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Inserts a small, commonly used symbol into the text with suitable ALT text.



Normal usage:


symbol-type: Required. See examples below for possible values.

With custom alt text:

{{Sym|symbol-type|alt=Alt Text}}

alt: Optional. Changes the alt/hover text of the icon


Values Output
pass, good, g, ga, good article, yes, y, ok, k, +, aye Good
check, done, tick Done
not done, cross, x Not Done
thanks, smile, smiley, thank you, s Smile!
fail, bad, no, n, -, nk, nay Fail
dunno, ?, ??, ???, idk, question ?
wtf ???
hold, on hold, wait On Hold
comment, c Comment
info, i, note Note
neu, neutral, und, equal Neutral
love, heart, wikilove Love
gac, ga candidate, good article candidate Good article candidate
fa, featured article Featured article
fac, featured article candidate Featured article candidate
(empty) [[File:{{sym}}: Unknown first parameter | 16px]]
(missing) {{sym}}: Requires one parameter (none supplied)
(unrecognized) [[File:{{sym}}: Unknown first parameter | 16px]]

See also
