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Timeline of psychoactive chemicals and psychedelia
[edit]- 1841 William Brooke O'Shaughnessy brings cannabis from India to London for medicinal use
- 1844 Jacques-Joseph Moreau starts the Club des Hashischins in Paris after travels in the Middle East
- 1845 Moreau publishes Hashish and mental alienation
- 1874 Louis Lewin publishes first study of morphine intoxication
- 1886 Louis Lewin publishes first methodical analysis of the Peyote cactus
- 1897 Arthur Heffter discovers mescaline is the active principle in the peyote cactus
- 1898 Bayer starts supplying heroin to the general public
- 1904 Bayer starts supplying Veronal (Barbital) to the general public
- 1912 Ecstasy (MDMA) first synthesized by Merck chemist Anton Köllisch
- 1922 Aleister Crowley publishes Diary of a Drug Fiend
- 1924 United States Congress bans the sale, import and manufacture of heroin
- 1928 Louis Lewin publishes his extensive survey of psychoactive plants, 'Phantastica'
- 1930 Witkacy publishes Insatiability and refers to the 'Murti-Bing' pill
- 1930 Aleister Crowley introduces Aldous Huxley to peyote
- 1932 Witkacy publishes 'Narcotics' on the use of hallucinogens by artists, particularly peyote
- 1932 Aldous Huxley publishes Brave New World and refers to the 'Soma' pill
- 1936 Robert J. Weitlaner researches Mexican magic mushrooms
- 1936 Reefer Madness produced in US
- 1938 LSD first synthesised by Albert Hoffman at Sandoz Laboratories, Switzerland
- 1939 Ololiuhqui research by Richard Evans Schultes
- 1939 Witkacy commits suicide with an overdose of Veronal (Barbital)
- 1943 'Bicycle Day'
- 1946 William Sargant publishes 'An Introduction to Somatic Methods of Treatment in Psychiatry'
- 1947 Delysid distributed by Sandoz for worldwide psychiatric research
- 1950 LSD psychotherapy used with epileptic children in Poland
- 1950 First article about LSD appears in the American Psychiatric Journal
- 1951 Sandoz agrees exclusive contract with US Government to deliver 100 grams of LSD a week, and not to supply communist countries
- 1951 Humphry Osmond moves his LSD psychotherapy research from London to a psychiatric hospital in Sasketchwan, Canada
- 1951 Alfred Hubbard takes LSD for the first time, starts to distribute it widely
- 1951 CIA starts mind control research into LSD in Project ARTICHOKE, the forerunner of Project MK-ULTRA
- 1951 Outbreak of mass psychosis at Pont-Saint-Esprit, France effects 500 people and causes 5 deaths [1]
- 1952 Ernst Junger publishes 'Visit to Godenholm' after taking LSD with Hoffman
- 1952 Ronald Sandison visits Hoffman at Sandoz and then starts LSD testing and psychotherapy with psychiatric patients at Powick Hospital, UK
- 1952 In Project ARTICHOKE George Hunter White begins administering LSD to unwitting U.S. citizens at a CIA brothel in Greenwich Village
- 1953 William S. Burroughs publishes Junkie
- 1953 Humphry Osmond supplies Aldous Huxley with his first dose of mescaline
- 1953 William Sargant starts LSD research for MI6 at Porton Down, and associates with Frank Olson, Donald Ewen Cameron and Project ARTICHOKE
- 1953 Frank Olson dies in Project ARTICHOKE, renamed Project MK-ULTRA
- 1953 Sidney Gottlieb becomes head of Project MK-ULTRA, with six percent of the CIA total budget, estimated $10 million per year without oversight or accounting
- 1954 Aldous Huxley publishes The Doors of Perception
- 1954 Project MK-ULTRA funds Lilly (the future producer of Prozac) to synthesizes LSD, ending US dependence on Sandoz [2]
- 1954 First article about LSD therapy in Time Magazine
- 1954 Oscar Janiger starts LSD testing on students at UCI
- 1955 Christopher Mayhew MP (a friend of Humphrey Osmond) is filmed in a mescaline test and writes of his experience in The Observer
- 1955 Time Magazine reports on psychiatrist Harold A. Abramson serving LSD at dinner parties in Manhattan [3]
- 1955 Alfred Hubbard supplies Aldous Huxley with his first dose of LSD
- 1955 10 October 'The Splintered Man' by M. E. Chaber (Kendell Foster Crossen) copyrighted [4]
- 1955 LSD first mentioned on film: US TV series 'Science Fiction Theatre' Season 1, Episode 26 "The Human Equation"
- 1956 Project MK-ULTRA opens Subproject 22 to use the 'Geschickter Fund for Medical Research' as cutout for research into morning glory
- 1956 LSD psychotherapy program starts in Prague, Czechoslovakia [5]
- 1957 Stephen Szara publishes 'The comparison of the psychotic effect of tryptamine derivatives with the effects of mescaline and LSD-25 in self-experiments.'
- 1957 William Sargant publishes 'Battle for the Mind: The Mechanics of Indoctrination, Brainwashing & Thought Control'
- 1957 Project MK-ULTRA starts funding Donald Ewen Cameron's research into psychic driving at Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University
- 1957 'The Splintered Man' by M. E. Chaber (Kendell Foster Crossen) published: first novel to mention LSD and LSD research in Project MK-ULTRA
- 1957 First article about Mexican magic mushrooms in Life Magazine by R. Gordon Wasson
- 1958 Inspired by R. Gordon Wasson's report, Albert Hoffman isolates psylocybin and Sandoz begins distribution
- 1958 Powick Hospital starts a dedicated LSD psychotherapy department
- 1958 Oscar Janiger starts testing the effect of LSD on writers, artists and composers
- 1958 Cary Grant starts taking LSD during psychotherapy
- 1958 Alfred Hitchcock's psychological thriller Vertigo includes an extended psychedelic sequence
- 1958 'Psychedelic Chemistry' published in 'Chemical Abstracts' 52, 11965c, with recipes for psychoactive drugs
- 1958 How to Speak Hip has lines 'Life is not without its acids, man. Know what I mean?' and 'It's uncool to let anyone know your uncle is a registered pharmacist'[6]
- 1959 Ken Kesey participates in LSD testing at Stanford University as part of Project MK-ULTRA
- 1959 10th Josiah Macy Conference on LSD
- 1959 Allen Ginsberg first takes LSD
- 1960 Native Americans given statutory freedom of peyote use for religious reasons
- 1960 Timothy Leary follows R. Gordon Wasson's research into Mexican magic mushrooms, travels to Mexico and starts the Harvard Psylocybin Project
- 1960 Time Magazine reports on the use of LSD in Hollywood [7]
- 1961 Terry Taylor publishes 'Baron's Court, all change', first British novel to mention LSD
- 1961 Dick Dale and the Del-Tones release "Let's Go Trippin'"
- 1961 Humphrey Osmond publishes his report on psychedelic experiences at a Native American Church peyote ritual
- 1961 Michael Hollingshead introduces Timothy Leary to LSD
- 1962 Cary Grant endorses LSD psychotherapy in Time Magazine and says he has lectured on its benefits to students at UCLA[8]
- 1962 The Gamblers release a track named LSD-25
- 1962 FDA makes first LSD bust
- 1962 Conrad Rooks attends Deep Sleep Therapy after 7 years of drug abuse including LSD
- 1962 Timothy Leary supplies LSD to John F. Kennedy's lover Mary Pinchot Meyer, ex-wife of CIA agent Cord Meyer [9] Meyer and Kennedy take LSD together [10]
- 1962 Zihuatanejo Project starts
- 1962 Marsh Chapel Experiment
- 1962 Ken Kesey publishes 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', the success of which funds his 'Acid Tests'
- 1963 Timothy Leary is fired from Harvard
- 1963 John F. Kennedy is assassinated
- 1963 Aldous Huxley dies, his last request is a dose of LSD
- 1963 William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg publish The Yage Letters
- 1963 Sandoz patents on LSD expire
- 1963 Owsley Stanley drops out of University of California, Berkeley and starts producing home-made LSD
- 1964 Richard Blum publishes 'Utopiates: The Use & Users of LSD-25'
- 1964 Owsley's laboratory raided by police looking for methamphetamine but they cannot find anything illegal. Owsley moves to L.A. to concentrate on LSD production
- 1964 Psychiatrist Sidney Cohen publishes 'The Beyond Within: the LSD Story' and warns about 'beatnik microculture' threatening LSD research
- 1964 Timothy Leary publishes 'The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead' on set and setting; dedicated to Aldous Huxley
- 1964 Ken Kesey and The Merry Pranksters distribute LSD across the U.S. in 'Furthur', finally taking it to the World Fair in New York
- 1964 Mary Pinchot Meyer is assassinated
- 1965 Tom Wolfe publishes The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby
- 1965 In April and May Owsley Stanley produces 300,000 capsules of LSD (at 270 micrograms each) and returns to the San Francisco Bay Area to distribute them
- 1965 The Psychedelic Shop - the first of its kind - opens in San Francisco
- 1965 The Doors name themselves after Huxley's book. The Grateful Dead, Big Brother and the Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane also formed in California
- 1965 Sandoz cancels shipments of LSD to United States
- 1965 With 5000 doses of LSD and instructions from Leary, Michael Hollingshead opens the World Psychedelic Centre, London
- 1965 The Beatles take LSD in London with their dentist John Riley, supplied by Hollingshead. Then in California with The Byrds and Peter Fonda, refer to it in 'Help!' (July) and 'Day Tripper' (December)
- 1965 CIA's San Francisco brothels in the Operation Midnight Climax section of Project MK-ULTRA are closed
- 1965 Owsley becomes The Merry Pranksters' main supplier of LSD
- 1965 Merry Prankster 'Acid Tests' in Santa Cruz, San Jose, Palo Alto, Portland, San Francisco [11]
- 1965 Granny Takes a Trip boutique opens, London
- 1965 The Pretty Things produce a song entitled 'LSD'
- 1966 Chappaqua produced by Conrad Rooks in the US
- 1966 Hallucination Generation produced in the US
- 1966 Czechoslovakia starts producing its own LSD [12]
- 1966 The Trips Festival in Haight-Ashbury[13]
- 1966 CIA's New York brothel in the Operation Midnight Climax section of Project MK-ULTRA is closed
- 1966 Owsley becomes The Grateful Dead's main supplier of LSD, and they recruit him as their sound man
- 1966 Watts Acid Test
- 1966 Life Magazine has LSD as its cover story [14]
- 1966 Owsley Stanley and Tim Scully produce purer LSD at a factory in Port Richmond, California
- 1966 Timothy Leary founds the League for Spiritual Discovery, a religion with LSD as its holy sacrament
- 1966 LSD is criminalized in California
- 1967 The Human Be-In at San Francisco's Golden Gate Park attended by 20,000-30,000 people. Illegal LSD named "White Lightning" supplied by Owsley Stanley
- 1967 Owsley Stanley arrested and sentenced to three years in jail
- 1967 The Beatles release Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and The Beach Boys cancel Smile
- 1967 On June 18, Paul McCartney tells a TV journalist he has taken LSD "about four times"
- 1967 Robert E. Brown publishes 'The Psychedelic Guide to Preparation of the Eucharist' with a recipe for LSD
- 1968 Tom Wolfe publishes The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
- 1968 Tim Scully and Nicholas Sand start start a new factory producing "Orange Sunshine", a mix of LSD and ALD-52
- 1969 Woodstock Festival attended by 400,000 people
- 1970 Timothy Leary convicted and jailed, but escapes 7 months later and flees to Afghanistan
- 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances criminalizes LSD worldwide
- 1972 LSD psychotherapy discontinued at Powick Hospital
- 1973 Indictment of Tim Scully and Nick Sand
- 1973 CIA Director Richard Helms orders all MK-ULTRA files destroyed
- 1974 LSD psychotherapy discontinued in Czechoslovakia
- 1974 The New York Times reports CIA conducted illegal LSD experiments in Project MK-ULTRA. Followed by Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission.
- 1977 U.S. Senate hearing on MKULTRA
- 2002 British government compensates former Powick Hospital patients who had undergone LSD therapy
- 2006 British government compensates 3 former servicemen who underwent William Sargant's LSD testing for MI6 at Porton Down from 1953[15]
- 2007 The Lancet says LSD, MDMA and cannabis are less addictive and physically harmful than alcohol
- 2008 Amanda Feilding makes Albert Hoffman a deathbed pledge to ensure LSD is rehabilitated. Albert Hoffman dies. [16]
- 2009 BBC investigation into William Sargant's mind control experiments [17]
- 2010 The Financial Times reports that The Beckley Foundation is trying to rehabilitate LSD [18]
- 2010 French government requests US information on the 1951 Pont-Saint-Esprit incident [19]
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- ^ Nina Burleigh, A Very Private Woman: The Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential Mistress Mary Meyer, New York: Bantam Books, 1998, p. 212.
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