List of Atari 8-bit computer games

This is a list of game titles released for Atari 8-bit computers, sorted alphabetically.
[edit]- A.E.
- Abracadabra!
- Ace of Aces
- Action Biker
- Action Quest
- The Activision Decathlon
- Adventure in Time
- Adventureland
- Agent USA
- Airball
- Airstrike
- Airstrike II
- ALF in the Color Caves
- Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
- Alien Garden
- Alley Cat
- Alpha Shield (StarMaster X-7)
- Alternate Reality: The City
- Alternate Reality: The Dungeon
- Amaurote
- Andromeda Conquest
- Apple Panic
- Aquatron
- The Arcade Machine
- Archon II: Adept
- Archon: The Light and the Dark
- Arkanoid
- Armor Assault
- Asteroids
- Astro Chase
- Astro-Grover
- Atlantis
- Attack at EP-CYG-4
- Attack of the Mutant Camels
- Autoduel
- Avalanche
- Axis Assassin
- Aztec
- Aztec Challenge
[edit]- B-1 Nuclear Bomber
- B.C.'s Quest for Tires
- Baja Buggies
- Ballblazer
- Ballyhoo
- Bandits
- Bannercatch
- Baron: The Real Estate Simulation
- Basil the Great Mouse Detective
- Basketball (1978 video game)
- Battle for Normandy
- Battle of Antietam
- The Battle of Chickamauga
- The Battle of Shiloh
- The Battle of the Bulge: Tigers in the Snow
- Battle Trek
- Battlezone
- Beach Head
- Beach Head II: The Dictator Strikes Back
- Beamrider
- Beneath Apple Manor
- Berserker Raids
- Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
- Big Bird's Funhouse
- Big Bird's Special Delivery
- Bismarck
- Black Lamp
- The Blade of Blackpoole
- Blue Max
- Blue Max 2001
- BMX Simulator
- Boulder Dash
- Boulder Dash Construction Kit
- Boulder Dash II
- Boulders and Bombs
- Bounty Bob Strikes Back!
- Brain Strainers
- Breakthrough in the Ardennes
- Brian Clough's Football Fortunes
- Bristles
- Broadsides
- Bruce Lee
- Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
- Bug Attack
- Bug Off!
[edit]- Canyon Climber
- Captain Sticky's Gold
- Capture the Flag
- Carnival
- Carrier Force
- Cassette 50
- Castle Wolfenstein
- Cavelord
- Caverns of Khafka
- Caverns of Mars
- Centipede
- Championship Golf
- Championship Lode Runner
- Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Chennault's Flying Tigers
- Chess 7.0
- Chessmaster 2000
- Chicken
- Chimera
- Chop Suey
- Choplifter
- Chopper Hunt
- Chuckie Egg
- Claim Jumper
- Clash of Wills
- Clear for Action
- Clipper
- Close Assault
- Clowns and Balloons
- Cohen's Towers
- Colonial Conquest
- Colony
- Colossus Chess 3.0
- Combat Leader
- Computer Acquire
- Computer Ambush
- Computer Baseball
- Computer Chess
- Computer Facts in Five
- Computer Football Strategy
- Computer Quarterback
- Computer Stocks & Bonds
- Computer Title Bout
- Conan: Hall of Volta
- Conflict 2500
- Congo Bongo
- Controller
- Cops 'n' Robbers
- The Cosmic Balance
- Cosmic Balance II
- Cosmic Tunnels
- The Count
- Crisis Mountain
- Crossbow
- Crossfire (1981 video game)
- Crumble's Crisis
- Crusade in Europe
- Crush, Crumble and Chomp!
- Crystal Castles
- Cuthbert Goes Walkabout
- Cutthroats
- Cytron Masters
[edit]- The Dallas Quest
- Dandy
- Danger Ranger
- The Dark Crystal
- The Datestones of Ryn
- David's Midnight Magic
- Deadline (1982 video game)
- Decision in the Desert
- Defender
- Demon Attack
- Diamond Mine
- Dig Dug
- Dimension X
- Dnieper River Line
- Dodge Racer
- Donkey Kong
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Draconus
- Dragon's Eye
- Dragonriders of Pern
- The Dreadnaught Factor
- Drelbs
- Drol
- Dropzone
- Druid
- Ducks Ahoy!
- Dunzhin
[edit]- F-15 Strike Eagle
- Fantastic Voyage (1982 video game)
- Fast Eddie
- Feud
- Field of Fire
- Fight Night
- The Final Conflict
- Final Legacy
- Flak
- Flight Simulator II
- Flip and Flop
- Floyd of the Jungle
- Fooblitzky
- Food Fight
- Football Manager
- Forbidden Forest
- Fort Apocalypse
- Fortress (1983 video game)
- Fraction Fever
- Frogger
- Frogger II: ThreeeDeep!
[edit]- Galactic Adventures
- Galactic Chase
- Galactic Empire (1980 video game)
- Galahad and the Holy Grail
- Galaxian
- Galaxy
- Gateway to Apshai
- Gato
- Gauntlet
- Gauntlet: The Deeper Dungeons
- Gauntletak
- Gemstone Warrior
- Genetic Drift
- Getaway!
- Gettysburg: The Turning Point
- Ghost Chaser
- Ghost Town
- Ghostbusters (1984 video game)
- Gnome Ranger
- Golden Oldies: Volume 1 - Computer Software Classics
- Golf Challenge
- The Goonies (1985 video game)
- Gorf
- Gossip
- Grand Prix Simulator
- The Great American Cross-Country Road Race
- Gridrunner
- Guderian
- The Guild of Thieves
- Gulf Strike
- Gumball
- Gun Fight
- Guns of Fort Defiance
- Gyruss
[edit]- Labyrinth (1982 video game)
- Lancelot
- Laser Chess
- Laser Hawk
- The Last V8
- Lazer Maze
- Leader Board
- Learning with Leeper
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- Legionnaire
- Lifespan
- The Living Daylights
- Loco
- Lode Runner
- Lode Runner's Rescue
- Lords of Conquest
- Lords of Karma
- Lords of Time
- Los Angeles SWAT
- Lost Tomb
- Lunar Lander (1980 video game)
- Lunar Leeper
- The Lurking Horror
[edit]- M.U.L.E.
- M*A*S*H
- Mail Order Monsters
- The Mask of the Sun
- Master of the Lamps
- Math Blaster!
- Mech Brigade
- Megamania
- Mercenary
- Microchess
- MicroLeague Baseball
- Microworld
- Midway Campaign
- MiG Alley Ace
- Milk Race
- Millionaire: The Stock Market Simulation
- Millipede
- Mindshadow
- Miner 2049er
- Mirax Force
- Missile Command
- Mission Asteroid
- Mr. Cool
- Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory
- Molecule Man
- Monster Maze
- Monster Smash
- Montezuma's Revenge
- Moon Patrol
- Moonmist
- Morloc's Tower
- Mountain King
- Mouse Trap (1986 video game)
- Mózgprocesor
- Mr. Dig
- Mr. Do!
- Mr. Do's Castle
- Ms. Pac-Man
- Murder on the Zinderneuf
- My First Alphabet
- Mystery Fun House
[edit]- Pac-Man
- Pacific Coast Highway
- Panther (1986 video game)
- Panzer-Jagd
- Pastfinder
- Pathfinder
- The Pawn
- Pengo
- Perseus & Andromeda
- Phantasie
- Phantasie II
- The Pharaoh's Curse
- Picnic Paranoia
- Pinball Construction Set
- Pirate Adventure
- Pirates of the Barbary Coast
- Pitfall!
- Pitfall II: Lost Caverns
- Pitstop
- Pitstop II
- Planet Miners
- Planetfall
- PlatterMania
- Plundered Hearts
- Pogo Joe
- Pole Position
- Pool 1.5
- Pooyan
- Popeye
- Porky's
- Preppie!
- Preppie! II
- The Price of Magik
- Prisoner 2
- Probe One: The Transmitter
- Protector (1981 video game)
- Protector II
- Puzzle Panic
- Pyramid of Doom
[edit]- Racing Destruction Set
- Raid over Moscow
- Rails West!
- Rainbow Walker
- Rally Speedway
- Rampage (1986 video game)
- Raster Blaster
- Reader Rabbit
- Realm of Impossibility
- RealSports Football
- RealSports Tennis
- Rear Guard
- Rebel Charge at Chickamauga
- Red Max
- Red Moon
- Reforger '88
- Relax
- Repton (1983 video game)
- Rescue at Rigel
- Rescue on Fractalus!
- The Return of Heracles
- Return of the Jedi: Death Star Battle
- Return to Eden
- Reversal
- Richard Petty's Talladega
- River Raid
- River Rescue
- Robbo
- Robotron: 2084
- Rockford
- Rogue
- Rommel: Battles for Tobruk
- Rosen's Brigade
- Run for the Money
- Rush'n Attack (Green Beret)
[edit]- Salmon Run
- The Sands of Egypt
- Santa Paravia en Fiumaccio
- Sargon II
- Sargon III
- Savage Pond
- Scapeghost
- Scram
- The Scrolls of Abadon
- Sea Dragon
- Seafox
- Seastalker
- The Serpent's Star
- Serpentine
- The Seven Cities of Gold
- Shadow World
- Shamus
- Shamus: Case II
- Shanghai
- The Shattered Alliance
- Shiloh: Grant's Trial in the West
- Shooting Arcade
- Silent Service
- Six-Gun Shootout
- Slime
- Snake Byte
- Sneakers (1981 video game)
- Snooper Troops
- Snooper Troops: Case #2 - The Case of the Disappearing Dolphin
- Snowball
- Soccer (1982 video game)
- Softporn Adventure
- Solo Flight
- Sons of Liberty
- Sorcerer
- Space Cowboy
- Space Eggs
- Space Invaders
- Space Shuttle: A Journey into Space
- Space Station Zulu
- Spare Change
- Speed Run
- Spellbound
- Spellbreaker
- Spelunker
- Spider City (Flash Gordon (1983))
- Spiky Harold
- Spindizzy
- Spitfire Ace
- Spy Hunter
- Spy vs. Spy (1984 video game)
- Spy vs. Spy II: The Island Caper
- Spy vs. Spy III: Arctic Antics
- Spy's Demise
- Squish 'em
- Star Blazer
- Star Fire
- Star Fleet I: The War Begins
- Star League Baseball
- Star Maze
- Star Raiders
- Star Raiders II
- Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator
- Star Warrior
- Star Wars: The Arcade Game
- Starbase Hyperion
- Starbowl Football
- Starcross
- Starquake
- Stationfall
- Stealth (1984 video game)
- Stellar Shuttle
- Steve Davis Snooker
- Stone of Sisyphus
- Strange Odyssey
- Submarine Commander
- Sumer
- Summer Games
- Super Breakout
- Super Bunny
- Super Cobra
- Super Huey UH-IX
- Super Zaxxon
- Superman: The Game
- Survivor (1982 video game)
- Survivors
- Suspect
- Suspended
[edit]- The Tail of Beta Lyrae
- Tanktics: Computer Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front
- Tapper
- Tax Dodge
- Telengard
- Temple of Apshai
- Temple of Apshai Trilogy
- Theatre Europe
- Thrax Lair
- Threshold
- Thrust
- Time Runner
- Time Traveler (1980 video game)
- Timeslip
- Tomahawk
- Track & Field
- Track Attack
- Trailblazer
- Transylvania
- Troll's Tale
- Tumble Bugs (Dung Beetles)
- Turmoil (1982 video game)
- Tutti Frutti
- Twerps
- Tycoon: The Commodity Market Simulation
- Typo Attack
[edit]- War in Russia
- Wargame Construction Set
- WarGames
- Warhawk (1986 video game)
- Wavy Navy
- Wayout
- Whirlinurd
- Whistler's Brother
- Who Dares Wins II
- Windsloe Mansion
- Winged Samurai
- Winter Olympics (1986 video game)
- Wishbringer
- The Witness (1983 video game)
- Wizard and the Princess
- Wizard of Wor
- Wizard's Crown
- The Worm in Paradise
- Word Attack!
- Worm War I
- Worms?