Okay Day 1 of sandbox playing around: May 26, 2020
Command + B makes bold; expected
Command + I makes italic; expected
Command + U makes underline; expected
can you combine?? Yes
how to import images:

Day 3 or 4: June 12, 2020 Writing on the side of the image.. Layout and borders / margins seem pretty good, I wonder if they're editable or set to be consistent throughout the site. My initial guess is yes, editable. Let's find out.
I can't as far as I can tell. Oof. Consistency is key I guess. However, I did notice that besides the toggle for wrapping the image, there was a little info icon in which it advised against turning off the wrap image as well as obviously explaining what it is. This seems to be quite high-quality / big-brain move to me.
As I write this I do believe I need quite a bit of practice in grammar and syntax and flow that follows the general consensus of Wikipedia authors.