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Stephen Tanner

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Stephen Tanner
BornStephen Tanner

Stephen Tanner is an American author currently residing in Sierra Madre, California.

As a military historian and freelance writer, Tanner has produced the following books:

  • Afghanistan - A Military History from Alexander the Great to the War Against the Taliban (2002) According to WorldCat, the book is held in 1970 libraries [1] Reviewed in Times Literary Supplement[2]
    • Translated into Russian as Афганистан : история войн от Александра Македонского до падения "Талибана"
  • Epic Retreats: From 1776 to the Evacuation of Saigon;
  • Refuge from the Reich: American Airmen and Switzerland during World War II (2000) According to WorldCat, held in 689 libraries.[1] Reviewed in Journal of Military History.[3]
  • The wars of the Bushes : a father and son as military leaders.(2004) According to WorldCat, held in 450 libraries.[1]
    • Translated into Polish as Wojny Bushów : ojciec i syn jako zwierzchnicy sił zbrojnych
    • Translated into Chinese as 父子统帅:布什们的战争/父子統帥:布什們的戰爭, fù zǐ tǒng shuài: bù shí mén dí zhàn zhēng
    • Translated into Turkish as Bush'ların savaşları : askeri liderler olarak bir baba ve oğlun portresi
  • (with Samuel A Southworth) U.S. special forces : a guide to America's special operations units : the world's most elite fighting force (2002) Held in 308 libraries.[1]


  1. Tanner, Stephen. Afghanistan- A Military History from Alexander the Great to the War Against the Taliban 1st Ed,Cambridge:Da Capo Press, 2002.
  1. ^ a b c d WorldCat author entry
  2. ^ TLS, the Times literary supplement. (August 07, 2009): 8
  3. ^ Journal of military history, 65, Part 3 (2001): 842