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Poul Creek Formation

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Poul Creek Formation
Stratigraphic range: Paleogene
CountryUnited States

The Poul Creek Formation is a geologic formation in Alaska. It preserves fossils dating back to the Paleogene period.

Fossil content

Color key
Taxon Reclassified taxon Taxon falsely reported as present Dubious taxon or junior synonym Ichnotaxon Ootaxon Morphotaxon
Uncertain or tentative taxa are in small text; crossed out taxa are discredited.


Mammals reported from the Poul Creek Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Arktocara[1] A. yakataga Yakutat City Incomplete skull (USNM 214830) A platanistoid dolphin


Crustaceans reported from the Poul Creek Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Branchioplax[2] B. washingtoniana Bering Lake One specimen (USNM 431271) A mathildellid crab
Eumorphocorystes[2] E. naselensis Kayak Island Five specimens A raninid crab
Orbitoplax[2] O. plafkeri Wingham Island Eight specimens A euryplacid crab
Portunites[2] P. alaskensis
  • Bering Lake
  • Kayak Island
Five specimens A portunoid crab




Bivalves reported from the Poul Creek Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Cardium[3] C. (Ceratoderma) yakatagensis Yakataga anticline One specimen A cardiid
C. (Laevicardium) alaskensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A cardiid
C. (Papyridea) brooksi Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A cardiid
C. (Serripes?) hamiltonensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A cardiid
Chione[3] C. cf. cryptolineata Yakataga anticline One specimen A venerid
C. securis alaskensis Yakataga anticline One specimen A venerid
Heterodonax[3] H. sp. Yakataga anticline One specimen A psammobiid
Hiatella[3] H. arctica Yakataga anticline One specimen A hiatellid, originally reported as Saxicava pholadis
Leda[3] L. fossa Yakataga anticline One specimen Reassigned to the genus Nuculana
Macoma[3] M. cf. middendorffi Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A tellinid
M. cf. secta Yakataga anticline Two specimens A tellinid
Macrocallista[3] M. pittsburgensis Yakataga anticline Several specimens A venerid
M.? rearensis Yakataga anticline One specimen A venerid
Mactra[3] M. (Mactrotoma) californica equilateralis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A mactrid
Mya[3] M. salmonensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A myid
M. truncata Yakataga anticline One specimen A myid
Nucula[3] N. (Acila) gettysburgensis alaskensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A nuculid
N. (Acila) hamiltonensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A nuculid
N. (Acila) yakatagensis Yakataga anticline One specimen A nuculid
Nuculana[3] N. fossa Yakataga anticline One specimen A nuculanid, originally reported as Leda fossa
Pandora[3] P. (Kennerlia) yakatagensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A pandorid
Panomya[3] P. (Arctica) turgida Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A hiatellid
P. sp. Yakataga anticline One specimen A hiatellid
Pecten[3] P. (Patinopecten) yakatagensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A pectinid
Phacoides[3] P. cf. columbianum Yakataga anticline Two specimens A lucinid
Pitaria[3] P. (Katherinella) arnoldi Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A venerid
Saxicava[3] S. pholadis One specimen Junior synonym of Hiatella arctica
Schizothaerus[3] S. nuttallii Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A mactrid
S. trapezoides Yakataga anticline Two specimens A mactrid
Spisula[3] S. ramonensis Yakataga anticline Several specimens A mactrid
Tellina[3] T. sp. Yakataga anticline Two specimens A tellinid
Thracia[3] T. schencki Yakataga anticline Numerous specimens A thraciid
Thyasira[3] T. bisecta Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A thyasirid
Venericardia[3] V. hamiltonensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A carditid
V. yakatagensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A carditid
Yoldia[3] Y. indet. Yakataga anticline An imperfect cast A yoldiid


Cephalopods reported from the Poul Creek Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Aturia[3] A. angusta alaskensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A nautiloid


Gastropods reported from the Poul Creek Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Argobuccinum[3] A. sp. Yakataga anticline Several imperfect specimens A cymatiid
Bathybembix[3] B. turbonata Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens An eucyclid, originally reported as Turcicula turbonata
Cancellaria[3] C. (Progabbi) alaskensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A cancellariid
Colus[3] C. rearensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A colid
Epitonium[3] E. (Boreoscala) cf. groenlandica Yakataga anticline An imperfect specimen An epitoniid
Fusinus[3] F. cf. hannibali Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A fasciolariid
Galeodea[3] G. apta Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A cassid
Haminoea[3] H. sp. Yakataga anticline One specimen A haminoeid
Natica[3] N. (Cryptonatica) sp. Yakataga anticline One specimen A naticid
Neptunea[3] N. aff. tabulatus Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A buccinid
Polinices[3] P. (Euspira) cf. galianoi Yakataga anticline Several specimens A naticid
P. (Euspira) ramonensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A naticid
Psephaea[3] P. corrugata Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A volutid
Scaphander[3] S. alaskensis Yakataga anticline One specimen A scaphandrid
Turcicula[3] T. turbonata Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens Moved to the genus Bathybembix
Turritella[3] T. hamiltonensis Yakataga anticline Multiple specimens A turritellid
T. cf. porterensis Yakataga anticline Numerous specimens A turritellid
T. sp. Yakataga anticline One specimen A turritellid

See also



  1. ^ Boersma, Alexandra T.; Pyenson, Nicholas D. (2016-08-16). "Arktocara yakataga, a new fossil odontocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Oligocene of Alaska and the antiquity of Platanistoidea". PeerJ. 4: e2321. doi:10.7717/peerj.2321. ISSN 2167-8359. PMC 4991871. PMID 27602287.
  2. ^ a b c d Tucker, Annette B.; Feldmann, Rodney M. (May 1990). "Fossil decapod crustaceans from the lower Tertiary of the Prince William Sound Region, Gulf of Alaska". Journal of Paleontology. 64 (3): 409–427. doi:10.1017/S0022336000018643. ISSN 0022-3360.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an CLARK, B. L. (1932-09-30). "Fauna of the Poul and Yakataga Formations (Upper Oligocene) of Southern Alaska". GSA Bulletin. 43 (3): 797–846. doi:10.1130/GSAB-43-797. ISSN 0016-7606.