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My username


It is actually my real name (divided by a dot 'cause I love dots), since both nicknames I usually use online have already been taken when I wanted to register. I don't plan to incriminate myself in any way on Wikipedia, so the world may as well know who I really am. :P

Editing interests


My civil engineering education and years spent rowing for sure put this topics somewhere on my list. (Un)fortunately, today I work as an assistant professor at a university where my classes cover digital algebra, computer architecture, introductory computer networks and business productivity applications. I am an expert in MS Excel and do a lot of programming in VBA for Excel, as well as some in C++. My firm will soon have its first hazelnut plantation, so I know something about that, too. I am politically active in a local counsel, but despite all those obligations I have some free time, which I like to spend hiking, watching sports (tennis, handball, snooker, ...), reading books, editing Wikipedia ;), dancing and - currently my personal favorite - playing board games. I also try to travel as much as I can.

My contributions


I am relatively new to Wikipedia contributors team, so my contribution list is currently short:

Pages I created (in English)


Pages I contributed (in English)


Personal curiosities


Countries I have visited

Born and currently living:


Short trips (up to 3 weeks):

 Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Czech Republic
 United Kingdom
 Vatican City

Top five on my next-travels plan:

 United States