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This user has rollback rights on the English Wikipedia.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This account is owned by Digital Ninja anti-vandalism task force.

"Digital Ninja, knocking out vandalism with deadly accuracy"

I would like to be a member of an anti-vandalism unit here on Wikipedia. I enjoy keeping the accuracy of the Encyclopedia that I use so often, as high as possible. I'm kind of a "born again Wikipedian" striving to give something back to the community. I also enjoy firearms and handguns in particular.

Another hobby of mine is autocross which I attend regularly. I also enjoy high speed touring at regional tracks such as Hallett Motor Speedway.

Helpful Stuff


Helpful information & links



Politically, I consider myself a classic conservative. I believe that the free market is self regulating, and furthermore in such a way that social behavior would ultimately be benefited from free market. However, I also believe people should be free to make up their own minds over everything from religion to abortion; without restraint. If there is a market for a particular demand, then such service or organization will ultimately create supply. In summary, government should be small and efficient, free market solutions to Social Security, Health Care, and retirement are my beliefs. Additionally, we should continue spending more on defense than any other single project. The United States is exceptional, and I strongly believe we should have the largest, most advanced, most ready military in existence, as we now have. I also understand that 2nd amendment rights are not just intended for sport and self defense, but as the a people's failsafe against government tyranny.

I also immensely enjoy reading articles such as Milky Way, Universe, Black hole, Extraterrestrial life, life, and just linking to articles off those pages. I personally think people who devotedly follow organized religion and folks who don't believe in some higher power to both be wrong. I suppose creative design fits me best, with a touch of Christianity. How people think a sterile environment suddenly "created" life (such as a developing, 5000K degree planet), or those who close their mind to others ideas or information, is beyond me.

I believe the world will end and be created at the same time; via a vacuum metastability event.

What I do


I enjoy editing articles, slapping vandal's upside their heads with a twinkle stick, and creating new articles. I'm a reformed vandal (I think everyone is, as a matter of developing maturity as one ages). In real life, I'm half engineer and half industrial sales specialist. Demographically, I'm considered a 26 year old male as of May of 2008 and college educated, married, 2 pets, non-smoker.

WTF of the day


Feel free to add your suggestions to 'WTF of the day' here.

Stuff that interests me

4.08 RPM according to EnterpriseyBot
19:10, 16 March 2025 (UTC)
ch p

To Do list

  • Articles to create:
  1. CZ 2075 RAMI
  2. Precision Sphere (industrial)
  3. Torlon
  4. Taurus Millenium Pro
  5. automatic action
  6. slide (firearms)

Articles I've created

  1. CZ 2075 RAMI