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Template:Timeline of space stations

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Large Integrated Flexible EnvironmentTiangong space stationTiangong 2Tiangong 1Lunar Orbital StationHaven-2StarlabBharatiya Antariksha StationRussian Orbital Service StationOrbital ReefLunar GatewayAxiom Orbital SegmentHaven-1StarmaxGenesis II (space habitat)Genesis IInternational Space StationMirSalyut 7Salyut 6Salyut 5Salyut 4Salyut 3SkylabKosmos 557Salyut 2DOS-2Salyut 1OPS 0855
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The image above contains clickable links
Timeline of space stations, sorted by the nations that launched them. Prototype stations are marked*.

  Soviet Union/Russia
  multiple nations