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Welcome to my extremely over-linked user page! I registered on March 24 2005 , and immediately commenced editing.
I am sure to stay here and to contribute on a variety of topics.
I am an avowed worshiper of Nikola Tesla and all he was never given credit for having invented, and thow that is so typical of the American cruelty and unfairness of our Republican business model. I am a proud father of five beautiful children and husband of Michelle. My ancestry is Russian. I am second-generation American. My grandfather hailed from Odessa, Russia in 1917. On his 80th birthday he (and we) learned he was really 81. His mother had to lie about his age to see him safely to America as a 17 year-old, to avoid the Russian Revolution of 1917. I am 38 years old now. I have Mild Adult Onset Epilepsy which is controlled with the use of Dilantin. We proudly live in The Woodlands, Texas USA.
I am a card-carrying knee jerk Liberal.
As an Electrical Engineer, recording engineer and student of photography and journalism, I am simply confused, but I love music and electricity in all of its forms as a direct result. I am highly interrested in the design and usefullness of the Electric vehicle and many other forms of transportation that do not require the use of oil, petroleum, diesel or gasoline as a source of fuel. I am currently working on the design and construction of my own electric vehicle to use to commute to work.
Other major areas of study include Family Systems Therapy, Family systems and Inner Child Work. I have been involved in electronics since 2nd grade. I became obsessive about learning all there was to know about the theory of electronics by age eight. By Middle School I was fabricating circuits and studying TTL, also know as transistor-transistor logic theory. I currently work (a novel concept for many Americans now aparently) in the information technology and repair fields, for a motion picture support company here in Atlanta, GA. I do major and minor repairs to all types of motion picture cameras, lighting (including HMI aka daylight, fluorescent and tungsten, as well as all types of electrical equipment and electronic equipment.
We have our own website dedicated to our family, energy, and my more political views of the moment: Dedicated to our Family. I have other interests you can read about below.
Thought for the YEAR
The primary difference between a democracy and a republic is who is sovereign. In a republic, sovereign power is held by "We the People" individually such that each individual is "endowed by his creator with inalienable rights". These rights can never be taken away by majority vote. The sole purpose of a republican government is to "secure those individual rights". In a democracy, sovereign power is invested collectively only in the group as a whole.
Today, prolific public policies and a mammoth government ridicule the constitutional principles established by our forefathers. Our government has grown to kingly proportions, arrogantly trampling the basic rights of its citizens. The few rule the many. But because our founders had remarkable] foresight, we have the constitutional protections to move government back into its proper role.
This Republic has to return to being governed by Citizen legislators not career politicians. The only voice we have in Congress today are a handfull of Congressmen that we have been able to send to Congress. All of them are in the House. To achieve our goals we must strongly support legislators that believe in the Constitution and actively seek new candidates. Write, Fax and Email elected officials and the general public.
Music is as big a part of me as breathing, with well over 9950 songs in my digital library (gained LEGALLY and in accordance with the RIAA bi-laws of course). Call it obsessive, but I actually used wikipedia to enter the date of release for all 9950 of them. I love to study music theory and history of musicians and bands. I like ALL music, and spent most of my life learning and listning and recording it. I grew up in the finest studios Nashville has to offer by pure luck. I really enjoy classical music, especially Motzart, as well as anything from the 60s, and even a lot from the 70s and 80s. This is evident in the fact that half of the songs in my library are from the 60s and 70s. I haven't found a great deal of music with that much appeal to me since. I love all music and I have many new songs too. Its just not the same as the classic rock of the 70's or pop of the 80s. Exceptions include James, Three Doors Down, The Police and so on.
Favorite People/Things