List of Greek and Latin roots in English/A–G
The following is an alphabetical list of Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes commonly used in the English language from A to G. See also the lists from H to O and from P to Z.
Some of those used in medicine and medical technology are not listed here but instead in the entry for List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes.
[edit]Note that root groups such as "ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, am-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-" are collated under the head item (first item listed), which is sometimes followed by alternative roots that might have collated earlier in the table had they been listed separately (in this example, "a-" and "ac-").
Roots A-G
[edit]Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:
[edit]Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
ab-, a-, abs-, au-[1] | away from, down, off | Latin | ab | abdication, abduction, aberrant, abnormal, abrasion, absent, absorb, abstain, abstemious, abstraction, aversion, avulsion |
abac-[2] | slab | Ancient Greek | ἄβαξ, ἄβακος (ábax, ábakos), ἀβακίσκος (abakískos) | abaciscus, abacus, abax |
ac-, acm-, acr-[3] | point | Greek | ἀκή (akḗ), ἀκίς, ἀκίδος (akís, akídos), ἀκόνη (akónē), ἄκρος (ákros), ἄκρον (ákron), ἄκρα | Acidanthera, acme, acmeism, acmesthesia, acmic, acne |
ac-, ace-[4] | cure | Greek | ἀκεῖσθαι (akeîsthai), ἀκή (akḗ), ἄκος, ἄκεος (ákos, ákeos) | aceology, autacoid, panacea |
academ- | Akademos | Greek | Ἀκάδημος (Akádēmos) | academe, academia, academic, academy |
acanth- | thorn | Greek | ἀκή, ἄκανθα (ákantha) | Acanthaster, Acanthion, acanthite, Acanthocephala, acanthocephaliasis, acanthocyte, Acanthomintha, Acanthosaura, Acanthus, Metriacanthosaurus, neuroacanthocytosis |
acar-[5] | mite | Greek | ἀκαρί (akarí) | acariasis, acarid, acariphagous, acaroid, acarology, acarophobia, [[Acarus|Acarus]] |
accipitr- | hawk | Latin | accipiter | Accipiter, accipitrine |
acer-, acri- | bitter, sharp, sour | Latin | ācer, ācris, acerbus, acere | acerbic, acrid, acrimonious, acrimony, exacerbate |
acet- | sour, vinegar | Latin | acētum | acetabulum, acetate, acetic, acetone, acetum, triacetate |
acid- | acidic, sour | Latin | acidus | acidiferous, acidity, acidosis, acidulation, acidulous |
acr- | height, summit, tip, top | Greek | ἀκή (akḗ), ἄκρος (ákros) "high", "extreme", ἄκρον (ákron) | acrobat, acrobatics, acrochordon, acromegalia, acromegaly, acromion, acronym, acrophobia, acropolis, acrostic, acroterion, acrotomophilia |
actin-[6] | beam, ray | Greek | ἀκτίς, ἀκτῖνος (aktís, aktînos) | actinic, actinism, actinium, actinocerid, actinodrome, actinoid, actinomere, actinometer, actinomorphic, Actinomyces, actinophryid, actinopod, Actinopterygii, actinotherapy, Actinozoa |
acu-, acut- | sharp, pointed | Latin | acutus, past participle of acuere "to sharpen", from acus "needle" | acerose, acupuncture, acumen, acute, acutifoliate |
ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, am-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-[7] | movement to or toward; in addition to | Latin | ad "to", "toward" | accept, accurate, adapt, addition, address, adept, adherent, adhesive, adjust, admit, admonish, advertisement, affect, agglomerate, aggregate, aggression, allege, allude, ammunition, annectent, approximate, arreption, arride, arrogant, ascend, assault, assimilate, attend, attract |
aden-[8] | gland | Greek | ἀδήν, ἀδένος (adḗn, adénos) | adenocarcinoma, adenoid, adenoidectomy, adenology, adenoma, adenomyosis, adenosis |
adip- | fat | Latin | adeps, adipis "fat" | adipocellular, adipose |
aer- (ΑΕΡ)[9] | lift, raise | Greek | ἀείρειν (aeírein), ἀορτή (aortḗ), αἰρόμενον, ἀϝείρω | aorta, aortic, endaortitis, meteor, meteorology |
aer-, aero-[10] | air, atmosphere | Greek | ἀήρ, ἀέρος (aḗr, aéros) "air" | aerobic, aerodynamic, aeronautics, aeroplane, aerorrhachia, aerosol, aerotitis |
aesth- | feeling, sensation | Greek | αἰσθητός (aisthētós), αἰσθητικός (aisthētikós) "of sense perception" from αἰσθάνεσθαι (aisthánesthai) "to perceive" | aesthesia, aesthesis, aesthete, aesthetics, anaesthetic, synesthesia |
aether-, ether- | upper pure, bright air | Greek | αἴθειν (aíthein), αἰθήρ (aithḗr) | ether, ethereal, etheric, hypaethros |
aev-, ev- | age | Latin | aevum | age, coeval, eon, eternal, longevity, medieval, primeval |
ag-, -ig-, act- | do, go, move | Latin | agere, actus | act, action, activation, activity, actor, agenda, agent, agile, agitate, ambiguous, castigate, cogent, cogitate, cogitation, deactivate, excogitate, mitigate, navigate, proactive, react, transaction |
ag-[11] | lead | Greek | ἄγειν (ágein) (cognate with Latin agere), ἀγωγός (agōgós) | agony, antagonist, antagonize, demagogue, pedagogue, pedagogy, strategy, synagogue |
agap-[12] | love | Greek | ἀγάπη (agápē) | agape |
agr-[13] | field | Greek | ἀγρός, ἀγροῦ (agrós, agroû) | agronomist, agronomy |
agri-, -egri- | field | Latin | ager, agris "field, country" | agriculture, peregrine |
ailur-[14] | cat | Greek | αἴλουρος (aílouros) | Ailuroedus, ailuromancy, ailurophile, ailurophilia, ailurophobia |
alac- | cheerful | Latin | alacer | alacrity, allegro |
alb- | dull white | Latin | albus | albedo, albino, albumen |
alcyon-[15] | kingfisher | Greek | ἀλκυών, ἀλκυόνος (alkuṓn, alkuónos) | Halcyon, halcyon |
ale-[16] (ΑΛ) | wheat flour | Greek | ἀλέω, ἄλευρον (áleuron), ἀλείατα | aleuromancy, aleurone, aleuronic |
alg-[17] | pain | Greek | ἄλγος (álgos), ἀλγεινός, ἀλγεῖν (algeîn), ἄλγησις (álgēsis) | analgesic, arthralgia, neuralgia, nostalgia |
ali-, alter- | other | Latin | alius "another", alter "other" | alias, alibi, alien, alter, alternate, altruism |
all-[18] | other | Greek | ἄλλος (állos) | allegory, allogenic, allograph, allophone, parallactic, parallax |
allel-[19] | one another | Greek | ἀλλήλων (allḗlōn) | allele, allelomorph, allelotaxis, parallel, parallelism, parallelogon, parallelogram |
alph-[20] | A, a | Greek | Α, α, ἄλφα (álpha) | alphabet, alphabetic, analphabetic, panalphabetic, polyalphabetic |
alphit- | barley | Greek | ἀλφός (alphós), ἄλφιτον, ἀλφίτου (álphiton, alphítou) | alphitomancy |
alt- | high, deep | Latin | altus, altitudo | altimeter, altitude, alto, altocumulus, contralto, exalt |
am-, amat- | love, liking | Latin | amāre, amatus, amor | amateur, amatory, amenity, amorous, enamoured |
am-, amic-, -imic- | friend | Latin | amicus | amiable, amicable, amity, enemy, enmity, inimical |
amath- | sand | Greek | ἄμαθος (amathos) | amathophobia |
ambi-, am-, amb-, ambo-, an- | both, on both sides | Latin | ambi | ambidexterity, ambient, ambiguous, ambit, ambition, ambivalent, amboceptor, amputation, ancipital, andante |
ambly-[21] | blunt, not sharp, dull | Greek | ἀμβλύς (amblús) | amblygeustia, amblygonite, amblyopia, Amblypoda |
ambul- | walk | Latin | ambulare | ambulance, ambulatory, amble, perambulate, preamble, somnambulist |
amm-[22] | sand | Greek | ἄμμος (ámmos), ἄμαθος (ámathos) | amathophobia, Ammophila (a plant genus and a wasp genus) |
amn-[23] | lamb | Greek | ἀμνός (amnós), ἀμνεῖος, ἀμνειός, ἀμνίον (amníon) | amniocentesis, amnion, amnioscope, amniote, amniotic, anamniote |
amph-, amphi-[24] | both, on both sides of, both kinds | Greek | ἀμφί (amphí) "on both sides" | amphibian, amphibious, amphibole, amphibolic, amphimacer, Amphipoda, amphistyly, amphitheatre, amphoterism |
ampl- | ample, abundant, bountiful, large | Latin | amplus | ample, amplify, amplitude |
amygdal-[25] | almond | Greek | ἀμυγδάλη (amugdálē), ἀμύγδαλον (amúgdalon) | almond, amygdala, amygdale, amygdalin, amygdaloid, amygdule |
an-, a-, am-, ar- | not, without | Greek | Greek ἀν-/ἀ- "not" | ambrosia, anaerobic, anarchy, anemia, anesthesia, anhydrous, anonymous, apathy, aphasia, arrhythmia, atheism, atypical |
ana-, am-, an-[26] | again, against, back, up | Greek | ἀνά (aná) | anagram, anabaptist, anaphylaxis, anarrhexis, anion, anode |
andr-[27] (ΑΝΕΡ) | male, masculine | Greek | ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός (anḗr, andrós), ἀνδρότης | Andrew, Alexander, androcentric, androcentrism, androgen, androgenous, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, android, andrology, androphobia, androspore, diandry, misandry, monandry, philander, polyandrous, polyandry, protandry, pseudandry, synandrous |
anem-[28] (ΑΝ) | wind | Greek | ἄνεμος (ánemos) | anemograph, anemometer, anemometric, anemone, anemophilous, anemophily, anemophobia, anemoscope, anemotropism |
anim- | breath, life, soul, spirit | Latin | anima "breath", "soul" | animal, animation, anime, animism, animus, inanimate, equanimity |
ann-, -enn- | year, yearly | Latin | annus "year" | anniversary, annual, centennial, millennium, perennial |
ant-, anti-[29] | against, opposed to, preventive | Greek | ἀντί (antí) "against" | antagonist, antagonize, antibiotic, antibody, antichrist, antidepressant antidote, antifreeze, antifungal, antigen, antinomies, antipathy, antipodes, antirrhinum, antiseptic, antisocial, antithesis |
ante-, anti-[30] | before, in front of, prior to; old | Latin | ante "before", "against"; see also antiquus "old" | antebellum, antecedent, antedate, antediluvian, anteroom, anticipate, antiquarian, antiquate, antique, antiquity |
anth-[31] | flower | Greek | ἀνθεῖν (antheîn), ἄνθος (ánthos), ἄνθησις (ánthēsis), ἄνθημα (ánthēma), ἀνθηρός (anthērós) | anther, anthesis, Anthocoridae, anthodite, anthology, anthophobia, anthophore, Anthozoa, chrysanthemum, dianthus, enanthem, enanthema, exanthem, exanthematic, hydranth, hypanthium, perianth, zoanthid |
anthrac- | coal | Greek | ἄνθραξ, ἄνθρακος (ánthrax, ánthrakos) | anthracite, anthracnose, anthracycline, anthrax |
anthrop- | human | Greek | ἄνθρωπος (ánthrōpos) "man" | anthropology, anthroposophy, anthropomorphic, misanthrope, philanthropy |
ap-, apo-[32] | off, away from, separate, at the farthest point | Greek | ἀπό (apó) "from, away, un-, quite", sometimes "changed, switched" | aphelion, apocrine, apocryphal, apogee, aporrhinosis, apostasy, apostate |
aper- | open | Latin | aperire | aperient, apéritif, aperitive, aperture, overt, overture, pert |
aphrod- | Aphrodite | Greek | Ἀφροδίτη (Aphrodítē), Ἀφροδίσιος (Aphrodísios), ἀφροδισιακόν (aphrodisiakón) | aphrodisiac, pseudohermaphroditism |
api- | bee | Latin | apis | apian, apiary, apicula, apium; Petrus Apianus |
aqu- | water | Latin | aqua | acquacotta, akvavit, aqua vitae, aquaculture, aquamarine, aquarelle, aquarium, Aquarius, aquatic, aquatile, aqueduct, aqueous, aquifer, aquiferous, aquiform, gouache, semiaquatic |
ara- | plow, till | Latin | ărāre | arability, arable, aration, aratory, exarate, exaration, inarable, nonarable |
arachn- | spider | Greek | ἀράχνης, ἀράχνη (arákhnē) | Arachne, arachnid, arachnodactyly, arachnoid, arachnology, arachnophobia |
arbit- | judge | Latin | arbiter (from ad "to" + baetere "to come, go") | arbiter, arbitrage, arbitrary, arbitration |
arcan- | box | Latin | arcanus | arcane, arcanum |
arch-arche-archi- | ruler | Greek | ἄρχειν (árkhein), ἄρχων (árkhōn), ἀρχή (arkhḗ) "rule" (in compounds: ἀρχε-, ἀρχι-) | anarchism, anarchist, anarchy, andrarchy, antarchy, archangel, archetype, architect, archon, autarch, autarchism, autarchy, eparch, eparchy, exarch, gynarchy, monarch, monarchism, monarchist, monarchy, navarch, octarchy, oligarchy, patriarchy, plutarchy, polyarchy, synarchism, synarchy, tetrarchy, triarchy, trierarch |
archae-, arche- | ancient | Greek | ἀρχαῖος (arkhaîos) "ancient" from ἀρχή (arkhḗ) "rule" | Archaea, archaeoastronomy, archaeology, archaic, archaism, archegonium, archeology |
arct- | Relating to the North Pole or the region near it; relating to cold | Greek | ἄρκτος (árktos) "bear", ἀρκτικός (arktikós) | Antarctic, arctic, Arctic Ocean, palearctic |
ard- | heat, glow, passion | Latin | ardere "to burn", arsus | ardent, ardor, arson |
ardu- | difficult | Latin | arduus "high, steep" | arduous |
aret- | virtue | Greek | ἀρετή, ἀρετῆς (aretḗ, aretês) | aretaic, arete |
argent- | silver | Latin | argentum | argent, Argentina |
arid- | be dry | Latin | ārēre "be dry or parched" | arid |
arist- | excellence | Greek | ἄριστος (áristos) | aristocracy, aristocrat |
arithm- | count, number | Greek | ἀριθμός (arithmós), ἀριθμέω, ἀριθμητικός (arithmētikós) | antilogarithm, arithmetic, arithmomania, logarithm, logarithmic |
arm- | weapon | Latin | arma | armament, armistice, armor, armory, arms, army, disarm, rearm |
arsen-[33] | male | Greek | ἄρσην, ἄρσενος (ársēn, ársenos), ἀρσενικός (arsenikós) | arsenic, arsenopyrite |
art- | art, skill | Latin | ars, artis | artifact, artifice, artificial, artificiality, artisan |
arthr- | joint | Greek | ἄρθρον (árthron) | Anarthria, arthritic, arthritis, arthrogryposis, arthropathy, arthroplasty, arthropod, arthroscope, arthroscopic, arthroscopy, arthrosis, dysarthria, osteoarthritis, spondyloarthropathy |
arti- | even | Greek | ἄρτιος (ártios), ἀρτιότης "evenness", ἀρτιάκις | artiodactyl, artiodactylous |
asc-[34] | bag | Greek | ἀσκός (askós), ἀσκίδιον (askídion) | ascidium, ascites, ascitic, ascocarp, ascoma, ascomycete, Ascomycota, ascospore, ascus |
asin- | donkey, ass | Latin | asinus | asinine, ass, easel |
asper- | rough | Latin | asper "rough" | asperity, exasperate |
aspr-[35] | white | Greek | ἄσπρος (áspros) | diaper |
aster-, astr- | star, star-shaped | Greek | ἀστήρ, ἀστέρος (astḗr, astéros), ἄστρον (ástron) "star" | aster, asterisk, asteroid, astrology, astronomy, astronaut, diasterism geaster, monaster |
asthen- | weak | Greek | ἀσθενής (asthenḗs) | asthenopia, asthenosphere, asthenozoospermia |
ather-[36] | gruel | Greek | ἀθάρη (athárē) | atherogenic, atheroma, atherosclerosis |
athl- | contest | Greek | ἆθλος (âthlos) "contest, feat", ἄεθλος | athlete, athletic, decathlon, pentathlon, triathlon |
-athroid- | gathered or lumped together | Greek | ἀθροίζειν (athroízein) "to gather together" | epiathroid, hypoathroid |
audac- | daring | Latin | audax "brave, bold, daring", from audere "to dare" | audacious, audacity |
aud- | hearing, listening, sound | Latin | audire "to hear" | audible, audience, audio, audiobook, audiology, audiovisual, audit, audition, auditorium, auditory |
aug-, auct- | grow, increase | Latin | augēre, auctus "to increase" | auction, augend, augment, augmentation, augur, augury, august, author, auxiliary, inauguration |
aul- | flute, tube | Greek | ἄημι (ἄϝημι), αὐλός (aulós), αὐλέω, αὔλησις, αὐλητής (aulētḗs) | aulete, aulos, hydraulic, hydraulus |
aur- | relating to gold, or gold-colored | Latin | aurum "gold" | aureate, aureole |
auri-, aus- | relating to the ear | Latin | auris "ear" | aural, auricle, aurinasal, auscultate, auscultation |
aut-, auto-[37] | self; directed from within | Greek | αὐτός (autós) "self", "same" | autarchism, autarchy, autarky, authentic, autism, autistic, autobiography, autocracy, autograph, autoimmune, automatic, automaton, automobile, autonomy, autopilot |
aux-[38] | increase | Greek | αὔξειν (aúxein), αὐξάνειν auxánein, αὔξησις (aúxēsis), αὐξητικός (auxētikós) | auxanogram, auxanography, auxanology, auxanometer, auxesis, auxetic, auxin, auxochrome, auxology, auxotroph, auxotrophy |
av- | desire | Latin | avere "crave, long for" | avarice, avaricious, avarous, ave, avid, avidity |
avi-, au- | bird | Latin | avis | auspice, auspicious, avian, aviary, aviation, aviator |
axi-[39] | merit, worth | Greek | ἄξιος (áxios) "worth" | axiology, axiom, axiomatic |
axi- | axis | Latin | axis | axion, axis, axisymmetry |
axon-[40] | axis, axle | Greek | ἄξων, ἄξονος (áxōn, áxonos) | axon, axonography, axonometric, axonotmesis |
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:
[edit]Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
ba-[41] (ΒΑ[42]) |
to step | Greek | βαίνειν (baínein), βατός (batós), βάσις (básis), βῆμα, βήματος (bêma, bḗmatos), βάτης (bátēs), βάθρον (báthron), βατεῖν |
acrobat, acrobatic, adiabatic, aerobatic, anabasis, anabatic, antiparabema, base, basic, basidiocarp, basidioma, basidiomycete, basidiospore, basidium, basion, basionym, basis, basophilic, bema, catabasis, catabatic, diabase, diabatic, diabetes, diabetic, dibasic, hyperbaton, hypobasis, katabasis, katabatic, monobasic, polybasic, stereobate, stylobate, tribasic |
bac- | rod-shaped | Latin | baculum | baculiform, baculum, bacteria |
bal-, bel-, bol- (ΒΑΛ[43]) |
throw | Greek | βάλλειν (bállein), βολή (bolḗ), βλῆμα (blêma) | ametabolic, ametabolism, amphibole, amphibolic, amphibolite, amphibolous, amphiboly, anabolic, anabolism, astrobleme, ball, ballism, ballista, ballistic, ballistospore, belomancy, belonephobia, bolide, bolometer, catabolic, catabolism, devil, diabolic, emblem, emblematic, embolic, embolism, embolismic, embolize, embolon, embolus, emboly, hemiballismus, holometabolism, hyperbola, hyperbole, hyperbolic, hyperboloid, metabolic, metabolism, metabolite, metabolize, palaver, parable, parabola, parabolic, paraboloid, parle, parley, parol, parole, problem, problematic, symbol, symbolic, symbolism, symbolist, symbolize, symbology, taurobolium, thromboembolism |
bapt- (ΒΑΦ[44]) |
dip | Greek | βάπτειν (báptein), βάμμα (bámma) | abaptiston, Anabaptist, baptism, baptize |
bar-[45] | weight, pressure | Greek | βαρύς (barús), βάρος (báros) | abarognosis, antibaryon, baresthesia, bariatric, baritone, barognosis, barogram, barograph, barometer, barometric, barophobia, barostat, barycentre, barycentric, baryogenesis, baryon, barysphere, baryton, barytone, hyperbaric, hypobaric, isobar, isobaric |
bas- | step | Greek | βάσις | |
bath- | deep, depth | Greek | βαθύς (bathús), βάθος (báthos) | batholith, bathophobia, bathos, bathymetry, bathyscaphe, bathysphere, isobathic |
be-, beat- | bless | Latin | beare, beatus | beatification |
bell-, belli- | war | Latin | bellum, belli | antebellum, bellicose, belligerent, rebellion |
ben- | good, well | Latin | bene (adverb) | beneficence, benefit, benevolent, benign, benignant, benignity |
bet- | B, b | Greek | beta | alphabet, alphabetic, analphabetic, panalphabetic, polyalphabetic |
bi-, bin-, bis- | two | Latin | bis, "twice"; bini, "in twos" | bicycle, biennial, bifocal, bisexual, bigamy, binary, binoculars, bipod bipolar biscotti |
bib- | drink | Latin | bibere, bibitus | bib, beer, beverage, imbibe |
bibl-[46] | book | Greek | βίβλος (bíblos), βιβλίον (biblíon) "book" | bible, biblioclasm, biblioclast, bibliogony, bibliographic, bibliography, biblioklept, bibliomancy, bibliomania, bibliophile, bibliophilia, bibliophobe, bibliophobia, bibliotaph |
bio-, bi-[47] | life | Greek | βιοῦν (bioûn), βίος (bíos) "life", βιωτός (biōtós), βιωτικός (biōtikós), βίωσις (bíōsis) | abiogenesis, abiotic, aerobiology, anhydrobiosis, anoxybiosis, antibiotic, astrobiology, autobiography, biocentrism, biochron, biocoenosis, biogenesis, biographic, biography, biologism, biologist, biology, biome, biometric, biomorph, biomorphism, biophilia, biophysicist, biophysics, biopoiesis, biopolymer, biopsy, biorhythm, biosemiotic, biosphere, biostasis, biosynthesis, biota, biotic, biotin, biotope, biotype, biozone, chemobiosis, cryobiosis, cryptobiosis, ectosymbiosis, endosymbiont, endosymbiosis, enterobiasis, exobiology, macrobiotic, microbiology, osmobiosis, probiotic, symbiogenesis, symbiology, symbiont, symbiosis, symbiotic |
blast-[48] | germ, embryo, bud, cell with nucleus | Greek | βλαστάνειν (blastánein), "to sprout, bud", βλαστός (blastós), βλάστημα (blástēma) | blastema, blastochyle, blastocoel, blastocoele, blastocyst, blastoderm, blastoma, blastula, cytotrophoblast, diploblasty, ectoblast, endoblast, entoblast, fibroblast, osteoblast, sideroblast |
blenn- | slime | Greek | βλέννος (blénnos) | blennadenitis, blennophobia, blennosperma, blennorrhagia |
bol- | throw | Greek | ||
bol-[49] | clod, lump | Greek | βῶλος (bôlos) | bole, bolus, embolism |
bomb-[50] | boom | Greek | βομβεῖν, βόμβος, βόμβησις | bomb, bound |
bon- | good | Latin | bonus | bonify, bonitary |
bore- | north | Latin from Greek | borealis "northern" from Βορέας (Boréas) "the north wind" | borealis |
botan- | plant | Greek | βοτάνη, βότανον (botánē, bótanon), βοτανικός | botanic, botanist, botanology, botany |
bov-, bu- | cow, ox | Latin | bos (genitive bovis) "ox, cow" | beef, boor, bovine, bucinator muscle |
brachi-, brachio- | arm | Latin from Greek | bracchium | brachiferous, brachial artery, brachiocubital |
brachi-, brachio-, brachion-, brachioni- | arm | Greek | βραχίων (brakhíōn) | brachialgia, brachionerysipelas, brachionigraph, brachiorrhachidian, Brachiosaurus |
brachy-[51] | short | Greek | βραχύς (brakhús) | amphibrach, brachistochrone, brachycephaly, brachydactyly, brachyury, dibrach, tribrach |
brady-, bradys-[52] | slow | Greek | βραδύς (bradús), βράδος (brádos) | bradycardia, bradysuria, bradytelic |
branchi- | gill | Greek | βράγχιον (bránkhion) | branchiopneustic, branchiopod, nudibranch |
broc- | rain, wet | Greek | ἐμβροχή (embrokhḗ) | embrocation, embrocate |
brev- | brief, short (time) | Latin | brevis, breviare | abbreviate, brevextensor, brevicaudate, brevity, brief |
bromat-, bromato-, broma-, bromo- | food | Greek | βρῶμα (brôma) | bromatium, bromateccrisis, bromatherapy, bromatology, bromography |
brom-[53] | oats | Greek | βρόμος, βρόμη (brómos, brómē) "oats" | brome, Bromus, Bromus ramosus |
brom- | stench | Greek | βρῶμος (brômos) "stench, clangor" | bromate, bromide, bromine, bromoderma, organobromine |
bronch-[54] | windpipe | Greek | βρόγχος (brónkhos), βρόγχια (brónkhia) | bronchia, bronchiole, bronchion, bronchitis, bronchomalacia, bronchopneumonia, bronchus, tracheobronchomalacia |
bront-[55] | thunder | Greek | βροντή (brontḗ) | brontology, brontophobia, Brontosaurus |
brot-[56] | mortal | Greek | βροτός (brotós) | ambrosia, ambrotype |
bucc- | cheek, mouth, cavity | Latin | bucca | buccal, buccilingual, buccolingual |
bulb- | bulbous | Latin | bulbus | bulbiform, bulbiparous, bulboartrial, bulborrhexis, bulbous, bulbule |
bull- | bubble, flask | Latin | bullire, bulla | bullectomy, bulliferous, ebullient, ebullism |
burs- | pouch, purse | Latin | bursa | bursa, bursalogy, bursar, bursary, bursectomy, bursiform, disburse |
butyr-[57] | butter | Greek | βούτυρον (boúturon) | butyric |
byss-[58] | bottom | Greek | βυσσός, βυσσοῦ (bussós, bussoû) | abyss, abyssopelagic, hypabyssal |
byss-[59] | flax | Greek | βύσσος (bússos) | byssus |
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:
[edit]Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
cac-, kak-[60] | bad | Greek | κακός (kakós), κάκιστος (kákistos) | cachexia, cacistocracy, cacodemon, cacoepy, cacography, cacophobia, cacophobe, cacophobic, cacophonous, cacophony, cacorrhacitis, kakistocracy, kakistocrat |
cad-, -cid-, cas- | fall | Latin | cadere, casus | accidence, accident, accidental, cadaver, cadaverine, cadaverous, cadence, cadency, cadent, cadential, cadenza, caducity, caducous, cascade, case, casual, casualty, casuistry, chance, cheat, chute, coincide, coincidence, coincident, coincidental, decadence, decadent, decay, decidua, decidual, deciduate, deciduation, deciduous, demicadence, escheat, escheatable, escheatage, escheatment, escheator, incidence, incident, incidental, nonaccidental, nondeciduous, nonincidental, parachute, postaccident, procidentia, recidivous, semelincident |
caed-, -cid-, caes-, -cis- | cut, kill | Latin | caedere, caesus | caespitose, caesura, cement, cementation, cementitious, cementum, cespitose, chisel, circumcise, circumcision, concise, concision, decidability, decidable, decide, decision, decisive, deciso, excide, excise, excision, excisional, fungicide germicide, genocide, herbicide homicide, imprecise, imprecision, incise, incision, incisive, incisor, incisory, incisure, indecision, indecisive, occision, pesticide, précis, precise, precision, scissors, semidecidable, succise, succision, suicide |
cal-, call- | beautiful | Greek | καλός (kalós) "beautiful"; κάλλος (kállos) "beauty", κάλλιστος (kállistos) | calisthenics, calligraphy, Callista, Callisto, calophyllous, kaleidoscope |
cal- | call | Latin | calare | calendar, claim, class, conciliate, conciliatory, council, intercalate, nomenclature |
cal- | heat | Latin | calere, calor "heat" | caldarium, caldera, calefacient, calefaction, calefactive, calefactory, calenture, calescent, calid, calor, calore, caloric, calorie, calorifacient, calorific, calorigenic, calorimeter, caudle, cauldron, chafe, chafery, chalder, chaldron, chaud-froid, chauffer, chauffeur, chauffeuse, decalescence, decalescent, nonchalance, nonchalant, recalescence, scald |
calc- | calcium, stone | Latin and Greek | from Latin calx (genitive calcis) "lime", from Greek χάλιξ (khálix) "pebble", "limestone" | calcite, calcitrant, calcium, calculate, calculus, chalicothere, chalk, recalcitrant |
calv-, calum- | trick, lie, deceive | Latin | calumnia "slander, trickery", from calvi "to trick, deceive" | calumnious, calumny, cavil, challenge |
calyp-[61] | cover | Greek | καλύπτειν (kalúptein), καλυπτός (kaluptós), κάλυξ, κάλυκος (kálux, kálukos) | apocalypse, apocalyptic, apocalypticism, calyce, calyptra, Calyptrogyne, calyx, epicalyx, eucalypt, eucalyptus |
cameria- | vault | Latin | camera | antechamber, bicameral, camaraderie, camber, camera, chamber, chamberlain, comrade, concamerate, concameration, multicamera, tricameral, unicameral |
camiso- | shirt | Latin | camisia | camisade, camisado, Camisard, camisole, chemise |
camp- | field | Latin | campus "field", "level ground" | camp, campaign, campesino, campestral, campicolous, campimetry, campo, campsite, campus, champertous, champerty, champignon, champion, decamp, decampment, encamp, encampment |
can- | dog | Latin | canis | canaille, canary, canicular, canicule, canid, canine, Canis, Canis Major, postcanine |
can- | reed, rod | Greek | κάννα (kánna), κανών (kanṓn) | cane, canister, canon, canonic |
can-, -cin-, cant-, -cent- | sing | Latin | canere, cantus | accent, accentual, accentuate, accentuation, canción, canorous, cant, cantabile, cantata, cantation, cantatory, cantatrice, canticle, canticum, cantiga, cantilena, cantillate, cantillation, cantion, canto, cantor, cantus, canzona, canzone, Carmen, chanson, chansonnier, chant, chanteur, chanteuse, chanticleer, charm, concent, descant, discant, discantus, disenchant, disenchantment, disencharm, disincentive, enchant, enchantment, enchantress, incantation, incantational, incentive, plainchant, precentor, recant, recantation, succentor, vaticinate, vaticination, vaticinator |
cand-, cend- | glowing, iridescent | Latin | candere "to be white or glisten" | candela, candid, candidate, candle, candor, incandescent, incendiary, incense |
cap-, -cip-, capt-, -cept- | hold, take | Latin | capere, captus "take or hold" (vowel changes from a to i in compounds) | capable, capacious, captive, caption, captivate, capture, conception, except, forceps, incipient, intercept, recipient |
capit-, -cipit- | head | Latin | caput, capitis | achievable, achieve, achievement, ancipital, ancipitous, biceps, bicipital, cabotage, cad, caddie, cadet, cape, capital, capitular, capitulate, capitulation, captain, chapter, chaptrel, chattel, chef, chief, chieftain, co-captain, co-captaincy, decapitate, decapitation, occipital, occiput, precipitation, precipitous, quadriceps, recap, recapitulate, sincipital, sinciput, sous-chef, subcaptain, triceps, tricipital, unicipital, vice-captain, vice-captaincy |
capn-[62] | smoke | Greek | καπνός (kapnós), καπνόομαι | capnogram, capnograph, capnography, capnolagnia, capnomancy, capnometer, capnometry, capnomor, capnophile, hypercapnia, hypocapnia |
capr- | goat | Latin | caper (genitive capri) "goat", also capreolus "wild goat" | cab, caper, caprice, Capricorn, caprine |
caps- | box, case | Latin | capsa | capsule |
carbon- | coal | Latin | carbo, carbonis | bicarbonate, carbon, carbonara, carbonate, carbonation, Carboniferous, carbuncle, radiocarbon |
carcer- | jail | Latin | carcer, carcerare, cancelli | chancel, chancellery, chancellor, chancery, incarcerate, incarceration, subchancel |
carcin- | cancer (disease) | Latin from Greek | Latin from Greek καρκίνος (karkínos) "crab" | carcinogenic, carcinoma |
cardi-[63] | heart | Greek | καρδιά (kardiá) | cardiac, cardialgia, cardiograph, cardioid, cardiologist, cardiology, cardiomegaly, cardiomyopathy, cardioplegia, cardioplegic, cardiospasm, electrocardiogram, electrocardiography, endocardium, epicardium, hemicardia, myocardium, neurocardiology, pericardium |
cardin- | hinge | Latin | cardo, cardinis | cardinal, cardinality, kern |
carn- | flesh | Latin | caro, carnis | carnage, carnal, carnality, carnary, carnate, carnation, carneous, carnival, carnivore, carnose, carnosity, carrion, caruncle, carunculate, charcuterie, charnel, discarnate, incarnadine, incarnate, incarnation, reincarnate, reincarnation |
carp-[64] | fruit | Greek | καρπός (karpós) | acarpous, acrocarpous, amphicarpous, angiocarpous, anisocarpic, Carpo, carpogonium, carpology, carpophagous, carpophore, carpospore, cystocarp, dipterocarp, endocarp, epicarp, exocarp, Karpos, mericarp, mesocarp, monocarpic, pericarp, polycarpic, procarp, pseudocarp |
carp-[65] | wrist | Greek | καρπός (karpós) | carpal, carpal tunnel syndrome, carpus, metacarpus |
cast- | pure, cut | Latin | castrare and castus, from kes- (to cut) | caste, castigate, castrate, chaste, chastity, incest |
cata-, cat- | down, against, back | Greek | κατά (katá) "down, against, back" | catabolic, catacomb, catalyst, catarrhine, catastrophe, catatonia, cathode, cation |
caten- | chain | Latin | catena | catenary, concatenation |
cathar-[66] | pure | Greek | καθαρός (katharós) | catharsis, cathartic |
caud- | tail | Latin | cauda | caudal, coda |
caus-, -cus- | cause or motive | Latin | causa | accuse, because, causal, causative, cause, excuse |
caust-, caut- | burn | Greek | καίειν (kaíein), καυστός, καυτός (kaustós, kautós), καυστικός (kaustikós), καῦσις (kaûsis), καῦμα (kaûma) | calm, catacaustic, causalgia, causalgic, caustic, cauter, cauterize, cautery, diacaustic, encaustic, holocaust, hypocaust |
cav- | hollow | Latin | cavus | cave, cavity, excavation, cavern, cavernous, concave |
ced-, cess- | move, yield, go, surrender | Latin | cedere, cessus | accede, cede, concede, precede, procedure, proceed, procession, recede, secede, succeed, success |
cel- | hide | Latin | celare "to hide" | ceiling, clandestine, conceal, occult |
celer- | quick | Latin | celer, celerare | acceleration, celerity |
cen-, caen-[67] | new | Greek | καινός (kainós) | caenogastropod, caenogenesis, Cenozoic |
cen- | empty | Greek | κενός (kenós) | cenotaph, kenosis |
cen-, coen-[68] | common | Greek | κοινός (koinós) | cenobite, coenesthesia, coenocyte, epicene, epicœne, koinonos, koinophilia |
cens- | to assess | Latin | censere | censure, census |
cent- | hundred | Latin | centum | cent, centennial, centurion, percent, century |
centen- | hundred each | Latin | centeni | centenarian, centenary |
centesim- | hundredth | Latin | centesimus | centesimal, centesimation |
centr- | center | Greek | κεντεῖν, κέντησις, κέντρον (kéntron) "needle", "spur", κεντρικός, κεντρισμός | acentric, acrocentric, amniocentesis, anthropocentric, anthropocentrism, barycenter, biocentric, biocentrism, centaur, centauromachy, centesis, centre, centric, centrism, centrist, centroid, centromere, centromeric, centrosphere, centrosymmetric, centrosymmetry, centrum, eccentric, eccentrism, eccentrist, ecocentric, ecocentrism, ecocentrist, egocentric, egocentrism, enterocentesis, epicentre, holocentric, metacentric, monocentric, neocentromere, orthocenter, orthocentric, paracentesis, pericardiocentesis, technocentric, technocentrism, telocentric, thoracentesis, thoracocentesis |
centri- | center | Latin | centrum | central, center, concentrate, concentric, centrifugal, centripetal |
cephal- | head | Greek | κεφαλή (kephalḗ) | acephalic, acephaly, anencephaly, autocephaly, brachiocephalic, brachycephalic, cephalic, cephalomancy, cephalometry, cephalon, cephalopagus, cephalopod, diencephalon, dolichocephalic, encephalitis, encephalogram, encephalopathy, holoprosencephaly, hydrocephalus, macrocephaly, mesaticephalic, mesencephalic, mesocephalic, metencephalon, microcephaly, myelencephalon, neencephalon, paleencephalon, prosencephalon, rhombencephalon, rhombencephalosynapsis, syncephalus, telencephalon |
ceram- | clay | Greek | κέραμος (kéramos) | ceramic |
cerat- | horn | Greek | κέρας (kéras), κέρατος (kératos) | keratin, triceratops |
cern-, cer- | sift | Latin | cernere "to sift, separate" | ascertain, certain, concern, concert, decree, discern, excrement, secern, secret |
cervic- | relating to the neck, relating to the cervix | Latin | cervix, cervicis "neck" | cervix, cervical |
ceter- | other | Latin | ceterus | et cetera |
chaet-[69] | hair, bristle, or seta | Greek | χαίτη (khaítē) "long hair" | chaetophobia, chaetophorous, Chaetomium, Chaetomorpha, Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, polychaete, spirochaete, spirochete |
chir-[70] | of the hand or hands | Greek | χείρ (kheír) "hand" | chiral, chiropractic, chiroptera, chirurgy, enchiridion, Haplocheirus |
chelon- | relating to a turtle | Greek | χελώνη (khelṓnē) "tortoise" | Archelon, chelonia |
chlor-[71] | green | Greek | χλωρός (khlōrós) | chloranthy, chlorine, chlorophobia, chlorophyll, chloroplast, pyrochlore |
chondr- | cartilage | Greek | χόνδρος (khóndros) | hypochondriasis, osteochondritis |
chore- | relating to dance | Greek | χορεία (khoreía) "dancing in unison" from χορός (khorós) "chorus" | chorea, choree, choreia, choreography, chorus, hemichorea |
chord-[72] | cord | Latin and Greek | chorda "rope" from χορδή (khordḗ) | chordata, cord, hexachord, monochord, polychord, tetrachord |
chres- | use | Greek | χράω, χρῆσθαι (khrêsthai), χρηστός (khrēstós), χρήστης, χρῆσις (khrêsis), χρήσιμος | chresard, chresonym, chrestomathic, chrestomathy, heterochresonym, heterochresonymy, orthochresonym, orthochresonymy |
chro-, chrom- | color | Greek | χρῶμα (khrôma) | achromat, achromatic, achromatism, achromatopsia, achromatopsic, amphichroic, apochromat, auxochrome, chroma, chromatic, chromatid, chromatophore, chrome, chromium, chromogen, chromolithography, chromophobia, chromophore, chromosome, dichroic, dichroism, dichromatic, heliochrome, heterochromatic, heterochromatin, microchromosome, monochromatic, monochrome, photochromism, pleochroism, polychromatic, polychrome, trichroism, trichromatic, trichromic |
chron-[73] | time | Greek | χρόνος (khrónos) | anachronism, asynchronous, biochronology, chronaxie, chronic, chronicle, chronogram, chronograph, chronology, chronometer, chronometry, chronophobia, chronophotography, chronostasis, geochronology, heterochrony, hydrochronometer, isochron, protochronism, synchronic, synchronism, synchronize, synchronous, tautochrone |
chrys-[74] | gold | Greek | χρυσός (khrusós), χρύσεος "golden" | chrysalis, chryselephantine, chrysolite, chrysophobia, chrysoprase |
cili- | eyelash | Latin | cilium | cilia, supercilious |
ciner- | ash | Latin | cinis, cineris | incineration |
cing-, cinct- | gird | Latin | cingere, cinctus | succinct |
circ- | circle, ring | Latin | circulus, circus | circle, circular, circulate, circus |
circum- | around | Latin | circum | circumcise, circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumscribe |
cirr-[75] | orange | Greek | κιρρός (kirrhós) | cirrhosis |
cirr- | curl, tentacle | Latin | cirrus | cirrus |
cis- | on this side of, on the side nearer to the speaker (as opposed to trans-) | Latin | cis | cisalpine, cisandine, cisatlantic, cisgangetic, cisgender, cisjurane, cisleithan, cislunar, cismontane, cispadane, cispontine, cisrhenane |
cit- | call, start | Latin | citare, frequentative of ciere | citation, cite, excite, incite, solicit, solicitous |
civ- | citizen | Latin | civis | civic, civil, civilian, civility, civilization |
clad-[76] | branch | Greek | κλάδος (kládos) | clade, cladistics, cladogenesis, cladogram, heterocladic |
clam- | cry out | Latin | clamare | acclaim, claim, clamor, exclamation, proclamation, reclamation |
clar- | clear | Latin | clarus, clarare | clarity, clear, declaration |
clast- | broken | Greek | κλᾶν, κλαστός (klastós), κλάσις, κλάσμα | anorthoclase, antanaclasis, clastic, iconoclast, orthoclase, osteoclast, plagioclase, pyroclastic, synclastic |
claud-, -clud-, claus-, -clus- | close, shut | Latin | claudere, clausus | clause, claustrophobia, conclude, exclude, exclusive, include, occlusion, occult, recluse, seclude |
clav- | key | Greek | κλείς (kleís) "key" from κλείειν, (kleíein) "to close" | clavichord, clavicle, conclave |
cleist- | closed | Greek | κλείειν, κλειστός (kleistós), κλεῖσμα | cleistogamy, cleistothecium, enterocleisis, kleisma |
cleithr- | bar, key | Greek | κλεῖθρον (kleîthron) | Clathrus, cleithrophobia, cleithrum |
cle-[77] | call | Greek | ἐκκλησίᾱ, κλῆσις, κλητός (ekklēsíā, klêsis, klētós) | ecclesia, Ecclesiastes, ecclesiastic, ecclesiology, ecclesiophobia, epiclesis, paraclete |
clin- | bed | Greek | κλίνη (klínē) | clinic |
clin- | lean, recline | Latin | -clinare | decline, declination, incline, inclination, recline |
cochl-[78] | snail, spiral shell | Greek | κόχλος (kókhlos) | cochlea |
coel- | hollow | Greek | κοῖλος (koîlos) | blastocoel, coelom, coelomate, coelomic, enterocoely, pseudocoelomate, sarcocele, schizocoelomate, schizocoely, spongocoel |
col- | strain | Latin | colare, cōlum | colander, coulee, coulis, coulisse, couloir, cullender, cullis, percolate, percolation, percolator, piña colada, portcullis |
col-, cult- | cultivate, till, inhabit | Latin | colere, cultus | acculturate, acculturation, agriculture, apiculture, bicultural, colonial, colony, countercultural, counterculture, cult, cultivable, cultivate, cultivation, cultivator, cultural, culturati, culture, deculturate, deculturation, incult, inculturation, inquiline, inquilinity, inquilinous, intercultural, multicultural, postcolonial, precolonial, subcultural, subculture |
coll- | hill | Latin | collis | colliculus |
coll- | neck | Latin | collum | accolade, col, collar, decollate, decollation, décolletage, encollar |
color- | color | Latin | color | bicolor, Colorado, coloration, coloratura, concolorous, decolor, discolor, discoloration, encolor, multicolor, quadricolor, recolor, tricolor, unicolor, versicolor |
com- | friendly, kind | Latin | cōmis "courteous, kind" | comity |
con-, co-, col-, com-, cor-[79] | with, together | Latin | cum | coagulate, collide, compress, connect, connote, contain, contribute, consult, constitution, corrode, quondam |
con-[80] | cone | Greek | κῶνος (kônos), κωνικός (kōnikós) | conic, conical, conicoid, conodont, conoid, conoscope, orthocone, orthoconic, polyconic |
condi- | season | Latin | condire | condiment |
contra- | against | Latin | contra | contraband, contraception, contradict, contraindicate, contrast, contravene |
copi- | plenty | Latin | copia | copious, copy, cornucopia |
copr-[81] | dung | Greek | κόπρος (kópros) | copremia, coprographia, coprolagnia, coprolalia, coprolite, coprolith, coprology, coprophagia, coprophagy, coprophilia, copropraxia, encopresis, encopretic |
copul- | bond | Latin | copula "that which binds" | copula, copulation, couple |
cor-, cord- | heart | Latin | cor, cordis | accord, accordance, accordant, accordatura, concord, concordance, concordant, concordat, corcle, cordate, cordial, cordiality, cordiform, core, courage, courageous, discord, discordance, discordant, discourage, discouragement, encourage, encouragement, misericord, nonaccordant, obcordate, record, scordatura |
corac-[82] | raven | Greek | κόραξ, κόρακος (kórax, kórakos) | coracoid |
cori- | hide, leather | Latin | corium, corii | coriaceous, corious, corium, cuirass, cuirassier, cuirie, excoriate, excoriation |
corn- | horn | Latin | cornū | bicorn, bicorne, Capricorn, cornea, corneal, corneous, corner, cornicle, corniculate, corniferous, cornification, corniform, cornucopia, quadricorn, quadricornous, tricorn, tricorne, tricornigerous, tricornute, unicorn, unicornous |
coron- | crown | Latin | corona, coronare | corona, coronation, coronavirus, coroner, coronet, coroniform, Coronilla, crown, incoronate |
corpor- | body | Latin | corpus, corporis | accorporate, bicorporal, concorporate, concorporation, corporal, corporality, corporate, corporation, corporative, corporature, corporeal, corporeality, corporeity, corps, corpse, corpulence, corpulent, corpus, corpuscle, corpuscular, disincorporate, disincorporation, extracorporeal, incorporal, incorporality, incorporate, incorporation, incorporeal, incorporeality, incorporeity, tricorporal |
cortic- | bark | Latin | cortex, corticis | cortex, cortical, corticate, corticiform, corticifugal, corticipetal, decorticate, decortication, decorticator |
cosm-[83] | universe | Greek | κόσμος (kósmos) | cosmic, cosmogeny, cosmogony, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, cosmos, microcosm |
cosmet- | the art of dress and ornament | Greek | κοσμεῖν (kosmeîn), κοσμητική (kosmētikḗ) from κόσμος (kósmos) | cosmesis, cosmetics, cosmetologist, cosmetology |
cost- | rib | Latin | costa | accost, bicostate, coast, coastal, costa, costal, costate, curvicostate, entrecôte, infracostal, intercostal, intracoastal, multicostate, quadricostate, supracostal, tricostate, unicostate |
cotyl-[84] | cup | Greek | κοτύλη (kotúlē) | cotyledon, dicotyledon, dicotyledonous, eudicotyledon, monocotyledon, monocotyledonous, tricotyledonous |
-cracy, -crat | government, rule, authority | Greek | κράτος (krátos), κρατία (kratía) | acrasia, akrasia, akratic, anocracy, aristocracy, autocracy, autocrat, autocratic, bureaucracy, democracy, democratic, pancratium, plutocracy, technocracy, technocrat, theocracy |
crani-[85] | skull | Greek | κρανίον (kraníon) | craniologist, craniometry, craniosynostosis, cranium, hemicrania, megrim, migraine |
crass- | thick | Latin | crassus | crass, crassitude, crassulaceous |
crea- | make | Latin | creare, creatus | creation, creative, creator, creature, creole, procreation, recreation |
cred- | believe, trust | Latin | credere, creditus | accreditation, credence, credentials, credibility, credible, credit, creditor, credo, credulity, credulous, creed, discredit, incredible, incredulous, miscreant, recreant |
crepid-[86] | boot, shoe | Greek | κρηπίς, κρηπίδος (krēpís, krēpídos), κρηπίδιον, κρηπίδωμα | crepidoma |
cresc- | grow, rise | Latin | crescere | accresce, accrescence, accrescent, accrete, accretion, accrue, concrete, crescendo, crescent, crew, decrease, increase, recruit, recruitment, surcrew |
cribr- | sieve | Latin | cribrum, cribrare | cribble, cribellate, cribellum, cribrate, cribriform, garble |
cric-[87] | ring | Greek | κρίκος (kríkos), κρικοειδής (krikoeidḗs) | cricoid, cricoidectomy, Cricosaurus, cricothyroid, cricothyrotomy, cricotomy |
crisp- | curled | Latin | crispus | crape, crepe, crêpe, crisp, crispate, crispation |
crist- | crest | Latin | crista | crease, crest, cristate |
crit-, crisi-[88] | judge, separate | Greek | κρίνειν (krínein), κρίσις (krísis), κρίμα (kríma) | apocrine, crisis, criterion, critic, critical, criticaster, criticise, criticism, critique, diacritic, eccrine, eccrinology, eccrisis, eccritic, endocrine, endocrinology, exocrine, heterocrine, holocrine, hypercriticism, hypocrisy, hypocrite, kritarchy, Kritosaurus, merocrine, syncrisis |
cross-[89] | fringe, tassel | Greek | κροσσός (krossós) | crossopterygii |
cruc- | cross | Latin | crux, crucis | cross, crucial, cruciate, crucifer, cruciferous, crucifix, crucifixion, cruciform, crucify, crucigerous, cruise, crusade, cruzeiro, discruciate, excruciate, intercross, recross |
crur- | leg, shank | Latin | crus, cruris | bicrural, crural, crus, equicrural |
cry- | cold | Greek | κρύος (krúos) | cryoablation, cryo-adsorption, cryobacterium, cryobiology, cryobot, cryochemistry, cryoelectronics, cryogenics, cryomicroscopy, cryoneurolysis, cryonics, cryopreservation, cryoprotectant, cryosphere, cryosurgery, cryotherapy, cryovolcano |
-cry | wail, shriek | Latin | critare, from quiritare | cry, decry, descry |
crypt-[90] | hide, hidden | Greek | κρύπτειν (krúptein) "to hide", κρυπτός (kruptós) | apocrypha, apocryphal, archaeocryptography, crypt, cryptanalysis, crypteia, cryptic, cryptobiosis, cryptobiotic, cryptochrome, cryptogam, cryptogenic, cryptography, cryptology, cryptomonad, cryptophyte, cryptosystem, grot, grotesque, grotto |
cten-[91] | comb | Greek | κτείς, κτενός (kteís, ktenós) | ctenidium, ctenoid, ctenophore |
cub-[92] | cube | Greek | κύβος (kúbos) | cubic, cuboctahedron, cuboid, hemicube, hypercube |
cub- | lie | Latin | cubare | incubation, succuba |
culin- | kitchen | Latin | culīna | culinarian, culinary, kiln |
culp- | blame, fault | Latin | culpa | culpability, culpable, culprit, exculpate, exculpatory, inculpable, inculpate, inculpatory, mea culpa |
cune- | wedge | Latin | cuneus | coign, coigne, coin, cuneate, cuneiform, cuneus, encoignure, obcuneate, precuneus, quoin, sconcheon, scuncheon |
cur- | care for | Latin | cūra, curare | accuracy, accurate, assecure, assurance, assure, curability, curable, curacy, curate, curative, curator, cure, curettage, curette, curio, curiosity, curious, ensure, inaccuracy, inaccurate, incurable, insecure, insecurity, insurability, insurable, insurance, insure, manicure, pedicure, pococurante, proctor, proctour, proctorage, proctorial, procurable, procuracy, procuration, procurator, procure, procurement, proxy, reassurance, reassure, reinsurance, reinsure, scour, scourage, secure, security, sinecural, sinecure, sure, surety |
curr-, curs- | run, course | Latin | currere, cursus | concur, concurrent, corridor, courier, course, currency, current, cursive, cursor, cursory, discourse, excursion, incur, occur, recur, recursion, recursive, succor |
curv- | bent | Latin | curvus "crooked, curved", from curvare "to bend" | cavort, curb, curvaceous, curvate, curvation, curvature, curve, curviform, curvilinear, curvity, incurvate, incurvature, incurve, recurvate, recurve, recurvous |
cuspid- | lance, point | Latin | cuspis, cuspidis | bicuspid, bicuspidate, cusp, quadricuspid, tricuspid |
cut- | hide, skin | Latin | cutis | cutaneous, cuticle, cuticolor, cuticular, cutin, cutis, cutisector, intracutaneous, subcutaneous |
cyan-[93] | blue | Greek | κυανός (kuanós) | anthocyanin, cyanic, cyanide, cyanogen, cyanophobia, cyanophore, cyanosis, cyanotic, isocyanic |
cycl-[94] | circle | Greek | κύκλος (kúklos), κυκλικός (kuklikós) | acyclic, anticyclone, anticyclonic, bicycle, cycle, cyclic, cyclide, cycloid, cyclone, cyclops, cyclosis, cyclotomic, dicyclic, eccyclema, epicycle, epicycloid, hemicycle, hemicyclium, heterocyclic, homocyclic, hypercycle, hypocycloid, isocyclic, mesocyclone, monocyclic, polycyclic, pseudocyclosis, tetracyclic, tricycle, tricyclic, unicycle |
cylind-[95] | roll | Greek | κυλίνδειν (kulíndein), κύλινδρος (kúlindros) | cylinder, cylindric, cylindroid, cylindroma, pseudocylindric |
cyn-[96] | dog | Greek | κύων, κυνός (kúōn, kunós) | cynic, cynicism, cynodont, cynology, cynophagy, cynophilia, cynophobia, Cynosaurus, cynosure, eucynodont |
cyst-[97] | capsule | Greek | κύστις (kústis) | cysteine, cystic, cysticercus, cystine, cystolith, cystoma, oocyst, polycystic |
cyt-[98] | cell | Greek | κύτος (kútos) | astrocyte, cnidocyte, cytapheresis, cytaster, cytokine, cytokinesis, cytokinin, cytology, cytoplasm, cytostasis, cytostatic, exocytosis, gonocyte, hypercytosis, leukocyte, leukocytosis, monocyte, monocytopoiesis, pancytopenia, phagocytosis, polycythaemia, polycythemia, syncytium |
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:
[edit]Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
da-, dida-[99] (ΔΑ) | learn | Greek | δάω | autodidact, Didache, didact, didactic, didacticism |
dacry-[100] | tear | Greek | δάκρυον, δακρύειν, δάκρυμα (dákruma) | dacryoadenitis, Dacryphilia |
dactyl-[101] | digit, finger, toe | Greek | δάκτυλος (dáktulos) | anisodactyly, antidactylus, arachnodactyly, artiodactyl, brachydactyly, clinodactyly, dactyl, dactylic, dactylology, dactylomancy, dactylomegaly, dactylus, dactyly, date, didactyly, ectrodactyly, heterodactylous, heterodactyly, leptodactylous, monodactyly, oligodactyly, pamprodactyly, pentadactyl, pentadactylous, pentadactyly, perissodactyl, polydactyly, pterodactyl, schizodactyly, syndactylous, syndactyly, tetradactylous, tetradactyly, tridactyly, zygodactyly |
dam-[102] (ΔΑΜ) | tame | Greek | δάμασις (dámasis), ἀδάμας (adámas) "untameable, invincible" | adamant, adamantine, adamantinoma, Damian |
damn-, -demn- | to inflict loss upon | Latin | damnum, damnāre | condemn, condemnation, damage, damnation, indemnify, indemnity |
de-[103] | bind | Greek | δεῖν (deîn), δετός, δέσις (detós, désis), δέμα (déma), δεσμός (desmós), δέσμα (désma) | arthrodesis, asyndeton, desmid, desmitis, desmoid, desmoplasia, desmosome, diadem, plasmodesma, polysyndeton, syndesis, syndesmosis, syndetic, syndeton |
de- | down, away from, removing | Latin | dē | decay, decide, declare, decline, decompose, dedicate, deduce, defend, deletion, delineate, delude, demarcate, dementia, depress, derogatory, desecrate, descend, destroy, detract |
deb- | owe | Latin | debere, debitus | debit, debt |
dec-[104] | ten | Latin from Greek | δέκα (déka) "ten", δεκάς, δεκάδος (dekás, dekádos), δεκάκις (dekákis) "ten times", δεκαπλάσιος (dekaplásios) "ten-fold" decem, "ten" decies, "ten times" decumo, "tenfold" | decad, decade, decagon, decagram, decahedron, Decalogue, decamer, decamerous, decameter, decapod, decathlon |
decim- | tenth part | Latin | decimus, tenth; from decem, ten | decimal, decimate, decimation, decimator, decuman, dime |
decor- | ornament | Latin | decorus "fit, proper" and decorare "to decorate", from decor "beauty, ornament" and decus "ornament" | decor, décor, decorament, decorate, decoration, decorative, decorator, decorous, decorum, redecorate |
del- | erase | Latin | delere (from dē + linere) | delete, deletion, indelible |
delt-[105] | D, d | Greek | Δ, δ, δέλτα (délta) | delta, deltoid, deltahedron |
dem-, dom-[106] | build | Greek | δέμειν (démein), δῶμα, δῶματος, δομή, δόμος (dómos), δέμας (démas) | apodeme, monodomy, opisthodomos, polydomy |
dem-[107] | people | Greek | δῆμος (dêmos) | Damocles, demagogue, deme, democracy, demographic, demography, demonym, demophobia, demotic, ecdemic, endemic, epidemic, epidemiology, pandemic |
den- | ten each | Latin | dēnī | denar, denarian, denarius, denary, denier, dinar, dinero, dinheiro |
dendr-[108] | tree | Greek | δένδρον (déndron); akin to δρύς (drús) "tree" | dendric, dendrite, dendrochronology, dendrogram, dendromancy, Epidendrum, rhododendron |
dens- | thick | Latin | densus | condensable, condensate, condensation, condensational, condensative, condense, dense, density, nondense, superdense |
dent- | tooth | Latin | dens, dentis | bident, bidental, dandelion, dental, dentary, dentate, dentation, dentelle, denticity, denticle, denticulate, dentiferous, dentiform, dentifrice, dentigerous, dentil, dentin, dentinal, dentine, dentition, denture, indent, indentation, indenture, interdental, interdentil, intradental, multidentate, quadridentate, trident, tridentate |
der-[109] | skin | Greek | δέρειν (dérein), δέρμα, δέρματος (dérma, dérmatos) | Dermaptera, dermatology, dermis, ectoderm, endoderm, epidermis, hypodermic, mesoderm, scleroderma, taxidermy, xeroderma |
despot-[110] | master | Greek | δεσπότης, δεσπότου, δεσποτικός, δεσποτεία, δεσποτίσκος | despot, despotic, despotism |
deuter-[111] | second | Greek | δεύτερος (deúteros) | deuteragonist, deuteranomaly, deuteranopia, deuteride, deuterium, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, Deuteromycota, deuteron, Deuteronomy, deuterostome |
dexi-[112] | right | Greek | δεξιός (dexiós) | Dexiarchia |
dexter- | right | Latin | dexter | ambidexterity, ambidextrous, dexter, dexterity, dexterous, dextral, dextrality, dextrin, dextrorse, dextrose |
di- | two | Greek | δι- (di-) | diatomic, dicot, digamy, diode, dipole |
dia-[113] | apart, through | Greek | διά (diá) | deacon, diagram, dialysis, diameter |
div-, diff- | different | Latin | diversum | different, divergence, diversity, divide, diffeomorphism |
diacosi-[114] | two hundred | Greek | διακόσιοι (diakósioi), διακοσιάκις "two hundred times" | diacosigon, diacosipentecontaheptagon |
dic-, dict- | say, speak, proclaim | Latin | dīcere, dictus, dictare | benediction, condition, contradict, dictate, dictation, dictator, diction, dictionary, dictum, edict, indictment, interdiction, malediction, predict, prediction, valediction, verdict |
dida- | teach | Greek | διδάσκειν (didáskein) | autodidact, Didache, didact, didactic |
digit- | finger | Latin | digitus | bidigitate, digit, digital, digitate, digitiform, digitigrade, multidigit, multidigitate |
din-[115] | terrible, fearfully great | Greek | δεινός (deinós) | dinosaur |
dipl-[116] | twofold | Greek | διπλόος (diplóos), δίπλωσις (díplōsis), δίπλωμα (díplōma) | diploblasty, diploid, diploidy, diploma, diplomacy, diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatics, diplonema, diplophase, diplopia, diplosis, diplotene, haplodiploid, haplodiploidy |
do-[117] (ΔΟ[118]) | give | Greek | διδόναι (didónai), δοτός, (dotós,), δόσις (dósis), δόμα, δόματος (dóma, dómatos) δῶρον, διδόμενον | anecdote, antidoron, antidote, apodosis, dose |
doc-, doct- | teach | Latin | docere, doctus | docile, doctor, doctrine, document, indoctrinate, indoctrination |
dodec-[119] | twelve | Greek | δώδεκα (dṓdeka) | dodecagon, dodecahedron, Dodecanese, dodecaphony, dodecastyle, dodecasyllabic, hemidodecahedron |
dog-, dox- | opinion, tenet | Greek | δοκεῖν (dokeîn) "to appear, seem, think", δόξα (dóxa) "opinion", δόγμα (dógma) | dogma, dogmatic, dogmatism, doxology, heterodox, orthodox, paradox |
dol- | pain | Latin | dolere "to grieve", also dolus "grief" and dolor "pain" | condolence, dol, doleful, dolorous, indolence |
dom- | house | Latin | domus | dame, domal, dome, domestic, domesticate, domestication, domesticity, domestique, domicile, domiciliary, major-domo, semidome |
domin- | master | Latin | dominus "master"; (from domus "house") | beldam, beldame, belladonna, codomain, codominance, codominant, condominium, dam, dame, damsel, danger, demesne, demoiselle, domain, dominance, dominant, dominate, domination, dominative, dominator, dominatrix, domine, domineer, dominicide, dominion, dominium, domino, duenna, dungeon, madam, madame, mademoiselle, madonna, predominance, predominant, predominate, quasidominance, semidominance, subdominant, superdominant |
domit- | tame | Latin | domitare, frequentative of domare | daunt, domitable, indomitable |
don- | give | Latin | dōnum, donare | condonation, condone, donate, donation, donative, donator, donatory, donor, pardon, pardonable |
dorm- | sleep | Latin | dormire | dormant, dormitory |
dors- | back | Latin | dorsum | disendorse, dorsal, dorsiferous, dorsiflexion, dorsiflexor, dorsigrade, dorsiventral, dorsum, dossier, endorse, endorsee, endorsement, indorse, indorsement, reredos |
dra-[120] | do | Greek | δρᾶν (drân), δραστικός (drastikós), δρᾶσις (drâsis), δρᾶμα, δράματος (drâma, drámatos), δραματικός (dramatikós) | dramatic, dramaturgy, drastic, melodramatic, monodrama |
drac- | dragon | Latin | draco | Draco, draconian |
drach-[121] | grasp | Greek | δράσσεσθαι (drássesthai), δράγμα (drágma), δραχμή (drakhmḗ) | didrachm, drachm, drachma, dram, tetradrachm |
dram-, drom- (ΔΡΑΜ) | run | Greek | δραμεῖν (drameîn), δρόμος (drómos) | aerodrome, anadromous, antidromic, catadromous, diadromous, dromaeosaurid, heterodromous, hippodrome, loxodrome, monodromy, palindrome, syndrome |
dros-[122] | dew | Greek | δρόσος, δρόσου (drósos, drósou) | drosometer, Drosophila |
dry-[123] | tree | Greek | δρῦς, δρυός (drûs, druós), Δρυάς | dryad, dryadic, hamadryad |
du- | two | Latin | duo | deuce, doubt, dual, duality, duet, duo, duplex, duplicity, duumvirate, duumviri, nonduality |
dub- | doubtful | Latin | dubius | doubt, dubiety, dubious |
duc-, duct- | lead | Latin | ducere, ductus | abduce, abduct, adduce, adduct, conduce, deduce, induce, introduce, produce, reduce, seduce, traduce |
dulc- | sweet | Latin | dulcis | billet-doux, dolce, dolcetto, douce, doux, dulcet, dulcian, dulcify, dulcimer, edulcorant, edulcorate, subdulcid |
dur- | hard | Latin | durus, durare | dour, dura, durability, durable, durain, dural, duramen, durance, durancy, duration, durative, dure, duress, durity, durous, durum, endurable, endurance, endurant, endure, indurate, induration, nondurable, obduracy, obdurate, obduration, perdurable, perdurance, perdure, subdural |
dy-[124] | two | Greek | δύο (dúo), δυάς, δυάδος (duás, duádos) | dyad, dyadic |
dyna-[125] | power | Greek | δύνασθαι (dúnasthai), δυνατός, δύναμις (dúnamis), δυνάστης (dunástēs) | aerodynamic, aerodynamics, antidynastic, autodyne, didynamous, dynamic, dynamism, dynamite, dynamo, dynast, dynastic, dynasty, heterodyne, metadynamics |
dys- | badly, ill | Greek | δυσ- (dus-) | dysentery, dysphagia, dysphasia, dysplasia, dystrophy |
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:
[edit]Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
ebon-[126] | ebony tree | Greek | ἔβενος (ébenos) | ebony, ebonize, ébéniste (from French) |
ec-[127] | out | Greek | ἐκ (ek) | eccentric, ecstasy, ecstatic |
ecclesi- | assembly, congregation | Greek | ἐκκλησία (ekklēsía) from ἐκκαλέω (ekkaléō) "I summon" or "I call out" | Ecclesiastes, ecclesiastical |
ech- | sound | Greek | ἠχή, ἠχώ, ἠχοῦς, ἠχεῖν (ēkheîn), ἤχημα | anechoic, catechesis, catechism, catechist, catechize, catechumen, echo, echoic |
eco- | house | Greek | οἶκος (oîkos) | ecology, economics, economy, ecumenism |
ecto-[128] | outside | Greek | ἐκτός (ektós) | ectoderm, ectoparasite, ectotherm |
ed-, es- | eat | Latin | edere, esus | comedo, comestible, edacity, edibility, edible, escarole, esculent, esurience, esurient, inedia, inedible, inescation, inescate, obese, obesity |
eg-[129] | goat | Greek | αἴξ, αἰγός (aíx, aigós) | egophony |
egypt- | Egypt, egyptian | Greek | αἰγυπτος (aigyptos) | egyptology |
ego-[130] | self, I (first person) | Latin, Greek | ego, ἐγώ (egṓ) | egocentric, egocentrism, egoism, egoistic, egomania, egomaniac |
eiren- (iren-)[131] | peace | Greek | εἰρήνη (eirḗnē) "peace" | irenic (eirenic), irenology |
electr-[132] | amber | Greek | ἤλεκτρον (ḗlektron) | electric, electricity, electrolysis, electrolyte, electromagnetic, electron, electronic, polyelectrolyte |
elem-, alm-[133] | pity | Greek | ἔλεος, ἐλέου (éleos, eléou), ἐλεημοσύνη (eleēmosúnē) | almoner, alms, eleemosynary |
em-, empt- | buy | Latin | emere, emptus | adeem, adempt, ademption, exemption, preempt, redeem |
eme-[134] | vomit | Greek | ἐμεῖν (emeîn), ἔμετος (émetos) | antiemetic, emesis, emetic, emetine, emetophobia, haematemesis |
emul- | striving to equal, rivaling | Latin | aemulus, aemulare | emulator |
en-, el-, em-[135] | in | Greek | ἐν (en) | emphasis, enclitic, enthusiasm, ellipsis, elliptic |
enanti-[136] | opposite | Greek | ἐναντίος (enantíos) | enantiomer, enantiomerism, enantiomorph, enantiornithine |
encephal- | brain | Greek | ἐγκέφαλος (enképhalos) | encephalopathy |
endo-[137] | inside, within | Greek | ἔνδον (éndon) | endocardial, endocerid, endocrine, endocytosis, endogamy, endogenous, endorheic, endoscopy, endoskeleton, endosperm, endospore |
engy-[138] | narrow | Greek | ἐγγύς (engús) | Engystomops, hypengyophobia |
ennea-[139] | nine | Greek | ἐννέα (ennéa), ἐννεάς, ἐννεάδος (enneás, enneádos) | ennead, enneadic, enneagon, enneagram, enneahedron, enneamer, enneastyle, enneasyllabic, enneode |
ens- | sword | Latin | ensis | ensiferous, ensiform |
eo-, eos-[140] | dawn, east | Greek | Ἠώς, Ἕως (Ēṓs, Héōs) | Eocene, eohippus, Eosentomon, eosin, eosinophil, eosinophilic, Eozoic |
ep-, epi-[141] | upon | Greek | ἐπί (epí) | ephedra, ephemeral, ephemeris, epicenter, epidemic, epilog, epiphany, episteme, epistemic, epistemology, epitaph, epitaphios, epithet, epitome, epoch, eponymous |
equ-, -iqu- | even, equal, level | Latin | aequus | equal, equanimity, equate, Equator, equilibrium, equinox, equipoise, equity, equivalence, equivocal, equivocate, iniquity |
equ- | horse | Latin | equus | equestrian |
ere-[142] | row | Greek | ἐρέσσειν (eréssein), ἐρέτης (erétēs) "rower", ἐρετμόν (eretmón), εἰρεσία | trireme, trierarch, hyperetes |
erg-, org-, urg-[143] | work | Greek | ϝέργον (wérgon), έργον (érgon), ἐργάτης (ergátēs), ὄργανον (órganon), ὀργανικός (organikós), ὄργια (órgia) | allergic, allergy, argon, demiurge, dramaturgy, endoergic, energetic, energy, erg, ergate, ergatocracy, ergodic, ergometer, ergonomics, ergophobia, exoergic, gamergate, georgic, heterorganic, homorganic, liturgy, metallurgy, microorganism, organ, organic, organism, organist, organize, organogenesis, organoid, organoleptic, orgiastic, orgy, parergon, surgeon, synergism, synergy, theurgic, theurgist, theurgy, zymurgy |
erot-[144] | (sexual) love | Greek | ἔρως, ἔρωτος (érōs, érōtos) | erogenous, erotic, erotomania, erotophilia, erotophobia |
err- | stray | Latin | errare | aberrance, aberrancy, aberrant, aberration, err, errant, erratic, erratum, erroneous, error, inerrant |
erythr-[145] | red | Greek | ἐρυθρός (eruthrós), ἐρύθημα (erúthēma) | erythema, Erythraean, erythraemia, erythroblastopenia, erythrocyte, erythrocytosis, erythromelalgia, erythrophobia, erythrophore, erythroprosopalgia |
eso-[146] | within | Greek | ἔσω (ésō) | esophoria, esoteric, esotericism, esotropia |
eteo-[147] | true, original | Greek | ἐτεός (eteós) | Eteocretan, Eteocypriot |
eth-[148] | custom, habit | Greek | ἐθεῖν (etheîn), ἦθος (êthos) | ethic, ethics, ethology, ethos |
ethm-[149] | sieve, sift | Greek | ἠθεῖν (ētheîn), ἠθμός (ēthmós); ἤθειν (ḗthein) | ethmoid |
ethn-[150] | people, race, tribe, nation | Greek | ἔθνος (éthnos), ἐθνικός (ethnikós) | ethnarch, ethnarchy, ethnic, ethnoarchaeology, ethnography, ethnomusicology, polyethnic |
etym-[151] | true | Greek | ἔτυμος (étumos) | etymologic, etymologicon, etymologist, etymologize, etymology, etymon |
eu-[152] | well, good | Greek | εὖ (eû) | aneuploidy, eudaemon (eudemon), eukaryote, euphony, euphoria, euphoric, euploid, euthanasia |
eur-[153] | wide | Greek | εὐρύς (eurús), εὖρος "breadth, width" | aneurysm, eureka, Europe, eurypterid, microaneurysm |
ex-, e-, ef- | outside, out of, from, out | Latin | ex | exclude, exist, exit, extend, extrude |
exo-[154] | outside | Greek | ἔξω (éxō) | exogamy, exoplanet, exoskeleton, exosome, exosphere, exoteric, exothermic, exotic, exoticism, exotropia |
extra- | outer | Latin | extra, extraneus and exterus | estrange, estrangement, exterior, extra, extraneous, extraordinary, strange |
extrem- | outermost, utmost | Latin | extremus | extreme, extremity, extremophile |
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:
[edit]Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
fa-, fa (FA)[155] | say, speak | Latin | fārī, see also fatērī | affable, bifarious, confess, defamation, fable, fame, fascinate, fate, ineffability, infamy, infancy, infant, infantry, nefarious, preface, profess |
fab- | bean | Latin | faba | faba bean |
fac-, fact-, -fect-, -fic- (FAC)[156] | do, make | Latin | facere, factus | affair, affect, affectation, amplify, artifact, artifice, benefactor, benefice, benefit, confection, counterfeit, defeat, defect, disaffect, edifice, effect, effectible, effection, effective, effectivity, effector, effectual, effectuality, effectuate, effectuation, efficacious, efficacity, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, enface, enfacement, facade/façade, face, facet, facette, facial, faciend, facient, facile, facilitate, facilitation, facilitative, facilitator, facilitatory, facility, facinorous, facsimile, fact, faction, factional, factionary, factious, factitious, factor, factorable, factorial, factory, factotum, factual, fake, fashion, feasible, feat, feature, feckless, fiat, forfeit, infect, inofficious, interoffice, laissez-faire, malefaction, manufacture, modify, nonofficial, office, official, officiant, officiary, officiate, officious, olfaction, omnificence, omnificent, parfait, perfect, perfecta, perfectibility, perfectible, perfection, perfective, perfector, pluperfect, prefect, prefectural, prefecture, prequalification, proficiency, proficient, profit, profitability, profitable, profiteer, profiterole, prolific, qualification, quasiperfect, rarefy, refactorable, refashion, refect, refection, refectory, reinfect, remanufacture, resurface, reunification, sacrifice, scientific, semelfactive, suboffice, subprefect, suffice, sufficiency, sufficient, superficial, superficiality, surface, surfeit, surficial, transfection, trifacial, trifecta, uniface, unifacial, unifactorial, unification |
falc- | sickle | Latin | falx, falcis | defalcation, falcate, falciform, falchion, falcon |
fall-, fallac-, fals- | false, deceive | Latin | fallere, falsus, fallāx, fallācis | default, fail, fallacious, fallacy, fallible, false, falsetto, falsify, falsity, fault |
famili- | a close attendant | Latin | famulus | familiarity, family |
fasc- | bundle | Latin | fascis | fajita, fasciculation, fascism |
fatu- | foolish, useless | Latin | fatuus | fatuous, infatuation |
feder- | treaty, agreement, contract, league, pact | Latin | foederāre, from foedus (genitive foederis); see also fides "faith" | confederacy, confederation, federal, federate, federation |
fel- | cat | Latin | fēlēs, fēlis | Felinae, feline |
felic- | happy, merry | Latin | fēlīx, fēlīcis | felicity |
fell- | suck | Latin | fellāre | fellation |
femin- | women, female | Latin | fēmina | femininity |
femor- | thigh | Latin | femur (genitive femoris) | femoral, femur |
fend-, fens- | strike | Latin | fendere, -fensus | defend, fend, offend, offense |
fenestr- | window | Latin | fenestra | defenestration |
fer- | wild, fierce | Latin | ferus | feral, fierce |
-fer- | to bear, carry | Latin | ferre | aquifer, circumference, confer, conifer, defer, differ, ferry, fertile, infer, Lucifer, offer, prefer, refer, suffer, transfer, vociferous |
ferv- | boil, glow | Latin | fervēre | ferment, fervent, fervid, fervor, perfervid |
feroc- | fierce | Latin | ferōx, ferōcis | ferocity |
ferr- | iron | Latin | ferrum | ferrous |
fet- | stink | Latin | fētēre | fetid, fetor |
fic- | fig | Latin | fīcus | Ficus, fig |
fid-, fis- | faith, trust | Latin | fidēs "faith, trust", from fidere "to trust" | confidante, confidence, confident, diffident, faith, fealty, fidelity, fiduciary, infidel, perfidious, perfidy |
fig-, fing-, fict- (FIG)[157] | to form, shape | Latin | fingere "to touch, handle; devise; fabricate, alter, change" | configure, disfigure, effigy, feign, fiction, fictitious, figment, figurine, nonfiction, transfigure |
fil- | thread | Latin | fīlum | defile, filament, file, filigree, fillet, profile |
fili- | son | Latin | filius | affiliation |
fin- | end | Latin | fīnis | affinity, confine, define, final, finale, finance, fine, finish, finite, infinite, refine |
find-, fiss- (FID)[158] | cleave, split | Latin | findere, fissus | fission, fissure |
firm- | firm, strong | Latin | firmus, firmāre | affirm, confirm, confirmation, firm, firmament, infirm |
fistul- | hollow, tube | Latin | fistula | fistula |
fix- | attach | Latin | fīxāre, frequentative of fīgere | affix, fix, fixation, fixture, prefix, suffix, transfix |
fl-, fla- (FLA)[159] | blow | Latin | flāre, flātus | afflatus, conflate, deflate, flatulence, flatus, flavor, flute, inflate, insufflation, soufflé, sufflate |
flacc- | flabby | Latin | flaccus, flaccere | flaccid |
flav- | yellow | Latin | flāvus | flavonoid |
flect-, flex- | bend | Latin | flectere, flexus | circumflex, deflect, flex, flexible, flexile, flexion, flexor, genuflection, inflect, inflection, reflect, reflection, reflex |
flig-, flict- | strike | Latin | flīgere, -flīctus | afflict, conflict, inflict, profligacy, profligate |
flor- | flower | Latin | flōs, flōris | floral, florid |
flu-, fluv-, flux- | flow | Latin | fluere, fluxus | affluent, confluence, effluent, fluctuate, fluctuation, fluency, fluent, fluid, fluidity, flush, fluvial, flux, influence, influx, superfluous |
foc- | hearth | Latin | focus | bifocal, focal, focus |
fod-, foss- | dig | Latin | fodere, fossus | fossil |
foen- | hay | Latin | foenum | Foeniculum |
foli- | leaf | Latin | folium | defoliant |
font- | spring | Latin | fōns, fontis | font, fontal, fontanelle |
for- | bore, drill | Latin | forāre, forātus | foralite, foramen, foraminifer, perforation |
form- | shape | Latin | fōrma | conform, deform, form, formal, formation, formula, formulate, inform, perform, reform, uniform |
formic- | ant | Latin | formīca | formaldehyde, formic acid |
fornic- | vault | Latin | fornix, fornicis | fornication |
fort- | strong | Latin | fortis | force, fort, forte, fortify, fortitude, fortress |
fove- | shallow round depression | Latin | fovea | fovea |
frag-, frang-, -fring-, fract- | break | Latin | frangere, frāctus | defray, diffract, fractal, fraction, fractious, fracture, fragile, fragment, frangible, fray, infraction, infringe, refract, refractory, refrain |
frater-, fratr- | brother | Latin | frāter | fraternal, fraternity |
fric-, frict- | rub | Latin | fricāre, frictus | dentifrice, friction |
frig- | cold | Latin | frīgere | frigid, frigorific |
front- | forehead | Latin | frōns, frontis | confront, frontage, frontal |
fruct-, frug- | fruit | Latin | frūx, frūgis; frū̆ctus | fructose, frugivorous |
fug-, fugit- | flee | Latin | fugere | centrifuge, fugacious, fugitive, refuge |
fum- | smoke | Latin | fūmus | fume, fumigation |
fund- | bottom | Latin | fundāre "to found", from fundus "bottom, foundation" | found, founder, foundation, fund, fundament, fundamental, fundamentalism, profound, profundity |
fund-, fus- | pour | Latin | fundere, fūsus | confound, diffusion, effusion, effusive, found, fusion, infusion, perfusion, profuse, profusion, refund, suffusion, transfusion |
fulmin-, fulgur- | flash | Latin | fulmen "lightning flash" | fulminant, fulminate, fulmination, fulgurite |
fung-, funct- | do | Latin | fungī, fūnctus | function, fungibility |
fur-, furt- | thief, steal | Latin | fūr (genitive fūris) "thief", fūrāre | ferret, furtive |
furc- | fork | Latin | furca | bifurcation |
fusc- | dark | Latin | fuscus | fuscous, infuscate, infuscation, obfuscate, obfuscation |
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:
[edit]Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
galact-[160] (ΓΛΑΚ)[161] | milk | Greek | γάλα, γάλακτος (gála, gálaktos) | galactagogue, galactic, galactorrhea, lactose, polygala, polygalactia, galaxy |
gam-[162] | marriage, wedding | Greek | γάμος (gámos), γαμεῖν (gameîn), γαμέτης (gamétēs), γαμετή (gametḗ) | agamic, agamogenesis, agamospermy, agamy, allogamy, anisogamete, anisogamy, apogamy, autogamy, cleistogamous, cleistogamy, cryptogam, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, digamous, digamy, endogamous, endogamy, exogamous, exogamy, gamete, gametic, gametocyte, gametogenesis, gametophyte, geitonogamy, heterogametic, heterogamous, heterogamy, homogametic, karyogamy, misogamy, monogamous, monogamy, oogamy, planogamete, plasmogamy, polygamist, polygamy |
gamb- | leg | Latin | gamba | gam, gambit, gambol, gammon |
gamm-[163] | G, g | Greek | Γ, γ, γάμμα (gámma) | gamma |
gar- (GAR)[164] | chatter | Latin | garrire | gargantuan, gargle, gargoyle, garrulous, jargon |
gargal- | tickle | Greek | γαργαλίζειν (gargalízein), γαργαλιζόμενον (gargalizómenon), γαργαλισμός (gargalismós) | gargalesis, gargalesthesia, hypergargalesthesia |
gargar- | gargle | Greek | γαργαρίζειν (gargarízein), γαργαρισμός (gargarismós), γαργαρεών | gargarize |
gastr-[165] | stomach | Greek | γαστήρ, γαστρός (gastḗr, gastrós) | epigastric, epigastrium, gasteroid, gastric, gastrin, gastritis, gastroenterologist, gastroenterology, gastrolith, gastronomic, gastronomy, gastroparesis, gastropod, gastroptosis, gastroschisis, gastrotrich, mesogastric, Myxogastria |
ge-, geo-[166] | earth | Greek | γῆ (gê), γαῖα, γαίας (gaîa, gaías), γεω- (geō-) | apogee, biogeography, epigeous, Gaia, geocentric, geocentrism, geode, geodesy, geodetic, geography, geoid, geology, geomancy, geometry, geomorphology, geophysicist, geophysics, georgic, Georgics, geosphere, geostatic, geostrophic, geosynchronous, geosyncline, hypogeous, hypogeum, Pangea, perigee |
geiton-[167] | neighbor | Greek | γείτων, γείτονος (geítōn, geítonos), γειτόνημα | geitonogamy |
gel- | icy cold | Latin | gelum | congeal, congelation, gel, gelati, gelatin, gelatinous, gelation, gelato, gelée, gelid, gelifluction, gelignite, jellification, jelly |
gen-, gon-[168] (ΓΕΝ)[169] | birth, beget, race, kind | Greek | γίγνεσθαι (gígnesthai), and related γένος (génos), γενετικός (genetikós), γένεσις (génesis); see also γενεά (geneá) | allergen, anagenesis, antigen, autogenesis, autogenous, biogenesis, dysgenic, endogen, endogenous, epigene, epigenesis, epigenetics, epigone, erogenous, Eugene, eugenic, eugenics, exogenous, gametogenesis, gene, genealogy, genesis, genetic, genocide, genotype, genophobia, gonad, heterogeneous, homogenesis, homogenetic, homogeneous, hydrogen, hypogene, hypogenesis, hypogenic, hypogenous, monogenic, oogenesis, paragenesis, pathogen, polygenous, progenesis, pseudogene, spermatogenesis |
gen- (GEN)[170] | beget | Latin | gignere, genitus, genus (genitive generis), see also generare | congenial, engender, gender, generate, generation, genial, genius, genital, genitive, genteel, gentle, genuine, genus, indigenous, ingenious, ingenuous, primogenitor, progeny |
gephyr-[171] | bridge | Greek | γέφυρα (géphura), γεφυρόω | gephyrophobia |
ger-[172] | old | Greek | γέρων, γέροντος (gérōn, gérontos) "old man", γηράσκω "grow old" | erigeron, gerascophobia, geriatric, geriatrics, gerontocracy, gerontology, gerontophile, gerontophilia, gerontophobia, gerontoplast, gerousia, progeria, progeroid |
ger-, gest- (GES)[173] | bear, carry | Latin | gerere, gestus | agger, congest, digest, gerundive, gestation, register, suggest, vicegerent |
geran-[174] | crane | Greek | γέρανος (géranos), γεράνιον (geránion), γερανώδης | Geranium |
germ- | sprout | Latin | germen, germinis | germ, German, germane, germicide, germinal, germinate, germination, nongermane, regerminate |
geu-[175] (ΓΕΥΣ)[176] | taste | Greek | γεύειν (geúein), γεύεσθαι (geúesthai), γεῦσις, γευόμενον | ageusia, dysgeusia, hypergeusia, hypogeusia, parageusia |
glabr- | hairless | Latin | glaber | glabella, glabellar, glabrate, glabrescent, glabrous |
glaci- | ice | Latin | glacies | glacé, glacial, glaciation, glacier, glacious, glacis, glance |
gladi- | sword | Latin | gladius | gladiator, gladiolus |
glauc-[177] | gray | Greek | γλαυκός (glaukós), γλαυκότης, γλαύξ, γλαῦκος | glaucophane, Glaucopsyche, glaucophobia |
glia-[178] | glue | Greek | γλία (glía) | glial, glioblastoma, glioma, gliosis, microglia, neuroglia |
glob- | sphere | Latin | globus | global, globate, globe, globose, globosity, globular, globule, globulin, inglobate |
glori- | glory | Latin | gloria | gloriation, glorification, glorify, gloriole, glorious, glory, inglorious, vainglorious, vainglory |
gloss-, glot-[179] | tongue | Greek | γλῶσσα (glôssa), γλωττίς (glōttís) | aglossia, anthropoglot, aryepiglottic, diglossia, epiglottis, gloss, glossary, glossophobia, glottis, heterogloss, heteroglossia, idioglossia, isogloss, monoglot, monoglottism, polyglot, polyglottism |
glut-[180] | rump | Greek | γλουτός (gloutós) | gluteus |
glutin- | glue | Latin | gluten, glutinis | agglutinant, agglutinate, agglutination, agglutinative, glue, glutelin, gluten, glutinosity, glutinous, nonagglutinative |
glyc-[181] | sweet | Greek | γλυκύς (glukús) | glycogen, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, glycolipid, glycophyte, glycoprotein, glycoside, glycosidic, hypoglycaemia |
glyph-[182] | carve | Greek | γλύφειν (glúphein), γλυφή (gluphḗ), γλυπτός (gluptós), γλυπτικός (gluptikós) | aglyphous, anaglyph, ditriglyph, ditriglyphic, glyph, glyptic, Glyptodon, glyptograph, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, monotriglyph, opisthoglyphous, petroglyph, proteroglyphous, solenoglyphous |
gnath-[183] | jaw | Greek | γνάθος (gnáthos), γναθμός | Agnatha, agnathous, chilognath, compsognathus, endognathion, epignathous, exognathion, gnathic, gnathophyma, hypognathous, hystricognath, mesognathion, mesognathous, prognathism |
gno-[184] (ΓΝΩ)[185] | know | Greek | γιγνώσκειν (gignṓskein), γνῶναι, γνωτός (gnônai, gnōtós), γνωστός (gnōstós), γνωστικός (gnōstikós), γνῶσις (gnôsis), γνῶσμα, γνώμη (gnôsma, gnṓmē), γνώμων (gnṓmōn) | agnosia, agnostic, agnosticism, anagnorisis, diagnosis, dysanagnosia, gnomic, gnomon, gnomonic, gnosia, gnosis, Gnostic, gnosticism, pathognomonic, physiognomy, prognosis, telegnosis |
gnosc-, -gnit- | know | Latin | gnoscere | acquaint, acquaintance, agnition, agnize, cognition, cognitional, cognitive, cognitivity, cognizable, cognizance, cognizant, cognize, cognoscence, cognoscenti, cognoscible, cognovit, connoisseur, ennoble, ennoblement, ignoble, ignorant, ignoscible, incognito, nobiliary, nobilitate, nobilitation, nobility, noble, note, notice, noticeable, notion, notional, notionality, notoriety, notorious, precognition, quaint, reacquaint, recognition, recognize, reconnaissance, reconnoiter, reconnoitre |
gon-[186] | corner, angle, knee | Greek | γωνία (gōnía), γόνυ (gónu) | goniometer, gonion, gonioscope, gonitis, gonyaulax, gonycampsis, hexagon, pentagon, polygon, trigon, trigonometry |
grad-, gred-, gress- (GRAD)[187] | walk, step, go | Latin | gradi, gressus "to step", from gradus "step" | aggradation, aggression, antegrade, anterograde, centigrade, degrade, degree, egress, gradation, grade, gradient, gradine, gradual, graduality, graduate, graduation, gree, ingress, multigrade, nongraduate, postgraduate, progradation, prograde, progress, regress, retrogradation, retrograde, saltigrade, tardigrade, transgress |
gramm- | letter, writing | Greek | γράφειν (gráphein), γράμμα, γράμματος (grámma, grámmatos), γραμματικός (grammatikós) | anagram, anagrammatic, diagram, diagrammatic, engram, epigram, epigrammatic, grammar, grammatic, grammaticist, hologram, lipogram, monogram, pangrammatic, pentagram, program, programmatic, telegram, telegramme, tetragram, tetragrammaton, trigram |
gran- | grain | Latin | grānum | degranulation, engrain, filigree, garner, garnet, grain, granary, grange, granger, granite, granivore, granivorous, granivory, granola, granular, granularity, granulate, granulation, granule, grenade, grogram, grosgrain, ingrain, multigrain, pomegranate |
grand- | grand | Latin | grandis | aggrandisement, grandee, grandeur, grandific, grandiloquent, grandiloquous, grandiose, grandiosity, grandioso, grandity |
graph-[188] | draw, write | Greek | γράφειν (gráphein), γραφικός (graphikós), γραφή (graphḗ), γραφία (graphía), γραφεῖον (grapheîon) | allograft, anepigraphic, autograft, autograph, digraph, epigraphic, epigraphy, graft, graph, grapheme, graphemics, graphene, graphic, graphite, graphology, graphomania, graphospasm, heterograph, hexagraph, holography, homograph, isograft, logographic, micrograph, monograph, orthography, paragraph, photograph, photographic, photomicrograph, polygraph, pseudepigraphy, syngraft, telegraph, telegraphy, tetragraph, trigraph |
grat- | thank, please | Latin | grātus, see also gratia | aggrace, agree, agreeable, agreeance, agreement, congratulant, congratulate, congratulatory, congree, disagree, disagreeable, disagreement, disgrace, grace, graciosity, gracioso, gracious, gratification, gratify, gratis, gratitude, gratuitous, gratuity, gratulant, gratulate, gratulation, gratulatory, grazioso, gree, ingrate, ingratiate, ingratiation, ingratitude, maugre, noncongratulatory, nongratuitous |
grav- | heavy | Latin | gravis | aggravate, aggravation, aggravative, aggravator, aggrieve, aggrievement, degravation, gravamen, grave, gravid, gravida, gravidity, gravitas, gravitate, gravitation, gravitational, gravity, grief, grieve, grievance, grievant, grievous, ingravescence, ingravescent, multigravida, multigravidity, nongravitational, nulligravida, primigravida, reaggravate, supergravity |
greg- | flock, herd | Latin | grex, gregis | aggregate, aggregation, aggregator, congregant, congregate, congregation, congregational, desegregate, desegregation, disaggregate, disgregate, disgregation, egregious, gregarian, gregarine, gregarious, intercongregational, segregate, segregation |
gryp-[189] | hooked | Greek | γρυπός (grupós), γρυπότης, γρύπωσις (grupótēs, grúpōsis) | arthrogryposis, Grypoceras, Gryposaurus |
gubern-, gov- | govern, pilot | Latin | gubernare | governor government, govern, gubernatorial, |
gust- | taste | Latin | gustus | disgust, gustatory, gusto, gustoso |
gutt- | drop | Latin | gutta | gout, gutta, guttate, guttifer, guttiform |
guttur- | throat | Latin | guttur | goitre, guttural |
gymn-[190] | nude | Greek | γυμνός (gumnós) | gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastics, gymnophobia, gymnoplast, gymnosophist, gymnosperm, gymnospore |
gyn-, gynaec-[191] | woman | Greek | γυνή, γυναικός, (gunḗ, gunaikós) | acrogynous, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, epigyne, epigynous, epigynum, gymnogynous, gynaeceum, gynaecocracy, gynarchy, gyne, gynecocracy, gynecology, gynecomastia, gynodioecious, gynoecium, gynoid, gynophobia, heterogynous, hypogynous, misogynist, monogyny, oligogyny, philogyny, polygynist, polygyny |
gyr-[192] | ring | Greek | γῦρος (gûros), γυρός (gurós) | agyria, autogyro, gyre, gyrectomy, gyrencephalic, gyrodyne, gyroid, gyromagnetic, gyromancy, gyroscope, gyrosphere, gyrostat, gyrostatic gyrotropic, gyrus, microgyrus, micropolygyria, pachygyria, polygyria, polymicrogyria, ulegyria |
gyrin- | tadpole | Greek | γυρός, γυρῖνος (gurós, gurînos), γυρινώδης (gurinṓdēs) | Gyrinophilus |
[edit]- ^ ăb, ā. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ ἄβαξ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀκή in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀκή in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀκαρί in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀκτίς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ad. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ ἀδήν in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀείρω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀήρ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἄγω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀγάπη in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀγρός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ αἴλουρος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀλκυών in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀλέω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἄλγος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἄλλος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀλλήλων in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἄλφα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀμβλύς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἄμμος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀμνός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀμφί in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀμυγδάλη in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀνά in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀνήρ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἄνεμος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀντί in Liddell and Scott
- ^ antĕ. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ ἀνθέω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀπό in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἄρσην in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀσκός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἄσπρος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀθάρη in Liddell and Scott
- ^ αὐτός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ αὔξω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἀξία in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἄξων in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βαίνω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βαίνω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ βάλλω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ βάπτω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ βαρύς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βίβλος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βιόω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βλαστάνω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βῶλος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βομβέω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βραχύς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βραδύς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βρόμος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βρόγχος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βροντή in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βροτός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βούτυρον in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βυσσός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ βύσσος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κακός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ καλύπτω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ καπνός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ καρδία in Liddell and Scott
- ^ καρπός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ καρπός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ καθαρός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ καινός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κοινός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ χαίτη in Liddell and Scott
- ^ χείρ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ χλωρός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ χορδή in Liddell and Scott
- ^ χρόνος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ χρυσός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κιρρός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κλάδος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ καλέω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κόχλος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ cum. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- "In compounds com- was unchanged before b, p, m, and in comes and its derivatives; m was usu. assimilated before r, sometimes before l, but was usu. dropped before n; before other consonants m became n, but conicio was written for coniicio. Before a vowel (or h) m was dropped."
- ^ κῶνος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κόπρος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κόραξ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κόσμος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κοτύλη in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κρανίον in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κρηπίς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κρίκος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κρίνω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κροσσοί in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κρύπτω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κτείς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κύβος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κυανός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κύκλος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κυλίνδω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κύων in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κύστις in Liddell and Scott
- ^ κύτος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δάω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δάκρυον in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δάκτυλος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δαμάζω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δέω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δέκα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δέλτα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δέμω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δῆμος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δένδρον in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δέρω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δεσπότης in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δεύτερος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δεξιός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ διά in Liddell and Scott
- ^ διακόσιοι in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δεινός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ διπλόος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δίδωμι in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δίδωμι in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ δώδεκα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δράω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δράσσομαι in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δρόσος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δρῦς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δύο in Liddell and Scott
- ^ δύναμαι in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔβενος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐκ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐκτός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ αἴξ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐγώ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ εἰρήνη in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἤλεκτρον in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔλεος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐμέω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐν in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐναντίος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔνδον in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐγγύς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐννέα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἠώς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐπί in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐρέσσω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔργον in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔρως in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐρυθρός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔσω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἐτεός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔθω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἠθέω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔθνος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔτυμος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ εὖ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ εὐρύς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ ἔξω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ for. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ faciō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ fingō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ findō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ flō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ γάλα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γάλα in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ γάμος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γάμμα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ garriō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ γαστήρ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γῆ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γείτων in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γίγνομαι in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γίγνομαι in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ gīgnō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ γέφυρα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γέρων in Liddell and Scott
- ^ gerō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ γέρανος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γεύω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γεύω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλαυκός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλία in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλῶσσα in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλουτός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλυκύς in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γλύφω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γνάθος in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γιγνώσκω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γιγνώσκω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ^ γόνυ in Liddell and Scott
- ^ gradus. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ γράφω in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γρυπός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γυμνός in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γυνή in Liddell and Scott
- ^ γῦρος in Liddell and Scott