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List of Mexican flags

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The following is a list of flags that are used in the United Mexican States and its predecessor states.

National flag

Flag Date Use Description
1821–1823 Variant
1910 Independence centennial. Ordered by President Porfirio Díaz.
1934–1968 Variant
1968–present Civil use Variant
1968–present A vertical tricolor of green, white and red with the National Coat of Arms centered on the white band.

Presidential flags

Flag Date Use Description
Unknown–present Presidential standard of Mexico
Presidential standard at sea
Presidential standard (as supreme commander)


Flag Date Use Description
1785–1821 Flag used by the Spanish Empire in its territories from 1785 to 1821
1521–1821 Cross of Burgundy flag used in New Spain from 1521 to 1821
1810 Banner used by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in 1810
1811–1812 Flag used from 1811 to 1812 by Regimiento de la muerte (Death Regiment) after Hidalgo's death in the Independence War
1812 Flag used in 1812 by José María Morelos at the Independence War
1815 Insurgents war flag used in 1815

State flags


Municipality flags


Military flags




Political flags

Flag Date Use Description
2006–present Nationalist Front of Mexico
1937–present National Synarchist Union
Coalition of Workers, Peasants, and Students of the Isthmus
1905-1918 Mexican Liberal Party
1994–present Zapatista Army of National Liberation

1996–present Popular Revolutionary Army
2009–2014 Práxedis G. Guerrero Autonomous Cells of Immediate Revolution
1931-1935 Red Shirts
1933-1936 Revolutionary Mexicanist Action The flag depicts a shield (chīmalli) with fringes crossed by a macana (macuahuitl). Four crescents and cotton (ichcatl) representing agriculture.
1926-1929 Flag used by the Cristeros during the Cristero War

Native American flags

Flag Date Use Description
Yucatec Maya people
Mazahua people
Mixe people
Mixtec people
Otomi people
Pima people
Purépecha people
Rarámuri people
Seri people
Yaqui people
Mayo people
Tzotzil people
Zapotec peoples

Other flags


See also



  1. ^ "Ley sobre el Escudo, la Bandera y el Himno del Estado de Baja California Sur". www.cbcs.gob.mx (in Spanish). Gobierno del Estado. Retrieved April 12, 2020.The state flag is described in Chapter 2, Articles 3.
  2. ^ "Ley sobre el Escudo, la Bandera y el Himno del Estado de Durango". durango.gob.mx (in Spanish). Gobierno del Estado. Retrieved May 15, 2016.[permanent dead link] The state flag is described in Chapter 3, Articles 10 through 15.
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  4. ^ "Ley sobre el Escudo, la Bandera y el Himno del Estado de Guerrero". guerrero.gob.mx (in Spanish). Gobierno del Estado. Retrieved April 12, 2020. The state flag is described in Chapter 3, Articles 10 through 761.
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