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Ministry of Housing and Residential Area

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Ministry of Housing and Residential Area of the Republic of Indonesia
Kementerian Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman Republik Indonesia
Ministry overview
  • 22 April 1978 (1978-04-22) as Office of the Junior Minister for Public Housing Affairs (under Department of Public Works)
  • 3 November 2009 (2009-11-3) as Ministry of Public Housing
JurisdictionGovernment of Indonesia
Minister responsible

The Ministry of Housing and Residential Area of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Kementerian Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman Republik Indonesia; abbreviated as KemenPKP) is an Indonesian government ministry that is responsible for housing and residential areas. The ministry reports to the president and is currently led by Maruarar Sirait, the Housing and Residential Area.


Logo of Ministry of Public Housing (2009–2014)

First established on 22 April 1978 as Office of the Junior Minister for Public Housing, under Department of Public Works. Then around five years later, the office is separated from Department of Public Works as Office of State Minister of Public Housing.

In 1999, the office was upgraded to the Department of Settlement and Regional Development on 29 October 1999. Then on 23 August 2000, a cabinet and department reshuffle was carried out. The function of public works nomenclature was merged into this department so that it became the Department of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure.[1] Four years late in 2004, this department became the Office of the Minister of State for Public Housing.

The Office of the State Minister was changed again to a Ministry of Public Housing on 3 November 2009 based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 47 of 2009.[2]

On 27 October 2014, the ministry was merged into the Ministry of Public Works. Ten years later on 21 October 2024, the ministry was separated again as Ministry of Housing and Residential Area.

Duties and functions


The ministry has the task of organizing government affairs in the field of housing and settlement area government subdivision which is the scope of government affairs in the field of public works to assist the president in organizing the government of the country. The Ministry carries out the following functions:[3]

  1. formulation, determination, and implementation of policies in the field of settlement area development, implementation of housing development in rural and urban areas, and implementation of governance and risk management;
  2. implementation of technical guidance and supervision over the implementation of the ministry's affairs;
  3. coordination of the implementation of tasks, coaching, and provision of administrative support to all elements of the organization within the ministry;
  4. management of state property/assets that are the responsibility of the ministry;
  5. supervision of the implementation of tasks within the ministry;
  6. implementation of substantive support to all elements of the organization within the ministry; and
  7. implementation of other functions assigned by the president.

Organizational structure


The organizational structure of the ministry consists of[3]

  1. Secretariat General
  2. Directorate General of Settlement Areas
  3. Directorate General of Rural Housing
  4. Directorate General of Urban Housing
  5. Directorate General of Governance and Risk Control
  6. Inspectorate General
  7. Expert Staff for Land Affairs, Integrated Development and Spatial Planning
  8. Expert Staff for Social, Economic, Cultural, Science and Technology, Industry and Environment
  9. Expert Staff for Inter-Institutional Relations
  10. Expert Staff for Financing Systems, Corruption Prevention and Community Empowerment

List of ministers

  1. Cosmas Batubara (1983–1988)[a]
  2. Siswono Yudohusodo (1998–1993)
  3. Akbar Tanjung (1993–1998)
  4. Theo L. Sambuaga (1998–1999)
  5. Erna Witoelar (1999–2001)
  6. Soenarno (2001–2004)
  7. M. Yusuf Asy'ari (2004–2009)
  8. Suharso Monoarfa (2009–2011)
  9. Djan Faridz (2011–2014)
  10. Maruarar Sirait (2024–present)


  1. ^ From 1978 to 1983 as Junior Minister


  1. ^ "Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia No. 234/M Tahun 2000, tertanggal 23 Agustus 2000". Archived from the original on 2007-08-19. Retrieved 2006-02-21.
  2. ^ "Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 47 Tahun 2009 tentang Pembentukan dan Organisasi Kementerian Negara" (in Indonesian).
  3. ^ a b Peraturan Presiden Republtk Indonesia Nomor 191 Tahun 2024 Tentang Kementerian Perumahan Dan Kawasan Permukiman