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Talk:Aria (manga)

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Good articleAria (manga) has been listed as one of the Language and literature good articles under the good article criteria. If you can improve it further, please do so. If it no longer meets these criteria, you can reassess it.
Article milestones
March 6, 2021Good article nomineeNot listed
March 6, 2021Good article nomineeListed
Did You Know
A fact from this article appeared on Wikipedia's Main Page in the "Did you know?" column on March 19, 2021.
The text of the entry was: Did you know ... that many locations in the manga Aria are based on real-life Venice?
Current status: Good article

Manga reviews compendium


A place to collect additional reviews of the manga (since we have a separate section of for anime reviews), until such time as someone can digest them into the article:

Comment: While it's unclear if that website is RS the reviewer David Rasmussen qualifies as an expert with reviews on manga life see David Rasmussen's contribs for Manga Life
I have to admit, I kinda have my doubts about this one. Should we take it to the Project for other opinions? —Quasirandom (talk) 14:31, 29 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I had doubts too so i made my own inquiry. The website isn't RS lacking any evidence but the reviewer is another question altogether knowing he wrote for a RS website and not only once. To be true i'm not uber fan of those refs as they are that reviewer earlier works (2004-2005) while his contributions for Manga life are around 2007-2008 so i won't complain if those are not used in the reception part. At least we could have said we assessed thoroughly the source. --KrebMarkt 17:11, 29 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Both uses of this source, there's at least one other reference also supporting the statement, so it's not like it's crucial. Especially given all these others we still haven't incorporated. —Quasirandom (talk) 17:43, 29 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I just have received the Comics Journal issue #269 on Shojo manga and guess what: Aria is covered as Shojo. So we might lost a source but we also get one very RS in comics field --KrebMarkt 18:45, 29 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

As usual, everyone feel free to add more. —Quasirandom (talk) 03:46, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I saw that one but didn't put it on board because it didn't have the WP:RS fell. I will had more when opportunities appear.
For the manga remaining navigation titles leave it as it is now. Titles will comes eventually --KrebMarkt 09:14, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
We should be done with nihongo titles got the titles from here : http://polynik.tistory.com/97 KrebMarkt 15:50, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
PopCultureShock counts as mostly reliable, as best I can tell. They're a step up from being just a group blog -- about the same as T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews. Good job on the kanji titles -- now all we need is somone to transcribe to romanji (though that's not essential at first). And, as you say, English translations to come out. —Quasirandom (talk) 20:01, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Ah, here we go: a Mania review of Aqua v1 notes Tokyopop's translation differences with Aika's catchphrase, and the disappointment. (The reviewer also notes that Aqua and Aria aren't prequel and sequel, but a continuation under a different title, but the wording makes me suspect she got that from here.) —Quasirandom (talk) 21:58, 14 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Comment We should stroke the used reviews Adding number of times each refs is used seems better.
Posssibly once I've finished my rereview of what we're using and how: my workspace is here. And I see you've collected some I hadn't found -- whee! I'll see what I can do about making this my priority (as opposed to dinking about with cleanup projects) but I'm kinda under deadlines in that real life thing and may not finish this week. —Quasirandom (talk) 19:56, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Real life first ;)
By the way have you read about the Aria v4 out of print incident ? Here KrebMarkt 20:37, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
That would explain why Amazon hasn't shipped my copy yet. We should update the pub date in our list, using that as the source. —Quasirandom (talk) 23:25, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
ADV edition owners caught-up with the TP release that explained the sudden out-off-print of vol 4. KrebMarkt 06:38, 4 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Not exactly sure if you can add this into the article, but Aria came in 4th in the 2007 reader's poll for best new shojo series on About.com.[1] Kaguya-chan (talk) 19:32, 7 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks :)
Ping Quasirandom. With now 3 mentions of the series as Shōjo manga do you think this warrant a mention somewhere in the article? --KrebMarkt 21:14, 7 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks indeed. And yeah, I think it should be called out, possibly at the top of the English manga reception, that several reviewers identified the series as shoujo. —Quasirandom (talk) 00:35, 8 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Updated --KrebMarkt 18:50, 27 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

French coverages


Aqua 1, G. Colié, 05 January 2007, BD Gest'


Graphiquement, l’auteur a clairement voulu souligner cette ambiance lente et paisible. Autour de personnages séduisants et bien campés, les décors sont aussi éthérés que détaillés. L’eau envahit jusqu’aux maisons, laissant apercevoir en son fond d’anciennes barques envahies par les algues et la faune locale. Aucune faute de goût, donc, pour un volume décidemment plaisant…

Qu’il est agréable de se poser parfois, une boisson fraîche à la main, et de déguster un manga paisible et bucolique. Ici, pas de méchant, pas de combats, même les actions évoluent au rythme de la ville : flottantes et imprécises. Et c’est bien là toute la justesse de ce titre, dont l’aspect très vie de tous les jours peut dérouter autant que séduire. À classer quelque part entre Yotsuba & et Yokohama Kaidashi Kikô.

With the artwork, the author wanted to highlight the slow and peaceful ambiance. Around the well-built and appealing characters, the backgrounds are both ethereal and detailed. Inside flooded houses, we see sunken boats invaded by algae and local fauna. This is no fault of taste, as the volume is decidedly pleasant...
How pleasant it is sometimes to take a break, a fresh drink in hand, and taste a peaceful and bucolic manga. Here, there is no meanness, no combats, just stories evolving with the rhythm of the city: floating and timeless. And here is the full accuracy of this title, which the daily life aspect can set one aback as much as seduce. To be classed as somewhere between Yotsuba&! and Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō.

Aria 1, G. Colié, 05 January 2007, BD Gest'


Et au final, ces historiettes à fleur d’eau, juchées sur des gondoles, confinent à une simplicité et une pureté si totale que le lecteur en sort soit profondément ennuyé, soit résolument charmé.

Totalement hors du commun, Aria creuse son propre style, lent, bucolique et apaisant, et laisse la frénésie à ses concurrents. À découvrir, en se munissant évidemment des deux volumes de Aqua.

In the end, these stories, riding on gondolas just above the water, border on a simplicity and purity so absolute that the reader ends up either deeply bored or resolutely charmed.
Totally out of the common way, Aria follows its own style, slow, bucolic, and peaceful, leaving frenzy to other works. Worth noticing, along with, of course, the two volumes of Aqua.

Aria 1, Manga News


on entre sans difficulté dans cette merveille que nous apporte Kozure Amano. La série est résolument positive et drôle. Magnifiquement illustrée pour un chef d’œuvre de simplicité. Que du bonheur à lire et à faire partager.

We enter without difficulty into that wonder brought to us by Kozue Amano. The series is resolutely positive and funny. Magnificently illustrated for a masterpiece of simplicity. A happiness to be read and shared.

Aqua, Manga Sanctuary


Aqua est le genre de manga qui attire rien qu'en voyant la couverture.

Aqua n'a d'intérêt que par ses dessins vraiment magnifiques il faut le reconnaître.

Aqua étant présenté comme une introduction à Aria, espérons que cette dernière saura captiver l'attention des lecteurs avec un peu de mouvement côté histoire.

Je pense que certains pourront y trouver leur compte s'ils ont juste envie de passer le temps de manière agréable et reposante sans même espérer un vrai scénario.

Pour les autres, je pense que cette série ne leur apportera pas grand chose...mis à part des dessins à contempler sans retenue.

Aqua is the kind of manga to catch your attention just seeing its cover.
It should be acknowledged that Aqua is interesting only by its really magnificent art.
Aqua is presented as an introduction to Aria, and we hope that in the latter [Kozue Amano] will know to captivate the reader's attention with more action, story-wise.
I think that some will find it worthwhile, if they just want to spend some time in a pleasant and refreshing way without hoping for a real story.
For others, I think that this series won't give them much ... aside from art one can contemplate without restraint.

Aqua 1-2, 28 January 2008, Manga Sanctuary


Ne vous attendez pas à tomber sur un scenario de science-fiction profond, car il n'en est rien. L'histoire, très simple et secondaire, est surtout un prétexte pour montrer l'évolution et les aventures d'une jeune demoiselle attachante, dans une ville bordée de toutes parts par les eaux, de son univers mystérieux, de ses ruelles, ses canaux, ses traditions... tout est fait pour que le lecteur s'évade dans ce monde calme, magnifique et poétique. Et les somptueux dessins de Kozue Amano remplissent parfaitement leur rôle.

Aqua ne brille pas par son scénario, loin de là , il s'agit avant tout d'une oeuvre fraiche, légère et poétique qui invite au rêve. Une oeuvre atypique à laquelle tout le monde n'accrochera pas, mais qui est à mon avis à essayer.

Aqua est la prequel d'Aria, mais est un oeuvre qui peut se suffire à elle-même. Alors, pour seulement 2 tomes, laissez-vous tenter par le voyage sur Neo-Venezia que vous propose ce manga atypique. Et si ça vous plait, vous pourrez faire durer le plaisir avec Aria. En ce qui me concerne, je suis conquis.

Don't hold your breath hoping to sink into a deep science fiction scenario, as this isn't one. The story is very simple and secondary, essentially a pretext to show the development and adventures of a young woman in a city surrounded by water, its mysterious world, its streets, its canals, its traditions... Everything is done to help the reader escape to this calm, majestic, and poetic word. And the sumptuous drawings of Kozue Amano perfectly fulfill this role.
Aqua doesn't shine by its premise -- far from that -- but above all it's a fresh, light, and poetic work which invites one to dream. An atypical work which will not hook everyone, but in my opinion should be tried.
Aqua is the prequel of Aria, but this work can be read alone. With only two volumes, it lets you be tempted by the voyage to Neo-Venezia, which is the goal of this atypical work -- and if you enjoy it, you can make the pleasure last with Aria. Personally, I'm sold.

Comment: There are more reviews and coverage available like the dossier on Aria on Manga News.com but we have time :p --KrebMarkt 18:34, 23 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]



In ARIA, the underground world of Albert is potentially based on the "navigable levels" of Worsley Delph, an early industrial era underground boating canal system near West Manchester, that spans 46 miles. (talk) 12:36, 19 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

This is either original research or purely POV. Feel free to edit the article if you have an actual reliable source for this idea. -- JoannaSerah (talk) 14:25, 20 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

174.5 million gondolas coming through.


The ARIA manga franchise apparently had a total sales of 4.5 million (tankobon booklets?) plus appeared in 170 million copies of the Monthly Comic Blade magazine until the series' conclusion in December 2008, according to this news website: http://m.izu-np.co.jp/ito/news/20151228iz0000000005000c.html#

" ...  同市内にあるという設定の高校で、ダイビング部に所属する生徒たちの青春ドラマ。同市出身でプロのインストラクターを目指す小日向光と、高校入学と同時に東京都から同市に引っ越してきた大木双葉の2人の少女を中心に、ダイビングの魅力や心の交流を描く。原作ではメンバーがダイビングを楽しむ富戸港のほか、城ケ崎海岸や伊豆高原桜並木などの名所、按針祭海の花火大会や秋祭りのみこしの海上渡御などイベントも描かれている。08年からマッグガーデン社の雑誌「コミックブレイド」で連載中。累計発行部数は170万部(12月現在)。

 原作者の天野さんは、同年まで連載していた前作「ARIA」で累計450万部を売り上げ、3度のテレビアニメ化も果たした人気作家。たびたび伊東を訪れ、自身のソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス(SNS)でイベントや菓子を紹介している。... "

If the info is correct, it could go into the article, but I can't know if maybe Google Translate reads the texts incorrectly? (talk) 00:33, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

GA Review

GA toolbox
This review is transcluded from Talk:Aria (manga)/GA1. The edit link for this section can be used to add comments to the review.

Reviewer: Link20XX (talk · contribs) 13:51, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Hey I will be reviewing this article, though this article is huge so it will definitely take awhile. Link20XX (talk) 13:51, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@0qd: Hello and thanks for your good article nomination. Unfortunately, this article does not meet the good article criteria. Here is why:

Unsourced/poorly sourced statements

  • The Nozomi page doesn't call the series a science-fiction
    • It does, but under the "Details" tab. I've adjusted the URL to match it exactly to prevent confusion.
  • Reference 17, 26, and 27 give url errors
    • Fixed 17 and 27. 26 does not give a URL error, perhaps you had the wrong ref number?
  • Anna, Ayumi K. Jasmine, and Azusa B. McLaren, Atora Monteverdi, Anzu Yumeno, and Anya Dostoyevskaya's voice actors are not cited.
    • Fixed.
  • This needs a source: Her name comes from Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland.
    • Removed this part as I can't find a source and it's not exactly relevant to the character in the first place.
  • "Aqua and Aria were adapted by Hal Film Maker as a 54-episode anime television series comprising two seasons titled Aria the Animation and Aria the Natural, an original video animation (OVA) titled Aria the OVA: Arietta, and a third season titled Aria the Origination. The series was directed by Junichi Sato with character designs by Makoto Koga, and broadcast on the TV Tokyo Network between 2005 and 2008." That entire section is not cited
    • Fixed.
  • The infobox says Siren Visual released it in Australia, but that isn't mentioned in Media?
    • Added.
  • Ref 108 is a not found link
    • Fixed.
  • This line needs a Citation: "Additional drama CDs were included as bonus materials for each volume of Aria Perfect Guide."
    • Fixed.
  • Reference 147 is a not found link
    • I believe you meant 146, as 147 is in fact a working link. Fixed.
  • On Reference 43, use the cite tweet formula instead of just a link
    • Fixed.
  • For the non-English licenses, sources 92-93, 94-95, 96-97, 98-99, 103-104, and 115-116 are the same source two times in a row, which is unnecessary
    • I believe these are necessary as Aqua and Aria were both licensed separately, yet are part of the same franchise. Aqua was the precursor to Aria.

Other Reasons

  • No sources are needed in the lead
    • Fixed.
  • Tankoban should be italicized
    • Fixed.
  • You don't need a source to show the manga is in the Shonen demographic, thats determined by the magazine
    • Fixed.
  • Aria the Benedizione project should be in the infobox
    • Added. I didn't add it before due to quite literally no information being revealed about it as of yet, but I added it by your advice.
  • President Hime M. Granzchesta doesn't have an English voice actor listed
    • They did not have an English voice actor.
  • the bottom paragraph should be above the licenses, and the part about the Italian broadcast should be in the same paragraph but below the English licenses
    • Believe I fixed it, but confused as to what you mean. Can you check?
  • Radio CDs section has a "when" tag.
    • Fixed. 144 cites the date.

Final verdict


Unfortunately, for the reasons listed above, this article does not pass this review. Despite that, the Story, Development, Terms and other plot summaries in the article are truly spectacular and some of the best written stuff I've read on Wikipedia. So don't get discouraged; you definitely have made improvements, just not enough yet. If you need help with researching or anything else of the sort, you can reach me on my talk page and I will happily help out. You may renominate this article in the future once it has been improved to meet the criteria, and if you do I will gladly review it again. Link20XX (talk) 19:05, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

  • @Link20XX: Thank you for your review, Link. I greatly appreciate how painstakingly you looked at the article as I feel it's helped to greatly improve its quality. I've renominated the article and would like to take you up on your offer to re-review it if you're available. Thank you. 0qd (talk) 20:57, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

GA Review

GA toolbox
This review is transcluded from Talk:Aria (manga)/GA2. The edit link for this section can be used to add comments to the review.

Reviewer: Link20XX (talk · contribs) 21:00, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Alright. This has been renominated after it previously did not pass the criteria. I will look at it once again and see if it now passes the criteria. Link20XX (talk) 21:01, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@0qd: I have completed my initial review, and I must say the improvements made are clear. You definitely followed my advice, just a few small things before I can promote this (you can make the changes here, I won't fail it).



Is it well written?

  1. A. The prose is clear and concise, and the spelling and grammar are correct:
    B. It complies with the manual of style guidelines for lead sections, layout, words to watch, fiction, and list incorporation:
  2. Is it verifiable with no original research?
    A. It contains a list of all references (sources of information), presented in accordance with the layout style guideline:
    B. All in-line citations are from reliable sources, including those for direct quotations, statistics, published opinion, counter-intuitive or controversial statements that are challenged or likely to be challenged, and contentious material relating to living persons—science-based articles should follow the scientific citation guidelines:
    C. It contains no original research:
    D. It contains no copyright violations nor plagiarism:
  3. Is it broad in its coverage?
    A. It addresses the main aspects of the topic:
    B. It stays focused on the topic without going into unnecessary detail (see summary style):
  4. Is it neutral?
    It represents viewpoints fairly and without editorial bias, giving due weight to each:
  5. Is it stable?
    It does not change significantly from day to day because of an ongoing edit war or content dispute:
  6. Is it illustrated, if possible, by images?
    A. Images are tagged with their copyright status, and valid fair use rationales are provided for non-free content:
    B. Images are relevant to the topic, and have suitable captions:
  7. Overall:
    Pass or Fail:




  • Source 20 is still a 404 error, but since source 21 has the information, is it even needed?
    • Changed source 20 to an archive link and removed one redundant usage of it. It works for me, but I assume it's blocked due to a geo-block.
  • Anime News Network's encyclopedia and Voice Actor Database are not reliable sources since anyone can edit them, so you need a different source
    • The JP voice actor database is considered reliable, but I have changed the ANN encyclopedia links. See here.
  • The part about Siren Visual's license should be in the same paragraph as Nozomi's, since Australia is also an English speaking majority territory.
    • It's already in the same paragraph.
  • Reference 173 needs a better archive url
    • Fixed.
  • The url for the Mag Garden sources appear to be a not found error. Maybe get archive urls for them?
    • Fixed.
  • Monthly Undine is as of March 2008? Maybe you should update it?
    • Updated.
  • I'm also getting a 404 error for reference 214.
    • Converted to archive link. Assuming this is a geo-block again.
  • 223 also needs an archive url
    • Fixed.

That is all. Once each is addressed, I will promote it. Link20XX (talk) 21:56, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@0qd: Just a couple more things (this is it I promise): One, in Reception, 4 citations are used in a row, which violates WP:CITEOVERKILL, and 2, there is an unassigned url in the The President Cat Picture books subsection of Media. Fix those and I will pass it. Side note but jeez this is the second time I have run into geo-blocking today on Wikipedia. Link20XX (talk) 23:40, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@0qd: Alright. All of my issues have been fixed, so as promised, the article is now a GA. Congratulations! You worked very hard for this, and certainly deserve it. The result of this review is Pass. Link20XX (talk) 23:57, 6 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Did you know nomination

The following is an archived discussion of the DYK nomination of the article below. Please do not modify this page. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page (such as this nomination's talk page, the article's talk page or Wikipedia talk:Did you know), unless there is consensus to re-open the discussion at this page. No further edits should be made to this page.

The result was: promoted by DanCherek (talk20:42, 14 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

  • ... that many locations in the Aria manga are based on real-life Venice? Source: "...including St. Mark's Square, Doge's Palace, Bridge of Sighs, Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo, Rialto Bridge, and Burano island."
    • ALT1:... that the calendar in the Aria manga is based on that of Mars? Source: Amano, Kozue (February 2008). "Navigation 06: My First Customer". Aqua volume 2. Tokyopop. p. 7. ISBN 978-1-4278-0313-9.

Improved to Good Article status by 0qd (talk). Self-nominated at 20:09, 8 March 2021 (UTC).[reply]

  • This article is a newly promoted GA and meets the newness and length criteria. The hook facts are cited inline and either hook could be used, the article is neutral and I detected no copyright issues. A QPQ has been done. Cwmhiraeth (talk) 11:08, 14 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Terms section


The Terms section was removed in 1278218391; this created broken links within the article, as terms were used elsewhere in the article and defined via links to the Terms section. As such, I have reverted this edit, re-adding Terms.

Some thoughts:

  • The Terms section in this article is NOT a discussion of a fictional work from an in-universe perspective; it's merely a glossary that defines terms which are used in the plot summaries and elsewhere. Its use allows those sections to be streamlined and made more concise and readable.
  • This article was previously reviewed for and eventually granted Good Article status, and the reviewer specifically praised the use of the Terms section in particular.
  • More generally, before removing an entire section of any article, one really ought to:
    • Discuss it in the Talk section before making unilateral decisions.
    • Double-check that it doesn't create broken links within the article.
    • Double-check that the rest of the article, in its entirety, still has sufficient context for a reader to understand everything that's discussed.
    • Double-check that the article didn't receive praise from a GA reviewer specifically for the section you intend to remove.

If you still feel this section should be removed, please discuss it here first, and be prepared not just to delete it, but to then re-write the sections that relied on it to define the terms they used, and to proof-read the entire article before submitting.

Thanks. 2607:F820:42:0:0:0:0:2B (talk) 12:06, 24 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]