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I am interested in expanding the stub on foreign language writing aid for HG252 Assignment 2.
The necessities in life happen to be my favourite things to do... --> Sleeping and Eating
Finally~ tidied the page up.. Leave me a message if the alignments are off again!
 | This user is an Anime Fan!!! |
and also ~
NHK | This user usually watches anime on any of NHK's channels. |
 | This user was a Cardcaptor, but got their butt kicked by Yue during the Final Judgment. |
especially those that are made into films~
 | This user prefers using userboxes to fill up their user page instead of actually writing something useful. |
 | This user would like Userboxes to refer to themselves in the first person, and so would I. |
 | Go slowly insane as you sit and stare... |
and many more ~