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Swedish Sailing Federation

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Swedish Sailing Federation
IOC nationSweden (SWE)
National flagSweden
Official websitewww.svensksegling.se
Year of formation1905
Former names1907
International federationWorld Sailing (WS)
WS members pagewww.sailing.org/about-isaf/mna/sweden.php
National Olympic CommitteeSwedish Olympic Committee[1]
National Paralympic CommitteeSwedish Paralympic Committee
PresidentOlof Granander
  • af Pontins väg 6
  • SE-115 21
  • Stockholm
Secretary GeneralMarie Björling Duell
Olympic team managerMagnus Grävare
Company statusAssociation

The Swedish Sailing Federation (Swedish: Svenska Seglarförbundet, SSF) is the national governing body for the sport of sailing in Sweden, recognised by World Sailing.[2]



The Swedish Sailing Federation was founded on 16 December 1905 on initiative from the Royal Swedish Yacht Club, after discussions had been held about a formation since 1904 by 17 yacht clubs.[3] Among the yacht clubs at the first meeting in 1905 were the Royal Swedish Yacht Club, the Royal Gothenburg Yacht Club, Jönköpings Segelsällskap [sv], Westerås Segelsällskap [sv], Karlstads Segelsällskap [sv], Söderhamns Segelsällskap, Norrköpings Segelsällskap, Lidingö Segelsällskap, Segelsällskapet Æolus, Segelsällskapet Viken, Segelsällskapet Götarne, Segelsällskapet Svearna [sv], Stockholms Segelsällskap [sv], and Vaxholms Segelsällskap.[4] The first chairman was R. Öhnell 1905–1907.[3]

In 1907, the Swedish Sailing Federation was one of the founders of the International Yacht Racing Union together with Austria-Hungary, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Spain, and Switzerland.[5] In 1908, K. Ljungberg took over as the chairman, followed by Oscar Holtermann 1909—1921.[3] In 1915, the Swedish Sailing Federation, the Royal Danish Yacht Club and Royal Norwegian Yacht Club founded the Scandinavian Yacht Racing Union.[6][3] From 1922 to 1937, Rolf von Heidenstam [sv] was the chairman of the federation.[3]

In the first half of the 20th century, yacht clubs were also affiliated to more local federations, e.g. Mälarens Seglarförbund, Hanöbuktens Seglarförbund, Ostkustens Seglarförening, Saltsjöns Seglarförbund, Vänerns Seglarförbund, and Vätterns Seglarförbund, that were not associated with the Swedish Sailing Federation.[3]

In 1960, the Swedish Sailing Federation joined the Swedish Sports Confederation; in the same meeting Gudmund Silfverstolpe was elected chairman of the federation.[7]

In 2004, Stefan Rahm was appointed secretary-general.[8] Later in the year, Magnus Grävare was appointed national team coach for after Björn Johansson.[9] The following year, the senior national team, the development national team and the youth national team was merged into one team.[10]

In 2016, Anders Selling was elected chairman of the federation.[11] In 2017, Marie Björling Duell was appointed secretary-general after Rahm.[12] In 2021, Olof Granander [sv] was elected chairman.[13]


Albin Express in 2020
150 m2 skerry cruiser Singoalla in 1922

The following class organisations are affiliated to the Swedish Sailing Federation:[14]

The Swedish Sailing Federation also administers the rating system SRS.[15]



National team

As of 18 February 2025[16]

Hall of fame


In 2011, the Swedish Sailing Federation introduced its own hall of fame, members are:[17]

Notable sailors


See Category:Swedish sailors

Olympic sailing


See Category:Olympic sailors for Sweden

Offshore sailing


See Category:Swedish sailors (sport)

Yacht clubs


See Category:Yacht clubs in Sweden


  1. ^ "Segling – Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté". Swedish Olympic Committee. 22 February 2014. Archived from the original on 22 February 2014.
  2. ^ "Swedish Sailing Federation". Archived from the original on 27 June 2012.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Hellström, Johan Sixten; Thunvik, Sten (1946). "Seglarförbund". Nordisk familjeboks sportlexikon: uppslagsverk för sport, gymnastik och friluftsliv. Band 6 S–Övrevoll (in Swedish). Stockholm: Nordisk familjeboks förlag. pp. 148–150.
  4. ^ "Seglardagen". Svenska Dagbladet. 17 December 1905. p. 12.
  5. ^ "History". World Sailing.
  6. ^ "About Nordic Sailing Federation". Nordic Sailing Federation.
  7. ^ "Seglarna rekordsnabbt till RF – Salén och Gedda guldbelönade". Svenska Dagbladet. 28 November 1960. p. 21.
  8. ^ "Stefans sista strid". Expressen. 9 July 2004.
  9. ^ "Segling: Magnus Grävare ny förbundsskapten". Expressen. 16 December 2004.
  10. ^ "Seglarna får ett enda landslag". Expressen. 2 March 2005.
  11. ^ "Anders Selling ny ordförande i Svenska Seglarförbundet". searchmagazine.se. 7 April 2016.
  12. ^ "Kungsbackabo blir chef för svensk segling". svt.se. 22 February 2017.
  13. ^ "Olof Granander tar över rodret". searchmagazine.se. 7 April 2021.
  14. ^ "Klassförbund". Swedish Sailing Federation.
  15. ^ "SRS in English". Swedish Sailing Federation.
  16. ^ "SWE Sailing Team". Swedish Sailing Federation.
  17. ^ Hall of Fame, Swedish Sailing Federation.