From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This isn't your normal user page
This is the spinning shrine. Do not stop this shrine. If you do, you will be punished for all eternity.
I've been on wikipedia for a while now
I participated in the two edit wars of April Fools, and April Fools 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.
Disoneiscool8745 |
Citizenship | United States |
Do yOu KnOw HoW Us ApEs FeEl!? BaCkStAbBeD. bEtRaYeD. BaMbOoZlEd. TaKe ThIs DoWn RiGhT nOw Or FaCe LeGaL aCtIoN. -Very Angry Ape
 | This user broke their computer. |
 | This user hates @#$%@#^&@§¡¿•&$@#$ψπ!@#$%&*ʘ vandals! |
 | This user does not contribute by using a web browser. Rather, they upload material directly to the internet by using the awesome power of their mind. |
 | This user enjoys watching pointless animations. |
 | Go slowly insane as you sit and stare... |
 | Go slowly insane as you sit and stare... |
 | Go slowly insane as you sit and stare... |
 | This user enjoys watching pointless animations. |
 | This user is a scary Ghost. |
This user wants to capture a Pokémon.
 | This user loves and is a great fan of Pokémon. |
 | This user knows that PKMN does not mean Pikmin, Pink Monkey, or any other silly, worthless thing that you can think of. It only has one true meaning. |
Aura is with this user.
This user has owned {{{1}}} species of Pokémon.
This user plays the Pokémon RPGs and other related video games.
#151 | This user is a Pokémon Evolutionist and believes that Mew is the origin. |
Uber | This user does not use Ubers in WiFi Pokémon battles, but does not mind seeing them there. |
#151 | This user thinks they have a unified theory of the creation of the Pokémon universe. | #493 |
Wikipedia:April Fools/April Fools' Day 2023/The Keepy Uppy Balloon userbox
🎈The sacred Keepy Uppy balloon🎈