Template:Regional notice board box
![]() | This template is used on approximately 3,300 pages and changes may be widely noticed. Test changes in the template's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own user subpage. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
This template creates a floating box with links to as many as 20 regional notice boards.
The complete syntax for this template is:
{{Regional notice board box|nb01|...|nb20|float=|image=}}
Optional parameters
are up 20 notice board names. Please see the table below for allowable names.float=
an optional floating box alignment parameter.float=left
an alternative image without the prefix.
The table below shows the notice board link boxes created by the first name shown in the allowable names column. The default image in the notice board box may change for different names invoking the same notice board.
notice board link box | allowable names |
Africa, African | |
African diaspora | |
Albania, Albanian, AL, ALB | |
Algeria, Algerian, DZ, DZA | |
Arabic, Arabic-speaking, ar, ara | |
Argentina, Argentine, AR, ARG | |
Armenia, Armenian, AM, ARG | |
Australia, Australian, AU, AUS | |
Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani, AZ, AZE | |
Baltic States, Baltic states, Baltic nations | |
Bangladesh, Bangladeshi, BD, BGD | |
Brazil, Brazilian, BR, BRA | |
Canada, Canadian, CA, CAN | |
Caribbean | |
Chile, Chilean, CL, CHL | |
China, Chinese, CN, CHN | |
Croatia, Croatian, HR, HRV | |
Czech Republic, Czechia, Czech, CZ, CZE | |
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congolese, CD, COD | |
Denmark, Kingdom of Denmark, Danish, DK, DNK | |
Dravidian, Dravidia | |
Dutch, Dutch-speaking, nl, nld, dut | |
Eastern Europe, Eastern European | |
Egypt, Egyptian, EG, EGY | |
England, English, GB-ENG | |
Ethiopia, Ethiopian, ET, ETH | |
Faroe Islands, Faroese, FO, FRO | |
France, French, FR, FRA | |
German, German-speaking, de, deu | |
Germany, DE, DEU | |
Greece, Greek, GR, GRC | |
Haiti, Haitian, HT, HTI | |
Hong Kong, Hong Kongese, HK, HKG, CN-91 | |
Hungary, Hungarian, Magyar, HU, HUN | |
Iceland, Icelandic, IS, ISL | |
India, Indian, IN, IND | |
Indonesia, Indonesian, ID, IDN | |
Iran, Iranian, IR, IRN | |
Ireland, Irish, IE, IRL | |
Israel, Israeli, IL, ISR | |
Italy, Italian, IT, ITA | |
Japan, Japanese, JP, JPN | |
Kerala, Keralite, IN-KL | |
Korea, Korean, ko, kor | |
Kurdish, Kurdish-speaking, Kurd, ku, kur | |
Malaysia, Malaysian, MY, MYS | |
Maldives, Maldivian, MV, MDV | |
Malta, Maltese, MT, MLT | |
Mauritius, Mauritian, MU, MUS | |
Mexico, Mexican, MX, MEX | |
Moldova, Moldovan, MD, MDA | |
Nepal, Nepali, NP, NPL | |
Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands, NL, NLD | |
New Zealand, NZ, NZL | |
Nigeria, Nigerian, NG, NGA | |
North Macedonia, Macedonia, Macedonian, MK, MKD | |
Northern Ireland, Northern Irish, GB-NIR | |
Norway, Norwegian, NO, NOR | |
Odisha, Odishan, IN-OR | |
Ossetian, Ossetian-speaking, os, oss | |
Pakistan, Pakistani, PK, PAK | |
Palestine, Palestinian, PS, PSE | |
Peru, Peruvian, PE, PER | |
Philippines, Philippine, PH, PHL | |
Poland, Polish, PL, POL | |
Portugal, Portuguese, PT, PRT | |
Punjab, Punjabi, IN-PB, PK-PB | |
Quebec, Québécois, CA-QC | |
Romani, Roma | |
Romania, Romanian, RO, ROU | |
Russia, Russian, RU, RUS | |
Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabian, SA, SAU | |
Scotland, Scottish, GB-SCT | |
Serbia, Serbian, RS, SRB | |
Singapore, Singaporean, SG, SGP | |
Slovakia, Slovak, SK, SVK | |
Slovenia, Slovene, SI, SVN | |
South Africa, South African, ZA, ZAF | |
Spain, Spanish, ES, ESP | |
Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan, LK, LKA | |
Sweden, Swedish, SE, SWE | |
Taiwan, Taiwanese, TW, TWN | |
Tamil, Tamil Nadu, IN-TN, tam | |
Thailand, Thai, TH, THA | |
Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidadian, Tobagonian, TT, TTO | |
Turkey, Turkish, TR, TUR | |
Ukraine, Ukrainian, UA, UKR | |
United Arab Emirates, Emirates, Emirati, AE, UAE | |
United Kingdom, UK, Great Britain, Britain, British, GB, GBR | |
United States, American, US, USA | |
Venezuela, Venezuelan, VE, VEN | |
Vietnam, Vietnamese, VN, VNM | |
Wales, Welsh, GB-WLS | |
West Indies, West Indian | |
Zimbabwe, Zimbabwean, ZW, ZWE | |
A name in Module:Portal/images that is not a notice board. | |
Any other name. | |
No name. |
Wikitext | userbox | where used |
{{Template:Regional notice board box}}
linked pages | |
{{Template:Regional notice board box
linked pages | |
{{Template:Regional notice board box
linked pages | |
{{Template:Regional notice board box
linked pages |
This template should not be placed in the main article namespace {{NS:0}}.
See also
- This template invokes Template:Regional notice board box/1.
- Notice board updates should be made at Template:Regional notice board box/1 and Template:Regional notice board box/doc.
- Notice board links are in Category:Regional Wikipedian notice boards.
- Display notice board lists with Template:Regional Wikipedian notice boards and Template:RWNBs.
- This template is compatible with Template:Directories box, Template:Pbox, Template:WikiProject task force box, Template:WikiProject work group box, and Template:WPbox.
- This template employs image names from directory Module:Portal/images.
- This template is invoked by Template:Plinks.
- For help with this template, please post a comment on the template talk page with a
{{reply to}}
one or more of the previous editors.