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Talk:Academic grading in Sweden

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This article could probably do with a little better structuring. Tomas e (talk) 12:07, 13 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Better sources


The article is currenty marked as needing better/more sources. I would personally suggest the following as a starting points (note that translations may be a bit wonky):

Grading system

  1. Sätta betyg i grundskolan (en. Grading in compulsory school) - https://www.skolverket.se/undervisning/grundskolan/betyg-i-grundskolan/satta-betyg-i-grundskolan
  2. Betyg i årskurs 6 (en. Grades in sixth grade) https://www.skolverket.se/publikationer?id=8710

Legal rights

  1. Skolplikt och rätt till utbildning (en. Compulsory schooling and right to education) - https://www.skolverket.se/regler-och-ansvar/ansvar-i-skolfragor/skolplikt-och-ratt-till-utbildning
  2. Nyanländas rätt till utbildning (en. New arrivals' right to education) - https://www.skolverket.se/regler-och-ansvar/ansvar-i-skolfragor/nyanlandas-ratt-till-utbildning

History of grading

  1. Statens offentliga utrednigar 1992:86: Ett nytt betygssystem (en. The state's official investigations 1922:86: A new grading system) - https://lagen.nu/sou/1992:86

The links are mostly from Skolverket, which is probably as reliable a source as you can get when it comes to education in Sweden (though if anyone has something from the ministry, feel free to suggest that too). Feel free to reply with more suggestions for sources, since I, for some reason, desire to remove that notice of requiring additional citations. Heck, I might even do the same with the swedish version.

Teccthedev (talk) 10:12, 29 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]