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Talk:Table for Six 2

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Created by Prince of Erebor (talk). Number of QPQs required: 1. Nominator has 34 past nominations.

👑PRINCE of EREBOR📜 05:16, 14 March 2025 (UTC).[reply]


  1. ^ "新春生意續改善 海洋公園本地特色吸客". Economic Digest (in Chinese). 11 March 2024. Retrieved 13 March 2025. 賀歲港產片《飯戲攻心2》衝破3,000萬票房,贏盡口碑,其中一部分在海洋公園取景拍攝,前後為期約一個月。 電影主角張繼聰及鄧麗欣的婚宴,在香港老大街拍攝,兩人情深對話就在海龍王餐廳,亦有部分場景在山上取景。 [The Lunar New Year Hong Kong film Table for Six 2 has broken the 30 million box office mark, receiving rave reviews. Part of the filming took place at Ocean Park, spanning about a month. The wedding banquet of the film's leads, Louis Cheung and Stephy Tang, was shot in the Old Hong Kong area, with their heartfelt conversations taking place at the Neptune's Restaurant, and some scenes were also filmed on The Summit.]
  2. ^ Ng, Sue (5 February 2024). "'Table for Six 2' director Sunny Chan Wing-san on bringing love to the table with his latest Lunar New Year movie". South China Morning Post. Retrieved 13 March 2025. Chan shared that his inspiration for writing this series came from the hit American sitcom, Friends, which follows the everyday lives of six friends in New York City. "I am a fan of the show, and I wanted to challenge myself to write a story about a family of six," he explained.
  3. ^ "飯戲攻心2|王菀之親自操刀作曲兼主唱 歌曲竟成陳詠燊家中禁歌". am730 (in Chinese). 31 January 2024. Retrieved 12 March 2025. 今日(31日)電影歌曲《我們曾經白頭到老》正式推出,歌曲由Ivana主唱兼作曲,Sunny親自填詞,並由著名音樂人馮翰銘監製。 [Today (31st), the film's theme song "I Love You So Much" was officially released, sung and composed by Ivana [Wong], with lyrics written by Sunny [Chan], and produced by veteran musician Alexander Fung.]
  4. ^ 吳霆俊 (2 February 2024). "《飯戲攻心2》 導演陳詠燊為港人送上暖意". Hong Kong Economic Times (in Chinese). Retrieved 13 March 2025. 陳詠燊力讚凌文龍敬業,因他不但費盡心思醜化自己,更會為了短短一分鐘的舞蹈演出花兩三日排舞。「他度了好多嘢,犧牲好多其他演員不願意做的事,只為套戲好。」 [Sunny Chan praised Ling Man-lung's dedication, noting that he not only went to great lengths to make himself look unappealing, but also spent two to three days choreographing for the brief one-minute dance sequence. "He put in a lot of effort in the creative process and sacrificed many things that other actors were unwilling to do, all for the sake of the film."]
  5. ^ 許育民 (24 August 2023). "《飯戲攻心》傳第二集已拍攝中 黃子華會由主角轉為客串演出?". HK01 (in Chinese). Retrieved 13 March 2025. 不過《香港01》最近收到消息,有指名為《飯戲攻心2》的電影已經暗中進行拍攝,而主角人選亦有所變動。《香港01》向導演陳詠燊查詢時未有直接回覆,而電影宣傳方面,則表示未有任何相關資訊提供 [However, HK01 recently learned from an exclusive source that filming for a film titled Table for Six 2 has been underway in secret, and there have been changes to the lead roles. When HK01 inquired with director Sunny Chan, he did not respond directly; while the film's promotional team stated that no related information is available at the moment.]
  6. ^ 李國樑 (11 November 2024). "飯戲攻心2|黃子華透露未能接拍《飯戲攻心2》原因 坦言入娛樂圈以來最難受的事". U Lifestyle (in Chinese). Retrieved 13 March 2025. 至於《飯戲攻心》,黃子華始終沒有正面回應問題,但就補充了多一個事實︰「黃子華十年內將不會講關於《飯戲攻心》的問題」可見事態非常嚴重,子華亦相當嚴肅地表示︰「我只能夠講兩句,我係想拍續集嘅。因為某啲原因,我唔可以拍,我係想拍嘅。事實上我拍唔到呢個續集,可以講係我入娛樂圈以嚟最難受嘅事。」 [5. As for Table for Six, Dayo Wong has not directly responded to the questions but added one fact: "Dayo Wong will not talk about the problems [he encountered] for Table for Six for the next ten years." This indicates that the situation is quite serious, and Wong also seriously stated, "I can only say a few words: I want to return in the sequel. Due to certain reasons, I cannot make it. I want to make it. In fact, not being able to make this sequel is one of the most difficult decisions I have had since entering the entertainment industry."]