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Template:Expand section/testcases

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OLD Testing

OLD Testing
  Current Sandbox
{{expand section}}
{{expand section|category=}}
{{expand section|examples and additional citations}}
{{expand section|talksection=Example}}
{{expand section|talksection=Example|small=no}}
{{expand section|examples and additional citations|talksection=Example}}
{{expand section|catanyway=|date=March 2009}}



Test cases, 12 June 2013


Confirming example in description

{{Expand section|date=June 2013}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

But is it really working: Trying an earlier date

{{Expand section|date=1 January 2010}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

Test cases, 2011-12-22

Parameter |with equivalent to |1
{{Expand section|date=December 2011 |with=Foo bar baz quux}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

Line break in code fixes start-of-line display errors (lists, indents, etc.)
{{Expand section|*Foo bar
 *Baz quux|date=December 2011}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

Line break in code -- current workaround
{{Expand section|*Foo bar
 *Baz quux|date=December 2011}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

Variable width parameter
{{Expand section|date=March 2025 |small=left |width=variable}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

Variable width parameter (no small; shouldn't work)
{{Expand section|date=March 2025 |small=no |width=variable}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

Variable width parameter (parameter not equal to "variable"; shouldn't work)
{{Expand section|date=March 2025 |width=invalid}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

Find-sources params 'find' and 'find2'

5a. Control: plain search ⟶ small box, no 'find sources' output
{{Expand section|date=March 2025}}
Side by side comparison
{{Expand section}}{{Expand section/sandbox}}
5b. small='left' ⟶ small box, no 'find sources'
{{Expand section|small=left}}
Side by side comparison
{{Expand section}}{{Expand section/sandbox}}
5c. small='no' ⟶ wide box, no 'find sources'
{{Expand section|small=no}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

5d. small='yes' ⟶ wide box, no 'find sources' (any value for small other than 'left' generates wide box; so 'yes' = 'no' !)
{{Expand section|small=yes}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

5e. Find param present with small = 'left' ⟶ small box, and 'find sources' output with find param value as quoted search keywords
{{Expand section|find=Liberation of France |small=left}}
Side by side comparison
{{Expand section}}{{Expand section/sandbox}}
5f. Find param present, no small ⟶ small box w 'find sources' with find param value as quoted search keywords
{{Expand section|find=Liberation of France}}
Side by side comparison
{{Expand section}}{{Expand section/sandbox}}
5g. Find param present with small ≠ 'left' ⟶ wide box w 'find sources' with find param value as quoted search keywords
{{Expand section|find=Merovingian dynasty |small=no}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

5h. Find param present, no small ⟶ wide box w 'find sources' with find param value as quoted search keywords
{{Expand section|find=Merovingian dynasty}}
Side by side comparison
{{Expand section}}{{Expand section/sandbox}}
5i. Two find params present, small='no' ⟶ wide box w 'find sources' with quoted and unquoted search keywords
{{Expand section|find=World War I |find2=Eastern front |small=no}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

5j. Any value for small other than 'left' is the same as 'no' ⟶ same as above (i.e., 'yes' = 'no'!)
{{Expand section|find=World War I |find2=Eastern front |small=yes}}

{{Expand section}}

{{Expand section/sandbox}}

5k. Two find params present, no 'small' param ⟶ small box w 'find sources' with quoted and unquoted search keywords
{{Expand section|find=World War I |find2=Eastern front}}
Side by side comparison
{{Expand section}}{{Expand section/sandbox}}