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Phùng Hưng

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Phùng Hưng
Vietnamese name
VietnamesePhùng Hưng

Phùng Hưng (馮興, ? – 789/791) was a chief and military leader who briefly reigned over Protectorate General to Pacify the South during the 8th century.[1]

According to Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư (fascicle 6), Phùng Hưng, a native of Đường Lâm (in today's Hà Tây Province), was rich and possessed prodigious physical strength. In 791, Phùng Hưng and his brother, Phùng Hải, led a rebellion against the ruling Chinese Tang dynasty. Taking the advice of Đỗ Anh Hàn, the Phùng brothers laid siege to the headquarters of the Annam Protectorate, which was managed by the corrupt officer, Cao Chính Bình (Gao Zhengping). Facing the crisis, Cao Chính Bình caught an illness and died shortly after. Phùng Hưng then became ruler of the Protectorate. He ruled for 11 years and was succeeded by his son Phùng An.

Phùng Hưng is not mentioned in Tang works of history. In Tang Shu (fascicle 13) and Xin Tang Shu (fascicle 7), the rebellion is said to have been led by Đỗ Anh Hàn.

Phùng Hưng was known among the Vietnamese people as "Bố Cái Đại Vương" and was worshipped by fifteen communes. This level of reverence was even greater than that accorded to Vietnamese emperors throughout history.[2]

As to his posthumous title, which means “Great King” in Chinese, Phùng Hưng's title represented two Viet Han words. The title Bố Cái is equivalent to “Father and Mother” (i.e. as respectable as one's parents), but they may also represent Vua Cái, “Great King” (i.e. the meaning is expressed in two different languages).[3]


  1. ^ Anh Thư Hà, Hò̂ng Đức Trà̂n A brief chronology of Vietnam's history 2000 Page 27 "BỐ Cái Đại Vương (Phùng Hưng) (766-802) Phùng Hưng was initially a notable in Đường Lâm (Ba Vì, Hà Tây province). His father was a man of talent and good ethics, who took part in the rebellion led by Mai Hắc Đế. As a man of unusual..."
  2. ^ Keng, Hui-ling. "Yuenan Wenxian Yu Beizhi Ziliaozhong De Li Changjie 越南文獻與碑誌資料中的李常傑 (The Lý Thường Kiệt of Vietnamese Document and Stele Data)". Chaoyang University of Science and Technology Institutional Repository. Chaoyang University. Retrieved 12 January 2020.
  3. ^ DeFrancis, John Colonialism and Language Policy in Viet Nam . The Hague: Mouton, p. 21-22.