List of translators into English
- Samuel Butler
- George Chapman (Iliad, 1611; Odyssey, 1614–15)
- Albert Spaulding Cook
- William Cowper (complete, 1791)
- Robert Fagles
- Robert Fitzgerald
- Martin Hammond
- Judith Kazantzis
- Andrew Lang and Samuel Henry Butcher (complete, in prose, 1879)
- Richmond Lattimore
- T. E. Lawrence
- Stanley Lombardo
- George Herbert Palmer
- Alexander Pope (Iliad, 1715–1720; Odyssey, 1725-6)
- E. V. Rieu
- W.H.D. Rouse
- Emily Wilson (Odyssey, 2017)
Translators of Herodotus' The Histories
[edit]- Henry Francis Cary
- A. D. Godley
- David Grene
- G. C. Macaulay
- Enoch Powell
- George Rawlinson
- Aubrey de Sélincourt
- Robin Waterfield
- George Adams
- Robert Bagg
- Theodore Alois Buckley
- Kelly Cherry
- Richard Claverhouse Jebb
- Peter Constantine
- John Dryden
- Robert Fagles
- Ruth Fainlight
- Thomas Francklin
- George Garrett
- David Grene
- Richmond Lattimore
- Peter Meineck
- Robert Potter
- Paul Roche
- Thomas Sheridan
- David R. Slavitt
- Isaac William Stuart (1809–1861)
- Lewis Theobald (1688–1744)
- Paul Woodruff
- Theodore Dwight Woolsey
- Eduard Wunder
Translators of Thucydides
[edit]- Arthur Hugh Clough – revised Dryden's version in the nineteenth century
- John Dryden and others – Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans
- Philemon Holland – Plutarch's Moralia (1603)
- Sir Thomas North – translated Plutarch's Parallel Lives via the French of Jacques Amyot. This was the version Shakespeare used as a source for his Roman plays.
- Rex Warner
NB: His only work was De rerum natura.
- Thomas Creech (complete version, 1682)
- John Dryden (selected passages)
- William Ellery Leonard (complete version, 1916)
- Lucy Hutchinson
- Frederick Ahl
- Cecil Day-Lewis (complete works)
- Patrick Dickinson
- Gavin Douglas (the Aeneid into Scots)
- John Dryden (complete works)
- Robert Fagles
- Robert Fitzgerald
- Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (two books of the Aeneid into blank verse)
- Rolfe Humphries
- W. F. Jackson Knight
- Stanley Lombardo
- Allen Mandelbaum
- Clyde Pharr
- C. H. Sisson
Translators of the Sangam literature
[edit]- A. Dakshinamurthy
- Kausalya Hart
- George L. Hart
- Hank Heifetz
- P. S. Subrahmanya Sastri – translated the Tolkappiyam
- Vaidehi Herbert
Translators of Ovid's Metamorphoses
[edit]- John Dryden
- Arthur Golding
- Horace Gregory
- Rolfe Humphries
- Allen Mandelbaum
- Charles Martin
- George Sandys
- David R. Slavitt
- Robert Graves (prose version)
- Christopher Marlowe – translated Book One of Lucan's Bellum Civile
- Nicholas Rowe – produced a complete translation (1718)
- John Dryden (Satires 1,3,6,10 and 16)
- Peter Green (The 16 Satires)
- Robert Lowell (Satire 10)
Translators of the Tirukkural
[edit]- V. V. S. Aiyar
- K. M. Balasubramaniam
- A. Chakravarti
- S. N. Srirama Desikan – also a translator of the work into Sanskrit
- S. M. Diaz
- V. R. Ramachandra Dikshitar
- William Henry Drew
- Francis Whyte Ellis
- Charles E. Gover
- K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
- Nathaniel Edward Kindersley
- John Lazarus
- S. M. Michael
- George Uglow Pope
- Herbert Arthur Popley
- Edward Jewitt Robinson
- Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
- P. S. Sundaram
- G. Vanmikanathan
- Emmons E. White
Translators of other famous Classical authors
[edit]- Willis Barnstone
- Robert Graves – translated Apuleius and Suetonius
- Thomas Heath – translator of works of Euclid of Alexandria, Apollonius of Perga, Aristarchus of Samos, and Archimedes of Syracuse
- Philemon Holland – translations of Livy (1600), Pliny the Elder (1601), Suetonius (1606), Ammianus Marcellinus (1613) and Xenophon's Cyropaedia (1632)
- Stephen MacKenna – translator of Plotinus
- Robert Potter – translator of Aeschylus and Euripides
- Betty Radice
- Ian Scott-Kilvert
- Gerald Toomer – translator of the Almagest of Ptolemy
- Phillip Vellacott
- Rex Warner – translator of Thucydides
- E. F. Watling
Translators of Medieval and modern literature into English
[edit]Translators of Icelandic and other Scandinavian classics
[edit]- George Borrow
- Paul Edwards
- Lee M. Hollander
- George Johnston
- Gwyn Jones – also Welsh
- Magnus Magnusson
- Aubertine Woodward Moore
- Hermann Palsson
Translators of Anglo-Saxon
[edit]Translators of The Arabian Nights or The Thousand and One Nights
[edit]- Richard Francis Burton – also translated from other Oriental languages, including Sanskrit
- Edward William Lane and Stanley Lane-Poole
- Andrew Lang
- Edward Powys Mathers
- John Payne
Translators of Omar Khayyam
[edit]Translators of Geoffrey of Monmouth
[edit]Translators of Dante's Divine Comedy
[edit]- Laurence Binyon
- John Ciardi
- Robert M. Durling
- Anthony M. Esolen
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Allen Mandelbaum – also a translator of Latin
- W. S. Merwin
- Mark Musa
- Robert Pinsky
- Dorothy L. Sayers
- C. H. Sisson
- J. M. Cohen
- Donald M. Frame
- Samuel Putnam
- Burton Raffel
- M. A. Screech
- Thomas Urquhart and Pierre Antoine Motteux
Translators of Cervantes' Don Quixote
[edit]- J. M. Cohen – also a translator of French
- Alexander J. Duffield
- Edith Grossman (2003)
- John D. Rutherford (also a translator of Galician)
- Charles Jervas
- Pierre Antoine Motteux
- John Ormsby (later revised by Joseph R. Jones and Kenneth Douglas)
- Samuel Putnam
- Burton Raffel (1995) – also a translator of Old English, French, Indonesian, Vietnamese
- Thomas Shelton
- Tobias Smollett
- Walter Starkie
- Henry Edward Watts
- Walter W. Arndt – also a translator of Russian
- W. H. Auden and Elizabeth Mayer
- Eric A. Blackall and Victor Lange
- Louise Bogan
- Thomas Carlyle
- Michael Hamburger
- Michael Hulse
- Albert George Latham
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Louis MacNeice
- Christopher Middleton
- Burton Pike
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Bayard Taylor
Translators of Dostoyevsky
[edit]- Ignat Avsey – The Village of Stepanchikovo 1983, The Brothers Karamazov 1994, A Gentle Spirit 1996, Humiliated and Insulted 2008, The Idiot 2010
- Henry and Olga Carlisle
- Ann Dunnigan
- Constance Garnett
- David Magarshack
- David McDuff
- Alan Myers
- Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky
- Michael Scammell
- Frederick Whishaw
- Peter Constantine
- Ann Dunnigan
- Rosemary Edmonds
- Constance Garnett
- David Magarshack
- Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude
- Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky
- Anthea Bell
- Susan Bernofsky
- Shelley Frisch
- Mark Harman
- Breon Mitchell
- Willa Muir and Edwin Muir
- Joachim Neugroschel
- Malcolm Pasley
- Scott Moncrieff, Stephen Hudson, Terence Kilmartin and D. J. Enright
- Joachim Neugroschel
- Christopher Prendergast, with Lydia Davis, Mark Treharne, James Grieve, John Sturrock, Carol Clark, Peter Collier, and Ian Patterson
- Norman Thomas di Giovanni
- Andrew Hurley
- Suzanne Jill Levine
- Robert Mezey
- Alastair Reid
- Eliot Weinberger
- Esther Allen
Other French to English translators
[edit]- Gilbert Adair
- Robert Baldick
- David Bellos
- Mary Ann Caws
- Patricia Claxton
- Peter Constantine
- Charles Cotterell
- Robert Fills
- Sheila Fischman – translator of Quebec literature
- Grace Frick – translator of Marguerite Yourcenar
- Stuart Gilbert
- Roland Glasser
- Arthur Goldhammer
- Daniel Hahn
- Richard Howard
- Tina Kover
- Wyatt Mason
- Sarah-Jane Murray – medieval French
- Curtis Hidden Page
- R. B. Russell – translator of Alain-Fournier
- Francis Steegmuller
- Sarah Elizabeth Utterson – translator of Fantasmagoriana
- Louise Varèse
- Barbara Wright
- Frank Wynne – translator of Michel Houellebecq
Other German to English translators
[edit]- Thomas Carlyle – translated Jean Paul
- Michael Hamburger – translated Hölderlin, Celan
- Mary E. Ireland – translated Bertha Clement, Elise von Fernhain, Nikolaus Fries, Elizabeth Halden, John J. Messmer, Karl Gustav Nieritz, Otto Nietschmann, Emma Von Rhoden, Richard Roth, Emma Seifert
- Ralph Manheim – translated Günter Grass, Bertolt Brecht and many others
- Stephen Mitchell – translated Rilke and others
- Natias Neutert – translated Gottfried Benn, Eichendorff, Ringelnatz and others
- Herman George Scheffauer- translated Rosa Mayreder, Georg Kaiser and others
- Edward Snow – translated Rilke
- Jean Starr Untermeyer – translated Broch
- Leila Vennewitz – translated Boll, Jurek Becker and others
- C. V. Wedgwood – translated Canetti
- Shaun Whiteside – translated Freud, Marlen Haushofer, and Bernhard Schlink
Other Italian to English translators
[edit]- William Arrowsmith
- William Aylesbury – translator with Charles Cotterell of Enrico Caterino Davila's Istoria delle guerre civili di Francia
- Keith Botsford
- Peter Constantine – translator of Niccolò Machiavelli
- Richard Dixon
- Jonathan Galassi
- Louis J. Gallagher
- Raymond Rosenthal – translator of Levi
- William Weaver
- Shaun Whiteside – translator of Wu Ming
- Beryl de Zoete – translator of Svevo
- Ann Goldstein – translator of Elena Ferrante, Primo Levi
Other Spanish to English translators
[edit]- Harriet de Onís -- translator of Alejo Carpentier, Ricardo Güiraldes, Fernando Ortiz, Ernesto Sábato, Ricardo Palma and several other Latin American writers.
- Margaret Jull Costa – translator of Fernando Pessoa, Javier Marías
- Lucia Graves – translator of Zafón and daughter of Robert Graves
- Edith Grossman – translator of Miguel de Cervantes, Luis de Góngora, Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez, Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa, Mayra Montero, Álvaro Mutis, Antonio Muñoz Molina and many other major Latin American and Spanish writers
- Andrew Hurley – translator of Arenas, Borges, Valdés and several other Latin American writers
- James Mabbe -- early translator of Cervantes and Mateo Alemán.
- Anne McLean – translator of Enrique Vila-Matas and Julio Cortázar
- Margaret Sayers Peden – translator of Horacio Quiroga, Pablo Neruda, Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo and several other Latin American writers
- Gregory Rabassa – prolific translator of Gabriel García Márquez, Julio Cortázar and several others
- Frank Wynne – translator of Tomás Eloy Martínez, Arturo Pérez-Reverte
- Esther Allen – translator of Antonio Di Benedetto, Felisberto Hernández, Jorge Luis Borges, Javier Marías and several other Latin American writers.
Other Russian to English translators
[edit]- Mirra Ginsburg
- John Glad
- Michael Glenny
- Max Hayward
- Ronald Hingley
- Alan Myers
- Vladimir Nabokov
- Max Lawton
Other Polish to English translators
[edit]- Stanisław Barańczak and Seamus Heaney – produced a version of the Laments of Jan Kochanowski
- John and Bogdana Carpenter – translated Zbigniew Herbert
- Louis Iribarne – translated Stanisław Lem as well as Witkiewicz
- Michael Kandel – translated novels by Stanisław Lem
- Czesław Miłosz – translated Zbigniew Herbert
- Jennifer Croft – translated Olga Tokarczuk
- Jane Zielonko — translated The Captive Mind by Czesław Miłosz
Irish to English translators
[edit]- Seamus Heaney – Sweeney Astray is a version of the medieval poem Buile Suibhne
- Kenneth Jackson – translated A Celtic Miscellany
- Thomas Kinsella – translated the epic Táin Bó Cúailnge
- Frank O'Connor – translated Brian Merriman's Midnight Court
Nepali to English translators
[edit]Welsh to English translators
[edit]- Charlotte Guest – produced the first retelling of the Mabinogion
- Kenneth Jackson – translated A Celtic Miscellany
- Gwyn Jones – translated the Mabinogion
Other Korean to English translators
[edit]- Don Mee Choi
- Bruce and Juchan Fulton
Other Japanese to English translators
[edit]- Nancy Andrew – translator of Ryū Murakami's novel, Almost Transparent Blue
- Donald Keene
- Ian Hideo Levy – translator; one of the first Westerners to write a novel in Japanese
- Don Philippi – translator of Japanese and Ainu; translated the Kojiki; also a noted technical translator
- Alexander O. Smith – professional translator who worked on translations of different media, but is most famous for the English localizations of video games like Final Fantasy X, Ace Attorney, and Vagrant Story
- Lucien Stryk and Takahashi Ikemoto
- Royall Tyler – translator of The Tale of Genji as well as various Japanese folklore and Noh plays
Other Chinese to English translators
[edit]- Gia-Fu Feng - translator, bestselling editions of the Tao Te Ching and the Zhuangzi Inner Chapters.
- Howard Goldblatt — translator of contemporary Chinese fiction
- Nicky Harman
- David Hawkes — translator of the Chinese classic Story of the Stone or Dream of the Red Chamber, by Cao Xueqin
- Arthur Waley
- Helen Wang — translator of contemporary Chinese literature, especially fiction for children
Serbian to English translators
[edit]- Dejan Stojanović – writer and translator of Circling: 1978–1987, The Sun Watches the Sun, The Sign and Its Children, The Creator, and The Shape
Other Yiddish to English translators
[edit]- Curt Leviant – translator of Sholom Aleichem, Chaim Grade, and Isaac Bashevis Singer
Other Persian to English translators
[edit]- A. J. Arberry
- Dick Davis, translator of Attar and Ferdowsi (collaborating with Afkham Darband)
- Edward FitzGerald, translator of Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and Attar
- Sir William Jones
- Rebecca Gould and Kayvan Tahmasebian, translator of Bijan Elahi, Hasan Alizadeh, and various other works
- Wheeler Thackston, translator of Saadi Shirazi, and others
- Sara Khalili, translator of Shahriar Mandanipour, Goli Taraghi, Shahrnush Parsipur, Parinoush Saniee and others
- Niloufar Talebi, translator of Ahmad Shamlou, and several contemporary Iranian poets and writers
- M.R. Ghanoonparvar, translator of Moniro Ravanipour, and classical works
- Elizabeth T. Gray Jr., translator of Hafez, Forugh Farrokhzad, and Simin Behbahani
- Kaveh Bassiri, translator of Roya Zarrin (for which he won a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Translation Fellowship), and various other poets
- Desmond Patrick Costello, translator of Sadegh Hedayat's The Blind Owl
- Naveed Noori (pen name), translator of Sadegh Hedayat's The Blind Owl
- Ahmad Nadalizadeh and Idra Novey, translators of Garous Abdolmalekian
- Sholeh Wolpe, translator of Forugh Farrokhzad, Attar, and various 20th and 21st century poets
Translators of multiple languages into English
[edit]- Anthea Bell – French, German, Danish, Polish
- Edward Dundas Butler - Hungarian, Finnish, Romanian
- Peter Constantine – Russian, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Modern Greek, Ancient Greek, Albanian
- George Godfrey Cunningham – German, Italian, French
- Will Firth – Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian
- Michael Henry Heim – Russian, Czech, German, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian
- Ralph Manheim – German, French
- W. S. Merwin – Ancient Greek, Spanish, Italian, Old English
- Joachim Neugroschel – French, Spanish, German, Hebrew, Russian, Yiddish
- Ewald Osers – translator of Czech, German
- Burton Raffel – Old English, Indonesian, German, Ancient Greek, Spanish, French, Old French, Middle High German, Latin
- Abraham Regelson – award winning poet and translator of Hebrew and Yiddish
- Douglas Robinson – Finnish, Russian
- C. J. Stevens – Dutch, Flemish
- John Sturrock – French, Spanish
- Beatrix Lucia Catherine Tollemache – French, Russian
- Wangui wa Goro – Gikuyu, French
- Adolf Zytogorski – German, French, Russian
Other translators into English
[edit]- Geoffrey Chaucer
- Musharraf Ali Farooqi – translated the Indo-Islamic classic Hamzanama and Urdu poet Afzal Ahmed Syed into English
- Jerzy Ficowski – translator of Polish, especially Bruno Schulz
- Alamgir Hashmi
- Victor G. Kiernan
- Charles Muller
- Reynold A. Nicholson
- Cecil Parrott – translator of The Good Soldier Svejk
- Taufiq Rafat – translated classical Punjabi poetry into English
- David H. Rosenthal – translator of Tirant Lo Blanc from Catalan
- Nina Salaman – translator of medieval Hebrew poetry
- Frederik L. Schodt
- Lazarre Seymour Simckes – translator from Hebrew to English
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Thomas Wyatt – translator of Petrarch
[edit]Translators of Ancient Chinese classics
[edit]Translators of Ancient Indian classics
[edit]- Annie Besant
- Musharraf Ali Farooqi
- Juan Mascaro: Sanskrit and Pali
- Barbara Stoler Miller
- Monier Monier-Williams
- Max Mueller
- Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
- Arthur W. Ryder
- Andrew Schelling
Translators of Hellenistic and Roman philosophers
[edit]- Jonathan Barnes
- John M. Cooper
- F. M. Cornford
- E. R. Dodds
- G. M. A. Grube
- W. K. C. Guthrie
- Benjamin Jowett
- C. D. C. Reeve
- W. H. D. Rouse
Translators of Schopenhauer
[edit]Translators of Kierkegaard
[edit]Translators of Heidegger's Being and Time
[edit]Other translators
[edit]- Elizabeth Anscombe – Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Andrew Bowie – Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Friedrich Schleiermacher
- Michael Dummett – Gottlob Frege
- J. N. Findlay – Edmund Husserl
- Marion Wiesel – Elie Wiesel
[edit]- List of Arabic-English translators
- List of Chinese-English translators
- Mary Stanley Low – translated Spanish chapters of Red Spanish Notebook: the first six months of revolution and the civil war into English
- E. A. Wallis Budge – translated The Egyptian Book of the Dead