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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Articles I created (2024: 1001) (2025)
  • Did you know that...
    • ...before the invasion of bots and twinkles I used to be #6 by the number of edits?
    • ...I hold a really random honor of authoring the 0.5Mth article in 2005?
    • ... I am old and lazy now and half-blind and therefore dsylxeic, so give me a break and don't teach me English (I am a non-native en:speaker anywy)
Recommended reading
This user is a proud descendant of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and embraces all cultures that emerged there, from sea to sea
This user has been on Wikipedia for
21 years, 3 months and 17 days
This user holds a random honor of creating the 500,000-th en:WP article
31%This user has been a Wikipedian for 30.5% of his life.
3317 +82 +119 +208 +69 +52 +21 + 44 /schizo + 54 in 2012 + 181 in 2013, 418 in 2014, 301 in 2015, 60 in 2016, 1 in 2017, 18 in 2018, 17 in 2019, 2 in 2020-2022, 223 in 2023, 1001 in 2024, 410 in 2025
God made this user an atheist. Do you question his wisdom?
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