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Talk:John Perrot

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Interesting source


I obtained the following stuff from the website http://welshjournals.llgc.org.uk and using 'Haverfordwest' as a search term. First search result linked to
The Pembrokeshire historian : journal of the Pembrokeshire Local History Society > No. 1 - 1959 > The Elizabethan squirearchy of Pembrokeshire, which is presented as image scans in pdf form

  • Some of the things he got up to whilst resident in Pembrokeshire
  1. Exported grain to Gloucestershire. page 26 (some measure of how much land he farmed).
  2. Military service with Walter Devereaux in Ireland and The Low Countries page 27
  3. Had armed retainers and indulged in - sometimes bloody (Haverfordwest, 1569) - small-scale local warfare against (similarly armed) rival squires of the county.page 28
  4. Page 28 also says "...the opinion expressed by Rowland Lee in a letter of March 1536, to Thomas Cromwell, when he declared that the gentry from whom the new J.P.s were to be recruited were themselves harbouring thieves and maintaining criminals." No names are specified in that excerpt but this (Wiki) article currently contains a line saying something similar about him. I wonder if historians have later interpreted this primary source as applying to John Perrot, in particular?
  5. Page 28 again - the attempted armed theft of a crop on land whose ownership was a matter of dispute between him and a neighbour who was, ironically, a J.P. (Justice of the Peace), having the authority to request that Perrot's retainers stand down, in the name of the Queen. When that ploy failed, only the ability to call on his neighbours with arquebuses, or bow-and-arrows caused Perrot's men (bill-hooks and pitchforks) to flee.
  6. Appointed vice-admiral of South Wales in 1562 (possible involvement in piracy, instead of policing it) page 29
    (as an interesting aside, this page also makes reference to two Spanish Armada vessels coming ashore in Wales. One, at "a creek called Galtop" was looted by John Wogan and his men. Another one, at Caldey, managed to escape "through the disorderly behaviour of others.")
  7. In 1570, when about to depart for Ireland as president of Munster, he was authorized, in his capacity as mayor of Haverfordwest, to press into service not only his own servants and tenants but also as many of his enemies' servants as he desired. Only those answering to his question that they were now and had never been against him were released, on pain of remaining in that state.page 30
  8. Used the royal courts to conduct "vexatious litigation" against his opponents Page 29 ff.
  • "Thomas Catharne of Prendergast was hated by Perrot for his attempts to condemn the latter's Protestantism during Mary's reign, is said to have been prosecuted to death, after paying out £700 on lawsuits. (referenced to P.C.C. Evans, 'Sir John Perrot, ' p. 269.)"
  • "Catharne's son-in-law, Alban Stepney, inherited the feud and proved one of Perrot's most recalcitrant opponents."
  • P.C.C. Evans' work has a list of eight landowners persecuted and prosecuted by Perrot, up to 1581, with amounts ranging from £100 to £700 and one of "2000 marks" - immense sums for the time - and also mentions a burgess of Haverfordwest reduced to pauperism.

So, all in all, accusations of tyranny (by his servants, tenants and local gentry) seem to have been well-founded. I've posted this material to the talk page because it needs to be re-drafted in such a way that it's no longer a direct 'lift' from the website I've given links to and I don't have time to do this myself, at the moment. With those links, you only really need to select one of them, then use the Prev. Page, Next page buttons until you've read as much as you want. EatYerGreens (talk) 09:09, 13 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

His principal modern biographers (Evans & Turvey) regard Sir John as a 'great Elizabethan' despite the contemporary accusations of misconduct from his enemies which you cite.
I'm pretty sure these contemporary authorities are well aware of them and many others. Nevertheless a case for their assessment of him as a heroic & often falsely maligned figure is made in his ODNB entry and in several books together with academic articles such as the one linked below.
https://archive.org/details/sirjohnperrotafourthcentenaryretrospectivereviewthetreasonandtrialofsirjohnbyrogerturvey/page/n1/mode/2up Horatius At The Bridge (talk) 20:46, 1 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Unused source


One of the sources has some good stuff on his life in Wales that's not in the article:

http://wbo.llgc.org.uk/en/s-PERR-HAR-1530.html --Shtove (talk) 22:04, 25 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Plus his biog at Historyofparliamentonline.

— Preceding unsigned comment added by Shtove (talkcontribs) 13:27, 4 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Henry VIII's son.


This website here, Geneastar [1]https://en.geneastar.org/geneaology/perrotj/john-perrot, shows John Perrot as a son of Henry VIII, but I can't find any other site that says that John was Henry VIII son. (talk) 06:54, 3 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Long comment here. Caveat Lector.
If you are sincerely struggling to find a mere website in the 21st century, to substantiate public allegations during this man's lifetime 500 years ago... there is a problem with your research methods or more broadly with WP policies encouraging such. Here is what his grand-daughter's husband wrote, in an era when he could have literally been jailed, executed and attainted (ie his heirs stripped of everything, forever) just for saying what he said.
So what did he say?
He [meaning this man Sir John Perrot, subject of this article] was accufed for high Treafon, and for high words and a forged Letter, condemned ; though the Queen on the newes of his condemnation, fwore by her wonted oath. That they were all knaves. And they deliver with affurance, That on his return to the Tower, after his Triall, he faid in oathes and in fury to the Lieutenant Sir Owen Hopton, What, will the Queen fufFer her Brother to be offered up as a facrifice to the envy of my frisking adverfaries ? Which being made known to the Queen, and the Warrant for his execution tendered, and fomewhat enforced ; fhe refufed to fign it, and fwore he [s]hould not die, for he was an honef[t] and a faithfull man. And furely, though not altogether to fet up our reft and faith upon tradition, and upon old report, as that Sir Thomas Perrot his Father was a Gentleman of the Privy-Chamber to Henry the eight, and in the Court married a Lady of great honour, of the Kings familiarity, which are prefumptions of fome implication : But if we goe a little further, and compare his pidlure, his qualities, gefture, and voyce, with that of the Kings, which memory retains yet amongft us, they will plead ftrongly, that he was a fubrepticious [ie surreptitious ie bastard natural] child of the bloud Royall.
Source, his actual book:
The gist of this debate should perhaps go like this?
1. WP says what Naunton said about his wife's grandfather, ie quote from the book, in say one paragraph. This is the gold standard of the claim.
2. WP says what the "Destruction of a Myth" essay says, in say one paragraph. This is the gold standard refutation.
3. WP says what the original contemporary literature said, pro or con, within say ~5 years of the original claim, which will include lies and agenda on both sides but also context and the primacy of recency and skin in the game. Nothing since has any.
WP should be careful not to take a position or do original work. This is an encyclopedia. Bear in mind that the claim of royal descent was not made, like many, in the 19th and 20th centuries by say greedy Americans who wanted their children to get into Princeton or be marriageable into the British aristocracy despite being lowborn merely new rich etc. Ten thousand such fake royal pedigrees were ginned up and sold to people who literally didn't know any better. It was imaginary. Conversely, Naunton, publishing when people didn't have to imagine... they could remember the king and his mistresses and his lookalikes. Of which there were very many.
Separately, consider also that Naunton's wife, Penelope Perrot had a voice and vote. Are you familiar with who she and her immediate ancestors are on her mother's side?
This is one of the most powerful families in history, nevermind England. Shakespeare writes about them and their ancestors. A lot. Penelope Perrot is named, by her mother Dorothy Devereuxs, for Penelope's namesake aunt Penelope Devereuxs... better known as Penelope Rich. Look her up. She's the most scandalized and yet paradoxically scandal-proof woman alive in her generation. She literally personally orchestrates a rebellion a Queen Elizabeth, that gets her brother (Robert the earl of Essex) decapitated. But not her. People are writing poems about her promiscuity and indeed she is notoriously popping out babies during her marriage which are not begat by her husband, Rich. Who is one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the kingdom (his family judicially-killed Sir Thomas More, the Saint, on purpose, among many others). Penelope Devereuxs-Rich-Blount "skates" through this like she's coated in Teflon. Even her doomed brother is amazed, and angry.
Double click on this Devereuxs family. Who are they? Well, they include the Sidneys, the Dudleys, the Knollys. This would be not the metaphorical equivalent of the Poet Laureate, the Medal of Honor winning warrior, and the most celebtrity-famous and spectacularly gorgeous women in the kingdom (who are not the queen) but rather, in fact actually that. Not like that. Just: that. If Tom Brady the NFL superstar married Ivanka Trump and their child were say Jacob Collier or Mozart, and he had a bastard lovechild with Taylor Swift, who was say Colin McGregor the MMA fighter but also simultaneously Elon Musk the billionare... OK that is approximately how successful, talented, and powerful this family is. And we're going to criticize Naunton for being a "gossip" as if he's some dolt on social media talking trash about J Lo and Ben Affleck's third marriage? Ahh, no.
Lastly, Lettice Knollys (Penelope Perrot's grandmother) is herself is definitely the daughter of Catherine Carey, the bastard of Henry VIII by Mary Boleyn, later Queen Anne Boleyn's older sister. This means, among very many other things that if Naunton is telling the truth about the family lore about Sir John Perrot being the bastard of Henry VIII by Mary Berkeley, then Penelope Perrot-Naunton is descended from Henry VIII on both sides: the king would be her great-grandfather on her father's side, and her great-great-grandfather on her mother's side. At least twice.
It is also not impossible there's more, because Lettice's other ancestress Anne Stafford, Countess of Northumberland, was definitely sleeping with the king while married and during the years she was having children... whose names included the royal family's names (eg Catherine, Henry, Mary, William, Edward etc) but also conspicuously Dorothy which descends from Anne Stafford-Hastings's daughter Dorothy Hastings-Devereuxs down to Dorothy Devereuxs-Perrot-Percy who names her daughters Penelope Devereuxs-Naunton and Dorothy Percy-Sidney. Percy? Yes, Henry Percy, the "Wizard Earl" namesake of Hotspur whom Shakespeare writes eloquently about.
Note that when Naunton is writing his book circa 1634 (published only in 1641) it's his in-law Percy who has just passed away about 18 months before. Where had Percy been for SIXTEEN YEARS? In the Tower of London for merely being suspected, nevermind proven, of harboring or misprisioning (ie knowing about but not reporting) rebellious claims on the throne by members of this very family. And we think Naunton is a gossip? The book is on sale literally during a Civil War. I think this society had larger fish to fry than merely gossip. Just saying aloud nevermind printing and selling these ideas is a great way to get a sixteen year vacation to a castle jail cell with no mod cons; or a one-way ticket to Traitors' Gate where you will soon literally be breathless.
Good luck with your work, and don't forget to have fun! Your readers will too. Your volunteering is making a permanent difference for posterity. 2600:4040:5AEF:B400:1425:FD29:BA1A:9498 (talk) 23:32, 5 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]