- George Woodward Wickersham
- James Wickersham
- Henry Frederick Wickham
- Henry Taylor Wickham
- Frank Scott Corey Wicks
- Francis Graham Wickware
- Theodore Harry Wickwire
- Margaret Widdemer
- Charles Brenton Widmeyer
- John Andreas Widtsoe
- Leahdunford Widtsoe
- Albert Cassel Wieand
- William A. Wieboldt
- Grace Gebbie Wiederseim
- Karl Mckay Wiegand
- George Reber Wieland
- Leo Wiener
- Jeanne Elizabeth Wier
- John Wier
- Edgar Swan Wiers
- Edward Wiest
- Albert Edward Wiggam
- Cleo Claude Wiggans
- Carl John Wiggers
- Albert Henry Wiggin
- Twing Brooks Wiggin
- (J.) Carleton Wiggins
- Charles Wiggins
- Frank Wiggins
- Guy (Carleton) Wiggins
- William D. Wiggins
- Thomas Albert Wigginton
- George Wigglesworth
- Edward Van Dyke Wight
- Francis Asa Wight
- Frank Clinton Wight
- Peter Bonnett Wight
- William Ward Wight
- John Henry Wigmore
- Frank J. Wikoff
- David Forrest Wilber
- Francis Allen Wilber
- George M. Wilber
- William Chambers Wilbor
- Charles Edgar Wilbur
- Cressy Livingston Wilbur
- Curtis Dwight Wilbur
- Earl Morse Wilbur
- Ray Lyman Wilbur
- Rollin Henry Wilbur
- William Allen Wilbur
[edit]- John Woodworth Wilce
- Alexander Martin Wilcox
- Ansley Wilcox
- Charles Bowser Wilcox
- Clarence Rothwell Wilcox
- Delos Franklin Wilcox
- Dewitt Gilbert Wilcox
- Earley Vernon Wilcox
- Edwin Mead Wilcox
- Elias Bunn Wilcox
- Elmer Almy Wilcox
- Frank Landon Wilcox
- George Horace Wilcox
- Henry Buckley Wilcox
- Lucius Merle Wilcox
- Marrion Wilcox
- Reynold Webb Wilcox
- Roy Porter Wilcox
- Sheldon E. Wilcox
- Timothy Erastus Wilcox
- Walter Dwight Wilcox
- William Walter Wilcox
- Ernest Julius Wilcz Ynski
- Fred Wild
- Haxrison Major Wild
- Henry Daniel Wild
- Laura Hulda Wild
- Arthur Herbert Wilde
- Norman Wilde
- Percival Wilde
- Amos Parker Wilder
- Arthur Ashford Wilder
- Burt Green Wilder
- Charles Wesley Wilder
- George Warren Wilder
- Gerald Gardner Wilder
- Harris Hawthorne Wilder
- John Emery Wilder
- John Thomas Wilder
- Ralph Everett Wilder
- Salmon Willoughby Wilder
- Wilber Elliott Wilder
- Edwin Wildman
- Murray Shipley Wildman
- Frederic William Wile
- Ira Solomon Wile
- Udo Julius Wile
- Charles Peter Wiles
- Irving Ramsay Wiles
- Andrew J. Wiley
- Edwin Wiley
- Franklin Baldwin Wiley
- George Martin Wiley
- Harvey Washington Wiley
- Henry Ariosto Wiley
- Hugh Wiley
- Louis Wiley
- Walter H(Oward) Wiley
- William Foust Wiley
- William Halsted Wiley
- Lebbeus Redman Wilfley
- Xenophon Pierce Wilfley
[edit]- Horace La Fayette Wilgus
- Sidney Dean Wilgus
- William John Wilgus
- Albert Wadsworth Wilkerson
- James Herbert Wilkerson
- John Elbert Wilkie
- Ernest Hatch Wilkins
- Frank Lemoyne Wilkins
- Lawrence Augustus Wilkins
- Mary Eleanor Wilkins
- Zora Putnam Wilkins
- Albert Edmund Wilkinson
- Alfred Ernest Wilkinson
- Elizabeth Hays Wilkinson
- Florence Wilkinson
- Horace Simpson Wilkinson
- Josepha. Wilkinson
- Melville Le Vaunt Wilkinson
- Robert Shaw Wilkinson
- William Albert Wilkinson
- Allen Sinclair Will
- Arthur A. Will
- Arthur Percival Will
- Louis Will
- Arthur Lee Willard
- Daniel Willard
- Daniel Everett Willard
- Ernest Russell Willard
- Frank Henry Willard
- Mrs. Horace Mann Willard
- James Field Willard
- Julius Terrass Willard
- Thomas Rigney Willard
- William Charles Willard
- Cornells Dewitt Willcox
- James M. Willcox
- Louise Collier Willcox
- Mary Alice Willcox
- Walter Francis Willcox
- William Russell Willcox
- Mabel Walker Willebrandt
- David Gifford Willet S
- Gilson Willets
- George F. Willett
- Herbert Lockwood Willett
- John Calvin Willever
- John Heston Willey
- Samuel Hopkins Willey
Williams, A.
[edit]- Albert Calvin Williams
- Albert Frank Williams
- Albert Rhys Williams
- Alexander Elliot Williams
- Alexander Scott Williams
- Alfred Brockenbrough Williams
- Alpheus Americus Williams
- Alpheus Fuller Williams
- Anna Bolles Williams
- Arthur Williams
- Arthur B. Williams
- Ben Ames Williams
- Blanche Colton Williams
- Carl Williams
- Carlos Grant Williams
- Chari Ormond Williams
- Charles Bray Williams
- Charles Burgess Williams
- Charles Hamilton Williams
- Charles Richard Williams
- Charles Sumner Williams
- Charles Turner Williams
- Clara Andrews Williams
- Clarence Charles Williams
- Clarence Russell Williams
- Clarence Stewart Williams
- Clark Williams
- Clement Clarence Williams
- Cora Lenore Williams
- Daniel H. Williams
- Daniel Roderick Williams
- David Williams
- Dion Williams
- Dwight Williams
- Edwaxd Higginson Williams
- Edward Huntington Williams
- Edward Thomas Williams
- Emerson Milton Williams
- Ennion Gifford Williams
- Erastus Appleman Williams
- Ernest Williams
- Eustace Leroy Williams
- Francis Bennett Williams
- Francis Churchill Williams
- Francis Henry Williams
- Frank Alvan Williams
- Frank Backus Williams
- Frank B(Lair) Williams
- Frank French Williams
- Frank Martin Williams
- Frankwood Earl Williams
- Fred Lincoln Williams
- Frederick Albert Williams
- Frederick Ballard Williams
- Frederick Wells Williams
- Gardner Stewart Williams
- George Alfred Williams
- George C. Williams
- George Fred Williams
- George Howard Williams
- George Philip Williams
- George Van Siclen Williams
- George Washington Williams
- George Washington Williams
- Gladstone Williams
- Gluyas Williams
- Guinn Williams
- Guy Yahdall Williams
- Harold Williams
- Harrison Williams
- Henry Davison Williams
- Henry Eugene Williams
- Henry Francis Williams
- Henry Horace Williams
- Henry Smith Williams
- Henry Winslow Williams
- Herbert Upham Williams
- Homer B. Williams
- Hugh Williams
- Ira Jewell Williams
- Irving Williams
Williams, J.
[edit]- James Mickel Williams
- James Thomas Williams
- James Willard Williams
- Jesse Feiring Williams
- Jesse Lynch Williams
- John Williams
- John Alonzo Williams
- John Clark Williams
- John Edward Williams
- John Harvey Williams
- John Healy Williams
- John Henry Williams
- John Milford Williams
- John Sharp Williams
- John Skelton Williams
- John Townsend Williams
- John Whitridge Williams
- Joseph Tuttle Williams
- Joseph White Williams
- Lacey Kirk Williams
- Langbourne M. Williams
- Leroy Blanchard Williams
- Lester Alonzo Williams
- Lewis Blair Williams
- Linsly Rudd Williams
- Louis Laval Williams
- Louis Sheppard Williams
- Martha Mcculloch Williams
- Mary Wilhelmine Williams
- Maynard Owen Williams
- Michael Williams
- Mornay Williams
- Moses Williams
- Nathan Winslow Williams
- Pardon Clarence Williams
- Parley Lycurgus Williams
- Paul Benjamin Williams
- Robert Day Williams
- Robert Einion Williams
- Robert Gray Williams
- R(Obert) Lancaster Williams
- Robert Lee Williams
- Robert Seaton Williams
- Robert White Williams
- Roger Butler Williams
- Roger D. Williams
- Roger Henry Williams
- Rufus Phillips Williams
- Samuel Cole Williams
- Samuel Hubbard Williams
- Samuel Robinson Williams
- Seward Henry Williams
- Sidney Clark Williams
- Mrs. Smith Johns Williams
- Stanley Thomas Williams
- Stephen Riggs Williams
- Talcott Williams
- Thomas Reynolds Williams
- Thomas Sutler Williams
- Timothy Shaler Williams
- Tom Alfred Williams
- Tyrrell Williams
- Virtes Williams
- W. Herschel Williams
- Walter Williams
- W(Alter) Erskine Williams
- W(Alter) L(Ong) Williams
- Wayland Wells Williams
- Whiting Williams
- Wilbur Herschel Williams
- William Williams
- William Alfred J Geologist Williams
- William Henry Williams
- William Muir Williams
- William Reid Williams
- Wythe Williams
- Zachariah Mitchell Williams
[edit]- Adolph Ancrum Williamson
- Charles Clarence Williamson
- Charles Spencer Williamson
- Frederic Ely Williamson
- John I. Williamson
- Oliver Robison Williamson
- Sydney Bacon Williamson
- Thames Ross Williamson
- Thomas Williamson
- William Williamson
- William Collins Williamson
- John Thomson Willing
- Henry J. Willingham
- Bailey Willis
- Charles Francis Willis
- Frank Bartlette Willis
- Henry Willis
- H(Enry) Parker Willis
- Hugh Evander Willis
- Park Weed Willis
- A(Rthur) Lyman Williston
- Samuel Williston
- Albert Bower Willits
- Joseph Henry Willits
- Leon Kurtz Willman
- Benjamin M. Willoughby
- Charles Clark Willoughby
- John Edmund Willoughby
- Julius Edgar Willoughby
- Westel Woodbury Willoughby
- William Charles Willoughby
- William Franklin Willoughby
- Albert Potter Wills
- David Wills
- David Crawford Wills
- George Stockton Wills
- Mrs. Honore Willsie
- Augustus Everett Willson
- Frederick Newton Willson
- George Hayward Willson
- Johnnorth Willys
- Emil Carl Wilm
- Cary Breckinridge Wilmer
- William Holland Wilmer
- Frank Lincoln Wilmeth
- Augustus Cleland Wilmore
- John. Jenkins Wilmore
- Frank Moore Wilmot
- Nellie Maroa Wilmot
- (Henry) Gaylord Wilshire
[edit]- Albert Frederick Wilson
- Alonzo Edes Wilson
- Andrew Wilkins Wilson
- Mrs. Arthur Me D. Wilson
- A(Rthur) Orville Wilson
- Arthur Riehl Wilson
- Bert Wilson
- Bur Well L. Wilson
- Byron Henry Wilson
- Calvin Dill Wilson
- Carolyn Anne Wilson
- Carroll Atwood Wilson
- Charles A. Wilson
- Charles Branch Wilson
- Charles Bundy Wilson
- Charles Gustavus Wilson
- Charles Stetson Wilson
- Charlotte Wilson
- Clarence Hall Wilson
- Clarence True Wilson
- Clifford Brittin Wilson
- Daniel Munro Wilson
- Dunning Steele Wilson
- Edgar Bright Wilson
- Edmund Wilson
- Edmund Beecher Wilson
- Edward Clarkson Wilson
- Edward Taylor Wilson
- Edwin Bid Well Wilson
- Edwin Mood Wilson
- Ella Calista (Handy) Wilson
- Ernest Henry Wilson
- Eugene Benjamin Wilsqn
- Eugene Smith Wilson
- Felix Zollicoffer Wilson
- Florence Wilson
- Floyd Baker Wilson
- Francis Wilson
- Francis Murray Wilson
- Frank E. Wilson
- Frank Robert Wilson
- George Arthur Wilson
- George Grafton Wilson
- George Smith Wilson
- Gilbert Wilson
- Guy Mitchell Wilson
- Halsey William Wilson
- Harold Albert Wilson
- Harry Bruce Wilson
- Harry Leon Wilson
- Harry Noble Wilson
- Henry Braid Wilson
- Henry Lane Wilson
- Henry Van Peters Wilson
- Herbert Couper Wilson
- Hiram Roy Wilson
- Hugh Robert Wilson
- Huntington Wilson
- James Wilson
- James A. Wilson
- James Clifton Wilson
- James Cornelius Wilson
- J(Ames) Edgar Wilson
- James Harrison Wilson
- James Herbert Wilson
- James Southall Wilson
- James Wilbur Wilson
- Jesse Everett Wilson
- John A. Wilson
- John Pry Wilson
- J(Ohn) Gordon Wilson
- John Haden Wilson
- Joseph Dawson Wilson
- Joseph Robert Wilson
- Leonard Wilson
- Leroy Allen Wilson
- Lester Maclean Wilson
- Lewis Albert Wilson
- City N.Y
- Lewis Gilbert Wilson
- Lloyd Tilghman Wilson
- Louis Blanchard Wilson
- Louis N. Wilson
- Louis Round Wilson
- Lucy Langdon Williams Wilson
- Luther Barton Wilson
- Mardon Dewees Wilson
- Margaret Barclay Wilson
- Margaret Woodrow Wilson
- Mary Elizabeth Wilson
- Maurice Emery Wilson
- Mortimer Wilson
- Philip Danforth Wilson
- Philip St. Julien Wilson
- Philip Sheridan Wilson
- Richard Hulbert Wilson
- Riley Joseph Wilson
- Robert Wilson
- Robert Dick Wilson
- Robert Edward Lee Wilson
- Robert Erastus Wilson
- Robert Forrest Wilson
- Robert H. Wilson
- Robert Lee Wilson
- Rose Cecil O’Neill Wilson
- Rufus Rockwell Wilson
- Russell Wilson
- Samuel Bailey Wilson
- Samuel Graham Wilson
- Samuel Tyndale Wilson
- Scott Wilson
- Theodore Halbert Wilson
- Thomas Edward Wilson
- Thomas Webber Wilson
- Warren Hugh Wilson
- Wilbur M. Wilson
- Wilford Murry Wilson
- William Wilson
- William Andrew Wilson
- Williambauchop Wilson
- William Edward Wilson
- William Edward Wilson
- William Henry Wilson
- William James Wilson
- William Powell Wilson
- William Warfield Wilson
[edit]- Frank Jenners Wilstach
- Paul Wilstach
- Sara Eliza Wiltse
- William Pharo Wiltsee
- Charles Hastings Wiltsie
- Charles Franklin Wimberly
- Charles Sumner Winans
- Edwin Baruch Winans
- James Albert Winans
- John Gilbert Winant
- Charles Fremont Winbigler
- Hardy Lathan Winburn
- Alexander Newton Winchell
- Henry Haven Windsor
- Phineas Lawrence Windsor
- Mode Wineman
- George Freeman Winfield
- Elisha William Winfrey
- Asa Shove Wing
- Charles Benjamin Wing
- Daniel Gould Wing
- Frank (Francis Marion) Wing
- Henry Hiram Wing
- John Durham Wing
- Charles Edgar Lewis Wingate
- George Wood Wingate
- Otho Winger
- Benjamin Winget
- George Wingfield
- Otis Theodore Wingo
- Hugo August Winkenwerder
- Ernest William Winkler
- Max Winkler
- Edwin David Winkworth
- Frank Long Winn
- Jane Frances Winn
- John F. Winn
- John Sheridan Winn
- Robert Hiner Winn
- Thomas Clay Winn
- Marshall Francis Winne
- Walter Griffin Winne
- Lily Winner
- Albert Edward Winship
- George Parker Winship
- North Winship
- Walter Edwin Winship
- Alfred Augustus Winslow
- Arthur Winslow
- Arthur Ellsworth Winslow
- Cameron Mcrae Winslow
- Carroll Dana Winslow
- Charles-Edward Amory Winslow
- E(Ben) Eveleth Winslow
- Edward Delbert Winslow
- Francis Asbury Winslow
- Frederic I. Winslow
- George Frederick Winslow
- Guy Monroe Winslow
- Helen Maria Winslow
- Isaac Oscar Winslow
- John Randolph Winslow
- Kenelm Winslow
- Leon Loyal Winslow
- Randolph Winslow
- Samuel Ellsworth Winslow
- Thyra Samter Winslow
- William Copley Winslow
- Frederick Winsor
- Paul Winsor
- Robert Winsor
- Annie Steger Winston
- Charles Henry Winston
- Francis Donnell Winston
- Garrard Bigelow Winston
- George Tayloe Winston
- Patrick Henry Winston
- Robert Watson Winston
- Alice Ames Winter
- Auce Beach Winter
- Charles Allan Winter
- Charles Edwin Winter
- Ferdinand Winter
- Francis Anderson Winter
- Irvah Lester Winter
- Nevin Ottb Winter
- Mrs. Thomas Gerald Winter
- Florence (May) Hull Winterburn
- Milton Charles Winternitz
- Beekman Winthrop
- Bronson Winthrop
- Alexander Winton
- Andrew Lincoln Winton
- George Beverly Winton
- Will Mcclain Winton
- G. E. Wire
- Frederick Alfred Wirt
- Loyal Lincoln Wirt
[edit]- Boyd Ashby Wise
- Edward Wise
- Henry Alexander Wise
- James Wise
- James Walter Wise
- Jennings Cropper Wise
- John Sergeant Wise
- Jonah Bondi Wise
- Leo Henry Wise
- Stephen Samuel Wise
- Thomas Alfred Wise
- John G. Wishard
- Luther Deloraine Wishard
- William Niles Wishard
- Alfred Wesley Wishart
- Charles Frederick Wishart
- John Elliott Wishart
- A. Emory Wishon
- George Monroe Wisner
- Oscar Francis Wisner
- Clark Wissler
- Owen Wister
- Ernest C. Witham
- John Thomas Withers
- John William Withers
- William Alphonso Withers
- Herbert Witherspoon
- John A. Witherspoon
- Thomas Casey Witherspoon
- Irving Platt Withington
- Robert Withington
- James Renwick Withrow
- Charles B. Witmer
- Lightner Witmer
- Max Ernest Witte
- Edmund Wittenmyer
- Gustav Frederick Wittig
- Harry Charles Witwer
- Edgar John Witzemann
- Franklin Galbraith Wixson
- Helen Marsh Wixson
- Pelham Grenville Wodehouse
- Jerry Edward Wodsedalek
- Walter Victor Woehlke
- Cornelius Woelfkin
- Rutgers D. D.
- Benjamin Franklin Woelper
- John William Woermann
- James H. Woertendyke
- William Henry Woglom
- Simeon Burt Wolbach
- Anna Louise Wolcott
- Henry Merrill Wolcott
- John Dorsey Wolcott
- Josiah Oliver Wolcott
- Robert Henry Wolcott
- Peter Irving Wold
- Theodore Wold
- Adolph Grant Wolf
- Emma Wolf
- Harry John Wolf
- Isaac Wolf
- Luther Benaiah Wolf
- Paul Alexander Wolf
- Albert Benedict Wolfe
- Arthur Lester Wolfe
- Harry Preston Wolfe
- Manson Horatio Wolfe
- Robert Frederick Wolfe
- S. Herbert Wolfe
- Samuel Marion Wolfe
- Frank Alfred Wolff
- John Eliot Wolff
- Joseph Scott Wolff
- William Almon Wolff
- Guy Fontelle Wolfkill
- David I. Wolfstein
- Matthew Woll
- John Frederick Wolle
- Leo Wolman
- Arthur Fred Woltersdorf
- Charles Edwin Wolverton
- Augustus B. Wolvin
- Richard Elwood Womack
- Parley Paul Womer
[edit]- Alexander C. Wood
- Alice Holsbird Wood
- Bernard Augustine Wood
- Carroll David Wood
- Casey Albert Wood
- Chandler Mason Wood
- Charles Wood (clergyman) b. 1851
- Charles Erskine Scott Wood
- Charles Milton Wood
- Clark Verner Wood
- Clement Wood
- Clinton Tyler Wood
- Corydon L. Wood
- Edith Elmer Wood
- Edward Edgar Wood
- Edward Jenner Wood
- Edwin Ellsworth Wood
- Eric Fisher Wood
- Frances Gilchrist Wood
- Francis Asbury Wood
- Francis Carter Wood
- Frank Hoyt Wood
- George Wood (railway executive) 1842-1925
- George Arthur Wood
- George Henry Wood (military) b. 1867
- George McLane Wood
- Henry Wood (scholar)
- Henry Wood (journalist) b. 1878
- Henry Alexander Wise Wood
- Horatio C. Wood
- Howland Wood
- Ira Wells Wood
- Irving Francis Wood
- Isaac Lemuel Wood
- Isabel Warwick Wood
- James Wood (businessman) 1839-1925
- James Craven Wood
- James J. Wood
- James Madison Wood
- James Perry Wood
- John Anderson Wood
- John Hepler Wood
- John Quinby Wood
- John Seymour Wood
- John Wilson Wood
- Junius B. Wood/Junius Boyd Wood
- Kenneth Foster Wood
- Leonard Wood
- Marshall William Wood
- Mary I. Wood
- Mary Knight Wood
- Moses Lindley Wood
- Nathan Eusebius Wood
- Nathan Robinson Wood
- Peggy Wood
- Robert Williams Wood
- Spencer Shepard Wood
- Sterling Alexander Wood
- Thomas Denison Wood
- Waddy Butler Wood
- Walter Wood (manufacturer) b. 1849
- Walter Aaron Wood
- Will Christopher Wood
- William Carleton Wood
- William Hamilton Wood
- William Madison Wood
- William Robert Wood
- William Thomas Wood (military) b. 1849, Illinois
[edit]- Charles Augustus Woodard
- Trinity Coll. A. B.
- James Edward Woodard
- B. W.
- George Edward Woodberry
- Miriam L. Woodberry
- Rosa Woodberry
- George Edward Woodbine
- Benjamin Mather Woodbridge
- Dwight Edwards Woodbridge
- Elisabeth Woodbridge
- Homer Edwards Woodbridge
- Samuel Homer Woodbridge
- Ethelbert Cooke Woodburn
- James Albert Woodburn
- Charles Herbert Woodbury
- Frank Porter Woodbury
- Gordon Woodbury
- Helen Sumner Woodbury
- Ida Sumner Vose Woodbury
- Amos Walter Wright Woodcock
- Charles Edward Woodcock
- Arthur Burnham Woodford
- William Woodhead
- Henry Woodhouse
- John Francis Woodhull
- Victoria Woodhull
- Zula Maud Woodhull
- William Hartman Woo Din
- Oscar Israel Woodley
- Thomas Francis Woodlock
- 1923-25 S. F. R.R.
- Albert Stanton Woodman
- Clarence Eugene Woodman
- Frederic Thomas Woodman
- J(Oseph) Edmund Woodman
- Raymond Huntington Woodman
- Joseph William Woodrough
- Herbert Woodrow
- Jay W(Alter) Woodrow
- Samuel Hetherington Woodrow
- Mrs. Wilson Woodrow
- Anne Helena Woodruff
- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- Edwin Hamlin Woodruff
- Elmer Grant Woodruff
- Ernest Woodruff
- Frank Edward Woodruff
- Frank Otis Woodruff
- George Woodruff
- George Woodruff
- George Hobart Woodruff
- George Washington Woodruff
- Harvey T. Woodruff
- Helen S. Woodruff
- Lorande Loss Woodruff
- Robert Winship Woodruff
- Rollin Simmons Woodruff
- Roy Orchard Woodruff
- Thomas Adams Woodruff
- London L.R.C.P.
- William Wight Woodruff
- Clifton Alexander Woodrum
- Albert Fred Woods
- Alfred W. Woods
- Arthur Woods
- Bertha Gerneaux Davis Woods
- Charles Albert Woods
- Charles Carroll Woods
- Central Coll. C„ 1855
- Charles Dayton Woods
- Cyrus E. Woods
- Edward Augustus Woods
- Frank P. Woods
- Frederick Adams Woods
- Frederick Shenstone Woods
- George Benjamin Woods
- Harry Irwin Woods
- Hiram Woods
- Homer Boughner Woods
- James Haughton Woods
- James Pleasant Woods
- John Carter Brown Woods
- Robert Archey Woods
- Robert Patterson Woods
- Rufus Woods
- William Hervey Woods
- William Seaver Woods
- John Thomas Woodside
- Robert I. Woodside
[edit]- Archelaus M. Woodson
- Carter Godwin Woodson
- George Frederick Woodson
- Mary Blake (Mrs.) Woodson
- Urey Woodson
- Alan Harvey Woodward
- Charles Edgar Woodward
- Edmund Lee Woodward
- Ellsworth Woodward
- Frank Lincoln Woodward
- Franklin Cowles Woodward
- Frederic Campbell Woodward
- George Woodward
- Hugh Mccurdy Woodward
- J(Ohn) B(Utler) Woodward
- John Charles Woodward
- Joseph Hooker Woodward
- Karl Wilson Woodward
- Sherman Melville Woodward
- William Woodward
- William Creighton Woodward
- William Finch Woodward
- Frank Goodrich Woodworth
- Ia. (Now Grinnell) Coll. A.B
- Herbert Grafton Woodworth
- James Grant Woodworth
- Jay Backus Woodworth
- Newell Bertram Woodworth
- Philip Bell Woodworth
- U.S
- Robert Sessions Woodworth
- Clifford Woody
- Harry Chapman Woodyard
- Rollin Turner Woodyatt
- Thomas Jackson Woofter
- Charles Henry Woolbert
- Harry Earl Woolever
- Samuel Johnson Woolf
- Alexander Woollcott
- Evans Woollen
- Clarence Mott Woolley
- Clarence Nelson Woolley
- Edward Mott Woolley
- Mary Emma Woolley
- Paul Gerhardt Woolley
- Johns Hopkins M. D.
- Robert Wickliffe Woolley
- Victor Baynard Woolley
- Mary Schenck Woolman
- George Woolsey
- Lester Hood Woolsey
- Theodore Salisbury Woolsey
- Theodore Salisbury Woolsey
- Ira Harvey Wool Son
- Howard Brown Woolston
- Thomas Lee Woolwine
- William David Woolwine
[edit]- Charles Sumner Woolworth
- Harvey Alden Wooster
- Lorraine Elizabeth Wooster
- Lyman Child Wooster
- June Price Wooten
- Paul Wooton
- Alfred Worcester
- El Wood Worcester
- Harry Augustus Worcester
- Joseph Ruggles Worcester
- William Loring Worcester
- Beverly Lyon Worden
- Charles Howard Worden
- Edward Chauncey Worden
- (J.) Perry Worden
- Edgar Whitaker Work
- Hubert Work
- Jeremiah Boston Work
- John Mcclelland Work
- Milton C. Work
- Monroe Nathan Work
- Daniel Webster Working
- Fanny Bullock Workman
- James Mims Workman
- W(Illiam) Hunter Workman
- George Alan Works
- John Downey Works
- John Stephen Worley
- James Henry Worman
- I(Saac) Maurice Wormser
- William Hoyt Worrell
- Abinus A. Worsley
- John H. Worst
- Thomas Wilson Dorr Worthen
- Archie Garfield Worthing
- Walter Fitzhugh Worthington
- William Alfred Worthington
- Denis Wortman
- George Frank Worts
[edit]- Marion Foster Wotherspoon
- Frank Wilson Wozencraft
- Newton Wray
- Frank George Wren
- Thomas William Wrenne
- Albert Bayard Wright
- Albert Hazen Wright
- Arthur Silas Wright
- Austin Tappan Wright
- Ben D. Wright
- Burton Henry Wright
- Charles Baker Wright
- Charles Edward Wright
- Charles Henry Conrad Wright
- Chester Whitney Wright
- Daniel Thew Wright
- Edward R. Wright
- Ernest Hunter Wright
- Frank Ayres Wright
- M. J. W.
- Frank Lee Wright
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Frederick Eugene Wright
- George Hand Wright
- George Murray Wright
- George William Wright
- Gilbert G. Wright
- Harold Bell Wright
- Harry Noble Wright
- Helen Smith Wright
- Henry Collier Wright
- Henry John Wright
- Henry Wilkes Wright
- Herbert E. Wright
- Herbert Perry Wright
- Irene Aloha Wright
- Isaac Miles Wright
- James Homer Wright
- John Bittinger Wright
- John Calvin Wright
- John Dutton Wright
- John Wells Wright
- John Westley Wright
- Joseph Alexander Wright
- J(Oshua) Butler Wright
- Mabel Osgood Wright
- Moorhead Wright
- Orville Wright
- Purd B. Wright
- Quincy Wright
- Richard Robert Wright
- Richard Robert Wright
- Richardson Little Wright
- Robert Clinton Wright
- Robert Herring Wright
- Ross Pier Wright
- Theodore Wright
- Theodore Lyman Wright
- Thomas Roane Barnes Wright
- Walter King Wright
- Willard Huntington Wright
- William Carter Wright
- William Hammond Wright
- William Joseph Wright
- William Kelley Wright
- William Mason Wright
[edit]- Charles John Wrightsman
- William Wrigley
- Henry Merritt Wriston
- Wladyslaw Wroblewski
- Lawrence Counselman Wroth
- Edmund Henry Wuerpel
- Frederick John Wulling
- Charles Newman Wtjnder
- Clinton Wunder
- William Frederic Wunsch
- Harry Vanderbilt Wurdemann
- Alexander Jay Wurts
- John Wurts
- Harry Mcleary Wurzbach
- Adam Martin Wyant
- Edith Franklin Wyatt
- J(Ames) B( Wyatt
- Walter Wyatt
- Richard Thomas Wyche
- Albert Clarke Wyckoff
- Ambrose Barkley Wyckoff
- Charles Truman Wyckoff
- John (Henry) Wyckoff
- Richard De Mille Wyckoff
- James Ingersoll Wyer
- Malcolm Glenn Wyer
- Raymond Wyer
- Newell Convers Wyeth
- Ola M. Wyeth
- David Gourley Wylie
- Herbert George Wylie
- Laura Johnson Wylie
- Richard Cameron Wylie
- Robert Bradford Wylie
- Bruce Wyman
- Frank Theodore Wyman
- Howard Laverne Wynegar
- Asa Wynkqop
- Ed(Ward) Wynn
- William Thomas Wynn
- Manton M. Wyvell
[edit]- Arthur Yager
- Caroline Ardelia Yale
- Enid Yandell
- Francisco Javier Yanes
- Benjamin Franklin Yanney
- Joseph Ussery Yarborough
- Warren Furman Yarborough
- William Henry Yarbrough
- Robert Sterling Yard
- Charlton Yarnall
- D. Robert Yarnall
- Stanley Rhoads Yarnall
- Edward Ralph Yarnelle
- Harry Crecy Yarrow
- Philip (Walter) Yarrow
- Homer T. Yaryan
- Arthur Wolcott Yates
- Charles Colt Yates
- Cullen Yates
- Gretchen Yates
- John Lawrence Yates
- Katherine Merritte Yates
- Raymond Francis Yates
- Richard Yates
- Malcolm Yeaman
- Pope Yeatman
- Richard Thompson Yeatman
- Arthur Charles Yeaton
- John O. Yeiser
- George Conrad Yeisley
- Edward C. Yellowley
- Lucy A. Yendes
- Ray Cyrus Yeoman
- George Dallas Yeomans
- Henry Aaron Yeomans
- William James Yerby
- Robert Mearns Yerkes
- Royden Keith Yerkes
- Anzia Yezierska
- Ivar Daniel Ylvtsaker
- Benjamin F. Yoakum
- Clarence Stone Yoakum
- A(Lbert) Duncan Yocum
- Wilbur Fisk Yocum
- Albert Henry Yoder
- Anna Elizabeth Yoder
- Jocelyn Paul Yoder
- Frederick Coffay Yohn
- Philip Keyes Yonge
- Alvin C. York
- Amos Chesley York
- Edward Palmer York
- Francis Lodowick York
- George Marshall Yorke
- Peter Christopher Yorke
- Casper Salathiel Yost
- Fielding Harris Yost
- Gaylord Yost
- Joseph Warren Yost
- Frank A. Yotjmans
- Allyn Abbott Young
- Andrew Harvey Young
- Anne Sewell Young
- Archer Everett Young
- Arthur Nichols Young
- Benjamin Young
- Bert Edward Young
- C(Harles) Griffith Young
- Charles Herbert Young
- Charles Morris Young
- Charles Van Patten Young
- Clara Kimball Young
- Clarence Hoffman Young
- Courtland H. Young
- Edward T. Young
- Evane. Young
- Frederic George Young
- George Bright Young
- George Henry Young
- George Joseph Young
- George Morley Young
- George Ulysses Young
- George Washington Young
- Gordon Young
- Helen Louise Young
- Horace Gedney Young
- Hugh Hampton Young
- I. D. Young
- Jacob William Albert Young
- James Young
- James Young
- J(Ames) Addison Young
- James Barclay Young
- James Rankin Young
- James Thomas Young
- Jeremiah Simeon Young
- John Edwin Young
- John Wesley Young
- Joseph Hardie Young
- Karl Young
- Lafayette Young
- Leon Decatur Young
- Beatrice Os
- Levi Edgar Young
- Lewis Emanuel Young
- Mahonri (Mackintosh) Young
- Martha Young
- Mary (Mrs. John Craig) Young
- Mary Vance Young
- Owen D. Young
- Richard Young
- Robert Thompson Young
- Roland Young
- Rose Young
- Roy Archibald Young
- Sam Martin Young
- Samuel Baldwin Marks Young
- S(Amuel) Edward Young
- Samuel Hall Young
- Smith Greshem Young
- Stark Young
- Stewart Woodford Young
- Thomas Crane Young
- Thomas Shields Young
- Walter Jorgensen Young
- William Brooks Young
- William Foster Young
- William Wesley Young
- Sven Gustaf Yotjngert
- John Young-Hunter
[edit]- Heber Wilkinson Youngken
- William Wallace Youngson
- Herbert Alden Youtz
- Lewis Addison Youtz
- Eugene Ysaye
- William Frederick Yust
- George Zabriskie
- George Albert Zabriskie
- Robert Lansing Zabriskie
- Albert Francis Zahm
- Moses Gray Zalinski
- John Maxcy Zane
- Clarence C. Zantzinger
- Elbert Robb Zaring
- Parley Emmett Zartmann
- Casimir Douglass Zdanowicz
- Frederick Zech Jr.
- John Zedler
- Charles Franklyn Zeek
- Charles Henry Zehnder
- Blanche Zehring
- Lee Woodward Zeigler
- Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler
- Sigmund Zeisler
- Frederic Robert Aenishaensly Zeit/F. Robert Zeit
- Jacob Zeitlin (born 1883)
- Anthony Zeleny
- Charles Zeleny
- John Zeleny
- John Sheridan Zelie
- George Anthony Zeller
- Julius C. Zeller
- Philip Zenner
- William T. Zenor
- Andrew C. Zenos
- William Zentmayer
- Alvin Sylvester Zerbe
- Farran Zerbe
- James Slough Zerbe
- Joseph Henry Zerbey
- Emil Zettler
- Henry Joseph Ziegemeier
- Florenz Ziegfeld
- Charles Edward Ziegler
- Edward Ziegler (music journalist)
- Samuel Lewis Ziegler
- Victor Ziegler
- August Ziesing
- John L. W. Zietlow
- Frederick N. Zihlman
- Efrem Zimbalist
- Bruno Zimm (artist)
- Louise Hasbrouck Zimm
- Eugene Zimmerman
- Harvey J. Zimmerman
- Jeremiah Zimmerman
- Leander M. Zimmerman
- William Carbys Zimmerman
- John Edward Zimmermann
- E. Gustav Zinke
- George A. Zinn
- Hans Zinsser
[edit]- Alexander Ziwet
- Alfred Jacob Zobel
- Joseph Zoellner
- Rufus Fairchild Zogbaum
- Gulielma Zollinger
- George Julian Zolnay
- Raphael Zon
- George Frederick Zook
- Charles Louis Zorbaugh
- Mana (“Mana-Zucca”) Zucca
- Charles Zueblin
- Ernest Zueblin
- Adolph Zukor
- James Edwin Zunts
- George Zurcher
- Henry Zweifel
- Samuel Marinus Zwemer
- Galius Lawton Zwick
- Flora G. Zygman
[edit]- Marcus Aaron
- Emmett Dunn Angell
- Norman Hume Anthony
- Noah Ephraim Aronstam
- Frank Conger Baldwin
- Frank Forrest Barham
- Harry Winfred Bassett
- Ralph S. Bauer
- Neal Dow Becker
- Zoe Beckley
- Laurence Vincent Benet
- Portia Willis Berg
- William Bethke
- Bennett Randolph Bias
- Frank Hoffnagel Bigelow
- Paul Block
- Robert Somers Brookings
- William Edward Brown
- Charles Albert Browne
- Luther D. Burlingame
- Richard Evelyn Byrd
- Robert Erskine Campbell
- George Herbert Charles
- Frank Herbert Chase
- Katherine Blake Child
- Ira Nelson Chiles
- Jan Ciechanowski
- Reed Paige Clark
- Julian Codman
- John Belmont Cook
- Luis Felipe Corea
- Jessica Garretson Cosgrave
- Leonard Grimstead Cox
- Bosworth Crocker
- Charles Boyd Curtis
- Walter Rice Davenport
- Nathaniel P. Davis
- Paul M. Davis
- Thomas Dick Davis
- Samuel K. Dennis Jr.
- William Cullen Dennis
- Martha Gilbert Dickinson
- Thomas Elliott Donnelley
- Mary Ellis
- John H. Fahey
- George Oscar Ferguson
- Jesse Dade Figgins
- William Webber Ford
- William Hayes Fuller
- George A. Funkhouser
- Gustavus Garland Greever
- Glenn Griswold
- Green Haywood Hackworth
- Forrest Halsey
- Howard Hanson
- Thomas Le Grand Harris
- Joseph Edward Harry
- Edwin McKay Highsmith
- A. Parker Hitchens
- Louis Herman Hubbard
- L. Clarence Hunt
- Edward Corbin Jenkins
- Adelaide Johnson
- Gilbert Haven Jones
- Ross William Kellogg
- Edward Joseph Kelly
- George Lewis Kreeck
- Charles Heinrichs Langer
- George William Laws
- Robert Dwight Lay
- Harold C. Lewis
- Horace Brisbin Liveright
- Arthur William Loasby
- Malcolm Mabry Lockhart
- Pauline Lord
- Edmund H. Lunken
- John Denniston Lyon
- Harry Halpine Marlin
- Arthur Ellery Mason
- George Edgar Merrick
- Marjorie O'Connell
- Ernest Everett Olp
- H. O. Olson
- Edwin Carty Ranck
- Weaver Henry Rogers
- Eugene Wesley Shaw
- Melville Withington Thompson
- John Joseph Tobias
- Ralph Van Vechten
- Albert Hiatt Votaw
- Raymond J. Wade
- William Edward Walsh
- Edward Joshua Ward
- Roy Ode Young
Educational stuff?
[edit]- 28 E. Jackson Boulevard Ernest E. Olp
- Ph.D. Guy E. Snavely
- President Colonel W. L. Murfee
- A.M. President E. V. Baldy
- A.M. Helen A. Brooks
- President Col. Thos. A. Davis
- M. A. Martha Collins Weaver
- Dominican College The Secretary
- A. B. Ada S. Blake
- Pre*Ident Frederick Palmer Clayton Hamilton
- Headmaster James W. Williams
- President Nelbert M. Chouinard
- Headmaster Menlo Park Clyde E. Dennis
- Pres Maj. M. Canyon Smith
- University Park Summer School
- B.A. Louis H. Schutte
- A. B. (Harvard) George C. St. John
- Headmaster Arthur N. Sheriff
- B. A. Jessie Callam Gray
- A. M. Alberta C. Edell
- A.B. Margaret R. Brendlinger
- Washington George Washington University
- D Washington
- Principal Edward L. Montgomery
- Demorest Piedmont College
- President Colonel Sandy Beaver
- M. A. E. L. Wright C. R. Wilcox
- Georgia Gainesville
- Box 151 Gainesville Brenau
- M.A. W. D. Furry
- Ph.D. William A. Maddox
- Springfield Sacred Heart Academy
- M. A. H. O. Olson
- President David M. Edwards
- Ll.D. Robert J. Aley
- Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods The Secretary
- A.M. Otho Winger
- D.D. Frank E. Mossman
- Wichita Friends University
- M. A. J. W. Gaines
- D.D. William J. Hutchins
- A.M. Albert Norman Ward
- Ph.D. James E. Ament
- Ll.D. Joseph H. Apple
- M.A. Miss Adele Lathrop
- D.D. Daniel L. Marsh
- Massachusetts South Hadley
- Pd.D. H. S. Cowell
- A.B. Howard B. Gibbs
- Ph.D. Donald J. Cowling
- D.D. L. W. Boe
- St. Paul Macalester College
- Art Music
- Columbia Bible College Of Missouri
- Fulton Westminster College
- York York College
- Headmaster Roger W. Swetland
- President Madison Ezra Squier Tipple
- Ll.D. John C. Sharpe
- Rochester Eastman School Of Music
- A.B. Miriam A. Bytel
- Headmaster Cornwall-On-Hudson Alvan E. Duerr
- D.D. John F. Carson
- Director Ithaca Ross W. Kellogg
- Ll.D. Don O. Shelton
- Pd.D. A. H. Norton
- Headmaster J. R. Sandifer
- Ll.D. John E. Calfee
- Granville Secretary Clarence M. Eddy
- President And Director Bertha Baur
- Ph.B. Joseph Adams Hill
- M. D. Ross V. Patterson
- A.M. W. F. Teel
- Jr. A. W. Wilson
- Ll.D. John Gabbert Bowman
- Litt.D. Cora Helen Coolidge
- A.B. Mary Helen Marks
- D.D. L. L. Sprague
- Litt. D. Rob’T P. Pell
- Ll.D. James H. Kirkland
- D. D. John Royal Harris
- And J. P. Mccallie M. A.
- Scholarly Able
- M.A. W. W. Bondurant
- Austin Box 97-W
- D.D. Charles C. Selecman
- D.D. Thomas Stone Clyce
- Ll.D. Charles A. Plumley
- A.M. Howard J. Benchoff
- Staunton Kable Station
- Ph. D. D. R. Anderson
- A.M. Meta Glass
- Secretary M. Estes Cocke
- A. M. W. B. Gates
- Supt. Colonel R. P. Davidson